HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-15, Page 4•••., 4 and orAwrow =cc, ERA r cilrisimas Gins mere. • 4 ion'ey on Every Purchase ave. There aim time like now for Gift buying. The busiest days of the year will soon be upon us. The volume of holiday business is increasing daily.This store is ready With the finest stock of holiday goods -such as Handkef- Oiefs, Ribbons, Neckwear, Belts, Fancy Linens, etc„ that we .have ever shown. These goods were all bought direct trom the makers in Engler d and Ireland long before we decided to leave Clinton and it was impossible for us to 1 A:phcei our orders. At -any rate, they are here for your approval, in an endless variety, all marked fully one-third less than regular price. With but 8 buying days before Christmas, we would urge you to do your gift -buying early. Hand=drawn Linens Elegant Design I Holiday Neckwear We feel sure that the finest stock of Neckwear ever sjiown in Clinton is now on view at our Store. -..--all ofwhich r are marked at the following reductions : 4.11 Zic & 80C lace and silk collars at 19c All 5125 Lace Ties at., • . .. . . .....00c ' 850 & 40c lace and silk collars at 250 All 51.50 Lace Ties at.. . ;4; .. .01.35 411 50c and some 60c silk collars at 350 All $2,00 Lace Ties at..".... ,..,..$1,60 'Al 750 Silk and Lace Collars at....50c "Alt $1.00 Silk and Lace Collars at ..65c All b0c Belts at; All $1.25 silk and Lace Collars at..750 All 75e Belts ... , . . ..... 'Alt 51.50 Silk and Lace Collars at 31.00 Ail $1.25,Be1ts at . . ..75o uy your HolidayBandkerchiefs here _ =Note the Saving. • bc Handkenhiels at qc - 80 hemstitched and fancy colored handkerchiefs regular • 5c to go during our Last Christmas Sale at each '210 • All 10e Handkerchiefs at 'Ye, or 4 for 1.5c 3-30 fine hemstitched handkerchiefs also a few fancy ones that sold at ioc to go durirg our Last Xmas . •. 26e Embroidered .11andkorchiels at 2 tor 25c 1 These are the most beautiful ernbroideried handkerchiefs we have ever had. to sell at 2oc, juit 240 to go,dur- • , 25c ‘•; Sale at 7c. or 4 for. • 25c Deo, 15th 1905 'RANO TRUORsAYIS''TVIL"MkY , iChristmas and New Years . udome. ealusarrarts 'EXCUIld0116 Single Fare--Gotgl going D ea, 25r4 dr 20th, re '• turning on or before Tileeday;Dse, 26th, '05 • ri.110 ,1and Onothird-Good going Deo. 220, ewe., or Mu, resurnbag on or bone jairy. Wedon't think you would find a better assortment of Linens In many of the city stores than w.e have here, and the best of all they are all _marked at prices that means ,abig saving for you. Size 9 inch Doylie, 'Hand Drawn, regular 40c for 30c .Size tb inch Doylie, Hand Drawn, regular for 60c Size t.8 in. square 'Doylie, Hand Drawn, regular -$1.25 for .75c Size'2o in. square Doylie, .Hand Drawn, regular 1.35 for 853 Size 18 inesqUare Doylies Handprawn, regular. 1.5o for 95c Size, zo in. square Doylies:Band Drawn regular 2.00 for $135 Size 30 anc1.36 inch. squart Lunch Cloth regular 2.7$ for t-,75 Size 36 inch..squard. Lunch ...Cloth,. .,2.50 Size 30 inch square Lunch Cloth, regular 4.00 for 3.00 All $1,50 Hand Embroidered Linen Lunch cloths to go at $1.0Q AUS 2.5o Hand Eiribroldered Linen lunchcloths io go it 1.60 $3.00 Hand Embroidered Linen Lunch cloths ta go at 1.95 All $3.75 Hand Embroidered Linen Lunch cloths to go at 2.25. All ...5o.Hand EmbroideredXinen Lunch 'cloths to go at 3:25 $3.5o Teneriffe Hand. Drawn Round Table Cover .at $2.50 $5.00 Teneriffe Hand Drawn . Sideboard Scarf to go at 3.50 35c Embroidered Tray Covers at .. .25c All other linens such as Sideboard *arts, Doylies, Tray cloths • etc.. Will go at the following reductions. • . All 25c Linens. at, 19c -All $1.00. Linens E t.. . . .7oc All 35c .Linens at 25C All 50c .Linens at.„, . ... 38c All 60c Linens at 45c All 85c Linens All Ir.5 Linens a.t . .9oc All. :r.50 Linens at. 4$ I.15 • All 2.00 Linens at1.4o All othcr Bandks not mentioned aboveloIii_as lotion:St. ,L., 25e Handkerchiefs at.... ...19c 75 HandkerChiefs.at.,,...,i,60c. 35c Handkerchiefs at 25c 1.00 Handkerchiefs 4oc Handkerchiefs at...„30c 1.25 Handkerchiefs at. 45C Handkerchiefs at 35c • - .• 5oc Handkerchiefs at 38c 1.50 Handkerchiefe.at... 1.15 boc Handkerchiefs at 45c 2.00 Handkerchiefs at .. . ..;.40. , . clisnyielipiiig. Tuesday, Dep.. 1...pth,.::thig:,gtore will be open every evoning until Christmas X•iwt++44++++++4++++74 S• t. -.To$EPws . A Temperance .wavo., 41' 44. The Feast of theImmaculate Concep- t; Church News. tion w.is observed last Fr:day. ' 4C••• • . • 44.. ir14+4+++++44++++++++5.3 Rev.• F. M. __tunes o ,, , f'Leamineton • wili has been appoioted rector of Bayfiele parish. BAPTIST CHURCH. Rey. M. J. Wilson,. of Teeswater,• In the Baptist church on Sunday conaucted missionary anniversary ser - morning, Rev Mr. Ma ee will take vices in Ontario street church last Sun - for his subject "The (Jiiristaan as a, day, giving two fine addresses. • , Conqueror.' i Rev. A. K. Birks, Seaforth, conduct - Should the weather conditions be, ed missionary services at Dungannon favorable, the children of the Baptist on Sunday, his pulpit being supplied Sunday School will be treated to a ' by Rev.'W. McDonagh, Stratford. Christmas sleigh ride, to be followed A Rev. IT. A. Moyer, of Kingsville, has by a supper in the church. been invited to become pastor of Mit- Rev. Milton D. Coltman. of Queen c ell Methodist church, at the close of ../Street Baptist Church„.St. Catharines') the present ebnference'year. Whether and formerly of Clinton, has _resigned or not he Wilreee-efictlie invitation, is to take the management of a large in- not yet known. ' • vestment house at Montreal. The Methodists of Windsor last Sun - gr. PAUL'S CHURCH. day' opened their.splendid new church, buildingd their h t • the The Sunday School.Christmas Tree same time. Rev. Thoboas *tanning, will be held in the Town Hall on brother of Rev. II. M. Manning, Olin - Thursday, Dec. 21st. •ton, is the pastor and will have one of Rev. C. R. Gunne is in London this the handsomest edifices in Western week in attendance at Committee ontarin t°..Preach in. • • • '-. To the Editor of the New Era:- . Surely such a wave ii•now sweeping over our land. People are awaking to realize the enormity of the evil which is being wrought through the open bar. Local Option, laid& is proving i • sub a success where it is in operation, has taken hold of our country', and at the present time the agitation for hav- ing it voted on in Otir oWlu province in January is most encouraging. Al- ready there are fifty Or more munici- palities where the Councils have de- cided to submit it to the people. I Among these,axe the following incor- porated towns and villages: Owen. Sound Acton • Arkona, • Ameliasbur , Beamsville, Grinisloy,14akefield, Mark. 4,ham,-Illakville,_ Petreke... al-pub:YAW_ Sonthatiopton and Staynor. No great,' er proof that the agitation means ' something could. be produced than the action which is • being taken by the liquor men to oppose the measure. Truly Owen Sound has get before tug an object lesson, which no doubt will , influence men in other places. Prom- inent men of the town have moved in the right direction when. they organ- ized a- company with -a,- capital- of $75,000, and have bought out two of the principal lintels. They paid down .nearly $40,000 for the Seldon House, and are now running it most success- fully as a temperance house. Then followed an immense gathering in the Town Hall, toresided over by the Mayor, and a vigorous start was made in the direction of,Local Option, • Sub- sequently the Council, headed by the Mayor, by an almost unanimous vote, decided to subtaitit to the vote of the electors. Thus is the cause advancing. GREENE, • . • - meetings of the Synod.• Rev.josiah Greene, of Clinton, was At the evening service last Sunday,supplying.on Thainesford circuit last -•Miss Violetta Thompson rendered a I Sunday, and at the request of the solo with her usual good taste and in a, chairman of that district, has con - manner highly appreciated by the 1 sented to supply the work until eon"- audience. ference meets. It seems that the• • minister appointed by Conference to •, Mr. F. W. Thomas, travelling mere- this charge, failed to take the %%mkt ' ' tary of the Brotherhood of St. An- owi• ng to the death of a brother, mod drew, is to be in town on Saturday and the Work has been supplied as best it Sunday. It is expected that Mr. could be dine then. M Thomas will address the congregation r, no desire to go back into actGreenehadive work, • on Sunday morning and evening. but he says he cannot stand idly by and s e a charge:neglected because it has no leader, Rev* George Webber, of Toronto, it well known Methodist clergyman, suf- fered a slight stroke a few days . ago, and the attending physicians entertain The choir will give its Christmas Jittle hope of his recovery. The raver- , • , music a week before the regular Sun- end gentleman lias been on the retired ' day, this year, as several of its mem- list for some time, but up to a few bers expect to be absent on Christmas weeks ago retained his usual vigor,and Sunday. frequently occupied city pulpits, , Mr. Rev. M. Fitzpatrick, representing, Webber was one of theBible Christian the Fred Victor Mission, gave an ex- ministers stationed in Clinton, and re- Oellent address Mating to the Work sided here for three 'veers, being sue - thereof, in Wesley church on Wedneig- ceded by Rev, Mr. Wade, now it reef- • del, evening. - dent of town. Mr. Webber is father of the wife of Rev. J.A.. Snell, former- ly of Bayfield. WESLEY CHUI1011. Rev. B. Clement will preach next ` • • Sundaymorning. Mr. Manning going ' to Londesboro. The pastor will be in 4- his own pulpit in the evening. L/lon't forget the collection on behttif 'Of the Sick 43hildren's Hospital vvhich 1P_,,triken up in the Stmday 06001 mi • SALVATION ARMY lOrietnans Sunday, Wesley School TREE. AND MUSICAL 41"Morts two nano and a generous C611' Pt; ariv.41.--There will be &Oh at the etribution towards the maintenance of , • these is asked for. 6. A. Hall Clinton on Christi -nits "-`,.• night, it yery interesting program of ' A unanimous invitation has been PX" niUSh, sOrigg, rettitatione and setae - tended to Bev. T. W. Neal, of Toronto.. time on the -talking machine. There ,to accept the pastorate of this church will also he the annual. Christmas Tree nett June, Rev. Mt Manig Would • like to get back into the Tei Corp " feed -tee for pet/omit and °the awes, and by inviting minister froth the ' Toronto Conference, the way is OPett," ed • for Mr. Maunings return thereto, tiffsuniing Of course, that Conference is willing to Make the transfer. Mr. Neal le in hie fourth year as Doter of Kin reet eastthuttir Toronto, and fi gtiQdeeift11: A 6 one time 6a, supply for lionderaroto and it tbeether ef Mr. Albert of t a$eI1ne. provided for the ritembere of the S. 4. Band of Love, when each member Will be given a present. The musital part will be tinder the control of the Clin- ton S, A. Band, but illUtiefalle from the well known Bands of Stratford, London and St. Thomits are expected to take part;• both brass and string Mtide Will be gtw.u. Kindly keep this mindin ntul niake srriinPments to Mut to Earniers. Every farmer in Canada should read the Family Herald & Weekly. .*Star of Montreal. It is without exception the best Family. and Fexin paper on this continent, and costs but one dollar a year, including their most beautiful picture, 'Queen Alexandra, Her Grandchildren and Dogs,'" It is the biggest dollar's worth offered this sea- son, and no farmer should overlook it, The Farmer's Manual ft Veterinary Guide issued by the sameps.per should also be in the hands of every farmer. Partiaulars May be had at this office or by writing direct to the Family* Herald & Weekly Star, Montreal. No enterprising fernier should he %without it. It is recorinnended by the best authorities. Sainples can 'be eeen at this office., A FOOL ntrox.-.A. few evenings since a number of students came up on the evening train from London. A youth on the train tithe ovid.sotly knew the girls tried to be smart, and having A gun with hien, kept pointing it at them, to the horror of the other pas- eengere, and it was a great relief when he at off the train. lq`orturiately for the young fool, Condutter Quirk was spend Christrdas at thq8. A Hall, A.11 not aware of what WAS going on, or he ereeeds is to hello the local work at inton. Gore open at tub dorm Would have met with eunimary pun. merles at 7,80. '.• + Personal Notes 44. 4t. • 41" If those having relatives Or friends el. , notify us of the feet each 1.veek,_ we • 404. visiting in town or going away 44t, would announce it in the Ngiv ERA* 41. Mr. FrankO'Neil, of Mooseja,w, is here on a visit to his family. •.Mrs. French is this week attending the Convention at Guelph, Mrs: Shannon is this 'week in Elora attending the wedding of a neice. Mrs. Logan, of Saginaw, is here on it visit to her mother, Mrs. Gilchrist. - M..Gray, of Toronto, former of Seaforth,_was.intown. last week._ Ilev. W. G; Ronson, ' of Mitchell, was in town for a short time on Mon - ay. . • Miss Lottie M. Elliott loft "row for London, where she entencls staying for awhile. • Mr, R. Il.jelfrey ofToronto, former- ly station agent at ilondesboro, was in town on Monday, - Proudfoot" •-0. ant -.wife, of Goderieh, were guests Of Mr. P.-Tis- dall over Sunday. • • Mr. Bert Milner, Of Brampton, spent Sunday at the home of his father-in- law,_Rev. It M. Manning. Mrs. Amos Cooper, St. Thomas, is visiting at Mrs. W. J. Cooper s,Ontario St., .for A couple of weeks, . Mrs. Jas. Twitchell attended the funeral of her friend Mrs; P. S. Rick, of Toronto, on Wednesday. Mrs, Mannie Ward, of Wyoming, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Oudnoore, Victoria St. Mrs. John Tedford, who has been visiting here for some months, left for • Minnedoaa, Man,. on Monday. Owing to the illness of her brother in California, Mrs. S.C. Stevenson Will leave for there to -morrow, and may be away a month or two. Miss Ida H. Walsh, of ;London Rd., returned home Saturday after six weeks visit With friends in Petrone, Sarnia and Wyoming. Miss Hampton !eaves this week foe her ome at Mount Forest, and after th ,lidays with rearm° her position wit r. Newcombe at Niagara Falls, Mrs, Harvey, nee Miss Mary Town- send, of North Dakota, is visiting. her grandtnother Mrs, Townsend,. Town. send St., and will remain till after holiday, • Miss Ethel Doherty and Master Victor Doherty, children of ' Mr. We Doherty, who have been Calgary for the pest year, are expected home this week Mr. and Mac. Philips, of New York, are the giteate of Mr. B.. S. Cooper. Wt.. Philips is it sista, of Mr. Cooper, and When he left Ireland oho was only 0 years old, and hehad never seen her in the interim. Eldred Archibald leaves this Week, for Montreal, where he will join hie *mete Mr. Heber Arehibald, K, 04, of and together t,bey sail for the conthadht, wh7are he expecte to put in a year or tiro in foreign travel. NEW YEARS Slagle Faree-4310od going Dec. with, 'Ob. or jan. loti.t2.00; rigurninii on or before TtieSdaY1 Jan. 2n4. . Pure and on4PthIrd-Good going Deo. 2961 and teth,'0.5. and Jan. lst '00, returning on or be. bore Wed., J ard, • Tickets at aboverates sold to all points in Canada, also to Detroit, Port Karon, Buffalo, Niagara N , Suspension Bridge. Pares to any p dut quoted• on appiloation. For tickets and full information call on F. R. Rodgens, 'town Agent .,••••• New Advertisements. Rings., A J Grigg; Page 1 Clothing presents., Hodgens Bros. -1 Christnoas excursion, F Hodgens..4 Cobalt, Jas Steep. - .. ...4 Save money, Newcoinbe.. . . .... 4 $10,000 stock, Plumsted 4 Canada business college, McLaughlan 4 Best of everything Cooper & Co.. , .5 . Dissolution, Ruin4,11 & McMath5' New manufactory, W.$ A Holmes. • 6 Holiday display. A J Grigg.... . . .. . . 6 9 buying days. 'A D Beaton 6 • Letter to Santa, Morre l& Holmes. , 7 Christmas shopping, W R Counter*7, Our store, W ,7 Stray steer, T Wizgington ..7 House to rent, Jas (look ... . .. „7 Farmer, Vetenary Co. . . 7 Pre-minent features, W D :10 Useful gifterJ -W- Newconobe:-.-r: ....10 - FtoWers, T--Crittle , lirleirgri4affe; r w Irwin .10 09000StOC Y GOODS, Clothing, - BOOTS .and StIOES To be cleared out by lst of March,' UN This stock is all new staple goods, nearly all bought for the fill trade, and will be sold cheaper than you have ever been able to get new staple goods for in this town. This is no. stock -reducing sale, but a winding up of the firm's Dry Goods business in Clinton. . A 4,4 We have not ,space to say all we would like to say., butask you to come and see the goods and get our prices. Seeing is • believing. There will be no reserve. Everything 'a genuine I bargain, We mention only a few of the bargains below. • DRY GOODS I • CLOTHING . IA lot of odd lines in Dress Goods at ion -In clothing we have the largest • 25' and 8°° 1)11" a°°cIn at "*''.. • *38 and best assortment of stylish 58 8 tt oo 6(40loc ElDrreessss eG0000ddss 3..... .. . .. ..1 65 to 70c Dress Goods at 42 Men's Odd Coate,,,abOut 25, worth goods we have ever had $t to $1.25 Dress Goods at ... .. . 85f , . Jap Silks all colors itt..., .. ......„20 -15 -Boy% Overcoat$,- odd sizes -and- " ' - Black' &" col'd Silkii,-be"tter 81 50 Thais, iit cat- different lines, to dear at horn. ' • • ' Beefto.Cra.n..a.dianjr.Pr..i.n, te, worth 10 and 12,i8 MenIsiOTIct Pants worth $1'2i.f7ir.:38V , Table cPr i Linen,n t , s fo r special . . . . , . 7.. 5. c. : , t. 4.,:. . ci e. a, r„ , a. t„ 4 244 Men's Odd Pants, bettei lilies, for..98 about 690 yards of above line -. t 150 pairs better goods,,egeally low Regular $1 Overalls for 85 • OddVests, Smocks and Cardigans at:cost ' Men's Overcoats' worth $12 for ..8 50 Ladies Wool and OashmereGloves, ag worth 300.1., ,....... .... Men's10, Overcoats worath 8110 foir.b...7 50 .. Floer Oil Oloth, square yard * Ladies heavy wool Ribbed Hose, in Large quantity Grain Bagb, pr doz 1.98 20 men's Suits worth $13 50 for......0 00 ' Men's Suits worth $6 75 for. ...... 4 35 All kinds of Boy's Clothing equally low Men's Overcoats worth $6 50 for ..4 86 Men's Suits worth $10 for 7 50 IMIS OCS a ers 5 dozen new Umbrellas, not opened • IP , .up yet, bought for the spring, Hats,VaPs, Shirts, srnall.wares' will be sold at a great saving. - same rates as above. . to the purchaser. , worth $1.75, at.".....:, .... . . .. 1 10 . before the recent. advance, and . Most of these were bought just This sale will. commence' on SATIJRDAY MORNING, Dec. 16- . . • . , , Terms of sale. -Cash only. No goods on. approbation and " nothiffeek . changed: Store for Sale �r to rent. -, ' 11. PlUniSteel . Clinton The glipton, NeW,Ella 'FRIDAY, DEO. 15,, 1905. • Saskatchewan Election • -- • , Scott aultam The Provincial eleoction in Saskatche- wan on Wednesday seems to be in doubt, Liberals claim the election of Mr. Scott, With 3 majority, while pon- servatives claim the election of MrHaultain ., ' • Constitute .._,NoTEs.--.Miss Teach of .Staffa, was the guest of,. Miss Maggie McDonald recently. Mr. Geo. Hall is improving nicely, it is hoped he will soon be able to move about again. • Do not forget, the Xmas tree a• d entertainment Fri- day evening, Dec. 224 an admission fee of 15c will le taken at the door We are pleased to learn that Mr. Miller Adams is improving after. it severe attack of inflamatory rheuma- tism. Messrs John and Roland Snell have returned to their ,home at Fork - ton, Saskatchewan. Mrs Robt Clarke is attending as. a delegate, the con- vention of the Womens' Insicute held at Guelph this week A meeting of the Constance Branch of the Upper vanada Bible Society, will be held in the church here Tuesday evening next,. this is a•worthy cause and a large at- tendance is looked for. • • - Exeter • liams.ray.-14. H. Dickson,• , T. A. Carling, A. J. McDonald and W. G. Bissett had a narrow escape while. driving home from Hensell last' Tues.. day evening. When almost home, the team took fright at an obstruction in the road, and started to run away. Mr. Carling • succeeded in • jumping from the rig, but the others were not so foreunate. They were upset .in a' ditch, caught in. the cover of the buggy' and dragged some distance. Mr.,Dickson had his shoulder dislo- cated and arm fractured; how the others escaped serious injury is a mys- tery, as the rig was demolished. • . • • Beniniller NOTB'S.-both forget the Christina§ tree to be held in connection .with the Sunday School here on Saturday even- ing, Dec. 23rd, at1.30, o'clock. , As the next regular meeting of Court Ben - millet" No. 86, falls On Christmas night,it has been motioned till Thurs- day evening,.Dec. 28th; all concerned govern , themselves accordingly; at this meeting the election of officers for the year 1996 will be held, Regular 80c Table Linen far 20 Best Factory Yarn,all colors,2and • 3 P.IY, worth 50c per lb, for..... 35 1500 yards • 12c Flannelette, extra heavy. 87 and 38 inch wide, at. .85 Table Oil Oloth at .. . .. - LOIsiDESBORO, Dec. 13th SANTA CLAUS,' TovviLiE ONT: . , . DEAR OLD FRIEND, - We received the . Christmas Good S you promised us, and, without . doubt,' they, are the nicest selection we have ever had, Thanking you very kindly, We are, Sir, • Yours truly,. NIORRELL? & HOLMES, -Londesboro, - 2IT11174M, • ONTARIO. OBITDARX.-On Wednesday last the 1' angel of death renooyed from our midst Walter, the eldest cion of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Straughan, at the early age of twenty-six years. The deceased had been infailinthealth for Bowie months and the etul wet riot unexpected. The cause of death Was Jung trouble. He was &young man of amiable disposi- tion and wan highly respected by alt who knew him. The funeral which was largely • attendedtook place on Friday fast, service at the family resi- dence commencing at 2 p. m. Among the many floral tokens of synipathy Was a beautifulwreath of Ohrysan- theniums presented s by Court Ben - millet, No. EA C. 0. F., of which order decease d was a member. A. bouquet of voiles was also presented by the -Ep- worth League. The pall -bearers were Norman Ball, 'Willie Straughen, Geo Cowan, Con Bissett, Alex Malloy, five cousins, and Arthur Ffsher. Therser- vices were concluded by Rev. 3. G. Yelland, while the C.O. P. burial cere- mony was held at the grave,. The bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of it host of friends. Condolence -The following letter of condolence speaks for itself, TO Mit, WM. STRADGIIAN0 DEAR SIR. AND IgnO, :-At the last regular meeting of Court Beniniller, No. 86, O. 0; P., it was resolved that it is only it just tribute to the MeitiOry of your departed son and our brother to say that in regretting his removal from our midst we mourn for one, who WAS in every way worthy of our re- spect and regard. That we 'stneerely eondole wlt.h you,yu family on the dispensation with which it has pleased Divine Providence to afflict you and etnninend yon "fur eon - rotation to Him who orders all things for the best and whose chastisements are' meant in merey. This Is the sincere resolve of yours in Liberty, Benevotenee and Concord. SInedon behalf of Court. Harty 11 Longa'reas., am* Gledhifl, P. S. The dosing down of the Dick woolen mill in Seaforth is throwing out great many employees who are leaving town aany going to'Oohour This is an nd that a loan .010,000 WU atm 1- • Will re -open lor the New Year Tuesday, 41ran. 2n4) 1906.- Oty. New College Building -Rave You seen a cut of this magnificent • structure ? If not' write for it, and we vwill senci you aeopy, . • Oiar Handsome Catalogue -This catalogue has over 80 pages of illustrat- ed work, mostly engravings 'from specimens of penmanship by former - students. Write for a copy, if yeti are planning to attend a business school. We pay your railway fare in coming, Catalogue gives narticulars. Good board for geetiernen at $2,75 per week; for ladies at $2,50, '370 students secur- ed gpod positions last year, we can send you the list. : We can give you, home training in Book-keeping, Shorthand and Penmanship , Catalogue E gives particulars and terms Of Home courses. • • Catalogue F is for these who wish to attend at Chatham, Write for the one you want, addressing , D. McLachlan & Co., Canada Business College, • . .*.SOLD OUT... at We have sold our stock and are retiring from business. Our successors take possession on January lat, 1006, and during Dec- ember we will give seine big bargains, especially in Heavy 'Winter Goode, each as Ladies' Astrachan, Electric flea,' and Greenland Seal Coate, Ladies' . • Caperinee, Puffs, Muffs, Stoles and scarfs, Ladies' Cloth Coats in bleck., fawn and brown, in semi -fitting and loose hack styles, all new and up -to, date. Also Men's Fur Coats hi Black Galloway, Siberian Dog, Russian , Calf and Cub Bear. Men's Overcoats made of Blick Frieze, Viculina and • Beaver, all this mason's goods. Also Other lines of goods Which our space will not allow us to thetiti011 here. You should visit our Big Store, where We show over Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12000.00) worth of Up-to-date Goods, You Will find titim*Mte money -saving chances if you COM e early. . • --i-CHRISTMAS OOODS---- Our deck of Christmas Goods has attired and IS open for inspection.. We show some very special 'Mee suitableHtoChristmas Presents', at very close prices, in Ladies' and Bags, Bette, Pa .y Collare, Lace Scarfs, Fac inatorii, flanderthiefs, Silk Shirt Willett) Iti Gloves also Men's h'sincy,' Braces, Neckties in Puffs, Bowe, Four-in-hand, &iota:Strings, BM • ----‘' FINE roess citooDs We always take the lead in rine Dress Geode. ,TIIIS season out etoek is very large and Well aesorted, and halting been bought before the advano ce in the price of wool, we ean quote very low pricer. Come and get our popes and see the bargains we can offer you. , • •KLNNON & ogy ,BLyvTIK.• ' •