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The Wingham Times, 1905-05-25, Page 2
4 TO ADVERTISERS PLANTING TREES. Notice of Outlaws must be loft at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for ()Manges must he left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accep;a'l. Ctrl to noon Wednesday of each v agile It) T.r1l.r,t t; 0 IJ;7a 1 i M t! I' I ES. THE WIh H.R.1,1,'.flTT,I'msp,'Sit lett AND Jew 0': 1s !pa THURSDAY, M N.Y. 21. 1911, NOTES AND OOMMk'N'1S. Mr. P 11. McKenzie, of So+.th Broca, is spoken of by a eowsp`~per correspon• dent as a coining man in the rucks of tbe Ontario Liberals at Ottawa. This is the season when most of the WKS tramsptauting fs done, and a few^ h to remind amateurs tuay be in place. Supposing, that trees and plants have arrived in good condition, the success in great measure dep:+uds upon the soil and the method of planting. 1)o not leave your Meet or planta' exposed to the sunlight. Keep them covered from Thr, married women will not be al. lowed to vote at municipal elections. The Municipal Committee of the Outario Legislature deeided that offhand a few days ago. The husband is yet head of the house. and if the ballot is secret may express his will. irrespective of his wife's wishes although he is qualified as a voter on her property. T1IE W1NGJTO TIMES, MAY Local history of tele e:lhriy Bos. e s trot Th "T me "ries. It Q e s AGoi i1t y TwENTy (From Tun S'1'seneet Times of Friday, Mav 2444d, 18550 It is rimmed in Ottawa tbt;t owing wind and li;;ltt, and plant as soon as pox• to the fluaueial ditliuulties of the Guv- sible, Rave tlse soil well prrparedt erutneut trials noses are to be imposed loose and pliable, and enriched with ter- ou the people. The ituprte siou is that tilizers suitable to the plat►[. Souto duties wilt 1)o reiwpoeed upon tea and plants are not beuefited by the manor') coffee, while the sugar and tobacco tuxes that other plants thrive well ou. Study will be increased. 13y special request our amateur dta- merie company intent) going to. Bfussele on Friday, the 20th fust., when they will give the sante programme as was given hate last week, The town band and orchestra will accoiupany them. Wo be- speak for them a biUnper house. Dr. Tatulyu has ;purchased that part of theprairie formerly owned by 0, Tait St.utt, and R3bovine it thoroagbly 21, 1111.1, TOWN DIRECTORY. .. S 1at . 1 ioe at c sery s 13Ah? TI9T a1lt7R 1I abt 11 a ne and 7 p nt. Sunday School at. 2:80 11 ail, (ltlrwrn1 prayer tneetfng ou Wedn,selay ovuuings, 1tox. J. N, Mo- Leau, ii.A,, shelter. )'.Mint Qoseus, S.S. Superintendent. me I'gopxse a11.i11t91I-Sahbal h serviette at 11 a an and 7 p in. Sunday School at 2:30 p tn. Epworth League every Mon- day evening, (]-e: oral League meeting on Wednesday oveuiugs. Rev. J. R. Untidy, i-1 I.) , pastor. Win, Peasant, S. d. Suietrintendent. Pit'r.sn' rnniut 0111711011 -Sabbath SOP. V1.008 at 11 a m mud 7 p et. t','.uudny Stlto.fl at a:;f0 p General prayer. plant requirements. The best all•rouud Weane'd up sad renovated generally. mooting on Wednesday evetlilige. Rev. manure is from the stable, well rotted. i)..1.sertie, vitiator. L, Harold S S. Su NeatllIteH NEWS. The fishier; season is stere. "What 1 ' The Salvutiou Army are gong; to emu. did you catch yesterday?" nsked an pt'a't'it`:ur1e'11' We will suppose for trees that the plot has btten s sited out, and the hole's dug to receive the trees without crowd- iug the roots. Be retrofit! to have your stakes set prope'ly, or liar's stretched as guiles. Cut all mutilated roots off, place is position a little deeper teens when in the nursery, shake some loose soil along that root shaking the tree at the same time, then press the soil tight agaiust the i:oets, fill in and pack tight. It the soil is dry h can seldom be packed too tightly, but never plaut in clay when wet. If the roots have got dried so that there is little hope of recovery. then the uow process may be tried, viz., cutting ori the roots clean and pounding the soil solidly around it. Of course, the branch, es must be trimmed too, to suit the root- trimtniug. It often helps to souse the roots in a puddle of clay before planting. After plauting, keep the surface well stirred with hand snuffler or hoe, which is batter than watering if the soil is any way damp. The latter applies to all plants and should not be neglected. I have seen trees and shrubs planted with oat pressine the soil, and consequently the earth did not some in close enough ooutactto iudun., the formation of new roots and the nurses -man got blamed for the death of the plants. Iu brief, pack well around the roots and keep the sur- face stirred, and it will astonish you bow plants will grow. The design upon the pestatre stamp in Canada conld be unproved. Earh stamp, according to its valve, should have a Canadian scene., printed on it with the word Canada printed across the face. In this way we conld adver- tise the country wherever a letter was sent, To Canadians, Canada should he first, even on the postage stanip.-Fer• nits, B.C., Ledge. The Oneida Indians of Delaware town- ship near London have just been. award- ed $300,000 itt the United States Court of Claims et Washington. Word was received Tnesdav to that effect. The Indians held land[. in New York State that the Government appropriated ,bout 1841. and for which they were offered the equivalent in Kansas. The otter was refused and tbe tribe of some 800 persons settled in this country. The action has ever since been pending. D. M. Stewart, general manager of the Sovereign Bank, wisely protests against the habit of speculation of late years so prevalent. As Mr. Stewart puts it, the recent slump in Wall street shows "that people ought not to buy stocks unless on their merits, and that even then they should bay them out- right, and not speculate in the market on margin " Mr. Stewart adds that herein is found the reason why bank stocks hold so steady. They are bonght for investment, and .those who hold them need not worry about the vagaries of the erratic stock market. ESTABLISHED 1.872 THE WINOHA11► TIMES„ IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MRNINCa -AT- The Times Office, Beaver Block WINGIIAM, ONTARIO. Timms or SOns01t.i'TLON-x:100 per mature in advtluce $1.60 if not 1x1 paid. No paper diecon- tinuod till all arrears are paid, except at the option of the publisher. AnvierrIS1so RATES. - Legal and other casual advertisements 10e per Nonpariol line for first innertion, iia per line for each eubsoquent fnnertion. Advertisements in local columns are charged 10. ata, per lisle for first insertion, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Sale or to Runt and similar, $1.00 for firat three weeks, and 25 cents for .each subsequent in - Harden. CONTnAOT RATES -The following table shows otir rates for the insertion of advertisements for apeciacd.periods:- menet) operations in Blyth urchin, with. a pole and oyster can, to Sr. Peeves Cannon, Eelseorer.-Se.b• Quectum"' $70 o $40..00 $22.60 $8 uo Mr. John Snider has bought lot 24 another boy. "Just what you'll catch day $ultool at 2; 30 a lu,a Ggneral, raun- nr Quarto ominion..".. 2.00 12.00 17.50 O.tw 20.00 1'1.60 7.60 O.tIU Maitland eon , Colborne, from Sir. Robt. when you go home," said the other wore• ntootiatg ou Wednesday evening. p Rev. Oue inelt 5.00 00o 2.00 1.15 Stewart, for $li (.till, easy, rubbing his basement, And then W vi. Lowe Rooter and S. 8, Superiu• Advertisements without specific bar directions wiB be inserted till forbid slid chargeda oaord- c smt.e as ' ; _ , = d each smiled a sl kly ' d the con t cud int 1 +hu 1 aylor and 1i d Nash i 1y•Tr si lit advert1uemunts must bo psi Mr. Wm. McIntosh, of Mullett, one of d d as,listaut S. S. Superintendents. Pori •advance. Tau Jon DEPARTMENT is stocked with an loft lust week fur Sheldon. Dakota. without a debate. SA.L VATrnN 31tatY-Service at 7 and 11 = ostensive nssortmout of all requisites for print ng an o Huron's ptunuers, and Mrs. Muintosli veutiou slowly aucl solemnly adjourned iug, affording facilities not oquallod 'teethe ---• -- ani and 3 +ted. S p to ort Sunday, and oouutyfo}' turnip -out first close work. Large The recent heavy snowfalls in Mani- toba is accounted a great benefit, not an injury, as many supposed. The area of the precipitation coincided with the limits of the Province with remarkable exactness. The fall extended to Virden, on the main line of the C.P.R., as far north as Minnedosa, south to Elva, on Estevan section, and up to Pipestone, on the Arcola branch. Gladstone was the northernmost point on the C.N.R. to report snow. The Territories experienc- ed not a trace of the storm. J. J. Gold- en. of the Provincial Department ot Ag- riculture, says: "The storm of yestcr- day was one of the most beuefioial thiugs this conntry haq had for many'a day. Snow is far preferable to rain, but not so much for the reason that it is a fertilizer. Ninety per cent. of plant growth is air, and snow falls so imper• ceptibly on the soil that it remains ',00zes, while the effect of a heavy rain- fall is to harden the soil, thus keeping otit the air. When the land remains porous on the surface the air can be as- similated through the soil, contributing most importantly to the growth of the duce the most dazzling effects. INTERESTING STATISTICS. Mr. Lear shut au eagle ou the river every evening during the week at 8 . type and Rpp ropretate cuta for atistylea of Post- PERRONAL 1'.s.RAGRAPBS. ' , ora, HRnd Villa, etc., ssnd the latest styles of heist, u, at L ludesbom last musk, which o t iuulr at the baraaoI e. oggice fancy type for the finer classes of print measured 5 teat 7 incluse from tip to tip Mr. A. Pringle left town Tuesday Pose OF1rr 1 -In Macdonald Block, :iug, of wings. morning for New York city. 011i ie hours from 8 's m to ti:30 p m.: ProprietoELLIOTT uiishor FL Mr. Gilbert Mair has sold his farm of Mr. Tracey, of Listowel, has taken Pater Fisher, postmaster. 50 acres, on the 8th cote, of Hallett of Mr. Ussher's place in the Batik of Merril- Pu.ur;Io L.nRAYX-Library and free !J .PM1>IE berEofthe British M. Medical .P.Aaa plociR- his cuustu Walter Muir, for the sans of ton here. reading room it) the, Tbws hall, will tion. innnniaM. oo diIt.f In Meemen lcliw. Child;al 2,800. Mr, Wan. Vaualstine who has been be 09011 every afternoon Pram 2 it tau. oIlice hours -s1 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 9 p, m. ' At Centralia the other week Thos. residing in the States for the last four- -' 9 0.'O'dl)elc, and rs.O availing from 7 . to J.30 o'clock, MrseOrlando G. Craig, 011oway, a bloowtug youth of 75, led to ten years, was visiting his parents in Morris last week. Hymetres altar, Mies Hopper, a blushing bride of 03. Mr. A. S. Fisher has resigned bis position of Recording Stewatd ut the Wilton Methetnet uhureh, utter having held the posisiou for 19 years. W. H. Young Esq , police magistrate for Balton county, gave three lectures EWA week in howick township ou the interpretation of the clauses tit the Scott Act nod the mode of wrung; it into effeet, The report of the Inspector of Pt nbteu- ti.arb,s of the Dominion for the fiscal year contains s.avcral items of general interest. The average daily population of the p:'uiteetinries during 1903 4 was 1,28e, :ditch was an increase of 5 per cent over the v'etr previous, though less than for any of the seven years previnns to that. The total number itt custody ou June 80, 1901. was 11128,'and of these twelve per cent were under twenty years of age. As to tee nationality of erimin- als, 881 are given as Canadian born, 13.4 canto from the United States, 125 from England, 53 from Ireland, 20 from Scot- land, and a h'si number than twenty frons several other countries. Of the total number, 223 said they Abstained altogether from iutoxicants, 617 were temperate drinkers, and 4S0 drank. to excess. The iutsresti.lg item of the re- ligions affiliation of tbe convicts is given as follows: Seven professed connection with no sect or church: 30 belonged to numerous small soots, Christian and non- Cheistian; 11 were Buddhists; 28 Luth- erans; Se were Baptists; 110 were Pres- byterians; 139 were Methodists; 251 be- longed to the Church of England; and 662 were Roman Catholics. The Gorrie Enterprise says: -So far not a drunken man has been semi on the streets here swuu the Scutt Act came in fuzee. Both the supporters and the opposers of the measure seem deter- mined to give it a trial uow that it has become law. The Goderich Signal says that Wing- ham was once considered the wickedest tOWn in the county, but after carefully going over the ground it has conte to the conclusion that Clinton eau justly claim the title. We wonder what position Gederich holds in this respect? -Blyth Advocate. ItAv11 YOU mast Dr. Leonhardt's Hem•Roid is an internal Remedy that entirely removes the cause of Piles, and cures to stay cured any case no matter how loess standing. If you have Piles and Dr. Leouhardt's Hem Reid *ill not cure you, you get your money back. A tltousand dollar guarantee goes with every bottle of Item -Reid sold. If you want a perfect and permanent cure, ask for Dr. Leouhardt's Hem-Roid. the guaranteed Remedy. A.11 druggists, $1.00, or The Wilson- Fyle Co., Limits'd, Niagara Fels, Ont. Causes. Prof. Simon Newcombe, the astrono- mer, said, at a dinner in Washington: "The simplest eauaes sometimes pro - wheat. Exhausted Nerves Aching Head Three years of suffering - Health restored by seven boxes • of Dr. Chase's NerVe Food. Persistent headaches usually come from an exhausted condition of the nervouseyatem, and rain never be cured uhtil nerve force is restored by such treatment se Dr. Chase's Nerve/food. MISS LAUMINE WaLts, St. Catharines, Ont., Writes: "For three years Isufferedagony with nervous headaches, tad my mavens system was entire.y run down. Though 1 -consulted say" eral physicians, I'got but little relief, Ontbeadriee of a friend/ began using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and it war not long until the spells of dittintssMid fainting had entirelj' gone. I used altogether seven boxes of Dr. Cheat's Nerve Food, and 111inLa now Ido not knew whit it is td hays st headaolta. 1 ,[ansa[ t say too moth in frier of thiel eraditene, far team dole etendtrs for fine sand laved tits many dollars in doctor's bills." Des Cheat's Zs erre Foods the [rest bleed R ']der and mere *-sstorrtire, lie box, at ralltt".,eiNdalMttutsott,Batts& o. Toronto. i end si of Dr. A. .t r(, **the ldtmgnft neap* Seek aulbor, on rtrt "Some years ago I spent the month of August at a friend's villa at Long Branch. "My host, with six or seven of ns, was walking through the garden one day after luncheon, when we came to a glass globe, set half in the shade and half in the sun. " 'Here's n strange thing,' some one said. 'The half of the globe that is in the shade is warmer than the half that is it) the sun. " rltyrpossibleP we chorused rKt"'. "But we touched the globe and found that the glass actually was warmer in the shado than in the sun. "Then everybody tried to explain this phenomenon and the most remarkable theories for it were advanced. "One satd it was an effect of reflec- tion, another that it was ata effect of re. pulsion, another that the s thalatory law -and so forth and so on. "But I had spied the gardener cutting roses, and I called him over to ns. "'Perhaps you,' I said, 'can tell us why the half of this glass bowl that is in the sun is eoolor than the halt that is in the shade?' ''Why, yea, sire,' said the gardener tI think I can. 'Ott see, just before you came out X turned. the bowl Acdund for fear of its cracking in the great hent." s LOCAL NEWS. May flowers. Court of Revision ou Thursday next. The buzz of the hungry mosquito can uow be heard. The smoke of the chip pile ascendeth unto the heavens. Building operations are going on quite extensively this spring. Mr. W. Newton, formerly of Clinton, librarian. Tower Commie Ball, Mayor;' W. .f. Greer, Thos. Armstrong, David but lately a student at McMaster Hall, 1 Bell, J U. Stewart, 15 13 a nett, W. 1t'. Torouto, gave us a friendly call ou Mon- Vnn'tuue. Coaucilldrs; J. 13. leer - day. Mr. Newton has charge of Kit- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson Ds'e (sardine and Ripley Baptist churches dur- Mulondayutuge, eveningsessori. .n eaelhBoard moumethts atfirst 8 ing the present summer. We wish him o'clock. every success itt his work. Did you know that milk which has turned or changed can be sweetened and clad© !it for use again by stirring in a little; soda? On Wednesday last as Mr. Fred Korman's meat wagon was being driv- en along Minnie st. the horse made a bolt and ran away. The young man who was driving was thrown out of the wagon, receiving several severe bruises on leg and face. He had a narrow es- cape. Otto who knows by expgrteuco says if you have a nice, little garden by all means raise chickens. Your neighbors ehiekens are best ones to raise. Yon will find them from 5 30 a. m.. nutil 0 20 p. m., ou your lettuce, onion and flower beds. You can raise them higher with n shot gun than anything else. Mr. Wm. Kincaid, of this town, did some pretty fast work lately in framing the stables and barn for Mr. McAllister, the B. Line. The barn was 46x30, four bents,double beamed studding all round, stable at each end, threshing floor in centre. The buildings were framed in ten days. Mr. Kincaid, the contractor, was assisted by Messrs. McNevin and 3. Doyen. Messrs. Kincaid, MoNoviu & Co., aro ready for all jobs of this dos - Our lacrosse team expect to give a cription and want all the barns and good account of themselves at Walkerton buildings they can got. They are of the next Monday. Success, boys. opinion that they eau afford to do the work cheaper than any one else in the business because they can do it faster. A report from Saskatoon, dated May lets[, reports the death of private Code, of the 90tH, who was wounded at Fish Greek. He is a cousin of Messrs. Richard and John Code of this town. The work of moviug forward the wheel house is being pushed as rapidly as possible. Early morning coustitatiouals are all the "go" it) certain quarters of the town this season. A cricket match will be played at the park here on Monday between the bachelors and benedicts. Ice cream season. Our typograhical imp says he don't know which is the best place to gait, as none bas been sent him to sample yet. Mr. Thos. Beecroft having purchased Mr. 0. M. Nowan's bicycle, his mauly form is ofteu seen astride the two -wheel• ed steed between here and Holmes school house. He will soon bo able to manage the "baste" very nicely. Mr. Thos. 13e11, jr , is laid up at pre- sent through receiving a kick from a horse ou Sunday last. On account of Tom's illness our lacrosse boys will lose a good man on the 25th inst. SOr1oo1 BouRD.-Dr. A. J. Irwin, (chitirrnaiil, Thos. Abraham, 3. D. Long, 1, J. fiomnth, 13. Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd, C.N. Grifliu. Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. 13. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. PUBLIO SCHOOL TEA011nns. A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Coruyn, Miss Matheson. Miss Wilson, Miss Odmmings and H. Manning. BOARD OF HEALTH -Thos. Bell, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, .fohn Wilson, V St, J. B. Ferguson, Secretary; Dr. 3. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer. Mr. Thos. Hessin, a resident of this, town twelve years oleo, but who since that time has been liviug in Clinton, has come to the conclusion that Wingham is "the" business town, and intends mov- ing here again this week. His many friends will be glad to boar of his return. Wood'el Phosphodine, The,areat English Remedy, is an old, well este fished and reliable preparation. Has been proscribed and used over 40 years. All drug- gists it) the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend as being Before and diter, the enly medicine of its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weak- ness, Emdssdona, Spermatorrhoea, Impotency, and allefiectsof abuse or excesses; the excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental and Brain Worry, all of which load to Infirmity, Insanity Consumption and au Early Grave. Price 51 per package for E5, One will please, six wilt cure. Mailed prompty on re' newt of place. Bend for free pamphlet. Address fOHN RITCHIE, The Wood Company, tJ ytlnd.or,orsix Ont, Oanada, -,,GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, )old in W inghlam by A. I. McCall da, Co. A L. Hamilton a.ld Walton McKibben, druggists • Wingham, Ont. DR. MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over W.Meliibbon's Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. T. CHISHOLM, J. S. CHISHOLM M.n., M.D., O.M., M.O.1 .a.o. Mn. M0,OM., MOPS O. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM %Iatnc'a Tomcod tseasor«-" Accordiug to an old saying, the teas.' rod season begins at Augusta, afar 'With the Reseymbling of the legislators. PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETC. Orrroa-Chisholm Block, Josephine street. RESIDENCE -In rear of block, on Patrick St., whore night palls will be answered. DR. ROBT.O. REDMOND, M. R. C. S. (Eng) L. R. C. P. (Lund.) PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office, with Dr. Chisholm. r. rest n G in 1RrtssiR At meeting, a Russian says, "Made:. vultye" ("Good health"); on parting, "Do svidanytt" (French, "Au revolt"); when separating for a lengthened pe" rlod, "ProslltCbaltye" ("Pardons" -i.. e. for leaving you 80 soon). Au Odd )F'1ag, The strangest fing under which mea ever fought is that of the Macedonian insurgents. It is red on one side and black on the other. A Pugnacious Kangaroo. While Chasing a full grown male kangaroo at Reedy Creek, Victoria, sa" local resident was suddenly seized by the animal and ducked repeatedly in the water, being only saved from death by the courage of his dog, which finally put the kangaroo to Sight. Poise Teeth. It has been found that false teeth* were used by the people who lived ift 1000 13. C. These teeth were made o* Ivory and fastened to an ivory plata by means of a fine gold wire. French Smokers. In France there are 6,000,000 smoke ars, and of every fifteen there are eight who smoke a pipe, five who smoke cigars and only two who use cigarette& 'till, the French consume more than 800,000,000 cigarettes a year, or enough to go around the world 500 times it they were placed end to end in a line. " R • VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No commission charged Mort- gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham J•A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &o. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY To LOAN. ;a0ir,non: Meyer Block, Wingham. B0RN. 11a11. -In Wingham, on Tuesday, May 190, the wife of Mr. S. Hall, of twin sons. MARRIED Pugh -Ramsay. -In Wingham, on Tuesday, May 19, 1885, by the Rev, H. McQuarrie, Mr. John Pugh to Miss Mary Ramsay, both of Morris. HOw to Avoid Germ Diseases Strengthen the Stomach and Digestion, and You Will Keep Well. When there is an epideinio of germ disease, and most diseasecd.are,oapse;tt:by'- germs, it is the person ' wtifi• • a Weak stomaoh who succumbs first, People with healthy digestion are ordinary not subject to stakness, and can throw off readily any disease grems that enter the system. Strengthen the stomach and digestive organs with a Mi-o-na tablet before each meal, and every atom of food taken into the stomach will be digested and assimilated, and the whole digestive system made so healthy, clean and sweet that there will be no chance for disease germs to breed. No matter how inhocent a pleasure may be, an excess is always criminal. A guilty conscience it a hell On earth, and points to one beyond. A reputation once broken .nay' poasibly be repaired,but the world will always keep its eyes On the spot where the crAck wee. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. U TRAINN LEAVE ro'a London 6.40 a.rn.... 6.3,7.m. Toronto & East 10.40 a.m6.43 a.m.... 2.40p.m. Kincardine..11.15 a.m... 2.06 p -m.... 9.15p.m. ARRIVE rROI Kincardine .. .6.40 awn -10.40 a.m.... 2 40 p.m. London 11.10 a.ut... 7.85 p.m. Palmerston Li a.m. Toronto & East.......... 2.0s p.m.. . 9.16 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TaAINS LEAVE KM Toronto end East..:..... 6.57 a.m.... 8.48 p.m. Toeswater 1.17 p.m -.10.48 p.m. ARRIVE PROM Teeswster.. p.m .6.57a.m 3.4.1 ro Tunt 1. 111a .1EEpp NNER. Agent,Winwha L3 If you Suffer... with 'pains or distress -atter eating, headache, belching or gases, Weer food, a bad taste in the mouth, dizziness, pains in the heart. specks be- fore the eyes, and a general feeling of despondency and weakness, you should. get well at once by strengthening the stomach with Mi-o-na. Just one small tablet out of a fifty eent box before eat- ing, and your digestive system will be- come so strong that you will be the embodiment of good health and epirtits, and need fear no germ diseases. Ask Walton McKibben to show yon the guarantee tinder which ha sell MI-o- na; it costs nothing unless it cares, L ff1" Mount Sangay is the moat active vol. Cane in the world,. It is situated in Bo- uador, is 17,120 feet in height and has been itt constant activity ulnae x728. 'pho aaundsits eruptions .'aro some- tlmen heard ii Quito, 460 miles distant, and 267 reports were once counted in one hoar. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders for the insertion of advertisements such as teachers wanted, business chances, mechanics wanted, articles tor sale, or in fact any ]rind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, maybe left at the TIMES oflles, This work will receive Oromnt attention and will save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding Advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on apultration. Leave or send your next work of this kind to the TINES OFFICE. WLstgbn,111. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE iiiRT1SE I.Lr HE TIMES ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. 17(T T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST. Beaver Block, Wingham D. D. R. -Toronto University. L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Surgeons. W A. CURRIE, WINGHAM'S AUCTIONEER Is now prepared to nttend the wants of those requiring his services, at a reasonable price. Nn neeesstty or going ont of town for an auc- tioneer. All orders loft at tho Trues office will receive prompt attention. ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. t LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron, Sales of all kinds conducted. at reasonable rates. Orders left at the Tors office will receive prompt attention, Garter Museum. A museum founded at Berlin by Wil. liam I. is intended solely for the ree ception of royal garters. Garters frons the limbs of all the princesses that have been married in Europe since 1811 may be found in this •unique collection, Snake's Big ideal. .k number of coolies working in tb/ Gaya district, India, saw a huge snake fourteen feet long come out of a thick. et, seize a sheep out of a fiock which was grazing and devour R. Papered With )'awn Tickets,. A gentleman in a London suburb bait covered the walls of one of his room* with pawn tickets. It is n somewhat expensive hobby. Each ticket has been precured by the gentleman himself in a legitimate manner, but the articled pledged are, of course, only of small value. • JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Rales of Farm Stock and Implements a specialty. All Orders left at the TIMES office promptly attended to. Torras reasonable. FARMERS and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the Tr,nts. Our large oiroulntion tells aril It will be strange indeed if you do not get acnrit.onter. Wo can't guarantee that you will poll because you may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send your ads ertiventent to the L'fMEs and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles, SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TftADe Meanie Daman* CCP9kllH1 &C. Abyogyne sdn4Itttl all sketch and )dekerition may bAT 9ndcssit lfl tkripprrobnblynr ont ntlt)nb) kk htree Prnd ler, (teal.strtetly onsdential. ill boo b Bute sent ftes, otdedt agency forseeating, ateuts. Patents taken thronan .& h Murat Lo, *solve speech[ matt, *alarm oharg♦, in this $C1011111C )1merIcan. li handso»1Piy Ill'nhtrttrpd iitCKif:ly. 7':nttttlst e frq• c le ,ih fourpm T/in t ,[Leaks eynib tterreen ars. ?OPP &,/tro,3dlar f..New jerk f*tich'tftitf.. l (t L'tt%'nei,tnett0w `Ci The Peacock. 'The peacock is found in a wild state in India, Ceylon, Madagascar and many other parts of Asia and Africa. British Savings. In England and Wales about one in four of the population has an account in the Postoftice Savings bank, in Ire• land one in ten and in Scotland one hit eleven. Long Time Widows. According to an ancient inscription In Camberwell church, England, an old lady nnmed Agnes Skuner died in the year 1409 at the patriarchal age of 119' having survived her husband, Richard Skuner, for ninety-two years. leapt Countess of Roxburgh, who died in 1753, aged ninety-six, was a widow fon seventy-two years. Train Stopped ay Butterflies. 1 A train on the Central Argentine railway has been stopped by the crush. ed bodies of my:lads of white butter' Pies. Oldest English Comedy. The oldest known English comedy id "Ralph Roister Dolster." It was mod- eled on the comedies of Terence, and the exact date et its publication 11 unknown, although it is thought to have been written prior to 1551. Iter author, Nicholas Udall, was one of the masters at Eton college. Human Bones. In the bones of the aged is a greater proportion of lime than in the bones of the young. This accounts for the fact that elderly persons are more lis. ble to bone fracture than young people. The Japanese. Rheumatism seems to be practically unknown in. Japan. A French observet attributes this to the sobriety of the people, their vegetarian diet and their great use of water. They not only, drink Large quantities ot pure water, but take two or three baths daily, throughout the year. 7rJaatinre Ponta. It has been practically demonstrated that posts planted in the earth, uppel end down, last much longer than those planted in the position in which the tree grew. Quite a Family .lass. On It fat stone in Conway chureh'i Wales, is the following inscriptions "Here lyeth the body of Nicholas ylookes of Conway, gent., who 'was the forty-first child of his father, William Hookas, Esq., by Alice, Itis wife, and father of twenty-seven children, who- died hodied the 20th day of March, 1037." The Blood Month. Among the ancient Snxons Noveml ber was known as wind month, of blood month, because they then slaugh tered cattle for winter food. Sergent "Worship. Serpent worsltlp still survives in It3' die, and a snake shrine is said to be as much an attraction in * House on the Malabar coast as a garden in the ease Of a eotlntryhome in the Milted State,; Serpents are, however, most 'nob, treldVe, end unless one Welke noise, lessly and barefooted In isle dark, all .Hiniloos do enakp bila-ip en Izeproba• ble contingency. ».. ... ........i j