The Clinton New Era, 1905-12-08, Page 64
County Clippings
N. N. Continee of St, Joseph, bee
gone to the old country.
•D •A,.• • Oanteloa, Ie114shipp.ed
2700 wotth of turkeys o. the Old
Country this week.
Mr Peter SchWalin has purchased
his father s .fart on the jj1in1 line,
Hay, consisting of 80 acres,
Mr. and Mrs. Scarf: who heed lived
1801 on the Oth eon. of Howl*,
'have moved into Newbridge.
Alfred Restate has sold his fifty
acre farm at the river. on the 4th con,
of Morris, to Geo proctor, for $2000.
Mr. Alexander Clark, a respected
Church News*
e •
First “White'r Woman In the Far North
Mr. B. le Borden Points Out Some of
-Wife ee Major Moodie Tella
i , :iier Experleticee, ' Its I:7°f""'
• Rev. kr. Hazen, pastor of the North eirs. Moodie, wife of Major ihoodie
Darden, leader. of the OP.
street Methodist church Goderich, has of the Northwest Mounted Police, was position In the Dominion Parliament,'
been reported seriously ill '. with le the only woman with the Hudson Bay who was the guest of honor at a re-
geippe, expedition • of the Dominion Govern- ronto, spoke interes ingly en the de-
cent luncheon of the Brapire Club, To
Sunday ReY. and Mrs, Going,. rnent steamehip Arctic, of widell her velopment a Parbernentary install.
EXeter, received the eitcl news or tiio busbarid. wa.s commander. Se was the tions' in Great 33ritala and Canada, His
death of the /attet's father Win. Ham: only ewhite" Woman ever seen. In therm address, evitich was, of couree, nen-poli-.
n, at Chatham. • regions,. and was, therefore, regarded , deal, was frequently heartily applaud.
an his work as pastor of Winglitixo The party were for nine months frozen
curloSity. ed by the large acclience, The party.
Last Sunday E., R, Fitch, 13. A,, be .hY the natives with 1ntleh
aptist church mid peeached both. In the system of government in Great 13ritain
inerning and eveoing,. ice, going in on the 17th Octob-r and Canada, he said, was often treated
. . ,n 7 amnodntbhrse,aklm out on the 5th ,Tuly, the as it were a rather alsoreditable sys,
• • i
The anniversatz of St Helen's I'o g whole, expedition °coupling thirteen
• f..) tem. 'Yet It was to a certain extent
morning: He leaves to tneurn his loss Preaohed morning and evenieg . Ing .of her Arctic tour, "end had .a found for the purpose of carrying on
;whatever," said Mrs. Moodie, inspeak- ed. Until some better method could be
resident of the 5thconcession of Morris, lish (.411ireh was eld on Sanday last 41poefoplteheof tstthituctot
passed rimier at an early hour Sunday. Arehdeacon Richardson, of London, We experienced tio cliscerntor wthheichbatshies
five sons. •
It is said the McKim House; Walton,
has been sold to M. Rowlett and that
next spring it may be converted. into
business places in anticipation of a
0. P. R boom,
By the accidental breaking of a
barrel containing scalding, water, on
which he was standing in the poWer
house one evening hist week, john
Patterson, Wroxeter, had the mis-
fortune to have his feet badly. scalded.
Mr. D. Weisminer. of Toronto, wh�.
Is well known to many in this cciimtl
and vicinity, and was a resident of
Hensall some years ago, has been pro-
moted to the managership of the Lon-
don. Mutual. . Fire _Ins.uraneee-Co.;. of,
Toronto. Mr..Weismiller. was inspec-
ytoearra.for the Company for a number of
Owing to the continued illnets o. ,-most interesting time of it. One has, the. affairs a the country the people
Rey. Mr: Hazen, cf North S b. church, or course, to dress entirely M furs and would have to submit te it. However, '
Goderich, his piling was supplied .for skino, but the there Is no eeenger or it Could be said that representative
him on Sunday by Rev, X. Kenner, of being frosteetten. The Government in Canada. was at least
lit chillioverages 38 below; it is not so very . More in the Interests of the great limes At
At the Meetinq of the Presbytery on . severe, bet it keeps low all the time. •ca i,
the people than any other system
Monday, Rev. Mr. Orem accepted the The people are not like . the Esqui. devised •up to the present time.
callextencled to hini by St. Helens and maim of farther south (the Arctic went The Cabinet system was an essens
induction will take place on Tuesday, peering more like Canadian or Euro-
aP- tial feature of party governinent, and
there had been a, tendency in the -last
East Aellfield congregations. TI e lust north of 64), many a them
d in
Dee. 86, 1C05
Boys and onz!..,s
We had from Santa Claus a letter,
Saying that his choice of toys is better
. Thanthas been for many year,.
Tell thein Santa -Claus is talking,
Tell them if they hang .their stocking
They will smile from ear to ear.
December I2th. . • peen types, The race is ecreas g
. sixty or seventy years, and more es -
A joint -committee representing the rapidly, however, owing to starvation, pecially in the last thrity or forty years,
and. Mrs, Moodie thinks they Would
Methodist, Presbyterialand congrega- to shelve the power formerly vested,
tional churches, will meet in the Met- in the Crown and transferred to Par -
soon beceme extinet, unless, as she ex-
pects, the Government comes to their
ropolitan church, Teronto,.on Wedites- Bement uPon the Cabinet. The latter,
day, the 20th of DeceMber, with the aid with food, as for the Indians. The -• strictly speaking, was net 'a. commit -
view of preparing, if practicable, an children have been dying off fist, a tee of Parliament, •because it was a
interim report On Church union to be tact which maybe due till the custain . Partisen. committee, and not • only a
, ar an, allowing -them ,play around. -final-far
Partisan but a secret committee. A
ewe before the ....goyoning_boom, of, of their mothers of not clothing them
the churches -concerned during the dew:lint/lent- inewthis nonnec-
summer of 1907. R. Hohnes, of Clin- naked, only strins being spread for tion was the fOrmation of a conclave
ton,is a member of thiscoramittee. them on the floori *of the "igloos" or of the Cabinet -a Cabinet ' within a•
Last week Joseph Clegg and John
Wheeler, two well known Morrisiteo.
left for New York where they will
board the steamer • "Vigilancia" for
Havanna. Cuba, where they think of •
spendiug the winter if: they find- it •
agreeable. The former has spent the
past few winters in Califotnia but de- .
cided to try Cuba. this time.
*r. Wm McDougall ehoWeci es 4
curiosity this week in the shepe of the
skin of a, black or swamp racoon. It
was captured by Messre D. McDougall •
and .1'. McDonald, of Porter's
Mr. McDougall .jays he has been 'pur-
chasing skins for 3e yeaes and this is
the-firit of•the-kindelte-has--ever-seerte-
although he has frequently heard of
them. -Expositor. ,
The Bityfieltr correspondent_ Of the
Goderich Signal'says ee.--,There Seems
to be a great deal of „guessing here as
to the appointment of •ft new post-,
or five applicants already. ,We ,four.
•that the Govetnreetit 'could not do
better than leave it in the hands. of
the satne family that has conducted
the business here for over ftietY-five
i -h s s • C binet so to speak -So that all the
varua. I "Could not those splendid people • he Ministees of the Crown did not possess
. Wilson Cook is visiting her son. brought down to a more moderate cli- equal initiative with, regard to policies
rriate, where they, would have a chance Of • adminiatratian. or measures -which.
Hairy at the (bc'l.HP'llse• _ _ : : to liver Mrs. Mocelie was asked. , ' were, !nought . down. • ' •
. Miss Lizzie Ward; of Egnaiendville, is-- "Yes, and I think it would be a geed • , A. striking deeeecipingne. in. Canada
visithigher brother Mr. C: Ward. ' thing to .do fer•thethe not to being them. was the party caucus. The. important
Scarlet fever is said to be in aim down to civilization exactly,. but along debates upon great questions .in this
village at Mr., 0, Pilgrim the tafior's ; , the shores of Hedeon -Beer: fdiiber cenntry, the debates that settled the
we hope it will not, speeacl, • ' • south, I think the Gevernneeht . \vie . fate of .mPasures, were those which
MY'S'; James Wanless Sre took e,* come to their rescue now after the. took mace la. cauciie„' The experience
paralytiestroke last week,: but we at:e ex,pedition hes feUnd out :about . .
' I P. ef the last flfteeri,or twenty years prev-.
oSop eeanktilni, oge teeef ttihoe over
conntry, Mrs. Moodie .
the beauties velori ents Was . to aid in giving the
erne influence ' One reshit of these de -S.
pleased to say ehe is some what bet ee c • . . ed that debates ix/ the House had. little.
.at time of writing ; she. is entering hee e ,t,i;,
2 . . year..
'•Th ,
e anneal Cheistinate tree teancheel willbeme
of • the •
-the scenery, saying she never sa_w such head of .the GoVerriment .the power .of
Ptesbyri-Sabbath S . . , ; diciater if. he Was .6, strong man; if
held -on- Dec. 22i-Ait'Promises to --be. al . rich‘'dcaorings. in blooms as ,in the pro, a
though IOW, growtha of 'wild he was not a stieessiet_nati, 0118 oi tem.
'goo .„ to a an . see w liti, , ykiy.
)(leviers along the shores' •ef 'Ungava of his Cabinet Would control. him.. An-
' Catreen. e•A.nnivereary Seevices
' ..beth of. salmon and of cod. "TheY. members Of the parties to the, decision
The fishing, Aoe, Is excellent, other result was: the obedience .of the
bantat,ilans has let you '
Cormeetion , with the elethedist church. is really tio night, for the
in. : speak ef Aiyenty haurenight,: but theie . of the mai:Cr-IA.4r in ca.uous. .' ..
twill,ght lists .''''--The power of the G:oyerametit, Isfr;
With the Teacheis.
Clayton White; . Port :Albert; • has.
been engaged to teach in the Walton ,
school uexeyear at a salary of $420:
. . . .
Miss Annie. Seldon of. Ingersoll, hes.
been engaged to.teach.for the remain-
der of the.Hay township school
from which Miss' Jeckellerecently •ree.
Mr. Ed.• 1WcGavin, presentteacher•
in S. S. No; 10, Goclerich. toWnship,.
has been hired assuccessor to Mt. W.
Jarrett for 1900, in the 14th conceesion'
• school Hay at a good ,salarye •
miss Fergus Campbell is home from
Windsor She 'has been granted a
leave of absence, for a few Weeks; by
the public school board of that tcwn,
owing to the illness of her' aunt, Mrs.
R. Lunesden, of Seaforth.
Miss Fingland. daughter of Mr John
Pingland, of Hulleft, who is attendiog
Goderieli Model School,has been en-
gaged es teacher for S. S. No. 4, Col-
borne, at a salary of $300. Mr. Stew-
art, who formerly taught here, takes
the Ben miller school.
, Miss L. FI. Vanstone has reSigned as.
teacher in S. S. NO. 5, Turrileerry and
has been engaged to teach in S. S. No.
6, Turriberry in place of Mr Douglas
Fraser, who has resigned. The Trus-'
tees of e:. S No: 5 are advertising for
a new teacher: • . '
Miss Nina J Isbister, Who has •been
one of the four teachers in return -et the. Sas-
katoon Solleible Seek.; -Will -
Christmas, and take charge of S. S.
No. 7, Morris, and Lille, B., who is now
teaching in S.'S. No: 7; will take. her
sister's place in Sitskatoen, Saslc,
Wereheld laSt-Sithdayandavere in every so long, •the sun dive 'Stich a short. dis- , ' 'Borden proceeded,. was certainly not
way a success, there was 41 .good Mire. . twice 11.1eW the horizon. ane tee" nor- leis in Canada than in Great Britain; -
„. ,
out morning end evening and on Mon- , Aherp.:lighte are so viyieluthat it .is al- :,.:.2,ernep.e .4. little mere: per eereereasonee .,
day.-6reningeliseelinnifitTIOWI -sheieef' l .way partly. light, eXCePt Za.- steffiV. First, the. greater. neea of saiall -publi-c.
supper was seived in the -Temperance
Hail and the,prograin was held in the nights. There IS no eeft sr:IOW and no : Works in this cenetrye.second13re pat--
TOWn 'Hall; but the Methodist chisreh' hlieavY snowfalls,
°T1I• a toneee; happily removed front • the
• was openeduP and it was filled ,p;) tbe drifting, sort of. fog et -,snow, which' :. sphere of political aotion in Britain ow -
doers. The Seaforth Methodist Choir i': fiatdens on the 'ground and is cet he' . Mg t reforms he the civil :eerviee was
was in attendance also Miss wooing. . t� blocks to •bund' the igloos." .e :, an itepbue in Canada: Fe/. ails %part,
ton of Clint:in,: . The aniount realized is Parefontaine Herber, in efengava. BaSe he Would williagly see Canada follow.
-was 0120. . magnificeat land -locked roadstead, ,in this regard along the.. lines of Bri..
. .nelneewmhoilleesEl?intgie,iicoaapvacylottominenohtmorghtof;tr. etawinayafneod rothepoyitnieitaeidpSe„rtatiteess,tb:aehdpottvakeer •
:.Christmas Shoppin, . The party thought well to give it the
t�- deal with many important matters
'narne of the lVfinieter. of tiferine and of patronage." .
'Do your Christina's •shopping. Fisheries.. They,„ named the promen- The speaker, Who qttoted freely from
; i
nOw.. • tory at its entrance Cape otiturier, and Sidney Low' and other British public
The tithe is shertIt s not advisable -
to put this very important.' duty 'ref which shields the' entrance . ists .in support of some , of his contett-
t. Uet. white,
thheeyiselaatillded White Island, after Col. tions and conelusions, summ.ed up by
until he week before Christmae.
•• b • d the leader of their expeditionpointing a /novae ."In the first place,"
take.advantage of the better selectmen e
north • going even to Greematici, next
- g P . is The party expects to cruise further
afforded to -day by the .full stock. sumMer
the last you tnay find the early. shop. . '
Marriage Licenses Must Now Not. Be check a GoverrorierW' „
per . has ' obteined the. "pick!' of the '
holiday waree. Go early andnot only
he said, "it very 'great resPonsibilitY is
cast. upon the press of this country,
the fourth . estate, whether it be Lib-
eral or Conservative. But there is a. far
' greater • reSponsibility •cast need. the'
save yourself the crash and worry (1! • electorate, which • should be alive to
clerks the dietress • and •overwork •of • Sold 'la Them-. I „ That brought hi
in th a text frOnf.
the usual holidey jam, DW your 'pan •• • - which he said he often preached. He
to make , thiegs eaeier for . the wee.. The provincial Secrecare's • PePart- alluded tel••that-dirty which fell to every
.people. Watch the NEW ERA. Ravel:- ment is taking action. to prevent the citieen be 'contribute to peblie life: Un-
Polninns for timely. 'hints and iseehig of .marriage litensee troll- less each man contributed a littte.'of
price poinfers. , tier eemes in . cantarie to- persons from his dine to that line of duty we never
•' the American side, a business Which could have those, high etenderes in
Is quite a .fionrilhing (Me; particularly public life which .were to be .founcf in
a hurried rouud, but save the faithful
In his letter S4nta wishes
Us to saY his line of dishes
They please you without fear.
Fancy cushions, doylies, collars,
You can buy with less than dollars
.All Who come from far or near,
MORRELL :St.,:tioli,iytEs, Londesboro.
8.atisfted Customer* Is the Best
. Advertisement
. . • ' r • . ' "
We always sell our goods with this thought it view. You- share ite. these
• favorable tiensactione, and you, will be satisfied too:
• •
4 lbs•vbest seleeted. Raisins2for.25c.; -4 cans. Peas, 25.c, 3, :cans
Corn 25c2:, .NEW PEELS= -Lemon, Orange and.Citron;
New Figs, .5c to IOC .per lb; 20 lbs. Redpath's Granulated •
Sugar, $i..00. We pay 20c per lb, for .13Utter; 22c per 113,
for new4alcl Eggs, '6id for bright Dried-Ourt'd tkpijls
. Cottlinitnicatinfil .
WO 0 ot he'd ourselves responsible for t..
torney-General that; .these licenses
tAny opinions eura.sed under this head- .
ing -En NE Ff EttA.. shmild , not be issued, 'He based hie
. finding upon sections of - clause 17 •of
et .eerindsor, This •follieets. upon the „British Insetetions.
handingdown of an opinion by :the ., •
Birthrate In •Canada.
The large birthrate of Frezioh-Callo-
GODERICII Dee. 4, leote
:To.the Editoi..qf Ole Arew:Era
Stn,-ef n your bane of Nov. .17 you
:made the iolloesring 'Charge (amongst
others) against me. '
"And. last Sannery, Mr Geo M.Elliett
,of Gocieriph, Was beought. out as the
'thumper/ince candidate fere Mavoie he ie
as ardight as a string, who''e eliaracthe
is heyo n dee pre ach , And _ncewieh s tee d
i ang the f et that lie had previously ex-
Some County Weddings
--The home of -11reJohn-Treitzel-Cretlie-
ton, was thp scene of a very prett3r
wedding on Wednesday INToV. 22nd,
when his daughter Emma, was
married to Chas F. •Fahner.
• On Tuesday morning :Niles 'Leta'
Alphonis, second daughter of Mr. D,
Neville, mid William 1V1cCarthy, cap-
tain of the tug Edward Blake,were
married in St. Peter's ehurch, God-
Wedding bells were ringing in St.
Michaelei church Blyth, eVednesday
• forenoon. The principals were lir.
John P. Kelly and Miss Bridget Agen,
both of Morris. Rev. 'Father Hanlon
performed the ceremony. • ' 6
A happy event took place at the
home' of Mr. A. Ilomutli, Turnberty,
when his daughter, Miss Ida Florence
Homuth, was married to Mr. ,Tatnes
Porter, of Turnberiy, son to,
Mr. Rich-
ard Porter, of Winghath,
A ming that named Ernest, whose
home is a short distanee east of the
McKillop boundary in Logan, had the
misfortune to have a portioI1 of his
hand cut off While feeding the outting '
box of Wm. Detiger by whoneehe was
erted hunself in Mt. Mitchelfs behalf •
during the latter's eleotion campaign.
.Mr. Miteliell knifed Mr. ElIiett with
coldeeleoded arid deliberate ineanness,
and helped in his defeat." -
fit the issue of The Star for Nov. 21
you were asked for your proof of thoe
charges, every one of , which I again
--give'theeinestentiqtralifiedsdeulal lee t
1110 repeetsthat challenge :IS regards
the Above coated paragraph.
• "Let there be no doubt on this point
-Mr. Mitchell's treatment of 'lelr.
Elliott ts attacked by the New Era.
That gentlemen has himself never ,
made any complaint to Mie Mitchell.
If Mie,HoImes, or anyone else; has one
tittle of proof in support of this charge
let us have it publiehed either here or
in the New. ,Era, Only he who is in
the wrotig will prefer to hide behind
mere assertion Where the Opportuntiy
for full andcomplete proof is open."
Your reply to this in hist week's
Novis EnA is as follows :
'The Goderich Star, referring to the
NEW ERA'S exposuve of Mr. Mitchell's
einpera 'e in'oiisistony, &nits te
statements therein Inacle, I/MI-cells it a
"NUW ERA ela d " It has'e
Ahe act respecting' the solemnization of
rnarria.ges. Thesesections provide that
the affidavit made personally by one'
of the parties to the' intended mare
riege, before a license. is granted, sheet
state that one of the Partieshas had
his or her usual plebe of abode in the
county or the judicial -district in which
As the munielpallty where the marriage
is to he oolemniz'ed,for fifteen ,days
lrnmedIatiW precedingthe issue of -the
licease, the • comity or -distriet- An.
which it is intended that the Marriage -
shall take 'plape is not that In which
either of the .partles as resided, as
stated, the a h that
Abe reason for solemnizing the tnar-
riage shall take Place Isnotthat in
'which either of the partiee has resided,
as stated, the affidevit mug showthat
the reaeep. .for solemnizing the mar -
fn sun plaCeTS-libt-lartcrder to
evade due publicity or for ..any ether
Improper purpose. .
In. effect the rulinget the Attorney-
Gerieral is that the licenses should net
be 'issued to _peoplewho are not •bona
fide residents ef the. province, and the
Provincial Seeretare's Department will
try to enforcethat ruling....Sorrie fron-
tier Ithente issuers and some ministers
Will naturally surfer financially, and
those at Windsor to a greater extent
than others.
diens is receiving comment ori aeceunt
of the recent repeal of the Iasi which.
. in- the 'Province of Quebec • gave 190
acres of forest land, to each man who.
had twelve children, says Arnerican
.Meclidine. The deslie to be more popu-
mile hes' led -th - , Penh -Canadian •
Government into se,eral schemes, most-
ly to fahilitate iternigretion,
Curiously enough, the flew Of popula-
.tion bas long been out of Canada Arne
_L thscpnited States, as. though the north
were 'overpopulated. It was ,this exo-
dee which alarmed • the Quebec auth-
• erities, who 'thereupon a..4vi'Ved- then. '
• traditional policy to stimulate the
Tate by rewarding a large . ant- .
/ irate& no doubt,, by a deeire to make
this part of Canada solidly Peenele 'It
hes beeti. learned that the land grant
waefof no use to the• fe,ther of such a
awn .fe.rni arid could net break . a nen,
1 one inthe, wilderness.; The grants were
censeeuently sOld. to lumber companies
•ridlculeulsly small rates,: and'; the•
exodue of the younger element cone
Unties.. It is `now opelity stated that it
Is no longer' possible to support thee
large families., It was an easy matter.
• fOrmerlY, for a large farm could be
• divided aramig, the elifidren, but , the
later subdivisions have made the forme
tee erten.. Migrations Were neeessam
, and the easiest way was toward the,.
south, -to get empigyment in the fee;
tories. A large birthra.te, then, is no.
longer of use to Canada, and' Is, in-
deed, rapidly deninlehing. It is also
• stated' that the death rat 'among the
children has been inerdinate beilause
it is not PoselPle nove,days to give. the
proper care and attention to the fie
tants, so that no matter what the
number born it will never be possible
.to rear as many in one family as for-
y. It is ow reeognized that Can.
ada will not suffer from. population if
the presenti reduction ot the birthrate
cloes ebritinue-her emigration will •be
tem //Weed, it is • also recognized that
re A very pretty wedding took place at
the home of Mr, Thomas Towneencl:
Toronto, on Nov, 2011i, when his eldest
daughter, Miss Annie Louise*, became
the bride of Mr. A. F. MaUoy, M. 13.,
who recently purchased the practice
of Dr. Rollins, Exeter.
For the first time the bell in the
toreee of St. Joseph's new church,
Kingsbridge, tang out a Wedding en-
nouneement on Wednesday morning
Nov. 15, the oceesion being the tnar-
tiage Of Mies Josie McConnell, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Prank Mc.
Connell, Crewe to Mr, Jeie, Trainor, of
Linton, Xing township,
neen the policyof this paper to slander
anyone, nor does it knowingly state
what it has any reesoti to believe is
untrue, and, therefore, the denial not-
withstanding,. we have no reason to
change One stetenient therein made,"
Thi t is not treating me fitirTY or hon-
estly, and T again aiek you', or any one
who may beZbehind you, to produee
and publish your proof, either in the
NieW Fine or in the Star. You need
have no scrupleson my atcount, about
publishing this proof -if you can make
ood your charges yotewill have abuts.
ant satisfaction for yourself, for I
promise you that no matter how dam.
aging' %to, me, it will be given to the
Starii4 readers also, Let me say, As
one reason for my insistence on this
challenge, that I think I hate) tem-
eratiee friends enough aumngst the
Nzv tlitiVa readers to make 11115 de.
mend It simple set of justice,to them
• its well as to insrself. 1
. Respectfully, 340. 1VI/WitZtee,
Bayne, Tassie, Maxim, Crozier.
' Galt bad, fifty years ago, the great-
est pulpit orator, prObably, Canada has
ever seen, She had, too, the most fe.;.
Mous master and the most outstanding
grammar heliobl yet boasted • by On-
tario, She has brought forth the great-
est invehtor ot the age in matters mili-
tary; she is represented in the world's
capitaleby one of the brightest literery
' and philosophical minds ot the da,y,,1--
; Galt Itefornier.
I Don't ,brag—give names.—Totonto
hea.ding, ivai.(e a Barometer.
Star. An old Galt boy answers' in the
udeptioenity of population depends solely
ability to make a living and the
.A. Simele baroreeter that can be only way to inerceee it is to stimulate
nladlt) for °nee self: 'Arid Which* the prbductivity of a country -the Pres-
, though old, may be new to some, le ent ralegdfaii .Ite who makes
made as follows: Two draehme of two blades of grass grow where one
!, camphor, halt draehm of nieriate of grew before, does morn than, he who
tr iientnonia, and two ounce* --proof bringe Itifarite Into die world but can.
1 Spirits, in a glass tube or narrow Phial, not feed, them,
, make a very good Weather Wilde.
ristmas GAM_
Buy yeur Christmas Gifts now, Or merely choose them, and We
will keep them for you Until wanted. . The first da.y you • are
pegging call in and' examine our stock of PERFUMES and EBONY,
SETS, MIRRORS. But/Toros, PURSES; CloA.ES and Celan
PIPES and all Smokertestipplies. Remember our isreitation to dall
• 7 DISPET16iii-frObkirtitt'.-
OVeYe. • arta Drurgist
4 'tett over chickens 1.1
nice Way to use up a little ieft. '
Over chicken is torice it Better some'.
cups and line with soft boiled rice, fill
in with ehe ehickeu broth; cover With
the rise aod bake in a Moderate oven.;
Invert,the eUps carefuily se as to keep .
, their shape On a hot platter MA seri-0 •
with a crealt•sauee 'or a little ,drawn
Witter'. • •
-- Chri-strnas is
Drawing Near
As usual, you will find .every -
thin«. needed for your
Annual Meeting
Make Your Life..a Suction --
Yon ea -n if you will. Our coarsest
which are up to -date and nraoticalwill
qualify you in the shortest possible time.
All our grad uat,-, s secure good positions.
sVe get far more b p plications than we can
meet.. 1 his school has 'gritted a contin.
ebtal repatatiow for tharoughoess.
Wtite for our beautiful catalogue, it
will interest you. Yon.may enter any
- Principals
MINCE MEAT: WI CAKES• 'The Annual Meeting of the Lendeabore ' •
Butter and 'Cheese Manufacturing Ce.;
I Limited, will be held in: Londesboro, on
1 THURSDAY, L EO, 14, es follows: -The
:All ofthe best qualities, And Direeters will mset et 1 p.m:. Shareholders
at very close prices 4 e at 1.30, and the PeArons at 2 p.M.
HN BRIGHAM, Preeident,
i ' at SO
Ar.hots, Secretary.
v, 'Phone •40
• • ••
In dry weather the, solution will remain
Olean On the approach of ehabge•
trillitite earl will rise up la the liquid,
'while stonily Weather will be inditated
by the very dieturbed �sdit1c ot
itheneleal tiOnehlitation.
, Uncertainty.
Now cloth the fretful season dawn
SO full of harrowing doubt.
It's much too wenn With steam turned
And Intl& too Cold WithOut,
I beg to enntatnee the reopening of the
Butcher Shop formerly occupied by Mt A.
Conch, cpposite the Post Office, where you
will alweys end a ehoice seleetion of Fresh
sucteSsiteMeattr, Saneageseitle—tewill eon --
dice the business on a cash basis -the only
true cenimereial prinbiple apaet from
supply one demaed, • ,
Meet by the smarter,
Meat by the pound;
Meat for the country,
Meat far the towe.
Ish psi. for ehoiee Poultry, Batter and
new laid Eggs; also Elides atia Sheep skins
Ilighaerade School
All ear gredutites get positione. Our superior
work is well lonown througlinat Canada. our.
facilities are unsurpassed. Winter Terra opens
Jan. end, Write for catalogue,
Aleditoern,dletitSgtestaud NV, MPtirtiblielpli,
Itoolos to Itent
Largo room, with bedtoom adjoining, to
let, furnished or or/furnished Apply at
New lera office
• Roomers Wanted
Rootnere or toarders Wentecl, Accent.
modation for three or fonr young leafs%
Ap ely at tieWHrs office
, Alan Wanted.
Mn wanted to work on Wise moat he al
hurried tutthiAkkvItiigt
, ounion,
is that we are offering.
these greatly "reduced
priees on A 1 Groceries,
from,'W till after Christ-
mas holidays ;. -
lbs, finest select Reisins—nees
fruit for 05c, albs. for
21 lbs. best Granulated Sugar'
for $1.00
‘i• pans best Red. Sockeye Sal;,
• mon for 250
3 eans Pea, Corn and To-
matoes for 25c
Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels,
Currents, Walnuts Almonds,
Mince Meat, etc., at Sante re.
Come and get the benefit
of these bargains. Eppugh
for all.
.The People's Grocer.
Phone t xt