HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-02-02, Page 2• 4, 11801110110.11110011,01801401* „ ezAK'Ar S•1•;,•t 0../4, -. ,-...„/'• .. r:, ' r.C.V1) .)" (.a.„,...; v,,..., 4, ir • .., 7.> 4 '''''t •.) 4 r g rt . The. Gunfight manta are alvtays throush'.thoic. wash at twelve o'crock. With ordinary soil) a woman has to work- so hard and Fr, 1 -7 nn wash day she has no time for preparing any (the flui4 mecds. 444 trial, and the Eood wife faces each m ich a sigh of deapttir,' Sunlight Soap makes ell the difIereneo in the world. toiling -no rubbing --- no boi,ing-less than half the labor Wth much biter results. Most women are all throw,h their wash by twelve o'clock when they wa.li v,ith $unlight Soap the Sun- libitt way. It niakes child's play of work. ASK FOR THC OCTACCN BAR. Saa, washes the clothes whits and Won't injure the hands. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO. OFeellq"*FeCte®044110461111ificAleC411000.1110000060060°F,411S11100 t ; The• Fitst . New . • Years cf, In Ou.r." New Store ...4 Every 1.11ing abgoltitely new, We are not lOoking for 6 ; ! a profit so much as -We are 101...a...reputation of handling ; the choicest goods. ' :, ' - ' • ' • . . See Our 7 Real Leather Travelling Cases These contain Hair and Cloth Brushes, Mirr3rs, Soap and Tooth Brush 0-tses, Razor and. Strop,' and every- thing to complete a toilet, when travelling .or visiting.. • Prices range 1.1'0111 $3 to$� •• . Brerdenbocli's Perfurnes (1,7,1tiglish) in eases per bottle, from..... - • • : .25c to $5.00' The ,largest stock of Ebony Goods in •town and the lowest prices. 6a. ,. Nasmith's Confectionei7 rn Holiday Eioxea.. g '1\ S 'RUCTION FREE -We will give fie instruction in Amateur Photography • . to all of our customers. • • • , . • , . . • " • . • 0 e 0 COIV133-F14... CHITST" " • 411Di . • 0 0 0 o 0 ek,a90 0 0 0 osrotioakiasasolaco co L LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW. FOR YOUR SEASONIS • 'PLY OF. COAL. WE CARRY oNLY THE,YERY. nEser ORA-. DES WHICH .WILL DE SOLD AT THIS LOWEST: PPSS.1:014i1 PRICE • • ORDERS MAY ,BE LEFT ,DAVIS 8r ROWCAND'S,11ARD7!: WAitE STORE Oft WITH • • • he declara,tion: in Dundas gives re Je.. P. Whiyney 3 !majority . . .• . • • Not long ago a man Who was, al. ways cross and tired.arrived home • joyfully;• he explained to his delighted wife that his liver trouble was cured •at last through VittrIv.x- 'ative. Fruit 'Pills. • • ' • Mr. R. P. ,Reekie; Clinton, drUgge • ist, keeps them iS stock; . price 25 . eente. • . • • • WThe Whibipeg Y. M, C. A celebrat- , J. StOvensori.. its 26th bittliday.cim Suhday. PURE SEED GARIN. PURE sFED. GRAIN. -WE 1.14y.E opened out a Flour and .Feed Store and ireep in .stock Rollie -Igen, sh- orts, cured meats, etc.. We inidea special effort to proetiee- and. have on hand' a Supply tol Olean Seed Wbeat and Tirreothy, and farmers , inking their purchases from te can ,rely upon getting their ,.seed as free as male !rem all nox- ious weeds. ' • I/0W.1' DELAY. - Don't fail to get your narrte on the 'list at once for the Family Herald and Weekly Star of edontreal. , Ralph Connor's great story "The Prospec- tor" starts in two weeks. The Family •lierald is going tri be nigger value than ever this year. No other 1 Latiathat paper gives as bg value fpr lour dollap. . • • GR • NtrilltifIKAVIrea PULLMAN SLEEPERS to OTTAWA 'Leaveo Toronto ,daily on' Grad Trunk Eastern Flyer at 10.30 P. m:, making connections from all 'points: Returning' leave Ottawa 6.45 p. m., Repervations made at Grand Trunk officee. • .• DO YOU KNOW That in less than two days you can be enjoying the fruit and hewers at. Florida Winter Resorts and in less than four days roach Califorreett. Ask your agents for full informa ,- tion or address J. D. Matelonald, Distriet Passenger Agent, Torouto, For tickets call on I' 1 Hodgens, Town Agent; A. O. Pattison, Depot Ticket Agent. A FAMOUS SCI -IOL CENTRAL will never regret having a Photo of •srour family. Our speo- laity is 011 ti Ur 134+070 !IFIARYI. PHOTO Vrilln STRATFORD, ONT, Young man, Voting women, 0 there is abundant room f6e • 0 O you in the higher and more 0 0 responsible position o ,of life, 0 O . YOU ARE • NEEDED 0 O Get a bueinees or shorthand 0 O training and march upwards, 0 O Enter our sehool this Month 0 O if peseible. 0 Elliott Ss:McLachlan, 0 0 • Principals. 0 end O Write for free catalogue, 0 *vetts 0 0 It 0000000 •-• 0000000iby • The Clittten NewtpRecerd 00*0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e(fee-e'ee'eee'eeeet..eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere The News of Goderich. • Miss Eloise A. Skimings, 0)0e 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 000 Ad' 00 000 : ' Corespondent • ® €11.1 0 0 0 i000000t Mr. Cantelon informed uS la,st week We, take nuich pleasure in noting that 1Virs. Cantelon, Although pro- the wedding at Brandon on the even. gressiug • favorably in strength, is Mg of January 9th of one of our mending 'slowly.toost popular young ladies, as well Mrs. J. Horton is making wonder.; as one of our most -musical, in'the MI improvement and noth ladies eare person of Miss J. Cattle Collinson, sufferers from tbe same eauee, effete , eldest daughter �f Mr. and Mrs„ t. nervous prostration. Collinson. of 'Tire Aberdeen." to Mr. J. fe, Stark of the Dominion Ex.. Press CO., ValgerY, Rev. Mr, Dickie performing the ceremony at the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. George Dave The bride wore a veryhand- some costume of brown peau he 'sole With white roses and whitei cam - tions in her hair and carrying a ho- quet of the SaMe. The groom's gift to the bride eves a lovely gold wee eh and chain. A flash light photo of the bridal party and their guests was taken'. After a recherche Lund - eon was served the bride and groom took the night train for their ftiture borne in caegarye The bride. was the recipient : many costly presents. The NewseRecord joins in wishing Mr. eed Mrs. Stark a very prosper - Os. and happy future. At North etreet church. on Sunday last Rev, IL M. lVfanning of Clinton exchanged .pulpits with Rev. Mr. offiviating at :hoth services; His text for the evening. service was taken frOne PsalmCU,. 13-14 "Thoe Shalt Arise and lieve 'Mercy Upon etc." -The Rev, .gentlemen th- ought that now was the appointed time when a new temple -was „-te : be builtIterate,. a revival among the congregation, as great as in the tun - of Luther, and of -Wesley, a great and powerful .soul revival. He called upon the congregation-. to question themselves as. to whether there is as much sinriteal work done now tim0 ong them as was done 35- years ago and said 'that statistics of the Meth- oclistehurches• • -prove that only one . fifth of the. spiritual' power -is notice able this lweireleth century among the Methodist people and he called upon this congregation to rise upin their spiritual strength now for the set time is come. 'At the offertory' 1\liss:ketura Brewn sang ."Face to lerace.'' • • Mise Maud Tilt visit ' Buffalo this, month, • She is, en a geed chore. us and will sing : ina festheal: to be given in that citye . • .Mrs. RoWatt and- her daughters, the 'Misses ;Mari* hee-e removed to the house owned and 'formerly • poen- pied by the late 'Moses .Cresemart„, • •Thursdey of' ibis Week is Candle- mas pay, the 'feast of' the purifica- tion.. ' The savahts who watch Dr, Yates aud his brotIter, Arr.Jonn Yates of Chicago, are la tows the guests of their mother . and sister, Mrs. S. and 1Vliss Yates, lerederick!Josepli k Webb's death too place at the home of his mother or. 24th Jan. He was one of the Signal staff and had many friends among the young people, highly esteemed by his employers and by his comrades' in the office where he worked eon- stantly and faithfully for the past three yeers, being quite an expert at _printing. Haying received a, wound in his leg some years ago and having remained for treatment for •six mon- ths in a hospital he rarely. indulged in any pastime with his conipanions. But he never complained, always ear- ly et hie work and a regular atten- dant at St. Peter'schureb, receiving Commution every month and living the life el a saint morethan that of the 'everyday life of yodrig mew at his age. About three weeks before his th deahe suffered so .Lnueb, from his limb that surgical aid was nrcess'ary, but, poor boy, death was hoverieg over nim, for he suffered teo long ;through so many years for any aid froin surgical skill. On the 24th he felt himself growing weak and he, like a soldier, gave himself to God whom he had so. .faithfully served,: His father was 'a man of war's man and came to this country about 1860, The 'casket was covered with beautiful floral trilmtes, among whi- ch were a. beautiful cross of roses and lovely fkiwers, a tribute from his employers, and another from. the Signal stall, a beautiful anchor from the Misses • Hoskin, across from bis conirades and casket'. boquets from Mrs: .(Dr,) Nicholson, his nurse, Miss Ker of Clinton, Mrs., John Kel- ly and frOm theMisses-Mary.- and Norah Dean, The funeral took.place •to • "$te ,Peter's on ThurselaY, Rev., Fether IVIcItae officiating at .the re-. quiem mass, the phoir all attEnd- ance, Miss Neville: presiding . at the organ. At the Offertory Mr, T. Gri.10 fin sang. "4Jertisalent My HaPPY. Honre," • :The 'pallbearers were Mees - es. Walter MeIntoshi Victor Dean, and William. Austin, J and W. Chis- holm. After the Libera• was surer by the choir the fUrteral, which was large, : piocecded tc the E Ce. eeMe•-• Heavens etoday , will be .ahle. to tell tery in Colbdene. The deceased yo- es:for the next issue of The New ung manwas in; his. nineteenth Year- ReCord .whether., the pres.ent •winter Mr. -and Mtg... Wallace (Wally) wilt •he short or not: , ian now reside. in: Chicago. . , organist, '. Nierili street .church, is at the leroneithe. ney. 11. M. Manning of Clinton, ad- dressed the Gospel* Temperance Meet- ing: ..on Sunday ..afternooft, He IS a potent factor in • -Teninerande worh There was • a large attendance.. Mr. and Mrs. IVIeLonnemr feinted), • -Of the Gedetich Woollen rail's, have returhed from Brantford and 110W re- -side 14 the house 'owned by • Mr. James Milne. • Master Vti.elfred..' ,Laurier Bell is on the staff of Alio Smith Pres.' store . W. II. Smith, manager of 'BO tel Goderich, is opening up a dyeing and clothes cleaning es tabfishment. Regie Harrison carne up last week for 'one day. • -Miss Coral Niyian; who went la, few Weeks ago to Visit her sister, Mrs. 'Brewr.: kal,ainazoo, is, nowfnurs- ing 'a, patient. from. Chicago whe. took typhoid 2feyee while visiting her sis- ter who was Viviaa'S.- first . • , Mi and Mrs. Robert Simmons, 'fore merly of. Saltford, but. later of Bran. tfordi and some of the Other' • cities , Oittarte,.-arp residirtg : here, Mi ns ' Mr. and Mrs. JameS Vivian are, le s6or,j,iu:seooneiesti. 16nthth •the• .9., P. R , staif Oreg. , Mr. William Far le in Dakota where his family will rejoin hirn in the spring. Mrs.. .(Dr.)• Clarke (nee Miss Nina Strachan) riow of Toronto, is the guest et her friend, Miss Ause- brobke: • • Oil 20th . Janueryat the . annual coliveeeazione of the Normal -school, Teitinitoe among those Who took pa - i1 Wie 1VIISS Ora Wilkinson and Miss, Mandelilt; both of Soderich. The Mail and Empire of Jan. 21et said that they sang /nest. chaemingly. Mrs,John Douglas returned. last Week froto a pleasant visit to rela- Mrs. John Itunein returned &bin visiting her datighter, Mrs.. W. Wil- .sde .01 AIM*, to the residence of .her Sister; Mrs. McLay, with Whom` she at present resides:. , !•• Mr, -Charles Lee .eetains his. hand- somely arranged 'Christmas hell-. and ha$ a pretty gIolie electric light han- ging inside' .• • Mr, Thompson, carriage Condon, and his daughter.,. MiSS Oer- fruile,..were" the guests while here or -Mr, and Mrs. Jonathan. Miller. Dr, Rebere • Lel ouzel wili spend ft few...months with her parents here. e -WHY DO .WOMEN SUFFER ? Such pain and &Mere the tort.iire Of .nervous beadecheewhee 25e buys .a su- re' cc,re, like Nervilia.e. A few dreps eweetened water brings unfailing„ relief. :You feel better at once,,you're lgaced • up, invigorated, headache go- es aWgy after One• dose. „ The oecias- lonal use of Nereiline-prevents in- digestion ,e,pn sternach, digorders--- tp health aid 'strengtht verY woinan needs Nerviline and should use' it.: Iii 25e bottles ev,erywbere. Goderieh. • The friends of Ileeirt Jordan; a for- mer organist of Knox church, will be sorry to Teem that he is very ill 'at the Brantford hospital, Miss Killer of Windsor was the go - est ofher cousin, Mrs. Donnells,whi- le• in town last Week. Mtge Kiner • canto throughto visit her 'parents at Amberley. Captain Kenny Campbell: lett' this , Week for Toledo. • ' Miss Soole of Detroit, who Came through ,to visit , bet parents hi Sea- Iorth, spent some time in. Goderich lest week, • .111r. Morgan's ponies are very much admired. Mr. Morgan came from tives and friends at Porter's 11111. • porter's hill jeeeja, to ovee out in McCauley of the G. T. R, staff ITheent,se hero; .. . . Icas *retereVed nom St. David's- street Mies. Wallace of Clinton Visited (bo to the 'tense . owned andformarlY nee ' derich 'On liusinesS OIL Tuesday, Miss cuPied On Nast street by lire and Wallace rented one of her building's Mrs. Strough Of Srantford. . last week, • ' . Mr. Ed, via is With a surveying Mrs, R. .JoneS spent the last • two party in Texas. Weeks of •Jauttary visiting her moth-. Mrs. . Crab!) in vetting from Los er at Althorn and Mi'. . Allen of Angelos, California, is charmed With nuegeneee, . the summer Weather. ' Miss Ilciwig of Auburn is stittuling Mrs. W. Smith has returned from a a few weeks at her sister's residen- Visit to her-. daughter in Buffalo. . ' de, . Miss Jessie Miller returned last 'Week to woodstdek after a short via STARTLING- HUT TRUE, cation at her home, People the, world over were torrid- Mr. William ,Lanee Pennitig,ton flaS ed on learning Of the burning of a it good position at Sault Rte. Marie. Chicago theeter in which nearly six We reeeived a letter from Mrs.lior- hundred peorge lost their lives' • yet ace J, Horton; Sault Ste. Moyle, in more than five times this number or Which she sap "I am glad to get a over .3,000 people died ftom pneutrio- letter or a, maper from you, hut the nit in Chicago during the same yea, paper you sent trie dated 8th Sep - With scarcely a passing notice. Ey- Umber 1904; we did hot get until ery we of thee ea.ses of pneumonia 1,3the Jane 1005, Surely It must ha - resulted from a cold and could have ve got a trip around the world." We been prevented by the timely use of sent her a copy of The News -Record. Chheriberlain's Cough Remedy. A Tbe reeeption given Mr, and Mrs. great many who had `every reason tyone (nee Miss, Ttive Horton) on Jan. to fear pneumonia have warded it off Ilth at Abe resideeee of Mr, and Mrs, by the prompt use of this rernedy, If. Ile Horton, Was a most delightful The following is an instance of this One, the bride receiving presents from sort : "To Much eerinot be said! 'in hinds and rehttivee at Toronto, Go - favor of Chamberlain's Cough Rent- derleh, Saratoga, Ont., and from the edy and especially for colds and in- two Swills, Mr. Rye, en uncle of (Moira, 1 know that it ettred iny Mr. Horace J, Hoeton, Remit Ste, daughter, Laura, of a, severe eohi, Marie, Ont,, end of Mr. Jowl* Hor- ton and Mrs. of town, droll° ibS mflee to the reception and daneed and stieg like 4 yang man, Mr, Rye is 76 years of age. I believe eaVed Tier life wheit abe threatened with pneumonia," W. Wileok, Logan, New Yotk, -Sold 11. 11, Combe, Clinton, Goderich, Mr. Roy Willis of Seeforth pos- sesseS a lovely tenor voice. Ile hid- ly- sting tenor in some of :the orches- tra vo-cal deneee at the social bop given by -the Harmony Club. George MeMurchie oi Centreville, South Ditkote,, is the guest or Ms. aunt, Mrs. George Siorris, and oth:.s. relatives in town and country. It is 17 years since M. Mt:Mural& left Colborne, for the . West. , Ile has pros- pered well 'during . hisabseuee end feels • a true joy in Ids home :com- ing. Mr.. and. Mrs, W-. Tye are. visitin,V their son and femily neer .Toraitto and : will visit relatives in, Toronto beforetheir return'. $40.00 pax CURE. A Thousand Dollar guarautee goes with every bottle of Or. Leartharsit's ItemeRoid--the only certain cure for esery form of piles. , Gecrge Cook, St, Thomas, Ont., writes : "Dr. Leoithardt'e Hem -Reid cured me of a very bad ease of ' piles D- over ten years Standing. I- had tried everything but got no permanent ett- • re till I esed Hem -Hold. I had Blind and.Bleeding Piles and suffered ,every- thing. . Ointments and local- trent- meats -failed bat. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem -Reid cured me .perfeelly." *Hem -Raid is'a tablet taken inter-' Rally which removes the cause Of es. $1.00 all Druggists of The Wil son-Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Fella, Ont.. Postal Statisties.-- Below' are given some figures*rclat7 ing to the several post offices in Hu- ron, as snowy). , by the :Postmaster. General'S report for. 1004; just - issti- *ed. ' To save confusion it should be - borne in mind that the revenue given ie for the paSt year, but that the salary figures:,are based, not on • the revenue. of last' year, but on the rev,- enue of • 1903,:so that while •the bus,. ness ofthe past year is shown in the gross,. 'reVenue column,: the salary; shown.here is eat/Muted on the bu- siness of, the previous year: 'Post Office • Gross ' Salary • Reverate Auburn . ' $371 28 $ 176 00 119 42 66 00 562 98 . 26200 552 40 280 00 217 81 . 90 00 118 80, 60 00: 310 18 144 00 1451 42 530 00' Ambee:ley. • • Beerneld' • Belgrave . 13elfast , . Benmiller : ' ••• Bluevale.• Blyth: :Carlow . • 131 46 - 5"t} 1313rrupsuseeflieshi . 2197 75 766-00 Chisellturst ,lia64 10 30 00 410 43 190 00 Centra' ' ' e 325.27 .. 144.00 • Crewe-:. 17 50 ,. 25 00 Clinton .5087 05 ' 1590 81 Constance '.' 158'.88 • 7200 DtaInrsigsavieued• .398 03. ' 170';00 ulon.. •DDruynsdoele ro••• Eginendville Fordyce • e fIarlocle • lilei•(.;e lr . lex Fordwich Cloderich Ciriepta riptele I-frl: lielniesville c 1,1_,Kv oallinkt odielslum. ..r.o ' . Svea,rilJaoseph : Porter's IIill . LzI,Siatikile,;eiff:koehytt.ttlit. . , : .. . Kingsbridge • Witighairt • . riiitsgreen • Keenan • IVroxeter . Lanes . • QO 10 , 30 00 I.,attrier , 65 03 - 28 00 Leadbury - . 102 26 • • '50 .00 .1‘,1,;fetotNelvIlebi ariescierigie - 185.30 66 00 Latham -recently opened, itlelYfeakiiitg.... ' ' - 2901,.77.55 Marndeh . . 29 51 IN'ebilrat Albert. ' SRte.d•Ar"atiNg'Qtlet' i ne .s.:-.11.11..ilt'nfirieerCl..en8 .° 'larepta 'enih ill S unslit' ''' 'Westfield .Winiltrali .625 10.. 280 00- .•.„ 122-43 • 50 00 89-00' • 50 00 • 22000 2. • :11000 .60 .73' 25 .00 • 48. -2'/' 25. 00. .425: 35 . 202 .00 - 2555 24- ' 844.60 0g1 94. •' 280 00 68.4320'2404181 • 801 85. 380 00. ..-1332. 72 . 504 00' 119 75 -70:00 ' ...384. 67 . 156.06 • 447 23 248 00. • 268. 29.- 184 Po 69 93 • 40 00 • .e114 10 • • • 70 00 . '4.7e6 01 137000 - .313'56 154.00 , • .314: 12 • • • 160 00 1588- 34 • '.1.454•,00 •• 117. .66 . 354 '00 730 84. 310 00 74-71- ..28 • • :8314 46. 00 , 126 • .' 202. 07 88 00 :23424 • 60. 00 45 00 • 25..00 .25 00 69 81 _30 00- 123 56: • .60: 00 115.'55 .• „.1.03 .56*. . 56 00 42, e9' • 30 00. ' .80 11 : 50 50 166-10 , '8000 135 40 50. 00 ..73 .00 30 -00 ,33 00 -• 2500 3.00 2500 1.20 98 36 00. 111 01 • 60 00' • . Among .the japaeuree constipation is almost tinknoWn. It would ue Ily unknowl in Canada if everybody used Vito Laxative, Fruit Pills, Nat - tire's remedy, eopmesed 'of lierbs,bar- IN and fruits, Mr. rt. P. Reckie, Clinton'druggist keeps them is stock ; price 250. Toronto is appealing atiainst ,Ord -r of Railway 'Commission for the 14- ing out of a street south of the ad- ditional land, to be taken by the V. P. It. along the Esplanade. 11110K EN SLEEP -TIRED NEXT MORNING. . Sleep not only reSta, but builds up ,the body. Cut down tne hours of sleep and you cut down health in the sante. proportion. Rebuilding then ceases, nerves go to smash, you grow tired, weak and wretelicti, To testate sleep you must •got more bodily strength, mare nutritious bi- bod, healthier nelves. Petrozone sol- ves the Whole problem, makes you sleep soteully, Wee. endurance, Vim, anthill/in. No more morning Weak- ness -instead the fire of youth will run in your veins, eimplying abund- ance it eneegy and vigor, Witehery expresses the instant effect of Petro - zone; try it. Colborne Township The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jew- ell -on January, ilth was the scene of .pretty wedding when their daughter Clara wan united in marriage to E. A. Maskell, a prosperous yowl; ter- mer 'of this township, The .cerernony • was. performed at 5.30 o'clock by Rev. J. Yelland, in the ;presence of .0, large number of bleeds and relatives -of the bride -end groom.. Uhl home Was...decorated throughout with ever- greens and holly.- The bride was giv- en :away by ter eelher and wqs char- mingly- attired ht a dress of white edlk, trimmed- with lace end ethiffen„ enul partied a baguet of - fetes- and -white carnations. Little Miss . Lulu Phillips, niece of the bride, KO til attired in brown velvet trimnied with white, • played the wedding The bride was assisted by her': sister Miss Peed who wore a skirt of pan- sy velvet and. white velvet waist tri- mmed with' ribbtin and chiffon,. .end carried a: hoquet of pink carnations. Bert Maskell, brother of the groom, ected "es best Man. The many and emgnincent Presents received showed lie-- nigh -esteem in which the Witt - end groone are held. Antoeg thelre was. a bandsome parlor table given by the -Bentniller Sunday school: Al - tor congratulations andgeed wishes tbm. friends sat down to a sumptuous repast. The rest of the evening ,was e.pent ina social way, We extendio. the young couple our :nest wishes: YOUR WORN-OUT STOIVEAC.V, • What is neededis the strengthening influence: of Dr. Hamilton's Pith - they work marvels where the atoni- aeJi digestion are poor. In ane day the appetite increases and the :whole systemis rapidly strengthen- ed, No stomaoh specialist. could wri- tea better prescription' than DrelIae miltoe'sPills of Mandrake and Bete ternut, . At all dealers hi a yellow box, price nee- ar 1111.0 boxes for one dollar. ' • • • . • • , Westfield. Our teacner, Henry Matrish, Who Who has been. suffering from' &severe celde we ard• pleased to know is able to resume his dutiesin the Sehobl. Wesley Feerietti• Mid a very• valuable ,norse seriously injured •by being kick- ed by its mate- on Sunday - It required a large nundeer of s tit ches'10 dreeve the wound tegetner, Which way seccessfully done by Mr. Ferrow, Who is arnntnieste°rfisalofOtirt ponny Vet • ' Tileqb.rook., b. d. F., -With their wives andsteeet- hearts held their annual benIpeet, „on the „leek jan. .et thc residence of James, Hoover: , ., : . Onee, mere ehe. hind Of death has beet '• laid upon 'one of the memberS .of this community, q'his time it .is little Sainuel ..Jefferson who has been .called trent our InidSt. He has never beer. 'vers.,. sfrong, but he was in the, enjeyinente Of hiet usitel hcaltb until Wednesday or last wek, vlien ite Corn:.; •plained of . being „slightly tir-Avp11, and although he had. the bent :Of care and .tuediCal. attention he gradually , be- came worse, until .10 'ell:clock Sunday night,. when he was 'summoned home! Tee funeral took place.Jan.. • 241h and. Was attended •by.a very large number' 'ef„friende and acquaintances, whn in. this menner expreSses their sympaitY With the . aged father and the brothers and sisters of the deceased=.' .• 7 : , • .1 , SELL_ YOX.TR COLD FOR $1.00 ? . You surely ,won't .stop 'at a dollar bill to e. Cute that ' horrid, sniffeling cold ? Go to any tirUggist and get "Catarrhoioile'.' and. your .eold will be a. thing of thepast. There is almo- %it Witchery in the swift way Catarr- hozone kills colds: . thit when 61,00 consider the penetrating, hcal:ng, and antiseptic qualities :Of Catarrhozone perhaps. -it is riot So 'wonderful.. Cer, tainly. there 18 no remedy half so prompt for colds. and catarrh is Catarrhozone. • Refese • a stibstitete end insist on having only "Catarrho- zone," • • „. The 'strikes in St. Petersburg have' apparently callanaed,' and the major- ity of the workmen have gone tack,. but at Warsaw' the situation, c, calci- nes Very grave.. • f . • In ;,ftine eesee otit of evle:y ten .11.et tire0'eross feeling is 411.e to an ina,e- tiVe liver; the habit of Jetting. t•ihs Will he, Col:te1e-0y oveiponte ;if eoti lake 'Vito Lax one; Feaft PeN; hey cure liver traehle without "proileeing 'any bad effects, because they ate ye. mposed of herbs, Merle. and feels. ' Mr. R..P. Reekie, Clinton, drugg- ist, keeps them in stock, price 25 cents. . . • .‘. To Break off .Driakiag.• The following is.. front an • English papere-The grace of . Gd eirmewer- Mg a deLerneinN1 will Is the great remedy le the ease of enslaving thirst for liquor.. But anything that wi1l. aid in the struggle is of value,. ant, somr e of ,oureaders May know of a victim wko would be helped by this meansliehis struggle with the it,tadly Ita.bit of years. "At a festival at reformatory institution a. gentletrieh said of the bore of theeise intoxicat- lug &Mks. "1 overcame the appetite by a receipt given • to nte by old Dr flatfield, one of those good ohl phyeh clanS who do not have a percentage with a neighboring druggist. When called on him he. said, "Now that you have the moral .eourageo,111 ;tell you the tonb 1 have used with effete among !my friends for twenty 'years." expected, of course,some nasty med. lelne stuff ; but 'no ; IM 'perseribed ' an orange every morning, n lialfehnur be tore breakfast, "Take that' and ytu will heither want liquor or medicine." have dote so regularly and flnd that the liquor has become repulsive. The taste of the orange is in the saliva of my tongue, The News -Record gives ail the news. 0 February 2nd 1905 ood's Sarsaparilla enjoys the dis0 auction of being the arca,. est curative ari preventivo medicine the world has ever known. It is an all-round medicine, producing its un- equalled effects by purify- ing, vitalizing and eneiching the blood ar4 which the health and strength or every organ, bone and tissue de. pend. Accept, no substi. tut° for Hood's, but in- sist OA having Hood's AND ONLY HOOD'S. '••••••••••••••••mairo.......imakresc...ar.1 Hens%11.. Mr. Richmond, distriet maneget of the BeIl Telephone Co., was in town last week, soliciting subseribees for. „. _ . . . _ • a local excha»ge, lie expecte to put inabout, twtrity intents here, besides two or three in Kippen to Le con- nected with the eintral lwee. The eitiiens were pleesed to s/O Jas • Chesney out again last after his. being confined to the house for sev- eral days by illness, lie came out -too soon, however, and has -to stop in a few days longer. • . Jae Caere came to bis nmele r's 1 - -co on Friday night, Tbe "1ati0:, who: • is • 76 years of age, 1.6.s ben confined - to- the liouee as the result of a - sustained some time ago. Joseph re - Canted to Toronto on;ieloinlay.• The. adjourned meeting of the' Pub- lic Library board was held on ,Mon- day • night.. - After considerable. edise eussion it was • agreed that unless tl!e council took action in .the Matter tee • Library will bave lo he dosed, On motion a• petition. was -drawn: np in , compliasce with the ettatute request- e sing the „council to .aSsurne .the libra- ry• and make li a free one', A -peti-- tion 'was also •drawn....'up to 'be signed' by the ratepayers' containingthe saute ' request. • . . .• • N111\ OliS DYSPEPSIA. • Mr.' George ;Bolen, Spry, 'Bruce Oo.; writes ,"1 was troubled with nervous. , dyspepsia- for 'spree years. arid • alteriisihg', nine Poxes or -Dr. Chan.'S •Norve • Food I felt, • .betier aline ,I had for • years. • Dr. Chase's Nerve. Food tee... certainty the best indjj 1 ever - uscd,-a-ndI say ' so. 'because Want, i tR. • dit Wlet give CLC tiis dee. ' ' • e ' '• • • " •,, -Tile clerks ef the • Asseese ent Ike partritent, Toroneo on Saturday pee- Sented Mr. Prod Iiiibbard'. w,"tli a sig- • neiking, previous tb: his Laving to accept the position pi: private sec- • retary to Mr.. R. 3. Fleming, %general. " manager , of .tite TGron to way ' Conipany. •SICK HEADACHE\ This 'distressing ailment resulte .on a 'disordered condition of the s -to Mach. e All that • is ' •nettdc it to effeet a cure is a dose -or tWo of Chamber- Stontacb and 1,i.ver Teblets.. „In face the attack may be warded oll pr .greatly,lessened lit sel,,eritY,' :11Y .• taking •a •dose of these Tablets as 60- 00 as the first symptom•df 'an attack appears. Solh Combe, Clin- ' Pierre.' Laerolki alias Peter Leon- ard Brown' With ratt. away. with Lill - film Valley Of Vankleek Hill, while his own Wife was liVing, withthree childeen,, 11 s suit to the Central.: •PrisOn for One year, by Magistrate • Denisdn 'to -day. • -• Canadian Colper ,Company has 0- tered suit 'against two Chicego capit- alists for. $7+5,000 damages .for .aa a', leged emtentrkey lo wreck thecomp- erI)E.BEsT PiIvs16. - 3 , When\ yoti want a .physie that is • mild and .gentle, easy to lake and, 41 certain to act, always use' Chamber- laie's Slomach and Liver Tablete, , For sale by 1-1,:13.. Combei Clintoe. The British i‘nibeasa.dor. to ' . ersburg. has made fermil Protest'', a- geinst the apparbn tly deliberate pole . icy of inciting Russian public opinion • against Great Britain, and against the attacks upon the 13riiiSh COWL'S at 'Warsaw on Saturday. WAS' CI rRRD A•STIIMA. :!.ir 'first .e.st d Dr. Chasts.myrun of •Lineeed .,end Tuu pentine. with my dee- getter' Who angered from a Severe .• take of astinna. The least' exposure lei• cold would lay' herto.) and • .sho woulh nearly suffocate for . wan t .of breath. I feted eqeadeele,' mei it to be , a most saliefaeloiff treat meet and it eae . ent t rely Cured her." -415e. A. A . ski rk, Roliirtstreete Monet on N. 11. •• • Once mote Field Marshal: °yenta has proveit himself the superior of :Kouropatkin, The mid -winter battle in Maoelturia resulted in a Rfissian defeat, with heavy lo\ssee. General Mistchenko, the famous Russian reae-. alry leader, Was Wounded. CHAMBERLAIN'$ riotr(Iff ninz nnv THE motnEws FAVOR- ITE. The soothing and hettl:us; proper- ties or this remedy, its ,pleasalit tas- te and prompt and pertnati%t Caen have -made 11 a favorite wi tr. pto,de everywhere, It I's. 'especially ;Weed by Inoihets email children, for col - de, eroup mid .veteepiee, /emelt, as always affords (IMO -relief, owl as it contains ho opium or other harmful drug, it nay, he gieen as confidently to a baby ge to an adult. Pot- sate., by 11, IL ConThe, Winton,