HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-05-25, Page 6s.
The Sunlight Maids are always through their wash at twelve o'clock.
sncr -1 TMJ
g> ,rc
With ordinary soap a woman has to work so hard and so long on wash day
sho has no time for preparing any of the family meals. Wash day is a trial, and the
good wife faces each w ith a sigh of despair.
- Sunlight Soap makes all the difference in the world. No toiling -no rubbing--
= no boiling -less than half the labor with much better results. Most women are all
'through their wash by twelve o'clock when they wash with Sunlight Soap the Sun-
light way. It makes child's play of work.
Sunlight Soap washes the clothes white and won't it jure the hands.
Kernels from the Sauctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
The Dominion Parliament is about to
erect a large public building in Owen
Sound to be used as Post Office, Custom
House, etc.
Under the Succession Duties Act the
estate of the late Henry Cargill yielded
a re'eenue of $20,000 to the Government-
Tlie essential Inng-healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
conch medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
The ratepayers of Ingersoll have
adopted a by-law to grant a loan of
$20,000 to the Ingersoll Nut Company.
The tax rate for Guelph will most pro-
bably be 22.56 mills on the dollar.
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Premier Whitney announced that the
Government proposed to Grant nearly
half a million dollars to the -university
for new buildings, including a hospital.
Sir. Wm. Macdonald has given an-
other fifty thousand dollars to the Mc-
Gill College Union.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
Sixty -Pine men quit work at the Can-
ada foundry as the result of the corn- The Molesworth Cheese Co.
pany's refusal to accede to the union's oed operations on the 10th of May, bein
demands. f the latest it has opened for some year
Exeter holds a unique position among Thin-Blooded
t. municipalities, There are no U u tit• Tired
taxes ou the rolls and the taxes for the
present aro nearly all paid in. Nervous, Unhappy,
Mr. Robt. McMurray:, of Bayfield, has
been appointed fishery overseer for 11
Huron, with jurisdiction over the coast" 1 Was Sick, Broken down, No
line from Kincardine to ilraud Bend,
The post is worth $150 a year.
why Saber from Iiheumatism?
Why suffer from rheumatism when
one application of Chamberlain's Pain
Balin will relieve the pain? The quick
relief which this liniment affords utas e
rest end sleep possible, and that alone is t+
worth many times its cost. Many who tl
have used it hoping only for a short re.
lief from suffering have been happily
Strength, Couldn't Sleep,
No Appetite..
ave Me Energy, Force, Vim,
Comfort Made Me Well
Mr. Charles Campbell, of Brantford,.
while digging in hie yard unearthed'; ail
old boiler containing a man's shoe and
in it a man's foot and a number of gold
nuggets, a part of a cane with a gold
bead was found in the boiler. A jeweler
estimated the value of the gold found to
be $750. The matter of finding the foot
is creating 'pito a sensation, The boiler
and all it contained is kept in ease some-
thing ehould turn up.
As A Convalescent Food.
Mr, Wyman N. Thomas, Ompah, Ad-
dington Co„ Ont., writes: -"My wife
had congestion of the lungs along with
other troubles, and became very weak
I and run down. By the uee of Dr,
surprised to find that after awhile the Chase's Nerve Food she was made as
relief becameLeggatt o Ypermanent.
m Turn,t Tennessee U. . H.
Because Ferrozoue gives instant effect nod udoctor, and all as ever. Of bnt she was weak,oandait
S.A., writes. "I am a great sufferer and steadily builds up new flesh, it is was Dr, Chase's Nerve Food which built
from rbenmatism, all over from head to used by thousands iu poor health. her u "
foot, and Ohnniberlain's Pain Balm is
No other ionto iu the world is like Fer• p'
Che only thing that
will relieve the rezone. No other medicine accomplish- r
pain," For sale by A. I. McCall & Co. eeIr wonderful h unerituitu building up According to the ass'ssor's statistics,
Andrew Carnegie has offered to give and strengthening is acknowledged by Owen Sound's population has passed the
every physician.
fl like
10,000 mark, au increase of 470 during
eebetter at once
$7,500 towards erection of a library
bnilding in Lneknow, upon condition
that'the Council furnish a site for the
building and passing a resolution agree-
ing to expend $780 per year on main-
Many people say they are"all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburu's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
A London paper thinks merchants
should be prompt in presenting their ac-
counts. A druggist of that place recent-
ly sent a young man in the city a bill
two years old, and the first part of bill
was charge for a box of chocolates, and
The ratepayers of Guelph are to be on the other end was charge for a nurs-
asked to approve a by-law for the expen- ing bottle. How time does fly!
ditnre of $50,000 in the enlargement of Si T O R X A..
the municipal gas plant. Bears filo The Kind You
f Have Always Bought
C .A. S T 4 34- Z Pl . Signature�iGC�a!/�/.
Bears the ,The Kind You Have Always Bout of G�
Wm. Ezeard a farm laborer, was
fenced at Owen Sound to 15 years'
Andrew Gemmell sold his 100 acre prisoament in Kingston Penitentiary on
farm on the 6th con., Huron, to Thos. a charge of criminal assault on the
Harris of Ripley for the sum of $1,200. daughter of a farmer of Sarawak town -
Mr. Gemmell has decided to go to Brit- ship by whom he was employed.
ish Columbia. •
A. Good Suggestion.
"I have been using Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and want to say it is the
best cough medicine 1 have aver taken,"
says Geo, L. Chubb, a merchant of Har-
lan, Mich. There is no question about
its being the best, as it will cure a cough
or cold in less time than any other treat-
ment. It should always be kept in the
house ready for instant use, for a cold
can be cured in much less time when
promptly treated. For sale by A. I.
McCall & Co.
Talk about looking for opportunities
of doing good, says Ram's Horn. We
may as well talk about looking for fire-
wood in a forest or for water during a
flood. This world is full of opportuni-
For infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Chatham Incubators Hatch Spring
Eggs into Fall Dollars.
May and June are the best months to start in. June hatched chicks grow like weeds during
the early summer and ninny of the risks of the business are avoided if you start now.
Every chick you can mature
and market in October is worth
50eents, if not more. Tho next three
months aro the right ones in which
taget started in the chicken -raising
business. There's good money in it
and the women folks and children
can do all the work that needs to be
done in about one-half hour daily.
Tho way to make poultry pay is
to get "broiler" chicks of uniform
size and weight ready fcr the mar-
ket when prices aro highest, and the
only way this can be done is with a
agood Incubator. The one that Is
sure and never -failing is the CHAT-
HAM. If the egg is fertile the chick
Is sure to bo hatched every time by a
No Cash to Pay
Until Fall,
Chatham Incubator
So sure aro we of results that we take chances on your success before we get our
money for the m@Chino. •
We will ship you a Chatham incubator, freight prepaid,
and give you two years to pay for it. Nothing to pay until
November, 1905.
The fhathain Incubator pays for IteetL every
hatch, and if yon get started now, which you
should, the Juno hatched chicks will have a mar-
ket Tattle of the. each by October, thus enabling
yeti to par for the incubator without using one
cent of 'money not earned by the machine itself.
Our beautiful and Complete book, "lfow to
Make Money Out of Chicks," tells the whole story.
No poultry raiser can afford to be without it. It's
lilt= Sand for it Snit,
Dept.108 CIfATthAti, ONT.
Deathbuting Warehouses at Montreal, nue.,
Brandon. Man.• Celrary,.Atte.; New 'Westminster.
i1,C., and lialitar, N.S.
Factories at Chatham, Ont., and Detroit, Miele
dire M la>rxfitehirrra at' fire ilamena rhaih* n.
traiirireg $#tie t►a4 thttttain rats $ta1efir
Children are often attacked suddenly
by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantnm, oto. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which should always be
kept iu the house.
The Municipal World favors the pub-
lication of assessment rolls. With the
many new changes this year, the infor-
mation thus presented would enable our
intelligent ratepayers to determine the
fairness of the assessor's appraises
throughout the municipality. Some
councils in Ontario have already adopted
the practice.
ae1STOI3-3: E'1.
Bears the i The Kind You Have Always Boughs
Signature �1 c�,�.
The crop report issued last week shows
that at almost every section the condi-
tions strongly point to a record crop for
this season. There have been few years
in the past when the wheat growing in.
terests have got away to such a favor-
able start. The wheat is now two inches
above the ground on an average through-
out the belt. The warm weather of the
past few days is pushing it along most
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder.
At his home in Birtle. Manitoba, on
Tuesday, May 2nd, 1905, George Fitz-
patrick, a former resident of Brussels,
crossed that bourne from whence no
traveller retorts, aged 87 years, 9 months
and 22 days. The fnueral'took• pla6e.0n
the following Wedllesduy #Horning. It
is several years since Mr. and Mrs. Fitz.
patrick went west to rejoin sons and
daughters who are residing there.
Mrs, Charles Benny, of Cloyne, Out. the past year, placing the population at
HER STATEMENT; 10,186. During the past seven years the
assessment figures have shown a uniform
gain each year. It is now claimed that
Owen Sound is the largest town in the
province, and application for incorpora-
tion as a city is being talked of. The
assessment is $4,504,780, an advance of
nearly a million dollars, of which build-
ings and lands amount to $763,495.
Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with
Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re-
move the grease with the greatest ease. 36
"I was sick.
"I was broken down, had no strength,
couldn't eat. I was sleepless.
"My nerves were irritable. I was
thin -blooded and continually unhappy.
"I tried Ferrozone.
"It gave me new energy, force, vim.
It brought me comfort, strength -it
made me well "
To get new vital energy, renewed
youth, use Ferrozone, It makes the
blood rich and red, fortifies the system
with reserve strength, puts new life into
all that use it. Greatest tonic and re•
builder known. 50c per box or six for
$2.50, at all medicine dealers, or Polson
& Co., Hartford, Conn., U.S.A., and
Kingston, Ont.
Mary A. Greenway, beloved wife of
Dr. J. A. Rollins, of Exeter, passed
away on Monday of lost week. She
was 61 years of age, and had been an
invalid for a number of years from in,
ternal growths. Mrs. Rollius was a
daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth
Greenway, aud name with her parents to
what is now known as the Huron Tract,
settling on the old homestead about two
miles south of Exeter. She was after-
wards married to her now sorrowing
husband on November 2nd, 1860, and for
many years has.been a resident of Exeter.
For Over sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
' for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child.
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Croup Absolutely Cured.
"There is no remedy in my opinion
that can act more promptly than Dr.
Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen-
tine. It cured my son of croup, abso-
lutely, in one night. We gave him a
dose when he was black in the face, with
choking. It gave him instant relief and
cure." -Mr. Wm. McGee, 49 Wright
Ave., Toronto, Ont.
Walkerton people visiting the perils -
went buildings at Toronto lately have
been surprised to notice a photo of Mr.
Jahn Rowland, of that town, on the
premiere desk. It got there in a rather
remarkable way. Shortly after the
general election, Mr. Rowland called on
the new premier and offered bis con-
gratulationi. "Glad to see you, Mr.
Rowland, glad to see you, hope your
friends in "Walkerton are all well. I'm
very busy today, Mr. Rowland, you
must excuse me, good-bye." "Don't be
in a hurry," replied Mr. Rowland, a
little huffed, 'I'm not looking ter a job.'
"You ain't," exclaimed the premier,
Word has been received of the death
of Henry Newton, for many years a re-
spected resident of Fordwich, who mov-
to Athelmar, B. C., with his daughter,
Mrs. W. Kinnee, (nee Miss Maria New-
ton) about eight years ago. The de-
ceased was one of the pioneers of How -
ick and in the early days gained quite a
reputation as a horse doctor. He was a
member of the Fordwioh Lodge, No.
381, A.F. and A.M. for many years and
also an honorary member of L.O.L. No.
642 at the time of his death.
Chamberiafu's Cough Remedy the Very
Mr. C. B. Wainwright, of Lemon City,
Fla., has written the manufacturers that
much better results are obtained from
the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy in oases of pains
in the stomach, colic and oholera mor-
bus by taking it in water as hot as can be
drank. That when taken in this way
the effect is double in rapidity. "It
seems to get at the right spot instantly,"
he says. For sale by A. I. McCall &
An i mpromptu gathering of the mem-
bers of St. Stephen's Church, Gerrie,
took place at the Rectory on Monday
evening, May 15th, the Object being a
farewell ''to Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Hall
and family on the eve of their departure
for their new home in Dorchester, N. B.
The parishoners took advantage of
the occasion by presenting the Rev.
gentleman with a handsome gold watch
bearing his monogram and the inscrip•
tion "Presented to the Rev. E.A. Hall
by the congregation of St. Stephen's
Oiivroh, Corrie, May 15th 1905" and to
Mrs. Hall an exceedingly pretty combina-
tion silver sugar bowl, spoon holder and
spoons, while the choir presented her
with a handsome rug and set of
portieres, these being accompanied by
an appropriate address.
Retvare of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury.
As mercury will surely destroy the
sense of, smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such ar-
ticles should never be used except on
prescriptions from reputable physicians,
as the damage they will do fe ten fold to
the good you can possibly derive from
them. Hall's Catarrh Care, inannfactur-
ed by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, . O.,
contains no mercury, and is taken inter,
pally, acting directly nponl the blood and
ti1no0us snrfaoes of the system. In
Iiall's Catarrh Cure be turd you et the
genuine. 1t it taken internally' and
wheeling about in astonishment. "My mads in Toledo, Chief, by F. J. Cheney
dear sir, gime me your hand. You are & Co. Testimonials free.
the first »naw of that kind I've met since i3o1d by druggfsta. Price 750 per bot'
the election. Finds send me your tie. +
y Take 1 Ia11 t Family p111t for 001111 pll"
1 photo," tion.
The Walkerton Herald advocates the
licensing of gun owners and says: -
"The town should pass a by-law requir-
ing boys ander 18 years of age to procure
a license before being permitted to use
firearms of any deseriptiou, including
air guns. One would imagine the suf-
ficient intelligence prevailed to prevent
the ruthless shooting at birds. Already
this spring complaints are made that
'robins and other song birds are being
destroyed almost as soon as they make
their appearance. The fact that the de-
struction of these birds -is illegal does
not seem to out any figure. If confisca-
tion of every gun where a license was
not procured and a record of the owners
kept, there would be some means of pre-
venting the destruction of birds, which
are not only useful as insect raiders but
would be sadly missed from the Oana.
dian life."
To prove to you that Dr.
Chase's Ointment is a curtain
and absolute cure for each
and every form of itching,
bleeding and protruding pilus,
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Soo tes-
timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh-
bors what they think of it. Yon can use it and
getyour money back if not cured. 60c a box, at
all dealers or EDMANSON,BATES & CO.,Toronto,
Dr. Chase's Ointment
Early Sunday morning, 14th inst:, the
spirit of George Rogers, a wellknown
resident of Brussels, took its flight. He
had not been in very robust health for
some little time resulting from two
strokes of paralysis during the past year
but was about the house and garden. In
the evening Mrs. Rogers went to the
cemetery and on her return found Mr.
Rogers in an unconscious condition. A
physician was called but no hope was held
out and after a few hours the vital spark
fled. Deceased was born at Delaware.
Ont., on April 15th, 1848, and was the
only son of the late G. S. Rogers. They
resided in the above mentioned place
place until 1846 when they removed to
Southampton, where two years were
spent before their return to Delaware.
In 1847 the subject of this notice accom-
panied his uncle, the late F. C. Rogers
to Brussels, engaging in the dry goods
business for years. Mr. Rogers was
married to Miss Jennie Lowthain, of
Delaware In 1860, and there was born to
them Goa. S., Hattie, Nina, of Mt.
Forest, and Fannie, of Toronto. The
two former are deceased. In church re-
lationship Mr. Rogers s as brought up to
the Chnroh of England, and in politics
he was a Liberal. In the Canadian
Order of Foresters deceased took a very
active part since its organization in
Brussels. The funeral took place on
Wednesday afternoon and was largely
Stimulate the sluggish liver,elcan
the coated tongue, sweeten the
breath, clear away all waste and
poisonous enatter'from the system,.
and cure Sick Headache, Bilious-
ness,Conetipation,Heartburn,f nun.
dice, Water Brash, Catarrh of the
Stomach, etc.
Mrs. C. Windmill, Baldur, Man.,
writes :-i suffered for yeara front
liver troubles, and endured more
than tongue can tell. I tried a great
many different remedies, but they
were of little or no benefit to tae.
Some time ago! got atrial package
of Luta-Liver pills, and they proved
ao beneficial to me that I 'procured
more. I highly recommend theca
toanyone su eringfrom disordered ,
Price 2t cents or 5 for 0.00,111
dtialers, or
'stns ¥u.wart CO., tsitirz o
torpntb, Ont.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people -but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fami it remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est rimIdy with a long and successful record, to
c• -rt, `n:ugestls,n, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
,t.lpatton, t :ffensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
- oi' :ltion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
1 'latism, sour stomach, bowel and liver corn-
y ."ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
a .:hwn systems, restore pure blood, good appe••
r i .: o.>d sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
con ,taut benefit from a regular use of Ripans
'J'..bules. Your druggist sells them. The five -
cont packet is en .gh for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottlt. 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft and glossy.
Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores
color to gray hair. Sold for fifty years. urns Tre'.'!It=aa'
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••s••oo••os•••••so••••
• •
• �'.
• •
•• •
• IS
•• Owe
4. •
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