HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-02-16, Page 88 lowimismioniaiwoommigioampow The Clinton ?lawn -Record February 160 1905 Special. Sale of H. Laces and ErnkrQkieties SATURDAY morning we commence a great sale of Laces and Embroideries, at very special prices The goods were imported by ourselves dire' -t from the makers in Europe—from England, from Germany, from France and from Switzerland they have come, and on Saturday morning there will be on our count- ers an array of Laces and Embroideries, such as has never been shown in town. Direct buying has made po,sible some remarkably low prices. in every case lower than they could possibly be, had we not bought direct from the make's. Laces at 3c. Laces At 5c Laces at ioc hundreds of yards -of Valenciennes and Torcbon Laces, assorted widths, good patterns, with insertions to 3 match,for our great Low Sale at per yard • Over 100Q yards of fine Valenciennes, Torchon and trimming Laces, one to three inches in width, many different patterns, with Insertions to match; worth in the regular way up to 10e and 12ic; for Lace and. Em bx oidery Sale, per yard.. ..... .• . . ... ............... Over 7Q0:yarcls of fine Torchon and .fancy trimming Laces and Insertions, Dozens of patterns; many widths, qualities that would sell in the regular way at 15; 20c fie and 25c; for our great Lace and Embroklery Sale, per yd I U • • • Over 1500 yards of Embroideries and Insertion, cambric and muslin, new .designs, imported by ourselves direct from the makers in Switzerland, wide and narrow widths, qualities in • this lot that would sell all the way up to 15b, and would be good value; for our great Lace and. Embroidery Sale, Ca your choice per yard • albs -Embroideries at 5c Embroideries at 8c Embroi&ries at ioc 500 yards Swiss Embroideries and Insertions, new 'designs and good quality, regular 15c to- 20e, 'for our great Embroidery and Lace Sale, pe Rt. yarduu Nearly 1000 yards in Ihie lot, fine and strong cambric and muslin Em- broideries and Insertions, dozens of ' patterns,. cpialities that. would set in the regular wo at 18e, 20c and 25c, for our grea,t Lace and Einbroidery Sale, 1 Oc yoor choice per, . • . . • •Detective Our February Sale Nurray's Book Corset ...0087..e.'..i.rnbfOidei.i$ Corset Cover EnibrOideries will.be:.thore- popularthan ever this season. We are showing a dozen or more handsome patterns, made specially fel' this.purpose, imported direct from the Swiss makeis The designs 'are beautiful—differenten- tirely from any we have ever shown—and the Values are re- markably good. .• ' . 30C, 40c, 50c, 6.0c. and 75C per yard oTHE R.. :s Damask Cloths $1.19 .Toe1tin ends 33e.' 25onlygood weight, , lothsfine bleach•ad damask ••• , • '17inch Lined Orash Tovvelling strong and.dura le,.2x2i yards • , drying Towels in 5 yard ends 33c C.• rod weight, makes aplendi with border regulavi 191 special for Sale, end for 3 1 50, 25 only, to sell at each s • Linen Towels 2 for 2o . 300 heavyLinen lanekaback. Towels, plain or with red border, special bargain for this sale at, •251. 20e. Nainsook 12. • Very fine Nainsook Muslin, soft finish, close even thread, just the thing for Underwear, regular 20c. quality, for our Lace and Embroidery Bain, per • 12 yard•• 2 Fine India, Linen 1ti. . 11xtra fine quality India Lin- ' • ` en Lawn, regular 18c, special for Lace and -Embroidery sale, 12 per yard . . : White Cotton ends 50c. , • 50 ends of very fine quality bleached Cotton, finished; soft for the needle and Strong and free from dressing would be extra good value at l2kc per yard,. pet up in *5 yar • ends only special for Sale_per yard.. 50c FOR $1.50. Regular price $2.00. 4,••••••••, Very interesting, ei*ty-two chap- ters relating many of his clever doings, some of which you.arefamil- iar with, but the "inside" of which you have never had the chalice to read before. Among them, are : Knapp, a weazened wonder, A King, a Lunatic and a Burglar, three in one and none at a,11. When Glengarry wrecked the Circus. The Million Dollar Counterfeiting. The man who buried himself. alive. A Spreader of Arsenic. REGINALI? BIRCUALL, Murderer The four barn burnings at Chatham. Alger's Graveyard Policy. Chatelle,the hairy man. The Gangs. of Burtch and Routledge: The Murder of Joseph Sitton. The Quirk Mystery. Notwritten like the sensational dime novel but a narration of facts as the great detective living in Tor-. onto brought; thorn to light, • Agents Parker's Dye Works. W; .11.. Fair' Co'. Often the Cheapest, Always the ;Best • • i joiounowil 1111110111111111111111101111 Rey. Father Pensonneault was in Loadon this week, Mrs. Charles Symonds of Goderich was the guest over Sunday of kis. Shier.. • • Mr David ,Wilsor,, Goderich, called :upon his :old friend, Mr. T, A. 'Wal- ker, on Tuesday. Miss Macdonrald of Goderieh vro,s the gust of Mrs, James Flynn for -a few days of the past. week, J. F. Cantelon is in Detroit this Week taking.. part in -the Internat- ionalpigeon and trap shObt, • Mr. Thos. Kemp, • now of London, who recently experienced an attack •of appendicitis, is now suffering.. from quinsy: -• • kiss 'Nona Milleris in Toronto, at- tending the millinery openings aItet which she goes 'te Fort VVillion to. resume her position there. -• Mr. W. Higgins of near Bayfield w as in town on Saturday. Ha vas ne- 15c Bats at ioc . 200 large. American Cotton. Bats, Olean and. free. • Special Sale we have .200 to sell at each... IOC '1 from imperfections sold usually. for /5c, 'for this Maker's Ends of Table Damask ,Makers' ends of fiue bleached Table Damask, 64 to. 7.2 inches wide. Good patterns, short lengths, left 'Oyer at the mills when making up. webs, The shortest end is 2 yards, the longest -3i yards. Will be sold by the end ONLY at full one third iess than regular prices. 01111110111111111191SMINIMX=117 LAST CALL ANY MANTLE There are 12 or 15 new Mantles left on our racks to sell. All are this season's garments, Positively we will not carry ONE over. Rather than take a ehanee of doing itve put these last few garments dn sale, OM, mencing SATURDAY at the absurdly iow price of • One Dollar and Fifty Cents each. $7.00 was the price of the cheapest Coat, and there are several $10.00 and $1200 ones in the 1014 We won't carry them over, so we give you this great RARGAIN. The earlier you oome, the better your choice, Re- member, any eloth Jacket in the store on Saturday for $1.50,, Of New Spring Goods and Balance of Wintor goods •Continues. " There's .a strong bid for your attention in the values offered during our February Sale : Hundreds took advantage of the Bargains offered last Fri&-ty and Saturday. People came twenty miles to secure a share ofaiu• s many lines of New Spring gOods, together with many lots of Witter goods • being eleared out at the lowest prices ever heard tell orin Clinton, This is really the most wonderful sale we have ever had, people know full well that when we advertise bargains- they are always sure �f getting them.. Read this ad every week you will find .plenty of Bargain.' News. These Bargains go on Sale Eaturday Morning : • 60c and 65c Table Linen at 45o 57 inch wide Table Linen, extra heavy • quality and warranted every thread linen, regular 60c and 65c values to go during our February Sale at •450 18c and 20c Art Sateens etc. at 120 • 30o yards of 36 inch wide Art Sateens. and Muslins in several different colors and designs, our regular 18c •.., • and 20c values, to clear during this February Sale at1220 20c White Nainsook at 12%0 275 yards 36-inch..wide Nainsook, made of a very fine round, even threa21, very full of dressing, regular 1.• 2.oc value, FebruarySale .price .1 220 8e Prints at 5c 3oo yards of light and -dark colored print, 'all war- • 250 India Lawn at 14c 400 yards of the very 'finest 25c India Lawn, full 39 inches wide, to go on sale during" February at.,....,... .... . 14C A. clean sweep of all Silk and Sateen Wais, s at Halp Price /.5o Waists at Toe; $2.00 Waists at $1,00; $2,5o Waists at .$1 25; $3.5o Silk ,Waists at $1.75; $4.5o Silk • Waists at .$1,25; $5.50 Waists at $7) Any $6,50, 7.50, 10, 12 and 14 • Wintu, Coats at $1,98 That's the way you can buy any new winter Coats in the store, Only fourteen (14) left of all our big stock of Coats and they come in 32 and .34 only, Choice of any Coat in the store' of these sizes ... i9R3 Winter Coats at:$1 each• Just a -half-dozen or so winter Coats, in,small sizes, ranted fa3t :dye, regular 8.ic values .ro go at 5c, left from last season, to go at.' $1.00 . • We have just received over 6 000 yards' of the very: Best En.glish Print at 122C bet best English Prints. It is by far the finest range • • We ha'Ve ever Shown.• These:Prints are made bY.GraftOn a Co.; of England, who ar6 recognized „. • • as the lead ing.printers.in England.to-day.: We have full control of this line for Clinton,. and Can I , A * guarartee every color in the lot to wash perfectly. • All at one price • • 2 • . • • . • . . • • • • • • • . • • . • • . • . , • , . 35c Wove Mitts at 20c 75c Kid Gloves at 50c 2.dolen.brown and grey fine, wc;Ye 'Mitts, in ladies' Ioo pairs of as extra good quality of Kid Gloves in sizeS,A0 go -at " a–assorted shades of browns,.. etc, reg 75c to go at OUP companied by Master I-Iarold yolk- " • • • . ock who visited his uncles, Messrs, '. I. " • ' •`.. - . SEE LA.S1 WKE1CS. ellteULAR FOR FULL LIST OF " FEBILUAlai SALE " PRICES.. . P. and H. B. Ker. • '• ' Mi . David -lvIa/,aughlan, • Aberdeen,- 4 - °' •• Your money back . if you. want It. South Dakota, arrived from ' ;the - . .. West yesterday, having' been called home by the serious 'illpees id - his •• mother at Summerhill: Mr. and Mrs. John Roberton of Lon- don were guests Sunday and Mon- day of I noir nephew, Mr. I "enrge Roberton . and have gone north to visit friends in.. the Brussels distri •Mr: William Westonburg is the guest of.. • his .eister, Mrs. Charles Cook. kle has•just. returned from the' West and has .not yet filly recovered; from •aa attack' of typhoid ..fever, ' Which. caused him to epend several •weeke in the noepital, at Winniperh. Mr. end Mrs. Robert. Attridge. of • Brown City, Mich., were. guests Mr. and Mrs. William Cantelon this week. :Mr. Attridge is •a• member of • the- State Legibila,ture, •being ilectol la,st November by a -very large ma, jority . The: 1Viichigaliders do no i • treat their legislators'. is handso.o- • , ly as 'We- do in Ontario, for where- as • . we 'pay:each Manlier .$1000 per •session, : in . Michigan. the: rernunera-/ tian is only three dollars 'per • or -in a session of. four months, •$390. Pere:uioites such as .railway . passes, . etc., are about as conunon in the- province as in. the -state, tut the longer term Of office, • • snorter session and larger salary make •the ' .lot of ;an Ontario M; L. A. more envied than his contemporary . in • the Wolverine state. Mr. J. of -Civil- duff, Assa., has been the gneot f : his old .'friend; 'Mr, John- johnstor • of Rattenbury street, for a few da- - ;pl. of the past week. Mr. Connell in the • days long gone by resided and receivedhis Collegiate ethics. - tion here. Subsequently . he was It, • a time in business • :in, . • . Twenty one years ago he went We,, "to grow up with the' countrY.". Locating in the Ca,rnduff district lic; bought •• and sold land to ady'aint'ac,:w each time and is now ,more thnn well4O-do. Ile has onsibbvie,d int poll. . tics sornewhat and is now a men.- ber of the •Territorial Legislatur,, • • hut intends retiring it the elm or the term to devote himself to bird- nete, having joined a. hig impioncni firm at Winnipeg. *WS. Conne'l and Johnstone . have always been warm friends and tithe .passes all to rapidly when they get together, GINS BR Dry Goods — Clinton. CLINTON. Brucefield. awing to the snow blockade • on' .siinday, Monday and. Tuesday Mr.e, Wallace was forced to feed a carload of hogs for, a. few days, • We are sorry to :learn that 1VIr. Jas. Swan, is confined to the house at pre - Sent, • •• ..:1V11.. WM. :Scott lost a -valuable hor- se last week . • Mr. R. •-Peebles. Asea,.,' spent a. ,few • dale with his • sister, ;Mrs.' D. Alair, during ,the week. • • Special services -are being held in • the • Methodist ohureli every night this ' Week conducted by. the •paStor. We are 'pleased -to hear that Mr. JohnBalley'o little girl is well aga- in. • • •• Miss Cele Of Londesiioro is visiting' her brother, Mr. Cole of this. plaee• . Rev. Mr.Sniith . of Heneall preach', ed in. the Presbyterian church ' last • Mendes' -af ternoon. • • Miss G. Marks is . at present vioit- -mwelatives in Toronto- and- taking - well -earned holiday. : • John Ross' and wile left last. • Tuesday for • Prob,isher,• Assa.„ where. they -will commence • housekeeping.. Mr. ROW is foreman of a repair( shop. He also .oWns and operates a ble,ok- smith shop .• His .many friendo ' join - in wishing him and: his young :wife every success' in life. • Mr, Ceell Burgess is. Operiding a few weeks at the. home of Mr: jag. Ross of the London Road. ' •• ...We are 'pleased to see Miss Aggie SaWers out agaihafter being •coil - nod to th6 house for om0: time wi- th a, lied cold, . ' The. I. 0, F. supper held last Fri-. day evening was a, grand success, The Peresters niet at, 7 o'clock and initiated two new members, MeSsro. McBride and James • Aikenhead,..i. and 'after the regular business: was gone over the members adjourned to Wil- son's hall where refreshment's were served after which a very good pro., grain wasgiven consisting of two solos by Mr. McBride, a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Snider, a recitation by lth. Whitmore, violin music by Mr. and Miss Reid, recitations by .the Misses Whitmore And Murdock, addresses Rev. J. McCall, V. O'Brien and J. Gemmel'. Last 'hilt not leapt gram- ophone music by Mr. John Smith; 'hiS rally will no doubt • prove to those in attendance that our .local .talent is second to none.. • Dungannon. • mug 'sawmoore'lkhd her • nep- hew, Master Charles Smith, of Hur- on township, visited relatives on Stn. - day last. • A. Stinson of Ripley, on his re- turn homewards front visiting triode hi Clinton and Stanley and Goderich township, visited 1VIr. and 1V1rs. Jam- es Rose. Social parties; ,are now in order hi this vilitege and vicinity. We, along with the numerous ends of Mit. T. Clark, regret that sheit not recovering so quickly her friends Would wish, Cleveland's experiment with" a tow: - sent 'Street railway fare has proved a failure and live -cent fares will be xesumid, Hillsgreen. We have 'once mare toannounce the • death. of -another of Hurons pioneers in the. person of Francis Coleman, whose funeral- took place. frorn hisla- residence in Hefisall to Hillsgreen • cemetery on Tuesday;. • The deceased. -was a native of Eriglanchand was -bn- rn in Yorkehire, near Hull; in the year 1829, and' came to .Canadaat the age. of 23, • He lived hi York towns* near Toronto for two yea- rs, when he removed to Stanley: and settIed on Lot 4, con. 7, where he • remained. until five 'years ago wh:en he retired finny faint life and moved to 'Hensali where he resided •until • his death. He was married „in the. year .1855 to Eliza Jane SMitli„ who still Survives him. lind he lived, till December next they` would have had the pleaSure•of eelrihrating their geld - en wedding. The deeeased was 'a pro- gressiveLlarmer, deeply imbued with the love of agrictiltere. • He was an upright man in all his dealtrigs •and hail many friends and few enemies, .11 • any. " Iii politics, he was a • staunch Conservative • and lie was a consist- ent. Member of the Methodist chnroh. He leaves a widow, • five sons and fo- ur daughters to motirn the loss of a loving husband and kind, affectionate father. The sons are : Thomas - of TokerSinith, William of Hay, George •, and Piano's of Stanley and the Rev. . Oliver •-' C-oleinan of Winnipeg, Man.: The daughters are : Mrs. John. Shan- non and Mrs. Geo. Reid of Bay • City, IVIich„ .Mrs, Henry Crtwein of Pigeon, Mich., and Mrs. Elgfe, widow; • of the late John Elgie of Chiselhur- .st. The sorrowing friends have the sincere sympathy of the community in tide their hour of sorrow. •,1,44.44.84 448,444,44. • + • SEND THE NEWS-REC- + ORD TO YOUR 130Y IN + THE VVEST. TWELVIil 44 • 4« 1VIONTHS1'OR, ONE DOL- + 4. LAR, POSTAGE PAID. 4. THE ANNUAL MEETING.. 'rhe anntal : meeting of the Cana4- inc I Assoeiation for the prevention of Consumption will be held in Ottawa oni the 15th March. The afternoon will he devoled to the routine bug- loss of the Association. In the eve- • ning . a lecture will (be • delivered by Dr, Adanis of Montreal on some ph- ases of the crusade againSt consuinp- Won. His Excellency 'the Governor- General, will preside on the occasion. • Steamer City of Natalia, at San Francisco, • reports, sailing through milesA floating trees, gfIa,ss and ear- casseedi dead animal's. Fearful of an insurrection in Mace- donia in the spring, tire Turkish Min 'later of war has decided to call out reserve? of troops. , .1••`'••11"... 111.11111=§ Z2P4 rrArtrirMISIMMI • k 3 " • •.• • • • ; anuartrimmewasinsaless2e..MIN flow are youfixed :For Trousers?: ooaid you do with an „extra pair of. trouSers? If you can; • here isa chance for ,you: This week; we are making to order an extra good line of fine Pantings for three &lilt's and • fifty centsper pair. • Ment? Trousers made to 'order • froin fine pantings,.neai fancy • gstirviepeesx,ougeoriodt wweterig, butwill order in our best style at the• e 5 very special price per pair.. iimmenwszonsamominannamix COON -COATS TO SELL We have 3 Coon Coats left to sell. Will you ' be one of three men who will get a bargain ? .0ne Coat is a Southern Coon that sold for $28, for this we will take $t ,; another is a fine Canadian Coon • that sold at $5o, which you can buy for $35 ; the last is an extra choice -Canadian Coon Coat that was good value at $6o, you can"now buy it for $45. „. -1" 1 -o a. 1 get's c LOTHINO STORE ros