HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-15, Page 2Sleep Like a. Top' Tion't lie awake with the remedy at asour elbow. To banish wakeful- ness, nervous starts, bad dreams - all sleep soundly and waken res areshed-take ham's Pills Bow Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents. The glintan NeW EVe FRIDAY: DEC. 13. 1905. County Clippings P. McCarthy and family, of Ash., field, have lett for California. , Miss aillyth has tendered her rear- ich Collegiate. . • • \been engaged as teacher in Blyth o o y . • yr to Mrs, W. McArthur as librarian 'for the public libraiy in Pangannon. Sarah Young,, widow of the late An- thony Black, tormerly of Dungannon, died, tit the residence of her sou, Wm., in aoderich, laet Friday, aged 71. tion ft•oin the teaching stat! of Go er. Mr. J. Hartley,: of Wroxeter. has Wheat L'Ossibilities of Canada. (Philadelphia Ledger.) ' The British ere evidently looking forward to the time when Canada shall meet all the wheat, requirements of the mother country. A Canadiau authority predicts that if only one- fourth of the land suitable for Cultiva- tion in Manitoba and other Canadian Territory were planted with wheat and the average production were equal to that of •Manitoba, for the last . ten years the total crop would he snfficient to meet the Canadian de- mand and the present requfrements of I Great' Britain' three tis " • over.' American wheat expert hazards the prediction that Western Canada with - n ten years will be the principal source of European wheat supplies. C anadian Farmers and Tariff. • • (New York Times) Canadian farmers are less, docile than American. From timehnineinol- jal our farmers have been satisfied, or rather- proud, to buy in the dearest civilized market, and sell in competi- tion with the world. But the Canadian 1, farmers are attending the Dominion Tariff hearings and protesting against the proteotion which the manufacturer Ilernands. If that sort of thing is pos- sible at this stage of the Canadian.tar- iff propaganda, there 's little chance of the Dominion tariff -ver requiring that sacrosanct. character which de- fends our own against irreverent as- sailants. Sermonr Gout -ley, ex -Conservative M. P. tor Colchester, N. S, has been taken to an asylun.. Poor Gourley. Although a member of the House from 1806 to 1904, he was "off his base." Well informed, and clever he was one of the most fluent talkers in the Rouse. but , his speeches -were a rambling jumble of confused ideas. On one oc- casion the writer heard him speak for three hours, when the House knew he VMS making a fool of himself and was " '.1-tipg all the ordinary rules, but he was allowed to proceed solely for the purpose of making sport. The story is told that just before the elec- tion of 1800, Sir. Charles Tupper boast_ ed that "He would carry every seat in Nova Scotia except Colchester, where that fool Gourley is running," and Gourley was almost the only Conser-' -votive elected from that province. The Ottawa Citizen suggests that the Provincial Government pass an act fixing the minimum salaries for teachers at a reasonable figure, mak- ing it obl igatory on the part of a trus- tee board to pay it, and providing for the cancellation of the certificate of a teacher who accepted less. We are afraid there would be some difficulty in enforcing such a law.- This is sup - ,posed to be a free country. Mr Whitney has become silent on the /succession duties "outrage." The xeason is evident. This tax brings him in money. Up to the end of No- vember it realized $505,000, exclusive of the large sums to be paid by the flooderham and Milford eStates. Is your catarrh any better. Probably getting worse all the time. Why not give up that snuff.and stop dosing your stomach ? The one sure treatment is "Catarrhozone,.' sure to cure because it goes where the disease really is. Certain to cure in your case because it has restored tens of thou- sands worse than yon are. Catarrho- zone is a thorougb cure because it de- stroys the eauses as well as the effects of the disease. Relief is prompt, cure is quick with this powerful remedy which is guaranteed to cure catarrh in any part of the nose, throat, bronchial tubes or lungs. Crazed Father Murdered Son and Daughter. TERRIBLE CRIME le REPORTED iPtioitt MELANCTHoltr TEN MILES PROM ELBURNE A shocking crime was committed about 10 miles from Shelbourne on Thersday. James Coulter! a farmer Hying in the district mentioned, in a fit of rage or insanity completely wip- ed out his family, consisting of his son and daughter, Afterwards king his own life. I t is supposed that the father first rdered his S011 in the barn, . etriking *iiirt with an axe. Then proceeding to the house he ded the life of his wifeand daughter shooting them down in cold blood, tileigquently he took his own life. he Iforrified neighbors when they ed of Coulter's; awful deed hastilv 'tined Mr. Monte, of Hotning's , who arrived on the spot shortly the'ann and daughter breathed 1. Unforfunntely they were conscious and the doctor was, e, 'Liftable to secure any friffir. rout them regarding the iosed-that, Mrs. Conlier and r %vivo tasLm1ig the diellett rieen‘da meet When ticked b t1hZcd 11,us- 11.1.Brarliord is; appointed as.suce0ss- Messrs John Richmend. do Sons, Blyth. have received the Great Britian and Ireland patents for their universal combined cutting and threshing ma- chines. Miss Attrill, E. C. and Miss Helen, Attr 11 left New York last Thursday tor England a,ud the continent,. They will net return to Goderich until the spring. M rs. Harry Speareiof Seaforth, was bitten by a vicious dog one day last week. but, her friends will be pleased to learn the injuries are not proving serious. Dr. R. 0. Tyerman, who is the Liberal candidate in the constituency of Prince Albert for the Saskatchewan Lee islature, is a nephew of Mr. Jr." Tyertuan, Seaforth, . The trustees of Union school "Action No. 4, Stanley, have accepted the appli- cetion nf Miss Helen M. Sparks as teacher for their school for the ensuing year at a salary of. $3,00. , .• F. U. Taylor, near Wroxeter, has sold his fares, lots 29 anti 80 con. C. Turn berry; consisting -of 110 -acres., -:tO Jeff Musgrove, for $5,000 ; possession given in September next. Mrs. M. Leddy, of St Augustine, wild has been in St. Joseph's hospital, London, for two weeks, has -returned. hot& feeling a lot better. • We hope she may keep on improving. M iss Hattie Phillips, daughter of Mr. ri. S. Phillips, station agent, Sea forth, was appointea teacher in the Public School in. place of Miss Ada Beattie resigned, at a salary of $800. The trustees of Dungannon public school have re-engaged Mr. Tebbutt as principal and Miss Robinson as assist- ant for the year 1908, which is an evid- ence that their services are••epprecia,t: ed. On Saturday Angus Keer'Hi.ussels, -was brought up on remand charged with an aggravated assault on a man named Querin. The-caselasted the greater part of the day; Xerr. being fined $10 and dischargedt TELE CLINTON NEW BEA Dec. 15th 1905 gettlocrlin=lvivitg.14rilaYttlernPriderV; MoIlwain was electedpresident of the company, Mr, Tiffin having retired from the directorate. Boys fall and bruise themselves. Geown up athletes epram muscles by overdoing wholesome exercise. The aches and soreness are taken out with Davia' Pankkiller Ruh it well into the throbbing flesh and relief is immediate. The death took place in Tilbury. Ro- se* cotinty, on Friday last of a former resident of this district in the person of Mrs. Rev John Ball, after an illness of about four months. Deceased was a"sister of Mrs, Wm. Copp, ,, Seaforth. Cuctrnore, of Kippen, and Thos. and Geo. Lludinore, ana airs. Thomas Prior, of Rxeter,......,=ig a,441 On Friday morning Iasi, Ur. Chas. Henderson, of the Bluevale Road, Exeter was apparently in his usual health. On returning from a walk down to the river, be complained of not feeling well.; later was seized with paralysis ; he lingered until Tuesday, when he passed away. Mr. Henderson was.in his 80th year. , Miss Miller, who had charge of the conimarcia,), classes in Seaforth Collegi- ate Institute, left here on Friday last for her new field of labor in Willits. Previous to her departure She was presented by the St. Thomas church bunday school, in which she had been 4 teacher, with it complimentary ad- dess and it beautfal present. On Tuesday, November 28th, death visited leiligeuriage, anu churned' one of our oluest and must respepted pioneers, in the peiseni of Thomas Sulliyan, who passed away at the age of ninety-five years. He was one of the iirst• settlers. in Ashfield, nrugh, esteemed by all who knew him, and more than this he was a LUOSt devout and upright character. •••••md. Mrs. Jane Little Higgins, relict of the late Robert Higgins; fOrmerly.'Of Bly•th, died at the residence . of. her. (laughter, Mrs. David McCulloch of Morris, on Thursday last. Cancer of the stomach was the cause of death. .. Mr. Gilbert Summers, late principal of Blyth public school, accompanied by Mrs. Suntrners and baby, left on Thrirsday afternoon for their %neat' home ha New Hamburg, . where Mr. Summers has secured the principalship of the public school. ' • , lt is understood that Mr. Wm. Balls antyne, .uicense Inspector for South Huron, has resigned after a service of over 30 years. The cense is undeas stood to be ill health. Mr. Ballantyne was it very efficient official 'and his resignation will begenerally regretted. George O'Brine, formerly of Hensel], who is located near Alaineda,,Aesa. recently lad the misfo-itiine to 'lose oe) tons of hay and 20 loads of oats in a prairie fire. He was fOrtunate in hav- ing his wheat all sold before the fire took place. Mrs. Wm. McArtluir has removed to the county town with her family to. join her husband, the family having decided to take ulo residence in the Carcular Town. alr. and Mrs. Mc- Arthur were for many years residents of Dungannon. ' .T. N. Campbell has purchased James Hoover's farm near 'Westfield for $5,300. He gets possession in the spring, when -Mr. Hoover intends leav- ing f r Alberta. We shall be sorry to part with so good a citizen as Mr. Hoover has always proved himself to be. RichardWright, an old resident of Lender,. died Sunday evening. He was born in Ireland in ISA and emig- rated to Canada in 1850. Deceased was the father of Richard P. Wright, mail clerk on the L. H. & B., and well known to teeny of our readers. Lumbago,. Seiatida Gout, Neuralgia . . Mr. Dick, proprietor of the. Seaforth woollen mills, bas found it necessary' toallOSe the mill for a theta at least., Mr. Dick fiays tire mill has heen run rang at a loss every year since it came : into his.possession. 'Thissis due partly to • his inability to secure- a capable marketer and partly,he says, to the deptessed condition of the market on. account ot outside competition. The folio Wing teachers in training. at GrOderich Model school are already en- gaged for 1906: Misses Funston, Leigh; Perth county eCantelori, Dunlop ; Mc- Lean, Sheppardion Windsor. East Huron E. Sparks,: near Dashwood ; H. Spahs; Goderich towrishipa, Hart- leib, near Eimer ; Messrs, •F,Inglii at. .Loridesboro ;. Dornin. Saskatoon, Sas- . atchertisin ; Redmond, near Teeswat- IVIcesregoi, near St; Helens., What- Miglit' • have 7:Orott.c1 disas -61' Frank- : Lai f.Oalacheifiv Kippen. on Monday night.' He bad trens fire took. place at the resideoCe installeda boiler for cooking teed in his hen house.. and ; by. some means a spark ignited the building: :• Being' clbse to the brrn it was with this eV-. inest difficulty- that fine stria -doffs was *seased., The, building fortunately• was small and soon burned down. Graham lost Mee pigs which*.were in• the.steucture at the time, . . Tuckeismith cotincil Met in Seaforth en Satorclay., Deceinber- 2 s all :.the members loeuag present. The only. business transacted Was the passing of aacounts, the amount paid. out •being $7.11:10, The saleties of the officers for 1905 Were paid as 'follows : The reeve, $75.; each :councillor, $55 treasurer, $100 ; clerk; $105; Member:a of the board of health. each $5, except Mr la, M. Chasney,„wholiavitig performed the lion's share of the labor in cen Pee., tion with the small pcx case, was un- animously given $15. • . . • I A and death was- cey, brother of L. E. Dancer', of God- • thait. Thhs'...-aan-- erich, which % occurred: in Buffalo on Thursday of last week: :His death was accidental, he ana his Wife having been asphyxiated • While 'asleep: The Butfalo„ papers 'say :that it was causecl. Iiy a defect in a coal stove that had. been changed, so as. 'to use gale for heating purposes, and through Which defect gas enough escaped to aestroy the lives of Mt. and Aira D,ancey; The deceased was a mariber, baring been a Mate for a long period, and had only been home from his season's Work on the lake three days When the accident occurred. . ' • • There passed away on Thursday of act. week, Florence Brehm, second daughter Of Mee. J. H. Williams, 'Gtiderich,•after a long and painful . The deceasedyoung lady was welt known in Gederich, the toWri of her hirthf'although she bade After- .ob- taininga•fitstelass teacher's certificate, taught in an outside High SchOol, for several terins,.. Returning hoine near- ly three years since, Miss Williams taught in the Central School • for the yeer 100-1.. Early in the present Year while Visiting relatives in Cleveland, the disease that ended her life develop- ed; and after a month's stay in a lead- t inghostistaliti that city,. she :returned- f to the onaterrial home, where the I Master's summons came. This :Week we have to record the death of Mr. Alfred Roe, proprietor of the Queen's hotel; Winglia,m. - Deceas- ed was born nt Newboro, Leeds county and learned the trade cf a ship earpen. ter. At the time of the gold excite- ment, he went to the Carilicia mining district; 'but with his health . failing, only remained two years. He then, became manager of the store. and gristmill belonging to Mr. Gamble, M. P., Pine Grove, Later, for eight years, he and his brother were in partnership in business in Woodbridge. They re- moved to Chicago, and engaged in the wholesale grocery business, but vere bnriit otit in the awful conflagration. of 1875. Mr. Rotrieturned to Canada and in 1880, opened the Queen' a hotel,Brus- ,sels, and -three years later came to Wingbarn. He believed in keeping 1.1; ditiet,iorderly House, and the Queen's has been a favorite with the travelling &bile. He was of a benevolent dis- position, and none in real need appeal. ed to him in vain.. About five years ago he:Was-seized with paralysis. A second stroke a short time ago, again shattered his weakened frame, and. on Friday list he passed away, aged 67. James Countryman. a farmer Of Snribra, while engaged in iigloading segar beets at the sugar &dory at Mriillirceburg,' was standing in front of Jus wagon when tt team in front of him became balky, and, rearing, UI313- ed unfortunate Man on tlie tongue of his warm s' The tongue ran into his Ail Caused by Rheumatic Po' aon in the 13Iood-Cure Guaranteed -Relief Suellt and Suite ith44m. HAIVIILTOis:PS- PILLS There is a new life ahead for every Oufferer from rheumatic poison who lute not yet used pr. Harniltonat -Pills; their prompt cures are the marvel of tee medical profess:on of many mt- tions. The unspeakable anguish of rheuma- tic torture need no longer be suffered --use Dr. Hamilton:a Pills and per- manent cure is assured. In so many thousands of cases have Dr, Hama - ton's Pills been successful, the manta facturers are willing to guarantee a, lasting cure to all that use them. No one can doubt the efficacy of Dr. Hamilton's Pills after reading the ex- , yrience to Miss Minuie Saunders, of a 1 tra.> wbo says "Scores Of different remedies failed to relieve me, I Suffered incessantly . from neuralgia and sciatica. Some. times the pain was unbearable. "A friend recommended Dr, Hamil- ton's Pills. In a few days I was re- lieved, I continued.the treatment, using in all five.laceres, and was cured. "I have notsfelt the slightest pain or ache since taking Dr. Hamilton's Pills and consider ,rny cure absolutely perfect." Why dslay any longer? Get Dr: Hatnilton'e'Pills at once. They will restore your health in a short time. Prise 25e per box1 or five boxes for In, atall dealers, ot by mail from N. 0.• .Polson Hartforde•Cono A., and 'Vag -stem, Ort. • , After residing in Exeter for over 20 years, R. Lang left on Tuesday for a trip to England, where he will spend a few Weeks of enjoyment prior to taking up his residenee in Toronto, whet e lie will go more extensively into the produce business which he carried on successfully during his sojourn here. Wellington Oliver has purchased John Hiles' property, in Dungannon. It is a araliiible-property.. the... out, skirts of Dungannon. and emulate of about thirty-four acres of choice land. There are good outbuildings it; lout as there is no dwelling house he in- tends to band a comfortable add neat one next spring. ' At the meeting of the West Huron Cheese Mfg. Co , of Colborne, the fol. lewing directors were elected : Andrew Melt wain Gordon Young, ;lee W. C. Potter, R. YOung and Thos. Sal. lows. The project of converting the factory into a butter factory was dis- cussed. R. Finnigan, of Ashfield, offers to make the butter for 3 cents a pound, and the directors were instruct- 'or Coughs ands, Colds ; There Is a remedy over dIxty ! years old -Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have O heard of IL0robablsr)utve used It Once in the faMilyt It Stays; O the one household remedy ;for coughs and hard colds on the ' Chest. Askyour doctor aboutIL have bad plenum& three times, and 1 Ayer's Cherry Pestorst bretight me safety through Non titre, have just meat/wed from my last attack, riged sexty.seven. No *ender I praise R." Maslow swear reins, WLs. re PISs. tho activity aviw. and thus lag rookiforyi o News Notes. , Very Rev. Dean 'Houston died at ;JJ." Cassidy. of Fergus, was:struck by a train and killed: The Intercoloniai RailWa,y surplus for October was $S,811. Dominion fluances show a surplus of $6,000,000 for the last five months. Beffalo.13111"-lost all of his horses in .France through fear of the'glanders. 'Gordon Bros. butcher shop at Hams ilton was wrecked by explosion of gas. • • . Charles MacDOnnell of Collingwood, aged 80 years, Nits killed at a riiilatay George •'Kidder, . brakemen; was 'cinished to .detttla between cats • near RITafvtivi,foung, a: respected far.ine.r. of who. , • ....' • Amara nthr..,pol1411litted. sir.bide- byl.e' ";--t-•1•4•11irengfind sedbrix ti?"'‘en0-94"°ancttila---ve-:':3a-lth .and . tiug his. throat. . -. . . • ' Senator ' Chauneey M. Depew re- signed as a., clireetor of the Equitable Life Assurance Soitiety. chest, kil ing him InStantly. Water Cress. tt, broWn stallion, 18. years of age, by Springfield -Wharf - dale; bred in Englitria by' Lord Pal- . 111011th, was sold by mietiori at New : York on Thursday, for $71,000 to X, B. Haggin, Who already own*d a half -in- terest in the' horse through the 'Trigg- in-Tevis . partnership in the fainema Rancho Da Paso send. The price paid. . for Watercress WWI the third bluest ever pad for a horse by an American owner. I t . . Renewed. Clubbing Offer ° 1 114.104141,40.•••••••••••••••• , The New Era's Great I .... • illIR, subscribers will he pleased I X Ial to learn that we have secur- ed a renewal of our arvang.eruellt 1 . With The Montreal Weekly Her ald, by which we are enabled again to offer The New Era and 1 The Herald for a year for One ; Dollar - I: Two Papers for I• the Price of One ,, 1 1 The Herald has recently been • improved, and the publishers • • Promise that for 190(14 will be : Ibetter than ever. Vi7itit The New Etat, giving all the local and dire 1 lrict news, and The Herald, with . mi t sa t tlin.. eaTtihenpewrisceaolifclo n er epaadpi en, i subspriber&to The New Era are getting it meat bargain. • . The offer is goocl only for sub- . scriptions, to the New Era, paid a • 1 ireeith ItiCs adintilaccf but;it ts utPsPillits- ; er$. Subscribers in arrears can • take advajr.age of it by rityiug 'a • arreartegetr and a .year in, ad- I • vance. Under no emetunstimees o' :will the Herald be sent to an • es sebecriber, not paying ire ar - 1 •' vanes. ' , a To netv subscribers for 100$, , j The New Era will be sent for the re renaamder of this year without • extra chargr. • In remitting, address : : ROBT. HOLMES, • .• Tall NOW 5t% • CLINTON, - ONTARIO. I • ••••••••••0 0.4.4, • ••*+!••• . •• . • • • • ' • William Lock of Niagara was arrested in Toronto on a charge of big- amy. . Hee pet dog jiimping upon 'her bed while ehe ai ill caused the t sudden oclnettpth-0 Mrs. Elizab eth. De; Bur, Tor - The new Board of License Comnils sioners for Toronto. consists of W. IL McNaught. Chairman, Dr. it. Wilson and Daniel,M. Defee. , • SUFFERING WOMEN . The Prbi.incial Treasnry has received .§20,000 froin an . Algoma inini.ng com- pany, arrear S of taxes. • , • Geprge.. Murton,. jr., . a. prospeanis young tarmei of Ukbridge, tommitted euicide by cutting his throat. '. Grenerat Sakharoff, former Russian .Minister of - War, is reported: to laitve been assassinated by a woman. The Hamilton City Conncil have re- fused td submit the'license..recluctIon by'zIariete a vote of the people.. - . . . 1 .The Corby Distillery',Cofnpany *ill' spend a million d Hers oh improve- , meets Id, their disti lery at 0o,ihyvi1le. . The Seddon Government -has Swept New Zealand at the polls. Serena proMinent Prohilationists were des feeted. . , . Afterrnaleing -a-pgrsonal- own-behalf, Albert. T. Patrick; the New York lawyer, was again sen- tenced to death. For Sale lama spa sore of land,•East end Ont• terlo St. Purchaser wiehinre More land %add buy linjoiaingt JOSHUA VEAREN Olintoe House for Sale Ten rooms, with woodshed •and stable - hard and soft water, I pore of land, on. trally looated for particulars aorav to W. BAY DONE. ..,Heart.and Nerve:. - The. preset• generation of women and girls have' more than their share of. misery. With 'some it is . nertrousoesei and pidpits.tion, +w4th Others:Weak, dizsf.and fainting spells, while with, others' there lea general collapse of the system. Milbton's. Heart and Nerve Pills tone up the merves, strengthen the heart ancliniike it beat . atter* and regular, create new. red blood cer. ptisellei and impart that. beim of buoyancy to the spirits that is the result of renewed mental and physical .vigor. ; • . Mrs. D. O. Donoghue, Ont., mites: " For over a year I was troubled with nervoui- tow and heart trouble. I decided tie:give 116 - burn's Heart and Nerire,Pills atrial, and after using five boxes I found I was completely cured. --I always recommend tEem to friends." • . . • ' Price 50 -cents per box or three boxes for $1.25, all dealers or: The T, Milburn Co., Limited Toronto, Ont. ven ,ercar. • sayal*Hopsehad Flour Is Always Uniform Why? . It is one thing to make flout pure, Well, balance;c1 and gtrong, it is another thing to have it uniformly so -7 -to make flour that is precisely the same in purity and nutriment on Saturday as on Monday -in May as in November. Because the "Royal Household" mills have the finegt testing equipment available and unlimited resources for securing perfect wheat, they can and do produce -every working day in the year - flour of precaoly. uniform itrength, nutriment and purity. That is why Royal 1-loupieho1ci Flour makes always the very begt bread and . p/Otry, year m and year, out. That is ikrhyRo_yal Household Flour is the mot reliable-themo4successfUl flour -and being scientifically purified by elec- tricity it is the pureit-Ot bat of all flours. The next flour you buy a* for "Royal Household" -and try it for yourself. oilmes Royal lionseho14 Hour. as. Lands tor Sale "In the far Vtreet" Reward, Asea, Im proved farms for sale at $14 per sore, other fanns without headings from $6 to 012 pet gore, gond land horn (me to six miles from town. Fare paid to parted investing. N, P. CR1OH, Manta, Ages, To Rent ' The briok cottage end 20 acres of land, jest meth of Clinton, on the London Road, and at present owned by Mrs. Freer is of- fered for rent on reasonable terms. . Apply to Ephraim Butt, Clinton, or Rev. H. Batt, Springfield. March 24 tf Choice Faun tor 'Sale Subscriber offers for sale his splendid farm of sie sores on the Stiell Line. being north parted lot 2, Maitland Block, Hallett Good brick house,.bsin and all necessary outbuildings; $5 sores bear; farm well wel- tered and an good cendition. 2 nines from Auburn. JOHN SPRUNG, Auburn P,0 . ' . Choice. Residence for .-Sabsoriber offers for sale.hisresidence on Ontatio St., as he is * leaving tbwn. It is one of the most Modern • and up to -date houses in town, having hot and cold water, bath, electric light, and is most eligibly O situated one of the most pleasant parts of the town, Particulars on application W, H. NEWCOMBE. For Rent -or Sale - That desirable, commodious residence, formerly occupied by W. Q. Phillips, on Mary Se First class state of repair; 1-2 more garden, with fruit bearing trees and bushes. Possession given Oot. 1s. If pur- chased, buyer van have eaey team of pav- meet. Can be inspected any 'reasonable hour. Address JOHN ItANSFORD, . • •• Clinton P.fa Farm for Sale. London Rosa antile from Cliiiteu, about 1$2 acres of Diet -Class lane,. Rich as a' garden., has been a stook farm for a num- barp plenty of years.ot_styhi pei 11°0%9 a efor jd0lt r.geb.ierant implement building. Possession given at any time. Owner wishes . to retire from -farming.. ADO? 'Q 11. PLTIMSTEEL. May 19 1905 Farm for.Sale. PROFESS IONA L The fain, of kt acies in the 3rd conat occupied by sttheoriber, is offered for Bale: All but four acres .cleared, and , in good state of cultivation: 13 acres fall' Wheat- seeded. down. Bunning sprite, all fall Flowing done but la scree.. elew 'frame house, email barn, 'Arita of beating orchard. .2a milee from Clinton. Also team of good working horses. for eale. '• Nov 17 05 -CHAS. MASON, Hallett - HEIRYO MATTI% Otswortiser to air One RAU BARRISTER, SOLICITOR* dm. 014111TO O offies-Elliett plooktfOriserly eectumatr by Mr *eat, DIONNE TO ERNI, • . BRZDONE BARRISTER SOIJIGITOR NOTARX BUST.10. ETO,, (MINTON RIDOUT & HALE •••••••., OONTICYANCERS, COMMISSIONS a, Heal Estate sod Insurance Agent Money to loan ----„ 0.1/3. HALE, JON ItIDOrm' MediaJ Drs Guitn& Gunn. O Dr, W. Ginn, 11. S,, Dr, A, Nisbet Quinn, al. It. C. 5. England, X, lit, Louden. Ofiloe- Ontarib Street, Clinton. •Night calls at front door of office or residence. Rattenburr Street. . • • DR sJ. W. SHAW, . .PSYSIOIAN, SURGRON • As.rctusheur etc,. Mee and residence On • tato St., opposite SIJnglish °Mitch, formeriv oo • ounied by Dr. Appleton Clinton Ont. - _ Farin Tutkersmith to :Rent. . To rent for a term era/ears, Lot 14, Con- ceal:den two, 14. B., containing 100aores, 8.0 acifee of which are cleared and in a good state of °placation:- Thig farm is situated 1 1-2 miles tram Kamen, 7 miles from Sea - forth, and 3 1-2 from Hensel'. .This farm is well fenced, drained, and has first ems buildings thereon, and is one of the best farms in the County of Heron, rot terms eke, apply to Doig'ik Dolg, Attorneys, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, ' • « 8.11 O Choice Farm lor Sale O The homestead of the late Peter ( Cook Goderich• Townshie is effered for. sal Tbe property is loated in one of the bee' sections or Goderioh Toweshipi and avith. the fine residence and surroundings it could easily be madenne of the finest farras in the township. It contains fid totes, Lot 30, -con. 10, all of which, except a Brutal corner of wooded land, is under tillage. .There isno waste -ground and- the , Boil is good throughout. Theresidence ie a Ana commodious brick struoture and its out- buildings are in fair condition. Terms trill be made to suit the put -charier. For particulars apply to W. BRYDONE Solicitor for the Ezeontore. Da.. 0. lor. 111-101VIPS00 • Physician, finmeon, kto. • Special attention eiven'to dfseaseS et the, Eye, Ear, Throat and Rose. Wilco and Residence. -- Albert Street.2 Alocks North of Batten/tory . t.W. Manning. Smith;711L.D.; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. OFFRJE-Main Street, Hayfield, formerly eocupiea by Dr, Palliator: J. B, I.UNDY, D.D.S.. • , Suceessor to Dr..Agnew, Dientlet - OVABIO , Ofil00 open every derrand until:10 o'oloe Seturdity evenieg. Evening appointments made. ID,. G. ER EST HOL.NIES DENTIST uooegeor to Dr. T. C. Brice /T)r122/1811 tire for tra leagingeenraf Work O gclugozn.,:yittgrvitr4t. .or new mapoonodatati:algeegt.gfaentlf Ttr.ola..,t;tiztrnadti teeth. will Visit P,Sioneld DR. H. FOWLER, • •DENTIST. ' • _,.,..01p.oes oveed'NEIL'S store. Special &we taken to make dente; .tse merit as painlese as possible. W visi A.tiburn evt-ry Monday. Miscellateau.s. yams CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO, fil3IIER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES - No witnesses required Money Private funds tb loan at 4M per cent and up - W. BRYDONE. • Licensed; Auctioneer. Therundersigned eolicits it share of the, p a tronage; of those wishing to bold eales Batisfaction guaranteed. Moderate rates.. Apply to or address JAS. A, SMITH, lot, 38, con 16, Goderichip. Clinton P 0 THOMAS GUNDRYP Lire stock and general Auetioneer,. • GODERIOK ONT. Farm stook sales 'a specialty. Orders left at N Etv Ens. office, Clinton, promptly attended to. Terms reasOntiblereuniters' sale notea eisdonnted, . • MARRIAGE :LICENSES • IssIIED:BY • J. B Rumba% (.,11inton, . L P. TisDALL. BANKEls, • rLII1O, ONT Private funds leloan on mortgagee at • best current ratec • • General Banking business transeeted - -.Intermit alibied on deposits, - Sale tides bought, . :G. D. McTaggart M; D. MoTaggart MeTAggtirf Bros. 7Fariiis for Sale • none 944 acre farm ki the Township Of Col- borne, 7 Miles from Oodarich and 9 miles:from Clinton, 1 mile from Village of Benmiler.lolose to Poet Ogle% daily roan; ohltrehes and sohools. ,there is a good, large bank barn, baggy house, implement bowie, pig pen and hen house; a good. large frame dwelling, with ten *tome; 2 good wells, fences in Rood state of. repair. there are about la acres of pear orchard and 28 notes of apple orchard, fall and winter fruit, About (3 *twos of bush. This is it ttret•olass fruit and Week farm, fall plowing nearly all don, and five acres of wheat; half of farm is seeded down. Po9session can be had aae time. Also a farm 01 100 acres, adjoining the above farm; a large, good atone house, fr$11110 barn, horse stable, large sheep and cattle shed, ands large opting near the house, with milk house themon spring tuns through farm to Maitland River. Several acres of bush; farm over half seeded down and in good state of cultivation, With soine 7 acres of good orchard thereon. Thie farm is known as Cherrydalo Farm, and has 18 notes of fall wheat. Apply to HES. MARY WHITE. Beruninor, Ont. 01111111111111111111111.11111k WHAT CONIES OUT OP THE OVEN Depends upon what, goes into the °Veil, negardlese Of your stove or your yeast, yoUr skill or ionr,reoetpe. the bread will ncit-bo right unless the onality ill in the flour -end this is WhEte We shine. . LONDESBOROCCIIi * CLEAR IIIANIITOBA FLOUR has the top notch eualitY that always produoei *lobed bread, Mid, ie especially adapted for 1 heat family and bakers' use» guaranteed to be tutatopassed for,bread. ONCE, BOUGHT WILL BE ALWAYS SOUGHT. Will you net, Mit an end to Your bread ttoubles, by, crderlag your next sack front 54 direct, and we Win dItiV,Or it oroniptly. °hope pod feed for pigs or dattle -good how, feed - at $10.00 per Uta All kinds of feed for sale, ARM BASSWOOD LUMBER T. ,11, SQUIRE, Proprietor otdokborthi4v.w. rupvnaus ALBER7.--BT, C-LINVON '- General 13ankInu Business. • transacted - 0' SOTES DiSCOUNTED Drifts'. issued., Interest alieweFron deposits. Gunagathon. MRS. F. PRENOH, . Comity Manager, . Clinton, Ontario, It Bonus Fridaye, pd 4i •IVIiss Sybil' R. Courtice, A. L. C:r IVI. t*innor of 13arron Gold Medal and Heintzman Scholarship 1005). Teacher of Tian° and Theory. Por terms apply at residence con or Inset% and In ton streets. The Mcitillop Mutual Fire Insurance O. Parnt and Isolated Town. Prop. arty Only Insured. • ()mans. J. B. McLean, President, Kippen; Thos Kreger, Vige-pres., Brueefield; Thos. E Hays, Seq. Treas., Seaforth; DU:MOTORS, Sas. Connelly, Porter's Hill; John Watt; Elarlock; 0, Dale, Clinton;isi Chesney, Seafottit;sJ» tvanep Beech- WoOni I. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Ber. newels, nrodhagen. Kull Director is inspector of losses in his own locality,ikozm itobt. Smith, Ilarlockp tti.:01-Dnchley Seaforth; Santee Cumming, Epiond, vine; W. Vico, Hohnolville. - 1.