HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-29, Page 5Poo. 296, TROT LoaoN bIEW SBA. locorPareted l/c Ac t el Perilement 1855. .Capital Paid IJ 000 Reserve , Fund , , . , . ,, $3 000 000 Wu, Mor.sorrAliaVirminatar, Prealdent. 8.11, Awn°, Viee-Preeident, • • Jona IS'ora0T, Oen. Manager. FARMERS' SLENOTEScashed or collected. - DRAWS on ill±'peints in the Dominion. Great Britain, United States, andAllif_kreign Countries, bought and sold atbeet rates, DEPOSIT REQ-4.kri:S issued and highest current rate of ' interest al- lowed, ' • ADVANCES MADE to Farmers, Stock Dealors, and 13usiuese Mai at • lowest rateS, and on most favorable terms. Forty-eight branches in the Dominion Agents ali over the World. 10/X,YOMS*1)111Palit'rlilENT. Deposita of 0.00and upwards received. Interest allowed from date of deposit compounded nalf,yearly and added to prinoteal Julie 80th and December 8Ist. • • Illobetst eurcent.Rate. CLINTON BRANCH Niue Combs:Block. • C. DOWDING, • Manager. • • • ve N evy ree To our Customers and FrIen,ds •.• A Happy and Prosperous New Year to ' all W. H. .11E LL.:YAR.; JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN; Opposite Town Hall, pik9W, s: mwwwwwwwwmuommowiwimmaw Watch for Our Weekly Specials P' Every week for the last two *months we have been advertising a SPECIAL LOW -PRICE - on .some particular line, and a great many_customers -have .. ;.ssv taken advantage of it We purpose continuing., to en. ' do so, and it will be to _y_o_ur.....adYantag_e_ to watch for them. • . • OUR SPECIAL for, Saturday and all next week. WILL BE Gtanit Teakettles "—AN:1)--"' • . G ranite Dippers. Harland Bros St „.„ Hardware oves and ' 51,111gTON ANYVIAMMAIMMAPIA M110.00 Witt Attitertionstato Stray Pig. Sow Pig strayed front subscribers prem. hes, e medium -Sind white sow, thin, 'bore hair, 'bort. teil, Finder will be reweaded on returning lame, or Ovine inforatatiog au to whereabontl, 0. MIDPIMTON. ROI The endenigned will IteoP for *Pyles the American ana Canadian registered Hem ford ball—Proud Duke, Terms $1.50. Also young Hereford stook for ea% as any time, E.L. FARNHAM. Lot 11, Con, 9, Hallett; Com/tame PA Good Rouse for Rent • Tbe hone on Princess straitbelonging to the estate of the late Mre, Whitely, is offered to rent. Every convenience for °Wintry family. Also for sale, privately a Quantity of household furniture, Apply op premien. • * To the Electors oi Goderich Townolup, • • LADIES and GENTLEMEN. -1 have nerved you to the best of iny ability for the Ian three years as your Reeve, and I cord- ially thank you for the support that hoe been given me. Ae I am again a candidate, 1 ask for your vote and influence, anteing you that my very best efforts will be devot- ed to the interests Of the township, Wish-. _ing you all the compliMente of the season, • I am very truly yours,, • • JOHN ISIDDLLTON. ANNUAL'IREETING; • .The Annual Meetrnaof the members 'of the MoKiliop Mutual Fire Insurance Corn - pay, will he held in the Town Hall, Sea - forth, on FRIDAY, JAN. 19th, 0906, at one o'clock, p.m., for the purpose of receiv- ing the annual reporte, the election of three •_Directore,and other.business for•;',the - goo& and welfare of the Company. The retiring Directors are J. B. McLean, Seaforth; Thos. Fraser, Brumfield and William ' Chesney, Egmondville, who are eligible for re-alestion. THOS, E. HAYS, Seoy. I. B. MoLEAN, President, Choice Farm. for Sale. That &stolen farm, comprising the E 'hl of lot 29, con. 3, Stet Wawanoeb, 1,00 sores, one -and -a -half storey frame house. 19a 28; with good SUMO cellar and kitchen 17x22; good bank barn 52a60, with 'stone • stable; 18 scree of good timber and ions of orchard. The " land is in good state of cultivation and is all seeded down, eieent about 22 scree, Well watered, good well and never-failing-sprinc creek. With. in easy reach of .church, sohool,tpost dace and railway station. For terms and Maher particulars apply. to RIDOUT. & HALE, Real Estate Agents, Clinton, or to • , JAMES MIITCH, on lot 28, Auburn. Annual General Meeting ClIaltod llorlicultdral Socktg The annual general meeting of the Olin - ton Horticultural Society will be held in the Councilebanatierron Wednesday, Jan- , nary 10th, 1906, at 7.30 p. m., for the par- • pose.of electing officers and doing ail other businesspertaining to the society. ' THOS. COTTLE, A. POTTER, Clinton, tiec., 28412., 1905. •. 4Ik 40v410 • We thank all our many friends for their generous patronage during the past ear, and wish them a very and Pros erous New ear. ,. • MMWAMPAPYMPARMA and .Fixtures. R. W. SCOTT, late manager ofhe Seek:14h Electric Light Plant, 7,bas • opened, in Seaforth, itn•Electric Supply Store. A full line of Fixturesand Elec- tric supplies kept in stock and marked at 'bottom prices. , • ' * Wiring of stores or houses done in the most approved method and at mod- erate prices. All orders promptly at- tended to. • A postal to me wili bring prices or .a call. R. W. SCOTT, Sealorth: • • 1. B. tiotsver. • Nellitou 8411 Every branch in our line is ,complete, you can get any article produced at this store. Our Pieties. bring The Trade Our personal supervIsion, goes with every pur- chase and satisfaction is gua,ranteed. tINDERTAKING Night or day coots promptly ottintded to ,41 Batter Factory. . The annuaigteeting of the ehareholdets and patrons of the Holmesville Cheese•and Butler Manufacturing Company will be held in ligilleon's Hall; •Holniestille., on • • Friday, January 6, 1906 at 2 o'clock m., /or the purpose ofelosing up the business_ , ',FURNITURE .: FOR 'PRESENTS I diaveMorris Chairs, fancy Rockers small Tables 'Whale Cabinets Pictures, • Easels This roam oth store is filled with beautiftil goods suitable foi:prespnts. We rens Cliairs. etc. \Ve offer great value in Parlor Suites, Couches, Or.ientai,-Rugi; Mats, and Art Squares.. • To maketlils. immense stock move .cirtickftwe have marked every article • J CHEL.LEW th argest Furniture Store in the County. , ; • ; - Our wool Blankets, selling at $8.50 per pair;some cream folannelette,,1kaw was 8e, now 60; a good stock of Flannelette Blankets; Misses hOotls Warm a . . •••••••••••••••-salsi.•••••••••••••••i..-00041.0 o o o cosy,; at 50e each. Be sure and see our stook in every line. A trial order wi convince that you get your money's worth. We can save you a good per 114 KINNON' 4'00. • BLYTH on Coal 011:Canada, p.W::, 180 per.gai,.; 20e, , .+ • '. '•.. • • • • . . MfMANWPWRAAM.' • A SMALL puRoa A SE . ..... , , . • • • . . . ' Is. greatly . appreciated; we are always pleased to fill s i orders. If not convenient to come yourself, send With, y .neighbor for goods you need. . , • ••, • 1 Men's all -wool hoine knit Socks, from 86c to 50e per pair;i, men's itll- hi:im-knit Mitts, from 35eto 50c per pair ; men's Scarfs, from 25e to 50c e men's four -in h d Neckties20c 1 I: . le 0 Our priccs for produce is the lead: , SPECIA Roll butter Fer lb. 20c. • New laid 'eggs 22,0 per doz. Bright Dried Quartered Apples 04O per lb.' . Highest price paid for all kinds of fowl, • 4 of the past year. The election of °Moen for the current year, and the transaction Of any general business. The buiterniiik for the coming Season will be put up at • auction; and also the contract for supply • of in at.the same time. A large attend. am is hoped for. JAS. CONNOLLY, Brea. , C2ZIAT."'' Se"Yfl*lweaydle, Deo s We wish all our customers A Happy and prosperous ,New Year • • Ri)11ER1' . _ • • • From now till January lst, 1906, we will sen Ladies Cloth Coats,a,t 4 slaughterprices, They are coats. that were left over, and not strictly up- , • . to date, but all,good coats, soon are long, others are medium and short 6 4 lengths, some have large and others medium sleeves. They will be sold • in three lots at different prices. Every coat. Lutist be cleared out before January lst, and we have Marked them at prices that, will do it. • • Ladies andilisses' jackets and Coats, made of beaver, tweed and homespun, in black, brown and grey, original prices were • $2.50, $3.50 aliA $4.50. Your. choice for. .. • Ladies' Coats,Made of beaver, vIcunna and tweed, in brown, • • LC)T 2._ ..._— 50c ' s+ black and navy. in different lengths, regular prices Were • $6, /Wand Si Your choice for - ' 4,1 00 ....,-......- nr, 0 III 3 ...•••••••••••••• ft, Ladies' Mantles. made of fine beaver, kersey and homespun, in il. • • fawn, brow ,n grey and black, in different lengths, the pric- es . es were. $7,50, $9 and $10. Your choicefor... , . .... ...... ,flia-50 .. These are rediculously low prices, but the goods must be sold he - fore January 1st, no matter what sacrifice. I • , , • I it Christrna.s Groceries —gualtigkdoikPettittlriret GgStegeemr, °junta cora WO ▪ Figs. Dates, Shelled Almonds and 'Walnuts, POultry Dressing, Mixed Spice, Icing Sugar, * r Eictraols, Lemon. Citron and Orange Paola, Prunes, etc, , 4 # . .• a very Waisahypav11. ileetitvr:ycuesatto.M.rerasaartaad, 1 1111APPY .. by making some purchases out Of oar. • eintnee to be tliat•way, and help othe some stock of goods. They need to . '• - to be fully appreciated. Nothing$ • • lasting articles, such as Lamp, Fla ,' NEW YEAR - and Saucers, Vases; Fruit 101sItes, Frames, Looking Glasses, Dolls, Ban . . , . . . and *all sAskfor a ca .11end lars, Handkerchiefs GIoves, Ribbo o cheap; 1,011CleSbOrO,EMpOthlill • - lr"h' *lb DECgoth, iixt, . K. Ada McKINNON .8L , BLYTH • $ 4 I To the idillICIPS • 14.)'.B!#,ito.n' The People'S Qrocer • Phone „ • 111111111101111.11 Dr. Scott ,is sending you circulars pointing outthe merits of his Stock Food. You will find them worth reading,. We have all his preparations --Louse Killer, Blisters, .fleave Cure, Cough Cure, Healing and Ointment. Morrell & Iiolmes, Londes To Ni: Years Shoppe Christm,as, igos, is now numbered with th I;ut will be remembered by us with fond ,recoll the volume or busineskdone by us having far our expectations. Our stock of Holiday 6 been replenished, and -those Seeking New Y will benefit by seeing our stock before buyin NEW WATCHES, RINGS, T PEARL BROACHES, CUFF BRACELETS, CHAINS,, EBONY GOODS, CHIN AND SILVER -PLATE MANTLE CLOCKS, ETC, In fact, there is hardly anythi thought of in the way of a jewelr "man that is not here. All goods sold by us engraved fr '100011111041APPY NEW YEAR WE