HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-15, Page 641 pp a T U INTON . NNW . RA A Exp,erie, c, emu* cameo. NetaManufactoryttheUo #" xoT lettencil rs and 1t at Brussels. V'ar, We ora Poem to Manufacture been -use we know how; EXPERIENCE is 'gr'eat teachex and we have had the .i xp When a etzatas ler camels ieto our store, and asks us if such and such ra Patent Medicine is L'1't#aENCE, a good for him we cannot conscientiously say it is because we do not know what is in it. We want to he honest wit11', our customers, there- fore we etre putting on the and recommend, yea, even market r ntee, line nd f hdo not do what we claim for shah we don't want your money goods, that we can stand behind Howevex our stock will always be found complete remedies as well as It fresh supply. of drugs, for your prescriptions and rec' our experience in proscription workr ,with all* the popular our ex will be filled Ampere will guarantee that your saes, are some of our preparations u Always thm the tIzeV'•r'ebest god,px esorip�lanS and Toilet rreb o purity, aotivlty., kolloiv,ng old fashioned prem'�e--Thie preparation i5 e t• paaraat' referred to different and are therein den,It with. 'Rev, appointed Collegiate Institute ruElliotttru tee stee of Goder'ich, in place of the Irate Rev, Ih'. tire, .ct resolution expressing car. dial appreciation of the work n County Valuators was paseed unani- mously. l On nlotiou of Vouncillors Gardner and 'Woolson, Maze(' itself on record,. the Council change in the County AS is ,e4..c that would lead to an increase in the members of the Council.. Resolutions of sympathy of •Mc1 illalndSpackm zn, of Exeter, over illness,, were passed. It was de- cided that nothing further he paid on Bayfield bridge cant rough and cracked skin, and UNan after is nothingirel)betternew and.different to the 1 shave,..- for chaps. n;,.,.:r__. gut Holmes' Aar well the baz'ba�rs us and effective cure in Arad 1lsihe Powders 5c and ,.,50 stomach, in xirrvous headaches o • �� -Effect z those a pirate t caused from a deranged correct Pillstonuts 25c kidneys owe f zvtiermula:-bowels, else quite so good. to. • Blood Road -A new And bowels, , tonins. Our owe formula, preparation o.f. Iron combined for the raid alias blood exchange t With other reliable X glow of• health. �• g hat ivekk and tired. £eeIInF3. Petatabte, end Liver 0it 'Emulsion 250 and 50c- Perfectlylingering but contains 50% pure Uod Liver 011, any child can take coughs or coldsI'erfectiy tasteless. or any wasting disease, it, nothing. vette:, lot. in Parity Bak ang Pow• der --Ts :lust a iittle 'different it apowders, the difference is, so the !adios tell i the other good better; ought to be, because that's the wayt. The s isicesi a the same better; -others, that is the only thing: we make it, The price is the • sande as FRAUDS ON FARMERS lir. prisweiloFthe Eiaperirnentall,'tar •+ 02.00 to 'called .tock ell of are E Experimental a sal Flinn, Guelph; ' tells, us, that 'cale fora pail of .trek food, which e. rs. A Ear lite Why should the farmer not make • his ow Stoke f self for ye from We have made a stud of w own Stock food, born 25c t qui what is re ' P, irtea c ty, acrd to )take full ser a , ract until the report is received. Eortot ioli' ()Wuxi In reference •to the communication from Leeds and Grenville, asking the comity' to petition 'the Leg increase the government oi grants ants to common schools, the committt(e recom mended that said communication he, endorsed. • The reports of Ins pectors Robb aid Tom, re Entrance examina- tions, were ordered to be printed, • HaysE OF R,aae'vtrp 1:101 a Thy. 8'amm tt en.- The se reported having vis, •ted the $ruse twice during the year.. A contract w,tzsnottle with the E.ectric Light Co. for ten :years, to furnish light fot, the whole bonding, r per year, The Comtrrittee expressed $•a0 satisfaction with the .Inana e pressed the I-fcuse and farm, • ,Incl c nsident ta. that.thosi in charge deserve credit for the care of so reran inmates. 'nrnartgs, - - - .• •L .rLiazl.'sa • Rs>onr;. •• Mr. Griffin reported twelve prisoners• d the presence ce of •five were in for y ' the enmity jar! and the th , • � irr .for theft =rg'z,znev, ,,four )s l fences, theft, o els . for. minor of- , m' re suggestedr v of tits !ng o the gqcured to make a young animal mature �1� I al fatten quickly. g s Y .All that to regulate the animal, gaallva . We have the ge tion erfe h t Is necessary f rust ask us for ni goods to do it, p ot, :end increase the 3 peen rVpt: E` A1itr td de make your own Louglias $tae h, amount Lr. Da stock food,, and sane Invigaratar and,rve-. will tell Inspector Toirl srihltli'tted rlaeta cT Douglas Stock .your rile accounts eras. places ,yin testers rat. the.PnIlrrly $g; Dungannc n,. JJ .. lira -Varna; Crediton; 8$,30 , 7 ..T]xet887$14.70; B'olens,' $818 ;_Zurich; nt 8. $8 $'7 St, 11£3,30 ; total; $8..135, $.nil, Heasali;. Inspector Roble submitted atect-mots erelating to the cost ofholdingEntrance e 4 2nations in. East Gtlrott i Blyth, Brussels: '$17 38 y-Wlpgham, $/8.22.; FordwiCll grown anima minor carp r5" make the digestion to thefurrlrsh r. Poultry etc, It cost us Invigorator ie goad for a j' you, how to, stiowrng the cost rrf lioldrllel th Entrance' exaaminat e country, the termer a tn8 to do thio, iL'savee roes, Cattle; Sheep, $•ogs, a -ace horses and f amen gets the fit,;of I i ad of ur money. and: ken a ' For 3iic lbs not tight nekt"ceras tip Dan' Patch you how you can make 50 of Stock F. n'd seenbt say Food. Co c y s i11e and 'age us, we will tell SOMETHING F Eben OR EV•ERYBO Y goods. are always ��'4 • .. Y appreciated, Our stocl;:is new complete ; in it. ;WilI.be found and `Hair Brindles, 3,1ilitary Brushes, Hat Brusher, Cloth Hand Brushes, Nail Brut Brushes; e Brushes, ManicureBrushe9. Mirrors,, efel3rus hes, • In Razors' and Shavers' Sundries, .Our Boker's .Kin r e King Cutter Razors, ,Stock 1S•• the Best co ICrb aMy h Soaps, Razors, .Brushes; Stro s .gi • to Mugs, S. eta p xtavii3g #h 'They are the • famous ur Perfumes are of guaranteed ex sbeweat and neatest nn the market, red quality, c Perfumes -all Odors -the lar were not good, ewes would . market, and we'are sole agents for Clinto . are the $ Prices range from 25c to $3.00. o injure our r GIiuto business by recon n' if they .,p e also have Pocket Books,meadia g them: the' ling' ,:Lid Cases, Hair Brushes, . Hand Bags; Cigar Cases, Z'rayel- the Tooth Flushes , Cloth, Brushes., be Hand Brushes Shaving rushes . ,Mirrors •A' complete. stock.' cess• Chat eveor came to knew, tell -us that we hive ? , , Ci -Cigars that Bachelor,t-e a to town. We try Co get the BEST best stock of Pipes and TII packages. p. Margitercete Ci forI0s our. customers Beautiful 'the i g Also special Prices on Cigars b in ox. and or Beautiful. _we ©ur goods are always ga rs by boxo£50 or 100. . ays the BEST rte le We e \V. S. R. Phna, 13•, Post Office Drtia . Purity t0!`O,--111Ztt� gavet 8i8, . , $$.•la , Wroxeter,. PzhA,Nr;2 RspolnThe , d payment Financeof 0 riur ttee recommend.Accounts. orders `•site prober of accounts. neer•-alimentted tri:S17095.i`; the Vr'inty tile commending payment of the sac.' runts, the Comurittee called attention furnishings and fixings to offices in- e.'Court house whlt:h' :appear to be cessive, and . recommended that, eater restrictions': be :placed on:shot- r expenditures in the future. >. AI.Tj- OFrig rnof 13ovsn•.of Rs17(1r he repo• t of Dr. Shaw, physician of House of Refuge, show,•d that the itional•room enabled theta to keep .building in a intIeh better sanitary dition Dur'iug.the twelve months treated 1181) eases in. the Hooses ne-' tating visite, SesicIiiL. .(iF3 H3tITTL� Lr: e..Committee rccoren ommunicaation in .ro tcipal sanitota t• for co ft over till ,1anuars, lwtaken renrernin 1 tended' that rot fo'ar, nsurn oti yes That to ac.: cipiti Asaoeiatittn g the and that is always .the best .only price, +an Y one riiva aitio status •. and t 'Ontario. n of of. Crediton to he raised toe he hot . poli aBriberlage be r.rvanted,: take the census, k�e.a,spoinEed.to. •i ii6nT oi' ;IR. Axis. x s - le'Cotrrseof a long report 'which'. he details of ell work. done, Mr.. Y says : The awarded Goo • ' Inti rICtI Tity le OF APFR,ppRIA'I'E A1V,D USEEUL rjstmasi New It is becomin useful and ins more cusromary. every se and. see our g presents. WE .HVE r to give selections from the list blo�,n'fine cnt, and 7'HEp•• make your Carving Sets, in Cases Carpet Kane and .park Secs a t�eop+elrs • Nen Knives__ �.�„�'`dt1('y Lamps —Mrs. Potts Ixoas, in refs Pocket Knives Skates �tety Razors Nickel Plated Tea-pots Scissors, in Cases ti'tl, Child's Sets " Cod'ce pots N,14. Spools fir Crumb trays N.P. parks Tea trays Parlor kettles Plates, Cups, Mugs, "eta, in, Uran, to ward arlan .smnvCs and 11411n Dros..� Iasi Januar' le�ctintratcts .d in rood January all been completed Anagen he bridge, south of y. has not been completed in a ;werkmaanlike to/Inner, nrld"t $2� Oftthe price until you see fit to c - Ce ac- cept i bridges, ' McGann and Mor. be- tween on the botrndal'g Perth and:. Haran ire satisfactorily completed ' have been bridge, over the Aux " The Stan - lake •.Hay. and Stephen;Shuaslbeen • enr;Iisteted and is a, first-class think it.advisable to place the fn iow-- Ing bridges under Conti•:,.# built as early AS •p to be 1, fi -t itolen bridge o110 in •spa Day's bridge, 120 foot s iQ foot • span `. . bridge, is foot s Ann > perstrue+ tore of the six a11an ri the sir 'Zetland slto,rld Fre ) Bridge Lt "Zetland.'.. •. replazeed ; the superstructure of the other hriages should 'Fre steel, supported by concrete abutment$. I. daefresufficienttounrtke buildingoheuntil it 'tan be ascertained hepresent, F spring ..tloods nese, ,. ROAP. Able .$:tike n. CoAtXxi'lltii4, The Cornrnittee reronrulaeuded tht et the IIi1i ra no more money be paid t Bridge Co:, 'of Sarnia, tor the Midge known • as tirkerl Ire d „e centre of the bridge 4'14 raise to a pro. per level'. The Crurrtilttee, also recent - mended the rebuilding referred to by Mr, Aiste� the bridge referred to two bridges between McEi (op and Logan, the C�orlmrtiitteereenmtnend that the Matter ho laid over .I,1nuary session,. to s until1Pthe Council intends • to 'lo inwhat Perth It %vas reeoriltrrellfli,ri t tIe onere r, through orkno stone that •,not passe l that will trkn B`fnt:h ring may be used. Lobe g the claim of Lobby, con tpee tors lo,1 , Nagle and it WAS reCayrrtnternde �• t anlalc. 'Midge, and the County l�,rrgi chat ak worts. uretnents and -'report rat Cr �c.sttk Mooting of Council. • For Distant Sti1 ser;trtr;s. xllfatnp SttbSettpIi011S rot, the New Eva from those who live it tete Nnrthr st and in tile 'United Botch, i'k tray WW1 r the Taut issue In this rlrariitlr.' Of these, I 1 only a few are in arrears, but unless the arrears are patld :ante renewal 010(1,. for IOW, in good time, that be discontinued.' We ettnngt wire wills New Era on creditto !salt'(•% living far away, and pap postage so bargain We hos done So into the ter lies trio 1110dbeen ttb;1- the 'tirwyes and llrt - ons "Removed" party. has wish. to retain aalita 1'distant ksubsera`bWg: els, but we ask thein to x'erl0Wprotnpt. 1Y. The label will show the date to 'Which their copy of the New .Eras; is lieut., Dec; 1,5thi 1905 01SPLAY We have made big preparations r, parations for Holiday Sellingan• offer you a • y stock of Xmas presents to select from,the equ- al . al of which has never' before been eua. �,.�•�». .. , shown in M •..••,•,•r•„••••••,+•flk , •aides Special values during •goesin , • and Men's Watches.Do-not Ladies. see our immense stock of feiI to • Watches, • •P rocks Parlor •Clocks, Eight-day ��'' �� :iOCks• Cuckoo Clocks, Musical Clot —A Axsry useful present= .;.well.s �'! w,7tlyQr"vai'�i Cut Mapsp. cam. M;n 1T4,lOre4as• r . F a a. fir' �,,k Yan a Gold aides . ,Goj - • ���',�'`'''j'`��••�y . �3i �glasse' • . ' ��a� ,.-•per BROACHES •50cMPT G-11 r to �Z.OQ G-117-7 ?.o&KETS 7,r J i 'sc�AaP PINS yBCKLE'i; 50 &Oft !'. +01.50 R;TNCrS: 3.00 I. CHILD'S RINGS. RINGS. • 50c 2.00 LADY'S CHAINS 2.50 5Q 10.00, MEN'S CH'AIN'S ` • 1,00 8 tl0 PEARL PINS • TABLE' •KNIV , 2 04. G. y4 TEA SPOON.' NUTTER KNIVivS SUGAR 'SPOONS •COFFEE SPOONS `MEAT PORTS • BERRY SPogNS CREAU LADELS i el./FF LINKS 'WATCH BOXES tfuntiI LLAs 50e, to $.6.00,. 25c 5:00 .1.•90 2.50' . 1.CrQ ' TH1iVl13),FB 7.00 25c . 1.00 sOuVh .f.ft Sl1UONS :1.00 2.50'. BI$11G1 T.0 1'E.. • ' . '2.09,•. 840. ; you- Tt},TN 'PENS 1..U0 ' •• .8.00 OYSTER FORKS• C'ARVf.NG SETS • BRCAD AND. B[JTTI,.T-c. Pt.A`4` Cii„1aA14 ANIS SUGAR '• "FA N'C•,Y 'VASES . . SPOON' T€AY� • come anci •.See. Us. `--: • You Will Be ., Welcsme. • eweler i... HAVE NAVA• YON ADOSS ► Jt '. pende:,t? It or are you xnde.. yo fiakinginoucy.for some Otte else, quit and ntaite',uoney for yourself. .Get out ofsraseryand.he free,..Write G. MAustoitt. x, Co., Loudon. They wiar.show•you the xray. They have started,. thousandsonthe road to.freedo-tn Seven &altars a day, everyday in the year,i, he, ins• made hearing cheir 7ooda Tints is'u•oaey Writ pow,. 4L0 Qi! `tl � r Saes, Skins i�'aated I ' Iwrj..pay V RIo$ERT PRICE$ -.FOR HIDES delivered al my h'.3rr house in Clinton. 8rrl° 0. f3. DOAN, I *Yg**SIC **** *,yc* a ri.ore. Buying Days 'Before Christmas . La. we. not interest y .0 Ia the . reuctions • dwe are offeringon Eofiday Groceries'? 61bS..,ftnest se'eet Raisins -new fruit for :Mc, 20 lbs. for alae r 1 tots _ best Granulated Sugaar.. for $1.00 ear's best Reil .Sock -eye Sal- mon for tie ns Pec, Corn and '.i'o- nraltaes for %c Lemon Oraangeand Citrnn Peels, Corm/its, Vt'jrinuts, Almonds, Alinee Deaf, etc., alt of first. class quality, at cluct arcs. same re. tor Vire aro tiri, wwek: off rite • brae per lb. for ehotel:dairy Butter, Come and !et us help you. make your Chri:;tdas more . cheerful. • aBeaton The People's Grouch. Phone itt c • •40 • 411 lust receive d the fo1.Cowi j interest you at. this seng, . whrclh may ason of the ' year*: n Fancy Leather and Leatherette; • _•.. ��+�� Toilet ,. s;, `We Have 7. Sets, , Ha;ldkerchief. & ShManicure Sets, • .IHandkerchief & perfuni e Sets Shaving Sets,, 'rium� Neta avininS Cases >HandkeCchief Cases, etc.' 3 ..Military,$rilshes, ..; Cuff and Collar Sets, Everything. . .... ".:. ire .-►any`roods i.-; • 10 eluding: .. � 1l�tiiitary Brushes, Brust;es, • `ooth Br'u hes Hat Brushes, Bonelet Brush s. Cloth Brushe4, . Mirrors, all styles Shaving; Tiro hey, Shoe Horns In �Solid L taker Glove I3uttonetc,ers, Hand I3ags, o Goods,, We liave �i1 music Tc�Ils, Card Cases, �' Travelling t{r�• 'Oe� 'Cigar Cases, +' a s, - Children's . Y ls, ; Pu se sIandkercllrf and G.nvbets, Wallet;Pock, t'Book, Kill.:UlEr Bic.PE T a1' showing a Veryr we s,sorilentr ifancyCaSiSranging. in, price lm .tW to .$8.00 each,Also era! line , • shaving i iu;s, Brushes, es, Corliss, Mirrors, Soar Bowls I' owcl I Utrxy, .Razors, etc. in Smokers° Pi es: with Without , i or Without cases; Cigar Holders, Ci . Cases, Tobaccos, Cigar s -,..•,.I , 25arylCigar P��C�� 1Go�E� 'i''i�” 5a in a hay. r7�fjr y�a�;y�.ay�� TOM( ... ., EVER .SEE ,.1 • ,^'1Ej 1