HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-15, Page 8irege
aan'wfar.i.s 1%4
. Theinterior cf a COWS
udclencontains a triartallotte
corectien f bloodVeins, -
milictubes et. .
As far as known the milk
ec:.ction is-Iatgelyde$ndent
n the amount cf blood pass- •
through the udder.
If the .bl.tod circulation,.
;be dif.estica an assitnila-
titn f feta are good she
wilt" tow a higher milk se-
etetk n than otherwise; as, in
a Wile:, the belief Le c...nditi,n it is in the snore steam can be „generated,
Clydesda:e Stock' Food
win st:mulate the organs of circuluion an 1 digestion, because it males the
f sod "tasty," increasing the d,gestive juices that cisselve the food, and
this means more milk and at a profit. • •
For cows at "Calving," there i3 nothing better as it tones .and regulates
the system, helping her to "clean" better, and, 1 e3sening.the usual danger.
Can stop feedin t• it without ha •rnful effects as there Is nothing injpnous
in it. Human be,ngs can take it with benefit. We take it every day.
Your money chee:fully refLnied by the dealer if not sati4ed,
Tr,/ Hercules Poultry Foo.1 Try Carhol hie AntlseptIc (or 4Iean stables
• CLYDESDALN STOCK FOOD CO.. T.,imited, TorotiM.
ieetiere. "-v' .4
For sale by .
0 8 BALLARD. 'listen, • J G. DIP SER. Blyth, '
M Rs K N. NAEGLE, Auburn„• W. T RIDDELL, Auburn, -
HEAT lE BROS.. beaforth, J. SNIDER, Brueeliald .
T. J. Mo.AU, vi r at•
For .9/5, of the fown of
_ Clinton_ _
And, wh ore m, ba e been deemed expedent
to enter .o ail a rangement with the Clinton
Blectrie Light Co. for the sappty of inter
from tteir bored wells. and to that end the
said 0 eaosny oas entered into an agreement
with the town to provide a satisfactory supply
of water co estruut and equip the necessary
reservoir,ind inzindiag ptans, at their works,
and to eu eel, and operate ah the machinery
necessary m pump the water to the standpipe,
npon toe terine set forth in the subjoined
And, whereas, it is deeirabi° that mains be
Said u t ie streebi, an i, t aeon the poiats,
therein herehmiter specified,
And, where ts, it is intended that the cost of
Maintenaiiiie MALL operation snail be defrayed,
wholly or in u art, by the income. and that any
deficelney or the iduome for that purpose shalt
be provide 1 for in tue estimates toad defrayed
by a speuial rate.
And, where a , for the p mese of construct-,
tag the sten ipipe, m tins and hydrants, and.
if actively inse.iiing the same, it is necessary
to incur debt of 420,000, and to issue de-
ntures then:nor.
And, whereas, for the payment of the sinking
fund upon tne said downturns it will be nee -
emery to levy the annual sum of 5419.41
for thirty y ears, and for interest upon the said
debenturee teem must be raised annually the
sum ot $900.06.
And, wherries, the amount of the whole
rateable proeerty of the town of Clinton no
oording to the last revised a sessinent roll; Of
the said town being for the year 1905 1s5720,511
And, whereas, the existing debenture debt
Oahe saki tdwn of (nekton is -586507.88, . and
no part of the principal of the said debenture
debt and no part of ttie! interest thereof is in
• •
And whereas the corporation has on hand to
meet the said debenture debt a ;Sinking Fund
of S21684 481
Therefore, the Council of the Municipal Oor •
vocation of the town Clinton. bv virtue of the
powers vested 10 them by the Municipal Act,
and The Numb:et:tat Waterworgs Act, and
A mending dots, enacts as follows .-
(1). Theklayor is empeweredion behalf of the
rporatton of the town of Clinton to 'moat°
the Apnoea betweeu the alinton .Eleetrio
litaisfrn. and the t/orporati m tattle Town, it
,draft of which is hornet° appendel, marked
' as schedule A. to this by•isw, and which
schedule tornado a part of this by-law, to be.
read therewithre,fter-the same shall receive
the asSeilb or the electors.
fie It shall be lawful for the Corporation of
Rae town of Clinton to construct a standpipe
and system of water mains and hydrants, tie
be used izt comet:Moo with the water privileges
bargained for in the said contract, wbfeh
*mina shall Dolma upon the streets and be-
tween the locations tnerein next. hereafter
. mentioned that is to say :-
On MaryStreet, from North Street to King
;Street. •
On King Street, from Greed Trank Fall
'way to Huron ;street.
On Albert Street, from Huron Street to
;Charles Street.
On Rattenbury Street, from North Street to
Raglan Street.
On Victoria Street, from Ontario to Gordon
On Gordon Street, from Victoria • Street to
Matilda Street.
On High Street, from Victoria Street to
East etreet.
On Joseph street from North street to King
(3) It shall be lawful for the.said Osrpoeation
to raise the sum of 520,000.00 by the issue of
debentores, repayable at tne term of thirty
years bearing interest at the rate of four and
oneehaif Percent per annum such interest to
be payable yearly, on the 80th day of December
in each year, both principal and interest to be
payable at the office of the Treasurer( of the
said town of CIL, ton, such debentures to be
, marked waterworks debenture.
(4) During the currency of the said de-
bentures to be issued, there Mal/ be levied
and collected annually, upon all the assessed
value of the rateable property in the town of
Olipton, over and above all other rates and
taxes, a special rate or, the dollar wheel shall
he hutficent to produce in each year during the
currency of the said debt and debentures the
sum of 6429 41 for sinking fund and. the
sum of 5900 00 for interest upon the said
debentures and also such further sum as
Moth be placed in the estimates for 1. e
current year to defray any delluiency of in-
come to meet the expense of operation and
maintenance of the said plant.
(5) The Mayor shall cause such debentures
to be so' fl, and the sum of 120,000 of the pro
coeds the eM applied for the purposes above
(6) This by-law shall take effect on the Ist
day of April A D 1901.
The votes of the electors of the said town of
Linton shall be taken on this by-law at the
ame hour ,on the same day, at the same places
end by the same deputy returning offliers as
the annual election for the Municipal Council
for the year 1906.
That on Saturday the 30th day of December
1905, at eleven o'elook in the forenoon, at the
Town Hall the Mayor shall appoitit by writing
signed by him, two persona to attend at the
summing np of the votes by the Town Clerk,
and one person to attend at each polling place
on behalf of the persons interested ID and de-
siroua of promoting the passage of this by-law,
and it like numb; r on behalf of persons inter.
eted in or desirous of opposing the passage of
.thia bplaw
The Clerk shall attend et the Town Hall in
the town of Clinton, on Tuesday, the end day
of January, 1900. et the hour of 11 O'clock in
the forenoon and sum tie the nutnber of votes
ven tor and against the by-law. And if the
rant ktptlaw Is earrted ity the requisite number
f s•stes bf the aide th same shall be
Wily considered and passed nn the 2nd day of
anuary A D lele at the hour of 8 o'clock in
to afternoon, lit the Council ehamber in the
Tewn ef 011otou
ed thi da of ,,1905
Clerk ...Mayor
Stov a Crying Ilianv
ie.; (Sty because they aro sick. It
a pain in the stout/iv!). colic or
'n any ease a few drops
iline soothes away the dietreas
VS the infantto eleep pearefttl,
ere ar.3 young children there
he Iverviline, it cures all
flinents just as promptly
-and not so expensive.
'Ifty years Poltion's Novi -
_the great - household
lc sold everywhere
Take notice that . the above is it true cony of
a proposed by -taw which hi e been taken into
min ticieration and which will be fluidly passed
by the Council of tbe Municipality therefor On
tee event f the assent .of the eteetors beim;
entainerititerato),..e.fter.ona _month. from- the
drat publication in the Clinton New Era, the
(lite of which publication was Friday, the
Meg d iy of lleeember, 1905 and that the v gee
of the electors of the said Municipality vi ill be
taken thereon on the day and at the hours and
plaoes therein Aged. '
D. L MA,OPREgio,V,'Olerk
Dated this 291h day of November, 1995. •
Referred to in fly -law No 24 for 1995
'Memorandum of 'Agreement made the L.
day of pewee's Wilkens James
titeveneon and Willie m John N'ediger, carrying
on business at th To wn of Oli nton, in 'the
County of Huron,' as manufacturers and ven-
dors of E citric light and powsr, in paitner-
ship.under. the name.and firm of Clintan Elea -
trio Clght Co. hereinafter, called the 'ekeca-
Pony!' of the arse part, and . .; • '
The Municipal Corporation of theTown of
Chinon, neremafter oalledgthe Corporation of
the second part
WHEREAS, the Corporation are -desirous of •
establshing a 'system of Waterworks in the
Town of Clinton -tor the•preteotien, and other.
purposes, atM have ttegotiated with the Com-
Pany for the providing and pumping of such
quentitieS of water -es be monetary for
Lae efficient supply of all requirements, .and
U809 to Which thaproduct 01 the.systentinay be •
applied, . • .
AND WHEREAS: the Company have agreed,
in consideration of the yeariypayments here.
inafter provided for, to erect, arta fullY equip
such plant as may be requisite for the supply of
water as aforesaid, and to pump „the same.,
throughout the syetera and to tee' Standpipe.
Now,theie(ore, this Agreement witneiseth
that the said parties hereto do a.utually .cov-
.enant, promise anti agree to, and with.taiith
other, in manner and form Billowing, that is
tu say,
The Company agree (1) ...To furnish a reser.'
votr of nut less time fifty 'thousand gallons,
which retervoir shall be suitably situated upon
the Comfauy's lands adjacent to the. Com-
pany's plant,- and connected with the Pump-
ing machinery, so as to render effective eervice
in ease of requirement • . • t
(2) To instal a eteam piunpntsuch-capacity
as to 'fulfil all requirements iu connection 'with •
the eystem.
(8) To pump into the, water males from dril-
led or bored wells, whioh shale be driven at
least through rock, a fall anti satiefactorysup-
ply of p Jre water suitable' for domestic or
other purposes, and ia teach quantities as to
completely satisfy all the demands ofthe eye,
tem, and aaequately supply an persons.entie •
led to receive water front the fiy,stem, whether
for domestic or manufacturing uses, nerepio-
teotion,..or ane otber purpoiresr._ '
[41 To keep the aforesaid reservoir and the
Corporation's stend.pipe as nearly completely
fitted at ail times as may be reasonably possible.
f5] At the expense of the Company to make
and maintain all necessaryand- proper tionnec-
tionsbetweeh the, pumping apparatus and the
Corpora tion water-nueins.
• .
...hang hi a deep gully barred hY
a river which 11Q Chinaman is permit -
Suggestions now to Find Relief from, Such
ittsulti, the alutraaer, neld an Audi.
enee SPenlbound Well's the Theater
Attaches Were leigh,Ing a Rad Fire
Behind the Scenes., •
,Satsuma llatinfiti, aJiponose juggler
and acrobat, was filling au -engage-
meat at Burlington. 1110marked 41)11-7
ity as a magician caused the, opera
house to. be crowded every evening.
One feat in particular -interested his
audience Lying prone upon his baulk
he -would toss a long, light table bitelt
ward and forward in all Conceivable
positions tothe time of lively music,
his tiny feet keeping the table perfect- •
ly balanced.-
It was Saturday evening. Satsuma
Matsuki had: been performing for an
:hour. Lle had astonished Ills audience
wia score of wonderful achieve
ments, but as yet he had not perform-
ed with the table resting on his feet,
Matsuki passed into one of the dresS-
Ing rooniS to change his .costunia
Scarcely had be ,cloSed ,the doer when
be heard a sound that made his heart
stand still for A moment -it crackling
and a hissing -And the next Instant a
long tongue, of flame leaped .frctuf the
Atairway, enveloPing a svinUov Oth•
ers in the rear of the stage discovered
the flames at the same. Instant and a
fierce:battle was begun between the
attaches 022the theater and the raging
-fire......For. one,- brief, -instant..Matould
Stood irresolute ' The fire was confined
within the dressing. room of th4 right
wing; 'and as yet no' one in the audi-.
ence had an inkling a the grave dan-
ger that threatened the. house, Those •
fighting the flames knew that a terrlble
pante would 'ensue the Moment that
'the spectators' .realized the danger.
Matsuirl understood the Situation' too,
and inthat motnent of . hesitation he.
saw the part that he must act. .
Mats,uki was before his • audience.
had placed the rugs hastily id. posi-
tion- that -.he might rest. easily. . A mo-
ment . later and. the Orchestra com-.'
menced playing. Matsuki,-had balane—
ed the tableandWasgraCefully dane
ing it back and fortith; keeping perfect
me with his dainty feet ShortlY the. •
measure. Of the muttia was' quickened,' -
and he Was obliged' to:. Mote: more
• (Maly. At One time the table. would'
beat an angle Of fottyitye degrees and .
again at ninety: degreesand the next
• moment 'perfectly • perpendicular. The.,
long table seemed fairly aliva,
'Meanwhile those figSting.' tha fire:
hadworked. bravely, .and sue,Cesii 'wife
crowning their. effetts,... 'They heard ,
• the Mueib Of . the orchestra;' and ;they •
knew thaf-Ilittsukr•Tras doltrg'histpart
to hold the attention of the people. A
fest momenta more and all danger of A •
stampede would be past : • ".
• '"Fire,l'' , Some one lad- seen a 'puff.'
[6] To operate the Pumping machinery' and
plain at all such times, whether by day .ur oY
night, as tbe demands nethe system may reit-
der necessary or MOO:tient, and to that end
to supply all povver, manual labor,. direction
and supervision which may be required ill. ren
Miring effective° sereice in the prom.ses.
And it is also egreed and Understood that the
pumping -plank and everything connected.,
thereafith' shall be .kept in a conditiou to be
approved of by the Corporation, or auce per-
sons. officers, or authorities as sbali • have'
charge of -the management and omitted of the
system under the statutes of the ,Province of
Ontario, or the by-iaws of the Tont or Clin-
ton in that behalf. .
And for the purpose of the premises the
Company do hereby deM,se and lease unto. the
Corporation such interesta and rights in and.
tueir lands [being %Wu lot numbers- :fitty
four in the said Town of :Clinton in the
County of Huron and containing by estima-
tion oae-fourth of an afire m re or less] to.
gether„,With all such of thepattt machinery,.
and all other a purtenances thereunto belong-
ing.cr Repute nine as are part eau pa/eel of
the.equipmelit and.water supply ued privileges
;hereby unites:cited for for t ber - terntot the dm.'
Mien of- this contract,. . •
And the Company do ale° hereby agree pro;
cure the execution of a consent to the said de.'
mise of all and every pereon.or persons who .
rea3ri at the time of the exemton of tins agree.
meat, be entitted to any estatiabr intereee.ia
the said lands and appurtenances, whether the
same be by *ay 4 mortgage or other charge,
or of dower, or.otherwise howsoeicer
And the Corporation agree [1] To Tay the
• mains of the satd system up to the boundary
line ot the Otenriany'e property on Mary Street,.
in the seie. Trivrn.
I'or To pay1110C-roinlianyter * A .....................
the sums following, that le to say; -(or the sup-
plying in the man..01' stIpalatee..,affetv thous-
ettd italicize) ' of water per (lay ot twenty hint
hours, the a.. neat sem Oi (me thousand.' seven
htindrea dollars[81/00,0001 and for all quanLitiee
! necessarily sunplied la excess of fifty thomand
galiOng per date at the, tate of five, Cents per
tatoesatid galions M. water. so supnlied in ex•
And it is agreed that all Bunn payable to the
• Compauy by virtue bereotshall be. computed
' quarterly and that payments according to such
computation shall no made to the Company on
the lat day of January, AprieJuly and Octobet
in each • year duribg the duration Of thie con-
And it is mutually agreed that this °entreat
shall stibsiet and remain in force for the term
of ten years and that the services swathe ren-
dered by the Company and tho cements made
by the Corporation lhroughout the said pernd •
or terntof ten years and that such period shall •
Grand Mogul
Pure Tea. .
II Grand Mogul us not
. exposed to store dust Or
iiiiCrobds;.* , The clean, --
air-tight packages are the •
housekeeper's protedtion
against inferiority and
q It conies to you free
from ndulteratiort-7the :
est possible' blendof the
finest teas Of . Ceylon—and
affords you double. the .si,
tisfidlion of "just as good"
teas that • are sold .1f1... bulk,
Or Picked in Poisonous leid.
. 'Grand Mogul appeals to the,
--palate- and. tones. -up-7*e:-
nerves': Not a mere sub-
stitute for bitters, •
Gtond Mogul
Tea .
(ISM at 25c, 30c, 40c and 50c
per pound, black green or nixed.
' Advertising appropriation is cfivided
with buyers of Gennti Mogul Tee.
&dull premium odupons in 'the
Kingston Conservatives nominated
Mr. 'iquIrityre, their former enndidate,
for the Legislature, and Mr. Pense, ex-
ALP.P. announced, that he willTnn.
again in the Liberal interest,
commence on the der when, 'the uorporation
having eempieted the construction of mains,
cent:Matte/I Shall be made with the corapany's
completed pumping plant, and In any event not
later than sacrist day of April 1907: mid it Is
n greed end previded that in event of the failure
ot either -of the parties, to proceed with the
operation of the said systent on the last me8.
toned date, the Part in default obeli pay to
the other by way of iquidated damageett stun
equalto ten per cent portent:0-M on the anutunt
invested hi the Part of the system owned by
such other party for the periOd Of the duration
of such default.
And the Corporation further covenant' that
if at the termination ef this contract it. shall
be unwilling to tenew Chie Contract fist tat)
further term, then the Con oratieri Will not
build oe equipte pumping station for the stipplsr
of water for the purposes herein set forth with -
Mit firet offering teetirchime the plant of the
Contpany at such fait valuation as mar be
agreed upon, or failing' agreement, as mar be
determined by arbitrators appointed for that
as 4118 further agreed that if the Corpora-
tion shell dtliriig the currency ef the terns of
*is contract pardon° the Electrie Light
Plant of *he Comeany. the Corporation will
also pure -base the water supply plant of the
Corepitny mid the rights of the Uompanr *udder
this contract at such remuneration ao shall be
determined by arbitrator.'
And 11 1; tuftinr agreed that this agreetnen:
sod everything herein leOlitaltied shalt ettlita
for the benefit ef and Ins binding aeon 110 1(215.
ties hetet), end their respective tueeessont and
WItneog tile holds cold Seals of the parties of
the eratostt tatd the Cato -ate Sealtuld the
hands allitydr and Clerk of the Corporation
01110T •
• Signed) Stated,and delitered),
ID presume Of
Every Hour Delayed
You have often heard people ray: "Ito may
oold, g trifling tough," but many a fife hien.,"
would read different if, on the Skit tippeimmes
st it cough. It had been remedied with
It is it pleasant, oah tied effectuil nungdy,
that mity he oonildently railed upon as a01k
tor donee and Cioldi .1 10 kinds, Ifeeninmet,
fliesti Throat, Palm Mi 0664, Mauna, liegesidth,
ortgeo, *hoick* Ostielt. *day, sad all ease -
tiring of the Threat and Sieses.
Meg fitephen 1110164. threithi N,Sis
mkt* "I have used Vt. Weed's Norway Flee
Syrup ffo, AMhsna, aad hire fetid it ts hie
Soled mollehati *Wars Shins 'anink genet. IrO
wotdd eet Is• *Maid it bottle of h fode
Deo Womb Weetvar Phi* fhturP la on too
Phew meet*. Three Wee trees, is the toads
weir gild the pier AI einta et re dole&
Z. salostltelea Ihemehl Or. if
i nese Brefeeture ot Chienelsanw. I
Queer Rnee That ilierefli Near the Chi-tAI N FU L p ER 10 Ds
1 Adjoining the Chinese prefecture 02 1
Dee. 1.Stbr 1905
!reed. 'by
"Fruit-a-tives" cure Rheu.- .
matism and Rheumatic pains
by removing the poisons which
cause the disease. Rheumatism
means poisoned blood. Too
much urea or tis.itte waste is
retained in the blood, owiug.to
defective action of the bowels,
kidneys or skin.. The retained
urea becomes uric acid, which
inflames nerves and joints and
thus rheumatism is produced. '
Mee, R.11, Dnercie, Sault Ste. Marie,
OrtikeTiteese el•think. `Fruit -
e. Itenvnet tui5olfgelttlitt .7#1(Cer
I started to take them."
or Fruit fdiverr TabIssta.
“Pruit-a-tives." cure Rlieu-
matisrn„ by greatly stimulating
:the a.ptiOn of the liver, kidneys
and skin, Fruit-a-tiveS "
make each of these vital organs
do its share of natures work
:properly. ''Fruit-a-tives'' rid 1.
the system of excessive urea
• and uric acid—and so purify
and enrich the blood and build
up the general health, that
• there can be no rheumatism.
" Fruit-a-tives " are fruit ,
juices, concentrated and coin-
' bined tuy our discovered pro-
cess, which makes them much.
more powerful methcinaliy
Then,tonicS and internal anti-
' Septics are added and the whole .
.ccompressect lute, tablets. ,
4;0•InfritaLdgasttuflor •ieottit Tie rota;
r-ceipt of price--5oe, a box orTboxes
' foo.
smOlce issue 'tom, the. /mar wing et
the stage. ' • ;
, ."Ye-ar, filial'? And Blfateukt'sent the
table nearly to the. ceiltng turning a
complete somersault In its, Sight. The
audience shouted With .delight.
For twenty Minutes. Mateuki had
been in constant activity. The .veins
steed out Upon his arins and templeS
whiPecird's-. •
"Fire'' Another -had notteeict-a puff
"Ye-ar,:flirel" And again Was theta -
file hurled aloft and caught again with
the sante deZterity, •
The 'Conductor of the orehestrit ImeW
not *hat it 011. meant At . first he
thought that ilatsulti had. gone mad.
Never before 'had be dared se much.
If he was mad, Jointly no one could
deny his astonishing skill
A. Moment later the stage manager
Walked across the stageand 'whisper-
ed iomething to Matsuki, at the :same
time placing the tableoft the floor.
Matsuki was unable to rise Attend-
ants 'lifted the brave fellow and car-
ried him behind the • scenes. Very,
shortly the manager returned, . and
*lien he -Spoke his Volda-TviniAllidlr
broken. , '•
"Ladles and gentlemen,"'' .nald he,
passing his hand across his forehead;
"I have no doubt that you: have :great-
ly enjoyed Satsuma Matsuki'S perform-
anee this evening. He tuts well merit-
ed your generous Applause, more, per-
• haps,.thala you imaglne 1 -have to In-.
--ferttr you that-SlitsliinarbilitsUlti alerts -
has stood' between you and death for
the past .twenty minutes or more: The
danger is past ncitv,,an.d:you are liberty
to leave this building, but permit me to
say befofe you .depart that, our 'friend
IvIatsukt hes lost his entire magician's
outfit, which best him or a thousand
doliars. Fire has cotapletely destroy -
ad his property. 1 leave it, with yon
to do what is right, and those who de
sire to show` their gratibide tor What
1ilatsuki has done this evening can
Ineet me here .on the platform," ,
There was nohesitation. A. long
line of men go woMen was quickly
formed, and tot an 'hour the Manager
'received the contributions of those Whit
wished to Show their gratitude. When
the ittnottnt was Counted, pledgee and
all, something over $1,500 Wall fottl10.--•
On *6 Mintelf$ligoe,
• Tit6 etymology of "Mantel-piatebas
'leen pusaled philologlitin Col. Mtked..
an thie. subject wrote. in his "Me-
11110he (1t2i1) that "around the spite-
lotte cutiolit over the Ifiretich And
lea fire -Places is a ledge, to which are
IMMO pegs on which the pestilions
hang their wet clothesto dry; we call •
the *elf over our ilreplaces
'pieces, or mantle -shelves, but We no,
longer bang Our mantles upon them to
dry." And later, Prebendafy Jackson,
solesseribing etttaitt old Yorkshire houees,
ears: "Beaty beams of World crossed
• the ehirriney, In Whleit Were suspended
hams its proem* a trarlity aria ilkep-
herds and 'ttstVelers• knee their rile int.
Meet -soaked coats and tamale' Is dm
" the tie -11 Ia et Ls thsi
Heo. the *10
tItttel-plete."/lady otratotottate.
however. Ion* at this deelettlen,
and theist' thee the mental**. le '
aided Imam* it inirtotiei teenvele,
the *nature et the ivell Med the are.
Meet. •
ted to pass until he finds bail forkhla
good eendnet 1/1 Lolodom.
The Lolos are a slim, well made, (
muscular race with:oval reddish brown
faces, high cheek bones 'and pointed
Chins, from which the beard has been
careffIlly pluelced. They are far taller
than the Chinese and ndeed than any
Europeazi raee, but their Marked pe-
culiarity Is the horn. Every male
adult gathers his hair In a knot over
his forehead and then twists it up in a
cotton elOth so that it resembles the
horn of a unicorn. . •
This horn is considered sacred, and
even if a Loio settles in Chinese terri-
tory and grows a pigtail he still pre-
serves his horn, The Lot° man's prin-
cipal garment is a wide sleeveless man -
tie a red or black felt tied about the
neck and descending almost to the
heels. The trousers are of Chinese
cotton. with felt bandages. No shoes
are worn, but a conical hat, of woven
bamboo covered gvith felt furnishes a
• head coVering as well as an umbrella. .
The Chineie divide the Lolos into
two glasses, which they call respective-
ly "Black Bones" and "White Bones,"
the first being the nobles and the latter
their vassals and retainers, There is
also a. third plass of capttve Chinese
and their descendants, called "Watzu,"
praetically slaves, whe are tattooed on.
the forehead with the mark of their
• The Lolos never 'marry except la
their own tribes, captive Chinese wom-
en being given to their bondsmen. The
Marriage of a Blaek Bone is a time of
great festivities and many banquets.
The betrothal is celebrated and ratified
by the present of the husband to the
bride's family .of a pig and three ves-
sels.of wine. . ' . '
• On the Wedding morn the bride is
richly dressed with many ornamenta.
She is expected to weep profusely,A
whether. she feels so inclined or not.
In the midst of her' tears the groom's
relatives and friends dash in, seize the
bride' the best man carries her out of
doorson his shorilders, she is clapped
on a horse and 'hurried off to her ,neor
twine. ' Here she, finds 'horses, cattle
and sheep, provided by the groom's
family,while her ovvn people Tend
clothes, ornaments arid corn. Women
occupy a high positiOn amorig-tlie 1,4o -
los, and a woman chief is not unknown
among theTThr es. .
While Ito woman is entirely free from
periodical suffering, it does not seem to
cfe the plan .of nature that women
should staffer so severely. Menstrua-
tion is a severe strain on a Woman's.
vitality. If it is painful or irregular
something is wrong whicit should, be•
set right or it svill lead to a serious de-
rangement en the whole female !organ -
Morn than fifty thousand, viomett
'''Int'Ve-tilatlfied in grateful -letters to Mrs.
Pinkham that Lydia, E. Pinkham'is
Vegetable' Compound overcomes pain-
ful anal irregular menstruatsou.
It provides a safe and sure way of es-
oape from dierttr.esSing and dangerous
vveaknesses and diseases.
The two following letters tell so con-
vincingly what Lydia E. Pinithalii's
Vegetable , Compound will de , for
women, they cannot fail to bring hope
to thousands of sufferers.
Miss Matilda Riehardsen of 177 Wel-
lington Street, Ringston, Ont., writes:
Dear NTS. Pinithams-
Rome four years. ago my usually . good
began te=jaa sevledrnaengzIn
my back, my head wised, I would a y
spells, and during saymonthly periods I
would seffermtense• palm 1. was advised to
try Lydia E. Pinkb nan;S• Vegetable Compound;
and lam so glad, that / dal, for it bros.' lit
new life and health to me. My mouthly
*kids were natural and painless, and my
general health improved7 lhave not had an•
ebbe or a pain since, and I feel It a duty as
*ell as a pleasure to tell yau what your medi-
cine has done -for me:" . • . :
Urea. Louise MeEenztie of Mount Cat;
M 1 C tia it
I started to take it for painful m4strattline • °. '••••••44";
so that when it cut ea me I was notice:wised.
I bad seffered with blinding, headaches anda,-,•!‘'
pain untilit seethed that I muse eeream.
• These pains lasted from five to ten days every
month, and you can understand how glad
was to get relief. I am in the best of health,
and am pleaSed to give you this testimonial .
Lor what your medicine has done for•rner
Snell testimony should be accepted
by all vvomen as convincing evidenee
that Innlia E. ,PittlChare'a Vegetal:de • . .
dernisitiand stands withouta peer as a
remedy for all the distressing NU of . •
The success of Lydia E. Pinkhamrts
Vegetable Compound rests upon the.
well-earned ' gratitude of Canadian,
When -women are troubled withirrests
ular, suppiessed or Painful misitollnua;"
thstt, leueorrhceit, displacement or
aeration of thu. womb, that
down fettling, inflammation of
ovaries, backache, bloating, (or Oath-
lency);general debility; indigestionealii
nervous prostration, or are beset in* •
suer symptoms as dizziness, faint -nest,
lassitude,, excitability, irritability, Belie
vousisests. sleeplessness, melancholy,
they should remember there is ene tried
and trueinmerly;:- Lydia E. Pinkhamia
Vegetable Compound at once removes.
suentronbles. ReftiSerfn buy any Other
medicine, for you need the best. -
Don't hesitate to write tei
Pinkltam if there is anything;
about your sickness .you do not:
understand.. She wilt treat you . •
with kindness and her advice is •
-free'. No wdman ever regretted.' • . .
Ivriting her and she has helped. .
tliouSands, Address Lynn, Mass.
an Bdit Understands . a Wotan% Ill&-.
POINTED PARAGAAPHS. . "I had heard SO muchgeod about Lydia.
• • , • E. finkhant's:Vegetable . • ompound before
• When you die,' yeti 'will die, as dead AMCMis. Plnkham's• Advice—A WWII
' all have en g.:A..to be...cross
Still.' it isn't:e i(lea •tg sh6w..it
..1 e0:11e• t ;‘
t 11.;),1•, thny. tk eal1(1.1.1 ;
• " • • • •
• . . ,
I I .
id10 3f,�ANbY,.00
•Mooney's-.PerrediOrt Cream
Sodas are crisp squires
cf wholesome npurish,ment.
They are the Food that
builds strength and =Sete.
They, are as easiiy, digested
by the child and invalid
as by the 'sturdy •workman.
They contain AL.X.. the food
properties of finest. Cana -
din wheat flour„ II a form.
Always fresh. and crisp in
the inoisture,proof packages.
At all grocers, in their
° hygienic packages
If you are going to put in a new
furnace, sod can *petal a 'mighty profit-
able houtlooking over the •
Vie:reef the PUKED PENT -eine bolts
orceMent-pres.ents gas, ,amoke or dust
escaping Into the house. •
there's the Ng fit* door -and wood
grate for fiat coal and wood.
And dozens of other special featurei
that will mske you want the
Purnace 10your home.
Conte in atty thne-and left go over
the "Reda " together.
Lona Agents t
Advertise in the NEV EitA
Wrought Iron Range Company, Ltd.,
Toronto, Ont.
Pounded 1864. Capital $1,000,000
The above is a cut of our improved nickle plated Range,
with handsome enamelled reservoir attached to water front it
fire box.
The Wrought Iron Range 0ohave located one of their
divisions in Clinton and will canvas the surrounding country
from this place. Testimonials of some of our customers In
this, locality will appear later,
3. W. K. VanNormati, Divisional Supt.
Cutters and Sleighs
We have a good assortment of Cutters and Sleighs, all
made at our owh shop by experieliced men. •
and of the best material.
Don't buy witil you see them
Your repairing promptlylattended to by
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