HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-05-25, Page 51 Visit Crowder's Shoe De- partme>•.t and save money. A SPECIAL SALE OF Spring Clothing AT BARGAIN PRICES just at the right moment comes this splendid sale of stylish clothing. Never in the history 01 your store has such a splendid opportunity been presented just at the height of the season. The selection of Men's wear is exceptionally fine. but the prices -there's the interest- ing part of this great sale. Prices are so low that you can easily have two suits where you have planned to get alone with but one. Men's Suits $7.50 to $12.00 . We have just received a large assortment of New Spring Suits for then in all the newest brown or grey effect tweeds, these suits ,are made up in the very. latest American styles, sizes 34 to 44 chest. Prices - •- - $7.60, $10,00, $12.00 Youths' Suits $4;00 to $8.50 36 nice new patterns in youths tweed suits sizes 32 to 35 chest, short or long trousers. Prices - • • $4.00, $5.00, $6,00, $7.00, 88.00 Boys' Suits $1.75 to $5.00 We have a large range of boys' two and three piece suits sizes 21 to 28 in all the newest tweed effects, styles Buster Brown. Norfolk. . and Sack Suits. Prices - • - $1,75, $2.25, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 $1060 Boys' Sailor Suits, bine serge, sizes 21 to 26. Price $1.25 Men's Tweed Trousers - $1.00 $1,00 $6 00 Men's Blne Serge Suits, sizes 34 to 44. Price - - $4.25 Men's Rain Coats $7.50 to $15.00. • Men's New Cravenette Raincoats in all the newest styles, colors plain light and dark greys, Brown stripes eto., sizes 33 to 48 chest. Prices $7.50, $10 00, $12.60, $15.00 GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT New Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Sox, Gloves, etc. The R. H. 6RDWDD . GO. The Blue Front Store. - WINGHAM, Ont. C 0LJ C H E S The Comfortable -*- Kind -rt- A better assortment of Couches than we have in stock at the present time is not to be found ; and the prices (well, you plight imagine the goods had been stolen) are so reasonable. All uphol- stered in best Velours at prices - - • $7.00, 7.50, 8.50, 13.00 and $17.00 Examine our Mattresses at $3, 3.5o, 4.00, 4.50 It's an acknowledged fact that our Diningroom Chairs for comfort and style can't be beat. Per half dozen - $3.25, 4.50, 5.50 Headquarters for Window Blinds. Curtain Poles, each - - 15c. L. A. BALL. & CO 'The People's Furniture Store. UNDERTAKING Brick residence, 5th house west PHONE from Hamilton's Corner Dr'hg 51 Store, where night calls will receive prompt attention, CARPETS LINOLEUM OILCLOTHS BRANDON, Manitoba You will never get rich. unless you put your money to work. BUY BRANDON MUD I Wage•earners, put your savings into the solidest, safest and most profitable investment known, Real Estate, because the soundest basis of security is universal steed,, and laud and buildings are absolute necessities for civilized existence. Those $50.00 Iots we bre offering, this month, are splendid baying. They Are situated in toe City of 'Brandon, on Vic• Loris Avenue, the most fashionable hion able and fittest residea al p art of the City, are 25x120 to a 1Gft lane. Teripe to snit the men, viz. $10.00 cash and $5.00 per month until paid. No interest. Rod J. Mackenzie, the owner of "Harold H" the famous racer, and son of Mr. Mcitenzie of Canadian Northern fame, has been in the City during the Week, with the chief engineer of the 0,N,13. AU arrangements have now been completed for the imniodiate laying of the Canadian Northern track from Brandon to Regina, Young man. participate in Brandon's wonderful prosper- ity and developement and buy one of these lots to -day. Oa the first dais Of June next you will be tat late to secure one of these lots at above price. handsome profits assured. To insure prompt reply address alt commutsication8 to Box 6999, Dept. M. Lots alloted in order applieation is re- eoived. For roferenoee eto. oonsti]t Editor of this paper. JOUN LIM, The Land Man, lOttleea, 630liosseravc., ttagiozr,Blau, - '-‘111411111011.101111 TUE WNW! 'TIMES MAY •' 5, ;o EVENTS OF INTEREST- TO ALL OUR READERS. What Wieleawake Tunes Correspondents Comrnuntaate - Other Items Clipped From Our EXohanged. OORRIE, At tate annual meeting of the Epworth League of the Methodist church led ou Taosday evening of last week, the pass tor, Rev, J. W. Holmes, presiding, the following officers were elected for the coming Conference year: -Pres. Mr. hlarvey Spalding; 10 vies pres., Mies Clara Holnaee; 2nd vice pres., Mise Laura Andrew; 3rd vice pres., Miss L. Harding; 4th vice pres., Cecil Day; sec , Jos. Greer; car, see., Mrs. Geo, Dane; Treas., Jahn Hamilton; organist, ,dies Etta McGill;, representative to the District Executive, the president. . x. Dead Sick of Asthma? Yon couldn't be otherwise with such a distressing malady. Well, for one dollar spent on "Catarrhozone" you can be thoroughly cared. Foolish to delay, because asthma steadily grows worse. Get Catarrhozone to -day and euro your- self ; our -self; it's pleasant to use, very simple, and guaranteed, Prescribed by thou- sands of doctors and used by the people of nine nations-Oertainly Catarrhozone wast be good; it hasn't failed yet, no matter how chronic the case. TRE4wvAmu ft, A movement is on foot to brines about an Ofd Boys' Re -Union here op Jay let. Preparations for the erection of a cumber of new buildiugs in. the 'village .are under way, The cellar wail of AIex McLeod's new building has been cc m. pleted and the bricklayers have made a start, Mr, Olheiser is preparing to make ex- tensive improvements in the Dominion 'Hotel. Thepresent building is to be moved back 16 feet and a new front of two rooms erected. The walls of the new part will be of cement blocks, . and the old bnilding will be veneered throughout with the same material. Mr. Olheiser will also have completed this year the cement block dwelling house on Clinton 5 t. started last fall. Arscott Bros. are having the excavat- ing made for the exteusion of their tan. nery plant, The addition will consist of a twenty ft. evtension to the east of the present building, to be two stories high and having a fiat roof. - ss- BELGRAVE, Mrs. James Stretton is now able to be around again after her recent severe ill- ness. A large crowd was in attendance at the Presbytery and W. M. S. meeting in the village on Tuesday of last week. At the close of the prayer,meeting in the Methodist church on Thursday even- ing, May 11th, Rev. Jones called Miss Ella Owens forward, Mrs. (Rev.) Jones ! read an address and Mrs. Chas. Proctor, 1 on behalf of the- members of the con- gregation, presented Miss Oweps with a beautiful gold watch and chain. Miss Owens has been organist in the church for some time, but owing to affliction in her home she has been compelled to retire from the position. SAFETY FOR CHILDREN. Mothers should never give their little ones a medicine they do not know to be absolutely safe and harmless. All so- called soothing medicines contain po•son- ons opiates that atupify thehelple.= little two without curing its ailments; Baby's Owu Tablets is the only ni ioine for infants and young childre that gives the mother a positive d'arantee that it contains no opiate o armful drng. Milton L. Hersey, M ' ., (McGill Uni- versity) has anal • .; /hese Tablets and says: -"I hereb certify that I have made a careful analysis of Baby's Owu I Tablets, which I personally purchased in a drug store in Montreal, and the said analysis has failed to detect the presence of any opiate or narcotic in them." This means that mothers can give their little ones these Tablets with an assur- ance that they will do good -that they cannot possibly do harm. The Tablets pure indigestion, colic, constipation, diarrhoea, simple fever, teething troubles and all minor ailments, Sold by drug- gists everywhere or sent by mail at 25c a box by writing the Dr. Williams' Med. Nine Co., Brockville, Ont. Valuable Advice to Mothers. If your child comes iu from play coughing or showing evidence of Grippe, Sort Throat, or sickness of any kind, get out your bottle of Nerviline. Rub the chest and neck with Nerviline, and give internal doses of ten drops of Nerviline in sweetened water every two hours. This will prevent any serious trotible. No liniment or pain reliver equals Pol- son's Nerviline, which has been the great family remedy in Canada for the past fifty years. Try a 25e. bottle of Nerviline. LISTO W EL. Dr. Moore of Carthage, near here, has left for Idaho, to bring home the remains of his brother, Robert, who was mur- dered there at Picabo, a siding, where with other passengers on the train he was travelling by, he tried to quiet a crazy Italian who was flourishing a dirk. Deceased was 30 years of age, and the fourth eon of Mr. Henry Moore, of Elma, very well known in this neighborhood. Some time Saturday night the safe in the Grand Central Hotel here was rifled. It was found looked as usual next morning, but when the proprietor, Mr. R. S. Paul, opened it he discovered that some $800 had been extracted. The of - floe till nearby containing about $16 was apparently overlooked. Some suspicious characters have been noticed about town during the past few days, but so far as is known there is no olne whieh would lead to the arrest of the thief or thieves. A. Persistent Backache. Cau have but one cause -diseased kidneys, which must be streugthened before backache can be cured. Why not use Dr. Hamilton's Pills? They cure the kidneys quick, make them strong and able to filter disease -breed- ing poisons from the blood. At once you feel better, stronger, brighter. Sidney health is guaranteed to every user of Dr. Hamitt,et's Pills. Get a 250. bot from your (..aggist, and refuse substitutes. atOttRIS. Surveyors have been at work running the lines for the Kelly drain. Andrew Casemore, of the Ist lino, is suffering from a severe attack of pleur- isy. We hope he may soon recover. Rev. R. Maunders is spending a few weeks at home prior to attending the an- nual Conference of the Methodist church where he will come up for reception and ordination. It is said John Barr, 4th line, was of. fored the handsome figure of $300 for his t, hite "Costumer" driving mare but declined to accept. The purchaser want• ed her to match another for a hearse team, we understand. We are pleased to state that Miss Mag- gie Hall, 611i line, is making favorable progress from the injuries received by the burning she met with some weeks ago. Her many friends hope she will soon he as well as ever. ,df rill fif �! 10* t't,N tlrld'�' ©r Your Proteettoii we place this label on every package of Scott's Emulsion. The man with afish on his back is our trade -mark, and it is a guatrantce that Scotty Emul- sion will <lo all that is claimed for it, Nothing better for lung, throat or bronchial troubles in infant or adult. Scott's Emul- siott is one of tate greatest flesh, - builders known to the Medical world. SCOTTee'JI send you asample free. ACO l 1 W UUiiWNE, Clo oi,ta On S' OLTTtd Mr. John Wilford is now able to walk up town, after being confined to his house for over two weeks with a serious attach of indigestion Our village now has a new chief of police. He hails from Goderieh and his name is Mr. Samuel Westlake. We understand he is a man of good appear- ance, fine physique, 38 yams of age and unmarried. Mrs. James FIuker died at the resi- dence of her father, Mr. Martin Dyer, of Hallett, on Thursday, 11th inst. Peart disease was the cause of death. Tho funeral took place ou Saturday, 13th, and was largely attended. The services at the house were conducted by Rev. J. Edmonds, of Blyth, and Rev. J. L. Small, of Auburn. Building operations have started in earnest in our village. Mr. 3. M. Ham- ilton has raised the roof on his cottage on Dinsley street one storey and is hay ing the enlarged building veneered with brick. Mr Bert Bainton has raised his residence at the corner of Queen and Westmoreland streets and put a cemeut foundation underneath it. He has also built an addition to the east end of the house and put a verandah along the + front, all of which gives the appearance of a tidy home. Mr. A. McNally pur- i + chased the temperauco hall on Dinsley' street last autumn and this spring is converting it into a double house. GODERICki, Much sympathy is felt with the fami- ly of John McEvoy in the death of his eldest son, John Francis, which occurred on Monday morning of last week. The young man was in his thirtieth year, For the past year or so he had been in poor health and he succumbed to the ravages of that dread disease, consump- tion. The funeral took place Wednes- day morning from the family residence, Wolfe street, service being conducted at St. Peter's chnrch by Rev. Father Mc- Rae and the interment being made in the Roman Catholic cemetery at Colborne. isarM'S THE LADING STORE CUT PRICES IN READY-TO•W5AR Clothi ng BIG SALE of Men's and Boys' High -Class Cloth- ing. It will be to your interest in every way to see and PRICE our CLOT HiNG before buy- ing elsewhere, as you are sure to save money during our Great Gut -Prior Sale gey's Suits Boys' Fancy Sailor Suits, nicely trimmed with braid ; gond valve at $1.50. Price $1.21 Men's Suits A line of Suite to clear, worth $6 00 and $7.00. Out Pries sale ... , .... ... , $+5.00 Overalls Men's strong Blue Denim Over. ails, Sale price ' .50 Boys' Suits Boys' 8 -piece Snits, regnlar value $2 50 and $2.75. Sale taloa $2.00 'sours Men's Pants. A special line of men's striped pacts, dark tweed. Cut pries sale $1.00 Youths' Suits. Youths' Suits in plain and fancy tweed, regular value :6.00 and $6.50. Sale price $5.00 Raincoats. Men's heavy Waterproof Coats, guaranteed. Oar cat price $4.00 Men's Suits. Fancy swell pattern tweed Snits worth $7 to $8 dollars, Sale price $6.00 It E. ISARD & Co. Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - eight goods at right prices. I 1 I JUST IN: ia1 art.u,i.u.,i..mi„r.,s,s1,hi A...14.; A Car of Hoa 9 Coiled Steel Wire A. this wire is the fieuaine Frost mike. and se the demand is likely to he great, for vette p trtioular kind, farmers will do well to leave their orders for it at once. a, thera w'll likely be a soaroity in the market whoa mist required for fencing. We are selliirtz it cheap. Massey -Harris Repairs I have jnstt'ken over the agony for the Massev-Harris Repairs and + will try and keep the stock io good shape, so that farmers may be supplied + in future with what they may regime in this line. + + + + + + + i +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 I AM ALSO SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT -THE BEST ON EARTH '4- 4- 4 - for ++Ifo Best Brands of CEMENT in season at lowest prices. + A full line of Lawn Mowers, Garden Rakes, Spades, Shovels, etc., on hand. Give ns a calf BINDER TWINE. -We are now taking orders tor the Plymouth and Internation- al brands of Twine. Early Tnesday morning of last week Robert Greer passed away at the home A letter from Henry Mooney, of Wey of his son-in-law, John A. Harrison,' varaaaraeveaaaaevrvvvavvev evvaaaraaaaaavraraaarrvavv burn, N.W.T., says that Mrs. Mooney Victoria street His health had been > t 4+- 4- . Young.i 4 is now making as favorable progress to- failing far some time and for the last le 4 R i and had been staying with his daughter, j ► three weeks he had been seriously ill' r.ROYAL GROC Mrs. Harrison. The deceased was welt j Le known as an agent all through the dia. , ,1. trict. Before coming to Goderieh he & ► had been at Gorrie, BeniuilIer and Salt - ford, Two sons -Chas V., of Duluth, ge and Robert of London -and one daugh-. ► ter, Mrs. Harrison, survive. George ele Greer of Lucknow, Mrs. Montgomery, Kenya street, Goderieh, and Mrs. Bentlet - ley, of Blyth, are brother and sisters of deceased . The funeral took place tot e. Colborne Cemetery ou Friday afternoon. i' ward complete recovery as they would wish. The weather has been dry and as a consequence the crops are somewhat backward. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Proctor, of the 4th line, was the scene of a pleasant gathering on Friday evening of last week, the occasion being the cele- bration of the twentieth anniversary of their marriage. There wero present up- wards of seventy.five of the relatives and friends of the bride and groom of twenty ye irs ago, among theta being Mr. and,Mrs. McOool, of Wingham, who were married on the same day. Mrs. McCool is a sister of Mrs. Proctor. Tea ^- was served and a very pleasant time nitcitisi;ny. afterwards spent iu music, games, etc., Eph. Cober, of tits Other Carriage until abont midnight, when the tont- Works, Brussels, is home front a heel- pany dispersed, alt wishing Mr. and Mrs. Proctor many more years of happiness Hess trip to the Northwest. He was five -and prosperity. The boat and hostess were the recipients of many useful and beautiful gifts, mostly of china. weeks absent and was as far west es Banti. While splitting wood at his Movie re- cently, P. McQnarrib had the misfortune to iniiict a gash in one of his feet with the axe that re aired the doctor's a tto n tion to Stitch up. Mr. A. Constey, having decided to go • West soon, resigned his position tta express agent here, and Mr. Henry, our obliging station agent, has been appoint. ed to the vAcaney Radiant wVotnauhood. The glory and satisfaction of beauti- ful womanhood eau bo known only to those possessing the unlimited advent• ages of health, No weak woman can be happy or enjoy half the pleasure of life. Pallid cheeks, sunken eyes. exhausted nerves, all tell of a terrible struggle to Another of the pioneers of this section w is removed in the death on Wednesday es morning of last week of Mrs. btillian, who for the past thirteen years had made t her home with her son, J. IL Million. The deceased lady was a native of ire- p4,, land, being born near Enniskillen, in the county of Fermanagh, in 18734. She was thus an octogenarian, being within a fete days of eighty -One years of age. She came of a long-lived,fatnily, her father attaining the age of ninety-four, Uri. !Milian came to this country in 1840 and a few years later was married and set- tled in Colborne township on the sixth concession, She leaves a sister, Mrs. Young, at Teeswater, living with the latter's brother•in•late, J, i3, Pontland, and another sister, Mrs. John Cox, at Ot• keep no. What the weak woman steeds 1 lana. One sister and two brothersis FerreZone; it census, restores attd Mrs. Frank Baines recently received vitalizes instant y --it's a '•woman s ' ret dy " that's why. Cluff, Goderich township, and Thomas sot, have resulted in large ihereases R w 1 T GR1FFIN'S. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 Cooked Meats. 1 4 4 4 With the coming of hot weather the sale of Cooked ii iFate increases Nothing so tasty for tea or Sunday din- ners as a nice piece of Boiled Ham, Corned lief or Boiled Beef. �''^ed thin; and then the saving and worry oft coking, Boil( a Ham, per lb. R0e Corned u. r. , .oti c,.;.,r per. Ib • - • 20c Finnan ifaddies The new pack of Finnan Haddies have jest arrived, a trifle higher than last rear but the quality of our Thistle Brand Scotch Heddies is far superior to alt otners - • • - 1uc per can, 2 for 2.5e Baked Beans, Boston Baked Beans -A. delicious dish to serve for dinner or tea, and no trouble, inst./dace the one in boiling water for fifteen iniuntei' tfien open and serve. - - - ; - pet can ti0 1 t deceaeed her, Mrs. Dennis and Robert 'eines. The changes in the assessment teat ti ate in t t n cith a einer o se I erro'zone muse women loving, 10011. Dungannon. Mrs. Millian leaves under the headings of business and in. - term'tu conueotion with the Seiner class plump and healthy because it coistaina of the WOman'e College, Philadelphia, lots of uutri uent, the kind that forms' 1 which wait held on 'Wednesday of lust muscle, sinew, bone and nerve. Vitaliz- two sone, Andrew, iu Colborne, and 3. H. itt town. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon. 4 1 AAAAAAAA.el/l„AAAAAAAAAAAAA/ A14 The Ring has had the art treasure at Windsor Castle rearranged but has not been able to have them insured. owing to their great value, which is said to be conte assessment. The figures are as $60.000,000, fellows: a In Franct, an enbnat cenens of the Real estate, $1,334 850; business as- horses is taloa for military purpoeew. Week, Among the graduates Was bliss tug Wad eOurees through the. body, MaryR. Findtater, formerly of Morrie tanking delightful color, hangs* spirits, true wbnianIy strength. Fifty* cents township, who expecte to assume a peel. buys a bex of 1"errozan t in any drug ,lion in Eaton. . store. The municipal assessment for 1003 has been completed and the figures show a substantial increase in the assessed sesstnents $180,774; ineoane, 1905, The last two Censuses hero shows a $78,018; total assessment, $1,603,642; perceptible decrea a is nnmbere whio`s, poptilation, 4,203; dogs, 134. itis feared tray bet:otn accentuated.