HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-08, Page 1.-•
Irr The Clinton New Era an
Nrontreal aerald, reati im a roved, will be iven to new subscribers to an. 1 1 7, for $1. Re War subscribers can have the two pa at the same rice onear in adv
cash -will get the
New Era to Jan
1907, to new sub-
scribers, together
with Montreal klerald
xoBERT 141.1nePub
cash will pay for
The Clinton New.
Era to Jan 1,1907-
. to new subscribers
and Montreal weekly Herald
S11 tineyear iEat. veva
• t anbU Wien not ie p do,
44' .
----• - -
• . NOTICE. .
. .
Miss Deaths Brogcleti spent Sunday
in Myth
G• Nichols.. d 1 f' -I I . T .
• •, move- -Os -alm-Y P -01'
,., .
onto this. wee.k. .. . , ,
.1111". Jennie 33r1.100 la vlaIPPO bar
sister in Exeter:
idiss Rechel Young . spent Sunday
wtetti freeutie in Blythe .
squire shipped 4. °mimed at.
.ebopeed meal this week; . .
Miss E. Carter spent Sunday. with.
• •
friends, at Holiriesydle. • sk .
E ijah Walker vvits. taken to tlie
itloase. of Refuge yesterde,y.
• Miss 0, E. Huston spout last Sanday
with her aunt in Godetice. .
• Miss M. Orateforcl is visiting hex,
Muth/ MrS''"81. LangleY,. at -Niagara.'
T '
he windstorm of last Tuesday el
clowa the .erooke•stack.of T. It Squire's
sitee, mile •
' Council xneets as per statute on Dec.
15th at 10 o'clock
. , .
Ibis said that a, popular young lady
of the 10th • will shortly join intelevets
withal); equally popular yeung fanner
a i"julletit'. •
Mr, McMorris, of Montana, ie on an
extended yisit to this locality, and is.
making his abod. c with. his untie Mr,
Geergeleutnett. Heintends to remain
a year in Commie, ' .
• Mr, Robt Johnston,• of . St, Thomes,
natuager for the McLaren Iniperial
Cheese, Compauy, Toronto, has been
open ingafew is a a i me o .
d' ' cl . t the 1.0 f
a F. Leonard, 12th con. . ,.
re. john Marquis: of the Huron
road (Taylor's Comer), arrivee . bonie
from .Moose Jew afteaa visit 'of three
months with 1.1"er sister. ' She
.a • . Goods
Our Christmas goods. have
arrived, . and comprise all the
latest nnvelti ep ueually found in
a erst.class drug, store, a tuttlia.i
list. of Which.appears: on 'another
ba e of this igsue.
.- g -
e • •
.t2ell ana see our essortmeut .
as it *Wilt . be sure to intercst .
n • • .
Saving is a
As. We have a large athount of extra
advertising this week, oue readere win
And the "nialee-up" of the papee great-
ly changed, the 18cal news being on
the first page, insteadof. the eighth.
ing school trustees retire at the end of
the ye.ar., bey_expeix:y„ of then term,. and
are €111031 ,Tr r eiectian, except such
as are awaY.,... Igessra...4.•• T..urner, l'•••
.....11eaccen, tt, . A./owns .ana ore Agnew. .
01*- "
* :E., o c a
*44 ,_+. . 4.4.4
X f. ifee.
. vi.rt
1 ise-
N otes 44*
... _ . .. .
_ , _ _ _ .4. 4..„_
. . TA..
One of the ;meet profitable •
I: you can form. Start
.now. .
Deposits of $1.00 and .„,
• Upwards Received.
.. _
Locai Notices .
. .
POUT/TRY' 'KANN:1X- Dromed,. dry
pickra poultry lounged, and oleo (OM applee,
fliyheet colt, rice poke.. •
. 0-4Arl'iilLPY .13 ROS, Oliutun,
ma °vises, sereeee Nee, Far -and Nose,
treats tlaease. ot mese °refire end fits Oaistoi
properly win re • at w. -s a Rotenee watt
store FAID4Y, Ose. 14tit flours "ic a' in., to 4..
:13 CaBAS" FOR. &P.1. - 4 of
roskrii, Mrs. Alf. Goodwin, who
has been at the point of death ter sere
eral weeks, was released from suffering
ettrly eVednesday .ntorning: An (Mit-
nary will be given next week.. The
boreayed friends 'have the deep spire
patty of all: , .
.. IdARRMD AT ;OR. E_DITON -... On
Wednesday last, Mae Mae Andrew's,
fl.,,tra deu ghter of Rev. J. W. Andrews
of 'Creditone formerly. of Varna, was
' tuarried to Mr, Wesley Boyce; a Mit-
farmer of that ne_igh:
Ur. Cook, a -well known musician a
.town, took pert in a Presbyterin church,
eutertainoseet at Dungannon • . last
night, • . . .
Word was received here yestertley
of tbe death of Dr, Thomas Graut, m
, . .
Nehraska) brother of 'Mrs, John Hun-
Or- •
Mr, ja,roes Finch, well known as an
experienced hand. has taken A position
la the new.butcher shop of Ma J. W.
Torrance. .• . ' . , • •
Sovereign Bank
.94 quan,ity'
' deice/nabs oft .crinul kiwis Will be 8014 at
kW price heavier to c ear illeru , out. • 4
OITNYINGH.4.M.8, Clinton.
chell, a popular
borhood, formerly -of „Varna: Miss
Enditit Rethwell, of town, cousin . of
the groom, Was one of the guests',
RE-ENGA.GED.-Bliss A. IVIcEWati,
. MeThotnas McKenzie, .jr„. has imr-
chased a handsonse Mason &.• Basch
. .
tc/a Lana from Mr. Will McLeod; the well
. nown bancleteader. .. .
rearvey Longman has purchased
from Mrs. A4 Woodman the house at
present oecuplecl by Mrs. T. Eoberton•
T. H. . Cole. has purchased a new
straw -cutting machine Made at •St.
George, end Is busily employed among
the farrnersarottad the villeg.e. ' •
. John Bedford and Miss Evit'Shoh-
brooke returned from the Vest last .
Monday, and if ell stories be trio they •
glowing accounts of the country, .
• • -
.Anniversary services in. connection
With Cole's church will he held next
Sabbath,. when.. iter. \V. H. Graham,
a Godericb will preach in the after-
. . .. .. -
noon at 2.pQ pen., and also in the even-
in at 7 o clock. A liberal thank -offer-
. g . i • . .CLINTON
mug is muted, or, . . . .
Teeetiene-sThe trustees S. $,„ No.
. .
- DRUG...STORE,• -
- • -• ,
. . . •
mi. ,r, Peel. ZeT0350
Clinton - Manager
• ' • -
• gOiltn• aqua:.
• . - ' '
GOOD CATTLE,-eOn Monday • Me•
S. H. Smith shipped' 51 head of about
fine ever left here.
daughter of the iate Finlay Mawan, ,
. who wee engaged - to till out the mum-
plied term of eie. Mnrch., at the school
neartheeemetery,his been re-engaged
for next year at le salary • of $350.
Miss Carrie Elia, of Mr.
E. Butt, base line, is laid up with in-
'fianinietion of the bowels, at the home
ise her aunt,- Mrs. Clark. . .
,.. Mr, John Avery's big auction sale
takes place on W ednesday next, • Dec,
• - __faele...antletheie.
as export cattle as
Forty two of them were from his own
average • weight was
1503 lbs, *bleb IS 'elk-60011E411y- gee&"
3780 lbs. Theyfilled three cars. .. , . •
this is a good ealaryethe Trus-
tees feel that they are full yustifie.cein
paying it, because ..eliss Mchwan has
'gtvetegnetrexcellentsatisfaedon. ......._ ..
RUNAWAY.* Monday:. morning
while Day.e C.00le was driving .aeong
Victoria, Sheet, the tugs,
13th, Mr. IL Livermore will move to
the fern about the Ilith.• • • - .
. Weeetgete to say that W. Glenn
we Ite with pneumonia, took a relapse
last wee ., an . is sti con ne.
will take one more trip over the roe.
e0. Goderich township,
• The the Il
recently en.
• of
annuid in of
' heitirehliftlee• termer -Canada Bible .Six...
clay was Yield in the Methodist ebureh
on 'Tuesday eyetiing. Addresses were ,
given by the resident pastore, .and the
usual coltectioes and sabscriptions, re-
ceiyeae . ..• . . • . . . .
•As the nominations draw nearer the'.
•• • • • ' • . • i . , '
interest in inummpai tnatters seems to
inceeite,e Smile of the present Coen-.
ciders hit'Ve be.en asked lip .bacontie ean•
didates. 'for the ' reeveship, arid two
. .
other:prominent hien of tb.e township
.,Mentio .ned „ , .. . . .„.
area, , T• fet' T, -A • special meeting wee.
..heicten Monday night .to consider the k
invitation from the Auburn brethren,.
which was 'unanimously accepted,
The election, of officers wai alse: field,
• with the following : S.0.., A. F.
Johns.; ;Veg.,. 'Mies. L.:Adams ; . P..0i,
Dr.. MacCallum e. .R. See:. Mies . ,
Brogden ; F. See., Miss" K. Stevens ;
geged Spark& of the Bronson
lineStanley, as teacher .f.0 next „year, .
ate salary' of $300 per year, • . A 'few
days'•h • t.
after her engagemen she was
taken ill, and On . the doctor's . 'advice
. we's eopapelled to cancel. her engage-,
ment. • • •
. • - • ' • — • - .
.• ' -
Miknerno,-Mr. Robert' Colelough,
te M W C h .•
• e,only son of r„ 0. . olcloug ., of
91e leith.,cop„ was Mayeied Oh Wednes-
I:1 ay in Sbaforth to Elisabeth J teburch,
ill •the only daughter of Mr. Thomas
Oa e
nnrchill, the.10th '
con„ formerly.
reeve of Cioderich township. They are
living in a. houte• ow the.12th coheuntil
spring. Then they are going to •move
on her farm and build a new honSe.• •
'' Winritnee-eA tt . lidd- took
. . pre y w mg•
place on.Wednesday at the.home of Mr
.and Mrs: HitetElicks, con 11 whentheir:
only daughtem ••Arnende ,B . *as
united:in the holy bonds of wedlock to
- . 0 U R .
eerf '
. 8- . -* • •
wATC11 pecials
' • ....' • . • .
• •
ILadies' . Gold -Filled Watch
. . . '.
,. • $10.00 ., ..,
•Getalerrian's Watch: • .
.. . ...
• - $8,00 .
• I .... . . ,
n buymg.a Watch you,. want. te,
feel that it is right; that you are
tt' " • 's worth. Our.
e . ing your money,.
atchea ate right and we. goaran-
tee then? to give you . perfect satis-
facets Coe tied see • them The
. • I. a' • ief . 1 . .
•pruies spett, for,themse yes. : ..
. Pairs of . .
.. - • -
To be given to the three per-
sons guessing. nearest the cor-
rect number of beans contain-
. - • -
ed m quart gem in my window
You have a guess with every dollar's
worth of goods you buy. and I guar-
atitee to
Sell GROCERIES as cheap
as • the cheapest in town, ahd
SHOES and Rubbers cheaper
•• . •
You therefore do. .not pity ' one cent '
for your guessed. Beans to be counted
by the Mayor, Jan. 5th, 1900.,
•• R. Graham% olu. stand.
of Mr, Arther Hale, for years. a. reside
ent of Clinton, . died at Stratford last
week. The family moved • from Olin.
ton . to Seaforth where • they :resided
atri,gmt.iplc, and t ter Mo '. d to
To tddte telerdisjeSs . of
the situation, Mr, Hale is. -laid ue with
., .
a broken leg. . .. • .. . . .
. • .. - -.
ORGAN FACTORY. -A. short* tirne
ago the employees of 'Machinery Hall;
at the Organ Factory, Were put. on
night work; in order to catch Up with
the orders •for the aver popular
Doherty Organ. Commencing. with
Monday !tight ' bat, the entire staff,
were put on. overtime; and are all as
busy as possible They are • trying to
turn out one hundred. completed
organ k • ' - • . - '
, s a wee ..
. .
•Aanigvous.. ASSA.1714T.-A most
unwarranted assault occuree•don•Mon•-
day. Morning,. as Mr: John Powell was
on his way, -to work:a-Rocv.Vas•LoresOin•
from the Post . Office • when,: he met A
youth named O'Donnell, who without
e . -
a ward,..truak him a blow in the face;
breaking his hose .seidotherwiseinjute
ing.hitne Should' erysipelas bet huh
may be a 'serious affair, Inforniatidn
- ' • .
was laid egaiest. O'Donnell for assault,
it, limed hlin
?meet came
unhooked, allowing the pleighto swing,
around ;Against the legs,. Cans-
•ing it to run away. 'Dave, . not being •
ab to controlthe horse rolled off in-
e. . e ,
to the . snow; - and. shortly. after the
sleigh.struek a, poet le front of •• Fitz-
simen's shop. permitting, the . horse to
gee free and it went home . .. . . .
.- • • .. • • --• :
.• A LOTor WALK.---Sonie idea. ofiso
the improvement made ta' the town by
the construction of gratiolithio walks
this. year, May be gathered from. the
fart that 38,530 square feet Were laid-
in Various parts of the town, at a total'.
cost of $38M03, this. being at the
orl0c per ece fOot. ..Under the Lecel.
Impeovement . planthe payment for
this work . is • speead over a. period of
twenty years, debentures bell) ' seed
g. IS • •
.thore.for, end the 'annual cost per year
for tins period is '$289.23,, winch in
eilud.eselie inteeest on the whole. •• ' ' •
: '', . ' , _,:„ .. . . i. _
. FOOD INSPECTIO.N'.*Mr.• •,Kidd,
of*Seafortheltispector of---food-eundere.
the ' Dominien .Government, wee in.
• Mond . see rin aro les of
town en . a.y, u . . g s . p ... ,
(merles,' for government • analysts.
. ?i. 9.121ti,,e.ptibIlished.T.ePc4_,sucil
%. 11 idAl... Res.°1111' 1:1.%)111"19e11'. • 8.
r esults of some tests made •oe • vme
... - : . i;at'
and. map le sugar -Mr J • W Irwin's
. Among these who 'took part in the
anniversary services of Varna Meths-
dist Church, on Monday evening, were
• Misses M. S. Washington and Carrie:
- • 7 . ' . .. • . . • .
Shipley, . e . •
M . Themes E„,- McKeeeect, jr„ ie
nowrsee. ttled in heresorne at 101, Princes;
street. and reeeived 'on Deceneber 5th
and .6th.„ and , will afterwaeds . every,
Wednesday. . • . • nd.. , . . : ... •
'.The Clinton fries:of Mr, atid .
W. B. Hale,will eyeapethize with them
in the loss of theieltwornerith's 'old boy.
whieh occureedat the pity.- of Mexico,
on Nov. 22nd, .. ; • ' • •'. ._ '.
: Some of the ;friends ...of , Concliietor
Quirk ' f .Lo 'do . nted him with
, 0 . n n„ prese
handsome feembrelht on Saturday, It
is said there are a • number of condiic-
• -• -. • .• ' -- - -
tore artioctus• to be .his .suceessore .
• , . • . • • • . . .. • • • . . ...„ . , . . .
. Rev Mr 'New.combe; ',who sante Utile
• agceseld hes reeidenea,• has • milyed ;to
h kerne of his sondrelevir Pr Evans
,t e,- . . . • . . , ,.. • _ o
• Oaten° St and Miss Carol leewconabe
will haeleherettePectetteevetee, elle_ yenta.
tee. . , . . - . .. . . . .. • . .
• • ' •• • H : ' '
• At. e meeting, of the ()use of Refuge
CoMmittee 'on, Friday l•ist 'ee 'contract
for suPplyilin'-groceriSs'to!. 'the 'House.
was reawerdba to •Mr. • J. W.. Irwin.
The.. contraet. for • breed went to Mr.
.. •
- chaplain; Chae, Steiratit ; Trettee W.
„ , .
Stevens; • Herald,... Rebt. Snell; • Sen..
. W. Jamieson.; ..: Guard; W. • Vodden ;
organiet..Miss.L. Snell,.. The.approach-
•1 • .•*..' • ••• .we so • • ss.
ng municipalcontest as al discuss
ed, and. a courge. of- Action decided on.
HarrY.W. Grabens, Son. of Jas. Grail -
, b t'f I' • d ' • • .
am, the ea,u t u an impressive cere-
tncony 0f.the.ohninh, a England b6ing
iseaforme'd by Rev. Mr -Rhodes.' .The.
bride entered the•• paribr leanin •
•father's • • • .-
her .arm, .looking.. her own.
• dressed in white sillepope
n .....:
Optician.. '
• -
_ . _ .... ,z., , • .. • . , ,. .
• - --RolaneavIllte
in trimmed with allover lace and. ties,:
. -
---..-- -
. .
' ' .•
' • • . -- • -
coedioneplaitedeerille-ofechiffiele and
• ' ' - '-- •
Miss Car er, Londesboro, is a 'visitor
at Joe: Prector's for a fete &les ..
' . • • . . •
H. Elford making hopee foe the •
winter in Goderiche woz•king in tine of
th e e . - ' ." • . • ' • .• • - • • .1 .•
. e. ae meet& •A • • - .. •
• inee Ingo e o mess e attic .
A . te f th H 1. • '11 B • ' li
' .8.- • . y - • •..' '
Eitble octet was. held, in elle tffetho-
dist • churen Monday. • evetli3Ogi $olse.
office es were elected' and nollopttive.ap.
.t I . i. • •
'pointed.' -A very. eix In &est 0 meeting.
.was held ; Rev: Messrs. , Swann "and
• ' • ' . • ' ' • . •
earned a . hea.utifully • bound • piayeree
. . .. e vve i ing mate wits p a e •
b k . Th '' d l• • h .' ' '1 d:
by Miss.Nellie. Mak& -The cerensivinyi .
and: congtatula.tions over,. aill repaired
to the dining'. ramie . where -a veriv
• -
deinty. weddin re list, a 8 . ea
• . . . g . . p ... te s pr d.
. email bad done us tice to the deli-
Wit, . . . . 3 .• . .
eacies; the banpy : couph left on the'
, 4.29.teeht foe 'port Ripen; Detroitand .
-0 r phcu. • s th 'I -
ther.p a ., The bride wa. e rec p
'tent of many: eoetly. and '-leariesome.
,ftAL,• lik,ftHiLik;,%„. - ' • sAi gip
- - ''' ' ''' '' . ' ' ' . ' ' - Mit
111811,111 . . - - .•-tilltillENCt fe
.. O.' Oh ' t ' :stock ; . - I r
.. • : Our ris toes is hear y ..
• all. hide. Ww.have. tried ' tie get ,
., something • foe. everybody : and
• • • • ' •
• have already . put. some Articles
awa f - T d to.b '. Il d
y or oar rien s„ e ca e .
for later,: we'will be pleased, to
do the same .for you, '' . •
.. , . . . • •
, Read..
About i t
-- 0
Again.... •
We are still: selling
. .
We are still selling 100 of Red- ,
paths granulated auger for $4.75.
20 . lbs. Redpath's - granulated .
' Sugar 4' • 1.00
4 ibs best selected Raising • 25c.
17 lbs " 6 i i 4 Lee.
• ,
113s best cleaned Currants ...: 25e •
.'7 lbs " ft tt si• • • • • 1.04
,New PEELS (Crosse & BiackweIrs)
Lemon, Orange and Citron
I NUTS - Filberts, Almonds, Wale
nuts Shelled Almonds and. Shell:.
led Walnuts.
New Pigs, per lb ... sass ... : . . Ere
-Buy your fruits early - as
Christmas is drawing near.
$12 DinnerSets for $10
$ 4 Toilet Sets fer $3.50
abd summons to to appear
before the Mayor at 100 clock Tuesday,
but in.the meantime hp left town.. •
. . . .
. INSTITUTE NECMEErtscls: - Ririne
er's. Institute meeting are. this week
being held in West -Huron... cotrimene-
ing with St. Helens, .on Monday after-
. ,
neon and - evening, Winghame. 'oh
- a' dii,i' LOndeelsoro Wednesday ;
Tu s ; - . . • • . ;
Holniesvillee Thursday, ; teerlow, - Fri.-
day. • The advertised.. speakers " are
Messrs •Te McMillan, ,I:luile4 ; j.. W.
• Clark, Caioeville ; 'a I.Morrts,•1t. .M7
Young and N. geroighate Colborne ;
W. Eallieand• 1. A..... Mallough, West
WitwanoslesResatiedietnneeetederieh '
row h' • , .1 Johnston,.Carl w • J E••
ns m , . o • , . . .
p d • .- • - '
..en an Mrs..0..campbell, Go,derich
.DIED. IN OTTAWA. -The follove-
ing, from the Ottawa 'Journal,. iefera
to a lady well known here, being.a.
f:' - ,. ..
daughter ci JohnMawen, of H. is
and a former student. at the Clinton
Collegiate Tier nianY. friends • here
will regret ,to. know. of her death :-
"Sara,h Adeline MeEwen, wife of Mr...
. . .
A. G., Rose .. 90 .Fourthavenue, died at-
'her home on 'Tuesday, Noy: 2S, , after a
short illness de eight days; due to
p -pneumonia. Her mother and
sister were • both Withher all through
her illneas. . Mrs. Rose. is survived . y.
.her husband and :one • child, Hugh, a
boy. of six years. •The funeral was
held on Friday. afternoon from her
late home. to Beechwood cemetery:"
. . . .
• A COUNTER CLAIM, -Last • April.
some 33 farmers in Efullett, . were sum-
allotted to attend Division Court bete
for notpeying the assegsmentinade on.
• ,- - , • . .
nude is the .oulp.One.,44. •the Clinton •
ekes a earin in the list and. ne.
PO PP. . g .. . * • •
aciubt • what - is . said concerm ng . the.
, sainples.sectirect at. his eteie, Will apply
. also to others Beth vinegar. and.
'osittile.sugae are repotted. its . pure Fuld%
unadulterated; . The report states that
in , inane, nares of the prowl -ice the
' .* . G - •
been a a terit e .--e...
latter hasgreatly- d i t d
. • :. • .. , , , • .. . , ... . '
• SCHOOL.. -NOTES.-The examine;
tem of the 'Modelites will .00mineffc:p .
enTuesday, 12th inst., and . will 'can-.
'anti • until the ..-18th; ....The, School.
close fortee„‘liseistnlas : holidays:On-
Friday, Dec • 22nd, ...1n addition to
already'mentioned, _ follow .
those ' the t
tog modelites have secured schools es-
Mr. Penfoufid, at •Newae, . at 1400 i'
Miss Cornish (daeghter of Mr James
Cornish, Hullett) No. 1 flullett, 4315;
Mies je Ire . (de 1 hter a m ••.Glles
.. n 1.1113,,. 1. g , e. .
Jenkins, East •Wawitnosh,)•Unien No..
ld 'East Wavvanosb,- On the...
• . - t ..t* • of Misses Slater and S WU-.
0 or Meier n'• nab th 111 a .
e o e-.
airt'.• vv- - - 1. tlleura•• '61.‘' . • •• • •
Ides to the nuniber. cif. over 30,• lied a
sleigh ride to Elyth on Monditer .evere
ine., where they. were ' entertained -at
the home .of Miss $tevirart. They hail
a right royal • time, and got' bitek. in
time for their ialeol duties. ' '
LOC 14 'BRIEFS Th ' • th I.
A .. . . • - 1 ..t Own - ' °
DeeeMber •• cattle..in • st uung... .some
very neat stere . window • dressing, is. be-.
ing• dorm by. a number of our business
. men. , „Ail taxes not paid by. the:
close of D
De. Will have .5% added.
Don't forget this., • . The . weather has
been very changeable 'during the past
B taitr • . . ..
dr . . • . . , . .. • . . .
,, • •
M ' Ail • F 't ' h e •• ted •Ii's
r... .am os er . a rt•li . . 1
houseon High. St:, to Mrs:. Yeomans.,
• Of Winghern, and will Move to. Gocler-
ich, where lie is 'empleyed, ;-' he his
1?een a good 'citizen and . we.. hete . to
'lose him: ••• . e. • • ' ... . . .
- • . le tte d :g
' Ed.. Centelon is thIs wee, a sn •eit,
the th • a
e tee. -aye'. gun . tournament .itt
St, Thomas; In tbe•firiit day's contest
'he .and two othee's •killed the second
highest nnmber of Weds, °air. getting
29 out Ala possible 42. . • ,, . . - .- • : .'.
. 'es
...,ere.Bean, , see of Mr. 3-Ohn.' Bean,:
Who bee -been folloWing his ttaae as a
' ' ' t t New •-• e horn..a
ppm er a.York, eallb.
few days since and underwent- an
operation in thefloepital e he- is doing
' '
as Well as can be expected. •. . ..
. , . . . . . . • • .. • • .. • .....
A diseherged member of the ..Sarnia,
. .
Fire.Beigade has ceinfessed to a num-•
. . , ..
bee. of incenchartes , that have taken •
place there Among the .• buildings '
° .6
. ortied was a livery • stable.oWned y
Mr M. Stattleyeformerly.of . the Rat-
• ...... . , .. • . . .
tenbirry 'louse.. : • .• . • . • • •
•. . . • .. • - , ..,, • • • , •
Miss Teem Sprungwho hasneen en
• ' ; .
the.staff of the Clinton • 'Model . School
during the 'present Model term, had.
been engaged for.tfarkdale School for.
next year. 111tes.Speung is,a most effte
' merit teacher in addition ..to being a
chartningyoneig lady,. and, suceess un-
,det• het administretiop. is assured.. , , '. •
SUDDEN DEATH. -The tv_ ife of the
late Themes Dowsota expired inn deb-
tist's chair atSeeforth oednesday.
Ascompanied by her medical adviser,
she had. gone to have teeth extracted.
After in anaesthetic ' had been
Rhodes gave good addresses. - . . •
' P E n ' . 0 . The • -
. • gime .• xeett .s.Trox.-.• a Irs-
day, Dec. ..21st, • . e
a. P14410 6.1lcarar nation
will he held in the 'school of Se'S No...
3,' eonimetiefogat.1 o'clock. . Frome..to-
'4 0",clock the pupils is be examined
by visiting" teachers; At :•4 o'clock
luneirand'eoffee will be s.erved, and at
15 ovelociethe entertaininent will begin..
•The prograin will coesist of addeesses •
t t. ' . . ' ' dialogues,• ' ' ' '
.reta a ions,. songs, . guar.
presents, tbeegroun s gift • eeing_. a
'eautdul . sunburst .of pearl& • .. The
b *ci e ' I • '
, ri e is a.. very pepu ar. yodng lady,
andthe 'dgroone is an industieo • d
• • ' • • 1 us an.,
welleike young farniFr, a.y.al the wish
of them many tie
lends is.thi" 0" Ma,Y4.
eleloY a.Ytull .n.leasorp of .appineee.ati
turiethe will
.P.resPer1 Y.:, On then.ra.. . . Y
elf•I'''', eyPh y**.ew.erestcienceem , e corn-
. orea e onae the groom `eel prep ire
for. the reception of bride. •
.. . . . .
• .
A enema Lady's experione.
• : . - • . . •
Tueedamernitif a. a y ,resi- .
• : . , • 1 'd ' • • . '
dent of Clinton csal ed on .us for
her -second • sapply• of .. purity
Baking powder.. She skid she
: had • never used - line.. BETTER, e
' and' having used' Baking •Povid-
, - -• - . - - . - • „
.erti. 40 .years,. she *should. know
good:home' no. good.' .
tetees„ancl-musim .fueniehecle by an or,'
. • . . . _, .•
'''BaYfield. • '
.ehestra Coma with rux basket and
.. • • • • • e •
• have an enjoyable...an peofitable tune..
Everybodyiteme. '.. • • • ••• . • •
. .. • •,.... ' . • • • . ... •
itzeonT. : „following 1$ a report
f theI. i pile' of S....S.. No.. 3. for .the
(1 . 1-1 N b• . . 6 it '
month of °vein ea ,ase . on. punc-
tualiey, good deportmeete and generel
profieieney • V-elloesie Holland Os-
, . .• • • . o .
car Tehbutt, Frances •RliodPs, Meyetta
' • ' ..
P§Trrioisi.-A Year stroog :petition'
was signed by :the fee
. • , 4 . ..
the poureose of granting the.PostOffice•
to Miss Mitegerette Gairdnete sister' ot
th. lete Mar Gairdlie h " tl •
_ e , . , , y _ . _ r, •w o rgen y..
. held tee seneensce..fer a term of yeare.
Miss4einrdner who is Conservative is
.. . • , . . . .
very. popular and received the strong-
• • , ,
W . S It .110LMES
$ . • 4' e . • - ...
• ' :, Plane: • B.. ,
Post Office DrUg• St re :
.. • .. . • - : m
. ,.
lailee64446011/4, •
- - • .11******‘11111 -
- ee.,;•,e_eeeeee_____,_e__
, .;.
mac Iittio .ete. 11 -Pc Huller
.011fford McCaetney, MyrtieTreWartha4
estsuppert of the Liberal partwho
Slleeeeisful in the
- . . • . • •••
John:Sturdy,', Clarence, Potter, MYretle
Connell, Edith 'Layis, ' Cearice Badour„
.W.4e returning . .Post• .
Offiee• to . the said . MiSs.M
Gaiidner . The. eitizenteegiee the
•Wilbert Haletead. ; 'Jr. IV -Emmeline
Holland ; Srellie-Retta•Ross, Frank
.. Willianige 'Alex. Ross ,•• Jr.III-Lorne
. Jervis, °beetle Laviii, LI -. . ' C t 1
. omer an e on,
Lizzie Eadour; -Albert Proctor, 'Petty
..Munninfol...Sr. II-Loree McCartney,
Jessie Rogge Lula Willsoil„ Ella Col-
dough. Norman elollsnde Harold Cal-
fact that -this are is very, ineOtesistent
with characteriaticsof theCongervative
putywhen.it can be learned that. Mt:
et .
J s • Thompion as Division Court ("leek
. . .
and Mm-. .1.3a
as •Bailiffhave
received their dismiseal. and . • their
places being tilled. by Conservatives.-
Com. . . ,..
00 - • map
. ,
. $ •
hick, Ernest litilter; Stirling Dempsey, ,
Versa, Rhodes; Jr: - Il -Annie Ross,
Ernest MoCattney. , Joseph ' Palmer,
Delbert Hullereliottie Levis.; .Sr. Part
T:.---Olifford.-ifollaial;.- -Carl-14aq', 'attn.
MITI Connelly Frank ; Jenkins, Elea
Proctor, Harold a- ge, . - ,fiarit,yilif..., IIVII woAni oroll,A
Teacher. ' . '
' , .
• Ben/011ft • .
.. Norman Snider returned . fromthe
West on Tbursdity last.: .a. • • ' • . . •
.-- Amos and wife- visiteitfrlende
in Clinton on Sunday last: • . •
home Shere, i aid: returnedello,apaoratrinO tor ihcill '
having closed, for the stetson. ' ' •
ereo at's..
" .
„.W I. . . ' . • eit. ' •
e- aa - Dy_s
-._ . ,„ . ... - '--,
°Ivercoats.:tOr. this°:, tin -.1.0. Of
the year.. . 'Wel have solo
. .
- , , _
„ them in connection' With the unfortun-
week or so, some giving a half
dozen varieties.... , .Rabbit. hunting: is
isteted and some teeth .drawn, she
. •
'Phone 48.
ate Cold. Storage and Pork Peeking-
scheme Mr. Best, representing thane
raised the . Objection that they could ,
ttrike*SallSedatiggrCourttehere, eta° tiv;
• suite, which should have geen entered
. at Blyth. Judge Halt . held that the
objection was a good one, and the trial
was not then proceeded with The
siderable success tee sportsmen but
had luck to the. huners....,Read the
:t.i,ntioixneepepts.-of . Ile, "husianeee. and
prove their correctne s by , c !ling 0
them and putting thein teethe test: ...
While it is very annoYIng to users of-
the electric 'light when it .euddenly
falledetarally,.......altheugh resteratives•
Were applied, and -Sirvieeg. WV
oilier doctors call . 0 • ' nd, she:expired,
: .
her•enepitfteorf a(lileattta‘.scopuittitt cbtlidrig e sad
and dietressing, her husband having
died Only. afeW, „months ago. ' Tble 14
the fourth death that has occurred in ,
the•family Coneperative-
.. ' eonitisite . .
,Rev:. Ur; Clement will occupy the
pu, pl 'it next Sunday at 2.30 P410,
Mr. Adrian Hall, whoe has .spent a
home. • : - • .,
., ' . '
Mr. Miller Adams is • suffering: .With
a severe' attack milanimatery ehete.
Ma ism, .. . . - . •
el G Ef 11' d • t. ' . ' f 1'
r. eo• a un erwen a pam u
operation on his thufnb. recently : it is
. The auction side of Fisher on
Wednesday last. was • well attended,
and everything sold at a good'figere
A leige quantity of. poultry ' from
this heighborhood ..was delivered at .
Carlow on -Tuesday... .W.t, . !Nathan
Johns. was the buyer Good. prices are:
• ' • :.
being realized this stetson,. and. no.
doubt many of out farmers will push
thiebrinch .0f -farming', more vigorous-.
1 ' the • - ' •
y uno r, year. , .
• . . , ., . .
a good. many, but not as
• . ' • '
t . 11
many as we want. o se .
' '
' In 'order to Make 'a . quick -
' .' 1
clearance we. will p ace on
sale commencing, •
t •
. , • • .... .
' • •
salurgam milionoii
.111FI III, 3
..... „, ....
gates were • subse nently entered in,
4., . . .c?. ,
-xlikthAzteitiitift;.-ga -Aratcreome-upefor•-
gees out, it twice last week) it is
moke annoying tothose who are ren- .
circle within a
ishort time, ,... She leaves one 'child, a,
. „ ,
• es
I 'U
e.', •
ee _
..,:._. -
. . ..*
; 41) IA' 'Z1
-1,1 ,... '..
trial ' to -day. The 'defendants, hoW-
, .. .
eveie have in a counter claim, . putIntentional...
:while objecting to the -assessment as a
whole, they sue the ()old Storage ,
Directors for loss Of time and expense
: , • -
incurred.iii .httending.Court here last
Awn; under the eircunistances.napecle•
They claim $4 each. . : • . •
.hititethe--plantetheate:patiently- with
misfortunes0 iskind,e
• f tit' they are not
• • • -• -. . 14. . .
• . .•
En Noveinbee, 1905, the highest maxt-
mum temperature WAS ,57.5 0 On the
29th. The- lowed minitnum tempera,-
• 20 . ' h 14th Th h . ..:
est range was BOO on the 80th, the
littlegtelato mourn a mother' 1
. s love
and care. She was-eiechegetee-of Jfitt-:
itathwelit•of the Babylonline,Stan17,
(with:whom she had. 'recently niA, e
her home,.). end- was a sister-in-law of
Mrs. Reuben Graham and the Misses
• . .
Dowson of tovvti • The funeral takes
•1 '
piaefx to -day, PridaY, itt.2 pan.
hoped amp:tuition will nut be -flec•
• Mr. •Raht. MeMilia•C hai returned
home after taking a trip to the. West-
ern States, where. he has an interest -1P
a eagle ranch. ( ••, •
WeCiark, Constance, has bought. a
horohred Durham bull from Mr. W.
t ' 11 i ' It ' - ' ill •
•Gyainger, . , u lett.. le . a yeat ng,
sued by Geainger's Ptinte Mist) •ii
. • -
duet red,and as promising kunftut „
Mrs M R • Snell . wife of the late Ias.
• M. B. c
Snell, Itsborne, and mother of Mrs. W.
B'. Cook, Constance, died art Monday,
aged '17 years ; . the remeine Wertx in-
teered here Ote•Wedneficiay. - ., _,
,,A,SUnday, SchoolintertaitIttIM 111,1;!
Christmas tree will • be neud. in tl o
Meth dist Church here , on ' EridaY
• 0
Oyening, Dec, 2Z; .the committee of ,
• rt to •
Management are doing . then' pit
make. the undertaking . a anceees.
,... ,.... ., , e , ..„ bo t _,
ilevSd air. ()lenient' oL Lair:nes ro 1,nti•
Mr Birks of Seaforth, Mr. Carswell of
W'nthrop are• elected to eive ad-
I. , ..
dresss d a, goo time is antleipo.ted
. an
Woettees • INSTITI/Tg, - The , next
. • . . ' •
Meeting of the Women s Institute will
be an open Meeting, to be held at the
Wilt() C) Ms a Stephenson. Subjects
. 4 . ' . d . d i , .
for alsoussion " Benefit- eriee tom
_ _
' d P pa ti ins in the
_the Institpteaq re' ”ra'a (II krietirber
ly.Mie.-_ for 9hristnitts 1
... t-o,a' to tlik: ..eart in the
ir,,„,721o6n-Pei . It 0/,„,itt;„ yen *o
---- --'' ' --'' —
Ore a report of the tonvention beid in
uuel It on Dee lath and lith. The
. P , 4 b, a el rti
g w I e .postpone un. 1•
meant "1 1 "
day afternoon Dee. lute, eyeryinxly
Mite R Cranial. See. •
' "
. .
, • nullatt. ..1
, Mr.. W. Stewart has bought . - heve
grey driver from Mr. John, Allen.. •
. cartweieht. Bros. received a. ear of
beet pulp •front Berlin, and shipped .a.
Of beets •
. - . • .
• it ". .e.1 that 11.1r Grainger, flee well
is sat . , .„
own stock man refused an offer f
known , 0
1:50 this e k f e ten months old
$ Is we , pr . . . .
Durham bullcalf. .
. Feuer. ItE14TEn,--The Tyrernan, on
l•A=u 8th cone 50„aores has been rented
ta Sim Ratmis, far a term of yearg, at
a rental ofee125-fer the. first year tt,na
If 150 a year ,afterWarde. He moves to.
n., next week, , .
' • ' f . '
• Settoor.: leaeonZ-The ollowing Iii.
• • f S • S N. 21or the month
the report 0 ,.. . 0. .. .
of November, 1st class:- jennie Mc-.
- . - . . - •
Ned, Ray replan:la Xnol -Mason, Len.
meee elle doss, ...Lois cheuenret
m II.. ir ni. „ .ve
,.,,r1.1111•1'141:*et e earY: 4-31111 'I .
hill Ch -the Lockwood, Austiti
""nre- • ,a , = / h
Hoitee. Jr. lid class.-hIsie b aegn ttr
Aviiiie . minor Bielsie Brown, sean
mason. sr, 814 ciass.„430lla men e,,./..
McNeil, George Mann. Ti.. Ulf -Cyril
mate Howlsrd yereether. sr,. 4th,
. .
or ant Archer . . .
Sottoot, Rim omit following i ,
• the monthly report for 14.S... No %Hui,
lett, fot the month of November. The
names are In order of merite-Sr. 4 -
le 1 d F iik Vineland Bert
ice Ing an , ra , Pat , .
thinking, Eva Marsh, Mary erSolio
Dora Scott, Ir, 4 -Mary Lawson .T.
4„,, . .,. 3 ... _ r.fleileni S. le agile)or, . -oturray if g , , . .
.. ,
Henree Alex Manning, Sam tiovier,
December lilt
. . 0
. 04r entire stock' of Boys
Plain Grey Cloth • Over,
coats, at , the . • following
• . .
. Boy'S Overctiats, .sizes 27
• to 31, Made from. ,.plain
grey, all-wors1 overcoarMg,
silk velvet :collarj.- black,
farmer s satin lg,
the best 'Wearing Coat
macte. •
. .-
t.titIcia,r prioe.s $5,00 and $5,4_
While they last the tl, gn
PAO. Will be
Boy's LI . a e fr in
lsters„, rn, d • o
geey ,k11-vitool. friege, with
storm' coiiirsizes. 2; to 32
good plaid. lining . and a
, . t .
, coat that.. vvi% .gtve any
mount Of goo :wear..
Iteguier price $5,50 and
$0. All to go at......, ,
•,0i. --e •,,
, rtrlyntnEn .nrs IIRRIGNATION.
-•After being one of.. most' -,yoted
ein.plietrers for over 25 it iii most of '
'owest range 40'• on the 4th. and 7th.
The mean 'maximum temperature for
'KO C. .11.11.. Coming to Clinton.
• • - . '
, /
.... ,:!‘
,,,,,.. ••._.-•-•- ..--
• ''.7.. •
Lille time at Exeter, hut for some ye:irs.
ere, Mr..- Brewer:. has tendered . las
. -
resignation as maneger of the Olintati
.. , ..ear
branch of the Molsons Eitnk4. to titer,:
effect theist of january• • We believe
1 - h- •.'1
i is his intentionte remain here mitt
spring,when he will movo.
men th Wits 10230, the Mean Mini-'
nitini tent perattire waS 27.98 0, and the
mean. range Was 12.25 0 . The rainfall
for the mouth was 3 53 niches. On the
teith there wer'e. tyro inches of snow on
the ground Dandelions were in bloom
• *' a doting. the fine
on the e2ral an 23rd,.gnight,
• • --=-0--.-- .
On Tuesday evening the following
o dais of the C'. P.R.and others, Who
were on 'their way front London to
Geduld', were the. guests of Mr, W.
jacksonithe town agent of the Cl.P-Th
remaining here over and it '
Here s
for people of
secure unusually
unusually low
oities are not
own interest
it will be hard
thing more
m as gift. Come
cure them
, h ,
a good c ance
. •
taste and judgment to
attractive Photo$ at
emcee. Such opportu.
freak:debt and it la 'your
to take advantage of this .
•--- '
0' per *dozen
for .
for you te fled any..
approiariate for a Christ-
at once, so aff t.0 se.
fox, Chriatnitta„
.„., .,.. ,..
to either, Toronto or •ItIontreel, lite
carries with . him the . eonfidence. and
esteem of the entire business • coni
munity. Who will be his SileeeSSOr is
..t Yet.definitelY lthergn. but it will
probably be Mr. perwditig, who, has.
".een„. his . very able aphottnt for a
dOuple years. . The wa. cia s . or tile
Bank will make. tin . tnieta,ke if they
111)1)0int him ; .they will make a has'
take if they die not • . .
DEEATE. *Instead of the usunk
League Service in Ontario Street
Chtiecdi on Monday evening, there was
11 debate on : the .stiliject, "Resolved
that Hotne Missions deinand &greater
suppoit from es that foreign nits-
sions.' The affirmative . side wee up-
held by, Miss they Stevens" and Mr.
Howeed Porter, while. opposed to.
them were MISS Rena Pickett and Mr,
S. Lemont. The judgee 'Were Rev, W..
Wade and Messrs .1. Hotieton 'sea F.
Hill, while. president Beaton acted as
eritio . in his usual affable' manner.
The debate throughout was gnite
evenly contested and proved Very in-
tveather like Indian suminer. • Plough•
in ended oe tin" 2erhe roe file ineio-11
of °vendee., tee e tle• is teen tinixitniiiii
Ito pit woe woe 4,2,53 e' , the ml II
tnibuntlill tempt til WaS 21.8e: ,
and the mean • range was 11.0.50 . -..flu,
total ralefall WAS .al iticbe,s„ and the
stiowfdll 14 Inches; ploeghlog ended
on the 2/th, and sleighing began on
the 27th India . slimmer front the
17th to the 21st ;11
Pik]) IN 13ItANDON. - Mr. Theis.
3ohnston received, Word last week of
the death of hie. Imother Richard,
vvhiph occurred id Brandon tiospital,
on Nov. 20, Beyond • the mere an -
nouneement. of his death and the fact
thathe wits hurled • by the Iteresters '.
he has noyartleulare.,.mit, WI hi', broth-
er stiffeee for some tittle•withinternel
trottble, Mr: johnstott is under this
impression that brother underseene
an operatien in the hospital, • bid 'did
not StirstiVe it, ' Me, Johnston *as an
old resident. of Clinton, but fifteen
years- ago went to Manitoba, securing
A half.seetion of larul near Griswold"
where he is Said - to have done well:
needless to say they wereeeoyally en•
..t. t d. • .. . .
•C, B Foster. District. Passenger
Agent; 0. P., 1.1. Toronto:I., Etose, 'Agee
Passenger egent 0: P. .11. Toronto;
Eon. Wm, Hartney, Manitoba' Gov.
arnment agent, Tort -into; we mar.
shall, Inspector C. P. B. Telegraph .
Toronto:: A C.Trirpm, Canadian Pees-
eng.er agent, Rock Island Railroad,
Buff tin 3. Goodsell, Canedian Passen-
. 4 . .
ger tigent, t..! Ilion Pacific. Ritilroad,Tot.
m r.,.. was esked if there was
--r•-•-• e • * • .... .
likelihood cif the o. Peet, wining
"Y a... c ' -
to Clinton, and he answere " ertain-e
1 . tin C P it will ha in Clinton be--
b 143' " . N
fore long."
"Vi"ell does that ineari 'five em ten
, ise tie t , Of •
Yell v••• °8 et" , a
- '' V e have certitie plans on nazi
that are nob yet completed," he ye..
plied, hut Itritild, not loci surinIsed to!
.9.. 111410V- g 'irtnign
u,t' . t eb the'
Olin on year . •
Mr. Foster la one of the rising men
of the apat., . and knows whereof lie
tereding to all those present.. Alter
He joined the Canadian Getter of Pot'.
. _
carefully pone„idering ,,Ilte . arguments
put forth by both sides, the. judges.
gs,vs their declaim) in favor of the
negative. A, hearty vote of thanks
WO tenderei the -judges for their pres.
eflee and help given. Excellent solos
Were welI rendered hy Misses Courtiee
and Potts, and the meeting dosed
With the benediction,
, esters here teti • yetqA beton, . going
west, and has kept. himself hi good
standing ever Sine's, and has therefore
been a menther of Clintott Court for 25
years, in which he had an. insurance of
$bient He was about. 66 years of age.
'was:married to the youngest, sister Of
Mr.- Ain Morrie, who with three phil.
ibuitourvirti toi, •
The In . i , s iwelcome
clitoral, sees in Wray
Church, Delgrave, on Thursday after.
noon of last week,was very Impressive
ata was well attended, Vett. Arch..
demon Itiehateleoli eonducted the set.
vice, and was negated by ittA, A. M.
Langford of Brussels, Rev. 1.$ ndere
of Lucknow, and the new inctutent
Rev, W.iit-Eattleyo
. - i
Advertisers who desire extra
space during thus weeks preeed.
trig ohrimtnitts, will oblige by
halts UK ItilOW ee eady in the
week ail possible'
- nest Paterson !Irmo hekSoit, len
Br . , .
Scott, Rosie Wagner... Sr, 2 -Bila
• Wagner, Roy Roberto)), Walter Mrag.
ter,. Sr, 2, -Wellington Good, Sr. Pt
0' d. Jr. 0. --la tray
2, --Flora I inglan s 4r, - t, - --1-1
Scott, noble Leween. „Sr. Pt. 1.-W.
tilood, It Pt 1-10-anny Lawsoni W,
Witguer, • . ..,,
. .