HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-01, Page 42
• eattinwnces ---Sattirday..!
Des. lst, 1C05
International Live Stock Expo-
• ilton, Mileage.
Dec 16th to 23rd, 190;...
Excursion tickets will be sold !for i
this Excursion, Dec. 16th to Dec. 19th, 1
• inclulsive. good to return on dr before -
I Dee, 24th, '05, for . •
"----$ 11.75
For tickets and full information call On
Pt IL Rodgens. 'town Agent
tN SATURDAY MORNING we will place on sale some of the best bargains we have offered since our
Leaving -Town Sale commenced. If you will be needing any of the following lines it will pay you to
come out early Saturday morning a.nd get a sha,re of the bargains. •
Half Price For Millinery.
Every New Trimmed and Untrimmed Hat in the store
'will go on sale at Exactly Hall our Regular Price,
75c Shapes
$1 Shapes
$1.50 hapes
50c •
$2.50 Trimmed Hats •
$3.50 Hats •$1.75
$5 Hats
All Millinery Trimtnings such as FIOWeii,
Wings, Etc., are reduced to HALF
Ralf Price For Linoleum
50c for 25c Square Yard
On Saturday morning we will place on .sale a quantity.
lof 2 yard wide Linoleum that has been on our carpet show -
zoom floor at Exactly Half Price.
This was the very best 50c quality to go at
25c a square yard. •
s ss.
Halt Price for
Ladies' Winter Coats
All of which are new this season
$7.00 Coats for
$8.50 Coats for
$9.50 Coats for
$10.00 Coats for
One Third off All
Children's Winter Coat
We offer the balance of all our Childrens Winter
at off regnlar price&•
$1.75 Coats' at
• 2.50
. 3.00• "
4.00 46 64
4• 50
• 1.67
• 3.00.
fl Illgh.Graile School,
Au enr graduateeetet nesitioes. Our &Motor
work is wati known throughout Canada. Our
facilities are unsurpassed. Winter Term opens
Jan. 2nd, Write or catalogue.
Cor. tonect and • Vir, J. ELLIOTT
Coats Alexander elts, principal.
Buy. Furs N�w
If you intend buying P, Fur Coat, Ruff or Caperine this.
winter now is your chance to sectre them at less than makers
price. These Furs were all bought this season, so are right.
u_p-toraite. Note the saving rices,p
Fully-guaranteed Black Astrachan Coats,
ez • cc 41
All $5.00 Pur Ruffs tO gO at
All 650 . •" - ... , . .4.00 .
, All 7,50 and 800 Buffs at 4.95 .
...All. 10.00 and 11.00, ,-----4,‘. ' '‘.6,95....,
, A11,12,00.Sahle Ruffs at. - .... 7.85
All -15.00 and 16.00 Sable .Ruff's to .go at , ;10.00
All 18.00 -and 20:00 .
All 2200 . , LI 16.00 .`
A113200 - ; , . 2100
All 7.50 Caperiries at.. 4.00
All 14.00 and *15.00 CaperineS at . 9. 50
A111600 ,.. .. . ,, 10.75 ..
A112000 . , . ,I 14.00;
Chilciren!s Prey Lamb, Caps, fluffs andCaPerjnes at
Big Reductions fn prjOe.
reg. $30, for: $21.75
• .$38 " $28 00
$48 & $50,' " •$37.00
. IC C C ••••14;50
--3:÷ 44.
Church News 41:
Rev. Dr. Flendereon, tbe able assist-
ant missionary Secretary has been:in- •
vited,:to Donupion Methsdist Church
Ottawa; at the expiration of Rev. Mr.
The call to Rev. Mr, Craw from St.
Helene, has gone the rounds of the
congregation and, we • understand.
Rev. Mr. Manning preaches on with few exceptions has been ' unanitn-
Varna circnit next Sunday, his work ously signed. . " •
'here being supplied by Rev. Mr. Brown. F. E, Powell, ion of Mr, T; K. Pow-
WILLIS CHURCH. e'l, of Turnberry. 'has been appointed
by the Bishop of Huron to the ineurn-
hence f Cher&
The missienary topic, "Corea,' was
'very ably taken by Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn on until hisoChrist
ordination in the spring.
Sunday evening, at the C. E. meeting. Rev. , whitin4
Mrs. Nene' McHardy-Srnith took Mitchell, • but , ._ n
formerly of
(charge of the.orga,n on Sunday. t. -Paul's Toro -
to, has been invited to the pa,storate
ST, PAUL'S CHURCH. of Berkely St. chinch in the same city.
An illustrated lecture on missionary
The salary is MOO less than he is receiv-
work within the Arctic circle is ex- Ing at present.
pected from Rev. W. F. Brownlee, of Dr. W. A. Mackay," for the .past
Ridgetown, in St. Paul's school house thirtn years pastor of Chalmers Pres -
on Tuesday evening next. Dec. 5th. byteria,n church, Woodstock, and an
Che A. Y. P. A. of this church enter- ex -President of the Dominion Allianee0
tained the Modellites to an At Home died this inorning at 2.30, after an ill -
eon Tuesday evening last. ness extending, over a year. He had
been unable to occupy his pulpit for
ONTARIO STREET. six months.
Rev. J. H. Osterhout, of Wroxeter., The Presbyterian etairCh sustains a
will preach in ,Ontario street church severe loss in the death of Rev. Dr.
next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Kerr, who Warden, which occurred in Toronto
was formerly on Wx•oxeter circuit, on Monday, after a few months' illness
preac les anniversary sermons there. from cancer. He was a strong man,
Sunday, Dec. 10, will be missionary an excellent organizev, and without a
:anniversary, and suitable sermons wi 1 penor amonhis clericalnthren
as a man of business medal!). executive
be preached by Rev. M. J. Wilson, of
officer. He was devoted to his church
Teeswater, Rev. Mr. Kerr will con- .
an s work. an as enera Financial
duct the missionary anniversary of
lefirhell church the same Sunday. Agent and Treasurer of the Church
rendvaluable service. His place
t the regular meetin ered of Ontario will not bite easily filled. and he will
long be kindly hered
The Family Herald. and Weekly Star
come Ant in importance with regard of Montreal this week warns the pub -
to foreign missions," will be held ; lie against failing it to a simple error.
• program will also be rendered ; every- There is another paper in Montreal
bcdy welcome. Collection in aid of with a soinesithat similar nante, but it
.missions, is by no means the Family Herald and
Weekly Star. When any canvasser
calls, be sure your receipt isfor the
Rev. W. H. Stone as the Methodist Family Herald, the word "Family"
.inissionary at Clayoquot, B. C., sup- must be used to get what you Want.
ported by the Leaguers of,Goderich The Family Herald and Weekly Star
alietriet. Hes friends will iegret to is the big family and farm paper nhich
gives that beautiful picture, "Queen
Alexander. Her Grandchildren, and
Dogs" free to all subscribers., If, is
the biggest dollaeg worth ever'offered,
Th Farnllv Herald and Weekly
street League last Monday evening,
very instructive pa,pers were given by
Misses B. Agnew and Lockwood on
"Nehemiah's works." Next rnonday
evening a very interesting bebate,
"Resolved, that home missions should
leavn tient has wife had the nyis oetnne
to fall down a cliff the other day and
break her leg bear the thigh.
The NEW ERA mentioned last week
that Rev. Mr. Howson of Mitchell had
been invited to Wingham. His reason Star have also Wiled the Fanners'
for leaving Mitchell has been given in Manuel anavetvinary Guide, a book
his letter of resignation as follows : - farnler iVell 'afford to he With.
Recognizing thefaet that there is an out- There is RD etternlotis Anal of
subscriptions to the Family Herald
and Weekly Star this season, and the
publishers ere asking present subscrib-
ers to renew well in advance to help
them out in the great rush, which :will
WOW too when:their beautiful pictures
are scattered throughout tcountry.
The picture alone is geld to be worth
More than two dolIare, yet one dollar
win boy the pieture atid paper for a
hereteith tend ypti fire osnoatton YOar•
Wet, Of the Methodi cluirth
W110114..6 emaacallan 1011 to take uharies toeenship coml.
Rt t Toio,rif the molt, , Mot ItertiliGp, intend* being coalp
A41,40 tirgPV_MielookOlorit •
adeption of Ministere to eongregationg
and of congregatione minieters ;
that minister _who la eminently sue-
eessful on ane charge, nuty not meet
with the same measure of aeccees on
another char ; and feeling et; I de,
that I am not receiving such eympath
And enoperation in my Work ag I h
hoped for, and perhape heeauee r may
ot he the best Minister for this place,
i 44.
44, Personal Notes ±
1.544.4- ,IfistithiOnEfge hiOavitonv%relaortiveiioiongr friaerrnady6 et.
notify us of the fact •each week. we 4g..
would announce it in the NEW ERA.
I Miss M. Matheson left on Saturday
on A visit to her brother in Durham.
Friday 1 ti
Miss Chita Ford went to liolmesville
to visit re a yes. , ,
Toronto License Cohen -118610n in 1903?
The dictatorship of Beattie Nesbitt
over the Whitney Government must
-drive -the:inf.-An-de of Ontario Liberals
back to the party lines which were
broken last January for the country's
. . . -
• The Goderich Star, referring to the
. . ,
Nsw ERA'S exposure of Mr. Mitchell s
temperance inconsistency, denies the
statements therein made, an ca s a
"NEW PtA slender." It has never
been the milky of this paper to slander
anyone, nor' does it knowingly state
what it hag any reason. to belieye i
untrue, and, therefore, the denial net -
withstanding, we have no reason to
change onestaternent therein made.
The thintou tiew Era
• FRIDAY, DLO: 1, 1905.,
• A Natter of sotne importance .
A small'politicalsensation has been
caused at Toronto by the dismissal of
the License Inspectors, the appoint -
Merit of three Conservatives in their
place; and the "ebeintiatien -Of the
LicenserBoard as the result thereof:
The latter Are all Men of high stand-
ing. prominent Conservatives, and
they take the 'ground that the action
of the governmen ys Unwarranted and
unjustifiable, Mare especially in view
.of the fact the Chief Ligense Inspector'
was promised by Hon Mr. Hanna that
he would not be interfered with. The
License Cammissieriers contend' that.
they should. Bret have 'been consulted,
and tender their resignation As a pro-
test against the action of the govern-
ment: .
That the.affitir has caused es4 mild
sensation in Toronto, as shewnby the
following extracts from tto indepepd.
Mit Conservative papers. The To-
ronto News Says ;- - • • • •
The disMissarof Mr. T1 Mimi Hast-
ings, Chief Inspector of Licenses for
Toyota to, and'the consequent resigna-
tion ofthe I3oard of License Commis-
sioners is a distinct triumph for the
brewers, the liquor'. interest and the
spoils element of the. Conservative
There is ne doubt that 'the Work of
the License Board was Appreved by,
the vast majority. of the citizens of
t Toronto, andby therniess of the Con-
servative_party,ancl if is just as certain
that Mr..Hastings was a faithful and
efficient inspectoe.
It ban to' be remembered that upon •
the, change of Government Mr.Hast-
ings.Wee direCtly . confirmed. in his
°Mee as Chief Inspector by Mr Hanna,
.and itilerrepossible to avoid the con-
olusien'ehat the Provineial Secretary
. bas been.brought to his knees by the
club of the Patronage Committee, and,
the Intimidation theliquor .interest.
• The Toronto Tetegrarte says :--\I1
honor tol. W. Flavelle, jone I: Dalt-
idsen and J. Murray. *
These'retirieg license commissionere
of Torento acted like gentlemen, or,
better still, like men. • •
The merebers of the Ontario •Gov-
ernment whoserrendered to the spoils -
men: and thus compelled the „neeignaL
lion of Messrs FlaVelle. Davidson .and
Murray, noted like the • dupes of Dr.
'Beattie Nesbitt,
• The avhole, • proceeding, . beginning
with the' dismiesal of the inspectors
. . . • • •
and endreg with the resignation of
the commissioners, is a brutal, eow-
ft/ally atddiscreditab'e episode in tbe
hitherto bright history of the Whit-
ney Govern ment.
Do the Conservative spoilsmen ever
think how many. heeds would have
Wien if the Laurier. Government had
gone through the Toronto post -office
and custom house in 1896, as the Whit-
ney GOVernnnent went throngh the
' 'Miss Mary Lou his spending a week
We Berlin Y. C. A. Work:- ' One of the daily Papers, ehergeit W.
spirit, gun_ , F. Maclean, M. P., with- drawing11.-
day at Brantford, the guests of Mrs, his sessional indemnity undonly put
Farr, sister of MrsChantting in a part of his timeIf the gots-
good, and which must he broken again
Mr, 11, Davis, Customs • Collector, sip in Ottawa is to be believed, he is and again if the country's good is to
WinSham• WaS a visitor to. town last said to haite done worse than that. It be served. " „ • ,
Saturday. •. A. GovernMent that Can be taken b
•concession, vieited friends in town for and before he had. ever taken his seat, bidding of Dr. .ineattie Nesbitt is not
' is said that after he was first elected,
Mrs. Robert Thonipson of the 16th ,the throat and shaken until it does the
/slew slake last week. and thus earned it, he made a sight the sort of Government that lion. J.
Mr. and Mrs. _Geo. Melietiniea_WinF _Ames on the ()leen oe the House for P Whitney_ protasse_d_ te_the people nt
ham paid a visit to theitneice, Mrs .this -GPioavVelpotetont stoops ,toei
11. •Sinith, on1Friday of last week. $500, Which, of course, conld. not be that the
• tored •
meanness a vverrine on women arid
Mrs, Macpherson and daughter, Miss ho
, . •children by wantonly throwing breacl-
Jean, went to Toronto on Tuesday for ' • • ' on a coun o
a few weeks visit, I ' The remains of the late John Ham'Winners Oa cl f office ' c t f
' ' ' 1"tics cannot be aecepted as
Mrs. GeoGeorgeSarnwell, of Exeter, and . ilton • were interred in , Dungannon then po i,
the exceeding great reward. of the In -
niece Miss Anna Seldon, of Ingleson, The deceased, a pcemetery on Saturday,November 18th, ioneer of this section
•voted that Government hit° power...
dependent and Liberal patriots who
In -
paid a short visit with Mr. Thos Trick., f t le'13.1 e teemed as an
Mr. and Mrg. j. H. Worsell and industriou; and • upright citizen, ie -
daughter of Goderich,' visi ted• at the ' spected by all who knew him. The
horne of Mr. J. J. Smith one day re- departed was an 'exemplary Christian
centi • and a member of the ' Methodist
Rev. Fr. Northgravete of Sertforth, i.1 church,:
the able editor of the Catholic Record, I The present preceptress, Miss Shaw,
and Rev. Fr. Corcoran, were gifests of having resignedher position as teacher
Rev. Fr' Hanlon this week.
Miss Dell O'Neil is in Cleveland this
week attending the wedding of a
cOusin Mise Robb le taking her place
in school,
Miss Frances Manning, who has been
visiting at Brampton, has returned
,raceompanied by het. sister, Mrs.
Joseph Richardson, of Stanley', ae-
companied by his daughter, Albino,
Rate,visited at the home of Miss Liz-
zie Richardson, ot town, this week.
Mrs. Ralph 'White of Philadelphia,
who tattle here owing to the illness of
Miss Louie White, was celled home on
Tuesday' owing to the illness of one of
her aildren,
Miss Gran 1, teacher, Tuckersmith,
sister of Mrs Sohn Mater, loft on
Wednesday for Ames, Neb., where her
brother, Dr. Thomas Grant, is lying
seriously ill;
Ni. It S. Doan who has been in the
west for a couple of months returned
to Clinton letst week, In several.
peets be liked the Country well, but
says it is not the plaee for him.
Air. G. F. Briekendon, of tendon,
was visaing underthe parental roof on
Priday. Some time ago Mr. Bricken.
den was in London/ England, on buei.
nese, and while thete attended the
city ENO Chapel. What Wan hitt ow.
prise, on coming out to wet Mr. O.
Stevenson, of Clinton, who Waft
with a vierv of stbdying, stenography,
the .Dunlop board of education, after
considering a number of applicants,
has selected MISS Jean Oantelon, of
Goclerich, daughter of D. Cantelon, for
the position, rhe salary will be $800,
the' highest yet paid here since the
section was formed seyenteen years
ago. '
House Property.
To the Editor of the NOW
Sin., I notice Vari011e suggestions
from time to time about the great
openings there' are for capitalists to
build houses to reap therewith the
golden harveSt that will be paid by
those anxious to rent houses. Permit
me to say that in that invaluable ad-
vertising medium,viz, your own
paper, I haye advertised 8 Most desir-
able residence for sale or rent cheep
and I have net had one solitary appli-
cant. Where Is the need of building
new houses when there are 'empty
houses wanting tenants today P
• • YOUR ItAseronu,
[The house advertised by Mr. Rana -
ford is unquestionably a good one, but,
happena to be in a part of the town
Where houses for rental are not great-
ly in demand, It *mid be a splendid
Nato for &retired farmer, and We dare
say Mr. RanefOrd will let it goat
ba hi
• Part cif the 'letter written by the
resigning Commissioners, is tie fol-
itlie discharge of their dale
they had the assistance of the 0
Inspector, Thomas, Basting. They
found him efileientit honest. fearless
and non-partisan. Neither by direct
innofiruienndeireteetheniectems mhaisssiolipo
matter under discussion.
“The retaining of the Chief Inspector
for nine months, and. then, without
word of eonsultation With the Com-
missionere, dismissing him at a' time
when his experience, fidelity and
capacity were se much needed by the
Board in carrying out its policy, gave
such plain evidence of a deliberate pur:
pose to render abortive the non-part-
isan policy of the Commissioners, and
to interfere with the course of a body
of independent men who had no ends
to serve but an iinpartfal adminiratioir
of the latv, that no course was left to
them but resign, and to place the
responsibility for their action upon
the Government
"It is with no ordinary 80118(1, of 're-
gret they are compelled to say the
whole epittode is at complete varianee
with the spirit ofo-Ithe Pre/nick's and
the Peovineial Secretary's statements,
when as Commissioners, • they were
asked to take office. The MUMS fol.
lowed eeethe to have been designed by
men inflamed with passion for oftlee
or for dispensing patronage, who de.
termined to get rid of Commissionere
Who refused to play the part of hired
men, fitzhjeet to the dietation of party
folloWere. The Government, by their
•omved of this coulee,
y tap =ilk two I les, action, have
te find oio. I bane.
to. Date.:
e-. have donethe. biggest -eleven months' business'
in the history of this firm, and are encouraged 'to
make even greater efforts for the remaining few weeks
, of the year.,
Our ehristmas Stock
will sopn all be in place, and ready for your inspec-
tion, and we shall be pleased to have you see it,
• Santa ,Claus
Has started on his long journey, and. is 'expected to
arrive some time next week, with all that is new,
bright and novel in the North Pole Land and Toyland
Should you need a Baby. Sleigh or Eland Sleigh for,
, immediate use, we have them
What about the CHRISTMAS ;GLOBE ? •
We can supply a few more customers, even though
'the edition is oversold in Toronto. Same price as
.before, soe. -
yLaw No.24
For 19o5, of theTown of
of the electors of the said Municipality will be
taken thereon on thorday and at the hears and
places therein fixed.
Dated this 29th day of November, 1905.
• Referred to In By law No. 24 for 1905
Memorandum of Agreement made the
day of . • lila), tetween William- James
Stevenson and William John Nediger, carrying -
on business .at the Town of Clinton, in the.
County of Huron, as manufacturers and ven-• •
dors of Electric light and power, in partner-
. TECTION AND OTHER PURPOSES, VAT tZirs.nititemrena ct. firm of Clinton Else -
And, whereas, it has been deemed expedeat pany" of ,the first. rarrttn,ftaenrdeallecl the 4.1:3em-
to enter into an arrangement with the Clinton The Municipal Corporatien of the Town of
Eleetrio Light Co.. for the supply of water Clinton, hereinafter called the Corporation of
from their bored wells. and tot/1st end this the second part •
!aid OQMpany has entered into an. agreement
'Ca vra er cells rue and, p e necesearY
. WHEREARth ti d f -
tabl 831 :yrste. o watervvor cs
h e e PfIrr e • I " • th •
are 09 YOU o
With the town to previde st eatiefectory supply'
..reriervol; and pumping pion at their works, Wit of n o or fire Protection, a d other
aiid to supply and operate. a!1 the maehinery pinpOsee, and have negotiated with the Coins
necessary.to pump the water the standpipe, telly for the providing and pumping of sucb..
upon the terms. set forth in the eut joined u tit ti
pfiter:ncid water as shall be hecessary for.
agreement. pply of all requirements and
uses to whiche:lhe product of the system raw be
And, whereas, it is desirable that mains be
laid upon the streets, and between the Pe/nits, flPP idt
tnerein hereinafter specified. , AND WEEREAS. the c'enorany have agreed
id thtl s.
And, whereas, it is intended that the cost of inafter provided for, to erect and .fully equip
maintenance and operation shall be defrayed, such plant as may be requisite for the enemy of
wholly or in part, by the income, and that an6. water as aforesaid, and te pump the same,
.deficePer of the Income for that ParPase 14" : throughout the syatem and to the staidpipe.
be provided for in tke estimates and defrayed Now.therefore this Agreement witne setts -
b a 61366ial rhte '''' • that the said parties hereto do rnutual'y eov-
And, wherese, for the purpose of construct-. (want, or.,misetand agree to, and with .ach
ing the standpipe, mains and hydrants, .and other, in mahner. anti form following, that hie
effectively installing the same, it is necesserr to say,. '
to incur a debt of $20 000 ' d t i d
„ an o ssue o- .•sise Company agree Cl) TO furnish a 'reser
bent tires Userefor. ef not less than fifty thousand 'gallon
And, whereas, for the pay/newt of the sinking . which reservoir shall be suitably situated up
fund. upon the said debentures it will be nee. the Company's lam ds adjacent to the ,Co
essary to. levy the annual sum of $429.41 patty's plant, and connected with the pump -
for thirty years, and for interest upon the said ing machinery. so as to render effective service,
etr):q14..g. there must be raised annually the in case of reqnirement. '
cslu o 00.• (2) To instal a eteani pump of such capacity.
And, whereas, the amount of the whole as to fulfil all requitements in connection with
rateable proterty of the town of Clinton ac • the system. •
a e sment roll of (8) To pump
eas t rough row?, a full 'and satisfactory suns;
And, -whereas, the existing • debenture debt
of the said town Of Cli ton is $60507.88, and
1 t 1 ti f 11 t d f h
piy- of yi ,water suitable for domestic or
debtand nb part of the interest thereof is in 6°6111 e Y. a he• 6 "(Is
no part of Slop/maims of the said debenture ,.etner parposes, and in such cpiantitieti as to
• '
cording to t e last revised s s into tbs. water -malts from dial -
the said town being for the year 1905 is $726,511 led' or bored wells, which shall be driven at
• 1 t h
. tem, arid aeequately sup ltrall persons en it -
arrear. . . •
•• led to receivewaterftomthesystem, whether '
And whereas the corporetiantes on • hand to for domestic or niamufaeturing uses, .triseiro-
, Meet the said debenture .delat a SinkingFund tectioe, or any o..her mirposess • • '
.of $21034 40 -
slit To keep the aforesaid reservoir width&
Therefore, the Cou8all of the Mareolpal ooe corporati n'e stand•pipe a nearly complet 1
Ill At the exnenso of the Conipany to make
and The Muniedpal Waterworks Act, and and maintain all necessary and proper eonnec-
Amending Acts efiacts se follows .--
poration of the town linton. by virtue of the filledatal?timcs asmay be ieationably tensible..
o y •
powers vested in them by the Municipal .Act,
• (1), TheMe;yo; is eroPowerediontehalf Ot the • Corporation's water -mains
tionsbetweei the pumping apparatus and the
Vorporation of the mese 01 minter to execute 03 To operate the puiriping chinery ancl
he contract hetvreen the Clinten Electric,
hint at all ch ti -
night, as the demands of the system may rens
p u mes. whether by day or by
Light Co and the Corporation ofthe Town, a •
daarasfothoedf wolhoichinathoertebui:tobystoapwentdeado,dmwarhktoehd
to =MAY altpower. -mannal 'labor, direction •
der ileo. Seery or expedient, and to that end '
. schedu e is made a part,of t y law, te e and supervi-ion Whieltthar be matured insrens
read therewith, after the same shall receive der ng ff
:And it is also agreed and understood that the
cot Ye Servicin
e e the promisee. 1,,
en o e ers ore.
strings connected
the towo Of Clinton to censtrtict a ;to dnipe tPhe Pinigh'Plahntli be ^" -""
Used n c ee o with the water eriv
bargained POT Ini. tehl: cor7ii-seV, 214eletlie 'el°realletiatitV .Eet, of tire%
a g
mania shall belaid upon the streets and be- system under this statutes of the .Province Of
tween the locations therein next 'hereafter (ntario, or the by-laws the Town of Cilia -
mentioned that is teeny • t in that behalf.
• On Maryptteet, from Nortii Street to Xing And for the perpose of the premises the
(2) It shall be lawful for • t he Corpn ation of um '
n . rew . s a e •kept in a condition to be
iii3tisem of vrapiir. mains and. hydrant!, to approved of . the Corporation, . or such per.
Street: • • Company do herebr demise and ,lease unto the
6(a11 a,nron tueet- ' four in the said own of Clinton in the.
On Albert Street, from Huron Street to ' County of Huron and containing' by estima.
Charles Street.. ' tion one-fourth of an sere more or less] to:
On nattenbury Street, from leorth street to and ellother appurtenances therenute belotig-
gether with all such Of tbe plant rnaehinerY
•nagitql. Street. : ingosarpurtainiberita- are part and parcel or .-
Corporation coach nteresta s.nd rights in. and •
On King Street , from Grand Trunk Rail to their lands [bele* T .wn lob numbers fifty.
On Victoria Street, from Ontario to,Gordon privilegea
Street. .. . hereby contracted for for the term Of the dur-
athtiemezqouf Pt1177:011:da:itiater 811"17arld
__On Gordon Qtreet, from Victoria Street to
Matilde street. ttoot to. intdotthaenClaolinitip:v7r7dereeiregoohnsorrebpyearagorne: who
cure the execution of a Consent to the said de-
Hiant SHtrIge'het.Street' !rem Vietclria
(3) It shall be lawful for the said Corporation
to raise the Bum of $20,000.00 by the iSE11113 at
debentures, r, payable at the tenm. of thirty
3 Oars bearing interest at the rate of four and
oneshalf percent per annum such interest to And the OorpOratIon see& tlj TO laybe .
in Perchttbyl"earr both Qp4ritheelp34sabinfldalitit irrstemioblier-e -1zeirtaeizio"f thtsthCellaoreledaPestperop-eurPtyte'en-thlfaelyetilititdreftete
parable at the office of the Tteasureri of the je the bee Town.
may , at the time of the execution of tine agree -
snout, be entitled to any estate or interest In
the said lands anappurtenances, -Whether th
Mine be by Way of mortgage or other char
or of dower, or otherwise howsoever.
pa d town of Clinton, such debentures to be .
marked waterworkti debenture. [2] To nar the .florapatitt for services rendered
(4) During the currency/ of the said de,
benturee to be issued, there shall be /evied
and collected annually, soon all the assessed
value of the rateable property in the town of
ClintOn, over and above all other ' rates and
taxesa special rate as the dollar whieh shall
be sullicent to produce In each year during the
currency of the said debt Mid debentures the
sum of $429 41 for sinking fund and the
sum of $900 00 far • intermit upon the said
debentures ; and else stroll further sum as
shall be placed in the estiesetes for t e
current year to defray any deficiency of in -
_Come to meet the Aliens° of operation "Red
maintenance of the said plant.
(5) The Mayer shall cause such debenthres
to be sold, and the sum of $20,000 of the pro-
ceeds thereof applied for the purposes abort)
en This by-law Shall take effecton the 1st
day of April A D 1900. •
The votes of die eleetore`of the said town of
Clinton shall be taken on this by-law at the
13111S10 hour ,on the earlle day, at the eanie Places
and by the same deploy returning officer's as
the anneal eketien for the Municipal Cpuncil
for the year 1900.
That on Saturday the Sett, dey of December
1905, at eleven oft:stook the forenoon, ett the
Town Halt the Meter shall appoint by Writing
signed by him. two Dorsi:me to attend at the
slamming up of the vote e by the Town Clerk,
and one 'Rosen to attend At each polling platie
on behalf of the Oeraops interested In and de-
tiron4 of promoting the passage of thie br-lavr,
and a like niunber on behalf of periOne inter.
&nod in or desirotte of Opining the passage of
tide by law,
The nlerkehall attend at the Town Ttihlin
the town of Clinton, 011 Tuesday, the 2nd day
of January, 1900. at the hoUr Of 11 o'clock in
the forenoon Mid eitinl Up the ntimbor Of **tee
glveti feinted against the by.law. And if the
said by-law is denied, by the requielte number
of Votes of the said °lettere, th same Abell be
thirdly considered and pared on the 2nd day of
*Tannery .O. D 1900, at the hour of S. b'eltielt In
the aftertioot, at the Council chamber in the
Sea Town et clietoit
Passea thl de of 1905
the sums fuliowing, that is to say -for the sup-
plying in the man .er stipulated, entity thews -
and stalking Of -eater Per day of twenty four
houre, the+ at nuel sum of one thotisand seven
hundred dollars($1700,000] and for 'all MIRO titles •
necefisarily sump/led 1 excess of fifty thousand
gacelsIso,ne per day, ,at the rate Of dye Cents per
thottsand gallons of water so stipplied in ex*
And it is agreed that itil sums pasable to the
Corneae* by virtue hereof Abaft be coins uted
oqoamarotaetralitiaonadabthilt bpoaymmarniettsoatebco. rcriolonftvatoosytinoon•
the let day of January, April. Inly and October
itnraer year diming the duration of this tow,'
And it le mutually agreed that this emtracit
!Mall Subsist andremain in force for the term
of ten years and that the services shall be ren.
direr/ by the Company and thopaymeets Made .
by the Corporation throughout the said period
,or term of ten years rind that such period shall
commence On the day when the Corporation
having completed the conet!rnetion of mein*.
eonnection shall be made with the. compaity'S
completed primping ojant.and in any event not
later than the 1st day or April 19011 And it is
agreed and provided that in event'of the failure
of either of the parties, to proceed with the
operation of the staid syetem on the last Mein.
ti Med date, the party in defitult shah nay to
the other by Way of liquidated damages a slim
equal to ten per cent per einem on the aniourit
inveeted in the part of the systole owned by
eonfcahuoohthdeartpaortrittr Ter the period of the duration
And WO corporation further covettente that
if at the termination of thie centract it then
be Unwilling to tenew this °entreat for tne
further term„ then the Corr oration will not.
build or equin a pumping station for the suPtfir
of Water for the mimeses herein eet forth with•
out first offering to par/silage the pltine,of the
aCgotmeepir oypeant, 6011reflailifianigr avaaroltuiemtaitiant.aasa poisayy bboe
deterntined by arbitrators appoietett for that
purpose. •
At d it is Jutthet agreed that it the CorpOrits
Son shall merit's the eurrency of tbe term of •
this .00ntriket purchase ' the Electrie Light
Plant of the Conipany the Corporation will
thief contraet at eiteh terrintierhtiat he snail be
edheiteo:turweedlitteber dhireww:titteorrireupple plant of the
compeny and the rights of the Coniptiny Under
1 And it is fetther /Treed ahet this egreement
ttes iefeto, anti their respective levees:ewe and
IsTOTIOE end everything hero n colitisined thrill entire
• 1 b 1 I.
Take metier+ that the above in it true copy Of
it propoteilby.kow Whir% has been taken into
eansidereftbati and Whit* will be nually tweed
by the Connell of the linnteieftlity therefomin
the event of the went Of meters being
ebt ined therete)..atter.one month from the
tem its* e Clintesi No Era, the,'
emcees. , •
Witnine the heeds Mid deals. Of 'the phrtreleof
the MIA vitt and the CorPerfste Seel Med toO
hand* of Naga sod Clotkof tho Corporation
of chi Toorh of Olintoo.
Vod adal entered