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The Clinton New Era, 1905-12-22, Page 10
'The 4 Hurry...." This is a good store to 'come to if you have any shopping to do Friday or Satur-, day. 'It is full, from end to end, of .useful and sensible holiday gifts, Everything is arranged for easy seeing and quick buying. If you have to shop in a hurry you will save time and trouble it you come here. Here is a list, any one one of which will make an ac-aeptable holiday gift. . Ladies' Fancy Collars: 2Eie, 50e, $1.00, .$1 50 Ladies' Fancy . Belts 25c, 50e,- 75e Ladies' Lace Ties_ 50e, 75c, $1.110, $1 2 ► • SAMPLE COLLARS .. This week we put on sale over:. 200 ,sample Collars. They are the samples of one of the best makers of these goods in Canada, and.in the whole lot there are no two alike. Prices are low- er than they would be, were.; they not samples; They are the newest desigs`shown this season, and all are in good condition. A pretty Collar is always acceptable for C1.ristmas,, andthis is a one t less than el-ar- good chance to get orrgu price. } Kid Gloves The Peerless - guaranteed, black and, colors,: all sizes, $100 I `k -Real French Kid, black The Gr.e 3 oc . colors, $1.25 • 1'he SIi 1houriu'-A high-grade Glove, pique sewn, greys. and 'tans, $ t.50 . • • a THE OLI 'TON NEW SBA Ciinhon • `x' }� ACCIDENT. -,-The bursting of a hot lin on , oe liY Era , water pipe at the Electric n Light +t= a•" Works, on Menday, put the lights out FRIDAY'; DEU, 2, 18Qu. for about an hour. Fortunately the • 3 employees were not hurt by the on. oveNa. z,nr eon Frye, E r and Nose, will be' at W. ti 1. Bonzes' mug store. Clinton, Thursday. Jon. 4th, Boers 10 4 a m., t. p. in. Glossae properly fitted. azul; diseases et ;these organs properly treated. Accident. • TO 1'ti N TAXES --Out of over $14,000 on the Oolleetor'e roll, Mr, Wheatley collected the entire •atnouitt except Dee, 22nd, 1905 Local Notes +4444X: An Uncle Tom Cabin Co, has rented; the Town Bali for abciit $1110, before the lath 'This is a' Mr: Norman • Fa[r• is •having. •the-, pretty good record, and in 1iis. sixteen ( Electric Light put in his house, Local Notices FOC LTRY W4411170;0,- Dressed, dry picked poultry wanted, and •also dried apples. Ix'igiest cash, price paid. CAV I i LON EROS, Clinton •FLOW LRS -Klee let or plants and cu: ,dowers far Oltristrnas; ,Primroses, pool large plants, in bloom, J for 25.ee;,ts, fIWOJCA: s CC7,' TL E. • CROCKERY, Special paces in Crockery i for Xmas .and Ncib Year in Dinner, Tea, Toilet and Fancy .China. • Dinner Set, Oilt edge, $5 00 up Toilet Sets, $1,10 up, at J. W, IR WINS. SFFCI ALi BARGAINS. -/'or Xmas and. Nero Year . ;fg pound Extra Stanalaid.Granulated Sug- ar for $1.QQ . , Finest Selected new raisins on'y 5c der M. , Oranges, Candies,. Nuts and Canned' (foods at reduced prices. J. W. IR 14'IN A Sweeper Bissel's Famous Sweepers, $Z SN and: $2.50. 0.4 9 Cushions Lithograph Cushion Tops, .C5e.an4 J e Tapestry Cushion Tops 25e and 50e Silk Cushion Tops, 75e, $1.00 aid 61.25. C.("..1. Cushion Tops, 50e. . Japanese Goods Embroidered Silk Cushion Tops, 75c, $1.00,.. $1.50 • Embroidered. Silk Table Covers 01.00 and $1;50 Embroidered Silk Mantle, a& Plano dlrape3 ;. $1.50, $2.50 and $3.50 Japanese Screens 03.50, $4.00 and $4.50 Japanese Paper. Baskets .. , 40c and 50C • Japanese .Linens ° 50c, $1:00 and $1,50' Padcy Linens Doy1iHs and Mats, 124c 20c and 25.c i . Fancy Linen Centre Piere.c, 50c 75e, $1.00 Damask Tray Cloths, 25c, 50c, 75c Damask Squares, 25c, 50c, 75c Fancy Linen Towels, 25c, 50c, 75c Damask Linen Table Napkin's ` $1.50, $2.50 $3.50, 05.00 : a: • Zoltttt Eoirirs RENTED` THE RINK, Mr. Gal- braith has decided not' to go on the road until spring, and in, the mean- time he has rented the Skating Rink, and is having it fitted up, so that it will he. ready:.for. a e..in .t; _.f taw Alois.. shouldthe weather turn cold. years' experience he never had abetter. THE SIDS. --Mrs, A. O. Pattison has been under the doctor's care for several days, and is improving....Mr. Buxton, of the Waverly, has been quite ill for -several days 'his son look- ing after the lintel in the meantime, .IVliss Louie White, we regret to say, has been very low dnring the last few days... , `Ve ar • sorry to hear•. that Mr Arthur Couch' is very Lary. UN BALANCED. On Monday born• ing hast Rev. Mr Holmes. of Btayiie'd, wax taken to as sianiteraum at Guelph, in charge of 'an medical man, mental aberration having taken place. His case is a ',artienlaily sad one. A h i htin cleveryoung man, hewas .. ` only appointed to that charge a couple of weeks ago. and had scarcely entered upon his work, It is siircerely'hoped that the rest and care he will.receive mayres tor e him to his normal condition HOUSE OF REFUGE. •- The religi-. us exercises last Sunday were con- pucted by Rev. W. Wade...,..Some few of the inmates. have been allowed to go and spend Christmas with their friends .., .Additional inmates are received •almost weekly. , ..On Mon- day the inrhates will be treated••to a fine Christmas dinner, goose taking the place of turkey, because of the difncatlt - of securing the latter, • RE-ENGAGED. Miss Edna Copp, daughter- of Mr Joseph Copp, who' has been teaching for• :a Short time in T.I. S. S., No, 10, • Hullett, has =alar -re- engaged for next -year. et a y of 03255, an increase of $25 over the salary at w:iich she was engaged,; which. is the best evidence she could desire that her services fare-appreciatbd, • DEATH OF MRS. CASE. -We are. exceedingly sorry to learn of the death. of Mrs. Case, wife of Mr. 'Case, of the Clinton Evaporator, 'which occurred at their • home in Rose,. N. Y., last week. She • was . very ill while • Mr. ease washere this 'fall, but.. he; had no idea she was so low until his return.': horse.', She made many friends dna in'. leer sojourn"here a year ago, who' will. sympatlaize with Mr- 'Cash in this,: bereavewent. . SKIPPED A:.y ung' married Man nai'ned Warner, Who' has been'' work- •ing'intown as a tailor, is said• to have ' left town last week -without. the for- mality of squaring his accounts.•:His furniture, worth about $100,• is .said to have been sold to a Stratford Second- hand dealer for $30. Re was a good: Workman but, unfortunately, was addicted to drink;' and his': wife .was the subject of a good deaf of sympathy when they were . here..: . r :.'FINISHED' UP. -Mr. D. Cautel.n, during ,he:past fruitseaison, •has :: been. the representative. of the well known firm of 1VIcWilliams and Everest, of Toronto, at a good salary; and has done a lot of business for the firm, : but has practically finished up his wort• Mr. Everest'was here last week wind- ing up matters. Mr. Cantelon infprms us that this firm is likelyto put :;in' ;an evitparating planthere' next season, they being satisfied there' is a profit able opening for one. Handkerchiefs An almost endless assortment of these useful and popular holiday gifts. . Silk, Linen, Muslin, plain or embroidered. An assortment youwill not duplicate in town. Children's Picture' Handkerchiefs, 3 for 100 • Children's plain and fancy Handkerchiefs, 0 for. 25e ' Ladies' Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, 3 for 250 Ladies' fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25e Fine Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, dozens of dainty patterns with hem -stitched- or worked edges, a splendid assortment and special vithio'at each ' 25c Ladies' tine Swiss Mttslin and real Irish Linen em- broidered Handkerchiefs, dozens of designs on the finest quality M'uslins, at 40c, 50e, • 75c, • $1.00 Plain Linen Hendkerehiefs, ladies' size, 15c, 20o, 25c, 30c Gentleman's Hemstitched Linen . Handke' r el ie 15o,' 20c, 25e and 30c a 0 Japanese Silk initialed Handkerchiefs, special each 10e Japanese Silk Initialed lfatdkerchiefs, hem -stitched, extra weight, rifle ` Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs, plain or initialed, 755, $1,00 AN • OUTSIDER'S OPINION..- -,A gentletnan in . Montreal. happens to own a small lot here;and the clerk re- Mr. Hugh Rorke will move intothe cottage on the corner of Mary and Orange Streets, Steyens of t hasbought W. fey s Rollet , b g. the hoineof Mrs.L atr ,and will short- ly move into town. Miss H. Whitely leaves shortly • for New York, where she will go into training as a nurse. 1Scre the building in which hepcarriesill lon�busi nese on .Huron Street and move into the adjoining one, one door east., The Indianapolis News, thus refers to an old Clintonian :-Dr. Shad Bees - kV, now of, Marion, Indianapolis, is at the Roosevelt Hospital, in New York, winter, h for the n r, It is said that at least one hundred persons• in town are financially intest- ed in the York Loan Co., the affairs of .which are causing considerable com- motion just at present. Mr, Thos Friendship, who for sortie tiwe has been conducting a grocery business in Teeswater, has made'an assinment. Mr.. Friendship is a former•resident of Clinton. Conductor Stratton, while handling ,a box, on Tuesday, tun a nail into.' his finger, and fearing that it mightt cause blood poisoning, became up town' to a doctorand had it dressed. The Christmas edition of the Goder- AMIUABL•ir- ADJUSTED; The. -ich Signal; --issued • last week,'-was.:a, charge of assault that had been laid •credit to the publishers,typographic- againstM. O'Donnell by ,John Powell ally' and other wise, and wecomplimient w is withdrawn, O'Donnell tieing them on its Inc appearance. . guilty •,if conteinpt of court hy• disre . , It is !not often that a man is both garding the summons t:i appear „be guest and groom at..a wedding, ;'but fore the Mayor, •subsequently did am that will happen in town on Monday. pear and apoligized for his conduct, next when a charmin vtidowand wid- end the Mayor, not being desiroets ,of: ower unite their interests, and•becouie. 'dealing harshly with defendant, tallow. Caws forever. • •. ed hint to go on as reprimand and pray- Some idea of the extensive sale of Merit of Costs. ' farm machinery inay be gathered from ,. l ST: --Tire followin the fact that D, .Shanahan, .jr. of Sea: ' PROMOTION L forth, sou of D. Shanahan, .Clinton,)pupils of Miss Shepherd's class are Katie Gepnh 'sold during the past year no less tha mored to the 4th Bok , Agnes `Irwin,: Jennie Martin Roy: sixty-five nay loaners. Grigg, Stella Perdue. H. Witte Willie Duncan A McDonald,.of Grey, has Hall, Mary •Smith,. Jean Mc -Taggart.. been engaged to takethe ouglas- Ed ta'1'urner.•-lliese : are to be taken ••school, Turnberr :; fol; 1900 at a salary. i ui` - f • He isatten 'in the Model into•the Principal's io�ni..and a n n o $x`350. , •. • attending :. � her of those who have failed in ,nae t :s School at Clinton this tern the exam- 1 mors subjects `"will he triediri the 4 instions being in progress now. .l �. Book, but left: iu their :presenkl too;u. . ,rhe number. of: chattel' morgae . These'' must,. attend -regularly,, work •1 Standing: against farmers in the: count' l tiar'ci, and, pries to sattis'lketory •exquiilria- ' t 'of.Huron�;on Decemb �•: 31st;; of last tiara' in the course . cf a few weeks, or : y •r d o' 'k. ' � year wa5110,•for X85,115, The number go back, to. the 3i B u �.standingagainst1,11 occupations in the .• . count was 283, .covering $229,49$.• . -1)IID �RRUAI .HER. INJURIES.- : Y. The death' occurred un Saturday morn- -'Mr. Lester.Whitelyy,; of town,'who. is 'Of Miss•Cam ion of-Godetichi,'front -.teaching: in Belleville 'Collegiate, •was- :l ng p severe burns sustained • on, Friday - recently offered;' $100 store. salary .at -evening at • 11lorga rr. Harris' hense,: in, Cornwall, but as soon as the Belleville Brantford; where 'she, was.: visiting, trustees heard of it they unanimously Her nig ht-robe.cau ht: 'lire from' a gas gave him the increase' to retain he•m. _'• he atergand•she ran into the street find ' , Mr: James Snell is. at Cliicago'acting • dropped to . ious, dying shortly as judge in connection with the Inter - after,. She was.the only daughter of I national Exhibition of -Live Stock. the late -Edward Citnipion, and wee I Breeder's from all parts' of the country ;: twenty-six years of . age. With her and many from Canada are represented mother she had been; visiting in Brant- ; 'Twenty-five hundred animals areens ford, and• her mother came home on gaged: Friday,. Miss .Campion, intending to Mr. W. C. Myers, forinerl Of Olin-. follow . on Saturday. 11 is .thought' y' y that her . death was :due more to.the a•ton, now in Saginaw; "Mich., is in the She wasenaous dn than of Ed Ituiro,to her ltown'. ! city on a visit to Mr. J. II, . shock • h s . rather in-law, Stratford. M . ; Myers may shortly remove to London, 'CATTLE THIEVES. -A man in jail Ont., where .an, important enterprise, at Hamiltonarned -Miller,. has conte . of his,is conning to,ahead. ,.n fessed that while in the Central Prison a Dr: Freeman has taken 'in.a partner souie time: ago, a plot, was• there con- ' in the person of `: Miss Pennington. m cocted among eight of the prisoners to ' daughter of Mr. Thos. Pennin ton, ' of TWO . re=eminent Features 4f-0ur Seasonable Goods Goods In Extensive VarietY Reasonable Price. In Every Department 1 `cently wrote'hini asking if he would organize and operate a gang of cattle Colborne. Rev. Dr. Ross, of London, h' all th P o, mce the work ad binding ; a soon to be. systematically divided and aper- : as they can secure a :suitable house ations to be carried en in the same'way , they will start' house -keeping, sign a petition for agt tnolithic walk t Teves a over e r v' made e the partnership' s on the street.- 'Here fs his reply "Send on your petition• `I will sign .it 'with pleasure. Ther,sniall towns• in Quebec and Ontario are stagnant :be- . eituse the;resicdents do not take a pride: in their surroundings. It would,be '.better to give prizes `for the best'kept vil[iage.in every county than to give so much for bulls and stallions;" A CLOSE. CALL -Some eight. weeks ago Fred Chant, son of Mi.. 4. • B. Chant, left to join. a. surveying party at work,in Nortlrerfi'Ohtnrio,100 stiles from New Liskard, from ;which 'point the party had to make its ways, as best, Last week ' a ion. t w k itsdistin t L it could to Mr. Chant got a letter from his .son, • the first since his departure owing. to lack. of mail facilities, stating that. as tl'ey . were travelliilg to their head- quarters by canoe, they upset .in a ,river. and one. of, the-.J[tumher. was drowned,' the others reaching:safety only after very hard' work.. TELEPHONES. -A new teleihone directory has just been placed • •in the hands of subscribers, It shows a total of 135 telephones in use in this town, some of them with long distance equip- went, and all enjoying an .all. night service. The telephone lis : somewhat like a baby every family should have git.e Mr. Toll he get s pecto is with- outis week looking atop •.the telephones to see that they are, all in working order. It . is said the Company intend to change the location of "Central" in the spring and also increase . the ' runnel rental ; The latter will not be a very popular move. CHANGE OF CONDUCTORS. -On Friday evening last Conductor Quirk severed his relations with the G. T. R. after 40 years'faithful service, in which he travelled thousands of miles, and never met with a more serious accident than the killing of a stray animal on the track. At present his train is in charge of ,At present The pro- cedure in connection with appointing a, successor to Mr Quirk is for the railway to advertise by. way of printed. 'notice to all conductors, that the place is open for 15 days, and. whoever likes to apply for it is at liberty to do so ; at the end of the 15 days the .Company selects from the applicants the con-• est term of doctor having' thelong e service and. most. favorable record to his credit. ' • NOT USED TO BILLS 01? T1J1i - KIND.• --•Some of the Banks now• issue a $100 bill that is about 7 inches square, or twice the size of an ordinary, dollar bill. They have the figures 100 boldly printed on each Corner, giving it a Imuch morn impressive appearance. than the customary bill of this demon - illation. enation. A person in town having one of:these bills went into a store,' and banding it to the proprietor, told him to C eit that on his account. r The merchant looked, jit itl a mometrt and then riled© out a receipt for $200, Attention beingexiled to the, discrep• inlay between te value of the bill .and thea mount "of the receipt, the business Man who does or.e of the lar est trades in town, said with a smiley "We're not acenstomed to bilis like that, in feet I never saw one before, and I thought(' J�ptt simply tore it apart at ade two*, tlttdr dollars out of it, e; as a regular legal business. . He . gives Mr:; Alex Charieswoith, of'. Egrriond- names, his own among theme-,sta:es (Wille,•died.at.the residence of his son the counties.' wherein the work was in Zurich, cn Monday :last. Many berried on. Huron being one:.; of them. Keats ago he was a resident of Clinton,. and also shows where- cattle'. were dis- :but for years ;he 'resided in Seafortli,• e osefi of, one bunch,realizing by where he wad a partner in the business $750.' One or two of the participants. of Charlesworth ,& Brownell were arrested, but it not until. the . confession of, Miller was made that .Mr H, W. Laird, who was at first. the police• realized =it was. 'so large a announced as being.elected in Regina gang. City on the Conservative ticket, •but who is expected to be left out when DIED IN WINNIPEG. --The dailies, 'of Tuesday, contained .the following paragraph from : Winnipeg -".En gineer H: Scott• dropped dead' in a al counted, is as the ballots are finally co t on of the late Rev. W. ' H. Lairde and cousin of Dr; Holmes of town,. It is said that several 6F" the County street car to -night as it was passing Commissioners will be , summoned to through the 0...P. R. • subway" r •H:e Brussels as Witnesses in:connection Tile the o slgit argpJfttl 1!! f hw ¶ 1t7. • *Mal; «;ages violation of the' license This is �Sreliably ihlenaed for:'thigh kei; the 'flight the. Brussels people gave Scat,`eldest..sone _of _the:.:at�d'am_e_s _the_Caun :�..6111:1c1llors a' :compl hent-: Scottof town, .and brother'of Miss ary supper, about thrta w@ ks ago , Scott, :Mary Street. •He will be :re- membered by old residents• as. a mem- ber of the firm of Callander, & Scott; who formerly carried on business both here and at : Londesboro.. About years age he went to Winnipeg, and took :a position with the 'City Fire W. D1'FAIR CO. OFTEN. THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST. Dominion Eipi'ess Orders Issued. P 00114041.11.41.4100.1111000004111111111 . NA A T o l -ATL,� W - REASONABLE ; PRICES. • ou will' make Y no mistake when you come tous.' : We are headquarters for all'kinds of BOOTS and SHOES I-I.C?ES : R. B U BER � .. �. S. Quality, style;. close, prices; and' fair dealing.ai e the corner stones on. which our ever-increasing business has grown. We have made special prep- arations for the Christmas trade: You will find our • stock of Felt ; Boots; Slippers, pers, ete., equalled by few and excelled by none. Sole' Agents for theand Kr Granby a d Kann Ka ck,:.. Rublfrrs.-Give them a trial; theydon't cost anymore than the inferior' makes,'and-. flier y;. wear much'; better We want your patronage: and the inducements .. e ' offer are • g w. RELIABLE goods, at yery.close cash prices, THE:LD O RELIABLE T . AYLO - & SO 0114110011101111000111110001114111111411 • Walter Scott, Premier of Saskatche- wan, hie a number of relatives by'niar; riage,. in town, who. are naturally pleased at his election; though h etheir P e h e r gg political views differ, • lilts. Scott is a first cousin of Mr.. Will Harland, jr., , Department, remaining there.' for .a and. therefore,: related also to the number of years.' Latterly he has Rances and Rattenburys, and would been in the employ of the 0. P. • R. Mr.easily cott iasss not a rugOne Of, ged mane same , beingg He leaves' a wife three daughters and badly troubled with ggasthm , ; the one son, one of the married daughters 'have'one'child, a girl about 14. arid her husband making their home ., with them. W. B. Scoto, of. Toronto, ' LOCAL BRIEFS. - The weather of is the only surviving brother. the past week has been exceptionally fine• • certainlynot the usual Ohristmas weather onTuesday it was almost as mild as midsummer . Part of thh machinery for the Knitting Factory is in place.; the.remainder is 'looked for daily. -.The . The roads have.simply been elegant for an week past...In ten ditys more will have to write 1900 ....A number. of local weddings :are like,yy to. take place. within a few' days .A: certain man created consider- able interest on the streets hist Satur- day by distributing coppers to chil- dren ; he certainly made a lot of them happy ....The Assembly on Tuesday night was , fairly well attended, but not as well as the previous one....The .regular monthly meeting of the Fire Brigade falls on Monday .next, but the sleeting will•not bo' held until Tuesday and: the me bcrs are asked to come prepared for work....The. post office employees are having a busy' time, these days, parcels being mailed al- most by the waggon load i the. office Will be open on 111onday only the re- gulation holiday. hours....Everybody should go to church next Sit"day with a genuine . Christnias spirit.. -,.Mr.. Elliott, has taken ane end off the old Queen's Hotel, and will convert it into an separate hcuse ;" he still has enough for two good sized dwellings......The weather has favot!ed the improve. menta to the Foundry, but it will yet, he some. time before theta can born - memo Work inside, ..The examination of 1•xodelites was concluded last Mon- day ; the report will rrob bly be pul:- lished next week. , .,'.Bete is, Iikely to be a pretty big emigration ria tilt west in the spring, several parties in dawn. having the fever'. -,Farmers who pur- pose retiring from active work,. will find Clinton one of the best plaices in which ' to locate ;' splendid schools, TOWN COUNCIL. -At rho • Meet- ing of the Council' on Fridaynight, the Treasurer was: authorized • to pay over to the grants to the Public School Board 'Ccileggiate Institute and :Public Library, and the usual " refunds of taxes on . farm' lands granted. The following rebates in taxes were also allowed the following persons, because the Asse .ser had Made an error : be- tween their assessment slipand the roll ;--T.' Cottle, $2 : G. 1'. R, $4 ; E. Carter, $1; O. Crich; $5 ; r. Johnston; $1 ; G. D. McTaggart, $1; N. Webb, $1. Mr. M. D. McTaggart, on behalf of the Collegiate 13oarci of Trustees, read a long and carefully prepared ex- planation or reply to Charges that had been made ..against the Board, at a previous meetatig of . Council concern- ing expenditures by the Trustee Board; Councilor Wilts° made brief reply thereto. 'i'he last meeting of the ppre- sent Council will be held on Jan. 2nd. SOUTH HURON INSPECTOR, Out of 25.a,pplicants, for the position of License Inspector of" South Huron, vacated by the voluntary resignation of Mr. Ballantyne, the Conservative Executive of the Biding have recom- mended Mr, John Torrance, of this place for the position, who has since been appointed, The Nnw EiaA has the greatest of •pleasure in.expressing its approval of the choice.. A man against whom not a word can. be snid,. well ttalbfied for the duties he will be celi4er1 upon to perforin, his appoint- ment should sleet with universal. ec- ceptanee. He is too well known here.' hel require any introduction, at our ands, The Seafor'th Expositor also expresses heart appr'oval of his . atp- pointtsient, Ser that being endorsed by the Liberal papers, it shows their churches, public library, and other willingness to give treat whiire credit y', 1.res. conveniences to snake life pleasant and ' agreeable, es .or Men� � axe: �� a is a half-columnu . momonnammummommonnonmoN TIMEofsuggestions •` H' for last-minute shoppers who are. 01p I in for something, ooh t g for• a, man or a -bo' . Not an item in :the ,the. Inst but will be of service and : acce table.r6Eve --thing~ arranged--- or easy-seeing-----and- %A seeing- and- quick. buying eir New Christmas Neckwear, correct shapes 25c, 50c'and 75c Comfortable and Dressy Rouse Coats $7.0o, $S,00, $9.00 Stylish Fancy. Vests, new patterns $2,75, $3.50, '$5,oa Mufflers and Neck Scarfs all' shapes r 25C, 50e,`$1.00, $I.50 Sweaters, for men or boys 0c;' 1.00 $2,00 y 5 ,$ ,$ o Gloves, lined or unlined'. 50c, 01,00,. $x.50 `, Silk Handkerchiefs, plainr-i " d 5 k 1-i � or initialed . x9G> 250, 50c, 75c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. P 150, .20C, 25c, 300•' Umbrellas, handsome handles, tripple tops $1.50, $2.5o, $3.50 of Clothing and Gents' Purnishings,