HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-08, Page 44 ie Last 0 THE OLIN0TON E' ' BRA • ristnia.s Sale at this Store On • Tuesday morning, Dec. 12th we start the GREATEST;.: MONEY -SAVING SALE on Holiday Goods, together with ..the most staple goods, that this town hasever heard tell of, '' Everything in the store hasbeen greatly reduced in price for the Christmas trade, and there's certainly an advantage in buying your holiday needs here, foryou not only e � newest th � goods, but you can buy them at wholesale prices, and in many cases far below cost price. Here's just .a small list of the 1 'many money -saving things to be found, here during our last Christmas sale. Ribbons at Reduced Prices. 300 yards of fine silk ribbons, in assorted w idths and 1 ecolors, regular price 5c. Last Christmas Sale price 2; 350 yards of silk and satin ribbons, in assorted colors and widths, these are qualities that sell from 5c to 7c, to. go at per ya-d 320 250 yards of Ribbons in assorted shades and widths ' in silk and satin makes all Sc andioc valuesta: go at per yard ;, , • ,,,,,,;;,,,,,,:., , 6c Your choice of our finest all silk neck ribbons in assort -.t ed colors that sold at 20c to go at 122 During our last Christmas Sale you can have your choice of our very finest 25c and 3oc Ribbons at.,., 180 All of our very finest 35c pure silk Ribbons . in assorted shades, extra wide, to go during our Last Christmas `22� Sale at Buy'your Ho1idakHan•d-kerGhief -here =.Note the -Saving.. 48q hemstitched and fancy colored handkerchiefs, regular .5c to go during our Last Christmas Sa4e at each;... po fine hemstitched handkerchiefs also a few fancy' ones that sold at ioc, to go during our. Last ' Xmas Sale at 7c or 4 for. ,. These are the most beautiful embroideried handkerchiefs we have ever had to sell at 20C, just 240 to go dur- ing our last Christmas sale at 2 for All Holiday Linens to go at. a big 'saving in price. All $1.50 Hand Embroidered Linen Lunch cloths to go at $1.,00 AI1 $ 2,50 Hand Embroidered Linen Punch cloths to goat 1,50 All $3.oa Hand Embroidered Linen Lunch cloths to go at . 1:95 All $3.75 Hand Embroidered Linen Lunch cloths to go: at 2,25 All $4.5o Hand Embroidered Linen Lunch cloths togo at .3,25 $3,50 Teneriffe Hand . Drawn Round Table. Cover 'at $2;.50 5,5,00 Teneriffe Hand Drawn Sideboard Scarf to go'.a.t 3,50 35c Embroidered Tray Covers :at .,,,,,.. 25c All: other linens such; as Sideboard Scarfs, Doylies, Tray cloths etc, will go at the following reductions. All 25c Linens at 19e All $1.00 Linens et.....,.,7oc' All 35c Likens at All 50c ,I;inens. at.,, 3$c 25c -" .I S Linens at..,., ...90c All 60c Linens. at 45c All 1,5o, Linens at..,.$1,1.5 All 85c Linens:'at......, .,6$c All 2,00 Linens at,,,. 1.40 Milliner y at Half- Prl Trimmed and' Untrimmed Mil1inearyr: to -go a.t- half price. ' p 21. Beautiful stock of Xmas Neckwear to : go 'at. Sale Prices . , . All 25e & 80c lace' and silk collars at 19c' All. 61.25 Lace Ties at, 90c ri All 350 &'40c lace:andsilk collars' at 25c All $1.50 Lace': Ties et $1,15 LSri.l All 50e and 'some 60c. silk collars'at 35c All $2.00 Lace Ties at : $1.00: All 75c Silk and Lace 'Collars at.. - 50c- ' All $1,00 Silk and Lame Collars at ..65e. All i 0c Belts at . 0 All $1.25 Silk and. Lace .Collars' at..75e All 75c Belts at ...... .. c .11$1.50 Silk and Luce Collars at $1.00 . Ail $1.25 Belts at . , ., ... .....75c 25c 11 othcr HaiIdks not mentioned above to go as follows: q-5 Handkerchiefs-at„.5.0 i.00 Handkerchiefs at ........75c 1.25 Handkerchiefs ,at . 95c I_ 25c Handkerchiefs at....:..19c 35c Handkerchiefs at 25c 4oc Handkerchiefs at 3oc 45c Handkerchiefs -at 3.5c 5oc Handkerchiefs at 38c is Handkerchiefs at45c • 1.5o 5o Handkerchiefs at......1 1 5 2:00-Ha,ndkgchiefs at.•,".,I.40l• Kid Gloves f inns Gifts AtSaving Prices. Kid Gloves are always acceptable as Christmas ' gifts, and t 'here you will be able to get the best kinds at reduced prices; 75e to $1.25 Kid Gloves at .50c fist a few dozen left of our 75c kid gloves and a few of our odd gloves that sold at $1.25 to go at...ug All 1.02 gloves to go at....75c . All 1..5o gloves to go.at. 1.25 All 1.25 gloves to go at 1.00 All fully Guaranteed, -201011.1)4241041411004114.6004) SEASONABLE FOOTWI3A ew of o• ur odd PRICES. You will make no mistake when you come to us. We are headquarters for all kinds of BOOTS and SHOES RUBBERS. ,Quality, style, close prices and fair dealing a're' the corner stones on which our ever-increasing business has grown. We have made special :prep- arations for the Christmas trade, You will find our stock of Felt Hoots,_._Slippers Ctl!.� eq uIled by ; �; few and excelled by none. Sole Agents for the Granby and Kant : ltraek, Rubbers, --Give them a trial ; they don't cost any more than the inferior makes, and they wear much better. i We want your patronage, and the induceinents we offer are , RELIABLE goods, at yery close cash prices,, -----THE OLD RELiABLE— WMTAYLOR f'� rt,. II An edition worthy, of Canada, Worth :while keeping in your home. Good to send to friends in other lauds, b. Illustrated by leading • Canadian artists. Eight hall page illustrations, An excellent collection of smaller ones, It is "Even better than ever before," Done up in tube, ready for li to lingt 50e --------Orders solicited , , TheW. D. PairC�. OFTEN THE. efitlAPa T :,,ALWAYS THE. Alfreair money Orders issued.` l Beautiful Band -Drawn ' Linens . to o as follows GRANO TRUNK SY$" EMJ International Laic Stock Expo* ition, ebtglno,r Dee. 10th' to 23rd, 1905, Ecursiozl tickets will be sold: for, this Excursion, Deo, i6tli toe Dec. 19th, incluiaive,•good to return on or before Deo. 24th, '05, for For tickets andfnll information call on F. R. Rodgens, Tow!' Agent New Advertisements. Christmas goods--Reekie " 1 Christmas -stock -NV S R Holmes....1 To many overcoats -I'• W Newcombe 1 Last Xnias .sale Neweombe,.A.•...4 Santa's headquarters -Cooper & Co..4 A good list -Harland Bros... , , ....5 Preserve your sight --W S R Holmes 5 Christmas goods-,Reekie 5 Satisfied custorners-R Clarke..., 6 Christmas gifts -J E. Hovey. .6 Worth knGwing-A D Beaton , , ,.0 Clean up bargains-Hodgens lros7 Sold. out -D B McKinnon..,, . 7 Announcement--ilodgens Bros,. 8 The glInton NeW Era FRIDAY, DEC. 8,'1005. High Compliment. • Sir Wilfrid Laurier lass just received a,l}igh speculum, ,a Mincing testis ony to his worth as Premier and as a visit. The: first of these was. by Rev. Dr; Berridge, one of the foremost men of the day in Canadian Presbyterianism arid one of the greatest; pulpit orators of. the county ; a man, whose Protest- • ism wiIl not be giiestioned, and who knows the life, deeds and character of. tha;?i:ian of;wla'o'an he spoke. At a pub - lie gathering in aid of Ottawa; Ladies' College, to.which the. Premier Ient his. aid, Rev. Dr. Herridge took occasion to speak of Sir Wilfrid's deep interest in education, his broad Liberal spirit. "whish, in spite of our differences in. creed and of ritual, looked below the surface to those underlying principles. which bound together all..christians in. an essentiril-unityy." and-the,.:.couriig ous devotion to the cause of, the pro ggrens of Canada and the welfare of . his' fellow .citizens, ze 9 inch Daylle, I lain -Drawn, regular : • 4oc-- for 3oe Sizei;i5 inch. Doylies Hand Drawn, :regular .... ,......85c for.60c Size 13 in. squareDoylie, Hand Drawn, regular $1.2.5. for 75c Size 2o i n ...square Daylie, Hand�Drawn, regular 1.35 for 853 Size 18'in..square 'Doylies Hand• Drawn, regular • i.5o for 955 Size 20- in. square Doy.ies Hand- Drawn Size regular 2.00 for $1.35- 3o - o and 36 inch,square LunchCloth regular 2:75 'forx:75 Size 36. inch square Lunch. Cloth, regular .,.'..:..:.3.50 for • 2'50 Size e 30 inch square Lunch C1otl1; regular. ,,, 4.05 for :3.00 • Purely Personal. -Mcg Tisda1I'went to -St: Thomas --a Monday: town), on Mon• Mr" W Coats,. Registrar, was in • Mrs., Thos Erock, of Ottawa, is ex- peeted hereon a visit next week: Mrs.,Greig and Mrs. This. Jackson wdnt to Seafoicth on Tatesday.. News WESLEY,:CHURCH. • • . 1 ev. •Mr. Brown. oVarna, preached nod sermons in* this church last Sub- . .'MDS. Terry, of .-London, • spent last a'., Rey. Mi \hflmflg000dUc ting an week with her neices Mrs Steep andniversary'services on the:Variia circuit, Miss Rowe Mrs. A.` T. Cooper, Who. has been ST. PAUL'S 1. visiting her brother in the west, has The •enter tainment • in connecti6ri returned. to town.. with St. Paul's Sunday. School will be Mrs. Bousiaugh. of London, sicker of given on December 21st.. . Mr,:A. Hooper, and Mrsdoseph Grigg,' The•lecture on Rev,, Joe:. Peck and spent Sunday and Monday here. ' •, Arctic Missions 'on Tuesday evening Capt Robson, of London, . a, well given in St Paul's School room i'y, the known stock roan mid auctioneer, was ev. W. ] . Brownlee, of Ridgefown, 1. I town.on Friday, mid over the was exceedingly interestieg and in. thoro-bred Stock of Mr. W. Doherty,, stT`he location• of Mr. Peck's mission, ' Mfrs. Pully, mother of. Mrs.. James ! McMath, who has been visiting, here where he gets his mail :once' ons in years, and of. the mission stations in 'or;sonle• time, has-gone-•to-.1%Litchell,. thea-flayrivei.district-.and alon :,.,the• _ where she will spend the winter with MacKenzie River was first pointed out another daughter.. •; - .-- from the inap of northern: Canada. We understand •:that Mrs.Wm. 'This served as an introduction.. to the r•Cooper, who has a dal;ghter :living in illustrations of Indian and.Esquimau5 Alberta, and one.also. 'in California, life and to the physical 'characteristics will leave on a visit to' therm ; she 'ex- of the.land of .the midnight sun. pects to be away.for about six months. 9:he pictures of the far distant,posts Mr. John. Cornish; of Oshawa, spent of the Hudson Bay. Co.; and . the still a few days last week with his brother more distant. mission stations ; of the Mr. James Cornish. of the base line. hush whaling vessels fast in the ice, It 'was over 20. years since he had been an of the snow houses or.Igloos :of here, and naturally he finds• great im- . the'Esqq,uintaux of the sun shining at proyement, Midnight on Dominion Day, brought Engineergeographicallybefore the audience,the Mr. Peterson, Chief h,n e i er of n the ga' i idsli. 0. P, It, at Ooderich accompanied 1i ' P$ and idifficulties bosof 'the tills - It y sionaries in their inborn. , Mr. Roberts, his assistant, were in Owing • to other attractions the town on Friday, on their way to Blyth. audience was not as large intended as usual, a. line to Clinton, Mr, Peterson smiled ONTARIO ST.. CHURCH. ane! said That has riot yet been decd- Rev.. M. 3. 'Wilson, of T eeswater. ed upon." will conduct missionary anniversary Messrs Oliver Johnston, Charles services on: Sunday 'next ; Rev. Mr, Wallis and Wm Moore, returned frcitii� herr will do than same in correction the west this week, Tho •two first wfth Mitchell church. named both took out apples, and Rev. J. H. Osterhout 13. A., 'of ut}sized the opportunity to. make col• Wroxeter, preached very acceptably lection"s on their former horse deals in Ontario St. church last Sabbath. while 1 ere. h Bal. tispeak favorably of The lime light entertainment in ent he the development and prospects in the town hall Tuesday evening•iinden the 'west, but say that ;finances are still auspices .of Ontario St. Junior League, light, ficin, �ahnston attended a was a very interesting and successful number of political nnePtings in Saskat` affair, . Ty receipts were nearly $40. chewan, and says that such meetings here are like Sunday School in -cow- Rev, W E. Iferr reached miniver. ; they hecl►le and_ Jolty the sary sermons id Wlraxeter last Sib- candidates in groat shape. Mr. Moore bath and reports overflow services, J was working as a harvester ; he likes ; the country, but thinks Ontario far . superior, Ji'CT1N E OM Y.OQUO'T STONE BOAT W. S. Harland wishes to acgnowledge the following eontrili- SALVATION ARMX utions towards the launch for Rev.. W. C1lllaeTuns TilEm Bryn Mtrratcnx, J. Stone, missionary at Cla b uot, B. FERTIV•AL.•-••There will i given at tliar Ol nton 'Wesley. SV.Mv. $6 i S. A. Hall in Clinton on .Christmas Lea acts of FIIoliiiesville, $5.25.;`H. M. night, a very interesting !program of ill a Friend, $1. Total, $17,25 IMMO', songs, recitations :and Selec- t erichope distri It twiln�trespon a the iv AA tions on the talking Machine. Thereble pond as +early as will ilea be hat the annual Christmas Tree theposwhole. tamount his tof $,25 hv stil,i� yso t be rirovldeal for the nienrllierarif nib 1�. A. quickly raised and " sent to Mr.. stone and of Love, when each member will to helpgem, in his rnissionar or be �givens, prea3ent. The musical iny k Will be under the control of the L�1in- ittinong ndians scatters d agingg the ton S, A. Band, but musicians from Coast of the (7layoquot.Sannd, anttalso the well known Bands of Stratford t h rn and Drr.aM. Tiley, the m edl aI Londonkand St, Thomas anal expected missionrar in that district. Tile tar e to talker art ; both brass ss and stringy , mill.being ireeted. musie.tvi116e given, Kindly keep tinsjust fourteen mi es from 112ni .. trills n�. and make aira#lgcrnental; to mission Will employ from spend Giiristmas at the S. A. Hall. All 2o0 to .100 men, who will have to be nlii �ed tlozp a en at o y, i, ao alt cared for h • thaw. and as the only iyraceayds o to help the ]Deal work p p ' m'; the iislicoosIty of as wta mylitupch�. we neo rtieace at 17,90, l It seems to us that a number of municipal councils: are 'taking an un wise step ;n turnip ;ilowix. '1,ocai OP p Bog : petitions. •,Without :expressing any. opiniiyn on the Merits Of this form of prohibition, it would at least be an act of prudence on. their part to allow- the people an opportunity : of express- ing. themselves at the polis.: In 'view of the refusal of many munioipal.coun-• oils the temperance people of Prince Edward Oou:ity will ask the (,govern ment to change the law, so that ''the clerk of the municipality will issue his writ for an election on a properly - signed petition being given him, and if a majority favors the by-law he shall declare its passage. Other,counties are likely to take the same ,attitude, and' pressure' will he brought to hear on the legislature, Resignation of ';lir :Oaltoar • Right lion. Mi Balfour, Premier of Great Britain, has resigned, and .Sir Henry .Campbell -Bannerman, Liberal, has been calted upon to form a govern nient: This.developp'ment-while it is unus- ual in British constitutional history.' for a Ministry :posessing a majority ,of about 70 in the House of Coanmons- -is by no means unexpected. The "re,• peated :divisions in ,the ranks of the. Conservative -Unionist partyupon the fiscal issue have made it evidentthat the life of the Government could not 'be longsustained•after. Par,iament.had met. Mr. Balfour has thus determin- ed to throw the responsibility of the. government of the country upon his party opponents, who, though nomin- ally in a. minority .in the House cif Cominons,have been gaining strep th` `lit each bye-election. The Conservative T7niopistparty' as been in power in England singe, 1886. with the exception of the short-lived "Glild'gtone Riisebery ..- --Administration- of 1892:1395, which was overthrown in 81y'trir B17sn'Ess CECANoE.--The general store•owned.and managed by McKin- non & Co. has been . sold to Messrs, Popplestone & Gardiner, of Exeter, who take possession. on Jany. 1, 1000, Mr. Meltinnon conimenced business here in May, 1501, having been nearly 45 years in business, and has held the esteem and confidence of the people of this neighborhood, as well as a goodly share of their patronage, and feelsjure tined in retiring, to enjoy the compe- tency he has' well earned; he will re main in Blyth, and attend to the duties of postmaster. We welcome his sue. cessoi.s, and wish them prosperity. • • Leeburn Miss,A:nnie Taylor entertained a few of herr friends to . a taffy -pull on 'rues - day evening. . Dr. Wm. Clark, lark, of (lode-rioh, was de - bo, ping cattle in our neighborhood on Monday, Miss Lizzie Linklater visited at Loy- al one day this week. Mrs. -$orate Horton 'spent a few days in Ooderich last week, Mr. end Mrs. Wright, of Goderieh, weregueste of M',t, k and Mrs. ()kitten ori Thursday. The Sabbath •• School Is preparing a drografor . a Christmas tree. The ate will he given later. -The 0. B. Society held a business meeting last 'ridaye'vening. .Porter's 11111 George Glidden left on Saturday for Stoney Creek, where he has secured a job for the winter. , James liiirrison sr tri esiii u machine is still on the go, having threshed over a hundred days this fait. the Sunday sabots' of Bethel cliureh intends having a Christmas tree look for particulars next week, James ,s (lax has had at.tvindnnill placed on hie farm, and is having the water fo reed into both house and barn, which will certainly be better than pumping water far forty or fifty cattle on a atorely day, t,. Dee. 8%, 1905 Santa Claus' ettdqoartcrs OTICE ' is hereby given that • all ci itn— neys ori the Christmas list must be thoroughly clean on or before Dec. 23rd—Ey Order. --SANTA CLAUS. China a �' d tit C�1 s You 'may have your choice of five designs of L i mo. g els China; single; pieces 01- complete Tea • or Dinner Sets. The. bestw„eut Glass carefully kept and' prop- erly', displayed • is our r olicy. See our;,beautiful case• of use- ful and/inlay pieces. German and English China; in a multi:. titude"of patterns and dishes. ' (Jur 1aige stock and special• priced_tables,..makea shopping._ a pleasure. naid.LE:�;ji1EL gid• a no Delights anta . , inBooks: • He .enjoys- story,' en .4 ..'y s o .:�.� ...: . a .good story,` and fills in 'many all odd moment, Zook- ing through 'our ini:' Inense stock 'Presentation Volumes in fancy:' bindings, All the latest Fiction. Popular Editions at 19C, �5C, 50C Toy Books uveniles ,,.. . • Get your Do%i'5 in good time, especially if ; ou intends to dressan' : for' Christmas. I n our .window •and':in the.T.oy` Y Department; you will find an assortment:'of beautiful Do11;' The Toy. Sto .1'1V I ' soon be com , , and l will befound, as usual, on thee' secondfloor. a. Fancy. Goods, ds, r'4#' Chrlstln.aa► • We will have; the •'.best dis la of d_ I? y h a. l ,-rnade Fancy Work that we have evdr shown, comprising,: Centre Pieces, Cushion Tops, Pin Cushions,' Calendars, , Doilies, Fancy Baskets, Scratchers. l•Iandkerchiefs, Photo Frances, Towel Rings, whisk Holders,. etc., .etc.. FANCY TATIo r v�haf iftiosarktftTARA Note Papers � ' . - Paper Knives Papeteries� 7 Blotters Ink Bottles. �` `l ✓ ' Seals ink Stands;Pars as Fountain Pens_ 11 Wa ectal Gold P .s.> �. �� ,: en wig. x 'Isle Pocket oornpanioifis i;, • .tea c'• ;,�'.^ � .-• � :�' Paper�U'eights ° Sleighs, Sleds I Children's Cutters 25e to $x'.50 o , orders taken for the Christmas Globe and ltd ,other papers. Any periodical dl e l clublist supplied . Cvoper &.c,!