HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-08, Page 7-UK 48tb . - 1901
LOi5OflS ..Ian
incorporated by "total al Perueerent toss.
ta,l; Paid .T ,....,,.«,,,.a....,,$!3, 000,,000
Reserve Fund�,.....,.,..��..,,,.$3„000s000
sv„, M,o soriManeexasos,.Preeidenti•S,13.E1r tt,Viee•Preeldent,
'Tom ELLYor, •Gen.Menager,
PA.I,M S' SALE NOTES cashed or collected.
Da AFTon:all,points in the Dominion, Great Britain, United States,
and all•Foreig n Countries. bought and sold at best rates.
DEPOSIT RECEIPTS issued and highest current rate of interest al-
ADVANCES MADE to Farmers, Stock Dealers, and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
Forty-eight branches in the Dominion
.Agents all over the world.
Deposits of quo and npwarda,reoeived. • Interest allowed from date of deposit
co pounded halt•yearly and added to principal June soth rand December Bast.
mintiest euirreut Rate..
CLINTON BRA1VCti . Now Combe Block.
H, C. BREWER. ' Manager.
You are wondering-what`to "give your friend'
for Christmas. . Corrie to
The Jeweller.
Pins, :.....
Clocks, B.� arcel:efs Ebony
Goods,Watches, Chains, Rings
. •
Toilet Articles, Brooc
1GlasSES 'Spectacles, =blest
Chitiat as
Besides articles too numerous to:mention here, Call
and you will be .surprised how quickly you will see'
just what will suit you;
Opposite Town ,Hall; Clinton
r ''; •
Watch for Ou
Weekly Specials
• .
Everyweek for the last: two . months we' have been:
advertising a SPECIAL LOW PRICE on some
particular line, and a great many customers 'have.
taken � advanty g a of it. We urp ose continuing ,to
do so, and it will be to'. your :advantage to watch;
`"'r' for them.
urda y
andx ��` week •
all .tie t .
, ,Mrs, Bush and child, Boman, are vis”
iting her brother Duncan McTayieh.•
Mise Sowers has returned from. visit-
ing friends in London and other places.
Rev. Mr. Smith. of Kinloss, ex-
changed pulpits with Rev. E. H. Saw -
ars nn Sabbath last.
Dr. Armstrong formerly of Bruce -
field, has purchaseda practice at Tara
near Owen Sound. • a
David Duet has returned from
Moosejaw, Asea., ' he reports d' big
harvest ; he has two brothers success-
ful farnaersin that neighborhood.
The scholars of the Methodist Sal-,
bath School are busy practising for
their Christmas tree entertainment,
which promises to be a good •enter-
Mr, Prime, station -master, returned
fiami,New "York last st week, with his
wife and daughter. Mrs. Prime is at
present very ill of cancer ; she con•
stilted it• specialist in New York. but
they did not consider an operation
Miss Edith Hunt. of Toronto, form-
erly of our village, is at present very
sick at her home I about a, year ago
she contracted a cold which settled on
herlungs, she has been confined to her
room forsome time, small hopes of her
recovery are entertained.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 4 4 4
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,•O 0 0 ,• 0 0 0 0 0 0
4.004ra4*444•44 ?40 • 4* 404444 O4°4404...4.4^0 44 i
Sv (•
Tearing -Up Sale of Fa,.i],,Goods �°
IGHT at the start of the season. too when you will he needing winter g d
a , oo s.
we canget for Christmas novelties• �.
� e want all the room >l'and to make. room for these we .
• are having this big`Glearing up sale starting SARURDAY MORNING.
a cheviot, lust the thing to wear under a #t i coat on SKIRTS
very cod days or driving. Only ten Coasts left wor,
.1 � d d � y ,
Made of fine black vicuna cloth ,
with wide: pleats on each warn..
Kilted' flounce effeet, thoroughly
sponged and shrunk and stiched `.
with silk. Regular 113.00 for $2.50
',it/r®i���`. other styles,
Ladies' Hip Length Coats made of good quality black
Auburn •
Wm. Raithbyy, of. Gravenherst, is ) .
visiting his brothers near here. i. 4
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart were called •
to Biuevale a • few days ago. owing too 114
serious illness of the former's mother.
Mrs. Riddell entertained a few at her
friends on Thursday evening of last
week ; and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Rober-
ton on Friday evening
The mail contract held by Mrs. -Moore:
has changed hands. John McKnight
has bought the outfit, and will take
charge toward the end of thehear.
I -O.
-G:T._ e...t..:'T y.
T 1; . T.• -of ofLyon'fiesk:-
• boro; axe expected to visit the Lodge
here next Monday evening. Suitable
arrangemen s have been made for the
enjoyment of all. ' The lodge . here
seems to have taken on .a new lease of
life,; initiations everymeeting, and in
creased interest all round.
A congregational '"At Home" has
been'arranged for by the wardens of
St. Mark's,, .to be held on the llth at 4 7
,Wm. Neave's it is mainly for the pur- •
pose of sociability, so that they may . •
become further 'acquainted With the 1 . 4
rector, Mr, Hartley, and his wife, who ••
havealready made many friends.' . {)
Stanley •l =:'O
• John Biitchart , has returned, from 0
his trip to Komoka. 'Mr. McDougall, ,.�j
• though still weak, is somewhat better.. `ri•
- Ale*. B. Gilmour' , has returned from i i
his trip to . the West.. lie was well
Pleased . with • the ' country, and pro- ,
poses returning in the near future. (,
Alb. Nott purposes to sell by auction
' ''•4
a' number of horses. and •cattle oil Tues- r .., '.,
d Dec..2 ' d _John A his, •
th regularly $5 and $8, to go at, .. . ..: , :. $I,00
'Clearing up our Corset Department; all odd sizes, mak-
es and styles worth from 50c up to $2 each, to clear
at. .••••••:••.••.r ....., ..•.......... .... 25C
Laches' wool College Tams, square shape' with side tas-
sel and peak, in colors •of }slain white, black and blue,
regular $1.00, for.. , .:.. ..., . .....• . 50c
regular $4.00 for $3.2
0 •F;
$a.00 for $4:25,•
MEN'S CAPS ' : Made of stripe, eiderdown, good quality, .three. different 4;14"
s st les vvl'th detached hoods 'e ular 2 to clear at'
-Men's ,..... ... odd....:' • Qs�a_ • ..ul _e . w
Winter .l'�i e„d Ca els. �.d. ._.3�i r .1;, g m a
s>^ r
Caps,- �
50c to 75c, to goat • ... ., 25c
25 pieces Wrapperette, lnanufactuiei•s' ends, 10:and 12
yards in each piece, one yard wide, regular 15c.•,10c
White hemstitched Handkercl iefs, twelve inches sq
• are, made of good quality sawn, : just the thing .for
school children; regular 5c, sale price. , . •.'10 for 25c
Children's wool Tains, brown and white colorings, cap-
ital line for:school:wear, regular 25e, for: :': ♦ 10c
Special ladies' tlnion Wool Winter Vests, well made
and warm, buttoned in' front, trimmed with ribbon,.
worth 35c,'for......�........ 5
Plain red, regular $2.50, foi� ....81.50
Cashmere Hose, ladies' and children's sizes,` assorted:
We have gone over our. stock of hosiery and protea
out all the odd sizes and mikes and put them all in-
''to one bg box, prices run from 20c to 35e per pain;
it to' go ,',•.•......••••.••a ..r... *O
g 1c
85c WOOL' VESTS FOR .65c
10. dot. ladies' wool Vests,` unshrinkab'e; : with faney
trimming, shaped, .regular 85e, for.....'.', :: .. ,65:c.
Regular -12-10 : ]?ri n ts' . 10c .
12?.c Towels... 10c,, •'
86 1-linel'ette 6c
$1, : Tahle Linen 80c
ay-,,. ec, . , - an ...o n._ yes y .:. rc �1.�•+�'^�
horses. -cattle,. implements. and turas•
• i ,4 •N ONE B AME
ture :on . Wednesday,, Dec. l3, • .
Ed. Bedford returned from. the• West . C' "'," "0'"%""•11."6' x''°`11` 16' 0 4 •"'I'
last Monday. He reports very cold • . _
weather when he left=just 300 below., •
the mark. He_ will ut m the winter •,p
with Albert Nott, of the London Road. .
The :following is. t h e • NoveMber' 4.•'
Monthly report of S. S. No. 14 Star]ey:.
Names are in_ orderof merit. Sen. 5th
-A. • W. Johnston, Mark Johnston, ,
Ida Dinsdale.. Jun 5th:. -'Ed win Gem- ,
mell, Eleanor Haoci ' Sen '4th; -Jean
Grassick, Norman. Jones:':''Jun, .4thi-0,
Etta Jarrot, M. Fisher, J. Jarrot. 3rd
•.L -Janet Logan, 'Jas Gemmell, Oda •;,
McBeath. ° Sen 2nd: -A. 'Jones, Lola
Rathwell, W. McBeath. Jun. 2nd
Allan Fisher,- Herbert Kehl. Part 2: -
-Anna Mayy Hood, Pt.` 1: -Ida Rath -
well, A, McMurtrie,'W.McBeath. The ' "C•>
.best spellers in, the Monthly spelling ,` S(• •
ivatches were 5th; A, W. Johnston, 4th..
'Etta Jarrott,. 3rd,,Jas Gerani'ell, Sen 2.
Lola Bothwell, Jin; 2. Allan Fisher. ••,
Births: Marritlges,"'•' Deaths,
TunN n.,: -In. Clinton, on Doc' :6th,
.the wife of Mr.'Albert Turner of a soli.
McKEziziE-In •Seaforth.:on Novem-
ber 27th,:. to Mr. and 'Mks, A. E. Mc-
Kenzie, a son. '
JACKSON. -In Blyth, on. November
29th, the wife of Mr. J. A. Jackson,:of
Ponoka, Alberta, of .a.daughter,
FDooDY In Blyth. on Nov. 23rd, to
Mr. • and Mrs. D. Floody, (nee. Miss M. •
Brogden, of<Londesboro,) a daughter,
still -born, •
CAN'riztoN.-•In Hensall, on Nov'enr
ber,22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Can-
telon, a son. •
•HAxsT.-At (Crediton�on.Dec,,.., the'
wife of C. Mist, (nee Miss Swans, of
Colborne) of a daughter.
MARRIAGES -!:.....
Po>rrvn TiitEL -At Auburn,
'28th, by Rev A. Gischler, Mr, Joshua
J. Pollard. of McKillop tp, to ; Magri
•Thiel, of Wawanosh tp.
MCBRIttN--RIoD -In Christ church,
1lielitta, Man.. on November 15th, by"'
Rev. S. J. Roche; Annie, daughter of
%he late Andrew Reid. to W, D, Mc -
Brien, all formerly' of Hullett.
Hoven-AnrnnEwe.•--At -the•-parsons
age, Credition, on Dec. 6th, by Rev J,
W Andrews, father of the bride Mr.
Wesley Boyce, of Mitchell. to Miss Mae.
Granite Tea=kettles
. •. .
1 Harland
Bros.,4U' U'l MM1tmpiw
I. 13. -Hoover.
Nelson Ball
Every branch in our lime is complete, you can get
any article produced `atthis store. -"
Our Prices bring The Trade,
Our personal supervision goes With every pur-
chase and satisfaction is guaranteed. •
Nt&lit or duty Calla promptly Attended to
iteR & 8111
• Goonwirt. , In Clinton on Dec,, 6th,.
Helen Louise, wife of Alfred H. :Good -
•win, aged49 years,' S. months.
HALE.—At the city of Mexico, on
November 22, 'Carlos i-fatniltori, infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hale,
aged 2 imonths and 22 days.
JoIu STAN.- In Brandon, on Nov. 28,
Richard Johnston, formerly of Clinton,'
brother of T. Johnston, aged 56 years,
S14E1,L.-In Usborne, on Dec.. 4, Mary
Bowley, wife of the late Jas. Snell,
and mother of Mrs. W. B. Cook, Con-
stance, aged 77 years.
Clinton. Market Report.
corrected every Thursday afternoon
Wheat .. (1, 80 to 0 80
n 42 to 0 45
Peat( .. . «• .. 0'05 to 068
tees ,. ... 020to020
B3ntter ... 0 20 to 0'20
Boge5 50 to 550
Ducker.•..,,,:.r•......' 0 08
urkeys' 0 10 to 0 12
Regular -64-e- Cotten-- 5e
.15e• Towels i ie'
. (•5c Table. Linen] f10c '
2• e..
but yourself.if you dn, not'ia.•t..tid a,::•.t a of alis• sale: We cli;n't mark.our.
goods nixie : cut.them dow Il"{`'r 'l. ,� . The. cline uality .ah ays• �re�rails..
:7.,i� �.. a . �% j C1
0•' • goo,0 o o•oo• • •^,• ♦ . �C4)0 C® os 4000 c:w. • tit a®O V•1�!Ara0 :.o_...
• ., •
o- e
aralms-for Men and Boys
ttt do leets
Rrnsh.. Lost,.
lona-handled paste Brash. Finder
will be rewarded, by leaving the earner with
V. W. EVANS. l,a
Braes ad . Shen Skis bled
I will pay
ilIGHEBT »iUCi S von \axons
delivered it+ my hide beans lee 0linto0.
8m* d', 8, BGAN,
We have had a big season'sbusiness at the
ClothingStore, • Now there are a lot of broken.lines
and 'wits the'resultbl
in 111en., r g
y' • ourpolicy.to' let.:these accumi.'inu1ate;
It is not
so •wo areoin. to clear 1hen out atP
rices' that. will
g g
put inthe. pockets of every man &;boy.
litera1ly money .•
securing one of them:, Every one is a bargain, A real
-one. A genuine one. ' We started the selling Sektur- --
clay; January.2nd, and keep it up untila 1
Watch our windows.
A Clearing of Boys' Suits
Odd lines of Boys' Suits gathered together and
divided nto' two lots -and -marked ----at remarkably low --
prices to make the selling sure:
Suits at $2:25:
13oy:•' Vestee Suits, about 15' in these lots, tweeds
and Berges, nobby suits for little fellows, sizes 22
to 25. We sold theta at $3.75 and $4, you can
take your' choice of the lob for. .•........,.... 225
Boys' Suits $3.49
Boys. 3 -piece Suits, made from all wool tweeds and
sages, well lined. throughout, single or double
breasted coats, 55 sults in this lot. This is a, clear
saving oFadollar 'tQ adollatand a half on
one, for we put them .en the bargain tables 4�
marked at your choice..;.. ... ....
A Clearance of Nick's Suits
All odd and broken lines of Men's Suits gather
ed together and divided into three lots, marked at a
saving of $3 to $5 a suit, A great chance to save
money on your winter suit, ` -
Suits at $2'.98—
12 only Men's Suits made from all wool Halifax
Tweed, good linings used. A great `suit for
knock about wear. Choice of the lot, ..«31s 2.913
Other Stiits for lien, reduced from $9 to $6.65
and from $113.00 to $9.90.
odgens Bros.,
Clothing and mess's Furnishings, Clinton,.
Cid :, ` •,:. LITH
a r • - e have sold our stock and eke retiringtrom'business 4
� pet •••
r� u
> t*5 Y
•essors hike c Ss ,su u u ;January 1 t. 100'0 tied dining our.sui.4 p n d k
curlier we will give some big Wreaths. especially: in• Heavy' Winter Go rdf,. •
• 'i •i r • +r Greenland Beal Cents, such ss„L,adirs • Ast r:zc hon, b.lec r c Sr.rl rid 'Greer ind .S ,
Capei.•rnes, I{:utfi; Mut'f_a;:$tciles,'and Scarfs, .I.siiier, CicHh, Coati m Wad,- ; s
-fawn and brown. hi serni•fittiug and louse hack kyles, iris new and up -t4 , . ;4.
date: Also Hen's Fur Coats in Black Gallowav, Siberian 'Dog, Russian .'i .
Calf and Cub Bear. tMen's Overcoats made of Black Frieze,, .Vicunna and o,'•
Beaver, all this season's goods. Also, other lines of•goods which:our .space . _..
will not allow ns to mention here.: .�^:
You should visit our BigStore, wherre we' show over Twelve Thousand '}•,
Dollars ($12000.00) .wor;th olin-to-date Goods... You will find numerous• o”
.money -saving chances if you come early. . '
....... . CHRISTMAS GOODS{—__ 4'.:
ur sof Christmas Goods' has ar ived.and is open for inspection. s•
•.We•showsomevery special lines Suitable. for Christmas Presents, at vett' ar
close prices, in Ladies' Hand Bags, Belts, Fancy Collars, Late Scarfs. Fat- 4.
inators,lianderchiefs, Silk Shirt Waists. -'-Kid
Braces, s in Puffs BOWs.. Four -i • hoed, Knots,Stvin s Etc. 3
•-- —FINE•. DRESS 'G0t)DS-7---7:•! ..- ; • ... t
We always take ;'the lead in Fine Dress Goods, This season our stock r�.
is•Very large and well assorted, and havingbeen bought before the advan
quoteveryf p. get .4c
ce in the price of wool,.we can ow aced: Come i,nd 'our. • •„
prices and see the. barrgains.we can offer you.
IN -N O N--:
rreserve ; Your '.Eyesight
.1-I .VE made arrangements with Prof. Taube,
Manufacturing Optician and Eyesight Specially
ist, of Toronto, to be at my store on
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,.
D cetnber Lath,.13th and Y•4th,
to examine and test eyey and suit glasses- to all sights.
No matter what is wrong with your eyesight, PROF. TAU.BE will be
ableto suit you with glasses,
The advantage that PROF. TAU,BE has over others is that hole grinds.
his own lenses, and they are properly eentered, which. inak�t'srtheta
cornfortable and easy to the eye,
Remember that PROF. TAUSH1 is one of the oldest opticians in
Toronto, having been established since 1878, and during that time
over seventy-five thousand cases have been successfully treated by
him ;Many cases where others have failed.
As grinding lenses and making spectacles is a science and a profession,
as is suiting spectacles, it requires years of study and lir to cos.
rent the errors of refraction. You havethirtytwo years''e perience
at your service.
()OMR EARLY and got your eyes examined as, in a great many in-
stances, 'a second examination is required. Remember, 'we,guaran-
tea satisfttction. ,
l';`oa' testimonials and references,' call at my store and see circulars
which cr�ntain a few of the many references PROP; 'pAU�ltl soak
received. .