HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-15, Page 9a
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,, r � P4000d, I$Loota In Conledof , ,
. MARK'-HAINNA ROCK 4014if" , ' - 1? I I
. - -Thero Ore toW, it any, pelpmd boots. MXX�ff, I
� A R L. .1.1 ...... 1-1.1 .
. ..- A WOMAN S BACK IS .OUR COUNTR'S FOREST - rrr. L . 7'r ;. � I ip'n'iji�W-A& . .
* knd WOO n,44e in the t%otortes of the 'United , . . . 'IL . I .1. ... . .1-r I .. "I 11 . - . -
,.to . , I r ;
,okl*rt 09,111POdiflo 'Ottoot 0 - 'go the sew-
. - OL ,. . .states, whtle ,,ntty years a � . . I 1,
� .
,�. , S ,UTE � 'aro.1y,01torte,for 15hilps. lag maeblue wa$ yet untrivented L*n4 THE MAINSPRING OF � 40 "
A recent -despatch ffronot V1,4orl.a. , uearlY 941 0000. save thO hOmd'sawed . , RUSSIrA. . e ,
. , � R r, c! I 1
-33. - C., lmys,: :,Xotifloatlou 1284 ityeen Sent I were hobnailed Or Pek5ed. 14 Canada . ANY LAND EXCEPT . � Fe art er.
,by ,:r41S�itb9uqrekeeper P W4 of Cape I there are O, feW Scattering glLetorlQit I I I . . .
. , . W. r
. Carmanai$h to itlio irealdeAt, a-gerlt Sit : producing pegged boots, for men and ,L -V e Slightest Ruk- .. 1. . I r I
L � I
e 7
thip'pppartnient-cl 'Wafirnee, that "MMIC r gleetedo I I
, .X I 1. 1� Northern 'Forests of thq, Dominion COV. I . - .. �
"W "ft I y . mufacturer, rebently r= across @ STF-MT` '"n 14 ,, I. ..*
It i boys. Adam 33ertsobo a R00,1104ter Pat* 1. *3:1 ' , 'r r * itolle, if 14e
. 'Hatina?l Rock, cotherWise known to ; � tern ma. . . Mablio to Cause TORIpS ot Teviriblo . . 1� 1,
, .
.navlgatero Of "the r'North rptolfla as one , one at S�, lohn's, Md., I I r r an Aroji About Forty-Fqur Times , . 'r I .
- Genuine , th Lt I Mr. Bartsch W&Sr Interested 14 the . . Suffering, r . 0 . 1( r r .. \ " . I I
-of . . Grea0r* Thati 'F.n9lpnd.- Serious Pa .1 '
. . ,,,the,tmaiiy marine -grAvestones a 1 quaint mariner in which the boots * L � I 0 -A�
. . Ora a thp westank Seabo . , ncl xo *Oman can wotrong aud:healthy I
L . . Dang rnber- , !Parked in a'sclent9lic way# .
, .
� .7 oouver 'Island, ,has .64'angelv 41sap. I shoe$ are manufactured, tile madbinery , 1 1 I ey w U. d regular in ,iro Which Threaten TI 1[ � I . .
I cOm- their action. When the kidneys are ill,. Soffer Dreaftlly Fro ' Fire _ --- -4
1 -peared. , in use. being long out of date, as tin sea t ick dn a are 0 an r m -- ' I I .
L -
'Carter 80 I I The rook tuntll ,Very T11cantly reartc! 1 pared with the Present standard in the the whole wpoisona which , _
I , . ., - body is ill, for tit Causes of FQrqst Fires - Forlpatry, , IF8119111=
I .80 feet above the. watero, near Bonilla : 'United States. There are. no up-to-date tile kidneys ought to have fittered oixt of . . . � . . L . . ��� . . I . ��-
L I . 4. . C-nve-tion , 4 1 1 1 1. I . I
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71�1.�m4 7 , 6"6� 1 Wo As id Aft*04* . cffftton� � Ont.
I - -- �1 01 ii, V1, #A"00" Pao UrM 8 . � I
.1 . �.. I—. 1- ff,1 .L.M1 ... 5,�*iii�� 1, , V I I .. Ina cut It 01y, No 1gooner was i 1, . . J6 A CHE L L B WFF 0 nlvt .
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-7 I , tw",k 16toutoor 0AL ,.T �- -4, LD
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I I .1 . 11 AVVW 924" , � thA e tmitaele disabled th4n anothor � 'L I LArgestriartiltureStoroin the County. �
I � , , I 1" I " W rulit out, but tho 10diOA1 M&A- 11 . . U& AN Oft"Wo I 1'. ---.1-I.- I -.I,-,----- . � 00100011 , . I . � .
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� pur(Ar Veffe I A
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.In operation datly. Customers a ,n take -
Ch,)p home with them. Price6 riabg--t'oii ,
or caeb, Sstiaaction enararte,3d. .
J. BROWN, Proprietor
� .
i is a high-grade commercial School
? , Throe Courses
. Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy.
:1 !. Write GEO. SPOTTEN. Principal.1
Havt-yon seen the liandecrueCatalogue-
11 --j .1
� I �
not, yon are not yet famijiar with the
work being done in Canada's Greatest
oai�wercial SuhQol. 370 placed last vear.
Home courses in BOOK. -KEEPING,
� those who cannot attend at Chatham, If
V% ou w1b. th,e,home training write for Oat -
,ue you wish to attend it Chat -
%f - wr;'e 'or ')'"'Ogue I -
Mention this paper . you writt, ad -
RcSing D. XcLachla n & Co I
ada Business College
nov3 2mtf CH -,,THAM, ONT.
B E -S U.R E
and(xaminea enpycfcur catalogup,.If ycu
bav,e an), idea of talc ing a preparatory4,nurbe
fnr a GO D PAYIN(i P061TION. be-
I J218 lid solinol ptival"to ours foe
lie% e 5
prociticizig pood results. We solicit invesli-
gatiox) and compari.on Entenany Lime. No
-Vacations. I .
. .
I '. � ..... . . .....-.
. . I
. - �* �
I CA*w
"Vonge and Gerard Sts., T.oronto
W. It. S1111AM', - . 11rincApal.
DAVID HOSKINS C.P.A., Instructor.
. ---
'COWS COUN awt,compoura
. MadloV,Vavorlt4k
I Is 1lie -only -sage reHIM
- - rwulator on ;Wch vom�
can depend "in tho MW
- .
.. I 0
strengt1t. No. I.
Iqla. 1,-r,or
Is by far the beat
xbedlc�, te ,known.
11 2- e special caaw-40 �dam
qc=er,--thm doilareper boZ.
k ir drit t 'for ,CMNKn
of PA"On n..t V. .9r. vak,
Apo ag: wum a2mures at,
WWArwhWAX. XV6 1 and NO.
=a,Q�gwuagA tV *.'I drugglft In
1'. W f'kv%uv.L Walled to any
J%=N*44 cq qcsoB and C�()UrLg-oent t
I Wft QuoU Vslpapan7. 4
VMUdsor. ft&
. �
Nfl. I .qnd No. 2 are sold in,Clinton
Kcovmhe. J. E. Hovey and F.
N% LWI Druggists.
- . .
� 047
>1 I -4- I
iw ,
C 0 A�lj -K-
4- �K-
4t ,<-
5w Plefore placing your,orders for 4C-
-�* your season$s supply of Coal, get
-�r otir prices. The verl best goods
In the
> carried stock an sold at
-> lowestpossible price. -4.
-14 I . 1 46
�* Orders Tinny be left:at Davis *
.1* & Rowla,lad!s Hardware sfore, or
4+ with
-5* *
W. J. Stevenson 4e
9 4
Vit-Electirle Light Plant. . 4�-
1 11 41j-
------ ----..--
� �
. I
R4 Pits ='Ons 86 Soil
. We are still in the But- ,
.4hering business, and are
iin a.position to fill all or'
Aers for seasonable meatp,
in,trusted to our care.
Our new businegr. stand
is inthe Combe Block.
,R. Mitmwsimons a soull
I plifle 76 1 Clinton :
" ,
� � . .
� - -111111111111i,111111111111"� �. 111 I W
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point, (iff Carmanagh, the Canadian Me ods, and One m1glit. easily lrnaglle tits qxoou are. left in tho. �,Vs am, I I � I
e tinel at the oeAtrauce of the Stralts, in etc ping Into this :factory that. the- . . The female constitution is naturally I a IS L I L � I � - - . .
n I P , I The value of the forests of Canad M �, 1, �
.,'cycle of time had turned back forty or more 'subject W kidney than a . .., I I. L I , , , - -'- - - I . . . I
if San Juan de Fuca, opposite Cape * . L . , , disease ; being real$xed. more fully with, the $A- " L . L . .
, .y, on the A . merican Shore. , Afty yea !)oats are high in itud what is mon . I , L . . I I
. Ire. The pegged ,, au!s; i, a women's work . I .
natter cut, such as men wore gen . Ife is Ono c .- . creasing price of lumber and forest . I
The rock, was named wtor the Ohio I erally before id. never done. -Iter whole 11 . � on Products, It is therefore opportune . - . - , -
statesman antl , ItepUblicAn orgunIper the war, and find a ready sale In Now- tinuous strain. t -Forestry Convention should have I
. . ,
3y Lighthousekeeper Day4in, loecalisei foundland and in Cana4a.-From the. , lie* many women have 7ou heard $MY: L tha a V . . . ,
the remarkable 111cenesa Its contour Shoe Retaller.L . I . . I I 1611%y, how myback 4chesll Do oultnow been called by� the Pr9rnier of the Dom- I ,
. L 1. L.. I . 0. one Of the ,firJ signs of inion to meet in� Ottawa Ili January
L that backache I . ,. � !;0UVer4TFt,R^, r G
�ore to. a1actail. silhouettQ ot. the late . uld be at, next to consider how best to, deal with , V 1W I I . I
kTuerIcan Senator, Ap=t, from. .this young Girls Sold In Marriage� . lddney'tioublti?. *Jt is, And sho , I � - ..
. . .in Other symptoms this important national assipt, I I . I �
distinguished feature, 'however, tbereL Mrs -T. Chisholm., Manitp.ba, report- tended to I mediately. 0 L . . . aff:" -CC��t)U.5 -ro r L - .
, . arefrequent thirsti-scantY, thick, cloudy Canadians do not realize th Large'. ., I � . .
vvas another -pecilliarity about Mark Ilog.r,cently t6 the Dominion Women's IL oil urine, burning - sensation position the Dominion holds to-daSPI-Irt . � ... .. . . .
Hanna 'Rook ,Which In ,earlier ,time Christian TempreraneeL Union conven. * or highly, color BUtL if: We 'don_ L . L 0 1) . . . . � . I . L . .
, wl)ezl Urinating, frequ6nt urination, puff-- the eyes of the'world. . - . 4� . ' - - L
might 'have Invested It With'superstI, Ltion on for6ign,wor1.c,,-denounOed child- Ing under. the eyes, swelling. of the feet and , ' sidex for a - moment what Imr anse. 1g. . . . . . .
L . 11 I . I , ' , .4 - ir, uptrio . .
tious dread. 'It Is paid that It �possess, marriage, Practiced . among,, .. Germans, ankles, floitti ng spe�ks before tLp. eyes* etc'. I Stretches, of forest. land there are In the, I .. . , tlid - -. ., I .k
ed a. remarkable magnetic power, for d4liclans and Poles in.Manitoba. . She The6ol symptoms it not takenna time and ! Dominion the reason may be - under- 1, I .. , .1. . L . , 11 .
on its rugged and stairm-beat4n -b a thirteen-yeax-old , .. AM "
are Cured at onpe, will cause years of terrible stood. wfi yatlitif.5.,W, 3' ?k co c ,
many a vessel -basppunded to destroloo . V such should ,be , the case. - � I , I . . I 11A . , . � I . . .
, . girl forced to -mairy'a man much old- kidney suffering. All these symptoms, And The area of forest lands In Canada ha:s I . . . I
tion. � . 11 . .1 er, whom she bad never seen' till the - in fact, these diseases may be oured by the - been estimated. at between 700,000,00.0. 11 . I . , � V I I . ' . . I I
-But the -rock �Js lie more. It was de- week, before- th6, marriage . ceremony. �1 useof . .. I - I I . acres 'and 800,00,000.acres, although of - I I
strayed agme,weelcp ago In.the selarnio The fatlier# -of -young -girls were Paidf. . this only �one-thlrd is. covered by rnA- 1�- - . Al"SOMIRVANCH, 19 � " � � . .1. -
, .
and electrical disturbance Telt In Slight . - ! ROANT. KIDNEY. PILLS, . . 1111,11, I � . . . . . . -t cla-55 1 . 1: �
*25 or $30 by the prospectiv4'grOOM . - - tAXTe forest, or say 250,000,000 acres,.tb.e i I .
, . , , JAW alim -
degree here ,and to a &eater extent The girls were practically sold by hard-� I I remainder being burnt over land, elth, I , . '
. . .
'was n90ded, ' blaeX They.act directly on the kidneys, and - - - - � . . 11 . ; � � 1"
. I - make them strong and healthy. . . In various stages of 11 , kovid be, *1 .,�
at 'Nandimo. 'It up parents. ..-$be know cases of four; : I . , I . er entirely waste or I
and grim, -rearing lt�elf thrOugh the . teen-yea,rold .girls being compelled to. . y, Auburn, N.S., writes: recovery. This to the largest forest area J � I , (( I � �Wqt. . 5 . , I .
Mrs. Mary Galler � � I . - . . I
shake. In the morning Lightl;ouse- " For over four months I Was troubled with possessed by any country in the 'world . :. I . .
storm In the afternoon preceding the maxry tinder similar circumstances. , I , . I
- - The Attorney -General had. been � appeal- . . . . � .
keeper 'Daykin observed with arnaze. ,a lame back and Wag unable to turn in bed . N,,,,Ith-. the exception of .Russia. ,Jt. has. I .. � I r . I ,.... �
' I ed to 'on the matter, . but It- was diffi- ' I was induced by a friend to been figured. that the northern . forests I I . I . . . . . I I .
,oVer .art - area, about lorty- : I . .. .
ment -that 'the sea ,broke unruffled , � without -help, ,,of Canada e ": (�5 Atr
where It had Ittted Itself from* the cult.to Stop. child -marriages unless they try Doan'SICidney After liaing two- � . . . ., 6
could get a case for prosecution'through ' . . Pills, -<C- - I Vv: I '&Z i I df. a . I
I thirdsofa boxmyback wasss,Nvell as ever." four times .greater than England. � I . T . I I �
deep. . I I the girl,refusing: to say yes at the rnar- . Price 50 cents, per box or three boxes for ,.There are, however� serious. dangers . ( I . . I .
The. question Is ,now being debated . � �. . . 1. -re ateriing this timber. The* northein ove n, Tw c k d to p s � P i ral �.',
. local., I �sclentlst& .wb.q1her9r not r1a . ge altar � I . $i.25at all dea,lers� or Sent direct on - tbrd. . , I I ,.. .1 I . ,� I
among I - , 1� j ft i, �w I , .. " I � .. ipt of price. -The DognXidney-111411 Coi,,,. -forests 'are xnadnly- compose& of.,. ooni - .,, .ell I I ", raft -9'. . � r'. I ,Spe� aI._ j,..,- r �- �
the strange magnetic force said to be . . . Generous MA'id. - ce I I .. � . . . 'ferous'trees, Spruce predoridnating, and I � . P am� - 44. i, ..,
a property -of tile rock had alight, to 41 , . . , . . Toronto, Ont, . . 1. . . . .1 , . . i - I I . I . . . : 1.
. I . I . Oh, Spare me, dear angel, a,lock Of � I -- . --- I .. . �.. are therefore easily burned. Hardwood. . I . � I � ..i I ' I
do with Its final demolition. ` I � I ' " I . . I I � .. I I '.
4 . , your bair, the .basbfttl' young man .: ,, forests offer considerable res stance -to . . - It co � . .". ,�
- I . .� .49 . I .. A Destruotive Fish. . I I , 11 . . firdoxb-a mbift'. h),. :7 . . I I 1
. . . �ge iind sighed, . 'Twere a - , . firei lati. the soft woods with their re- . . , , .. . . .
* I %:qok coura . . I . I .
I - .. . -1
'Ontario Methods. . ' The Perth Expositor". tells some,re- . . . I � I I
-g . I I sinous leaves'7and, wood are a most -in-, . . . I I , r �,
Adoptin . shame torefuse. so.modesta-prayer, so, I makirl . ... . �
The Provindial Department of Agri, i take. the. whole wig," the fair maid re- markable stories of - the , voracity . of vitifig fuel. ,As has. been stated, -those . . . � . . . 11 . I
. . I .
T � , . I
- . I . I . 10 11 I , I - �
culture has -recelived anlntemit�iiir. note . I . I. .. I that Interior fall, the lyng; which does who travelld our northern districts and - . ... I . . . I
--vlled, .. . -1- -- � jury I to .game . . . . . � . , �
-f- . -1. ., �4- - .-4'..., -, ,--c,-- . so-�-madh -in fish'in On- have. made close observation of thei . I . . .. . . � I
trom Bootland. Mr. George, -Bain', iid1tcF ,.. : .- . . � . 'Some tirne ago,.The.E-�, � . .1 . I � . . . . . . � .
of the Nairrishire.T61egrapli,-called at . . � 1, . I . tarlo waters. . is O'VVC&N T IL . �
� . I ' . situation, make the staterneat that flr4l' . '. . . I . . , . I . . .... . 11
the Department -last yeaT, -and.*among . -.. � -.'.1?,.1iLL.-.C,.A.TAl1R11 . lodsitor Says,: Mr. Rob6rt Mocre., .wav has at different times. run ever two- .. I .. � : . � , - ,
. . I ' I ..
. . I
the piiblications- given hi2ii were''sofne ; -I � I.. 1* - .. .. , 1 gra�nted - a license to net bull pout In, thirds of the country.' Jf .Such sliouid - ' . � .. , . . � . . . . I 1.1: ., I
.. � . � ., Christie's La161:and the other' ft he r .� � . 'RANSCA13 I . I . . . I
of the T-Tature,stuc1.yb.0IlQdris issued- by .. e; � I Y . be the case again" the wealth � of these I I I . .
the Department . for PlIbIl * School visens-,vir-ValvilitNow, ,c-ttt,'Tan - The` Expositor Office ,one . . . . . . 0 1 ! . . 1.
. . �
. . . brought to forests may easIly. be dise*ipafed. , . . . I .
- C t In the lake referred . I � � bN t -(L . ma ft. - . I . I 1�
teachers. Mr. Bain states that.some be Q.ulc.k.1.y (. ured NArlth Ryome I L . large lyng caugh ,,A recent writer speaking of North- . . :� � I .1. . .... .� . I.he b6t . k rk. I I : . -
of the teachers 'of the Nairn district . . I . . to, and i.twas'dissected. This 4�yug bad ern -Quebec and,Labradb� states...tbat I �. . . . . . .. . . . ".1 I
-are -very ,much 'Interested In theset and I � A great niany I)eriple ,stiffei, filore owallowe , d a Pike which measured' SLV - I .. . I . I .�. . . I . . I I . . .. � I . . I . '. � . . r . . - �,
i With. vatarrh dilring,the� filil. Illontlis - ' .the Immense forests of those districts . �'� . �� .. ' . �
Intend to use thern as �he i3asIs of their . most fourteen In6hes in-leligth and. al- .. have Suffered dr�eadfiilly from fir6, and , I., I � I I I I � � ATIME AND COALSAVER. .- USED,- : , - �, %
'I lly,;� ,itany Whet, ,4eit�oii -tit the year, so. a ffilinsized'sunfIsh. Mr, 'Ephralm ' - I . . I . I . � 11 I . . . . I .1 q -,.
nature study -work. The -steady demand . ..� . In many 7places -the vegetable part of � .. .. I 1. I . '... I . . . � .;. . .
1. the dtallges ill %Neattl(Ir SeellillIg 1,11 ... .. ' '' , .. ',I
� , , ,
for these bullatine.-Trom. Ontario PubII6 ]),ive it .1's,ld effoot -upon the disease, : 'Deacon, ille fishery. Inspedtor.-at Bol- the soil has been so com,pletely burned � . . . . . . . ..::, . . 'IN T11011*141)1 OF CANADIAN HONES . i � 111.1
. . . . lingbrooke; called at Mr. .Moore's to ' - .. . . * � I . . I . . . . * - � I
-vehool teachers liad -exhausted the-bul- . - that a couple of 'centuries must � . I I . . . ' � . , �,
-he cures itiade by Hyrimel 4.nd be fpuntl-Ille. . . I 1. . i , I ' .
.. I . . .. I . I -The-:'rj ey � �
rasses" and "The So .out restocked !1 , " urni , Ti,lderi -Company . � .
. S. me uf L ,one I make .an Inspection, �' I . . I . � . .. :
se&m. I 1141-vola*wc when -el 4 elapse before ,It .is � fully .. . . I I . . � , I . . ��- ,.. .�% . . a
lettus bn "Weeds'." "G I ylvinher, Ith clultd A ri:dinber of c I . . � ... :.I I I natiOncturer. , . . . J.i,L, . . . ,.,�
'Making 61lections."' The bulletin that tile -rom flobermilm w � a - 'These fires ate Oi I An - - :, , , 'I. . ... . . 1.
of q . ' p10(-t)lS,'had taifNre& f 11 I * I I .nuaL Occurrence. . . . I . � . . 1. ' '
on "Weeds" -has been revised by Fitif. � 'h ,ini�e.vlffldh600l ana ,t ,it. for: sli..,dozon;3; of - lyng, but :no protected, , and occasionally. burn .throughout -the ,1, - ., .� - . � . Z I � I I .. ,a3:PIn,,,-2 Toron4o 146=�rcc�.-,Uir:�ipe& Va.=&Uvor. ..'s . ;.% :, .,�
I c4t�lj't ., 1), I 1. I ' .. . ." . 4 I . I I ! . , 11 ... . ., 1. . .� . . . ", �
T�ochhead, making it more suitable for' . . 'fish.` Three lyvg-,were Ct�sedtv,-�!, 1W.I� , ri-otlestroying , thousigols � 0 �. I , k� ... I.* i .* / , ". . '. .. I I � . . '. . . . ,. . I
I ' lad been:-iill.hble to get al, . , entire valwri3e , If . . I � 1. .1 . ... .. .11. ., '. I ''(
yeill-sthev I . r6sult: -One. ne 1, ,,, . . 1� � . .. . . - � , .,; �
teachers, and It .-Will lie xe4ssued dur- � I l3igfit's ,deep, jon accolint - of I he - the, f9lidwing . .. cmtai 6f square nille; of valuable driib.er to . o , " �- .. . I . . . . .1 � I . .. I. . , : �13-, �
. .. got;( . I . I � I . . .. I . I . � .. . . �
Ing th . .. . .� lc� .� . . . . I . . �
. I whiiefish, e!ght biclies long,,ah(l , tT;e' s6uth- �Of the'e'intrai water'shed. It % . I . % � ... I., ..., ,��
��4 . . -1 91� * ' I
. . .- �- - .t0sakl'k'k!v&11lt't . � ,.three. I 1. I ,i ��, . I 1, ourpa�sbtip- mrantee .*1 -' ' . V, ..
e winter.. . , . Jcklifik��tiil:dvoppfilg "At . � I ee ' I I , 1. . , I - , , . . I ... ,
. I . . . .. ... . Aie� Nick of the thcoat caiwed I)y t1lis, one'ba.s.5', A onel one hncJ-'r,aT,,i0V. Is aiifllorlt�#vely stated 'that 'at':Iea§t , . * I -, . . I . I . . I . . . ,
I , I . - ... . . . � fl, ---- . - h�Ve SG'.XVGZIr '2.anZeZ "i; ,.-.IV L '. ' -
I . , . I ... "I ��� . '.
. . - 39: pl , � . "o rat0wra. kaers.V= �0 g
�fo . .. L. .; q.. , .. '. _ . ��.� ,, ,�. L " - , : . .'
*,Flight ,df- Birds;- , .,; - , �: Offenj�ive idis�.,l!sp.- A . VJ�`:i1a)'S'L trojjj� � 0�(,I: !.!,I One�fialf �,4of - the - ioresi - areh; -a the 4�11- � :"As wi::;,L; .. ovor.v,stova, , I . - I ; . '..
.. . ' ' I le ' . ' . . I .. . . I L 1. I ..1. I .. .� , , I :� -
. . , I "' ' . ��=L -has been . -r, . - . . . . �.!. , . .
- r nent.will 'Hy()n1el brought qiiick 're- A' �. . ilmd ,t . F , ijo�,l ... I � . ,
Pigeons Ily 26t the rate of Afty fiv'e" , - �h ba�s ; , I - L ten* or - of this paA of Canada r I . . 1. ,. I . . . I . , r . . .
1&1,, all(I � �, (:oil t I hiWd uzO . Inktile a, coni- as L.f,und. to contain :a ]�;'pr-r. n-,m.b .� I , liffi" the L . . . I - .
. I - � . I .. . � . I ".. .
miles an hour, -swallorwS at the rate "I . . . . . I . , yed: by fire -%vit . 1. , DAVIS& ROWL4kN-D.,' CLINTO.N-.
. . - .. . . .�� .1 . L . . . ., , .
. . I . of 'partially decomposed i,I*cr-' r--- to�a 11�stlrflve or:,thirtVL years. I . . . . . I .1 . .
-of ninetii-two, Tooks at, the rate of lele, and astingdol;eo. ... I eL . Pv"V'1;4-t�11� . . . .. I . I . ... . g, .. � . .1 I : . : .. , .. . .., . I I L.� L . .
I .
tweluty�five. There was once : a ' By� hllpij hill", Hvi)lnel� tlli,oilgh, th , � I L I W- ' ' * ., . - I . . V, 1 ndldwnm=�� I .
.. thfde- - 1. ,,tows -and tefi recently' mytillo. ,��-- - -The same Is large-ly tviie-6� .e'very, L - � .1 I . I F I L. � . .��..- , � - ; �
I . I I � I of: the
, , , �: I . I . .., , , ., .
for a viager: YOUlketAn afeTtbhi cl*ws wit'll .'eViil-y� . - '�L 1" ' �L.-- - -L I . herti forest area� . �. � . I . � .1 . I . I I . . 1, � . . 1. :. .1 .
mile race got , up L . beT � - I . '. I part bf the.fiort - � ----"- : L , ... ..
. ,
pig- . � '. The * O."'A" 0 � P � tod'' 1- . � ': Durninion, from the -. I . . - '.. . - 1. .
, ti 't,:kill. hi . . I . . . Atlantic.to the:Pa . L
tween a dozen bees and a . doien i � ttl ."'il. p!M'480S.-Otthe-111.ngs . . . . . . .. ..ra en I L . .1 1.14S... tra L . . 'L . ... . ....., ...... I .. . I . L I , . I �,
n( J'n, L ,. . � : - , . . , : :
L I 11 fill'Lll ivilli`ail. . 'Any .:one, whc _��J� . a I I . .. , I .,
eons. The first 'bee' finished a.quarter I 1-ihl-("L�ait-' I I, I P L Mr..*Gpprge Christie Creolman ,,,,Lq . affic... I . .. I . . . . , , � I . . . 11 .1,
' Mth Naturp's (ilvp 1.6))Xe4l 4V,S 'for th PT' 'A ul '-,-- 'tbraul rIcts,7of. 'T%To,�a' % I . . .. I . . I . . 11 � I . . ,. ]
-of a minute before the' first Pigeon, ' . . rOceptly, elected es!&-rit'oftii-� ;h tbef(0r,t,dlst . . , " . . L . I .
. ' . . . I . . .
. . tAire or catarril. Aft dlseiise'g�rrlls are � . - * - Ont, r -lo X 19 . 1P I 0 .. � ,... I . . 1.
and, the bees won all round, 'a) though. . - ican Farmers' Alssociation at ti,,� ��n qcoda. �PrL New llyunsw.ck oi a , ' '' .. 115 . - - ' L '
. kille(Vand- I he jrritat6d. Ili �lc(.)116 luteill-, - L 3 'L ' . � ' . .. 1, .
�ed somewhat. by . - the as. hin,v, W'I -thk% vasta:tioli Wbidli'the fire 211 �� pi .'Pj 0 3; 5: ` � L . .
they were handicapp . I I_;_ v.ention of sociation iit'Wa. . ,, I I see' .,, d6l . .1 . I . . . . .
. . I . .
-rig previously Tolled -M -!Rbro -for�the fira 1 1 el k Iii4akcL. �. - . .., . , ' ' -_�betn British C Unl- '.' ' L I 1 -, S h 0 P't G U t t ON %�. - Q ." . . L I . . I . '. 1. . ..,
. I
- ---;I-.Y. . - 110A. .. .. . L. - I.., I 1. � . . '. ..... I ' - -
- xr�,�, eeirnam-4s-presideit t&4le- -bave--n1qffe,.. ,\ . . . .. . .
iyei ri uT . , toir. -9i - - -- L'- �'- , -. - 11 . I
e of Identification.' ...'-, � ' , The (.-ttllll�letoi)lltllt.(..().;f.i4 blic $ 1.), - Ith o is -a m -ewa-A - - � - '-- . I . . .:�� � . L - -- -.1...1
P=GS Ontario Agkicultural, College at Guelph;, .bia hasSuffered in L .. ''. "L . .: L , I . . � * . . I .. I
: * : .ip . I L I ii� , pdrt$ show ' ti j'� L I .. At. - . L .
. : .,Xlr:t J.ottl(,-.,�,50 ev.iils. Conipare thi.4 .1 _Wood 011 May , bat what. ,explorations ,(;t . .There is nonc� if' you would. suobced7, y�u. must , Nvoric. , , . . ,
. . . . . 11,11-i4ed and was bitirri 'at Coill . . I . I ... .. . . . . I . . I ... I I � . ... L ,� 1". I I I
, , stwdl-expi�jn,p �Vjkh , tho fee* C. L , to be areas I I . . I I . I in:. IL . .
- ,
.How,Canada was-13.1ved.'. ., . , . .. 9, 1869, and wag e - a. je'nOWL 11 ... .1 . . -,Ron].--; colltges C!Uim.. t wp!ete -coui�sc ,�h ... ,. .
. . by speein FA-s.� . . ducdted at the C-ol, some yon,is go indicatet! :L . .:. . . 0 glye a co I . ,. ..�,. I -.
. . . . L �&'tbere. He �nlered the* -9f. sple!ti�did'spruct forest, a wrge- .. .. . . .. . .. I . . *.. . . ; . I I . . .. .
TM reviewing Capt. Mahan"S' book; H * , , 11rit 011titill 11-yonlei of' legiate'Insfitul .. ..., '. . time than the -� * ., . .. I , , ,.., ,
"Sea power In its relations-, to the War. VoJ;J'-(IJ-ejIf'3?' it" tvill LI)t' f(&W�j..(J('t1L .Jly . Guel urdl'College in -18.85i and ly deplt,ted' and b-dr'nad over; ., . - - " 1. ,. .L . .1 s � � : .. I . . ... .� . .1. . . . .
r voll Call .1 . . , .. .. , . . . I �, . . .. . . .. . I '. I . . - 1. .. . I I ;
L I . I ,.,I,., . - .. � ph I .. . . 'i Se whether any- L I . .1. . .. I � ... . . .. I . ., 1. I I '.
of 11312," The Lo'ndon. Post. says .1 p6,754"A. . took 14.09111.212111 -dlplpinas in , anE.1 , The question t -i S - . . 1.
, Ie. . IL Ill L g c 11'.1)o --- , I I , I , , , . -
))At -on receiptof 101L , l Z� 6 1'. L _ . ' I .1 I I..":. , �.
- "We ;,,m4 " done',to prevent fur lier I' , I ,- .
doubt -Whether his narrative, brl.ngs 1Vric, to -da y.� 407- - cotigult;i i0j, 1j]allk graduated B S.'A. at flie t'*iiv,,,xsj,,y cf -t Ln L I , " I � . � oti. .
. I e.IL Ig _ 11 MR I , � I . , . I ...
Ott as fully. as tbe facts. Justlf�- that L' -1 . � t , , * VL2t m-, 61)r .1 ,i 'I, Ii.; deqtructin�,i In., these f6reAs. . Th,� an- I . i 1 .. .� . . ..� ... 4!11
. �.tl.il�",t,)Ii'(,11"li'ie,%�C)II 0.'e.1`VJe Torciito in 1888. , SIn&e then 11, . . .15 : . ..
.. . ' . , , , , . 1. . , -.-- 7
It m7.' irid-gallantry of " h ge. - . en .spccial-i�ovrscs in blology tit sv.,�r depenolz somewhat on th& euitise--, � - � . �1`
was the patriods . . .rile(li�iii,d(.I,i;tx,t�;.eiit�i,%,itbot-it�..f- at - . . vornell. ' I . I , , ,�:;'
C L I I . ,.. .. 1� .� .
the CanaMan militia -which 'saved an- �J'hp.�-ILT. .11,--oLli 0ili-.p&l)'v,.IJy6hlei , Vniversfty� 189i;. at -the' Univeroity. of.' Of the fires. 'Unquestionably fires of.- ' 0 L ,V . I
. . . I . I .
. .. I., I . , . . . ' . .
. . I
, . .
. . -1 18 noL L, , 't -
a st' 13LLI'l 7. 6 , il, our throughLriatural causes, ILightning ; 1. .
ada during that uphill .game -of the fir . Iding,'It'linvil, IN. "i , ": L ". L ' ' , - .� ' Michigan, I$ 2 ' nd at Michigai Agri- - - , I .. . :
. . _ _ _. S, Iti r, ; _Jt7 - - He - wa - Ll It Is Some. . � � I .
_1welve months;t---� .-.-..---I--- : . J> T�pe-kiej. Olhi�qn. cultuial CdIleg t infrdquenf y a cause. � ,1:11,
- .. 1. .. . 1. .. ..m '. ... o . -Ilyv.l 1 . . I e, 1892�� . s aP . .0 L I . I � .... I . � . . . I
. . pointed, assistant profesror of biciogy. . thries; Ournliged also that the fricti n of L I . . I
. .. . .1 "�' - tsORING INTO TRE NORTH., . *other may be suffl- I . I 11 1. � . 1. " I . " � I . ., . . . ..� . 1. � .L. . ; ''L.. � .
I . ... � a .� �. . I I I.. . . I � ., .1 I tbp M1ss1silpp1:Agr1cUltlir&l ,;slid one tree. against an . . . . , .. . . , . , � . � .
� . I � , ... . . I . .1 1. 1. .. ,at � . - a hie, or that a. globule , ., .. ! : L . � . . i� ... : ' I
I � .1 . � I . . - . * clel)t� t. .. I I The PoresCCIty Business hna ghorth,tiid. College. -tepcbes ' L'
. . .. . . .. , , Mechanical College, in, 18-8.9, and:. was ii 6ause� - . , . . . '' - - .. - � I'.: ",
Ain tnteresti-nig �Qld Badge.' .. Trail Frolm* St.:,*Jdhp, 13. C., to, Lake.- . ej.ected pr . *of blbl tb6 M of resin .may be formdd in such a way . . . . tile.different courses in the tirrie fbitha by.' long expe�ienqe by " - I � . ..", .
.. . . . . . ., .. I . , .1 ofbesor ogy . ae to ar I . . , L ... . �
. ,, . r L _tLaS lass. Much -the I.. ho� �� .- I
Wmager OxT,* of the r xational Ex_ r . . the. yuk6n,�. .. . I . � 1 102. Mr. Creelmanwas:1 Afis, - a burning s .1 r tilL. r best collegp§i to -be, necessaiy-ho thore and less. :. .. . . . L. . L
. . TeS i . 11; In.- . , trge;y trd I numbeg " rt. fi � S Eire, how6ve - , , : I .. Ifthe work ii ( on& - ; if . ,�, ..: �r .. ...�.,.. �
. .
.r � V eu I t.acot . - Fie . d White,. �cohtro . -of -enta).,in having -botany in.troducj,I.I.�. . I.arjker..� . 10 . re . .r,: .� I , at'sibt be done thoroughly'. . I ... . 'L - -
hibitt" has received from Mr Walter Iler I I - � � 0 . ec4sioned *by th action Of "man It � - . � . . . I .. id.1vis time, . c n . . I . . '. ..
, .
Barwick a badge of the. Provincial Ex- , - I the..�.'ubllc sebools'O Missi'ssipO . . e: . . . . . Afl ' L ,,,r -C . . . r .. �1� I L. I I
I - NpTthWeSt'Xoufnte4, Police, has re- r .. I I q L a f : L .'. L . ecuteo and the routes , I : L � r, ter YOU leave the r F, C. .B. . you w4ste:no ItaidL in learning I
I - the I q n - the c�Lnoe L " r ,
, . ..I. .a)o, g I r L .
nt r. ... 1. I I ... I I . I , L . . � fir6� , r Siiall�r �t r, " s�. -what �.otf*should.h4ve beenta .:. .. . ,.. . .. I . I
ne 'ra 1. : , of tfaV I I . r 1. .
hibition held In. Toronto In 1852., .Mr. celved a repoirtL frd;n � Solperint6nde ., r ' el'that the . : �. ught -it): the C(;Ilege.: .
. , : :After. the Fu u art. . . .. .., � �r r - rr I . :1
. I � Ir I .
Barwick iburid it wbari lookifig -over Co,st4ritine, who is ln.cha'rge Of a pa.�- . .. . . . . I . . , tlid- Placin 19-Altst fire � . I systems, phargies, , - -
some papers Of Me grandfat-h L . .. '"ob, well, -she� yoUngr andr Prc,ilv c g of.,*,arnings. t . . � I Our free booklet tells'' .all about plane; , , . ,
S - . . - * , .
) Co . L . r e - , e � or it. �.. � I L . I
er , ty of Mounted Police ,entrusted .�dtb ' along - $uth routes � and the presence -of r . . oositions aft r gpoiduating,,etc.'. Wkit r, I , * , . . .
' '
John Barwick; of Wobdstock. - ' I I -,C.� to and vill. gp.t, ovei: It and rMa,rry agai n." * _,, r , I '%,Vill do, . . � -.; , r .. . - I , . . .. I . r
, T ' Yukon . , rs patrolling them � .1, � SCE00 �s r.tql June incli i ' ' ,� L I
making a ,trail from St. John, B; "But it W e her a - long. thn-.�, I PrO ran, � . I . .. -.:
f e ,tbL ill lak . . . . . .I.term eptembe i usive. - , . r , . . . . I z '. � .
--- !n�"! -T.-T-!7- Lak eslin, in e Territory. , . . much* to help. - bui the. piiblib ,who may . i I . r,,- , r, * * r .
7 .1 I - She looks So well. In black." . I I . "L 'r , Y. M. C. A., ]Bldg I. � ..
. , The party,, consisilng of two �Offftcera, . . .. .L I I I . travel gh iheiedistri � . T-VEST"� , ,r .,L :- .. . - . :�
. . L I .
� , it 1, 7 six non-commIssioned ,ofncers, 'twenty- � ,.� . .. . . . . . rthrop 1. . L I .. . . : . I I bl-4T. L '� 1.
!! I . 5 In handling. fire, -and if ,the Fores- . . I . P41 . . �LONDON, .
r ; . . --"-'-" r"' - --'-- -' _ ----��-!!� Jew L L . �. . . . . I I ..
I . 1� : . 3PjCla1L 66n- .. 1. ,. . . I . . ... , I I I L C nV est. . ,� I . r .1 ! - . . .. ..., . . I . I . I ... , .
. I � . . �
two constables and two .i . I.r.. RU . . . r try* .0 entiori arbusei public, Inter . . .
. . . stables, left Fort sasUatebewafi,. March, - . ' in sueb a way .as to help the preven- ., . . r . . . . I .1 I 11 w . . .! .
L ,
I'll .. 17th last ,.and . r returned. to St. -Johnj L . . . . tiV.3 r work It will 'do mUChrgood. . . L -- . . . , . I . .'L 1 .4 rr . I . I L . . , � I .0. . '. L . . �
. C."'to ptem- At n Down . - I I . �---. . � ... . ... '. .- I
B ;,Inter 0. the 25th of -Se � , I . , r. ther d1rection from which . . I . � . .. . . . . . L I .
I ber;'bavfihg.buiIt a wagon trail to -the � . I . ... � . . . Ther6isano I 1; . I I. . L' r , . I
I . I . I I ., . , , I danger may corr.e. . The * Dominion - is LL -- , , ' L I I I .
I '0 . CEN):, L junction of r Halfway. and CypjUS .JtIv' �,.' L' . ' .. . :1 I an(iffig :andL I' . , . . 11 , 1 . . � !L ' ' '�'
I . . . I ,. ... -1 . exp a now , preparing to . . L . .
I "'Ll ,
k.) (PRONOUKAD 061'�X : . ersi *a'distance of Ainety,fOur miles. .. ` . 1. .... .. . build a transcontinental railway which . �. ., I Ly 10,11I.., I . I r� . ': .
. ... OTHERS, ax I
. -is . . � . r L -..
CurAqf3r C 1, L . . arde t -part of the . a cbmmon,e4preS' ill pa a largely througb the northetri . I 1. . I ... I . : I �.. �
Quickly no . Thfs� Is the h 0 under-� . Is . W, I . I I -- I 0 1, - ". , -
onahnitp1lo 6 . . I ... .. . . . . . . . .. I I L
. I I taking. Steep -hills 4ad.-to be graded r, forestAistri0ts. :The.history. ol. mir .... .... OF .. L. ., . .. ' .. 1. . . . I.. I . . .� I . 11 . � . .
. I - -
Bron6hilis,. Lit.- Grip .. pneu-, I Mon we'-hea -6ni.every. �' . ion � ' . r - Syra L 0 -to Leto, the children safe front � . L �. � . 'I. ` L ' :
. L- . % 'and streams bridged, . This, helped to I . L r *a �construet , . Ili. ,�aqkda has as, a, - . . L. 1�
, ' L L tu-. . .�;. . I_- 2 -� -
I --
%1912s, . dijai the work,, W . rule been the destruction of -the for- .. Roup. it.'aiioiv*,i9,.tht LhIck sputfini -u t .to . are-. e .1 I � - - L
- ' - - - -- ". L L -Lr7 - --11 ' r 3r, L - -... - . -- - - Lf� -.-- �.�- // 13�rayls
monia.* ,Co I % �Cji� �- hf6h *i6ffurther balm- Axciil I I I : '. . - . .
, *
I . I
.godtlons. Night S%iremtsj Weib&; , .p.erold by:hea�vy ralng In August. . I . , L L side'.' 'U'n,less- there is. ests alolig'tbe route. .So important is . . 11 throat -breaks. U a cold - an4 Cu=S COtT.G.RS, Ree . . r . 1. � - .;
.- .
. I Work ll�be resitmed early'lli the.' . I .. . I .�, 1. . Itr the - 41Z . . . el) � .. . . .r . . .. . .... 1. L .
InC05. PeAnS e6nd Aches. He .wl ore the -tol- go e' 'trouble,. the.'con. , In these northern districts that. I . AP I I . L . I I .
. l �ol'-. - sprink,' and it is hoptid%bef T . organic � ,wood Aboul . d . be preserved that It Is td ' '- - ' - ' '9" . . . . .. ,L ' ,
n . . . . . . 0 a; r burt-' ' I r be. hoped ineang will be de-Vi"d to . I ' /Va . . . . �
' "o""ng Win . L . I
It isa. greatsystem Ionic arid stoMach northeast of Fort'Grallam, - L rican. doubtless be remedied. wnt a repetition uf what'has so often I r � ..
I ; I . L . . .
dr,d miles ditio I r - . � Y'S Of . Wo
orrho.ges. � ' .. . L ter't r�atih� a point . .. 4 I I . . .. . . . pr . e., , Ora - .1 , I . B 'i fiffm '� . , ,
regulator. Life is worth living, the,�efbie about 960 �Alles' farther. . SYIV68ter's docAor is the best -adviser. . oce.urred before,. . � .. . . . . r . . . Pi . . I .. . .
, Landing Will Ito the winter quarters In 1 Your. 1. . . . L 11 . . 1. � . I I � I . .. L . I . .
. L . .. . 'L '. I I I . L idways in the house. A �oltle of this famous remedy Is your at . . ... I . . I
if you haxe or are threa.tailtied - Witt, 1906 And 1907 . Superintendent Con I . . prattetion ag, ainst those sudden night attack* of group. r . I
Consumption or Pulmonary trou�10 123 anY . stattine states. -that. the soil .around Do. not' dose .'yourself . with - all L 1. . . .1 � .. Rilhall ood for all throat and.lu-g �ronbles� folt . . � . . . ..
. I . . L I yg ' .1 L .
' I . , . L I ,� L L Id, - . .
- - 'm m4t-ioam, but , youngati. old.' 25 cts. bottle,
Of its,varied.andinsi�,Airous-fQtm,S-Oy-A�t, ' [�qkeLiq a Sal , _ � � . ----- ............. .... , _,,,.,r, .. .... :
...umpamqhk , 1, --- ...... : ..........
. .
L . a-r-e -'-`r1 ise dd' kinds--i;"dvertise&-rernidieS-- - -7-7-1 7-7-7 7.��- . . .
od wheat barley and oats . . I I .." . I r . L * .
, , I
In , . . � I """ , , , . . r � I . I . . I . .
il IA Njg N all quantities. .Ing . .. get his 'opinion. Mbrethan likely I H , 99- 4% IkDACH16 . I . I I I L . I .1 I
. . The Dominion Fish Co. are estab . I I . . . . . L .. � I . . . I . . X0 1!T I , . . . . nn!T!n �. - I .I -�,
a r] lished In the lalte, and ;0Ii1I5P1h9 fish at 'Neural0aanaNcrobiwPiturcumd4t 40'" r ; , ,. . . I . . I . I . I .
N`1051 111 "E ' go"' you. need a concentrated. - fat food . 9 ,,,i,,,,,,,,, ,4"..."re I I . .. r . . . r,,,. r r I ' , " " . . . . I I "
. . . Such,& rate as to -make the hatives RP- r I I . .�
1. a . . . . .1 ' _ th . if's LZL� - L I
. . , , I . K' it - i .- isummmal -4
r I I I prelicnitlVe for the future, On the Iav AJA,# AX0 WRORALWA CUAS . I .
(Pronounced Ss-kcdfi) I . Pea ., to.wrich your - blood and tone Nolleadoammiou. 6m ko%**a%W9"r4,wAftN4 . I .1. I . . .. I
. I . I .benches, andr the north! bank Of .ce . . . I . . . Teditedvotrip.a,saKimma. AlW0%M*QkA-1V%1tW"r1 r I . � r .. ,
t, oats and . . � -finit6s. Ont. MOL2V mv!k it 00 I
It will do more to conquer that undoo- River good crops of Whes, Up th;.sy'skrfi., . . ApArim & Vo�.,. .. . - � � .
barley, together .wit); vegetables, are VrAhACAA , . I .. . i I . . I .
last r . I I . . . . . BLOOU'POISON., ;
quer&e and telltale backing cough; to grown. One. fatiiier. it 'Vermillion L . , . . I L. . L I I I . . .11
. . . . .. . i I . . W I :
banish that u0naturat hectic flush. or that 0 . . . � .. L . r.. LOb'sdeount 6f Its terrible offecti,-biood d1sease is called the king of all dimmed. ,, r 1 I
. . sold $3,060 worth of Wheit to 'h ' 0 1 1 . It may -be �elther hareditark or c6ittractild;ao, while it ntay not be al 66 6 to haV .
t U . . L & . in 6 L � .
OW, . IS r I ay Co., who halve S; flour mill kotfs..-Em'lsion - - 'L. I . .
holl pall1d cheek,k yesi t6 bring you Hudson's Z - -S I the diaealINLIt 18 a crime to pornilt it to remain in the system, -It may, man1fdat , .
' L .1 L . I 1, . I
back'from the v6ry vdr�-q of the grave. there., . . I min . . I I . . .. I . . r Itself Itt tW -form of Scrofula# Zczdtiid, rhedmatic palus, stiff or swollen joints,, 1. .
. . -L r 0 r a , . . . I . I I Itchiness,of the ski a, eruptions or'blotches, ttlears In the, mouth or on the tongit .�,� I .
d restore you to perfect health, beauty * sort .thrmt.14, falling out of Italey "sordered stomacliq and a general depr4sslOtl all .
an I � .
octopus Puts Up Two Fights. - 1. 1 4. ; r I , 11 .
and vigoe than all Other so-'icallcd Con. , fro, L I of Cod 'Liver' il . thasystem� If you have any of these symptoms dbult nea-lect YoUrself, Yotthave ,
. nil Vancouver, . 0� � . no titud to ioAd. Beware of "old f P1 treAtment-beware of, mineral L I � . .
. . A �.,rec6nt Special . 0 fir Bulk Te'cq§-. - - - 0 onti :
I . . ?FAVIDEDU11 j�- -
surription,curescombined.- Pyschinaisthe 33. a., Says.. �Iour fishernien;,had a fight ' '', L L .' ' 'L . . . I I . r I . beware of Quacks and Vatoirs. OUR NEW ]KIDTHOD TIRBA ,
I . X .. � 1-. . . . L. . 1 . ; Is guaranteed to cure this disease, never to return. Banic Bonds NMI totact youi � . .
anly dependable cure for cotisamptiOm with a huge- devil fiShL ht Bellingham, . . ., " . 1. . 17 I � . I Out troatmotat 19 not Injurious In any, way, but reaches the, very root Of-theillsease . I I I
.1 Is just such a food in its best form.. . r I from Lille 8, 1. L
. Puget Sound. ,Clarence Benadone, his . . . . and eliminates, all poison Vstb,12. The tymptonts of disease graduallyr, ,
I . . I . I L Are a� good ali %ve say they ar04 . disappear' L Tito blood lincibes, tire and otirlebedy . the wholO, byettin is, cleansed .. . I I
L probably better than yoit.'Wtkk , , and pudiled and tile patient foe q prepared anew for tit* duties, and the ple4sures , .;
MISS Wo6d Sb,ved brother Vomf W 1111am. grown, and Alva f, ' *
1. I I r 111hAvotothank Baiger, were fishing 16 r I It will build Lup the weakened . ... . �. of life. OR 'NO )PAY. 26 V46arn *or '�.!... '. ,
; -- 1- , �'r . .. I . . .
I...L ... I L they ar 11 I . Detrotti 250 000 Cured, ' I . � I
;.r I 11 e. I I
I I—.; I PsVdh1n6 for when Bro*hr SaW'tUr6 octopus ara�wllllg . . . . . ., 1. A , L � -1�i .
. � I I
LL tuy.prosenthealth. on the bottom tmiards .shore, it fright- and, wasted body when all . I rr
, . � I .. They hive no, fancy nrtmes� . . doustillallon rroa.. Quostloh b.laok top fiambTroalment prod, 1136oks NO& , . I r
Last spring and tned him Sol that he went ashore. He . .. L to hour they need Tione. , .. I ... 1. . VIOU , I , r. I � ,� r , I L I �,
ilunitntr I was 60 told the othors� what U01&d seen ana other. .foods � fall ish. - .11 . . .. . .... i
N � I .. . . 4 .
, ilLYIPIV askTor our 250, -or :'� .
weak that 1 could they Went In pursult. , . .
hardly dear tny_ L �The eyes of the MOOSter gleamed In you are run � aciated, . .or,1o, r6a, ana you win get it, R36 N It "
I down or em . . D mn NED RL RGAN. I `1 - I .
I I self adroiss tha the WaXer bkb chafn(indg- Its , move- . . r . vour parcel thl.o Stoke's ,Idea Of I I I . . I . . . I . � . I � �
. goot, Icoul4not Wents Wen watched until it 96t into I give it- a trial t, -it Cannot- -hurt Tes GOOD14LIM, Withollt I)ay- I coo. patobigan A.Ve4 ijAd 1111helby st.0 1040troifl, P41obb ! . : . . I r.
.L I L I . L . � . , '' L L, - . . � I
. .
I . . oweep the carpet three fe6t of water, and then the men Ing. more than You ought for it- I 4 4 I ft.,% 0 LT.-= = ma ;,w = L � r .
L ,
ny cow. , get on it with long Poles, It fought - b. st . � ME . .
' r
I I Undbe A I . .you. ,.It is essentially the . e F .. " of eoul.Se thei?L"Inay' be �Veophk I . .r . I . , . I
. � olit-bi-dtionO f I ,back and thrust lt8r 16119 arms out, The noUr I *hO have fOrMed it. preierent'.0 *11=1=W11111q.�.W I -- - I r I � .. .r rr .. I. -1. I -... 11 I I '... I ,L ... - . L" .. �
. .. Went tot a drive I Men Sue *eeded In throwing. a rope . possible rishment for delicate - - - -----. - � ,,, . � P . ��
c . r . . � ,a,. ivhu I I I
had. to TAY '-dowd around one of the tentacles as It .Was ' . ' for Some Other brand of W . ;L ' . . . . . I � I . . I . .1 .� q .
- Wh6htcattibback-, , raised out of the,Water� and the com, children and pate, anaemic Sirls.,1. . `lvoulanit�tare to ella"ge. . � .1 1 14 . . L .
0 ,
I .
. I
I Ift went for Amlla I' bined iveight of tho'nien Was ,da6din . I . . ampje freiif. I : . But We have noticed that'the' . . . - 6 - , I * : , Ift I , , r . .
Iny got the octopus aAhore. . . es() - - - .
, I
. dir two Ott .to* trYffig' to . Succeeded ,in . . , majoirity 'of those -xho try th' . . I , re 0 6 r ' .1
*heal,l wall I We will send L .you'a s -.,O,. "'! . - teas of ot rs scay, with tlem, . Furnitu -f. G S I
HOV�cVer, they OAIYL . 1. -"- I .3 . . I .. . . . �
- I
r 1
4 4AJ
F -f!7
Weak to'llitr it wrenebing off th . . . . . . .
LL , _T,, arm, A knife- was . I I . ,;, r
r . ibrollifi Jlut gato'L i tied t�* 0, pole and one of the mongtor'ri . . . . . � � I .
, ,r L I he sure that ffill pidars I . I r " T""'."'aillath store ig filled,tvith beautiful goods imitabfe for preselits, W, , r .. I
*aj; and many, !, eyeg has desttoyed, but t kept up 9, ' of a label Is oa I . r II&VL . .
* A1,i,,,I, Cha,r., fall,
- .y Itookerg. small Table.% Alusic CANWIts,, Pictures, 1
. I dr6ppod ', gatno",tesistance. vinally. It got away. I ,"', I I of twety boillt W - � ILf 14'j'ASCIS. (1hildretial Chairs, etc. We offer, great, value In Pat-lor ,Suit h e
I 't wra you buy. 0 To OINE I I es, ('1011c, eg, �, r �
I I - I �
belp1bilt i Tw.i� Indiana ifi & Co'nooL also report of emuiFoenr I . Orailtiotl Rugs. Mats, anol Art Squares.
. fatra'" tm"4 of A pale hallow-dokA I hll,Vin� ,,been attacked., Th6 devil fish -' "A& , o- �;Totnakethls 1whionee stock 1116ve quicklywo haVemarke(I everynttiold � I
blia�4441&ft"Ylhi yanaMorgf, WL f , dngL on top of the WitLsr When L SCOTT & BOWNE - - T 18b W 10% or 15% b8101V regulal? J)Piceso 't . , .
11 � . . . , vuro L, - .
I 11 .6 ran against ; . L . . . �, I ft1!L=1-*--Z.' � 11 I , "-***-*+*,%.-40-%,
, .0" *"*, W&WrAillia. =',,Z I 'N1111611 -a 0 It. Instantly on . . I . - - .- ��, �L,�� 100 I