HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-22, Page 14.0.011 • • ao, cash will get the New Era to Jan. x 907, to new sub- scribers, together ' with Montreal Herald „ We wisWall, our readers a 'Very Very Merry Christmas. ROTABLISHED ROBERT ROLMEnieue TEN MIES •linton ew CLINTON ONTARIO, to new subscribers the tolijngni,14(Q14; cash will “pay: for and Montreal weekly Herald FRIDAY,,, DECEMBER 22, 1906. TEN POP ' • I In ploeicit iti14#"inte so• 'Save wean net No pate . 011111111111111111111111111111116. I : Are You Soudiug Molloy Away? For small amounts use a Sovereign Bank Money Order, ,. Payable anywhere. No blanks to fill out. Receipts given no purchas- ers. Issued at the following rates: 65 00 and under,.... 3c Over 5 00 and up to $10 tic " 10 00 and ilp to 030 100 "30 00 and ue to $5015c Over 1150 Draft e issued at best rates. made to toor allpoints -.Transfer. Bills of Exchange sold on ap Foreign Countries Sovereign Bank.. (OF CANADA) H. T. iradbaaTC:1211 Clinton Manager alinfinernemmeame -Christmas .Presents!' tly your wife, daughter or best girl a pair of Dorm' Dodd SDKS for a Christmas present, as ,they .are the most useful and orna- mental footwear on earth. There is nothing nicer than a pair of Slippers or Shoes for a Christmas present. I have the shack. faroceries., etc . My Christmas Groceries, Fruits and Candies are all new and fresh and I take a back seat from no person for low .prices. G. B. BALLARD R. Graham's old stand. Christmas Is Here.. And so are we, with a • full assortment of Holi- day luxuries: Oranges -Mexicans, 15c and 25c per doz.; Navels, 25c, 30c and 40c. 4 lbs Mixed Candy . 25c Grapes, Layer Raisins, Figs, Dates and nuts. We are still selling 22 lbs. Redpath's granulated • Sugar . 100 5 lbs best selected Raisins, 25c 4 lbs Arquimbea 4 d 25c 4 lbs best cleaned Currants 25c 3 cans Corn . 25c 4 cans Peas 25 New PEELS (Crosse & Blacksvell's) Lemon, Orange and Citron NUTS - Filberts, Almonds, Wal- nuts Shelled Almonds and Shel- led Walnuts. . . THE HUB GROCER, W. T. O'NEIL 'Phone 48. . • • ' 7 open ail Da Klippen IsTotas. -Miss Flossie Sweet, Exeter, last week visited her friend, arise Ida Dinsdale, R Blake, Belfast, visited his daughter, Mrs, Johnston, lately, Mt. and Mrs. Joh uston are away north, attending the wedding of the lattez.-'s brother and, Miss 'Webster. of Luckeow. The Methodists hold their Christmas tree social on the evening of Deo. Mad, and the Presbyterians on the 20th, Mrs, Walker, of Waterloo, is visiting her parents, Me. and Mrs. lvison. John Jones spent last week in London, visiting his son Alden. Rev. A. R Brown, of Varna, preached good sermons on this circuit last Sun- day '• Rev, Mr. Baugh tea& his work on 'Varna circuit, preaching Mission- ary sermons. Mr, and Mrs. D E. Munro. of Auburn, were down tOsee Rev. Mr. Baugh one day this week ; Mr. Baugh was a former pastor on the Auburn circuit. T. Balfour has re- turned from the West, where he'spent several months. 'PEoPITAI3LE INVESTMENT. -It may be of interest to your readers in some sections where sugar beets are not •grown, to read the following: Mr, W. Jones had less than two acres un- • der this crop. Off this he shipped, ac- cording to returns from the factory at Berlin, 25 tons, 1128 pounds'which tested 15%, and in consequencehe was paid $6 a ton, whieh gave him $127.70, less $21,86 for freight and beed, leaving him a net profit of 5105,91. He ex- changed work with neighbors for help in taking up And drawing the beets to the station. The ground was manured last fall and well prepared this spring. This appears to be a good return for the amount of land cultivated, but the concensus of - opinion is that..a.man- should not cultivate more than about this acreage, unless he has plenty of help in his own family. It is neces- sary, for good profits, that he cultivate well, sow early, and be reasonably near the station for shipping. . Another farmer, Mr. J. Jarrott, launched out in another direction, and put in 70 pounds of onion seed. He took them under contract from Mi. Ortwein, Renee% whawad to charge him 85 cents a pound for the seed and to take the sets at 4i cents per pound. The seed sowed over ' seveneighthsOf an acre, and . yielded over five tone of sets. After paying for the seed and extra help, he had over .$350 for his share -not too bad frorn less than an acroof land. • Apropos to the proposal of starting a canning factory in Exeter or Hen - salt, is the following, As teld by Mr. John Jones, who was visiting for sev- eral weeks in and around Down there they have several canning factories -- in Belleville, Frankford, Trenton, and othertowns about twelve miles apart. The owners of these fac- tories appear to be well pleased with their business, and the farmers Are too. For instance, this year the farmers split about four tons of ears per acre frcim their fields of sweet corn; and then had the stalks for feed; the corn brought $6 a ton at the factory, or $24 per acre. The fig& Of tomatoes yield- ed over $100 per acre, some acres yield- ing 400 boxes at 30 cents a box. . Far- mers grow from one to five acres each. The pea -fields gave a return of $25 to $30 per acre. (.*rowers get good prides for beans and pumpkins also. Every,. thing is paid for in cash. In connec- tion with growing crops for these fac- tories, farmers keep a large number Of cows, and send the milk to some one of the numerous theese factories down there. This year they will realize from $40 to $50 'a cow. _Those who make butter do well also, as during the past•season this article was from 25 to 30 cents per pound in Belleville. ANNIVERSAUY.-- Last Sunday the Presbyterians held their anniversary services, when good Emmons were preached in the morning and evening by Rev. Mr. Peril% of Wiligham, and in the afternoon by Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Egmondville. The sermon in the morning by Mr. Perrie and in the af- ternoon by Mr. Brown, in the 'Vieth°. distahurch, Were based on the SAM° text, Romans 1 : Id. Miss Anna Mar- tin, of Exeter, delighted everyone by her beautiful solos On Monday even- ing Rev. R. E. Knowles, of Galt, de- livered his celebrated lecture on St. Cuthbert'e, his new book, which has created such a. stir among the- orifice. - It is needless to say it was listened to with rapt ' attention. After listening to him; one is not surprised to hear that he is the most popular lecturer in the Presbyterian church to -day: lIttllett Finaisonsis-aFroni the annuet finan- cial report of this township, the assets are shown to be: Balance on hand, 828.40; ii bank, 51870.03; uncollected taxes, 3-100; other municipalities, $20. The liabilities are: L. Improvement debentures, 33688; tiepin& acc'ts, 5300. fiempliler Rev. Mr, Giachler is suffering from an attaelt of influenza, and his pulpit work was taken on Sunday evening by his wife. Most women are credited with the ab lity to "talk," hot few ot them can do so as pleasa,ntly and effi- ciently as Mrs. Gischler. ENTEUTAINDIENT. - Remember that you are most cordially invited GO at- tend. the Christmas entertainment be given in the churCh this (Friday) evening, Dec. M. A very interesting program is in readiness. .A. small ad- Inission fee will be taken at the door, Doors open at 7 o'clock ; program to commence at 130 • , SALE OF T.1:10u0-BEEDS. -- Mr. E. Butt, of the base line. who has a splen• did herd of thoro-bred A.b&sieen Angus cattle, intends to have art auction style on San. 3let. This will be -a good chance to obtain, first-class stock. SCHOOL MATTERS. -We are informed thatthe Summerhill school matter hav- ing been noises, sew sd. tYa•., Isst Caton at Tororibcreiteprojoer steps will. now be taken to form the new section on the Hullett side. • GoderIch Township SALE on Tristrinn.-D. Dickinson wil hold asale of hardwood timber for W. A. 1Vlustard, of Bayfield, at lot 17, Bay- field Line (John .13eaconfe lot), to -clay, Friday. , 'ENTEiveansmert;r. -There was :in at- terulanee of about one hundred and fifty of the parents and friends of the scholars of S. S. No. 11, at the enter- tainment giveninsthe sehoolluesse-ats- -Wednesday evening, Dec.. 20th A number from Clinton were also pres- ent, and the excellent prograin was thoroughly enjoyed by all. G. Elliott ably perforrnedthe duties of chairman, and the performers acquitted them- selves in a very satisfactory manner: Miss Cooper is the popular teacher in this section, and she and thepupils may Well feel gratified at the secceas Which crowned their efforts ' , • _._ Intended for feet week.. NereS.-Misses .Flossie and Violet Cole left' on Tuesday' for Galt to • at- tend the• wedding of their coesins Miss Maybel Cole. Miss. Grace. Stewart is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. B. Miadie, ton Inyitations are out for the wed- ding. of Miss Emma Beaeoni and Mr.. Nelson Yeo.both.popular young people of the Bayfield Line, but glad to know •they will not leave our, midst. The Orangemen helci an oyster .supper in the Bayfield Line hell on Friday night, oral had ti, most enjoyable time. J. Percy (Joie left Tuesday: -morning to visit relatives in Michigan:: may .he• have a pleasant and profitable tixne Miss Minnie Yeo hes returned from Manitoba ,where she has spent a tong three months in the -prairie lane ; she ..mwaisss ayec000m pealed .horne by her neice Noaels.- Miss M. Howard, of Myth, is visiting her sister, Mrs.. 3. Cart- wright; jr. Mr. W. Stevens has pur- chased the house in town of biro. Lairdainto *Web rumor says he will move in the spring, when his son will . get one of the fair sex to help him tun the farm. COmiNO Evntrrs,-Invitatiods are out for the marriage of Marianna, Mil- ler, daughter of Mr. and Mts. John Brigham, to James Riehinond ; the event takes piece at FairView. Hullett, on the evening of Dec. 28; both con. treating parties are seen known and exceedingly popular. Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Mary Glew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Matthias Glow, to W. S. Big- garti of Clinton, to take place,At'Green Home Farm 3rd COM of Mullett, on Dec. 271 at 0 pan, Miss Me* is a well- known favorite in this section'While Mr. Biggart is an industrious young man of town, MVNIOTPAL,--All rumors to the con- trary notwithstanding, it is net likely there avill be any contest for the lieeVeship, Either IVIr. Moon or Mr. Snell are well qualified -therefor, but neither of them are aspirants for it, and Mr. McMillan Will probably be re- elected Without *opposition. There may he sonie changes in the council. 'SVItenten dialtese, - Thirty-five of Mr. 11. Livertnore's friends and neigh- bors gave him a surprise last Friday eVening, prior to his departure froin thet, neighborhood, winye he will be greatly missed; The eVerting was !Spent in games and music. After lunch they sang "lies a jolly good fellow," and "Ood be with you till we meet again," After wishing Mr. and Mrs. Livermore and family much pros- petity in their new home, they re- turned to their hotnoit int ch pleased t. eVeflt thy Christmas and New Vears We are giving special bargains in Group photos kmas clay You will never regret having.a Family Group taken. Do not miss this chance of securing artistic, photos at low prices. HENRY'S PtiQict. • TUDI CLINTON Stanley .Gonert Wasm. -Mr. John Chapman, of the 5th concession. of Stanley, who was in Manitoba nearly all summer, returned home about two weeks ago. Mr7"CbaPInan, "also, * smitten' with the west and is bound to try his fortunes there. He hair mirth/teed a section of lend within four miles of Rapid City, on • whiCh there are , fair buildings and 275 acres broken, . For this he pays $12,800. ,It is well located and he says it is a fine property. a NOTES. A. McDonald, of Metes - worth, was visiting last: week at the home of Mrs. John McOonesn. Miss. Martha. Nett. oftAlgointawas last week visiting her cousin, Albert. Nott. Jne, Moffat end wife,are this week 'visiting relatives hi Chicago -John . Butchart and his sister Agsee went to Komolca on Monday to Attend the •finieral of .their brother-in-law, Mr. M. McDoug- all, who•cliedon Saturday. Miss Lizzie McEwen. vsho is attending the Toron- to Normal School, is home for her Christmas holidays.. Mrs. Win. Me - Fin -lane. of Harrisville, Midi.. was aria week visiting her mother, Mrs. Hugh McGregor, sr ; the latter is still in feeble bean .h :- NOTES. -Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Ed. Reid of Souris, :Man., which took place at amloops, British Columbia -a -the -aria -a ceased was in poor health for sonte time. While threshing at Mr. George Johnson's the other day anaccident, befell Mr. Chas Johnsen ; he vtase try- ing to take a prop away from a barn door and it was • such a windy day that it blew the doer off its hitt ges and it fell, knocking•Mr. Johnson to the ground with the door ort top of him and breaking one of his ribs • we ere glad to hear that it WAS not aiiy worse. Mr. Wilmer Peek, of Eginohdville, formerly of the Bebyleh Line, is ill with pneumonia, but we hope to soon hear of his recovery. auburn AOKNOWLEDGEBIENT. -- Miss Edna Symington %Mlles to return thanks ti. the wardens, rnembers and adherents of St. Mark's church, for the handsome purse of money which was presented to her in gold and id bills. She assures them she appreciates it very much Rev, J. L. Small addressed the '"aather ing on her behalf, and Rev. t''. 11 Hartley gave an address suitable to the occasion, ' - INTERMENT.- Mid WAS received ta, Vk'ednesday of last week concerning the death in Rothester, N.Y. of Rev. Mr. Gensernere, after a very short ill- ness. Interment took place on p: iclay Afternoon in the family plot, Dollar cemetery. The remains were rieconn panied by one son and daughter. Mr. Gensernere took charge of the Luther an work here for ten consecutive yeers, • hut resigned over a year ago, owing to age and failing health. jno , Nicholson has return° from his VVestern trip, after five month', of business and pleasure ; he willdipose of his business here, and rourii, whenever opportunity offers. 11.41. Sprung left this week for ' his home at elanitou, IVIan. Chas., Mc- Kenzie returned from the West last week: Jas. Hrlland, Goderich, visited at Jas. Illecld's a few days last week. \VatMoore hat gone to Goderich and is workingarthstrade.- .Mr. andaNt•r8.- D. E. Munro went to Hensel] the -first of the Week, to visit Rev. W. Baugh and family. Robt Leach bolds a sale of farm stock And ' implemerits on Fri- day of this :week ; T. Gundry, auction- eer ; it is his intention to move west in the spring. Jos. Lawson has rented' the Oullis farni. • Albert Armstroni. lard sister, of Kingsbridge, are visiting- relatives In this community. Remem- ber the tea -meeting in the Methodist church on .Christmas night ; • a good program has been prepared, and all necessary arrargernents made for a social and enjoyable evenieg. BTYTTEE• FACTORY. •- The annual meeting of the shareholders will be held on Jan. 5th, • ' NoTICE.--The members Of the F. are requested to bis on hand at the regular meeting on the 26th inst.;•elec- thin of officers and other iniportont busirress will he transacted. • RESIGZJED. -; We understand that Rev. MeRhodes has tendered bis res - ignition to the Bishop, 'to take effect •at the end of three months Ile has made =my friends • in this neighbor- hood, who will regret to hear of hie contemplated departure. • RIFLE ASSOoiATioN NOTJOE TO MEsarinesa-The annual meeting of the Association will be, held on Wednes- day the 27thinsta at7 in. in Will - son's Hall, Rolmesville. All members are requested to.be present, also those wishing to kiln the Association for Noaes:-Mrs. W. E. Sheppard and child, of Stockton, Man: • are visiting Mrs. Sheppard's' parents, and Mrs. Geo. Tebbutt. F., C. Elford, Chief of the Poultry Division, Ottawa, paid a flying visit to the Poultry Station here on 'Friday -of last week; he had been attending the Poultry Show at Guelph. Mrs, Campbell, Michigan, is visiting at the home of Mrs. Trewartha, 9th con. FARMER'S The first meeting of the Holmesvilla Bret -141'0 the Farmers' Institute Was .held on Tuesday evening at . the residenceot Jas; ,Ross.a_Thearreall,rig_treakalrelor of st debate, Subject. "Which was the, boost valuable, the. horde or the cow, to After some lengthy Speeches and hot arguments, the. chtrianan, Mr. Sohn Cantelon, decided in favor of the affirinative. The next meeting will be held on Jan. 4th at George Tebblitt% Maitland con, Subject for debate, "Hiis.War or Intemperance caused the most misery." All are Waited. Bayfield -Miss Winnie Moorhouse entertained, a number of young friends on Tuesday evening last, The mach• inery ot Mr, Thomson's mill is com- pleted, and the mill -Wrights have re. turned to Toronto. The annual en- tertainment of St Andrew's Sunday sehool wilt be held, on Christmas night, when it large attendance will be ex- pected, as a good program is being pre- pared, • Consttince SToolc:- WIn Clarke reontly per - chased from Wm; ' Granger & Son near Londeseoro, a Durham bull 18 months old: It Is dark red in color, is from a good milking strain, and will be an excellent stock bull for this vi- cinity. . WEDDING, Tha marriege of Miss Laurette. (Lottie) Cook, daughter of S'17. B. Cook, to Mr, G H. Lowes, of Bowdon. Mautoos place in London on Dec rith, the ceremony being per- formed- at the .parsonage by Rev. J. W Graham, WP wish them prosperity. MEETmo. -The annual meeting of tin. Constance b :such or the Upper Canada. bible Society was held Tues- day evening in the Methodist church. The work done by this branch for 1905 was very encouraging, having. for- wardeci..to thetsflible Society,. Toronto,. the suni 'of $24 50. 1 he business for the past year being disposed of, the same officers were re-elected for the present year. Rev, Mr, Birks, Sea - forth, gave a very inssrUctive and in- teresti_,_pg the word of God. .1 nekersen I th. -NOTES.:;51r-, tin -d -1V- -Skin ey Johns, Seaforth. ;opens a few clays last Week with Trienes here. A Christmas tree entersaininent will be held in Turner's church on • Christmas night, Dec. 25 ; to defray expenses a Silver collection will be taken at the door, Mrs. I. Johns is 'spending: two weeks with •friends in Orillia. Miss Mary •McEwen, of Clinton', spent last week at Mr: Sent Oarnochan's. Mr. end Mrs. -David Day, of British Columbia; aresoending a. fews•weeke with friends Isere; John Layton, of London, is spendaig Christ- mas at his home here. Miss Jennie Grant. teacheisof 'ha), 4, resumed her work here On Monday iast,• " POING Wiesi--Mra Henry Carter.. of •Tuckersinith, has -purchased a firth • of 480 acreswithin a mile 'of Creaford • station, and About 20 niiles from Bran- don. lhe forth has on it a fine brick • residence and Other -geed outbuildings; and"he pas-.* 516,1100 the . whole out- fit,inCluding stock and implements, 'everything 'but the furniture in the. • house.. The farm Was valued at 812,000.! Mr. Carter intends moving out pest spring. His son, Mr. Wm. Certer, who is nowin the west; has also pur- chased a whole section Of land within three miles of the town .of Rapid Tchhasere.edifso.ra.sfzoirapireira e •heio.:se., stable and. granary on thisfartn, arsd it was pur7 Porter's Uhl YoME4-StIrlingM,cPbail entertained his apple pickers ahd•a few friends to a fowl supper on Friday etening last, - _Mrs. Win. • Johnson is visiting her daughter,. Mrs. F. Moore, of Mitchell. Don't forget the Christmas tree enter., teinnient this (briday) evening at the • • Bethel Ahura'. 'Quite a number at- -tended the'oyster supper given by the FriencleonThisradaylastS about eighty sat_ down_to-the tables, after which a ,sli.ort and splay prograrn•wirs rendered. . Londesboro CHUROlt -ReV, Mr. Leckie occupied the pulpit of Dr. McLean, of Myth, last Sunday night......The annual Christmas tree and entertainment of the Methodist Sunday school will be held on Monday evening. ... -Success. fill missionary services were held last Sunday in, the Methodist church ; Rev: -1:17M: Manning, df Clinton, preached ir the morning, and the pe,stor in the evening. . NOTES -Mrs. D W Boyd of Chi- cago. arrived here on Friday last to Visit bersparents for a short time. A number of Christmas visitors are ex- peJtecl here in the next few days. Mr. Thos, W. Roberton has moved from Mrs. A. Woodman's house, and ale, Harvey Longman .has purchased it, and moved in this week. OrtEAKERY.-The annual meeting of the Londesboro Cheese & Butter 'Mfg. Co, was held on Thursday of last week. The:attendance was very trneall. .The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Pres., John Brigham 1: Vice President, Win. Waite •• Direc- tors, John McGregor. John 'Sunder - cock and John Vodden ; secretary - treasurer, R. Adams ; Auditor, Ja Campbell. The report of the season's Work. was : Cream supplied, 213 844 pounds, which made 50,771 pounds of butter fat; that made57,787 pounds of ,\ butter„ The average p iee per pound of the butter vvas .20218, and the -pat - ions got.16718 cents per pound of but- ter. One pound of butter fat made 1.138 pounds of butter. The total amount of money received for the season's butter was $11609.28. There were several improvements made at and in the factory, tasting $350s The factory is now in itfirst-elass eondition, and if well -patronized next season svill make sornemoney for the shareholders. The Company at present is over $50 in deba-41. Alums, Secretary. Blythe DAUGHTER POUNDER. OE, ELYTH DIES AT AGE or 84. --The death oc- curred on Sunday; at the residence of Mr, J. W. Jones, London, Queen's avenue, of Mrs. Isabella Drummond Diprose, widow of the late kfenry Diprose, aged 84 years. Deceased was the daughter. of the late Robert Drum- mond, of Blyth, Ont , and hadlived here and been a member of St. And - row's Church for upwards of 50 years. She was born atKilsythaSterlingshire, Scotland, and her father, Wha 'hued: grated to this country with his family, was the founder of the town Of Blyth. DIED IN LON00/4.-111r. Itobt Somers, who resided on the boundary between Ilullett and East WaNanosh, passed away in Victoria' Hospital, London, where he had been undergoing treat- ment for the past two weeks. Deceas- ed was 53 years of age, and his very ereat figure was well known in the vicinity of Myth.' Ilis . wifa died about four years ago. Mr, Somers WAS a brother-in-law of Mr. Thomas Wright, contraetor'of London. The remains were taken to th for burial, Sentortn CONOEUT, -An Anieriean COMpany*, consisting of the following talent, Miss Martha Powell, soprano ; Afiss Euphe- mitt Rosalind Powell, elocutionist, and Mr. Itobert Bickle, tenor,gave a splen- did concert to a good audience in Card- "rio's ha, Seaforth, On Friday night of last woof. The erowdwas orderly and appreciative, with tbe exception of A few beetipying the front ' seatst espOe icily while Miss Powell was giving 11 VerY praeticat reeding erititled "Go!; up Thar', Billy." The -I.adies' am So- ciety, Under whose auspices the con. Oert was hold, to tobe entigrattlinted on tha affair, Horse Breeders. he annual meeting of the Dominion Draught Horse Breeders' Association was. .heill in the Ommeil Chamber, CI intom. on Wednesday. After paying all liabilitree, it was shown that there. is in the treasury the Sum of $658. •The old cabers, as follows, were re-elected: President, D. 'Mantosha Brucefielrl ; Vice -President, S. Sutillie, Hensall ; secretary, 'tames Mitchell, Goderieh ; Treasurer; • P. McGregor, Bracefield ; Auditors, T. McMillan, Mullett, and S. SEnAifiltleer-clisetissing matters of general interest to the Society, itwas decided to ball a meeting of all members, to be held in the OommilaChinntier.--elintonr at 1 °Week _pan., on •the 20th dayOf Jenuai ry. 1906, when matters of nn. portance to the Society will be fully considered. • WATERWORKS. It happens that the town Of Preston is submitting a waterworks by-law to the rate -payers, somewhat similar but more expensive than the one now be- fore the people of Clinton,: A rate -pay- er writes to the Preston Progress sup- porting the by-law, and his arguments are so applicable to this town that We" reprodnce some of them es follows:- I 1 The town requires better fire pros tection, the present systera of fire pro- 1 teclion being totally inadequate for the present conditions. and In addition an abundant supply of water for de- 111esticP‘ilPtespeays. 2The raers* ofthis town are all with a very sne on the other. The mantling few exreptions dependent (OP dependent on his operatives, and . the operatives are dependent on the ma,nu facturer and what affects One affects theOther, and in the event' of destruc- tion by fire of any one or more of our industries or of any residential portion of the town, all property owners and ratepayers of the town would immedi- ately suffer, and this can to a large ex- tent be avoided by the establishment. of Water, works. 3 The property owners and, rate- payers of the town are • heginning, to "takerti great -pride' in heabfifYing the outside of their properties, lawns, gar- dens and boulevards. This ban •rninh- more effectually he done or carried out b jilkoreklssibvstealnui.se. of water .from a water Our parks, • trees, boulevards, streets, the people's pronerty, will be immediatery benefitted by the estab- lishment of a system of waterworks', and, our wh.ole town will become a gar- den of beauty 'and atttraction to the visitors • and strangers Within our gates. • . • .5 As to the cost of the above inn provements for which there is a crying necessity when we can obtain what we 'actually need by the increase of a few milis pftaxation should we net have theth In regard to the Maintainance of these works when established, the experience of other municipalities bas provedthat thea maintanmece aeon takes care hf itself.that. is there is soon aulficient revenue to pig for Maintain, ance, interest and sinking fund And in 'Mashy eases it becomrati seurce of tee - entre hathe municipality. Why, should it net irk our case ' • 6 •We have -clone meth' for Others arse if any good maisafacturingprOpos- Wen should ask us for assistance we would he prepared to do much agent.' Why not let us do sOnaethingfor our- Selyes and help to bnild • up' this good old town and make-it'one of the naoSt attractive ond healthy places in West- ern Ontario to -ciwellin and chiis take advantage of, all . Mir natural facilities. . • These:Siraare in niy opieion a few of the many reasons why a seaterwork system should be adopted by our town at the present time. . and I trust they will commend theinselves to the pro' party owners and ratepayers Of • this town. Briteefleld NOTES, -flen't forget the Christmas tree entertainment in the Methodist church to -night (Friday.)Mr. Scott and wife, of Bad Axe, Michigan, are visiting at the home of his brother, Mr W. Scott. A number of our villagers attended the anniversary serviees ili !Conon 00 Sunday Inst. Mr, Reid, of Bay City. Michigan, is visiting at the home of Mr. Foote, A number front our village attended Mr. Avery's sale last week, it was the largest attended lode ever seen ha the neighborhood. Miss Lottie Orassiek is very ill, no ihopes.are entertained of her recovery. Mr. Scott is no longer issuer of mar- riage licenses, this "government job" • having been taken away from him. hhe wife of. :ohn °halite eX*M7P.i died at Lyrirdoch, Christmas Heats Although the weather is very, mirth against the profuse display of Christ- mas meats, the hitchers of towu will make an appetiaihg exhibit, as the fol- lowing dhows as- FriZenefliteelP/IIIBIT 1 ext-ra heifer fed •by Sohn Wises weighed 1330 lbs extra heifers fed by It. Pepper, 63ift r• 1 extra heifer fed by G. Pope, 1240 a 1 extras heifer fed .by J. Shanahan,. '1090a• 8 hogs fed by J. Fowler, 1870a. 2'. hogs fed by. H. Anch'e wa., 5001: It limbs, O. Flynn, 580.. A large quantity of foe& from' John Young, James Wilson, It. Scott, J. Brown, john Pearson. Smoked meats and all kinds of othermeats in season. • Tbreissesees - ' Owing to thefact that Mr. Torrence haa only been.here a couple ef weeks, he is not able temake•any Specie/ dis- play, though he has sovae line meats on hand. ' • T.. SortruTorr 1 heifer fed by W.. Lyons, 1360 ; 2 heifers ferbby Ed.: Levis, 2300; 1 heifer fed by Joe Copp.1300 r• 1 heifer fed by as-NOtt,.-1400;:2 pigs-hy,-W Eicoat; 450; 1 pig by Wins Marshall, 25o: 2 lambs by T. Wiggington: 2 Iambs by N. Sturdy a 11 calf by M. Ball, Tucker - smith ; r calf • by McLean, Tucker- • smith. Poultry of all kinds. • Adjourned.Inquest The - adjourned inquest into the death of john McAllister, the inmate of the House of Refuge, who wandered away and was found dead, was restuned be- hove Coroner Dr. Shaw, in the Council Chamber, on Tuesday, evening. Crown Attorney Seeger was present and • questioned the various witnesses as did also the coroner. .Mr. French was the first ' called; Messrs McKnight,. , Davidson and McIntosh, the men who fatted and helped to remove McAllis- , ter,:were also examined, as was Dr. !Rogers of 13ruceijeld, who made the post mortern examination. Mr. Torr- ance, inspeetor, gave evidence as to the general supervision of the House, end As McLeod, one of the inmates of the House, who slept in the same room as McAllister, also testified. There was nothing' to show that McAllister's death vsaS due to anything other then exposure, and to blame seemed te attach to anyone. Mr. Seeger, in addressing- the jury, pointed out what he believed Wa8,it , defect in th ere en agemeot of the House. Ile thought there wee not enough help there to properly look after the in- mates, suggesting that, in his opinion, there should be a niabt watchtnan, so that in ease afire or other ernergencieS there would hi seine one to render as- sistance, and he urged upon the Jure that it would strengthen the hands . of the County Council to embody in their report, o resolution to this effeet. After Weighing ,,he evidence the .Jury brought in the following verdict: -"That John McAllister came to his death by exposure, and that we eall the attention of the County Council to the lack of responsible supervision of the House of Refuge at night, and re- commend that some better sysstern than the existing oue he .adoptcd." 7740.- Mt/11101PAL.-Municipal nomina- tions teas plate •tonight between the hours of 7.30 anti R110. It is said- that besides Mayor Hoover, only one or Iwo of the present :members of the Oilmen will stand for re.eleetion ; one of the names mentioned for Council, Is that of Mr. Paisley, who would upaka a good praoldoal volvoontat1107 McLennan s • Before inaking . your Christmas purohases, it would pay you to see our stock of Conteetionery iFruits tend Vroeeries. FRVITS • Vire have Mexican Oranges at 15c a dozen; these are net like the usual cheap Oranges sold al this season, but are sweet and :juicy, California Naval Oranges from. 25c up to 000 per dozen. FlOridaS. from 26c up to 300. Altniria, Grapes 20c per lit Figs 5 to 20c per lb In CONFECTIONERY Chocolate Drops at 15c.or 2 lb for 241c Stewart's fine Chocolates, very- lars;e Mixed Candy, 4 lb for 25e GSGOttrilent in bored and bulk, I3oxes range in price from 250 to $1 French Oherriee Sensible ICilstmas Prese,nts • Are becoming the rule more and trove every year with sensible people, There is nothing ilimsy about AN EBONY BRUM/ • A TRAVELLING COMPAN'N - TOILET SET A M.A.NIOURE SET 4. BOTTLE OF PERFUME A frOT WATER BOTTLE A CHAMOIS vgsT REEKIE'S DRUG• STORE, WANTON; ONT.' CHRISTMAS Garr' TO 904 ttisroMaitS, Realizing as we do, that qual- ity counts with our customers, , as it does with ue, we have en- deavored to please our custom- ers. by supplying them with the very best goods, pure and fresh, ,. at the right . • VVe are not satisfied with this, so we have procured two of the moSt beautiful .pictures on the market, viz; Purity and These are reproductions of the prize-winning paintings at .Paris and the St. Louis. Worid's Fair, by the famous artists,,_ASti and Arthur. • • The purchase of three dollars' worth of goods, et'a single pur- chase or different purchaser, will entitle the purchases to one . of these pictures. We wish .each and every purchaser a ' MERRY CHRISTMAS. W. S. R. HOLMES, $ phiu. B. Post Offlii I:1rue Store, 441:4•••••••:'‘i441:4.s7saiimS Wedding Gifts - .Are you.in.donbt este what you . shall give, :if sea come to uerfor assistance. Our experience inay • be of some use to you, and dim ample stock of Suitaele presents in the newest styles of • SilVerWare. and Fancy- China is coMplete at •thus season of the year. • Our stock was never so iarge and well assorted. !fit .Witleing Magi ,:best •t1 GRIGG Jeweler and Opticiari—. .Marriage Licenses. iisued In NUTS • We have all kinds, such as Almondo, • Peanuts, Brazils, Walnuts. In GROCERIES • We have everything to be found in a, first-class Groceryand its this depart- • ment has been added lately, you ean be sure of having your orders filled with first-class gooAs of the very best brands . .• OYSTERS • Leave us your Christmas order for Oysters, which -swill be filled svith fresh stock and reasttre guaranteed. Everything sent out is guaranteed to be as represented. and money refunded if customer is not satisfied. Goods de. livered promptly to any part of town. GEO. MeLENNAN & CO., * 81100e1S013 to I1, Uotientum _ 411111111Lir.., ilgliattglighillms.......—A••111•11fin.M.• -a ... Iht iNeweeilik C Are , showing ..one of .th,e finest .assortments of Men's NECKWEAR GLOVES Si& and Pnen • HANDKERCHIEFS SUSPENDERS SWEATERS FUR CAPS Et.c. Etc • To be found m town.— Prices run from thecheap, est to the most expensive. It will pay you to see thi stocls. before Christmas . The 3. W. Newcgml)e Co., Clinton 1.4‘4444,44,440,4.4104. • NOtfee Advertisers changing the* \ AdvertisementsAniv week hitledt have their t!op- in not later , \ than Tuesday Morning.