HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-02-02, Page 411110101011111.10111.01110 T1 Ne* Record CL wroN, . ONT. Teres of suh'seription-$1 'per year in advance $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the opinionof the publisher. The date .to which every subscription, is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates - Transient adver- tisements, 10 cents' per nonparie1 line for first insertion and 3 'cents per line for each subsequent insert- ion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as • "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolon," etc, in- serted once for 35 cents and each subsequent 'insertion 10 cents. Communications intended for puh;lica- tion must, as a •guarantee of goad faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. • W. J. 111ITCIIELL, Editor and. Proprietor. A Crreat Victory. • The Conservatives put up a great fight lit all three ridings of Huron, but particularly so in the South whore they rolled up the magnificent majority of over 400. And" this not- withstanding that the Liberal candi- date was active and energetic _ and had the essistance..;of the, • following members of the. Government all of whom spoke in . the constituency : Dryden, Latchford, 1Vlaekay and Evan- turel. As it so happened three .of these gentlemen were themselves de- feated. The party in South. Huron is to be congratulated upon winning; one of the' most signal. victories in the province,. In the East Mr. James: Bowman campaigned vigorously s and reduced his opponei:t's'ivajority by •• nearly 350. FIad Athe fight continued ten da- ys longer he would have.:made a sti1l better showing, The ..party. in . tihe East has shown its Mettle and will yet swing the riding into the Con- servative column- for the.. Legisla- ture as well as the House Of Corn - mons. • There is not a, desirable state of affairs in West. Huron where owing to incomplete returnsfrom the sev- enth division in Hullett the . return- ing officer was unable tb take, :.them into consideration. They .::gave. Mr. Cameron a majority of twenty • or five for the riding, but . thrown out, as the -returning •officer 'was obliged to° do, Major Holmes hasa majority of fifteen and was declared:elected. The Conservatives. have -no .wish, however;, to take advantage of the deputy's carelessness and have ,appli- ed for a recount which will take Maze ron- Friday. 'This' is ;the :second time ,this . sort of thing has.happened in West Huron, but. it is for be'hoped• it will he the last. -In both . cases the deputies . were Liberals.. Hullett Towne • p Mr Robert Rogerson sold' some fine cattle to Mr. Thos. Mason of Clint- on: Mr. Charles Rogerson also • sold. some to Mr. Sidney Smith .of Clint- on. and :delivered thein lash . week." Rogerson boys are goad feeders • find keep good stock. Mr. Andrew Tyerman and %Mr. Geo. Hesk are not' very well ;at present.' Mr. Thos. Troop also has been siigh.t- ly indisposed." Mr: Geo: Medd. • returns harem., to Simcoe this week atter -spent about a month with his ,parents here. WELL DONE, GOOD • AND FAITHFUL'. • • • MR. , JAMES BOWMAN, The Conservatives of East Huron" were proud of their: candidate and fought with . a vim. It was a . big task which they undertook to ' .turn over a majority of 465,, hitt they reduced it to 107 and next: time will wipe it out altogether. Mr: Bowman is the coming "man, ;, d Sumaiierbjll4 We regret to say that Mr. J. II. Lowery is very low at.present,• but we hope ,to tear of ,his speedy recov- ery. Mr. J. I1il1 in at present under the weather. . • Miss M. Faultier of lilisgreen has been visiting at Mr. 12. Mel3rien's the past week. Mr. A. E. Scarlet of.Leadburyand Miss A. Baird of 1Cinoardine visited at Mr, G. Tyneris over Sunday. Mr. W. J. Menden delivered a fine team of horses to a Wingham buy- er one Clay last week, • " Owing to the illness of Mr. Low- ery, Miss .Melwan 'of Clinton is con- ducting the school "on the sixteenth con. Monttoal, Jan: 31 -Jas. ;Scott, sec- . rotary of the Metropolitan Life le.- surance Companny,•dropped dead of apoplexy gt his home at aft Lans- downe avenue, ,Westthount, this mar - He was 40 years 0f age, • West Huron Election Returns, The following are the returns in West Huron as given by the return- ing officer on Saturday ASIIPi1.LD TP. Catirlaron Holmes No °1 52 73 2 30 78 3 39 63 4 32 67 5 84 30 0 72 14 - 7 77 21 395 345 Majority for Cameron 50. COLBORNE TP. 89' 57 45 _ 39 71 67 47 35 No. 1 2 • 3 4• 252 • 198 .'Majority for Camerons 54. GODERICH TP. No. 1t '.. 1 39 -..._.. -84 2 40 55 5• 46. 65 125 .204 Majority, -for Holmes 79 WEST WAWANOSII, No. 1 60 68' '2. 3 4 ,39 27 76 5 45 247 Majority for Mimes 17, •EAST WAWANOSIL No. 1 • 2 3 i 4 57 66 38 35 264 • 72 48 72 65 • 55 38 • 60 32 • 259 . 183, Majority for . Cameron 76.. BLYTI.3,' No: 1 .54 • 46 .• l' .. 54 41. .108 `.87 Majority for:Cameron< 21. GODERICH, No. i 73 79., 2 62 . 94.. • 3 65 73 4 70 .• 55 .5. 7 Majority •:No••1 2. 3 '4 50, .' 56 77 85 • .54 38 •:480 for Holmes 20. • WINGHAM • 34' 67 31- 57,' •: 39 7"7 •_ 70 129. r. The Clinton NcwsuReoord East Huron Election Returns, 'The following are the r'etutns for East Huron as given by the return- ing officer on Monday STEPHEN N 4?. Eilber McLennan 78 28 No, 1 Seldom have the people of Bayfield and surrounding co- 2 unitry had such a chance to save money: on their purchases as at F. A. Edwards' Winter Cash Sale. 'Printed pricesare frekiuently •rnislea'ding and you should see the goods to ap- preciate the values, Curs are ecknowled'ged the best values ever seen here. • Come and judge for yourself.. . FRISS C400{/S-We have a large variety,' of seasonable **e*************** goods in desirable colors, browns; blacks, navys, greens, greys, serges, tweeds, soliels, etc., at special- ly reduced prices. 50c and 60o for 38e and 42c, 35e for 28e, 25e and 30o for 20c per yard. A number of pieces of Fancy Goods for Skirts and Waists 754 and 85e for 759, a yard. Exceptional values in Suitings and Cloakings: 75c er 4 85e English Homespun at 50c and 60e • 75c Gr- oy Suiting for 40c a yard $1.00 Navy Beaver for 60c a Yd. $11,00 Navy Curl for 50c a yard . $1,35: Green Beaver for 65c $1.25 Cardinal Curl for 700 a yard. 38 inch Flannelette Skirting 6e a yard, • Fancy Bordered Apron Lining 140 yd. 10e, 12*0 and 15c. Wrapperettes .for 8c and 10e Fancy Sh- irting 15c for 10e 25e Ringwood Gloves, white and color- ed at 150 a .pair, READY-MADE CLOTHING --We. are determined to clear ev- ********'t'"******************** erg*' Overeoai and Suit re- gardless of cost :' Only 6 Men's :Overcoats,, sizes 39 and 40, 'at Half Price 3 Youths' Overcoats, 34 and 35, at $1.50 .each. Just 12 Men's Suits, sizes 30, 37, 38, 39. $5 for $3.50, 36 and $6.50 for $4.50 and $4.90, 37, $7.50 and $8'for 36.50. There are many other bargains of Which there is not room here to mention. 226 Butter, Eggs and . Dried Apples taken, ' 10 per cent. discount off regular priced goods 61' 17 3 85 48. 4 83 57 5 50, 39 6 87 35. 7 39 69 8 64 20 9 67 44 .. 614 362 Majority fox ° Eilber 251. IIAY TP. .. , No. 1: 33 41. 2 24 45 8 109 • 91 4 24 5$ '. 5 48 67 6 86 45 • 7 28 29. ' 8 19 74. ,.3.60 481 -._.__ Majority for McLennan 71,• STANLEY TP, No. 1 80 56 2 • 35 59. 3. 106 27 4 .57 17 '. 5 37 . 51 276 Majority for Eilber 50. A 'RECORD-BREAKING VICTORY: • • 480 ' HENRY' . ' EII+JB) R, .'ME1VIBER-EL- EC . FOR SOUTH 1- ON,'" T R TUR 174 • •'330 Majority, for" Iiodnies 156.. CLINTON. .• No'.1 06 •58 99 • 64, 60 82 55 •60 • 280 244 , ' Majority for Cameron 36. HULLETT: TP. N . 5 • ' o' .. '' • 27 6' 56 : 31 7 VV Majority for Cameron. 20. 'No.. 7 hlullett, gave Cameron • 52 No.' 7 Hullett gave Holmes 32 • Majority. for Camexpn 20 At this poll the deputy .did, not 'fill in the .returns 'so the "returning officer could' not include them This reduced Cameron's . majority in that township from 40 to 20; MAJORITIES Holmes Cameron Ashfield 50 East Wawanosh 7.6 Colborne 54 • Hullett 20' Blyth t yth ' 21: Clinton , 36 Goderich Tp. 79 Wingham : a 156 Goderieh :. - . .... 20 West Wawansh . 17 - 272• 257 This • is how the returning officer Counted the returns, giving *the seat to Hobnob ' by 15 of a majority. TOTAL VOTE CAST. Cameron Holmes. Ashfield_ ' 395 . ' 345 Colborne 252 , 198• Clinton 280 244 BIyth 168 87 Goderich 460 ' ' 480 Wingham 174 ' 330 Hullett ' 135 . :95 Goderioh Tis. ' ' 125 204 E. Wawanosh 259 183 W. Wawanosh . 247. ' 264 2435 2430 ` Majority for Holmes 15. In this recapitulation the vote said to. have been •recorded in No. 7,' Hut lett, is counted, BALLOTS POU THE RECOVIV, Rejected Spoiled, . Tendered Ashfield 1 3 Colborne 1 Goderich Tp. • 1 1 E, Wawanosh . 1 1 W. Wawanosh Hullett. Blyth Goderich Wingham . 5 Clinton 1 3 1�.. STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS Stratford, Jan. 3i-wi?i'illiarn Mowat for many years editor. of The 130a. eon, and lately of Mowat's Hank, now defunct, was sttfeken with liar. alysis. He is in an unconscious con• clition and his recovery is doubtful. Mr. 11Zomat is outs- seventy Vara of age, r• A:few 'years since South. Huron Lib- erals little thought that' in 1305 a the riding .' wituld ,give' a ;,, Conservative r• vandit ma o rt of over 400,yet .J y came .about. The" result shows what a popular and able candidate with a good cause and a united and enthus- iastic .party cah accomplish, Here's: to ;Harry. Eilber M: L. A., onee.niore. No. 3 4 • • ,6 .GODERICH TP: $8 6L: , 30 Majority for : dither 92..• ' USBORNE TP. No '1. • 112 Z• 50 3 116 4: 55 36 ' 16 35 87 47 67 42 77 333 233 Majority for :Eilber 100. TUCIKERSMITFI TP: No.•1 • 41 68 2 46 64 3 . 23, 53.:.. 4, 29 77 5 24 78., 32 75 . 205 ' 415 Majority for'McLettsnan 210: No. 1 2 4 . 5 SEAFORT1: • 80 108 52 38 48 55 26 31 39" 27, 245 259 7dajority for McLennan •.14,. EXETER; No . 1 76 26 2 69 ,26..' 3... 69 24 4.. 80 •..52. 294 ' 128 Majority for Eilber 166 1•IENSALL No 1 94 .102. ,•. Majority. for McLennan 8. 13AYh'IELD, No. 1 88 83' Majority for Either 55. TOTALS. ° Either L her MeLennati Stephen 614. 303' Hay 360 431'' Stanley 276 226 Goderich 179 87 Usborne 333 " 283• Tuokersrriith 205 415 Seaforth . 245 350 Exeter 294 128 Hensafl 94 102 Bayfield 88 33 2688 2277 Majority for Eilber 411. Total vote polled 4065 Total vote polled 1902 ,5001 • ' SE1kFORTft The Cresswell family received• the sad news recently of the serious illness• of , Mr. H. W. Cresswell, who had then been taken to the Medicine Ilat hospital ' and would in a few days have to suffer 'the amputation of one of his legs. Mr. G. E. .Cress- well •left on Saturday to be with his' brother during the operation and Mr. Ralph Cresswell left' on Monday on the same mission. Owing to the age of the sick marc it is feared he may not be able to rally from the ppelit- tion. He will be remembered by the older citizens as a. former resident of this section, although for tetany years he has owned and operated one of the argyest cattle ranches in the North. Wed. • 0*0 F. 'A, EDWARDS, BAYFIELD. New IT aces In Legislature. O: iuibord (L)—Ru,sseli, • D. Davidson (L)—C. ,Simcoe, The,; new Legislature of .Ontario will W.:J. McCart (L) -Stormont, :have a tremendous influx' of . fresh °; W A.. Kribs., (C) -N. Waterloo. • human material in its composition,no •J. Y. Gross (L) --Welland: fewer than 41 men who did not sit: Hon.' J, M, Gibson '(L) -E.. Wel; in the, last House having been re- lington.: • "' turned, .The new members are : John I}ipkenson (L) --S. Wentworth. W. J. Paul; (C) -Addington, John Richardson (L) -E, York. R;E: Clapp "(C)=5..13xuee Hon. E, J.• Davis' (L).• -N.: York: Dr.' Lewis (C)-Dufferin. J, H 'Devitt (C) -W. Durham.. J, A.• McMillan. (L) -Glengarry.:.. A. 14: Fisher (C) -N. Brant. • II. Ferguson '(C) --Grenville. ° Jacob, Kohler '('L)- Ialdimand_ Dr, A. W. Nixon (C) -Halton: ' •'E, W. Rathbun (Ind.) -E. Hastings. P. I4. 'Bowyer (C) --E. Kent. • McCoig (L)=W: Kent:,_ , ILM0n' t' om r ' g e y. (C). -E. Lambton: Dr. Preston '(Q) -N, Lanark. • ,1. D. Dargavel (C) --Leeds P'0:. W. (C) -E.• ex.' ' C.. C. HodgiNeelyns (C)-W.',MiMiddlesddlesex. C.. Lamarche.: (C) -E. 1�Iipissing.. O. Aubin (C) -W• •Nipissing. Col. tki o A neon (I ' -N Norfolk.1 k C. Calder (C) S. Qntario D. J,•MeD:ougal. (L)=Ot:tawa.. • G. 5, May (L) -Ottawa. John Torrance (C) -N: Perth. N.* Monteith (C) -S. Perth, • • . • his family and although past.the thr T. E Bradburn (0) -e -We Peterboro. ee . score _.years arid ten, he is still Arthur C. Pratt ' (C) -S:• .Norfolk,", .active and oheer-ful.:He has in turn• John; Galina '('C) -Parry Sound. • served the township. •of MVlcKillop as •W, A.; Preston (C)-•Portr.Artitur. J reebie and councilloi,` He'was also B,•Labrosse (L) Prescott. • 1 warden of .the county of Huron, The T. W. McGarry '(C) •S, Renfrew. , family were photographed at the gal- •D.•Racine (L) -Russell. �lery..of.Jackson�Bros: and consist. of A: F3.. Thompson (0).-d: Simcoe, I R. O. Rays,' Goderich, bounty solicit:;' George Kerr. (C) --Stormont.. or';' Adam Bays; Seaferth William, Gere o g Pattir:son (C) -N. Waterloo' Fort Qu rl.ppelle: • James of Kincar- Ewan Fraser (C) --Welland, dine ; Mrs.. T. McElroy of Winthrop J. J Craig(C)-E Wellingtons: Mrs, Geo. Garden of. Guelph ; :Mrs,; D; Reid".(L)--•S, Wentworth.' • W. R, • Ireland :of Seaforth ; Mr% W. A., *'*Cowan (C)= -E..; York; J. Fowler of. Barrie , MrsJ. Vinson •T, L'nn ,. . H c ox : (G N ..'York,Barrie, , ) , ofo, and Mrs, J, Ireland • of Dr. `Smellie (C); Fort; William, ; .Clijirton: On, Sunday, week there passed•away ,at the home of his daughter,.. Mrs.. Jas,McDowell, in McKillop, an aged'. pioneer in thee" person of :Geo. Payne. Mr. Payne ,.was one of :the • few r•e- making links connecting the past wi- th- .the i=th_.;the present,having reached ;the; rclnarkabfe age of 93:. years•` and if months: We have been unable, to ob-. Lain •the history' of . his life, • which,, embracing as it does,, nearly all of the nineteenth eentury; would ' make' Seaforth. • ,Mr. Jas. Hays, an old and highly esteemed . resident of this community, , had the pleasure of havingassembled about him his entire family, consist- ing of : four sons and six daughters, This pleasant .re -union :took Place at the home of .his daughter, Mrs;' W.R. Ireland of . this ,• : town.. This" is the first time ter. over twenty ,yrs that the f,�mily, have all been . together, owing chiefly to the absence ,.'of. Mr. Wm 'Heys, the-•wird `son,• and • to. whose `.return home this .celebration i due, Is s c. He now one pf•tlie�. most s o m prosperous • farmers in• the Northwest, and eftci' a visit, to his .. relatives • will return there again. .Mr.. James . Hays is, no ;doubt, jhstly proud of -FIGURES. THAT HAVE GONE The old members•. of the Legislature: who have disappeared either by vol- untary, tetirement or as the rest°lt of; •Wednesday's.voting, are.:: , •James Reid (C) -Addington. D:.Burt (L:: -•N. Brant.• Wa D. McLeod .(C) --Glengarry. `• `R: Triiaic (14-S; Bruce: ' Dr: Barr ('C)--Dufierit 11'in Rickard (L) -W Dunham. J. W, Holmes (L;)-Haldfrnamc%. • very interesting i•eadfttg. During his J. R, Barber (L)• -Halton; residence : in McKillop however, he was one of its most respected and es-' I I teemed .citizens,: fie . was- a remark ably sntiart man of'his age, as only. a'••' few ,roars :ago; whet •considerably Into the 90's :he ..was engaged in tea- ming wood into Seeforth,• Since • the.; iieatlt • of, his wife in, • August tut*.he -has 'failed' rapidly,. resulting ' hi his death on Sunday week: VKr. O. C: Wilson, Who liar heen Sarin, Russell (L)-E...Hastings. John Lee (L) -E, Kent. 'f.' L. Pardo (L) -W. 'Kent.. H. J. Pettypiece (L) --E, Lamb.tloii W,. t Caldwell *(L) -N: _Lanark, W. Beatty: (C) -Leeds. • Dr, ' Routledge` (L) --E, .Middlescic• • W. II "Taylor, (L)' --N; Middlesex:,,. Jr Midland. (L) -W. Nipissing.. Dr, James (L) -I+.'. Niplssiirg. A.'4tti(L)-N, Norfolk, ' ' travelling " for-tlre - Paris-.Plow.-._L�o: lion, John Dryden (L) -S', Ontario D. lVKurphy "(C)==Ottawa, fcir some' lime, has 'severed ► ;s ' colt- rreetion with that firm ie accept a:" f;. I3. Powell '.(C) -Ottawa. motelucrative position' as : traveller M, Carr (L) -Parry Sound. for the Page Wire Fence Co, of .'vt'i,,i- John Brawn (L) --N. Perth.krrville, his territory 'tieing the' state Z . Stock (L) --S. Perth: erboro. of Michigan. Hoe. J. rt. '.Stratton (L) -W, . Pet- • • flet. W. -A. Carleton • (L):-...5, . Nor folk;. . Ft~hru ry 2nd 1905 !«N•.►�N*N�1flN�lf4«f�N�l1�•,N�«!*MSN,•�N�lf*N�«►=!1#Nil.�y*N�M�N�N�!!�«►•.1►*lf�ff�ls�l.Mls�f►�N*NDN*ff�Nfiss�lf�f.!�.! f=l. c INN , N Off., BL. /TH. : GREAT MIDWINTER SALE 4?. ►s4 fr« !Z• .r.: •4 ❖ 4,. ,• "i• 4.4 Our Great Clearing Sale will be continued one week lon- ger, when ell oust Winter Goods will he sold at witplcsaie prices arid in carne cases for less, to clear. Ard to, -make this: salemore intes'sing to buyers, we will inelucto several lines of new goods wluc : were bought below regular prices. We offer some great :snaps in New Flannelettes, . Ginghains and Prints, New Flannelettes, in fancy stripes, regular 5e, for 40. Fine Saxony Flannelettes, soft finish, wide width, heavy weight, good value at $12iepand •10e, for 10e. New Flannelettes, 28 inches• wide, good value at Be, for 5e. New Towelling, all linen; 15 irch:es wide, worth 8c, .for 5c. arum's Prints, in good patterps, worth 124c, for 10. • M agog and Colonial Prints, •good value et tie, 10e and 12• e, Heavy Wool Blankets; bought before the advance in Wool; -y we have them in all -sizes at 20 per cent. off. Men's Tweed• Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters, 25 per cent. off. Stanfield's Underwear for menand. women, in all sizes, ,guaranteed unshrinkable, at lowest prices. Ladies' Cloth Coats, all new . goods, at' half price.. ,,Ladles' Fir Jackets, in Astrachan, Electric .Seal and Gree Aland Seal, we have -a, few leftwhich' we will sell- at wholesale prices to clear. ' BLYTFi _: !��4f44�M�N�N�N��4�N�«4�«4,•�44�44�N�N�N�H�N�•4�N�•4�•4�44�•�i.�•4�N�N�N�«4�N�44�4fwN�4f�4f�•444•�44�M*44�44�1f�N�14�4 4� ' •"'N•t••••sr*44A4,4♦i'wN••••••••••44 9•+N4 Gret' :Clearing . Shoe Sale \\ at Wm. Taylor Son's • Here's an • opportunity to" ' You are Invited to our .� buy the best of Footwear at 2 prices so- low that no one Great Stock d vtoucing.: Sale. If you care to •save motley here's a Shoe Sale that in justice to your POCKET BOOK. you cannot ignore, ' BARGAINS' IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. . SEE BAND 13ILLc3 FOR PRICE LIST. 2OOQ of first class Boots ,� a o ts and Shoes at less than half price. -Sale o` � e n wcin o1l:willcoilti continue the ► � g n balance • of Jalz;rlary. The' Old 'R enable T A. L JGir ••44••44••4•••'0 444.444 • •♦4e4•4•s••io•<•4••M•• ••••••••••••••••••••••4••••••••••••••••••••••!** NJLSON 'BALL OFFICE 4 A 4. 1 Jetties. C ohm ee (L) -.Port Arthur. • Hon.' F.i E. A. Evanturel' (L). -Pre- seott''. Hon. 11 R. Latchford (L). -S. Ren-. freiv Fanny -"Ts yourdoll's hair real?'-. Grace• i"Course it is. It conies ,off just like manna's." Ther News -Record 'gives the : local news. February Cleailn• Sate° •r �. before Stock Taking we wish to clear out several lines to make room foe spring goods. > Note the following; prices: 121re PRINTS FOR 100 7c and 8c PRINTS FOR 5e Wrapperettes for 100 Flannelette .Sheets 20e 50c Dress Goods 40c 31.00 Dress Goods for .'.80c 20e Dress Goods for 121e 25e Dress Goods for 20e $1,35 Dress Goods for 85c Furs andWinter Goods at greatly redhead prices. WALL, PAPER -We have tho.largest stock of Wall Paper ******4*** for 1005 of a41 patterns- and prices , that we leave ever shown, prices running from 3o to 25e a roll as well as bargain lots. • All due tills previous to 1905 must be in by the 20th Feb. as, we wishwto exactly know our standing „,;,,:,,,, -Highest Market Price Por Produce J. E. Harnwe11 Varna. J. "'B. HOOVER. HOUSE AND F URNIT .0 lJ our• wants can be supplied best by- us. Our prices, bring us the trade 113— • 1 u have our ersonal supervision and satisfaction guaranteed Undertaking'promptly" attended to by night or• da g HOOVER e Night and Sunday calls answered as residence of either of :ilia peinci:. • •••••14.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...$ sti44•1✓s1��a'w rs v�11' • THS GREAT CASH `STO�t STILL IG SAI.4E4d�IE e_4 CLEARING ,PRICES' in all departments. SPECIAL SNAPS in I3oots, Shoes and Rubbers. STo1u OPEN E•stmr NIGHT. Any quantity of Eggs and Butter taken in exchange for goods. D. M. MCBEATH, • SLY §I H ►►•ic•7►:1'M►•�1►tib':►/�tirs+�,Yr''i.+�,►`'16�6. ,.r� w +r. +.,. +,. y The .News'Reccrd for 1905