HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-02-02, Page 60 a Cures- en Coughs .04.1.40=-08.40, (I Doesn't it stand to reason that asf'Aillah's ConsUmp., tion Cu', the Lung Tonic, has cured consumption, it will naturally cure that cough of yours? Your money back, if it doesn't. Try it to -day, 25c., 50c. and $1.00 The property of the Dorninhen 11r. assWorks aws sold at Port Colhoree ta McDowell,' Stocker & Co., of Me- ... ago. 1,1••••••••./ FOR OVr,R. SIXTY 1:14:ARS. • Sirs. n•inslow•s. Soothingtsyrup he beeu ttEet1 by millions t)1 rtiottnir:, to their children while teething. if (Its turbed by night and brokea of .yotit, rest by a eta .child stillering teal crying with pain of cutting tIsen!' at once and get .a bottle of "Aire Wiuslow's Suothing Syrup" lor ren teething. It will relieve the nom little su eel er itntncd.iately. Depend apen it, mothers, thereis no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea,. •tegtie• lutes Lite Stomach end Bowelse cu.res eild Colie, softens the Gums, • reduce:. Inflammation and gives tone and en ergy to the whole system.' Winsheies Soothitig Syrtm" foe child yen teething is pleasant "TO the test and is the preset i tion of one of the oldest acid best letitale pliesteia,ne au mu es in the United States. Price 25 tents a leetle. Sold be all tinge gists titrlagiL i the wee@ Be. sur and ask fte "Mrs: Wittslem 's South ieg Syrup." r WaLip.0 eAnd Ottsinta=c4de Each pupil is given in- dividual instruction. The Shorthand Systeni. taught is that used by all newspaper and court re- porters. • Best systems of Book- - keeping, Penmanship, Arith- • 'ileac, et o •, thorciughly taught. Situations guaranteed to every Graduate. CATLLOCIIIE FREE. \A/rn. C 0o C3 .0%,•_„gy, 1:40°0YrA 19p4NCIPAL OrrICIALEUqTEN2GRAPHE The Clinton New oiReCOrd February 2nd 199; WILLESUSIO? SUPPOSING YOU REFUSE TO MEET DIVINE BRIDEGROOM. IVIARRIAOE BELLS OF HEAVEN ignite rtill $16 Apo .4o the DM. st -.Tour orr should ltot +Mead On saytourt Lead our novo Now Wit May , Her the wooing cannos Itinaing the Nuittiato or Ottarto. IqUi.org51. iccordingto .01.0tot Parl lo men t of tuto. tula, in the roar 19411y e'recteriek Diver, of Toronto. at Lite BOWS. of Agrioulturo, Ortetwe. placed there, the -banner of •love.f Never rt .earth ..nor in .hea,v.ea has • been ,seen and never shalt be, witness- -d a, • -wedding • prove% ion like .unto ••this,. elorgeoveness infinite, wealth •enti powee splendor and ntagnilleeneb passing all underetand- ing, will therebe enanifeeitedlOn every •- • Earth has ,beheld seine .wonderful exedding pageants When the • present Faupertir William of Germany . was married. the beautiful 'Prim:Esse .Aue eusta Victoria • the :representatives ' of ell theeeieflieed Govientuents of 'the etrth were there .: -.Among • Derlin'e •gueats at that time were the Neng Ind *Queen ;of. - 'Saxony, the Gilled. ,•uke Alu3ds ofepuesia,. Crown Prince Dueolph Of .Aiiattea,. the 'Crottrii Prince of 'Sweden,. the -.'preaent 1(1ng•• of Vineland: the...late Mike of Aosta. itale and seotee oI ':other notebles.. The young :bridegroom CaMe. from Potetlain ,at the head of hie gigantdc • foot gactrile .to 'Meet° his bride - Lhe.they of' the '; ceremenY the heities and the stores' end •.the.''pablidenuild- ings were detorated,o Whoa the,xittp tial vows .wero taken the -cheers •• of the. people Who crowded' the ettbeits, .about the ligyelePtelosee echoed the., thirty-eli salvos' of ' artillery •-tellich thundered ilia news to the world that . Prince William and Priacese ;Augusta• -Victoria were One.. ' , . . yvh'en Nancaon 111. ifl1S.158 rode the 'Cathedral,* Notee Bailie to be anited in marriage with Eugenie, the, Most bectutifel woman in. Earope, the progress, was one .Continuous ovation Seated in° the wonderful glase eoach that lied been built. • for the corona, tion of his illustrious uncle', the Ern perene , passed' throttgh, 'longlines of his , entheentetic subjeets, who .rent the air with their, 'vives; - 'When: the. young Queen of England beCame • the 'bride of prince Albert in the •Royal Chapel of 'St. James :nothing° that the money,- the wealth •and the love of a' •nation eould do to Make the wedding ceremony impressive and j0y- 6uS Wasiefe updone. • , Memorablein • the annals. of- the veoeld ate such sipectadles,. ,In all that 'human ingenuity; Could•coxi • calve has been done to 'render .• the• nuptials- of the -Delete •' •.61. eations. scenes of overWitelmiug inagaificence. But the eulmination.'has-,Yet• to cattle --net here,' but in that glorious realm •.in which -the Lord. of • Hosts has set O hie ' threne: •The marriage of• the 'Lamb' will be the grandest and "nest. ' glorious of all Unions,' where Christ ' O takes to himself his chureh, which he has redeemed With his preeious blood,"ce 'glorious. church, • not having spot ,or wrinkle or any such thing, holy and .without blemish." ..garnan itnagination, falls to pon- teiVe Of a spectaele se glorious, • Let: us instead of dwelling ell the mar- velous scene take but' one *detail ,ot its beauty ,• the evonclerfel, gat -Meath with which tile Divine Bridegroom is" to +be -,robeercin that glorious oe- •casion. • The 'psalinist mentions *thedi in the weeds, et my' • text. •• They •aro .wedding robes that, have the aroma, of myrrh and aloes and. easeia. 'Let us try,- to deseribe. them and to leern a few practical gospellessons' from them. " The royal robes, of the DiVine Bride- groom Will be the .most expensive of O allegarments, Costly was the wed, O ding. apparel 'of -Lcinis.XIV,, whith he. wore when he wa8 Married to Maria 'Theresa :Of Spain; of •Prinee reedit - „and' when he stood by the side of his bride, Isabella of • Castile; of. the dauphin el France *hie, Vrince ?reticle, married. the beautiful MarY, "Queen of Scots; of Emperor Nicholai IL, who 14 1894 gave his heart and hand In marriage to the beautiful Princess Alix of }Tose; of NapoleOn Bonaparte when 'la 1810 • he wedded Marie Louise in thaplace of the , de- thronedand exiled Josephine, . But the robes:of the Heavenly.BriclegrOoni will surpass all these In their value. • flow do WO know?. 'rhe oriental Im- agery of the text signifies it, rine and beau4ift11 in texture, they are to be perfumed with • myrrh and aloes and cassia out of the ivory PalacesO , Now, what gold and envoi' and Pre - Weer; Stowe in dress mean to the western ailed Myrrh and aloes and cassia in a senee meanto the: orien- tal Mind. As I Would Bay to you, "Her dress was sparkling. with jewels," the oriental, to -depict humptuousness, and expenSiVineas of apparel, WoUld eay, garmenta were aroinatie With myrrh and aloes and caSsia," Myrrh was one of the treasurca Of the eat. When the Witte mon cattle to • how at the Manger, • What eXpeneive presents did they :bring? Gold and frankincenee and • myrrh, 'These oriental sager+ would not have offered to a king a preterit of myrrh unlese it had been of groat value. "The aloes of Coehin-China," wrote Dr. ratelsett, "are worth their Weight in gold." The value Of eassia eery was enormous. It Was ttried, Dr, McClintock informa us, as an ire, gredient in the -coatliest ungthnit.N. NYMI1 •tgt2 PA*. t1114 -3,4440t ahritst'e'' wedding germents smell of balm the toady of Jesus Christ, who myrrh and aloes alui caliSia we knOW has just been crucified. We ere going • that he means us to ,understand how to bury the Saviour's body in the precious they will be. trib)oof d ity, to be preserved by these Let us consider what maltee thein Joseph of Ariniathea. wis'. precious. They are the glory 9f our spices as long as possible." "Wliv. • Lord. Ile will wear them in JoY and Nicodemus, will these spices of myrrii gratitude for the sacriflees his people and aloes preserve the body of Jt' - have made 34 his cause. They •are sus?" "Yes," answered the ruler of going to cost all the moneyrs we give the Jews, "they will. If you will ex - to our churches and to our reforma- 0 amine the mummies preserved for • torY inetitutiens. We must give this thousands of years in the Egyptian money for Christ's robes. Ile bids us tombs you will find that these Spices give. They ere going to Cost all the were the chief causes of their pre - moneys we send to foreign missions. servation." Iferodotus, the "father O "Go teach all men" is the Bible cow" of history," Ilearly ZOO years before mend. Not only have they cost • Christ was crucified, records that money, but, blood, They are going to the Egyptians always preserved the cost all the blood of the martyrs bodies of their dead with thee which has been shed in the Peet. Ali, spices. "They then 1111 the body with nOW the expense of those wedding Powder of myrrh and aloes and eas- rObeS is rolling up., Xf the dead body • in and- other verfumes, wept frank - of a commen laborer slain by an ex- incense." Thus vve find by these two press train. in. New •York state is statements that the wedding gar - worth $5.000, how much must have meets of Christ not only have a cur- ative, but, also preservative, qua - been worth the martyred blood of A Paul, a Peter, a, Stephen, a Polyearp, ity. That means, carrying the Amin' a, Justin Martyr, • a Savonarola, a up to its acme of symbol, that the Ridley, an Blphege, a Gileyn ee wedding garments of Christ will eey- Muler fade or grow o14, Sanders, a John Rogers, a Lawrence . e ll Sanders, a John Harper, a l3reboeuf, No, they will never becomyeow and worn, as are some of the bridal a Lellermand and of the thousands• and the tens ot thousands of awn and• dresses. 00 •that weraesvorn many Years ago. They will never be put. aside 118Women rslain by sword and spear aud useless. Tim weddiage songs that we battleax or 'burned at 31-ei :stake and shall sing at • the Marriage of tho tortured with untold agonies in A Lamb shall never have an end. The many "chambers of horrors?" Go " rapturous jay with which we greet alone can know 'how the value of our dear ones on the tether side Of Christ's wedding garments Is inereas- O Los Angeles, Cal., 'Jan. 29. -From an incidental reference to an ancient -Oriental marriage custom. tho preach- er in this sermon Ural\ s lessons ap.. • plicable to modern lies. The text is Psalm xiv, g, "All thy garments •6111011 of myrrh and aloes and cassia out of the ivory palaces," •--The marriage -bells. aro The glorious .rones of a kingly bride - grebe' and of his bride, the daught- er Of a queen, and the garments of her -many bridesmaids are rustling. Royal Jewels aro flashing, The most skillful of musicians, ape )laying, And as the "wedding march! spunde forth the marriege procession is ap- proaching the king's throne roola over boulevards- of gold. The num- berless inhabitants of the teetrenelis of the universe, with its wells o*. jasper and its gates of pearl and its palaces of spotless ivory, are making the welkin ring with juilleltdahs'of O •liever ollcunW joy. •The bauqueting house is prepated with the wedding •sYBPar for the coming guests, for the • v itai Bridegroom • Of ' text is .bringing. his queenlY bride to her place et Ida side, over which hangs the banner 'that his hands have Slationary 1tteyOte linces.1 • • • • 13tcyc1e races without. leaving As starting place, which are said to be. the latest craze in places ok. • ainnsc7. nwiit l'a”is, are described in Vona - lar elechtenes. The Wheel is fixed ixt frame fin tened to. the floor. When ' tne rider begins to pedal a belt •from. the rear wheal drives' a small elec- tric gen: retro. The current thus pro- duced is conducted. to . a motor on wheels and carrying a flag.- The tritelt on e hich tha motor travels: is marked1;; distances, and each .foot of track requires as much work, by the ider as • would have carried: the bicycle oia• mile had it been free to run as under ordinary coaditiette 01 use. . . yrant,a to Buy warships. • • •. Santiago De Chile, Jan. 30. -Aa* American firm has offered- a high Trice •lor six Chilean warships, hut Congress, in eecret sessien, has re- fused to sell them. V•4•••• • • • TEIE COUGH IS THE EVIDENCE rrlIAT the lungs are irritated arid inflamed and need the influence of some soothing, healing, curative medicine, such as • 6)121.0 CHASE'S 00 SYRUP OF LINSEED • AND TURPENTINE, a medicine that not only heals and soothes the bronchial tubes •ancl lungs, but also effectually clears tlie air passages by •its power fo loosen and throw off the sticky mucous secretion called phlegm. Devoid of opiates and injurious sub.. stances, it is the ideal treatment fOr coughs, colds, croup, bronchitisf 1whooping cough,' asthma, and all lailments of the throat and lungs. • I Dr. ChAse's Syrup of Linseed and • Turpentine, 25 eents a bottle, at all deal. ers. To protect you against imitetione the portrait and signature of br. A. Wo Chase, the famous receipt book auther, are on every bottle. • Sport Elotol, andperiences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht,. Adventure 'net are me terested in Country lift, Li ask your newsdealer for Rod"VOREST AMID STREAM," or send us twenty-five cents for four weeks trial trip. A an11.4 large illustrated Weekly punjournal of shooting, r fioshing,,.natural t y and t‘aVing. A nen; depart- • ment hat, to do with the Country Home and its surroundings, Terms: *4 ayear, $1 for six months, We send free on re. quest our catalogue of the best books on outdoor life and recreatiOn. vap.as-r AND STREAM PM. CA 31,6 Ereadway, /clew York. . the Jordan shall never grow mono - Mg. • tonous. The loving kiss which, the O But the supreme element in the cost Divine 13rielegpoom• pieces upon, the of those wedding garments is the lips of his bride shall never become blood of Christ himself; It was by •cold' and indiflerent. Themyrrh and his own suffering and •death that he the aloes and cassia shall preserve won the right to wear them. Do Yon and inerease joy, even as the wed - wonder that Isaiah when in prophetic ding garment of. Christ shall halt vision he seen these wedding robes de- and cure and kill.' serrows. Oh, yea, scribes them by their color -the color these wedding robes of 'Christ are to of the bloody sacrifice? "Who •is•be aromatic robes, symbolicel of nev- this," Cried he, "that cometh front or 'ending peace, The ever inc'reasing Edom with dyed garments from•Doz- joy of earth shall roll and etvell and rah -this that is glorimis in .his continue to increase through all 'the apparel? Wherefore art thou red coming ages, "Hosanna,blessed is' in thine • apparel 0 a.ncl •thy ; gar- , the Xing of, Israel ,that cometh in rnents like Min `that treadeth the name of the Lord e liosapna!" in the „ whie vat?" Ate. . • my From whence come these airs !Aden friends, 1. am glad to -day weean talk with eider of the myrrh, and the about the royal crimson and not the aloes and the cassia of Christ's wed, royal purple of Christ's wedding gar- ding garrneete? They dome from the ments. '1 nin glad that evert in heav- "ivory palaces of heaven.", Mark you en, when looking upon the Divine facewell my 'artawer. Not front one ivory of Jesus, we shall not be allowed for palace, but froM many.. That means one moment to •forget the enormous that when we as part Of the Charph cost in money and blood of tho mar- are to be • united. to Christ 'we are deg° robes in which Christ Will be going to keen our own individuall- elad as thabridegroora when he takes • : ties. Had my text said, :"In the iv-• the church' as his bride in 1 etertiat ory temple of. heaven," I might have nuptials. Ani I goMg beyond my had my doubts about it, but there right in declaring that Chriat's wed:. 18nocitohuobutahhetrbee.r.e ibey: be many ding robes are to be the most dx- pensive of garments? • But, 'drawing- near to the Divine .13ridegrooni; dad that ChrieCs wed- ding robes have a wonderful •cur- ative quality : 'Their touch is like -the' . cool hand- upprc the fevered lirow. Oh, they ate niciee than that. to the marriage, ceremony; it is eine- • "ivory palaces" in heaven. odorous • with the myrrh and the aloes and the cassia, fear that some of us O who are invited to be at the • :wee,: ding eeromony May not be present. • It is one thing to get an invitation Theft' touch gives spiritual and play- thee to be •there. Shall we at .this n oment SaY -to our DiVine Bride- sical healing. It is like the healing 1, groom: "Jesus, thou Prince, we will pewee Of Christ's earthly robe When the borderer: it w .ppeesell Mat. an net leve:illee; *4 %will 'et n with thee; We shall OinstroAt by the f ot ive lwith ger c4 the Peel; 'thee in pa ivory ..palace of heaven WOrnan, wh c n &sane ,of blood for twelve. sr soon& did her flesh sinee we have not, liVed with thee on earth." Shall it be that all our dear 'come •in contact with ifs folds than Ones' who have gone:beyond, .who are • immediately "the woman, was .made whole Waal Old • hour." We 'hieve wwaitihtia&triLelisten° to our,nuptial vowe • in the ivory palace Of read. how the ancient devotees used heaven,' altall Itivee tO" wait for us in to 'travel •inany miles to be cured of St. Ann de BeauPre, or at the "heal- Divine Bridegro•bra at the marriage • vain'?• their physical pains at the tenth of .• Supposing you refuse to meet the ing spring" Of Louides; or by the altar of heaven, what will. do? de? fiewing robes . of St. Anthony, St. What will your • loved ones, your 'Patti* er Ste Bernard, but newer did wife and enother and father and lit - tomb or fabled water or flowing gar- tie alert, who have gone heYondL- menta of dead saints have euch ear- what vill -they. all do? Supposing ative quaUties Spirituel Or physical,. when yOn • were abo1t. to be mare as will have the. wedding garments of teed, y,oui fiancee had refused toetp- Jesus Christ, pear, What wonld you haere done? How elci./ know this/ The symbols "Oh," You. say, "that was inipos- ok the myrrh and the aloes and the RIMS. She hiVcd nmch riot to cassia teeth° it. Theywereall used liave met me there." Call it lee 0 ''The myrrh, as is well would,: lid (If Cheist, that You known.," writes an attheritY7'74rwas --lovaTernstre.'iney-leeee-thettieyour loved. celebrated for its use in Medicines. '0110 ICIVNI you'? , ; • The "I Fict:0611r! I end cell t'ven myrr altd 0 an o f iitYrr I now y roe° AND CARE OP FOALS. Nogloot may canto° a settateu 'MO Will Ino liard to Popair, nals should never be neglected nt any time of the year, but but at this Particular season there is greet sity for being extra geed to the IytouwniglItesroso,neabruntretiller\'‘o.eatnletzheetottt and if they have not been getting A ration of grain right along since birth they should be started up at once on crushed oats and • bran. What is more, they should have shed protection these chilly nights and some place to shelter thentselves when the cold autumn rains are falling. It is no hard trick at p.11 to start a foal to doing badly at this time of the year, and g that is permitted it will be an, awkward job to got it back again into the right vtay of doing before winter sets in in' ear- nest. Therefore those who have foals Which have not been fed grain all euminer long will do mighty well to start ia to feed them now. They will not take and indeed do not require much at first, but the quantity should be increased gradual- ly day by 'day Until each one is eat- ing enough grain to keep hint gaining flesh and strength. This canoot be clone if the foals are subjected te,wet. and cold. • They do not stand ex- bpeole,thuoreolmwocei:.teLeo. This is true of all also should have. the Meres nursing foals, but more ee... pecially so of those that are not only suckling, but again in foal. Such should have grain all etunruer long, hut if they. have •not been *fed and in a year like this of generally good pas. tures 'have done fairly well in the way of retaining flesh they should be liberally grained crone now on until they foal 'again, and they should have as good shelter as their young opes. After they are dried off they can do quite a bit of roughing it if it is necessary and if they get plen- ty, of grain, but the less roughing it• • metres and foals do the .better for them and the peckets of their own- ers. It is easy enough at this time of the:season to let a foal by neg- lect get into a way ot doing badly, from the effects of which he will nev- er really recover. , Universal Postage.T.roblems. • Postal experts Of the countries be- longing to the Universal Postal the. ion are now . considering the prob- lone which well be brought before the. congress. -celled to meet at Aetna next April. Two matters ef .preenni- tient importance 'will be. diecussed- theereduction . of the live cent rate' and -the issue of a universal stamp; The two cent rate peppcised at the last congress is deemed . ixripractic- able, and even a three cent rete is .. thought to be, •4 radical cut' at the '.present time'. In lieu �f a reduction , of • postage. the congress may favor all increase of weight' of 'letters from . • the proSent limit- Of half an ounce to ,three-guartors or possibly to one ounce., The 'convenience of a unitter- .sal stamp is generally admitted, but a lack of ithifortnity in tho money et rd of. th ..6 nt s .the dem stands in the way -at lenst that. is the. view of the foreign postal 'of- ficials. Another, matter which will be Considered by ,• the lime, congress the compensation .for °Countries whirl) forward through Mails, the "transit cotintries," as they are called, Some countries. have comparativelY ' original foreign meil to cancel, but •p.re called upon to handle the nivel of Other countries passing through their territory free. of compensation: The union originated in a' treaty epic, O eluded in 1874 between .the whole of • Europe, Egypt, 13eitisli India, the. colonies pf France and the e United States Sinee that thee many athini 'coentriei and colonieS hew Jennie:, Each •eountry .Sends one delegaee, and gm:1St:eons; ate decided hY• a majority Vote. • .. .ancients prepare a wine of ( 011, h d also o h t vd hear the Werldin • was found as an ingredient' in Many, ehimes ringing. foe the innitieln of the 'celebrated -.compound 'Medi- the dvbey ,peinces• of ' heaven. eines.!*. "Myrrh is:especially of great . • ' • • • use says another author, "along tlinnoe Por with aleetio edicines and com- • "Now thot we {4 re ei:;e1:2.0.1,1' rend :i10. pound ti of iron.' The medicinal qual fair yonier ti 111' "1 W ill ..1.011 yint die ity of aloes is defined in every.. die. leoor ejleee, • tionary,. and cash). was also used as, ..T.litit, ale .1*r;ec1ive a drug by the ancients. Thus when • • - • we come in :touch with Christ's wed- 00*11• cling garments We know that they . !`And," eentinecj the•flencei,. "I'ean are going to healall of our diseases drive nails willione Iliti 1111 t1;1111:14 and ASS11/10 all•61.ir 'pains and be the • and I knoW-how to -neve peer teeter balm which • will take away , every Williont ruitililg a honk: 1111,11 eSn tid 1 heartache. • . . • •a tow. of .fignees• withent nial:Ip:: a But have the royal robes of Christ Separate- mum for eeelt oonseeuilve (1.. no higher purposei than the mere pre- tree,•*and 1 eau Luna n Jiro, anti 1 eee •Vention of pain or of heartaches? If tell when a pleture Is Laing' strilight that be. All the efileac3r of theee wed- on time wee!, • ding garments of the Divine •I3r1de- - • grocini, then I say let me have li•er? the nuin drew himeeie up with • • • • • • ' .pain and heartaphes: There , is some- Much dignity And sorrow and cried: timetv a loy in, suffering. There is "nen I cannot marri You, ales!" sometimes a peace in pato. As Ten- '"Why?" gasped the girl. • nyion writes, "It is better to have "What prospect is there Of my ever loved and lost than • never to have being able to ,denionstrate the super!. loved at all That wedding ring up- erity of hum over woman if I marry On your hand -would you wish iiever to ha,ve had it placed there? It may woman Who possesaes such traits of character as von?" be many years ago since the hand • that put it upon your fieger was laid , O in the graVe. Would yott like to blot out all the memories you have had with that earthly life? "Oli, no," you answer. "No,•nol My joy to -day •Iii living in 'the beautiful halls of hush to Canada.' • • . London, J an. ( ...A .P. )-Po great is the demand for ptissageS to Canada during April' that the Lake Better Brains Than Money. • . . • . . . . There are two 'pleeses that Put ••an exaggerated valuation upon money - those who have pleety ofit andthose Who haveWt. Beeeof the •twee • the „. labsurdeat ,oVendera against the Com- ' moteamise vietv pro those . who have tic money. It the exaggeratfoa persists, .and geo'WS;'' 7Oinie, of • the myeteries of 'Meilen Patine:. f..) the Men Of prciperST in this ' eetintry, a feW :of those :rich by in- heritance *en -tett, how many' are. • there who could not ifineedietely grow rich again -if they lost every- thing they have? And of those who ,.poseees large property, hoW many'. *mild long ' keep it, were it not that they have ,on guard over • it :moue of brains and character?... ' ; • Yet.. to bear Men talk one- would think°. that • when a• •man has put • „money into- ap enterFrise he has done . that whieh eptitlee hint to over-- • whelming preponderance• of 'consider:. atilon.• :This in face of the patent.. fact that, ••while enterprises innumer- • ethic have succeeded withoet Money, O not ' ette bee evet• sitceeeded withoutkii'a• , , . . • It is absurd enough to rank money • above brains.. To estimate brains In terms of money is like selling race.; horses by weight or paietings by measure. -Saturday Evening Post,' 38 memory and in thinking over again Manitoba will make an •extra, trip • • all the happy days we spent toketh- from Liverpool on April 11. er. 1 would sooner have had a dear ' .• husband' as he Was and have had him taken, wisely than never to have" known what the coMpartionship •i)f. such a husband Meant to.a Wife." If .,Yott' have an inctirable pain• wouldyou have the physician ',give . to4 you an Opiate to deaden your . .senpibilities and your mind for years • to come? "Oh, no," you • answer, "then 1 wotild be nothing.more than a hibernating creature or a log or a stone. Datermy thinking mind with pain than continual unconsciousness without pain."'Well, thee, the wed. ding rObes of , Christ muSt do 'more for int than merely alleviate suffer - OIL else We would want need • of than. I Would not wish to live a thousand years on earth if to de it I Would have to endure the mere animal . eXietence of an Attstralitty1 O aborigine, .oven though then 1 might not know physical or Mental suffer- ing., Thu ti X Come to the climax of my trubjeet. The royal robot. of Christ giVe to tis a positive assuraiwe thrt the marriage -ceremony of . Of, Di- vine Bridegroom arfd of the church, Itis bride, is to be a beginning of itelter coding joy, not the niere end of sorrow br pain er sufferieg or death. Prove this, you say. I will. "Ito, NicOdernues" i ory, "Whither art time going? rriend, why is thy countenance so sad? Why /lest thou hug to they side that great burden of a hundred pound ,tveight?" At onee Nicodenitie, the reline Nicodemus who dame to Jes.di by might, leeks up, and 1 see that his eyes are filled With tears 41141 bis face drawn doWn by a great sorrow. "1 eta going," •OttyS lie "With thin hundred pound 14W 41. Var# SPAI 41q91. Vt. r'15-nv'e•-.47.1z2,10-7,Y7 DO you want to , acid $320. to 'yoTiar ineome? It 10'1 only re4t4re a Few mintites of l•nur time m.mry day to earn $3ao a'year. You can earn it u ,am a Chatham leeilh:,tor. A No.* Chatham incubator win bole from too to ino nggs-ace.fi ling to site of t',". r..ioity (II elm It low average hatch- users of Chatham 1nenbator4 111 ti11 yho no. 2. 1iolteni, ore win n:.s in dt mond and the amply i.. Always nlort, se llrtY iq the aVelIkKe dee :wowed. '1, you only take ter eight hatehm& in a year, that giwfs ye,i an turbine of L.:0,w. Wouldn't that extra amount he useful to you? II Bost of 811, yea eta buy a Chatham Incubator without one cent ' of caoh until October, 1905 The martene per for itself ninny ovor tetore that time. Thom couldn't be h fairer ()fret ttrao tho), %1. sl,u) a trlititiladi Int,undter tO yoll at Once, freight In epo al by US, end your Ss'. 2plYnlent ret d:113 witit Ltett.tvg., (Ma 'iv tit.; u4 teelay for run 0.0 tieut, re, !An 1u1,libtatats and DrOeUerS haVO every new Improvouent worth u bile ill air int•tilintee 02 MinMalt 0.• Oat.tat -toe .• • • • • • 4' ASO' () WHY YOU SHOW) USE • O Decauso it is perfectly clealu Wouldn't you like to know that the tea you .drink has not been touched by Inman hand since it was plucked, On the plantation ? This is what you get' in Red Rose Tea. . The old • method of rolling and packing tea by hand haS been entirely done away pith on the tea estates Where Red • Rose Tea is produced. There, as well as in the blending • and packing rooms, machinery - scrupulously clan' O machinery -is 'used exclusively. pitickReedc.1 Rose Tea is never touched ,by hand after being his fact alone will help you enjoy drinkin,g it. • The Blue Lake( is recoil -intended.. • T, ESTABROOKS, St, Jobri, N0B. BRANCHES ; TORONTO, WINNIPEG. • • • • • .• • • • • • • • • PI • • ascribe .. for . lit sigualbia....V.:IsafszaMolotescse..". Oire...M.L.ledatditcaltiasiMIAVZALVAITICRI 1 • . ?er" ••• Be3t Equipped School. • If you intend sending your boy or girl to business college, why. not choose the best college in the land? , It costs no more. The Forest City Business and Shorthand College has • been established over 1r9 years, and has increased its patronage every year. • . Every department is itt charge of a graduated expert. teacher, and the facilities, appliances, systems and courses are the rnoSt approved in the world. The rooms are large, airy and comfortable, and the school is located in the prettiebt part of London, Students may enter any time during term, Booklet free. J. W. Westervelt Principal, Y.M.C.A. Building, London. ' e!lleGfli!EI et • • • .. •J.1 .T116 f011owmg are our ce.of 1904 0449 No...V.S'..aedor•d and. • • 'News -aboard and Fam- ily lyStar - News4tboord -and •• .S. 69.• y X 4* •X. °*te. •A• *01 *.z• . . /. terini that hnstt 6•IatSonte ••••, Ottr itiniber yards. 1•Itey ard built solid' as a r•-•ck and will strutd PMOUgt of 'Wage foryears. TlythoOner you accept out offer the seon- er will the Clettliont bleu- br,tor be earning profits for You. 7114 hiANS0**.1q2ELL CO. Larrece Dsor, 67 C11.41`11.0,I,'ONZ • ttolo4o•turors er C'hathani 1.0.oh 'lilt A..4 Brooders, Cimplirlt 1 AIWA, anti %.11atioinl Porin Wat•tItOtitiOft et /tr., liehnclon. y, Atte., NOW 14.3. ist y ** **4 *1* 4. , 0. .2. 14. e e 1 'WITCH . 9 I, 4 ILL ... ,.... ,.,. +The News -Record, Clinton. I .4. ,4,••• *44,6 6:60044 4446 6:6 46 4444 44 4644 44 46+ 46 0:0-44 46 414444,44 40 6:66:$ 466446 6.** 6:6 6.4644 46 4:6 6406..4 *64:6646.62, . ; 4 ,1:4 4644 04:640 6:6++ eta++ ott 4+46 4,4 6:6 6:41 41;4 4644 4404, :0. '4;*:**Z. V +:6 6:6 4:46:4 6:46:••:646 4 tt 4444 4 ' 6 r**. News-Recgrci and, Weekly Gan' News -Record and • Toronto News New -Record and Toronto Star $1.75 1,75 1.75, 1.86 1.85. _News -Record and O Farmers' Advocate 2.25 News -Record and Weekly Free Press 1.75 News -Record and Toronto World. 8.0o Remit by postal note, re- gistered letter or express k order and address . •