HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-29, Page 1R
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wan a% la
?-1\TE* YEAF
"''`F 111Err
Ilir-W11," -7 Thw
We wish a11 our readers a :Happy and Prosperous New, year,
n ma's.
Strbscribers are urged, to make their
renewals promptly, and thus avoid the
loss of any copies of the Herald
Esraamesneu 1866
ea I I 1111M11111111%
. For small amounts use a
Sovereign Bank
Mone 3w ()rder.
Payable anywhere. No blanks to
fill out. Receipts given to purchas-
ers. Issued at the following rates:
05 00 and under, 3c
Over 5 00 and up to $10 0c
" 10 00 and up to 030 10c
" 30 00 and up to 95015c Mr. Geo Calimbell, who is attending
Over 050 Drafts issued at best rates. the Commercial College, Tempt°, is
home for his holidays.
RtffilitallCOS sicn, ate to al.le epointsep 470
holidays, from his school in. Toronto.
Mr. William Baird is home for his
"Transfer. Bilis of Exchange sold on Dr. Peter McEwen, of Detroit.was
all Foreign Countries visiting his mother last week.
Mrs. Lloyd and her daughter Nettie,
were. visiting at Mr. M. Lloyd's on
Miss Brown, of Blythe is visiting - at
the home of Graham Bros. this week.
. Mrs. Jas. Cameren and her son jas.,
MI. 'le ieteeiee. NON! of Teeswater, are visitieg athe home
. . _ .
Manager of Mr. N, Meeregter dng %Samos
Miss Gaeta Brown, *• of Tiverton, is
this week.at the home of Mrs. Mc-
George Pearson IS spending the
Ohri4ma;s holidays at the home of his
friend Mr. Alfred Cook, Belgrave.
Are You Souk Molloy My?
Richare Robinson has returned from
Souris, Nan, where he spent the past
Mr. Joseph Hayterand,his neighbors
of Stanley, are bus' hauling brick for
a dwelling he intends erecting next
• The Messrs, Snowden Broteehave at
'present a stock Of eighty pigs in their
possession, and we would like to hear
from another stock dealer in Huron
county, who can break their record,
F*E1ONALS.-Mr. Hugh. Gilmour, of
Moorse Jaw, and Mr. Peter Baird, of
Pasqua, arrived from the West .1a,st
Ofo 41/4. Sovereign Bank
.1 Wedding Gifts
Are you in doubt as to what you
shall give, ;if so, come to us for
atisistance. Our experience may
• be of some use to you, and our
ample stock of suitable presents
in the:newest styles of
and Pansy China
Is complete at this season of the
year. Our stock was never so
large and well assorted.
15k NedilogRings - best qualify
A. J. GRIGG, _ _ _
,ri. Jewelergand Optician.
• Marriage Licenses issued
WiLL HE sonvivei-The genial Thos
Fraser has received a blow from which
it will be hard for him ' to recover.
Strong, heroic and even corabatative;
it will require all his reserve power .to
survive the ordeal through which he
is passing., Bad as it was to be defeat:
ed in his contest for the Doniinion
Parliament, that was something that
could be borne; but to be deprived of
his government *Mee and its inemense
emoluments is something he did not
anticipate and under which he will
give way P The Whitney Govern-
ment has conaelled his commission as
WEDDING BELLs.-A very pleasant
event took place at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Robinson, .Goshe..
Line, Stanley, on Wednesday Dec.
201h, when their second daughtine
Onderleh Towneltelp aullett
Mr. wed Tehelutt, ee ,eerineeeee Mrs, Thos. Godlein, of Mordele, Men.;
;Tent Xmas at his home here.
• le visiting old friends: here. ,
Mrs. 3 , C. Little has gone on a visit
Sas. 'Thom. Detroit, is spending the
'to he sister, Mrs.. .1' East. Orangeville,
holidays with friends on the 16th con
Miss Sinclair, of Souris, Man., is on /VIOL Glew, of the 3rd, has been
ad extended visit to'her brother, Mr.• quite ill Nith tYPileld fev'Pr t we ere
Wirt. Sinclair. glad to know he is improving,.
Many friends will sympathize deeply
W; Lobb had the niiiifortune.last' with Mr. George Oarbert, . of the Oth,
week to lose a fat heifer -choked uy a • •
in the loss of his eecond yolingest
piece of tuielip. • ' child, it bright little girl nearly two
- •
Miss Lizzie Richardson, of Clinton, Years old,' who died: nu Saturday frorn•
spent Christmaa at the residence of scarlatina.
Mr. John 'Smith,. Hullettenis quite it number Of Mani. •
C. A. Telibutt, Principal ot Dungen: telea visitors around here at present.
non public settee', ccindizeted service vies. Godkine (Miss Ady) was the first,
veryaeceptably atEbenezeeonSunday. alto then :Kr:, and Mrs. Robert 11:
k n e„
NEW' SECTIGN.- The ratepayers of Manning,Williain Coo
the new selaool section, as .per notice, James Haegyard, and leh^s; Haggyard,
met on Wednesday last and. e'ected VERY ILL. -The ine,ny friends of Ur.
trustees the tollowing V. H. Teem, Themes Carbert will regret to learn.
yeare, and W. 'Sinclair for one year.
Thr • °don will be known as S.S. No.4.
for three years, J. :Burns for two that he is now °endued _
Tit on Loewe To B-Cortregar. ineproved,
for, but :we regret to say he has net
illness, and an iinprovernent was hoped
st of the tinte. He has had a leng
to his mote
•Xt is said that a petition has been: cite •• At the close of the .egelar work on
belated and signed, asking'that an ex- Friday afternoon, the trustees and
pert auditor examine the bookeof Mr. pupils of S., S. No. -8 presented J. E.
Joseph Whitely, treasurer, No one Robertson with two handsorne gifts as
•has the 'slightest suspicion that there tokens Of their appremation.oflue,ser4
le-theleast irregularity tell% Icideed," Weep as telineeneeduringehisAyegeye
and it is regarded as 'rather officious 'aniong them.
that any such step should be suggested Smoot. MrieeiNie4The annual meet -
WEDDING. -- Another • interesting ing of ' the •ratepayers Of B. S. No.
event also took place On Wednesday,: was held on the 27th lea. The fee.for
Dec. 2711e. when Mies Ultra, eldest non-resident pupae- waelefte the same.
,daughter. of MrPW. :Perdue, arid Mee • The contract for supplying. the' weed
Bert Lindsay were. united in the holy Was let to Mt. Brown tit $2.30 a eterd.
bonds of matrimony, Rey. Mr. Sted- J. Vedder' was elected trestee in place
men being the officiating clergemare o. Rapson, retiring.•
Both , the young people arepopular FARtf RENTED.--Afr. 0 Berebridge,
residents of this to mashie', and have who for fourteen years hos been a ten -
the best wishes of 'all for their future ant on the Thos. Moon fartn, has•
prosperity,: . . rented the splendid 180 -are Eiden of
WEDDED. -.-At high noon on wed. Councillor MilIs, on the boundary, for
nesdey, a quiet -.wedding • was solern- a terra of five -years, at $500 •per yeat.
nized at the home of Mr. Williarn Mac-- Hegets possession • tn the spring. Mr.
Math; Goderich township, when his Betobridge is.aegodd' tenant. We did.
third daughter,' Lottie L.,. 'became:the 1101 leaen. What brit''•Mi1I intend to 41'1
A very suncessful public examination '
wile of Mr. Nelson W. Trewartha, the
popular trikalier of Halmesville,* The was held at S.'$. Now 5, Hullett, on the
bride, who was unattended, was eery Mist. Notwithetancling the persistent
becomingly attired in cream silk eoli-rain,. a large crowd gathered,: The
enne; and carriedbridal roses, -1 . After 'neighboring .schools were'repreriented.
the.eyedding .breakfasb,.. Mr, and para. by Mesa* Robertson and Lowery and
Mss C. , Huston. At -the 'close;
Teewarbha left or Ailsa Craig and
othee. points,, :On -their return the program' consisting of SOcati
reci tit -
tions, dialogues, etc:, was tendered by
the pupils; whic.h appfeelaTeCiiiid
much enjoyed by all present. . •
. Mmxrerea.ri.--.Contrary• 'to , eXpectit-
Oen there is to be a contest •in tithe'
township,' both for- the .reeveship • and
for Council, Messrs' McMillan and
Moon are the candidates for the Reeve-. •
Ship ; •bothare eble,well qualified men,
and Whichever is successful the toWn-
ship isassured of a geoctrepresentatiVe:
Three old meraberit of the Council
geek re-election, Messrs • Mills, McCool
, and AUL while Messrs James Leiper
and John Bark are new aspirants for
thuhicipal honors.' •
will be et.home to theirfriends at Wi -
Margaret was united -en marriage to
Line,. low GroveePartn, Hormesville. •
Samuel J. Erratt, of Babylon • •
Stanley, The ceremony was perform- *EnteeNG.A very pretty Wedding
ed by Rev. A. H. Brown, of Varna at took place on Wednesday, Dec.
six o'clock in the presence of the ire. at the residepce of the bride's brother,
mediate relatives, after which a very on the Bayfield Line, when Miss Emma
dainty wedding,sup er was partaken Beacom, daughter of .the late Jemes
Beacom, became the .wife of Nelson
Yeo, a prosperous and popular young
farmer of this township. The cere-
mony was ' performed at 6 o'clock, by
Reit. T. 'O. Stedman. Tae bride, who
looked charining in white chiffon, and
carrying a boquet of white carnetions,
.was supported' . by, Miss Yee, sister of
of. The company t en repaired to the
parlor, where the evening was spent) in
McLennan's music and social entertainment. The
best wishes of a host of friends follow
the bride and groom to their new home
on the Babylon Line. -
Smoot. REP0mm-1%e following- is
the December monthly report of. S. S.
Before making your ,
purchases, it wouldlpay you to
-see our stock of Confectionery
Fruits and Groceries.
We have Mexican Oranges at 15c it
dozen; these are not like the usual
cheap Oranges sold at this season, but
are sweet and juicy. California Naval
Oranges from 25c up to 60c per dozen.
Floridas from 25c up to 30e. Almiria
.Grapes 20c per lb. Figs 5 to 20c per lb
Chocolate Drops at 15c,or 2 lb for 25c
Mixed Candy, 4 lb for 25c
Stewart's fine Chocolates, very large
assortment in boxes and bulk. Boxes
range in price from 25c to $1
French Cherries
We have all kinds, such as Almonds,
Pea nuts, Brazils. Walnuts.
We have everything to be found in it
first-class G rocery,and as this depart-
ment has been added lately, you can
be sure of having your orders filled
with first-class goods of the very best
Leave us your Christmas order for
Oysters, which will be filled with
fresh stock and measure guaranteed.
Everything sent out is guaranteed to
be as represented. and mouser refunded
if customer is not satisfied. Goods de-
liVered promptly to any part of town.
Successors to R. McLennen
open Dag
New Years
We are giving special bargains
in Group photos Xmas day
You Will never regret having a
Family Group taken. Do not
miss this chance of securing
artistic photos at low prices.
,sTu ctiNT N
No. 14, Stanley, names are in order of . while the groom Was as -
the groom
merit. . Sr. 5th -A. W. Johnston, sisted by groom,.
Beacom, brother of the
Mary Johnston, Ida Dinsdale. Jr. 5th leeide. The young couple left at mite
-Edwin Gemmell, ' Eleanor Hood. te_r_tthweifehneeew ohfoitihme,irfolloanwyed6bientdhee.
Sr. 4th -Jean Grasse*, Noimanjanes.
The bride has been 'a member of the
Jr. 4th -Etta Jarrott„ Jas Jarrett,
Murray Fisher. 3rd -Ada McBmith,_ choir of Cokes church and a Sabbath
echool Worker for nmumter of years,
John Kehl, Sarah Rathwell. Sr, 2nd
A. 11. Jones, Lola Rathwell, W. Me. and the numerous and .beautiful gifts
Beath. .Jr. 2nd -Allan Fisher, Her- Of vihich she was the recipient show
bert Kehl. Pt. 2nd -Anna M. Hood. the high esteem in which she was held.
Pt. 1st -Ida Rathwell, A McMurtrie, WEDDED.—e. fo1 '
lowneg from an
McBeath. The best spellers,in the MTh
Exeter paper, refersto a- popular
monthly spelling matches were :-5th. young man of Goderich township:-.
Albert Johnston •, 41h, Jean Grassick ; The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wood,
3rd, Oda McBeath ; 2nd, Lola Rath- of Elimyille, was the scene of a very
well. pretty wedding nn Wednesday of hist
WEDDED. -A very interesting'event week, when them eldest daughter, MSS,
took place at the home of Mrs. E West, Alice N., joined hands in wedlock with
lake. Sauble Lind, Stanley, ;on ,Wednes- Mr. William L. Lindsay, a prospermis-
day evening, -Dec. 20th, whenler only and much respected lariner of near
daughter, Miss Rosa L. became Ahe Clinton. The bride Wore a pretty and
bride of Ed. Talbot. The bride looked dainty white • nestinner while her
very charming in a costume Of shot travelling snit was of grey: The dere-
mony wateperforined by the Rev. W.
taffetta silk. and was. assisted by Mies.
Florence Turner, who wore a becoming H. Fair at mgh noon in the presence of
costume of blue voile, and the groom about sixty; invited.guests ,The inter.
was ably supported by Mr. Alf West- °sting ceremony over, all sae down to
what might be justly termed a goad
lake. The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Mr. Steadman, of Bayfield. After old English dinner of the most aeprov.
the ceremony congratulations were " of eVle provided for the occasion by
, say
extended, all repaired to the diningthe bride's motherand needless to
room, where an elegant spread was all participated in the choice . and
prepared for the guests, and who were wholesome delicacies 'most heartily..
ably waited on_by-Miss EthelWatsonThe _present s formed a magnificent.
and Miss Katie Campbell, assisted br Array, comprising articles of use and
Messrs Ezra Smith and Edgar. Magel. value. e happy couple took the
The bride's presents were nutterous • eyeniBThe
train at Exeter fortheir future
and costly. The guests numbered
horne near Clinton. rhe bride is oopu-
about sixty. lar in social 'circles and the best wishes
of a host ot friends will be extended to
the young couple for their Putties
'Kinabalu ' haeopmess and prosperity.
WANTED.- lam Mink, $5.0.0 rash for !,; NomiNATIoN. -The nomination at,
prime ell kinds raw fur bandied. .
GEO KING, Whelhain • liplmeeviller was attended by it very
Mr. J. D. Long has sold his laundry large crowd of intelhgent ratepayers
business to Mr. Geo, Dentrer, of ' Brus-
of Goderich township The nornina.
tions for Reeve and Councillors were
sets, who is now in possession. Afti taken. Mr. John box was called to
Long has not been enjoying goo the Ethane and the meeting oommenced.
health and will take a rest for a few
months. Reeve Middleton explained the liabili-
ties and expenditures of the past year,
showing a balance on ,hand of over
Foundry .Compatty of this plate re- $1,100. The seeeral Councillors ex -
givenappealed against a judgment plainecl their expenditures. Theft are
given against them hie the case with
the Gurney Foundry Co., • on the r.and Mr. James Johnson forite a 'number of aspirants for the
geound that the damages were exces- Reeveship. CountiCooncillor Cantel-
sive, but the Court has dismissed. the On being present, explained the fight
appeal. The case arose out of some
he put up in the County Council for
employees of the Gurney Co, leaving valuators to be appointed for the re -
them to work for the Foundry Co. valuation of the County, and showed
AN OLD RusiDENT-An otd and very that Goderich township and Clinton
highly respected resident of kV ingham had been paying niore than their share
passed away on Sunday in the person of taxes to the County for the lase
of Mr. John Robinson, aged 80 years. twenty years, and cemplInaentad the
Mr. Robinson had been ill 'foe oily ae Ootuicil On being unanimous in their
few days with pneumonia, tie hut decision to send Reeve Middleton to
been Inlay during the last week trim- his assistance, and their success in
ming up the shade trees around his having valuators appointed, showing
property and caught tokt when pneu. that the change that Was coming in
monia deVeloped. Deceased VMS11 na' force would make it difference to God-
tive of Ireland and Came to this country' erich township of from $800 to $1,000 a
Many years age and settled in Turn., year.. Tates were considerably higher
berry township. . . this year, but on account of this reeving
'Mori &m
no, -Among the questions being made in the County rate, the
to come before Wingluun people at the tax will next year go back to the sane
Wreathing municipal elections IS the low rate, as 61,000saved is $1,000 made,
important ono of the Istablishment of Mr. Cantelon is a very clever speaker,
a High School in IN/Ingham. Att pr. and explained everything that he was
sent the nearest High. schools to the asked in a very clear and intelligent
place are as follows r -Walkerton to the manner. When asked if he knew any -
north, 21 miles ; Clinton to the smith, thing of the trouble between Uolborne
28 miles Listowel and Harriston to and Goderich township, lie said he
the east about 80 miles and' Goderich knew all about it from the start, as the
and Kincardine to the west, 20 and 32 transactions all came before him, and
Tam respectively. It appears to be showed up ereryeckarinye the disInorti,
the general .opitilon, that Wingehatt able way the o or Immo a
with it population of aboot 8,000 Shout acted, While it was -,adrnitted by
be included itt the High school ben. most of the eateDaYers present that
Mr. Middleton explained satisfactorily
Corrlo sn the transactions of the COUtleilf
1 # those familiar with the eireeutistancee
DI/or/4M nnA.D.-41r, na..4 '3' knew he could have claimed more ore&
Carrick township, son of Mr, ind
Doig, dropped dead on Thum* it for himself in eontieetien with the
day at the iullorning fariti Of hie grading of the hill leading to the
brother.irelit,W,L Mr, John inglis. De• bridge, had he bee° disP°6ed to d°15°,
and but he Modeatly refrained. Mr. Mid-
tatesa RW. witsidine'etrulefibl'ititelicxlheY1 rya:: darilertnhehrade heocindeaegeilezfgotrcettyaetatah
Penner& Institute meetings will be will re`et
held at Dungannon, on UM (Ur And
Slythi on entievtia,
We do not hoid ourselves responsible for
any opinions tnipressed under this head-
ing -Eo Nsw EI1A, .
To the Editor of the New Era:- •
Sen. -There was a lot of talk about
high taxes before Nomination day, but
not a word was said that day. The
Council expected a, „ walk -over this
year, but are disappointed. Taxes
were forgotten,. but not , opposition.
There is a contest, and brought on by
a few only. Mr. William Mon, (of
whom I am it personal friend) who
denied being a Candidate for •the
reeveshiup till Thursday, has, I am
afraid allowed himself -to be made a
tool of by 'piddles who may throw him
over another year to carry out their
Purpose. if he had stuck to his own
opinion there would-be no contest and
he would probably have got the Reeve -
ship by acclamation another year.
Your,. AN ELECTOR. -
To trie Xditor qf the .Neto Era
Bni.-The nomination proceedings
at Londesboro on Friday last disclosed
the fact that we have in the field two
contestants for the Reeveship, Mr.
McMillan our present Reeve and Mr.
Wm. Moon. Although'Mr. McMillan
has only been our Reeve for one year
yet no one could iisten to his able ex-
position -of the with --
out realizing. that the municipality
has in its empleY a wan of exceptional
ability, a thorough business man, who
hes at his finger end every detail of
the work. The fact that during the
past fifteen months over five thousand
five hundred dollars has been expend-
ed upon necessary permanent bridge
works, besides discharging every other
obligation, without increasing the rate
of taxation over,one mill on the dollar
above 1904, should cause every rate-
payer to realize that he is a Worthy
servant to whom anyone might well
confide their own private affairs. Mr
McMillan has not only a local but
provincial reputation and without say-
ing anything disparadtrik of Mr Moon,
the ratepayers of the Township of
Hullett should feel.proud to have such •
it man in their midst and they will be
honoring themse,ve,s and serving the
best interests of our Municipality by
returning again AasttAtAyhrevirrREnev
e. e.
The report concerning rety resignation
in last week's issue is not eorrect. Nev-
ertheless, met charge of this perish will
in all probability terminate soon after
the time indicated in that report.." -
Yours sincerely. A. H. ERODES.
Last week a sister of lifIre. Geo, Ladd,
-Who has been living in Michigan, and
whom she had not seen for twenty-
five year's, made her a visit. Together
they left last Week on a OhristInaa vis-
it to friends at Norwich,
A, "Selowlint."-A. very in
event will take place at the Methodist
parsonage this evening. It is not a
wedding, as many might naturally
suppose, but it prelude thereto, and is
known ea& ''shower," when the happy
couple-to.bo are likely to receive a
number of useful heusehold articles,
The Christmas service was held on
Sunday last, itistead of On Christmas
dity, and at the close Lite Sacrament of
the Lord's Supper was dispensed.
'Until the nev school can be built, it
has bon deckled to make use of the
Orange Hall. The election of trustees
will take plod° next week, awl the In-
spector has ino)tlise4 to seetire it toaeh"
er, so that it is e rioted school Will
open in the new Sect ft at the regulae
lappen . • CosbOnte•
• .. .. ,
Miss Traqnair has returned frOmfa TE egeens.-S, S. No. 8 has secured
visit with friends on ,the Thames Reaae". the se "ne V, of Miss Willisonas, teacher.
Mr. Kettle and. Miss Moore, of Lon --She -co ,c24,from the county, of Essex
don, are renewing .old acquaintances tul •is highly Teem:amended. Miss
here,, ."Crawford has been re•migaged as
Mr. and Mrs. Thos McOlymont are , teacher of S. S, No. 1 ae an Increase of •
spending Christmas holidays with . salary, She has done good wet* as et,
their darigh tees' in Loecion, . teacher, her services areeyidently ap-
• • Messrs Albert and Roy. Alton, of.. peeciated, Miss Murray, a student of
Belfast and Lanes respeetively.„-svent Kincardine Model School, has been. eR.
Christmas in the home ofMr Jaime -ton. gaged as school 'teacher at Crewe for
Ufromiyielfeersebiaw' 0,esuittesrke.n:iaasrtrivwepelexlte; mtee thicsopmplisnlIgilYpeaBriTH._it is our:palia• ful
looks . well, his many .fiends here are duty to record the death 'en Wednes,
pleased to see him. ,
Miss Aida and Messrs (Aeries • and son of : °nit o rt nil fen gi aotfe EAmooranads CorriistIttlillaaww,,
George Dinsdale, are Speediage their Air. Christilaw had not been complain..
Christmas vacation -with their uncle ing c f anytrouble and went to bed on
and other•friends near Parkhill,. ,Teesclay night, apparently: in as good
Miss. H. Sianieron, who has . been health as usual, but during the night
teaching in Lakelet, is borne again ; his wifenoticed him breathing heavily.
although earnestly solicited to teach She riammoned assistance and the doe -
longer, in her late school, she has., de- tor WAS sent for, but to no. avail. Mee
cided to take it rest before .attending Ctiristilaw's death was. no doubt, due
the Normal next terna. • . • . to heart trouble, an affection to which
his father •also sucCumbed some years
• ago, Mr. , Chtiatilave was mareied,
'LEVI'. —Mr. Jolinty 0011,Plend, who about 'flye Years ago to. Miss Carr.
for the past three years has • been in ^daughter ef 'Wm. 'Carr, of Nile, and
parents home in Watford, and interids three years old. e
leaves a little boy between , two . and
the harness shop here. has 'gene to hie
"geitte "*este shertlYe''' He has •elieeiee : ' A 'Fig.ri Tiitar : Some people talk
'himself to be an amiable !young man about good Xmas entertainments, but
and will be missed in Auburn'. espeeial- those who were at . the - Evangelical
ly in the Methodist • Church . Choir. - . Church. Friday eveilingof last week,
. :•XVIAS ' TEAMEETING. --1- The gather- certainly listenedto a very interesting
ing on lines night was satisfactory i • ..and.np-terdatcnrogram.::_:The--chbrch
every way. • The 'intellectual feast was filled and the Melee wasexcellent.
took the form of it in usical, programme, • The ehurch. Was handsomely decorated,
Selections .given by D. McGill, West,: and many valuable presents •adorned
field male . quartette and::Methodist 'the tree. The Pastor, who has • . been
choir, short addresses Were giVen. bysomewhat indisposed for ashort• tithe,
Rey. Small, Mr.,Druntird, Rev. Mr:Gee, we are••glad tit eay was able to be pre-
Clinfore .ad Rev. Edmunds, . White- sent. He was presented with'. it purse
church •. .Editor BraclWin, of Blyth : by the congregation, and on peesenta-
presided. Receipts of tea were over. tion Of the same, the following address
$75, :: The . proceeds, of ., the children's was reed: - • • .. . : ... _. .
social on Tuesday evening were $2e.15, ' To the Rey A. D. and 'Mrs. ' Gleohler:
which,- cigather' with the collections., Pdelior of. Eytinge. Joel e church, Colborne,'
. Okiturion ANNIVERSARY. t • - •.,,.
Meke the total receipts evei. $19,k.,; •
0..3...1 Nerds age ' Wits% AN Oagisv_ .
Cherch' Auburn . will , bold ,ir,' 'first • d • '
'ex• Another glad end therry Christmas' tide
,annjvornioe.y. on Joh. 7t t. , an .,,, . and ,‘ joy,, and,,i,nabiip' y arrildsh'n' 4%00111 tOhh:,eic:
The eery' tees .o .n• S' undelly ,thilt he.4::cpottill- lgudftwooadin: 181::: ,Inei,v'iveerge . ed'ea in quiet
ducted in the morning . and dem** by peatie. The song of "Sacred Fv-,:.,i," vi-
liev.''N' Al' 'Leckie' . B. 23^''''B' 1:1.1 . c'f brates agaie,:already mori...,th, ii iii.4een
Londesboro, and in the .afterepon.
Ree. J. C. Reid., B. A„• 13. D.,of Nile,
by hundred, them, reViyee again yon .eneefee
Star". in hie:effulgent brig c mess lighte the
On Monday evening there will be 'itt heavens. -The "Choir of Searee's Atteel-
•teameeting,': inutile' by Norman : Murch
and • ' Westfield. choir and'. male music, and s
'to Rost" have tuned their fierce to 'richer
trairie of Hallowed .evee:n3frit.
qUeetette,. recitations by Mise.
etBlyth, and spenches .by Rev.: Meek's.
Elder, . 511' the air, ;Behold I bring you good tie -
e. v i 1 I b e a social for .' the children 'and. a ' joyoustilin°ilgillredsf 04 girreal la.nslt. ne°1 do::inTti; de.m/er;* hro;Pret. th°ahai6Gell' r:Gdge . °10 Feld! 0.::atiihni the
Hartley;P a ,ll i losR. :ecli dn, .1.14neeeskaiaey. , . Urquhartevenie gh%nrcle
good progrenente by the :children of
• the school and' other's. . ,: - ' : ,, ' •
.V.itirrorts.airiong • the , Visitors to
spend all or . part of the XmaSholidays-
here weeee- T. Earnest Robinson,Miss
Martha. . mole, wiogham ; 4r. ohm .?nore.fitting, we, se a oharch ond a Reople,
Mr,' .,T. • • . G. Murdbcki-.LUcknoW, at
Mes, ilitS, Laicllair; Morris, at Sturdy s; -Ciller,
. both indiVidually sod doilectively in the
fellowship . of the ()buret of CM iat, 'desire
ti express to you, dear Bre. and 'Bidet Gee..
the feelings of endpaiment and. love.
Willaid .and wife, Hamilton e...0.4Pte
Beek and wife, Goderibly and Mr, and
Erratte ; Miss C. B. Ferguson, .Oxen- .46 exist in our beerte towerd. you • as
don, and • Mr. % Damard, Qwen:. Sound, Neter, Church end People," . WU. have.
at the Ferguson home ; Miss Eva . and not failed to notice:the entiring zeal with
Mr..Nellis Faille. •Elciderich ; Miss. (1., which you. haiteeeepghe to' inspire pEI - to
Petteri'lstile,atlifra Echlin's ; ,Idir Chas higher aired; • 'midi .„./..,„ Christ like ideals,
Asquith, Berrie ;., Miss Jennie Hunk-' •in oat journeyiniloward the kingdom, and
Helwigi Goderich.. Mr: F. R. , Munroe, ; with sa ihreferni that Would tend en the
yon • in synipithy
ing, Detroit, . at her Blethers ;. . Will •
we lien al ways eound:
of Winnipeg, remains for a couple of . ,
betterment ofshunnin kindeand the raising
Weeks. . Mr. johti McShaneock, , of ,iof the etanderd of the °mall the World.,
:Manitoba,' will spend pert of the 'wine among no, wait dee hie,nee.yeee :pewee.°
And it your 'Sginiing• in : and going ma"
ter hereabouts also Mr. Dan. Rad
shall, Mooseinite with his two children has always been more or lege of inspiration'
comfoet and cheer., We feel to sympathize
cliffe, of Michigan.. 'Mr. Sone' Mar -
will • spend a, few Weeks et his father's ; with you in your afiliotien and . =weedy
Which. °ameba , at their .home..two hope and'pray that the Eternal God may,
health, adding 01
we regret to Chronicle hiswifedeath, .
weeks ' ego.. .. Mr. 'Ladd,- brother. of •to perfect he
in Good pleasure.' see fit to ' termite you'
,Tiahn Ladd, accompanied, by two' able' Of neefulneetein Hie servide, . .We desire
your life.years.
Ladde. J. Were. of Stratford;. is via- aniose glad and •elessarible Christmas ale°
also to extend to you Our sincere:wishes for
hews and& niece, are visiting at John ,
Um; rumors. are that Joe is Up on a. a moat happy and joyees New Year, . with
She hope that mime. returns 'of the Seine
iting friend's tie and around this vicin-
"Mee hunt,' • • may be yours, and that • our ..WisheS linty
• . • tiortiiellbollt • •: . . take tin:somewhat of the tangible, we ask
.yria kindly to Mine this rinse, as a slight
. Mr: Vlilliam Pleii, of Bitten's, s ent etpreesion of she good will end kindly feel-
Xthasday tit theAlome of Thos. Piiirz ing that "164 an"nklb° ""ler a "ut
service. - • ' , ' - • • . • Farm
Mr. Michael lannsden, of Toronto,is appointment in Colborne foryou and yones
once more whlit love and Christmas cheer,
visiting his , Mr. :Thomas, Fair- Signed on " 4eb°fAlitariir atitt•
. seryice for a toupee of weeks. ' ,
... Mr. Tayloe fineand,Miss Ethel pip& ti01,01. DURST.
Many Rappy.fleturns ot
Reiee-W, D. Magee, paste
church, Cline:in, born Dec. 25
• -W-hat-Th-ny-.Sal
Silas W. Mora, of, Vir
renewing his subSuription s
paper is as welcorne as
week, would not be
twice the price." -fills
New Yorkesays:-"I ge
every Saturday, and ul
without my breakftifit then
• Int
Clinton Progress(
- The Canadian Weodman, for
her is a profusely illustrated ni
having several pages devoted t
towns and cities eykete Wo
flourishes." - It has a picture of
Town Hall, together with • the
The town .of Clinton is e
ical centre of the rich county
and has excellent: ralleety
branches of the Grand Trunk
east, *est, north and smith;
is a probability that 111 them
a spur ofthe Canadian Nola
will conneetthe town wallet
the inspiration and we repeat "Goodewill and Gueltda branches, At.'
toward men,", "Good -will toward* men:" collegiate institute and
And 4.1%64411913 SO the oacenion could r not supply the .educational
be more opporiune. nor the oirouncstances town, while six fine
after the spiritual Wen-
babitants„ The town.4
clean and healtkeeee.
periencecl an epidemic '
Nearly all it e streets are
shade trees, while' the al
InoetwithOut exception ar
Commercially the town 'hi
and growing. trade,. som
dustries having a world -
tion., On the whole, the
joying 4 share of
very gratifying, and
the municipal eleceio
a:proposed system of
Have you renewed yetee s ee
A young man of 'teen]. II
ed violent dementia., ad Ple
nese tciok the form of con e
ding his. clothes, was take 44.
Asylum yesterday.
est man in thie part *of
died at 'Goderich on 8
100 years and 7 months.
ar.esident of Goderich fo
Idr.fth Pit oll
you rettelviiiwubsoription4 a inut"
of Brussels, -paid a flying visit to
Londesboro friends on Xmas eve. , Tueltersinith.
torydd. mefr.Oahnicda g: mor,ell!ips se nYoungnyof
of Brirdaconnt : EINTERTAINatENY.-.-The S. S. Christ-
mas tree at Turnerls.on Monday even -
Dr. Whitely; of Garrie, Kiss Brigham, ing was attended by One of the largest
crowds that has gathered for some
of Hamilton. 00.-A, ' meeting of. tune Mr. H. Cliche superintendent,
occueitel the ehair, and Rev, Mr,...Kerr
ht he ehLe loan ad te Londesboro or Lo 0 WeighI1d rS30 ,erlectinepee.r.aWnicecupied two hours was rendered, and
l was also present. 'A program that oc-
Ht hoeu9sthe,o. tith eeveningcommencing ,ao tf T7u. seos cl acr, clockJa. all had a splendid time. The children
This year hes been one of the moat received a lot of presents. The pro -
bads were nearly 4111, and with the
successful since the Company was ha. money already on hand there will be
stituted. enough to run the Sueday schooLfor
Christians came in rather early for the Year. ' '
some people in the village as a few fol.- tia.rim Sorm,--It is reported that Me.
lowing theEnglish custom Wentaround John Robb, of the 2nd con.. has sold
from house to house singingChtietmas his heautifill 100 -acre farm: to Mr. Arm -
hymns, but we are not used to . being strong: of Stanley, for • somewhere in
waked up so early. However, no harm the neighborluiod of $7,090. It is one
done, the•day pegged off very quietly. of the finest farmsin the township,
The Christmas Tree in the Methodist with good buildings. Mr. Robb still
church was a decided success, , has anoth"r farm of 100 acres, that he
Ciliorm-At the last regular meeting will probably stook, making his home
of Londeshoro Circle No 189 the, for- In Seafierth. • - '
lowing 'officers were elected for next : * 41!"--* •
year, viz. Past. Leader, Win. Stevens, Almeria. ,
Leadtv, Jobe Grainger ; Vice Leader, FAftiLY PATALrritS.-A•retiiitrkable
John Cartwright ; -Rec. Secy., J. O. series of fatalities in one family, is re -
Adan': Fin. Seer; Mrs H. F. Young; called by the, recent death of a former
Treas. Mrs. WM. Rilev; Chaplain,Mrs resident, Of this township, in the I per- ) t ;
M. Maines ; Marshal. , G. raw ord ; son of Joseph Casemore. In May, „!
Warden, Albert Weymouth: Guard, 1004,. Robert Casemore and wife, of
Albert Woodhead : Sentinel, John L.
this township, were killed at a railway
Philips.; Trustees, Theodore Dexter,
crossing in t
Wm. Stewart, Wm, Stevens. he township. On -,t'he
evening of Oct. 2$ last, Mrs. Joseph
Casemorei of Winttiereg, it daughter -in.
law, committed suicide, and on the
night of Dec. 5t1, josepb Casemore,
husband of the woman put referred to,
was beaten So badly by, highwaymk 1
that he died. soon after.
and make your own
and save your money.
make your own Ste
one-fifth the cost of
Stock Foods., We veil
how. " •
Best Sulphur; -b.
" Cattle Salts,
Perfeet Condi tio n
Give good res
Pitt 25e p
W. S. R2 HO
Post office urn
LOCAL 015,110N. -In the Pioneer for
last week the following article appears:
"The results of Local,Option in force
in Londesboro, are such as to fully'
Meet the expectations of the most ar.
dent supporters of the measure. A
trial of seven months has proved,the
utter fallacy of the arguments einPloy.
ecl by the advocates of- the licenee sys.
tem clueing the cainintigit ore, year ago.
The bat -room with Its attendent viI
is effectually abolished. A tetriter-
anee hotel coMplete in all US appoint.
intents, furnishes mOst satisfactory en.
tertaintdent for the travelling pnblie.
The general effects upon business inter.
est s' has not been injurious. The prac.
tically liflatill1101.18 tO8th11611,' of the
businessmen of the community fully
confirms this statement. It is stated
that there are instances in which per.
sons of confirmed thinking habits con.
'thole their course by patronizing the
bar -rooms of adjacent toWne, or drink -
mg le their own homes Whilst We
freely admit the possibli truthfulnes
of that statement, we AS rnily believe
that th general resul of the opera-
nd 0 tioriste favorable
Mrs. Rich. Echlin, of Nile, spent a
few days at her former home here.
(3. Vanstone, Wife and son, visited
friends at Toronto during the holidays.
Amos Fisher and wife spent Christ -
mils at, Drayton with their son, who is
in the harness business.
13. 1). Straughank Ernest Pframiner,
Chester Oke and,, SamSon Yelland
petit Ohristtnaf; at their Vows here.
The Christmas" tree ritulL,Atertain-
trient on Saturday evening last was a
sueceSs in every partieutar. The at-
tendance was large and the program
Satiafttetory. The 'receipts amounted
to $15,45,
I t
n dmv.
e to fir. C.
Aiiydia gent