HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-08, Page 10• THE 'LINTON N Dee. 8th, 190$ P.4', Z1,:Vgv, ',‘,4v.e.4‘:•': ...* • 4 ,,V.,' 4 ..., * i ; ,, 4f v,,,, . 4. , i . • t .1,—.-I. ,--, ',I, -...-8 . 11.:;,,„:', ' : ":' •c. v. '''', : wtr •r:r41...' ) " ---:,,,,,:,Zr ., '• . •7104'. '.'"! "4 ' I ' • •* ' v ' •,... :•••:**,4,‘' * ' , 0 • • „ '1•:•* •• •• ••••••;',1,,,,, • ' • • • •""'". ,• • , • '7, le..." ‘•• - 'ma *44+144.1.40 We are ready for the rush and hurry of Christmas business as./ever before. . Neve• r have we made -such preparations for the Holiday trade. Never have we been in as good a condition to serve Christmas - shoppers as we are to. day. -. A Visit to the store will go a long Way inhelping you to solve that perplexing problem ‘‘What- to give for, Christmas, - Every department is in. its holiday drt3ss, and full to. overflowing- 'with things that mak&useful and senSible.holiday. gifts.": Come to the store as often as you wish; make yourself perfectly at -home; :look. the stooks over as much as you like. You will: find much to interest you, and will be just as welcome to look as to buy. - : * ', ..- .' . .. : • • A Sweeper for Christinas Kid- Gloves. ' :. . Japanese Silk Goods. • . Belts,. collars and Ties. . Will be alright, if you are sure to buy a." Bissell.", ' You can never make a mistake giving .a lady - Japanese Silk -CoverS, Cushion Tops andBeyond the Shadow of a :doubt the prettiest If there is not one of 'these work -savers in. your Kid .Gloves. An extra , pair' never comes amiss. ' Drapes,-. in many new patterns: A large assort- Neckwear we have ever had, is that which is here home, it would be hard to find anything better for Every pair we sell is guaranteed and , you can be ment and extra values, because we cleared them be.' ,to4ay, 'No us .trying to describe, it. Come in .„._ wife or mailer. One of them sayes time, labor andr sure theywiil prove -satisfactilk-f-if bOi-ights-hefe. If low regular prices froin a big' Japanese firm. : 'and see it, even if you 0 ;not wish to buy, Each health, Handsome new Christmas designs just in., wrong size is selected, We will cheerfully exchange • Japaihooe Silk etishion Tope, .50e, Zie;$1. ', . , article at SOCor over put tip -ib, a nice. box, ready best fixings and attachnieneS that has made --the ' ' ,The ,,p. ee:iiess,,_a guaranteeft Kid Giov•a: in; Made from from highly polished natural •woods, with the after Christmas. ''''. . . .',- '. ' : . ' . • • ' Japanese Silk tiblueoVers. ?Sep *1, $1.50 , for presentation; ' • • :, • . - . ' ' . • Bissell Sweeper famous the world over., , black and colors, all sizes ..., ... . . .......... - ...... 0 lisUU All colors; handsomely embroidered,heavy silk fringe • , t 9 9 •• t ' , ', 4-aPanCse-Silk DraPes'.*1`54) t° S2'1343' ' . .'; ' . Ladies'...Chrisimas. Belts 25e 50e 75e $1 Oo , The . Greylock real French..Kid, fully guar:. . • ladies" 1 'i c . 'Neck wear,'25e; 50e, 75c to Dissent ' Standard' Sweeper $240 • anteed black and all c'olors. . .' .. ' . - i 'Ladies Masai' 'Grand Rapids' Sweeper, $3.00 ___ - The ,!` Shelbonrne "-a lligh'grade= French Kid ei gii Han.dsome 'Umbrellas, in handles of natural wood, guti , . $1 25-'•9 mbroasi .. _. ..,,, ..... ._. .....„ .. _.,..., _.... ,Ladies' Lace rot, 5k. me;,,$tiot $1.25, ...... . ., Bissell .Rmerican Queen' Siveeper, $4.00 Missed 'Superior' ShireePOri sax° .. mo,chspioves, silk lined, black and colors, Glove, pique sewn, black and colors, per pair ' 0 IshIU Metal with gold Plated or sterling silver mountings, strnng PP*1 5 • . frames and guaran4t;2fee.d5otoopss,3.50. an'tt: $5.04.). , ' : • . • newest thing, handsome' and •stylish, each • * ' ; '• ' • .N.50, $2.00 and 02 SO , . : Chiffon and Silk long and wide Scarfs, quite the • . . . . ...... What a:Qiiarter .Will. Bily. Christmas Linens., . , ...... . . . , . . •, , Linens always make acceptable , r.,• ;00c,.. Cushion Teps. Christmas gifts, and no housewife ever has too many. Many new lines have been opened up the past few dapy.-- bought snecially for the holiday trade: You will make no . mistake if you do your Christmas Linen buying here. Goods from, the best makers and bleed), ers in Scotland and Ireland are on our shelves and counters. mask Tray Cloths, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 ask Sideboard Scarfs, 500, 75c, $1.(k and 425 • Huck and Damask Towels, 25c, 85c and 50c Embroidered and Drawn - work Tray Olothei 25c, 50c and 75c 'Embroidered and Drawn -work Scarfs, 50a, 75eand $100 Lunch CIothrsl.0O,$1.50 and $2.00 Teneriffe Dofiles, 5c, 12Ic and 25c Damask Cloths, $1.50 up to $0.00 ` Napkins to match, $1.50 up to $6.00 ' Topp,, ready t. make.,u.P or to beworked, in dozens of patterns. The best and biggest callettiOn.. we have ever shown. See the new Clinton Col- legiate Institute Football Club top.. • Lithograph Cushion Tops, 25c' Tapestry Cushion Tops, 25C Tapestry Cushion Tops, 5oC . Silk Cushion ToPs,.:5OC, 75c, $4,QC, : Plush Tops, $i.o0 and. $.1: 50 Ribbon Frill, made 111 any color, $1.00 - Cord and Tassels 25c and 50C Sateens for backs, 15c and 25e. , , Christmas Ribbons. . 1 ........,..........r............ - Christmas Ribbons. ' . Furs Furs Furs. ' ' - $ Heavy Tarette Silk. Ribbon .guaranteed' ' Thls is THE Ribbon - Store -.-No -6---dolbt—bo-tir- -.- -- • t6gulaa, hair-ribbron-widtk-just the thiigfor hPonws,---, - - ' . ' .,..' .._,_. that. Oh great Christmas sale of Ribbons is now brov;green, etc, sold at 20e. Our special 'Christ- '•150. in full swing. Values as good never went over our , ' . • price, per yard ... .... .. .. early, as at the *last minute, stocks are sure to be belts etc, in white, cream black, cardinal navy, -'' --Ake you goingtogive 71TrS.--?--If-itY,-bullhern--- counters. No such collection anywhere hereabouts,' .. . Heavy and Wide Tafetta Silk Ribbons, extra .. . broken and selections not as good as they are to- . . r and no better values anywhere that we know of. • Width, guaranteed pure silk, a splendid ribbon for day. Splendid assortment now to choose from and • neck veer or fancy `work, in white, cream, black Every wanted shade and width in stock, in plain, any special order' given prompt attention. browns, pink, sky, cardinal, etc. Made to sell at Ribbons; and a big assortMent-of---fancy- patterns, --.--- - -Christmas,price,,Per yard .,...............„..., . 1 ah, 25c, and soldl aover at that price. Our special 1 flh . German Mink Stoles. $2.50 to $25.00 for Cushions, Bags, etc, - --ffa,--.0.50-to $10.00' $* . . , . Hundreds of yards of double-faced satin RibbonOhio Sable Ru , F ancy Dresden and Holly Ribbons, all voidths, imported assorted widths, good weight, splPtidid finish -just Alaska. Sable Ruffs and Searfs, $-10-.00- • d irect from the makers in New York : beautiful designs the thing for oushion frills. find all kinds of fancy` ' ' Best Canadian Mink Scarfs, $25,00 to $40.00 ' Work, practically every d in stock. Our 1 fin Orowri, $7.50 • you will not see elsewhere, per yard, iee to 01.00 . specialwanteelude Uti .ohristmas prices, Per Yard ..... - . . . ,., ..,1 I MufMitten Beadsto S15.00 fs to match all the above, • - . Handkerchiefs.. ''-`4"------""*"..,----m". C." ' A oliday,Handkerchiefs are here by the thousand:- Pronf.the cheapest cam- bric to the finest silk and Linen, we have values you will not easily duplicate. • Children% Picture Handkerchiefs 2 for 50 Fancy 'White Handkerchiefs each 5c Boy's Canihriellandkerehiefs• each 5e Fancy Swiss Endoold'd handkerchiefs 2 for 2;5se Pure Linen Ilenistitchsd llandkerelef's 3 for 25c ' Hodgents Eire , .• Haiidkeichiefs Very fine Swiss and pure Linen Em- broidered Handkerchiefs, a big range of beautiful designs in the fine and medium grades, at following prices: 25C. 500,. ,Ise and Sroo A Quarter will •go a long. way he . • . from now until Christmas : There 'are a. dozen and one useful articles that can be 1,haapdes tfrory 0, seh. 10Tops,eeare b..fe:Nr of them, Fancy' LithographCushion Tops, • • Cord GirdieS for Cushions, Linen Tray Cloths, . • - • Ladies' and Children's Fancy Gloves, ' • Children's Ties; s • . • Vaney Dresser Covers, • , .• • Fancy Blotters, Fancy Match•Safes,,. Shaving Pads, Laundry Lists, . 5 fancy Handkerchiefs, • 2 line Embroidery Handkerchiefs, • 2 Hem -stitched Linen Handkerchiefs, • , • Fine Embroidered Swiss Handkerchiefri Initialed Silk Handkerchiefs. . JACKETS, • Astrachan, Electrio'Sealr or French Seal, plain or with collars of 0410 Sable.or Alaska Sable, •- •'--$28.00;-$85'.00-10 $55.00 - - DOWN COMFORTeRS Comforters, made f*me. fine French Sateens, hand some Pattern and color combinations,- filled with real 1derdow An ideal gift for the holt*. Each FlyE DOLLARS. , • ,‘ t • OOJPSIWS Many designs itt these comfortable Winter Gar- ' merits, suitable for house or outsides ear, " • $1.50 to $8.50. • • , 114'44 Ladies' Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 20c, 25e and 30c Clentleinen's Hemstitched Illandkerefs 15e, •20e, 25e and 30e ..... Hemstitched and initialed Ifiriers 250, 50e, 756,and $109 aatittiwititkataidtsloitt,oftmettatiairtottokarto~~~.1.000.0*" Hotrigens. Bross p. Clinton • ' • • Mb.