The Wingham Times, 1905-05-25, Page 1THE WINGHAM • TIMES. VOL XX.XIY.-NO. 1731. Let's Get Better Acquainted! .We really ought to know eao1 other. It means money in your pooket, and better looking and better fitting and better wearing clothes for you. Order -Your Clothes Now ,... Wbat a flyer time id, A few days or a few showers, then showers and flowers and sun- shiny days and all the glory of spring, You'll shed that winter suit and overcoat shortly or you'll swelter in them: Will you wait until the weather whips you into it, and then hunt up a ready-made in a hurry, or will you take opportunity by the forelock and leave your order now for a made -to -measure snit from the cloth you like beet and have it carefully tailored to fit and ready on time ? Suits, Raincoats, Topcoats, from $15,00 up. - A fine selection of Gents' Fur- nishings always in stock. 11.S.LaIlouiuth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher t- 2 doors from post office. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by PRANK PATEn8Oii, No. 23 Victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnessesrequired. IF WINGHAM. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MAI 25, 1905. Yon have not yet tried this Were with your order for Groceries Do it Now You'll be more than pleased with the fresh up-to-date goods yon can get here, and the prices will be no more than you'll have to pay elsewhere—hi some cases less. A trial order will convince you. We have a number of Hand- some Toilet Sete which it will pay intending purohasers to see before buying elsewhere. R. A1 Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. Phone 59. Prompt delivery. To the Real Estate Buyer, no matter where located : DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Wear Greer's Shoes and Uubbers Goderich-to-: eetrolt Excursion. Tuesday, June: 0th, is the date of the White Star Line =reunion from Gado- rich to Detroit and the fare for the round trip is only $1.00, This will af- ford an excellent opportunity to visit friends in Detroit. Full particulars in adv. on page 8 of his ieaue. WANTED.—A carload of eggs, ata, E. IsARD Co's. 14c trade, i3o Dash. Now is the time o place your order for coal, If you 1 ave your order at J, D. Burns' you 'll seonre the best at lowest prices. I am absolutely sure I am in a position to save you some money, unle.s the circumstances under I can and wilumake it profliableoforoyou to buy through mo. I am in touch with property owners in every part of the country, and have on my lists to -day properties, (both in town and country), that cannot be excelled either in quality or price. It makes no difference whether you want a $50 building lot or a $10.000 farm, I want to hear from you. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANsTONE BrooK. - WINGHAM, ONT. Capital paid up, $ 3,000 ,000 'Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 31644,000 GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Entrance Entrance exam will be held corn The legal teaching Lural schools, 1st half year 89; urban 122, 2nd half year f circular sent out t there will be no pa tion in any of the of history, temperance study and writing. xaminations. °tions to high school enoing • on June 28. days for 1905 are; half year 122, 2nd schools, 1st half year . According to the teachers this'year ars set for examine - sees in literature, nd hygiene, nature WANTED—Eggs-17c trade, 14e cash— full pedlars' prices. We went any quan- tity of choice tub butter, G. E. KING. Won the Khng's Plate. At the opening o II• the Ontario Jookey Club's forth -sixth anneal meeting, at the Woodbine, To onto, on Saturday, Mr. J. E. Seagram s colt, Inferno, won the race for the B tag's Plate in easy fashion. There w.re six horses started in the race. This 's the eleventh time Mr. Seagram has aeon the King's Plate, Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT --Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, And added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. yr.. Vanstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,235,280.00. Reserve Fund, $2,100,000.00. Total Assets, $26,553,840.57. Fon SALE.—A light commercial wagon, with platform spring, for sale cheap. Apply to Percy Hill. Bruce Old Bo The Bruce Old Bi nation of Toronto 1 July 7, as the date coming excursion t agement of the Gra has deoided to so trains, one dentin and the other for cion has become t of Toronto in the tion to hundreds Sunday on the I range to bare thea the date of the ex President— /lox. Wcc. GIIISON' Nice -President and General Manager J. TOatnumi. Assistant Gen. Mbnager—E. M. WATeas DIBIf;c roxte foblt Proctor, Chas. L. Dalton, J.S. Seridrie, Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Dirge. In*ipeotor—B tr4illeaii. SAVINGS GS BANE .. tnterebt allowed on deposltb of *1.00 and up. *km*, And added to principal on 81at May and Seth November each year. et,e,yini Dinioelta ales tesetted At current **tea of merest. W. COBSOU1L D, ,Agent; ino)tiZ fCittIftHOLti&1J , eofioitorr. • Baseball Sweeting, A. meeting of those .- terested in base- ball will be held at he Hing Edward hotel on Friday evening of this week, at 8 o'clock. for the purism of re•orgaaiz- ing the club and getti lg into shape for the coming season. jet there be a good attendance. A. good house to R. Vanstone. The Canada Fe t now located in the ham. Freaks o A cow owned by Shelburne, gave bir days ago, which cis' utes. 'When exam was located in its dart of Corbetton, Wingham Bwsiness College. Geo. Spotton, m inager of the Wing - ham Business Coll •ge. and N. Reginald Fletcher, principa , were in town this week, and have °'ranged to opeu this college on June is in the Shaw block. Mr. Fletcher will se pleased to bave a call from any wh- are desirous of ob- taining a first -claw business education. Special attention t ill be given to indi- vidual instruction The principal will cheerfully give an ' desired information to intending pupil 1: s' Excursion. s' and Girls' Asso- s fixed on Friday, f the annual home - is year. The man - d Trunk Railway id out two special d for Southampton iarton. The exam - largest running out nmmer, and in addi- o are able to spend es, many others ar- vacations begin on nrsion. $700 will buy a six roomed brick house and a large lot; hard and soft water; and good stable. Terms to snit purchtiser. Apply et W. J. Pattison's $our and feed store. rent. Apply to Victo The 24th of Ma quietly spent in S were olased, and oitizene spent th other places w held, ra Day. Victoria Day --was methane. The stores tette a namber of the day in Luoknow and re celebrations were Rosedale Dutch sets tic, yellow Den- ver 13o at T. A. Mills.' OA pleaaing feature is t satisfaction dr Washing Co. is we give in renova ng ether beds and orton Block, Wing- pillows. Why not ve yours attended to ? The Canada Feather Washing Co. Nature. obert Smith, near to a calf a few lived a few min- ed the calf's heart - broat. Wm. Stod- formerly of Shel- burne, is the ownepeof a colt foaled on May Oth which bas me foot exactly like a calf. It tau walk- and is lively, and doing well. LosT—During February, between Town Hall and Dr. Kennedy's office, two valuable rings. Finder will be lib. orally rewarded by leaving them at the TItdES office. At Point Far n, June 3rd. The annual meet/1g and picnic of the West Huron Farmers' Institute will be held at the Point Farm on Saturday afternoon, June 3rsk, 1905. Election of officers and other b selfless in connection with the annual m, eting will be follow- ed by a union pionic of the Farmers' In- stitute and the 'Wet Huron Women's Institute. Theta will be games and other amusements, and a cordial invita- tion is extended to til to come and have a good time at the beautiful Point Farm. Enemies of Bright, cheerful, a strong belief in on accomplish the thin) Mende that Will ii ambitions persons itt in life as possible to and enemies of este se And in many teacher's and in oases it will be fawn that the greater the cost in conn enemy resides With n himself. Morbid nient of the fn thoughts, for a pie, are infinitely service any coif greater hindrances o success than op• from the ptofe= position frons natal e, and no health, no person's contribu beauty, no harmony, idoreal sttocese oan Without interest. etist in the stratosphere of abnormal before getting his melancholy or Mot ,1d ideas. O v'eressnme tions shall be re the enemies to SuWss within yourself to his heirs. Tot and yon wilt have done touch toward cense for the rata reaching the goat 0 i your ambition. paid. COMING.—T. P. Smith, the Eye Specia- list, will be at Walton MoKibbon's drug store Thursday Jane lst—one day only. My son, my daughter in all your get- ting get a basines Aduoation in the Wingham Busines in Shaw block. time. allege. Now open ou may enter any Fishery Rulatians, The following fishy laws and regula- tions, which apply tr the present season, The reports frou' the various depart - will be of interest: -•Dia ono shall fish for, ments of the • Vingham Methodist catch, or kill, in any : sf the waters of the church as present at the Quarterly Province, in one day by angling, or shall Board meeting on hnrsday evening last carry away a greater number than eight were very satisfact ry. Membership re• small or large -mouth ,d blaok bass, four port showed a net ncrease during the ending 78 removals resent membership h League, Sunday Footb II Notes. "Ties" seem to be the order in the Huron District fo ball contests this sea- son, all four team having played draw games. The gam on the park last Fri- day between Att od and the locals re- sulted in each aid scoring a goal. On Friday evening of this week there prom- ises to be an int:resting contest here between brussels and Wingham. This will be the last ga-ne of the schedule to be played here, ai be a large crowd sion, gentlemen 1 d there will no doubt witness it. Admir- o, ladies 10c. WANTED --A good general servant girl wanted. Apply to Mrs. R. Vanstone, Minnie street. Dr. Butler, Fye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 870 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. Wingham Me.tlodist Church. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE CHURCH NOTES. The annual meeting of the .Wingham District of the Methodist was held here Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The General Assembly of the Presby- terian Church will meet In Grand Mem- orial Hall, Kingston, on Wednesday, June 7th. Rev. Dr. Milligan will preach the opening sermon. Mr. E. Viens, B. A., of Grande Ligne, Quebec, qa ill deliver an address in the Wingham Baptist Ohurcb on Tpesday evening, May 30th, on the subject of Protestant missionary work among the Roman Catholics of Quebeo, The first anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the R. C. church at St. Augustine will be held on Sunday, May 28th. Morning service at 10 30; evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Rev. G. R. Northgraves, editor of the Catho- lic Record, London, will officiate at both services. Free-will offerings will be taken. All are invited, Miss K. Morton, evangelist, is con - tinning revival services in co-operation with the pastor in the Methodist Church during the present week. Next Sunday will be the closing service of the series. The services Last Sunday were marked by special evidences of divine power, and Iarge congregations were present at both morning and even- ing services, and many decided to live a Christian life. A very cordial invi- tation is extended to all to share in the blessing of these services. Very dad Death, Death has saddened the home of Mr. Alexander Findlay of Lower Wingham, in the taking awa- of Ws life -partner, which sad event o .purred at the family residence on oridai41ast. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. `.'homes Martin, at one time a resident of Lower Wingham, but now of Manitoba, end wee only in her 25th year. Besides her husband, there are left to mourn ler loss ,three small children, the your Best an infant a few weeks old, and foe whom much sym- pathy is expressed. The funeral took place on Sunday aflternoon to the Wing - ham cemetery, service being conducted at the house and the grave by Rev. Wen. Lowe of St. Pau1't church. Success. ipeful thoughts and 's own ability to ander taken are sure success. The olid learn as early ick out the friends maskinonge, twelve four lake trout. No catch, or kill, in one carry away a greater or brook trout than shall weigh more than no greater number th trout or brook trout, ber weigh less thau small or large-rnauth4d bleak bees less than ten inches in len th; no speckled trout less than six Inc es in Iength; no such as Chentu Itopital, and Missionary found myself specially called." pickerel (dore) less th a fifteen inches in Raley's personal a )conut. The increase length, or no maski -onge less than in the regular missionary offering is thirty inches in length, shall be retained about $160. The .educational and Tem - or kept out of the wate , sold, offered or penance funds are. more than three times exposed for sale or ha in possession; those of last year and the W.M .S. is bat anyone who takes r catches any of also largely in askance, amounting to the fish mentioned • less thau the 898.73. The Ladies' Aid have raised minimum measureme t named—which $503, and $1,500 hes been paid on the measurement shall be f om the tip of the mortgage of the dinrch. The mortgage nose to the centre of it—shall return . bas been reduced during the past two such fish to the water rom which it was taken, alive and uninj red. The sale and export of speckled tro t is prohibited for a period of five years provided, how- ever, that any pers n from a foreign country, fishing fn t waters of the Prnovice, and applying for and paying for an angler's permit, nay,upon leaving the Province, when the same are accom- The thrifty house delights to have sweet clean oomf able beds. If you have any feath eds consult the Canada Feather Washing Co. at Wing - ham about them. NOTICE—I have arranged with the Dominion Bank to manage my business and all owing me on notes or mortgages, can pay principal or interest at any time after falling due, Remember you need not pay until yon are requested to do so by me. I thank all those who have done business with me and wish you all every prosperity. Roar. MoIINnoo. w Teachers. ickerel (dote), or year of 16, notwithd tie shall fish for, and 6 deaths. The y by angling, or is 546. The Epwor umber of speckled School and Junior u the aggregate splendid progress, ten pounds, and sionary lines, the n thirty speckled League reporting ongh said num. missionary givin ten pounds. No School of over 520. ary contributions over $600, besides . Presbyterians the world over during the past week celebrated the 400th anni- versary of the birth of the great Scottish .lr• reformer, John Knox. Special refer- ences were meds to his life's work on May 21. His wonderful work of teach• ing the Reformed faith in Scotland places Wm amongst the very foremost of Pro- testant preachers. In these words did John Knox sum up his work:—"For, League have made considering myself ratber called of my o, specially along Mis- God to instruct the ignorant., comfort 4. Senior and Junior the sorrowful, confirm the weak and re- 3 o increase of $50 in buke the proud of tongue and lively s and the Sunday voice in these most corrupt days, than The total mission- to compose books for the age to come, I r the year amount to • decreed to contain myself within the 72 for special objects bounds of that vocation whereunto I 1 Yes, it's a Kodak And this is Kodak time. We ale sellillh ,Kodaks and supplies. AI1McCaII&Co1 LIarITED. Druggists and Opticians WINGHAM, - ONT. 4 •i••yg••3••1.4•••TH.+3••i + i i•✓r q• : i• + •' WE BATE COME TO STAT * 4. NOW OPEN ,. In the SIIA'W BLOC ti or The WINGHAM + + Bos1NEssCflhLEGE + 4. .t. Three Courses-- .41. Co„unerelal, 4' Shorthand and Typewriting, 4+ Telegraphy. 4' • + An ofbcient staff of tenehei:s have ,�1, been engaged. who will take up perman- ,I, 4, aliNigl,t reyt alga tdeneees. in the town. .I, 4' ,1 For further information address t'r At the conven on of the Ontario Educational Assooi time held in Toronto last week it was p °posed to discuss a new plan for ti» snperatnuation of teachers. In brief the proposals are:— Males shall receive pension at 65 years, and females at 60 Years, the pension not the average salary. fund shall be cam - Ors, the rate of con- i tribution being a' follows :—Three per cent. on salaries d $500 or lees, 3 per cent. on salaries f om $500 to $750, 4 per cent. on salaries f¢om $750 to $1000, 4;,1 per cent. on salar es from $1000 to $1500. Any teacher rete • ing more than $1500 shall not contrib• to or receive apension. The Provincial overnment shall con- tribute annually 'rom M to 1 per cent. of the total a nnal salaries paid to tors and shall bear tion with the manage - If after six years' butoir shall withdraw on, one half of such ions shall be returned If a contributor diet limestone his contribn- ed without interest disability shall be ;a of all contributions Pensions to exceed 70;s 01 Contribution to th pnlsory on all tea paned by )rim, take wWh him the lawful catch of two days' fish. ng. The follow- ing fish cannot be ten between the periods mentioned, bole days inclusive: Bass and maskinonge, 15th April to 15th Juno; pickerel, 15th kern to 15th May; speckled trout, 15th S :ptember to 30th April; salmon trout aid whitefieb, 1st November to 80th Nor3iner, 1, WANTED. --At once, partner for Real Estate and Insurance Business; mast be a hustler. Apply personally to C. J. MAouI$E, Real Estate Agent, Wingham, Ont. An Exclusive Perfume "Good" perfumes—the common sort—are sold everywhere. Voiande The exquisite perfume is not coin - men in any way and can be obtained only from ns, the specially appointed agents. It is delicate, delightful and snaitesttve of well-bredness just the kind to suit persons who are a bit t articular. We should like to show alton Mckibbon DRUGGIST, WING HAM. Next *loot to Post Mee. One of the saddest tragedies in the history of Ontario occurred in Toronto last Friday afternoon when a 13 -year-old street arab named Josephine Carr stole a go-cart and its baby occupant from a lane near Eaton's store, while the baby's mother was making purchases in Eaton's, took the cart and baby to a steep railway years from $6.00C to $1,400. About $600 embankment and rolled the baby over was paid on the r •gau fund, paying off . the bank, killing it. She hid the body the balance of thft debt, and a note of ' in a culvert, but consoience - stricken $200 which has bleu running for a num- : took it out and informed the police. ber of years hast iso been cancelled. All After telling a great many lies to shield herself, she finally confessed the acro- - cions deed. The murdered baby was nine months old. other funds of t} factory conditio vited to remain a church are in a satis- The pastor was an- other year. You will enjoy in having your teethe the Canada Feath Wingham. alt nd comfort by eds renovated by r Washing Co., at 1 am now ready to do paper -hanging, painting, etc., promptly and guarantee satisfactiion. All orders left at R. Mooney's tin shop will receieve prompt attention. Geo. A. Phippen. Special Meeting of Council. A special meeting of the Town Coun- cil was, held on 7tonday evening, at which all the meribers were present, except Councillor Armstrong. Mayor Bell in the chair. Mr. Wm. Rowson interviewed the Council in regard to a renewal of his lease of waterpower. He wishes to make some improvements to the flume and to put in new waterwheels, and asked that the lease be made f.r a term of years, in- stead of from year 7o year as at present. The matter will be considered at a future meeting. A. commnnicatio: was read from the Canada Furniture Manufacturers, stat- ing that they were 1irepared to enlarge the Union factory by the erection of a 'l' three-storey brick milding 64 x 70, in consideration of width they asked that 4. the total assessinett be Stied at $15,000 a4 for a period of ten ).ears, and that the t council discharge unpaid balance of + $1000 due next Octcner on account of ,'ll+ chair factor" loan. 4. On motion of Co>s. Greer and Bell, ized to prepare a by o the ratepayetta 111E- 1 the Canada Fnrni- )roperty at $25,000 , providing alto ed building and of hands. 4+ the clerk was autitoi law for submission ing the aseteesmeat tore Manufactures for period of ten Company erect prt increase the nulnbei On motioti the c blaW for the p tension was left ov adjourned. inaideration of the used Waterworks eIt- r, and the cennell t GEO. SPQTTON, • Manager. 4. Wingham or Listowel. -i• 1. N. REGINALD FLETCHER, Principal. +elle. •bd•d•€•,H.1.4•.+..3..1.•i•3•q••L•.ge1• PICKED UP BY THE WAY. Plant flowers, Beautify your residence. Get in the baseball game, boys. The excursion season will soon be here. Why not give the town park a suitable name? Keep off the grass; and don't cross the lawns. The rain of last week saved the water- ing cart. What about a weekly half -holiday in Wingham during the summer months? Planning for summer holiday outings is now in order. 1 1 1 1 11.4.4444d•+444. tletel4*+4••b4.3•++.1-i4444••F4.4.3.3••1•+++ 4. Wingham's Leading Shoe Store 4- 4, •q1. " •i TAN = 4• 4• SHOES1 4F 4: 4• 4• d• Yes, Sir, Tan Shoes will be very popular this season. They Wont Stay Down Men Will Have Then There has never been a Shoe that has met the requirements of general wear in the Summer time as has the mach abused TAN S1:IOE. it is cooler, easier, and it looks more in keeping with Summer than a Black Shoe. There is a breezy', summery sug- gestiveness about a Tan Shoe. We have fine lines, in the most stylish shapes and the correct shades ta Men's New 'ran Shoes at 1 4• $2.50, 3.50 or $5.00 Oxford Ties or Blucher Cut. All sizes and widths. AEA W. J. GREER Shoer to the People. .w..... See us for Trunks and Valises