HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-29, Page 8THE owErro Dec. 29t11 1901V 12. Here are a few specials for Saturday, last' business day of 1905. We have d theiFst boliclay buOicss have any ;Ord- ow Now we want to clear the last 'holiday.' StQCkai and have :gathered the as,: ends and broken lots together and put on sale Saturdy• morning, marked at ices that should sell every 'dollar's worth. every case, citsSiltity is limited, so the lier you come the better will be your choice. Cushion Tops 35c About 25 Cushion Tops, ° n two alike in the whole lot. . Last ones that are left of lines that ld at 50c, 60c, 75c and $1,00,, clearing them all 2git t Saturday morning at your °Woe for • • ' "iv • cy Collars 75c. , 12 or 15 Fancy Collars , white and cream ,s lett •ones that are left of lines 'that sold at $1.25 Med $7.50. These must be cleared out at once, and they go on sale Saturday morning it Your choice 7 0 of the lot - eollars aneBelts 25c A.hout 26,Latdies' Fancy Coffirs and Bette, the a$t ories that are left of half -a -•dozen lines, regu- •0 Vr 50c. and 60c;choiceof the lot Saturday dkeichiefs 2 for 25c bout three or Item dozen Ladies' Fanoy kerchiefs, scalloped or hemstitched edges, nes that are left of regular 25c lines, Clearing 9• 5c them out Saturday morning at for Collars and 4., .. Four only Collie. white or cream .c;"; ilar $1.50 and 41 <S, a'e k ..a 0 . 15C ouff sets, very dressy, with fancy braid, regu- for SaturdaY• • - • • • • • . • Nte,- anOse Serecn *3,no • . "our only handsome- Jap - pee Screens. .perf eat rood, brand new, regular 8.50, $4,00 and to4.50, Idiot) of the three Satin.- * at • $3.00 •. • :Golf Jerseys ' a .15 Golf Gerseys to sell' Saturday at $1.50 each, ell new goods. this season, ,iecis, whites and fancy patterns; regular $2.25 to $3.00, cLoice: Saturday at each ' • $1.50 • The giinten liew Elia I I" "sen's Altar. FRIDAY, DEO. 20i. 1905. I lattIlex-000R. - A ilolot• Wedding Ceok, Albert street, ou 'Monday hist, took place at the home of Mro. O. 14 I D. l':Egt,,,'rtro.,'QiciTxtialirittnidift°91•Itt 1,111.Ptott. 'I liarecloy, Jail. 4th. liours ie , P.m; •t ,ip. za- customs properly titted; and titu p1 these organs properly treated. , . .. . ., • Local Notlees ,P011' 42),RY .01.0.94e4, (?r,y picked pasibi, wanted, and also dried apples. Iligheat cm& price paid, ' • 0.4.1+.7460.Ar BROS, Chilton action gopics. THE SICK. -The Wife of W. Oild- no ore -la suffering- from a riiild attuak of typhoid.- Miss' Grace Shepherd is conlined to her room, and it is not ++++++++g Local Notes , at high noon, when 117, gas married 1 X4•4/.44410f4+44444444+4+01 1 to Mr. ;Um Guest, a. ii. !SWOON far./ Ldthi'RMOed. Hoare volute several sales of tilittining performed the caremenY, I Musike.al inotriments hi Belgrave '' 10,ot ' mar of onon ownsp, aw. r. ,only a, few close friends beim present outWee • e eontracting parties. Atter 4 wed- Mutual Insurance 0o. will be held at side of the immediate felatives of The annual meeting of the McKillop thI ding dinner, they Iett on the afternoon Seafortb, on January 19. tram for Streetoville and other points, Conductor Collinson, is taking the They will reside here en their teturn, lace of Conductor Smith, who is Off AtoEtritioat-jouissoar.- A veryquiet for 4 couple of week's holiday. wedding took place in St. Paul's church During the year 1905 there were reg-. on Friday afternoon last, at 2 o'clock, istered with the Town Olerk 48 births, when TAY Mu% daubter of Mr‘ /°11° 20 marriages and 45 deaths, . Johnson, was married to Mr. Chas. McKinnon„_. classical master at the Col. A lady in town received a Christmas leglitte'-40filfate.b Rev, Jr. Gonne of. plum pudding through the mails, from notated. %he groomsman was Robert oor friends in the old country, McKinnon, of Detroit, brother of the Thon,as Pedrick, who came from the likely she will be able to restune her reoin, and the bridesmaid was Miss Old COuntry recently, has rented JRS. position in the Model eebool foe some K. Gonne.- The bride wore laer Oooks house on Orange street, de•Yea , travelling suit nflOroWn cloth, trimmed opBsATIONS -,,Mr, 'Williams, of with green. Only the ininiediate rela. Last week Mr. Geo Lavia sold to Mr, Robt Warrenner, for his livery, a very Ansa, Craig, is in the Hospital here, tives of tbe contracting parties were. .h d - • ' . - ' .• where he last week underwent an op. present Immediately after the verb- all. sptne three -seated pleasure sleigh. eration. , Mr. Nichiale, 'of Winglaam, . meny they were chaven to their' al. Mrs. Andrew Porter has .joined her also underwent an. operation here. ready furnished hollie on Huron, St., husband atTecswater : their furniture Both are progressing as well as could where", sumptuous wedding dinner was taken out Vlore- by Mr. W. Wheat - be desired. • • ' . was partaken of. They .afterwards 11001KE1 . - The hookey team to we'Ve.driven to Tiolmesvillet where The G. T. IL has finally made represent Clinton in Goderieh on New they tookthe 5,20 train, expecting thus settleinent"with Mrs, Hall, conceriiing Year's night will be picked from the t� outwit'their many friends in Olin- the death a her son, by the. paYment following players : J. Doherty. IV, ton, who naturally wished to -give of $750 and all costs: • McRae, J. Forrester, 0, McKinnon them a good • send-off. ' In this they The December meeting of the Wo - were unsuccessful,- as a crowd had (captain), O. Moore, W. Pinner, J. men's Institute will be_ _held at the Simpson J. 1Y1cKenzierW. T Doheety,, gathered at Clinton station`, who took home of Mre T. Trick on Friday of C. Shepherd, T. NorSworthy and W. Possession orthe car, -deluging them thisaveek at 7,30 p. ni; Johnston. • • with rice, etc. The bride is well known • As a..foyiner,. teacher in our Collegiate. The annual meeting of the .Clinton thirty couples gathered in the e PASTIME OLUR DAN.CE.-About we leie ion with their niany friends in Horticultural Society will be held in riacious rooms of the Pastime Club on Tueschz .wishing.theta unlimited happiness and the Council Chamber' at 7.30 p.m, on evening last and enjoyed the hospit . 14 me. Wednesday, January 10th. . ity of the ”bays of town, Dancing, Now that the old knitting factory etc , was indulged , in till the wee sina; building is vacant, some scheme should hours Of morning. A number Of out- be devised whereby it can . be utilized; sideri were present, all haying an en- it is a pity to see it standing idle. joyatble lune. . * • - Elliott, when her only daughter, Lottie Mrs Crich, Albert St, who. was mi- ll:LEY ARE LEGION. -This is the Mar, was united in. the bolds of matri. cently taken seriously ill while visiting time.of year when one realizes how IllanY .1a elb-"' E. (349t..10, °f_ (;)11°„ton• in Tuckersmith, has returned to town, many boys and ..girls have sone out *The ceremony was pertoimed by rrey. and though not entirely recovered • is Tioin this hoines' of 701intori to make- •"'"'Ines' , gs . r • , 011 0 1-4, ivin tone of-Wellington-St.,:••-niuorbetteri --------.7.----P'.:' . "' ' ' ''' . •-•:-...:-.. development of this great and growing. her tr vellin suit which was of Mune ' their way in the world and help in the The Sherlock -Manning Organ 'Com. country, To see the , numbers who. come home for Christmas, is the only way one can realm it. • . • TRH KNITTING FACTORY. -The 'Knitting 'Factory practically Closed operations in the old building on Fri- daynight, end the hands start • woi.k in the new and much more commod- ious building. on . Mary -street, next week Manufacturing will now be cav. fled on much more extensively than e pr sep s, te were I (nous formerly,under and etistly, 'showed the este.tkurin which ed to town ; he says the - west is too : - LOCAL OPTION. On the 1st of the yoittig. couple were hein ; among ' cold for. hito. Mrs Townsend is visit- , Bff January sixty municipalities in On_ • them was ri beautiful oak table, giv.en ing inualo at present. . toxic) will vote on Local: Option East by the boys of the keyroom in the 'George Doherty has a beautiful holly Wawanosh is the • only Place in Huron Doherty Organ -Factory, in which the bush growing•in his garden ; it was or - that will vete on it ; there is only one grooin is employed, • and also a beauti- - igitially brou ht-froM the, old. land.. by 'license eranted in East 'WoWanosh, ful silver butter dish given by his fove his gran mot er, and planted in Ching. .' and thisis ot Whitechurch. Grey, Mon, IL B. Chant.' After sp,.-nding a ' uacousy, but. afterwards transplanted Morris, Stanley; ,Ushorne 'and Turn. . week ila 'London . and other -points. Mr: bodily by himself, , bt,rry, town:ship 'councils ' declined to and 'Mrs. 'Castle returned' to Clinton. On 'Sunday, Mrs, McHard,y ;Smith . subinit it. ' . ' ., ..• • • 'where they. will .veside: ,'• ..^', . • had the misfortune to Inee, between EGTEI ,GOOD OVIDES.-Renewing 'WEDDING AT LONDON -Mr. and her Otrn. home 'and Wesley church, a his subscription tu-the•Nnw ERA, Mr. Andrea -Porter, of-Teesvvitter;•S478- " Don't forget' to change my &loess. Air without- the NEW BRA. ann the family:Bible, • my 'chief sources . of in- formation :would - be cut .off.". If our esteemed friend will follow the advice of isoth he will be sure: to Teach the .betterland.. OASTLE,--ELLIOTT. A. quiet but pretty wetitling was solemnized on Wednesday, Dec. 20th, tit No 10 Wyatt St-, Loudon, the home of Mrs. Ellen hroadoloth, with white taffeta silk pany recently presented a Ohristnias to every married man in their cwharigst'antilithderciraulnrYisi,ngenAtehrTilethoefpwahrlioter :mucPkietryand a handson.e necktie: to leaning on the arm of her brother, eN'erY iniii . Miss Marguerite Freeman, of London, Will Eagleson, of Aberdeen, Dakota, assisted the bride,while the groom accompanied by his wife and children was assisted by Mr. . Geo. Elliott are the guests of his father.inMaw, Mr. brother of the bride.After the sign- James Stevens, and will likely remain big of the register the bridal partyre. here for the Winter. paired to • the dining •roolu, where a Joseph Townsend, who moved to ' sumptuous wedding dinner was served. Dakota about a year ago, 'has retUrn- Happy Days, and 111(any,pf Them e FUR BARQA1NS lee Fur bargains /to ' go Mrith. the ttnas stuff Eachis good and well , your c ing after : Grey Lamb Caps $1.99 ; 12 only Ohildren's Grey Lamb 'Cips;,„ well made from first-class skins, assorted shataaetsay .ri.d1 $.90 sizes, regular $3:50 and $3 75, choice Sat Caperii;!es 85.50 "only Caperines, high collar, come wn ea• shoulder, long front Electric 50 4 imitation Sable, regular $8,50, ,,eheicea"- Aar' Saturday 16 • • Ir's Ladies' and Misses Sealette•Gaunt ther palm, well made and ;lined, regal g id $1.00, choice of this lot Saturday at.. • 1 • 4. Last of the_ ° LLINERY . • . are getting very near the end of our Mil - :season. When it does come we want an showroom, for there must not be .one single 'worth of Millinery carried over. Eere are .specials for Saturday that vvill,go a long way • 'ptying the tables. . Table of Hats at ,!,:toc One tabli of Ladies' and Children's Outing Hats and untrimmed felt shapes; last ones that' Are left'of a dinar& more different, lines. There are 80 Or 40 ciri,this table and -you can take' your. 1Oc 0,110lee4m Saturday ritnrnfog (Atha entire lot for • BeAtShapeg 50c, VV'e have abaot 25.of otir best felt SiiRPOS left. re,new` this Season and we are willing to 50e apiece fer.theor, rather than parry thein ' The regular. prices Were $1.25 to $2,00. • re hack's and colors in the lot, ori. Satf MIA thing you take your oheiee of the lot lialf.prite Py Orttrionned ilio you Will want ingloti it. We are a offering our, en. ariey‘Birds and "%Tinge, no Matter trial prise Was. At eXactly iospecially Rho& dues Still left, and hem, you are .Ortainly getting it *Doll Ams, in newest colors, al, hairy and,Roseda, regular 25C INTERMENTS. --Mr., Onslow Crich, the efficient caretaker of the cemetery, has had 69 interments to look after this year; •being three less, than last - •year. Of the • number 27 were adult males, 32 adult females and 11 children. There were also three •removals. The revenue from tlairtcemetery last Yeat amounted 0.1;631.80, enough justify. Inareaso-Vi :the :glary • Of Crich,' who has been a most faith- ful servant, . . A.0.1J.W.--,Clinton Lodge No. 144 elected officers for 1906 as follows,: John Shaw: Master Workman' ; John A. McKenzie, foreman ; Isaac Dodds, Overseer ; J. Cluff, recorder ; F. Fowler, Financier .J. 'I,. Shepard, Trick, inside W. • " ohn Torrance, outside W, M.; J. W. Shea, Medical examiner ; • representatives to Grand Lodge, Edward Welsh and Robert •Vitasimens. ' ' • • • • 1VIrs. W. • Cantelon went to London handsome diamond and pearl brooch ,• _yestercloy-Thursday-to-,•ittend the the finder willbe handsomelyrewarded wedding of ' Miss Estelle Livingstone, oureturning tiaine:.. 4, • datighter Of , Rev. • JameS Livingstone, The G. T.', It; 'deserves credit for its ()Tile L; orimdoirissABds.. ' . Vfermti:errlYth0uf sCtlierrsn't willingness tolielp passenger yeach telle Livingstone, who will reside in division of the litie, three specials were their homes for 'Christi:lure :Son: this Winnipeg after her marriage, will be LIM onSaturday, just for the benefit of A decided. acquisition to-- the literary ' belated passenger. ' ... coterie of that 'city. Miss Livingstone Mr. John Lindsay' is ' now comfort.' is one of the roopt versatile artists who ablysettled in town, and is .1.•at home eier came to this city. As On elocu- tionist, she is in the front rank, and to his friends in his house .on Huron' her dialect and impersonation work Street, any Hine. We trust that he are excellent. She is a splendid vocal- and family may long enjoy their -ist also. • She is easily Loncten's favor- beautiful residenee. ' . ite artist, and will be greit ly I is ed Among the . excellensa display of in the city." • . • pOultry shown last week by it Fitz- -. • --- . , -, • simons.ar ,Scin, were a lot of beautiful 'SCHOOL TRUSTEES. -The vaCan- geese, 80 of which were bought from cies in the School' Board being fille4 Mrs. John Young, Goderich Tp -- who hy the .nominations' last Friday,: the received $45 therefor. - Board will therefore be composed as . Postmaster Scott and his assistant, follows :--Messrs Hodgens, J.. W. Miss Pickett, did not have -much of a Moore, F. Hall, L. R. DohertY,. J. W. holiday on Christmas ; they had an ex - Irwin, John Shaw,...a... Twiner and g. ceptionally Inis week of it, and the Hale. • . . , day. itself was a noost entirely taken op treasurer I F. Bowden, guide : Thomas BUSINEilS BOOMING...6.MT. Doh... . lioPe''easter time on New Year's day. • with work ; they for an erty states that orders for both Doh- erty Organs and Doherty Pianos are, A successful operation for appendi- literally pouring in from all directions, citis was performed on Mr. John Mar - and the employees are putting in ten tin, 2nd con.. Tuckersmith, one day hours'Of good hard work daily, trying last week at Seaforth, by lir. Gunn, of to keep up with the unprecedented de- Clinton, assisted by Ors Scott di MA. inand for these famous musical instru- Kay. The patient is doing as well as ments. . 4 could be expected. WELL DONE. -.In cooneclion with the recent examination of Modelites attending Clinton Model School, it is not it 'Mies to the credit GP the prin- cipal, Mr. Lough. that net only did the entire class of 83 pass, but that 15 of ' them passed will honors. In the past 11 years some 800 Modelites have gone through bis hands, and in every case they all passed 'examination. This is a' record of which any school and any Principal May well be proud, PUBLIC LIBRARY. -Of late sev- eral instances of mutilating magazines and periodicals in the Reading Rooth have been brought to the notic,e of the Boardi-inione case -a -whole: article being torn from it magazine, The Board has decided to prosecute the next offender found tearing or mutilating any maga- zine or paper which is the property of the Library. _ The Criminal Code pro- vides Milne of $20 for such offence. . rewired of $2 is offered for information leading to conyiction. ' FROM Tan WEST. --Mr. John Mut:- deck, of Cashmere, W.T., formerly of Iltillett, in a hitter to this office, sayd : "I intended to write it short letter for publicatiori, in order that my Old friends might know of my where- abonts, but will do it in the near fut- ure giving a description of the way we handle our fruit, ancl also the woatering and cultivation of our orchards, whieh I have he doubt will be of interest to fruit growers." Mr. Murdock's old friends will be glad to hear of him, and the NnW ERA will gladly publish all the letters he likes to favor it with. ACCIDENT. -Mr. Buxton, of the Waverly, met with an uncomfortable •atioident on Saturday morning last. He was descending the cellar steps when he slipped, and put up his bands to save himself. Ile delight it shelf, and pulled it down. on top Of himself, together with three cases of liquor, which earkied him to the floor, the cases falling on his cheat. Ile was 1 picked up uneonatiOUSiand a doctor tatunnioned. At first it was thought he was hurt internally, but beyond a severe shook he sustained to hijuriee, MUNICI PAL -Mayor Hoover has been re-elected lot• caselamation Of the old Conncillo"rs, .,Messrs Wiltse, Ford and , Gibbings „Ave re-elected, While Messrs W. G. Dobetty$ W. J. Pitieley. and S.V.'Graham, are the n Iv Ifkunteillore. There does riots • to he very touch intereet in the as the Clerk had to hustle getenough members to i form the Connell. Mr. , has bad long experience, b reeve of Stariley for a pin The only vets necemot water*orks . b ninateeti bei en religions), hit, three ( lona And 1,4, KINDLY REMEMBERED. -. Mr' I , . • • • • Herbert Webster, ' of Ross. -au, is Glenn Campbell, who has been on the visiting relatives at the residence of 1 sick lisp for some little time, and uti- I M. C. Kaufman. Mr. Webstea his' able to attend to his duties as chair i had considerable experience at min leader, and organist of Willis church, 1 work and carpentry, and has decided' i• to remain' in Clinton, • providing he. was kindly remeinbered by this choir cart procure profitable employment. on Christnoas„showing the good will existing between •members and leader. On Wednesday C. E. Dowding was We are glad to know he is recovering, receiving the congratulations of his though very slowly. - friends on his appointment as manager of the branch of the Molsops Bank in this place. The promotion is not only tatives of tire Home Comfort Steel Range Co., Who haye been here for a deserved, but one that will be heartily • coople of mood's, on Saturday aproved- evening • • . . of • hy-his-friends- and •the- , showed' their appreciation of their manager, Mr. J. W. K. VanNorinan, MISS. Burke, who has held the posi- and his wife,. hy presenting them With a beautiful sliver serviee ; the gift was suitably acknowledged ,tiy Mr. Van - Norman, They also presented P. B. Lewis With a beautiful engraved gold locket. The Steel Range Company having finished he(e, have oloved to Winghate. • ' ' "Ernes eht rof -YltprAorp 11 tseyap uoht sselnu repapswen &tool daer AT • HOME. - The Oddfellows a ton tla,ha tiolit,"? • The foregoing was toad hold their annual. At Home on recently discovered in acme , ancient Friday evening, Tau. 5, and like all " prruins and is supposed eVious events held by this Lodge, it ibe the promises to • be a success. The first eleventh commandment and s easily part of the evening will ne spent translated by ponimeneing at the end in of. the sentente, and reading liack progressive euchre anti flinch, followed br refreshments. after win& a. 'Irfards" did program . will he given; for which some gots:1 outside talent has been, en- gaged. "When WO (10 it we do it well" is an old saying of tea aria thiswill be no exception, SHE WAS ACQM,TTHD. - Mrs. Switzer was tried at ,Mt. Pleasant, Mich„ on FrIgay, for the alleged mut.' der of . Dr. jOhn Switser at Leaton, Sept. 10 last, The couple had quarrel- ed. Mra. Switzer, is wet claimed. WAS jealous of his alleged attentions to other woinear, She Taut left their house the 'morning .of the tragedy, and he had followed het,. • A struggle 'took place 1111 the roadway, en(1 the doctor fill, mortally wounded, a revolver OR his wife' hand having been discharged. Mrs. gait/ask claim. ed that, the shooting *as accidental, as it occuirred in the l.f,rugigle for pos. sesion c 12 the revolvt She had no designs tagainst the Vie or welfare of het hirshand, she Aid, hut. WAS in terror him, n e had beattai her,. s vi len under the in - e 0 "The jury took her ittul eismiesed her, le went about the Pity, elation, She had kisses es for the people who con. er on her aecniittal, and celebratal the happy event round of the stores buy. ucLp5ynig bills. The 'et)utile resided in Clinton,her hus- eniployed at the rano • PRESENTATIONS.- The represen- 'tion of assistant Milliner, with Hodgeps 13 -os., for two seasons; left for her home in St. Thomas on Saturday. Be- fore him departure she was the reciP- fent of a choice preseritfroni the hands of the shop. She goes to Listowell for next season, . In nur item last 'Week referring to W,' E. McMullen, of Elkton, the tic- eidental turning of • a figure 0 upside down made quite it difference in his standing. The standard of it Civil service examination is 70%, and Mr Mc- Mullen attained 98i r cent, which is 1:113 exceptionally gond. The time limit allowed him to drive miles is 7 hours -from 8 0." tn. to 3 to, ire ' P. A.. Malcomson,, barrister, of Luck - now, is going to settle at Walkerton. "Percy" is it native of 'Minton, and will be greatly missed in Lucknow and vicinity, where he has been one of the active and - u8efill workers in the Liberal cause.' While the NniV MU. regrets hio rentcsval, it s.wisheo him abundant prosperity in the county town, . . Among the many family rett-thionS beta on Olirristinas day- WAS one at the home of Mrs, john TaYlor, Ontario St The company AVI15 ilUt large. but represented")four generations, those present being Mrs. Taylnr, Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Cunningham, Of Hallett, the latter it stepalitughter, Mr. and Mrs. David 'Mountain anti daughter, of Hallett, Mr,, Leonard Ho v sou, of NortIrDakot a, (\lis, Taylor's sou) Mrs. W. Whitely, Londeshoto, (at daughter) Dr. Whitely of Gordo, hie brother and his thrite sisters, one of whom is Mrs. .To. Riley, and her two children, the latter making the fourth genera. tion, • • May that which was unprofitable and unpleasant during 1905 disappear with the old year ; and may good fortune, good health and substantial profit be your c'om- p anion .for 1906. The W. D. Fair Co. OFTEN THE CHEAPEST • ALWAYS THE BEST. •'e..)on"tinion Express Orders Ismail, Peloubet's Select Notes for 1906 • 41104011/1101111104111411141011.111101,111040/104/ SEASONABLE FOOTWEAR ---.AT- 7REASONABLIFTRECES: You will make no mistake when you ,come to us. Weareheadquarters for all kinds of. BOOTS: and 'SHOES' RUBBERS. :Quality, style, close prices and ,fair dealing are the. -corner stones on which -our ever-increasing business has grown. We have made special prep- arations for. the Christmas trade. You, will find our stock of Felt Moots, Slippers, ete.,equalled-by few and excelled by none. • .Sole Agents for the Granby and Kant Kraeles 'Rubbers.= -Give th..tm a: trial; they' doil't. cosi any more than ,the i ferfor makes, and they wear much better. • . 7$rgi. yirailtitj41441/Areh,Asil;U:t1.:rtehrey gi.4.,ieemTintsirirees: offer are . '-'7"-THE- OLD' RELIABLE W1VI. TAYLOR fia00110001110 There is a Big Cap Stock here, s an values are big too. No such variety .any- where .near 'hereto' select from. • New and natty: styles, -made roM serviceable material. oughclOse and. : marked to 'gill the same Way.' Many Good Styles 5oc Men's caps, raada from plain eloths or fancy tweeds, hall dozen new and stylish shapes, WW1, triple or sliding bands, all well c ' made andlined,.alisizeti,_extraaraburst_each-,-il wile Better Ones at. 75c Men's Cans, made from plain claire, also fancy Tweeds, 'several new shapes, that are very dressy, sliding bands, piain or with fur lining: which makes a very comfortable cap for driving, are extra value at earth .......... Mc •A Big Range at SLoo Half.a-clozen Asa:main Men's loth Caps, the very newest styles, made from good • quality cloths or fanny • tweeds, splendidai value at each .641 ... . .1.11.•••••11,,111161, • a • •i I 00 BULL DOG PANTS S1.98 VAtre are just about twenty pairs of these Bull Dog Parits left I to sell at.81.98 per pair. When they are gone We wiii not have any more at this price, for the real value is $2.75. per pair. They are made from heavy striped tweed and come in.neat stripes. While this lot lasts ybu can take your choiceefor • 4a ENS Tailing And Men's Furnishings„ . A