HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-29, Page 5Poo. 296, TROT
locorPareted l/c
Ac t el Perilement 1855.
.Capital Paid IJ 000
Reserve , Fund , , . , . ,, $3 000 000
Wu, Mor.sorrAliaVirminatar, Prealdent. 8.11, Awn°, Viee-Preeident,
• •
Jona IS'ora0T, Oen. Manager.
FARMERS' SLENOTEScashed or collected. -
DRAWS on ill±'peints in the Dominion. Great Britain, United States,
andAllif_kreign Countries, bought and sold atbeet rates,
DEPOSIT REQ-4.kri:S issued and highest current rate of ' interest al-
lowed, ' •
ADVANCES MADE to Farmers, Stock Dealors, and 13usiuese Mai at
• lowest rateS, and on most favorable terms.
Forty-eight branches in the Dominion
Agents ali over the World.
Deposita of 0.00and upwards received. Interest allowed from date of deposit
compounded nalf,yearly and added to prinoteal Julie 80th and December 8Ist. •
• Illobetst eurcent.Rate.
CLINTON BRANCH Niue Combs:Block. •
C. DOWDING, • Manager.
• ve
N evy
To our Customers and FrIen,ds
A Happy and Prosperous
New Year to ' all
W. H. .11E LL.:YAR.;
Opposite Town Hall, pik9W, s:
Watch for Our
Weekly Specials P'
Every week for the last two *months we have been
advertising a SPECIAL LOW -PRICE - on .some
particular line, and a great many_customers -have ..
;.ssv taken advantage of it We purpose continuing., to
en. ' do so, and it will be to _y_o_ur.....adYantag_e_ to watch
for them. •
. •
OUR SPECIAL for, Saturday
and all next week.
Gtanit Teakettles
"—AN:1)--"' • .
G ranite Dippers.
Harland Bros
„.„ Hardware
oves and
' 51,111gTON
Witt Attitertionstato
Stray Pig.
Sow Pig strayed front subscribers prem.
hes, e medium -Sind white sow, thin, 'bore
hair, 'bort. teil, Finder will be reweaded
on returning lame, or Ovine inforatatiog
au to whereabontl, 0. MIDPIMTON.
The endenigned will IteoP for *Pyles the
American ana Canadian registered Hem
ford ball—Proud Duke, Terms $1.50.
Also young Hereford stook for ea% as any
time, E.L. FARNHAM. Lot 11, Con, 9,
Hallett; Com/tame PA
Good Rouse for Rent •
Tbe hone on Princess straitbelonging
to the estate of the late Mre, Whitely, is
offered to rent. Every convenience for
°Wintry family. Also for sale, privately a
Quantity of household furniture, Apply op
premien. • *
To the Electors oi
Goderich Townolup,
nerved you to the best of iny ability for the
Ian three years as your Reeve, and I cord-
ially thank you for the support that hoe
been given me. Ae I am again a candidate,
1 ask for your vote and influence, anteing
you that my very best efforts will be devot-
ed to the interests Of the township, Wish-.
_ing you all the compliMente of the season,
• I am very truly yours,, •
.The Annual Meetrnaof the members 'of
the MoKiliop Mutual Fire Insurance Corn -
pay, will he held in the Town Hall, Sea -
forth, on FRIDAY, JAN. 19th, 0906, at
one o'clock, p.m., for the purpose of receiv-
ing the annual reporte, the election of three
•_Directore,and other.business for•;',the - goo&
and welfare of the Company. The retiring
Directors are J. B. McLean, Seaforth;
Thos. Fraser, Brumfield and William
' Chesney, Egmondville, who are eligible for
re-alestion. THOS, E. HAYS, Seoy.
I. B. MoLEAN, President,
Choice Farm. for Sale.
That &stolen farm, comprising the E
'hl of lot 29, con. 3, Stet Wawanoeb, 1,00
sores, one -and -a -half storey frame house.
19a 28; with good SUMO cellar and kitchen
17x22; good bank barn 52a60, with 'stone
stable; 18 scree of good timber and
ions of orchard. The " land is in good
state of cultivation and is all seeded down,
eieent about 22 scree, Well watered, good
well and never-failing-sprinc creek. With.
in easy reach of .church, sohool,tpost dace
and railway station. For terms and Maher
particulars apply. to RIDOUT. & HALE,
Real Estate Agents, Clinton, or to • ,
JAMES MIITCH, on lot 28, Auburn.
Annual General Meeting
ClIaltod llorlicultdral Socktg
The annual general meeting of the Olin -
ton Horticultural Society will be held in
the Councilebanatierron Wednesday, Jan-
, nary 10th, 1906, at 7.30 p. m., for the par-
• pose.of electing officers and doing ail other
businesspertaining to the society.
Clinton, tiec., 28412., 1905. •.
We thank all our many
friends for their generous
patronage during the past
ear, and wish them a very
and Pros
erous New
,. •
and .Fixtures.
R. W. SCOTT, late manager ofhe
Seek:14h Electric Light Plant, 7,bas
• opened, in Seaforth, itn•Electric Supply
Store. A full line of Fixturesand Elec-
tric supplies kept in stock and marked
at 'bottom prices.
, • ' *
Wiring of stores or houses done in
the most approved method and at mod-
erate prices. All orders promptly at-
tended to. • A postal to me wili bring
prices or .a call.
R. W. SCOTT, Sealorth:
1. B. tiotsver.
• Nellitou 8411
Every branch in our line is ,complete, you can get
any article produced at this store.
Our Pieties. bring The Trade
Our personal supervIsion, goes with every pur-
chase and satisfaction is gua,ranteed.
Night or day coots promptly ottintded to
Batter Factory. .
The annuaigteeting of the ehareholdets
and patrons of the Holmesville Cheese•and
Butler Manufacturing Company will be
held in ligilleon's Hall; •Holniestille., on • •
Friday, January 6, 1906 at 2 o'clock m.,
/or the purpose ofelosing up the business_
I diaveMorris Chairs, fancy Rockers small Tables 'Whale Cabinets Pictures,
This roam oth store is filled with beautiftil goods suitable foi:prespnts. We
rens Cliairs. etc. \Ve offer great value in Parlor Suites, Couches,
Or.ientai,-Rugi; Mats, and Art Squares.. •
To maketlils. immense stock move .cirtickftwe have marked every article
argest Furniture Store in the County. , ; • ; - Our wool Blankets, selling at $8.50 per pair;some cream folannelette,,1kaw
was 8e, now 60; a good stock of Flannelette Blankets; Misses hOotls Warm a
. .
•••••••••••••••-salsi.•••••••••••••••i..-00041.0 o o o cosy,; at 50e each. Be sure and see our stook in every line. A trial order wi
convince that you get your money's worth. We can save you a good per
114 KINNON' 4'00. • BLYTH on Coal 011:Canada, p.W::, 180 per.gai,.; 20e, ,
.+ • '. '•..
• • • . .
. ..... ,
, .
• • • .
. .
' Is. greatly . appreciated; we are always pleased to fill s
i orders. If not convenient to come yourself, send With, y
.neighbor for goods you need. . , • ••, •
1 Men's all -wool hoine knit Socks, from 86c to 50e per pair;i, men's itll-
hi:im-knit Mitts, from 35eto 50c per pair ; men's Scarfs, from 25e to 50c e
men's four -in h d Neckties20c
I: .
le 0
Our priccs for produce is the lead: ,
Roll butter Fer lb. 20c. • New laid 'eggs 22,0 per doz.
Bright Dried Quartered Apples 04O per lb.'
. Highest price paid for all kinds of fowl,
• 4
of the past year. The election of °Moen
for the current year, and the transaction
Of any general business. The buiterniiik
for the coming Season will be put up at
auction; and also the contract for supply •
of in at.the same time. A large attend.
am is hoped for.
C2ZIAT."'' Se"Yfl*lweaydle, Deo s
We wish
all our
A Happy
and prosperous
,New Year
• • Ri)11ER1'
. _
• •
• From now till January lst, 1906, we will sen Ladies Cloth Coats,a,t
4 slaughterprices, They are coats. that were left over, and not strictly up- ,
• . to date, but all,good coats, soon are long, others are medium and short
6 4 lengths, some have large and others medium sleeves. They will be sold
• in three lots at different prices. Every coat. Lutist be cleared out before
January lst, and we have Marked them at prices that, will do it.
• Ladies andilisses' jackets and Coats, made of beaver, tweed and
homespun, in black, brown and grey, original prices were
• $2.50, $3.50 aliA $4.50. Your. choice for. ..
• Ladies' Coats,Made of beaver, vIcunna and tweed, in brown, •
• LC)T 2._ ..._—
50c '
s+ black and navy. in different lengths, regular prices Were
• $6, /Wand Si Your choice for -
' 4,1 00
....,-......- nr, 0 III 3 ...••••••••••••••
ft, Ladies' Mantles. made of fine beaver, kersey and homespun, in il. •
• fawn, brow ,n grey and black, in different lengths, the pric-
es .
es were. $7,50, $9 and $10. Your choicefor... , . .... ...... ,flia-50 ..
These are rediculously low prices, but the goods must be sold he -
fore January 1st, no matter what sacrifice. I
• , , • I
it Christrna.s Groceries
—gualtigkdoikPettittlriret GgStegeemr, °junta
cora WO
▪ Figs. Dates, Shelled Almonds and 'Walnuts, POultry Dressing, Mixed Spice, Icing Sugar,
r Eictraols, Lemon. Citron and Orange Paola, Prunes, etc, , 4
. .•
a very
Waisahypav11. ileetitvr:ycuesatto.M.rerasaartaad, 1
1111APPY .. by making some purchases out Of oar.
• eintnee to be tliat•way, and help othe
some stock of goods. They need to .
- to be fully appreciated. Nothing$
• •
lasting articles, such as Lamp, Fla
and Saucers, Vases; Fruit 101sItes,
Frames, Looking Glasses, Dolls, Ban
. . ,
. .
. and *all sAskfor a ca
lars, Handkerchiefs GIoves, Ribbo
o cheap;
1,011CleSbOrO,EMpOthlill • - lr"h' *lb
DECgoth, iixt, . K. Ada
$ 4 I
To the idillICIPS
• 14.)'.B!#,ito.n'
The People'S Qrocer
Phone „
Dr. Scott ,is sending you circulars pointing
outthe merits of his Stock Food. You will
find them worth reading,. We have all his
preparations --Louse Killer, Blisters, .fleave
Cure, Cough Cure, Healing and Ointment.
Morrell & Iiolmes,
To Ni: Years Shoppe
Christm,as, igos, is now numbered with th
I;ut will be remembered by us with fond ,recoll
the volume or busineskdone by us having far
our expectations. Our stock of Holiday 6
been replenished, and -those Seeking New Y
will benefit by seeing our stock before buyin
In fact, there is hardly anythi
thought of in the way of a jewelr
"man that is not here.
All goods sold by us engraved fr
'100011111041APPY NEW YEAR