HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-08, Page 2!")
If yote your fr'entas or relatives suffertifill
Yits„ /...e.idepl, Se Vitus' Deuce, or Mang
Sicentee wr ; te ,for u 6141 bottle and valuable
treatise on sucheliseases to Zug Lgline tco.,
779 Kiw Street, W., Torouto, Canada, All
drat:gets sell or can obtainifor you
1 ke Winton pieliv Ei
FRIDAY, EEC. 8, 1.90$.
\rrliP Government and the Spoils No Co
Iteferring to the dismissal ot the
Toronto License Iaspector,the Toronto
News, hitherto regarded as especially
favorable to Mr. Whitney, speaks out
as tollowS ;-
In ordering the dismissal of Mr,
littetings they eurrendeoxl. to the
. patronage element against their own,
. better pap:neut. In removing An
excellent'elffcer and forcing the resig-
nation 'of a faithful end efficient
License Board they were not actuated
by regard, for the public interest, and
they did not act upon any sound prin-
ci le of pablio policy.
he eslement which detnanded the
dietnissal of an officer whom the Gov.
Skald the Corn Duty be
,Oecasionally ,47ne bears the state-
-extent that the +removal ,121 the duty
„previously levied on American corn
imported into Canada was an injury
to an impottant branch Of the agricule
tural industry- The statement is nev-
ermade by ;those conversant with
the (acts. •
The report of the Bureau of Indies -
tries for 1901 -the Ontario corn crop
was a failure in 1904-ihows that 379-
00 acres %were. then devoted to the
-growing of husking corn in Onteeilo.
50f this total, 108,000 acees.. or one-
half, wereen the thief,countie-a 'Of ES-- -
*ex, Kent, and Elgin. Those are prac-
tically the only couniees in which corn
is groeenfor sale. , Would it be a reas-
.onable thing -even assuming thee the
fartnereof these mantles are injured
'by free corn-toetax the farmers eif all
the re,st of Canada or their beoeitt ?
The extent of the iujnry which
would he done to. Wick feeders hroth-
er parte of Canada by the re-itiaposition.
,ofthe duty is entiricated by the fact
thaeour total peeduction of husking •
+corn in 1903 amounted to 29,287,0e0
bushels, while ourimports of American.
corn, grown in the same year, tetalled
9;700,000 bushels. 'Thus: _our eine •
were equal • to oee-third •ourcewoduce
tion. It . is hardly necessar§ to ask
:what the effect 'weuld have been on
stock-feedere in the 40 odd other Colin
ties of Ontario had it been ineracesethle
to import corn without payment of
duty. It would -.simply have added so
nnuch to the cost of finishingtheir •
/logs and cattle...
But there is no proof that even the
three south-western counties have
been injured by throwing the duty off
corn. The proof is rather the other
way. The acreage- in huskiegeeorn in
all Ontario in 1896 was 818,000; in 1903
it was 379,000. This increase does net
point to injury to this industry by the'
removal of the duty from American
imports. Neither is their proof of in-
jury in a comparison of market values.
The value of all the husking • cern
grown.inthe Province in 1896, accord-
ing to the Bureau of -Industries., -WAS
$4,717,000. In .1903 the value of. the
crop was. $10,800,000. There wasan
increase of some 18 per cent in the
acreage; there was an increaeeof con-
siderably over 100 per cent in -.value of
crop. And -this difference of crop
Values betweenthe two years wee not
due to a shortage in the United 'States,
becau-se the Arneeican crop of 1903 bad
bean exceeded by that of only one oth-
er year up to ;that time. Againe,we
find that the average price of corn per
bushel in the ear in Ontario in 1891-5-6
rao from 194c in the lowest yearto a
shade over 26 in _the highest. In 1902,
when the Americans had the biggest
crop ever raised, With the exception of
that of this year, .the average price in
Ontario was 40tc.
Let us have no more of the statee
enent that free corn has injured any
Canadian industry. '
erament had cleternained to retain
were actuated solely by the desire to
Malte vacancies for teeny workers, to
interfere in the administration of the
iteensu law, and to traffic with the liq•
monelernent for personal and 'PartY•
Throughout there was•abrutaldis-
-regard for the Commissioners, a brutal
-exercise of authority over the Goveen-,
went, and a brutal dismissal of an ex-
yeellent officer Who had re.cakved assur-
-traces that be would notte sturbed.
It is now for the Governrete It to con-
asider if it can -afford to go further in
this direction.
It is for the Government to consider
if it can afford to act as the obedient
servant of the elenseit.wh'ichS ehiefly
concerned for the lower arld mercenary
n te, rests of party.
Does the Government deliberately
nte,nd to introduce the spoils system,
to turn upon :the street, take -away
their means of liyelihood, and impov-
erish the families .of officials who
Dee. 86, 1905
mbine among (ilrocers in
r.,••1(..7 ,
Restriction of Trade ,t r
ow . . .........•••••••••••••
The New Era's Great I
1 .
to learn that we have secur-
That "combiner talk should be ,the UR subscribers will be pleased
order of the day, followirg the expos-
ures in Toronto, and that business cor-
porations that are not combines for
the restriction of trade, or for any.
thing but the best of motives, are
being brought into the controversy',
are not to be wondered e.t, In the
clksade the name a the Canada Groc-
ers, Limited, has been mentioned, the
Toronto News referring to it, and the
Globe saying; The, wholesale grocers
are allegvd to have a combine, with
headquarters in Ha rnilto
In its article the News says ;
!"There have been rumors that
among the wholesale grocers there
exists 0, combine, but enquiry among
retailers shows that this is.net such as.
to affect either them or the consumers.
Theevvholesale men 'have a purchasing
'ecriTtany known as Canada Grocers,
limited, through the agency of which
they are enabled to.make their purch-
ases from the manufacturers and to
import from abroad at a, great saving
oon the expense compared with what it
-would be if eat& house did its own
; "Retail grocers say it would be im-
possible to corner the staple articles be
their business, ,as the supply is so
great,,and the sources of supply so
numerous and varied. there are no.
pomplaints as to their treatment by
the wholesale men; and prices are -seid
to be fair and reasonable." ,
Geo. E. Bristol, of Toronto, is Presi-•
dent of the Canada Grocers, Lithited.
happen to be Liberals, to serve the one In an interview he said. e •
or two per cent of Conservatives who "The CanadieGrocers, Limited, are a
constitute the -spoils faction of the joint stock company incorporated un-
paitY,Iti•eet tee defilltinealtiudepeita-; der the powerf4 -conferred upOn them
ent opinion. and to make elections in by charter. The company Yeas organ-
Ontariosordidand mercenary struggles ized not to corner goods or run up
for the public offices? prices, and it has neveedone so. Its
The Government 'has gone far, very ebject is to purchase goods to the best
A soap manufacturer at Hamilton,
when aeking for a :reduction iri the
tariff on part of his raw material; said
35 per cent was a -very exorbitant
duty for a manufacturer to pay on his
raw material. This gentleman is in
an elicellent position to sympathize
with fartMrs, who pay up to 35 per
centon their clothing and nearly 00
per cent on sugar, without the pes-
mbility of securing any •compenetitihg
advantage in the form of protection on
their finished product -Farmer's Sun'
The Taking
Cold Habit
The old cold goes; a new one
quickly comes. It's the story
of a weak throat, weak lungs,
tendency to consumption.
Ayer's Cherry Pectofal
breaks up the taking -cold
habit. It strengthens, soothes,
heals. Ask your doctorabout it.
"1 had a terrible cold, and nothing relieved
me. 1 triad Ayers Cherry Patton"1 and it
promptly broke np my toldstoaa ntl21Vat12105,1i5mt2gg=1.4.,F,Zis,
Toledo. Ohio.
Esdb ratittlatitVorralli"
*/ a Ilk VIOL
ttl!L ttelotrYliSh
OHM ono pin mon engem,
ar, in this evil direation. and it may advantage and to distribute% them at
read in the eprotteet which its treat- the lowest cost, with a view to sePing,
ment of thetLinse Board haaelieited to the retailer at lower prices and, at •
how ite actionis regarded by many the Sallie time, adding to thecoroptiny's
persons Who bear no 111 will toMr. profits. By ite organization the whole -
Whitney and Ws colleagues:, who are saiere have been enabled to increaee
seeking no fayors at the hands of Min- their profits, and the consumers have
isters, who desire only good govern- received better seevice and vices have
ment and the fair treatment of faith- been reduced' .•
fl 1 ffilent tilelic officers. • Canada Grocers, Limited, are the
...Be ..a .0,e of lenti,,East end Oat'
two St. Pnrchaser wielaing more land
(etteeeettor to Re Joe Scott
could buy lot joining, JOSHUA VIKAREN
EsiatimnR, 801,101TOlt, Ore.
Cli nton
. • •
House for Sale office -oh* Buckacrimonly. 000•Elget
by '2dr kinott,
MOIMA.116, . 4
ed i tahrTenheewmotol notfroeuari warreaendyernHeg hard
ssa oft
wafer,. i sore of find. oon.
Ten rooms, with woodshed end stable
t ald, by which we are enabled
: Dollar -
4 The Herald for a year for One ; i
• , trally located for partroulare soPly to
Z again to offer The New Bea and t
2 1 Lands tor Sale
- t • Two Papers for • [ -..,..
— . • I "In the far *Weet," Hewerd, Asea, 43 -
•proved frame for sale et $14 per acre,
.: the PriCe Of One •
other farms without buildings from $0 to
012 pee acre, gocd land fob, one to eix
1 The Herafti has recently been • , miles from town. Fare paid to partesi
improved, a,nd the publishers 0
, invetiting. N. P. CRICH, Hever°, Aese.
l i promise that for IMO_ it___Will._ be 2 i
1. better theo ever, With The New .1„
Era, giving all the local and dis- I
to irict news, and The Herold, with . I
• I • its general news and reading I
I matter, at the price of one paper, i '
w subscribers to 'TheNew Era are
' • .•
. getting a great bitrgain, •
• The offer is ciod onIV fOr sub-
• To Rent
just eouth of Clinton, on the Louden Road,
. .
• The break cottage and 20 acres of lateti,
afeurdedattoPerreenent tonoWrnesesclobnvabAliertitryorse.arAieppoify-
to Ephraim Butt, Clinton, or Rev. NV, 33.
scriptions to t e New Era paid a lintt, Springfield. • ' March 24 tt
No matter how I 'worked each day, ,
. Tear in advance • but 'it applies :
NY kittens three, tvere white arid gray, i
iti‘lisor...11:ters in arreai.'s can 0
. • '' y t k d etneiee of ft bY payieg *
'1'he kitaloeked very mean.
o arrearages and! a year ;in ad-
'Twas hard to keep them clean ; wat to nid sind in 11 w subscrih- •
• hey d go out 1%the.morning 01'4 ' • vance... Under nO circumstanCes
At eiPht, they'd com e home looking sad
• vance. . • . • •
will the Herald be sent to ay •
• So tidy an so turn . •
•o. strb.scriber, ,not paying In a
• Walt clothes so soiled and grim.
1 could not keep !thtlku tidy, neat, , ' To hew subscribers . for 1900,•
lou• f thed The Nesv'Era, will be sent for the•
When they were in. the field or street,
With other t.ts at play. „
then proeireed the DIA.MONV DYES,
And made a dye bath hot,
And to ray kittens, egieeesurprise,
I dipped them in .the pot.
°clay my kittens all are dressed e
0 remainder of t his year without
extra chargr. •
. 'In remitting, address: i
!,,,,, ;
. • - ROBT. HOLMES; .
• • . THE NEW EL.,. •
In Black. so i•ieh and cleep ; :
monre no more, and now am blessed
Whezie'er I roam or sleep: .
he motel of my sobg is Plain
, • •
To women bright and wise; •
you would plen o. profit gain,
Juet use the DIAMoND DYES. •
, .
. .
Headaeltra do not cruse rye strait+, but rov
thc result'of swim, 1f,you art, troubled Mit
For the moment the Government is • proprietors of Bed' Feather Tea. • consta,/ Prof i'auba et amnitIr 8 Jelve1211.
• dere DeOmber 1VIa.
strong, indeed, invincible, butthere is
some public opinion in the country
which is net eubserVieet to patronage
committees, and which believes .
the Government ihould halt. in the un-
fortunate course in wineh it has been
reFerThe such dangerous lengths, and
should use les strength to create and
maintain*a permanent civil service,
and to govern the 'Province in the in-
tereats of the whole people rather thee
in the interests of the mercenary ele-
ment of itstfieloWing.
- _
Remember tho,dates of Poi: Tailbe'e mad to
Clinton. .1)ei.'e30era4t4; 18t1s and .1411t.•
Pre L4anything wrong tpith yogi' Om, con-
sult lain, ct.t CounterV Jewelry Store. ' '
The feet that Air. .Aylesworth
his 494 majorityeeelled .79 „votes ,raore!
than gir William Molocic With a ma-
jority of 988 shows that the normal
Liberal majority in North 'York ie
probably not more than 400. These
figures !Wake it clear Civet there is .
falling oft in theSovernment strength
in that historic ;Liberal •constituency
erns .
The covernment is asked to tax the
pe-ople wive on :their suga,r• to "en-
courage" the beet.sugar Men, to whom
we have been paying a bounty. The
people pay it all. The .beet -growers
who supported- the sugar makers! .re-
quest said the industry at ,pres,ent
yielded them :315 tO $50 an acre profit.
It is apparently Pretty healthy with-
out additional tasting power.
Soldiers of the Czar's personalbody
guard have beeuplared under arrest
efor disloyal actions': There were re-
ports that an attempt had been made
-one thlife,of the Czar.
-An orcler.previding for the imPerta-
Men of Canadian live stock for the In-
ternational Live Stock Show at Chi-
. • . paesedg bye theeUtiited
, • ' y IA A ricuitur
-11L • Q .
- • -----
. •Iires in the Blood.
—21317' ""7" nthlY ..1 Suffered -Terrible -Agony
Hove we used to,.play
Bidingeyes and catpherrn gain
All the summer day,
Dodging 'round the corners, .
Then we'd run a bit.,
Till ,the • catcher caught Us fair
Crying,. "You are it.'" ;
. Consequently it 1090!) an interne
treatment, cme that will restore the
blood, encl thereby relieve the cause'
• ,
of the pain ' • .
• After years,ef .expe4 tn en t Ham-
ilton succeeded in 'producing; ta• 'veined ye.
that quickly cures rheumatism,' gout,.
'and all uric. aoid dieorders. • •
• This Marvelleees 'cure has been given
to the public.as Dr. liamiltonts Man-
drake 'and.' .Butternot Pills .; in every
ease they cure sauieltlye • ,
.By toning tho.kidneys and. liver, Dr..
litimilton's Pills 'ensure a Olean,
healthy body. The Noodle restored to
a normal healdiy conditimu renewed
vigor is imparted -to overworked ore
gans, and thus the general •health is
built pp, andel() Toone is lett for then-
maersin to creep in: .
• Diseouregedetifferer, relief ie at
hand. -Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and
you will soon shake hands for•geod
with vour old enerny. Here is . sub-
stant al,proof
Cripples Story .of • Cure. ' •.
, ‘-this is a glad day for hie," writes
janieS.E' . Brownfield. 'from Midland,
Ont.,because I eau speak Of my per-
manent cure of 'rheumatism. I have
been all through the aching days and
sleepless eightse ave spent my money
on; worthlessre ' ies and consequent-
ly in recomin . ter Dr. Hamilton's
Pills I feel. sure Of theh meeit. No.
remedy gave sireh relief or. me. So
much gOod as 1)r.. Hamilton's
My.thetimatism theY :cered. and' ever
since my health has been perfect," •
\Slien Dr. Hamilton g pins areto
he had in any, dreg s• ore, its foolish
to' live (Min misery and ill -health.'
• Yoo ought to get this medicine to -day
and cure yourself. Price 21e per box,
or five boxes fer si at all dealers. Or
by mail frotneW C, Pols9n *1/4 Co.,
artford,'Corin„ IT., S. A , and Kings,
ton, Ont. •
THE wo.OT OF A COI.413. '
Is how suddenly it comps No time
to hurry to the &Lig store, %croup de-
velops, the lungs are affected with
pneumonia, or tu ereolosis and it's too
late. 'Keep attarrhozone on jaand, -
it-'-4k-ills colds i instantly. Something
magical about the way it kills Catarrh
and Bronchitis:. Cataerhitzone is the
best remedy because it cures in natures
Way ; it heals, .soothes, and restores
permanently. Carry.a, Catirrhoione
inhaler in your pocket, use it occasion-
ally apd youll never catch cold- thats.
worth remembering.
Temperance Notes
• Contributed.
leresident Roosevelt says' : "There
is not4t11ought, in a hogshead of beer.
Nothing of merit we saVer Written 31 n -
der the, inspiration of lager beer. It
stupefies, and its effect is to stagnate,
Beamsville, Grimsby, Orillia and
Aeton,councils will submit Local Op-
tion hy-laws. In Gananoque the coun-
cil threw out the • petition,-aiid the
temperance workers are pushing an-
other canvass for signatures, with the
intehtlen of making such an over-
whelmingdenland that the couneil
Will he compelled to rescind its action.
Aid- F. G. T. Whetter; of Toronto
Junetion, speaking of the effect of
Local Option on that town, said that
men who were opposed to the by-law
before its inception think it has done
good, and wotild vote for it again. The
amulets prospered , financially, and
whi e he does not attribute all the
growth and prosperity to the fact that
they have Local Option, he believes
any conurrintity is better without a
bar -room. In answer to questions he
said that no illieit dives had been pro-
duced by the passing of the by.law,
that the travelling public got good
and Satin innt accoram °dation , that. the
law was! no more difficult to enforce
than the License Acts that the num-
ber of clubs where liquor is served had
tint increased, and that farm trade had
not been diverted to other markets.
nem is an item that will ghie • our
readers idea of the formation of
Alberta constituencies. In the recent
'elections it Mr..lackson, brother-in-law
' of A. Pi, Beadwins of the Blyth Stan.
darcl, wes the Conservative eandidate.
, The constituency is 10 miles across and
150ides long. In all this territory
0 //' WV votes were polled. Mr. Sack.
son sceived 205, and his opponent re•
joieed itt having 375 Votes. In one
place riot a single voter appeared to,
poll his vote, so the deputy returning
offleer Voted (Or one candidate, and
the poll clerk for the ,other. The
counting of the ballots at this poll was
lan easy tttsk, and the officers itad
ail•tiay snap., ,
Tbe Mediaeval Kitchen*
It Was the middle ages before the
kitchen had been raised to the dignity'
pf an established apartment, Strange
doings went Oil in thifiee niediaeval,
kitthents. 'Butchers . slaughtered ant -
mats there, :which Were sleirtned and
dressed aS well as cooked in the latch"'
en. The family blacksmith kept his
fire there and repaired the plott's and
wheels pf the estate. Coal began tO be
used as a kitchen fuel 111 1245, thongh
__not generally for 200 years after... The
oven did not come into use nntil the
year 1400, and then it was; the -Old
fashioned brick oven, which persisted
for hundreds of ':years, The Stove,
when invented, took the; place of the
separate oven. and the fireplace, with
its spit, crane and hanging pets. ,
• The Common Soldier.. .
In the long run, if the men who dO
'the fighting do not like their part of
the bargain, they will find a way to
get it broken. Modern war is not
likely te afford much amusement to
the rank-and-flle, net., indeed, to the
jeniot °Mears. Trench -digging, hid-
ing from a shower Of bulietti Whidh
come from in unseen enemy, tying out
In the open tor days suffering from
*builds and fever because no one dare
go to you through the zone of flee,
alwaYs fighting in the dark, seldom
seeing the foe; these are not the cir-
cumstances of glorious' war.. The COM -
mon soldier Will tire of this very soon;
and When he is really tired and then le
given the ballot War governments will
hear from him -Montreal Stan
To Wasit"tt Counterpane.
Rub it well With soap and put It over-
night in a tub of lukewarm Water. The
nett morning Wash It out of the wale'
' it was soaked in,. Then wring out and
wash in some Olean StiapSnal, after
which wash it through 'a second littd0
warmer than the first Muse it twit*
through plenty of cold water. The last last
rinse water should have a littki blue
In ft. Wring the cotmterptine out, hang
It in the sun to dry wrong Side out
Take it in toward evening, and the net
day hang it with the right aide out.
It must on no aceount bS put away
With the lead dampness in it Bente*
tiMeS it takes 'three doe to dry pc,r•
teddy. in washing a counterpane WOO
Or *UM Itedst.
es '
Stillthe- catchers' game,'
Though we've all !grown up a hitt, •
Playing Just i'ne same', ,
Man with schemes for getting riele '
Talks to me a bit. •
.PrettY bond—he -gets my Cash,
• Smiling • says, "You're it." .1
RnY, menY; mini fno.' '
Still the game T plaY;
Meet ' a maelee, pretty sweet;
COtild love her,13 or a day.
cute an scheming,--
But ma is ...
- ' Doesn't let ' the, h urs flit •
. Till she lands eng geinent.
Daughter says, "You're it." •
Since I played the catcher game, -
Sweet are childish dreamsr.,_
. Now a little youngster
Hides and runs a bit,
- Falling, cries ."Oh, papa!"
. P p ! Yes I'm It "4
(holee Farni tor S.ale •
Sebsoriber offers for' Bale his eplendid
feral of 96 acree on the Bass Line, being
north part of lot 2 Maitland Block, Hullett
Good brick laeuse, barn and all 'necessary
Outbuildings; 35 sores bush; term well wa-
tered and in good condition. 2 miles from
Auburn. jOHN SPRUNG. Aeletan p,o
Choice Residence fin. Sale.
Subscriber offers foretalehis residence on
Ontario Ste as he is leaving town. It in
oneof,-the most 'modern. and up to -date
houses inetpAtie haying hot and cold water,
bath, eleotete, Iight, aid is most eligibly
situated in one of the,most, pleseant parts
of the town. Partionlers on application
_ W.. ORTDO$B. •
P1101.410, ETO.
, orANTON •
7----1100UT PIALi
aolvirimalcauts .0014MiSsioNERe.
Real Estate arel'Insurance Agent
Money to. loan
. For Rent ,or Sale •
Thet desirable, 'commodious residence,
• formerly ceempied by W. Q. Phillipe, on
Mary St.' Finit class state ot -repair; 1-2
acre garden, with fruit bearing trees and
bushee. Possession given Oce. let. If pur-
chased, buyer can have easy, terms of pay-
ment:. Can be inspected' any reaeonable
hour. Addrees JOHN R,A$SFORD,
' Clinton p.o
Farm for for Sale.
etts. BALA JOHN tittriCitrr
Drs. Gunn & Quinn,
Dr. W. Gunn, IL. IL (1 E. E. G. 8.,' Mu. -
Dr, .1. Nisbet ounn, M. It. C. 8. England,
L. G. P., Louden..
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Eight calls ate-
front door of office or residence, Rattenburv
' DR J. We. SHAW,
A 40cucheur etc,. calve and ; reeidenee Or.
nolo St., opposite English charclikformeril
puttied by Dr, Appleton, Clinton Ont.
• Physician, f3urgeon,. Mc;
speeial attention giVen to diseaseS of the
Eye, Bar, Throat and Nose. •
(Moe and Residence- ,
Albert Streeta Meeks North orltattenbary.
G. W. Manning Smith, t B., C.*
Passzoinx-et SURGEON,
OFF/UE-Main Stniet,'Baydeld, fornierlik-
'000npied by Dr. Palliator:
J. D. LUNDY, D.D.S.,
suceessor to Dr. Agnew,Mentlst.
Office open every dayand mail 10 o'cloo,--
Saturday evening.- •
. Evening appointments made. '
, . •
(Stutoesbor to Dr. T. C. Bruce
Specialist In Crown and Bridge Work .
L, D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sur . .
gems of Ontario, luronto • .
D.:D. S,-Fivib-elass Bono: gradnate of Dent •
• • tal Department of Toronto tniversitr
Special ,attention_paid to preservation of, '
. children s teeth, Will visit BaYfielr.l •
London Road tenths from Clinton, aboor
132 acres of dret-olase lane. Rich as a
garden, has been a stook farm tor a num-
, ber of genre. • Frame house, large .be.rna,
plenty of stabling, pig honer, for 100 head,
DO A ski impleineet building. Possession given at
faaeynntibizeeA0z.e.r_oeveierf..3:eartmorirmetisrTe tfEroLne.
Eny, meny, miny'rnial. • ,M 19 10J
. •: • .. •
..The fain, of 8.0 acres in the Ara coo.
•Farin for Sale. .
. •
Rullett, cocupiecl by subscriber is offered
for stile. All but four acres cleared, and
in good state of cidtivation".. 13 acres fall
wheat seeded down. Running spriog, all
fall Flowing done but n acres. New frame.
,house, small barn, Acre of bearing ;archaic],
2i miles from Clinton, Als6 team of pood
Working horses for sate._ ' • ; Lieensed Auctioneer.
Nov 17 05 • . CHAS. MASON, Hallett. , . •
— ,
Read the words of praise, lilt. MoInnis,
Marion Bridge, •N.S., her .for Doanta Kidney
Pills. (He writes us); • " For1,13e past three years
I have Suffered terrible agony from pain acmes
• an, kidnOrs, I was so bad I couldnot stoop
I • ; ' or bend. I .consMted &nd had eeveral doctorts
41. • . treat me, but.eouldget no -relief. .0n thoiadviett
'"`• .. of &friend, I precured a box of your valuable.,
.; We -giving remedy posses Sidney Pills), and to
ray enzprise and delight,' 'I ireinediately• got!
4.34. better. limy opim'' 'on DoateaKiclney.Pillahave
no equal for. any form of kidney trouble"e
Doan'.8 Eidney Pills are 50 centa per box or
three boxes for:91.25.',. Can be procured at all
dealers or will be Mailed. direct On receipt of
. ; . ' • • " :
ei-Pm 00.407".94to
• . DO ridt accept. a seT' deux *Inibstittito bnt heeureand •
. .
• •
Eny, rneny, rniny me!
• Long years. ago it seems
0 (e7::••
fm•(— ).`E'e
goes into every barrel of
Royal Household Flour
If Royal Household vFlour N!vere not as 1
good as Ogilvies say it is, who would be .
the greatest loser ?
You would try it once—if it were not
good you would be a "small loser, perhaps.
But Ogilvies would probably lose
your custom.
They would also lose the custom
of every other woman who tried it
and of thousands who had never
' tried it but had been told that it was not
as represented. ,
Therefore Ogilvies must make Royal
Household Flour the best flour because
they stake their reputation upon it, and if
and thousands of others found it was
not the best, Ogilvies virould ruin their
So Ogilvies make Royal Household
Flour the best flour, in their own protection.
. Incidefitally that is your strongest protection
—it guarantees you the best flour because tbe
brand carries with it Ogilvie's Reputation.
0 0
Ogilvies silty ask a trial—know-
ingt at it make a permanent
friend for Royal Household Flour.
:tte lee\
e •
c • 1.44,10.4
&awl oyer O'NEIL'S store, .
Special care taken to make dental (re ,
ment as painless as poseible. Will vi
elitibtfrfieeeeeelitonday.- •-• • - -
• No witnesses. required
. Money '
'Private funds to loan at 4N per cent and up -
awards W. BRYDONIC.
. • . • ---------------3
, .Farniin 'TuCkersniith :to.
. • .. Rent.. .
To rent for e term of years', Lot 14; Con-
cession two, L. R. -S. rcontidifing 10.0 acres;
• 80 scree of which are aleared and in a•good
state of cultivation. Thi e farm is mutated
1 1-2 miles' from Kippeit, 7 miles from Elea-
ferth, .atia 31-2 from Henatill. This farni
fenced, drained, and has first masa
buildings' thereon, and is one of the best
&ems in the County of Huron.' For tame
.des, apply to Doig & Doig, Attorneys, Sault
Ste Manie, Muchsgtn, 8-.11
Choite Finn for Sale
The hometitead of the late Pete e Cook
Goderich Townshi7 is cffered for sale
The property is bloated in one of the best
sections ot Goderith Totership, and with
the fine residence and surreundinge it could
easfiy. be made one of the finest 'arras in
the township. It containe 80 'acres, ...Lot
30, con. 10, all of which, except a small
oorner of wooded land, is under tillage.
There is po wade grOund and • the poll is
good throughout. The residence is a fine
commodious brick structure and its out-
ladildingif are in fair-oondition. -Terme
will be made to suit the purolitiser. • •
For partioulera apply to W. BRYDONE •
Splioitor for the Exeoutore.
Farnis tor. Sale
One 99te sore farm in the Town'eliip of Cole.
borne. 7 miles. from 13 oder loh and 9 mileelfrom
Clinton, 1 mile from Village of Benmiletlelose
to Post Office; daily mail; churches 1511dst:1201s,
There is II good, large bank barn. baggy house;
implement house, pig pen and hen house; a
good large !mine dWelling, with ten rooms; 2
good wells, fences it* good state of repair.
there are about II aortas of pear orchard and 28
acres of apple orchard, fall and winter fruit,
about 0 acres of bush. This is a iiratoolass•fruit
and. stock farin, fall plowing nearly. all don
atid five acres of wheat; balf ef farm is seeded
down. Po9seseion can be bad any tilned
Also a farm of 160 acres, adjoining the above
farm ; a large., good stone house, frame barn,.
horse stable, large sheep and cattle shed, end a
large spring near thahoutiet with milk house
thereon ;wing runs through farm to Maitland
River. severe acres of buah; farm over half
seeded down and in good state of eilltivation,
with some 7 aoree of. good orehezd thereon.
This farm is known as Cherrydale Farm, and
has 18 acres of fall wheat, Apply to,
MRS. MARY WHITE. Benmiller, Ont.
Depends +men what goes into the Oven,
regardless of tout stove or your yeaet, emir
skilleor your receipt,. the bread Will not be
right *Weer the quality is iti the flour -and
this in We Shine,
has the top notch quality that alwaya produce*"
thebest bread, and 18 especially adapted for
beet family rnd bakers' use, gttaranteed tO
be unsitrpasied for.bread.
Will you. not *nit an end te your bread
troubles, by orderitte yottr next attek from us
(Meet, and we will delver it promptly. Chqe-
pod feed for pigs or cattle -good heave feed -
at 510.00 per -ton . All kinds of teea for stile ale°
. T. IL SQUIRE, Proprietor
.000ehero, %VC
The undersigned ?Joliette a share Of the
patronage of Mame: wishing to bold sales,
Satisfaction guaranteed Moderate
pply to or address ,JAS. A 'SMITH
38, con 16, Goderich tp.; Clinton P. o;• !N•
- . . .
%Livelstook and general Auctioneer,
• "-000ER101-11.. ONT,
Farm stook sales a specialty. Orders left at+.
ent EISA office, Clinton, promptly attended!
to. Terms tersonable, Fatmers' sale notes- •
.,iscovinted, • • • •
J. IL Rumball, Clintow.
j. P.
. BANKER,. "
erivite funds to loan on mortgagee
best current
• ,
;*eneral Banking, bareness trio:larded.
7ntereet allowed, on deposits. *
gale notes bought ' ' '
O. D.:MeTaggart M, D. MoTaggarV '
Mellaggart Bro.iht
General Banking Busineap..,
. transacted
Drefte issued. Interest allowetl on
deposits. ,
Connty Manager,
°beton, Ontario,. .
At Home Pridays, ' pd 4i
Miss Sybil R. tourtice")
A. L C. M. '
kVirinner of Bext,on Gold Medal and
Heintztnan Scholarship 1004 ,
Teacher of Piano and Theory.
Por terms apply at residence eor,
Joseph and Fulton streeth. '
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance co.
Perin arid Isolated Town Prop.
arty Only Insured.
,r. B. McLean, President, Kippen; Thos
Eraser, Vice-pres., Brucefield; Thos, E
Hays, 'Seq. Treas., SeeforthZ
Sas. Connelly, Porter's Hill; John
Watts Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M.
Chesney, Seaftuth; j. EVtineo Beech.
womii j. G. Grieve, Winthrop, I. Bei.
neweis, Brodhagen.
Each Director is inspector of losses itt
his own locality. "
Itobt. Smith, Ilarlock;
Setfotth; jamas Cumming, Itgrnonfl-
villo/. W. Yen. Itobtetvilia.
. ,