HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-12-01, Page 1-10r -
ter The Clinton New Era and Montreal Herald, greatly Unproved, will be given to tiew subscribers: to Jan,i 1907, for $1, Regular subscribers can have the two. payers at the same price on paying a year in advmu".
$cash will get the
New Era to Jan 1
1. 907, to new sub-
kribers, together
With Montreal Herqd
ammo...mow= air
P Ises
cash Will pay ;for'
the Clinton New
Era toJan 1,19
to new subscribers
and Montreal weekly Herald.,
. .
Saving is a
One of the enost profitable
habits you can form. Start
Deposits of $1.00 and
Upwards Received
Sovereign Bank
I-3. T. 1R-A.1\TOMICI
Clinton Manager
The man suspetted of the Wood-
stock diamony robbery was arrested
in Buffalo with the goods in his pos-
sessi u n.
Temperance people of Arternesia
• township have nominated a municipal
ticket, because the present Council re-
fused to submit a local option by-law.
It is intimatec by the London Times
• that Premier Balfour will resign in a
• few days and that the Liberals will be
called upon to form a Government.
Pairs of
• Doromg Dodd ShOCS
To be,given to the three per-
sons guessing nearest the cor-
rect number of beans contain-
ed in quart gem in my window
You have a guess with every dollar's
worth of goods you buy. and I guar-
antee to
'Sell GROCERIES as cheap
s the cheapest in town, ahd
• HOES ani* Rubbers cheaper
You therefore do not pay one cent
for your guesses. Beans to be counted
by the Mayor, Jan. 5th, 1900.
R. Graham's old stand.
HEN your pulse quits
beating regularly, you
immediately summon a
doctor, for if you don't,
trouble is likely to follow. When
the pulse of your watch is irregular
von should have the doctor attend
Lb it for the very same reason. We
are just as much doctors in our way
as any physician. We clean out
the whole system, repair all break-
ages, oil up and adjust the works so
that the pulse will be strong and
regular, and a regular pulsarmeana
perfect dine. Our charges are very
moderate, too. •
Jeweler and Optician.
Here'sagood chance
for people of taste and judgment to
secure unusually attractive Photos at
unusually low prices. Such opportu-
nities are not frequentaand it is your
own interest to take advantage of this
$2.50. for
per dozen
It will be hard for You to find any-
thing more appropriate fer a Christ -
Mae gift. Come at onee, so as to se-
cure them for C,hristrrists.
GederIch TownahiP -
The townshin eV/until will meet on
Monday, Dec. 4th, at 10 o'clock, •
Miss Jennie Tebbutt, of -0biletich,
spent Sunday at her home here.
• *
Will Jnrrott and his lady friend. of
Hills Green, spent an evening at Mr.
Peter Cole's last week. • '
Miss Mina Middleton entertained a
number of her intimate lady frienas
'on Friday afternoon last.
Geo. Rathwell, oTeronto,. spent a
few days under the pareutal roof; he
looks as if city life agreed with -him,
The anniversary services hs connec-
tion with Cole's church wilt be held on
Dec. llth ; full particulars neat week.
Mr Will Perdue has returned- from
the west ninch impressed with the fer-
tile and vast resource.of that wheat
country. •
Mr. Howard, of Clinton, spent Sun-
day at Alex. . Welsh's, Hayfield line,
and also a few hours with a friend on
the 7th con.
We ,understand that Miss Spark's has
been ngaged for S.S.-No. 10 to succeed
have good suceees as a new begihriee.
Goderich township can boast of hav-
ing local option within its boundary,
and, we are sure, would give afi ac-
count of itself, if it hadoccasion to.
vote on it. •
Robert Acheson, -of the 14th cone
one of the oldest as well as one of the
most highly esteemed residents ofthis
township, has been quite ill for several
days, lend his • mapyfriendswill be.
glad to know that he is recovetihg.
Wedding bells will. ring inerrilyen_
this neighborhood about Christmas*
time. Two young ladies very men.
nent in church -circles 'Will. figure in
these events. This •should arouse the
curiosity of the readers of thispaper.
We hope to giveparticulars later,
Those who did not hear tbe,teinpere.
Ance sermon preached by RevS'air.
Stedman in Cold's church last Sabbath
missed a rare gospel temperance treat.
The choir rendered beaatafet selections
suitable to theoccasion, in their usual
good style. „
. At the sale cif.Mr. Graingere •thoro-
bred stock, in Colborne, A . few .days
since, Meesrs Will Plaited and 'Geo.
Acheson each bought a thoro-bred
cow. The grandmothers of these' cows
took first prize at the ata orld's. Fatire
' Miss Seaman of-Blealleim conducted
her last meeting in Sharon Church on,
Wednesday evening,a,large and appre-
ciative congregation WAS present to.
hear healarewed remarks. We believe '
much good has been done' through the
stirring labors Of our youngevangelist..
We trnst it'will continue to epreadeansa
that it *ill bear everlasting.gooda. .
ter only two .weeks' eonfinement to
bed,- Alexander Osbaldeeton, of 'the
Huron Road, passed away .earla on
Monday mortung, .at the age..of 61.
years. • . Deceased was born -on the
farm on which he died, 'andel-lad been
a continuous resident • there. A man:
of good prineiple and irreproachable
life, lie was held in the • very Ingliest
esteem as a good neighbor, a kind
father and . loving 'husband,. and . his
death is one ogthe events that Make a
break in a confmunity that cannot eas-
ily be.repaired. 'His aiintent is sup-
posed to have been cancer of the stome
Etch. He leaves a wife, one daughter.
and three sons .to . inoura his, less;
Herbert and _Audrey liveln. the trivene
ship, and Alexelives onthe base line;
Hallett, He was a stitutich mepaber of
the Baptist °hutch ; in politics,. it
eral. Tbe funeral on: Wednesday was
largely. attended..
• Tuckersmith.
Miss M. Turnbull is*at present visit.
ing at Mrs. J. G. (Stich's. 0,•
Amos Townsend, we arepleased t�
hear, is on the toned agaio.
Miss A. Nott, of Algoina, is visitin
her uncle, J. Nat, of the London Ro
Wilfrid and Miss Martha Crich, of
Seaforth, visited friends here on Sun-
day last
, of Ifensall-, vatted air
th p s at the home ot.Mrs.
\ era'•
Mr. and Mica. White returned
from the west on Thursday lastethe
former much improved hi health,.
•Mr. and•Mrs. CharlesBarrett, 131yth,
are spending a few clays with the lat-
ter's sister, Mrs. 0, Landesboro,
• The next meding of TuckerawltIL
°Outten will be held in the toevn hall,
geeltforth, on Saturday, December .2.
S. Switzer meved his (effects to his
new farm last week. He appears i�
be very highly pleased With the farm
atid its situation.
Mrs James Oriel", of town, while' tin
a visit to her daughter, Mts. J. Ball,
has been taken seriously ill with what
appears to be aparalytic stroke,
Mrs. Jos's° Gledhill and Mrs, J. J.
Moore visited friends at Nile on Mon-
day last.
Rev. Mr. Yellsi,ndeenclucted seeviees
in Victorialreet church,,Goderich, on
a A series ofpeeial services was com-
menced oriegIonday evening last at
Mon appointment.
Miss Lucy Mohrinir is spending a,
couple, of weeks! with friends at Bay-
field and other points,
Mra, J. W. Ilagey Anti daughter left
for Waterloo on Saturday last, after
spending ft couple of weeks with their
itune, Mrs. Jas.. Long,
Ctirriess straw cutting outfit has
been at work in this vicinity the last
few da,•ysi and a- number of farmers
have their winter supply of straw cut.
During the fine weather of the fast
few days narrnera in this neighbor-
hood have been engaged in housitig
the remainder of the root crop, and in
finishing the fall plowing.
A XTElee Choke) turkeys, dry picked and
drawn, lea per M. Ali kinde fowl and dried
a1111ea wanted.
• GEO. XING, *bighorn
Rev. Dr: Gundy pastor of Winghato
Methodist Church, has an invitation
to an important eharge outside 'this -
Conference but as yet lute not decided
to accept the invitation.
David Tisdale hes leased it house in
Witighatt. Mr. and Mrs. Tisdale in-
tend moving to town nextweelq the
14011 be much missed in Donnybroo
Letwue, both being naive member*
alsolaY the &oft, Mr, Thidale mug a
waned number,
•I It p,er year in adulate.
et.ett when not eo pea
ilifrmirerear,,--Another candidate for
the Reeveship as loomed np. It is Mr
Joseph Carter, who is an ex -councillor
and 4 gentleman of large municipal
expeelerice, As far as we know at
• present there are no less than seven as-
pirants for next year's reeveship.
ASSIONMENT,-The many friends in
Blyth of Mr, Peter Purves, of theTess-
water woolen mills, will regret to hear
that he has been forced to make an as-
sigeineut for the benefit of his creditors,Stagnation in the Canadian wollen
business is what caused the assign-
ACOIDIgIsTT.-Me, Isaae Gowan met
with a bed accident on aloruing while
going to his work at. the 0.P.1ie steam
shovel. He badjust roadie!' the shov-
• el when his feet slipped on the frozen
ground and he fell heavily against, the
steel rails. Two of his ribs were brok-
en and he received other internal in-
juries. He was brought to his home
iii Blytliandis now cluing as well" as.
can be expected.
• Mrs. S. Robinson ,and son Charles
-vieited-Seaforth friends recently. , •
.Wm. Dobie and Miss Minnie returned
last week from their western visit.
W. T. Riddell 'took a busipess trip
to Turouto the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs Jas. Laidlaw, lVfotria
spent Sunday at the iattere honie
Rev. J. G. Fallis spent a few days in
• Saeniaehis week. • Mrs,.
• Goderich friends.
Cecile Rogers and Miss 0. Sela,ter,
teacher, both spent Saturday,and Sun-
day at their respective hones.
The I, 0, G. T. here have invited the
Londesboro Royal Temolars to visit
them on Dec. 116, and a goad. time is
expected. • .
__R. I, Sprung • and john Sprang.,, of.
lalanitou, Mane called on friends here
the first of the week.: They brought a
car of cattle, •whieh willLie auctioned
off at an early date, the sale to take.
place ou the 6th concession ofeWest
Wawanosh. .
• ACCIDENT.- On Wednesday oqiiat''
week Taylor met with ie ery
unhappy accident,which will keep,
.him bedfast for several weeks.' While.
sweeping the chaff off the roof of the
been after threshing, he slipped and
fell, fret:a near the peak; striking a
large scantling, breaking his hip in
two places. His other ifijiItiPS wok)
mainly confined to the_heael, which
was badly, bruised. and cut. Fortua-
ately there Was someone near, to come
to Ins eesietance Thotieleehe injuries
.are lees then at first expected; and Mr,
Taylor la now doing very nicely, at the
.best it will he seine time before his
friends can'hope to see him around. '
jti.ptien •
Miss Ida Hinsdale leaves next week
to take a ceminercial course in Ex-
•eter high sehool ; we wisit her success.
John' .Joilee lase week spent h few;
days .visiting at thehome of his daugh-
ter, Mee. Johns. tir '
Both the Methodist and Presbyter-
ian'Sabbath schools ate getting ready
• tO hold Christmas tree enteatamments.
A notable feature of the village life of
• this place is the very kindly feeling ex-
isting between the congregations, Sab-
,bath schools' and pastors of the two
churches. ••• -
Next Sunday, Dec. 3rd, the Sabbath
echool of the Methodist church will
bold its annual tnisstonitty eervicee,
when short eicIdtesses on •live mission-
ary topics will be given ba Members of
the school and the pastor, Rev, Mr,
Baugh. The choir is preparing special
music for the occasion. - The collec-
tions will be in behelf of the dew
Chentu Hospital, in West China. The
school is asking for a collection, of $10
towards this wortba oaject. A cowrie
shell, used as money In India, will be
.?given to each persoe present as a, boa-
• venit of the oceasion. Come and bring
your feiendse All are welcoine,
rentletornee ' -
Goa) Onancr.---Sernuel Bissitt,
purchased frOtif the- Gotta;
Shapley ',Se Muir Co., . Brantford,
through their -Focal agent. L. W.
Levis, oneof the most up-to-date aeater
systetns for farmers' use, The system
consists of galvanized iron water 'boxes
in all the stalls, supplied from a large
reservoir tank of the same material,
and kept full automatically. 111k.
Bissett has some forty-eight head of
_cattle and this improvement will be a
great litliC)r-eaver evateringaThes
stock, It will be well worth the while
of anyfattner to see this device, Mr.
I3issett is also putting in an improved
litter -carrier purchased from Mr. Levis.
• • LOndOn Road .
John Avery; who has seid his farm,
will have a cleaving sale of all his ef-
feets on Wednesday, Dec. 13. He has
some choice thorobred stock. Thos.
Gundry wilt wield the hammer.
Londe5boro •
eielVlertse.d!lill hes had a neat verandah
M's. Bean, of Goderich, is visitieg
Mrs, .Ta,s Campbell.
Mrs. R. Cole, of Landon, was up for
a few days last week. •
Miss Lilly McCool, of Clinton, spent
Sunday with view's here.
Mrs, Brown; of litekrave, is ,visiting
. . . .
at the home of j: Grainger. .
Three cars of Sugar Beets have been
shipped lately froni this station.
Mr. 3, E. Robertson spent Sunday
With relatives and friends in,Goderiche
Mrs, Wm. Mair is spendiog a few
days with her mother Mrs, W. • Riley.
Bills are up for a Fariners Institute
wineelectoime.nghere on Dec.:, Oth. Everybody
The director s• of the Butter Faetory
met on Monday to settle pp the • sea-
sons operations. ea
The annual meeting of. the Butter &
Cheese Co., will be held here on Dec-
ember 14, Directors meet at 1 p. ble
Shareholders at 1.30; and Patrons at 2.
Outenou NoTBse-feast Sund ter being
the: '.Ceineterattce.. Suadateex-
cellent Temperance seine -Ws were
pparesatocrlise.d in, both cleerelies by the
PE,OrElITY CeteezteE. -eT. Scott has
purchased: the hetise belonging. t� L.
Hill of Felytle, at present adereplecl• by
Thee. Lawson, who expects to move
his family,' to Clinton at an early date.
The litillett tax payers have been
meking. some noise about the taxes,
but as they find their friends in other
townships round them are hit as heavy
or heavier, 'it seethe to soften the.
sting -Misery loves company,
R. T. 0 T. -The regulter Meeting was
held on Monday evening with haproy-
'ed attendance. A good- program was
given. A debate was arranged for
next, Meeting, when abe regular, elec-
• tiou of officers will also be held.
• Heine riineor says that two young
men ef the -ninth will soon free them-
selves from their fathers and brothers
and seethe)* partners, of .the fair sex.
will commeocefarming on their own
responsibility. GO ahead boys We
won't tell who you are, •
oetex's INSTITUTE', MEM:$(3 ":A
nieetizig of the •West Huron' Weenen:s
Institute Will be heldin the Township
Hail,. Londesboro, on Wednesday at-
ternoon, 2.30 ceolcick. Mrs
- French of Clinton,' preeicleat of the In-
stitnte will address tiffs rneetin, and
Mrs.. Calvin Catirpbell of Goderich will
give a practical demonstration in dook.-
ery. This will be a, profitable and in-
terestinganeeting end all the ladies of.
the village and vicinity are eordially;
invited: •
, • ,
I.NVESTIGATINGTbe Directors of
the licKillop. Mutual., Iosuranee •
Company are neaking some .more in-
vestigation into the ' mysterious fire
that destroyed the barns on the Cole
foam oa the 23edotOctobee. That, the
Ate was of incendiary origin' no one
'seems to 'have an.ydoubt, atit thegreet
arcnible is to find the culprie.• As the
loss has to he partly padcl'hy the &ent-
ers round hereethey feel Much inter-
ested in the 'matter And xould willing-
ly help to pair a reward that,evouM
eecure -punishment to the guilty party.
. .
• Rinse A.ss'ae-Owing .to circum -
stances it has been 'found necessary to
appoint a second day for the competi-
tion of the annual Sheet of addles.-
yille Civilian Rifle Association. Tues.
day, Dec. 5th, is therefore the last day,
and shooting will eorninence at e0 a.m.
Shhale- • '
WOV/Rike$ Ixsarroaa, --Ladies will
please remetnber that the regulae
meeting of the Women's Institute will
be dispensed- with, and on the 7th of
December a supplementary raeeting
• will be held at Mrs. Mulholland's at 2
p.m., when Mrs. Campbell wili•speak
on "How to prepare a Christneas din.
ner." Mrs. Frencb is also expected to
give an address. In the evening at 7
o'clock, in conneetion with the 'Far -
=mere' Institute„addreases „edlabe gay_
en by • the President,. Mex. Senknis
Mrs. French and Mai. Campbell. Mus- •
ie Will be furnished. 'Any farmers
wishing to remain over for the evening
meeting will be made welcome at Mrs.
MulhoIlend's, where the ladies of,the
Institute will previa° a lunch, •
,Miss Make was the guest .of. Miss
McCaughey, of Blyth, for a few days
last week.
Miss McfritOsh; of Goderich, who
has been the guest of Miss Blake for
the past tWo weeks, rewrite(' home on
Monde y.
Itterntiena-A, Giousher, con, 14, is
retiring from farming'. Ile will become
a resideut of IllYth, having purchesed
the house And lot of Mr. Alex Henan.
Mr, A. Tyertnitn, who has been resid-
ing on his farm in Hullett fot a couple
of years intends removing to Seaforth
and will occupy his own residenee. '
Wimnitta, -A very pretty wedding
was solemnized on Wednesday; Nov,
22nd, at 5 O'clock p.m.,. at the residence
of the bride's brothemn-law, Mr, Geo,
Moon, Ilullett, when Mr. Will Brown,
a prosperous and highly respected
•young farmer of Stephen township,
and Miss Phoebe IL, youngest daugh• -
ter of Mr. Thos. Tufts, Kirktpn, were
united in marriage. The wedding
march was played . by Mrs, Wen.
while the bride, who was unattended,
entered the parlor leaning,on the 41,411
of her brether-in-litur, J. IN, Ross,
ofelIolineetrillee Rea. MI Anderson,
131,yth, fortnee pastor of Cirkton dr -
'tufts performed the cam ony, after
which the eompany assemblkl in the
dining roan, which was suitably deco-
rated for the occasion, where a sump-
tuous repast was prepared by the gen.
erous host and hostess. The presents
were costly ma useful. After spend.
hilt a Imolai evening, the company dbe
pgreed to_their homes, after wishin
r. arka Mrs, Brain a ."boo, voyage"
fautough life.
Alla Nett and John McEwen bought
up a stock of young cattle last week.
The fine Wenther has given the far-
• mers a chance to finish their fall work.
• John IVIcGregor, cif Ilarrisville,
was visiting -his aged mother, Mrs.
Tingle McGregor,: last week.
• Mrs. Thos. Gilmour, front Turnberry,
who was visiting relatives here for
some tine, returned, to her home last
We understand that Malwen Bros.,
of Stanley, intend purchasing a, clover
tnitehine ; we hope it will give good
Mr. and Mrs. John Butchart haVe
gotie to' Itoznoktieto the home ot. Mr.
McDougall, who is in a low spate of
healtliat present. •
• Fitnx Sotn-Mr. G. B.' Keys has
sold his fifty acre pasture lot on con, 5
to Wm. Reid for the sum of $1000,
Mr, Reid owns the opposite lot, Mr,
Keys retains the homestead.
trustees of Sep. 8. 0,c1''o. 1. Stanley,
have accepted the application of Miss
P, Walsh of Parkhill to succeed Miss
N. Coughlan as teacher in their school
for the ensuidg year.
/as Ross, 2 con, Stanley', has pur-
ehased afarin fteill Jag 13ollthron, of
Bay, for $0;400, he get.4 possession in
March, The farm is a, good one with
good houseand bank barn'. Mt' Ross
will remain another year on, the place
whew he now is in Stanley,
Cotngett,.--- Stanley Council meet a
per adjournment, all the tnembers pre
spent, After reacting the minutes the
business of the meeting was taken up,
A. Hilt S4 Co. was paid $566 for steel
work on bridge over Logan Drain, U.
Frost $75 cement arch on London
Road, several gravel accounts and
other smaller accounts were paid.
Rev. A. Brown and T, Davidson
Waited on the council with a petititn
from the ratepayers that they might
take 6vote on Local Option for thie
Township. The motion t grant their
requeet was lost, Conn adjourned
to meet Dec, 151. s. 1143
at10o'cl k
mai oak
8100 of neW books has been added. to
the public library.
'airs, 3, Ross, Seaforth, is v'isiting
her daughter, Mrs, W. Berry'.
Mr, H. Colwell, who has been 111 of
typhoid.fever•is now able to be out
again. .
Mr. Joseph McCully and sister have
moved into the house of the late Heigh
McIntosh, • • .
' Local Option was this week voted on
by the Stanley Council and defeated.
It would not be of much service in the
village, as our botel is in Tuckersmith,
whet our people want is p rehibit:on.
TUAICEVS GaLoan,-On Wednesday
of east week, litteettlnandeed turkeys
were taken en to our . station to be
shipped to 13affino, unfortunately the
car aid not arrive and they were
obliged to put thena in pens and feed,
them as they beat could until Satur-
day, when the- car, an 8 decked ode,
arrived' for the purpose. of shipping
fowl. They were beught by B. A..
fligginseof 'Varna, fpr Mr. • 'Turnbull,
of Seafortha .They were shipped to
Buffalo where they would meet the
demand, fotethei r ,Thatt peeving ;trade.
The American Thariagiviaoyettgeetie
the 30th. A number of thezn died
While awaiting shipment, wetrust the
venture will not be a loss' to the shira
tiers, They paid lle cents per pound'
I ae weight, so that a good deal of
money WRS 'distributed about the
eotinery, Turkeys at that peiee must
be.protitable t� the farmer. .
Acoitrarea.-A few clays aro Mrs. E.
Jordan had the . misfortune to be
knocked down by one of the cattle,
and had one of lier-ribs fraetured. •
• Ma'ancl Mrs. Wm. Hart, of Stanley
township, were guests 'ot W. Sinclair `
on Saturday. • . •
Mr. and Mrs. D. Calbick Mad Master
'Harold were yisitore at W. J Nesbitt'.s
on Friday la,st.
• •
• . eonsta 9.4e
Reta Mr. Going,. of Exeter, preached
an edugational sermon to a large. ma-
gregation on Sunday, Nov..19.
alreancl Mrs. 'John: MeG'regor, who.
reeide Oar Clifford, are et Preset-Jaye:a
king their many Weeds in thievicinity.
Mrs. W. B. Cook Is at -Present at al.
.Squire's. in •tIshoree township, helping
to citee for her mother, evho is danger"
eusly ill. .. '
The.syndieate 'threshing outletetize.
der the neatutgement of Wm. Lindsay,
has Sust completed , a very suceeesful
•'Jas. Dale,•who has been' confined to•
hie house by illness Or at couple of
'weeks, is; we are. teletteed to,etate, able
to attend to differ agate. '
4. 'Severe wind and 'eaci* storm
passed over here on Tuesday morning
east, but toward evening :changed to a
much polder temperature. .
•,Jaieeph Rands has purchased -from.
Wm. LiadsaY hii crushiegoutfit,- con-
sisting of engine, cutting -box, crusher,
etc. Joe .is fulleof push. and energy,
and is sure to make theesunclerteking
success,. . • .1 ' .
• IfkrID MATT:, 'DEWY:FA-V.-A men
nearbere . get out Of this post office
one day last •*eek, a postal cardthat
was mailed in Londeshoro in the latter
pelt of Jane. ./kniost five rgonths
going ,71 miles 1 ;
Considering the darkness of the
night and the utipIeasant Weathee,
there was a very good turnout at the
Epworth League meeting on Tuesday
evening, when a very 'pleasant and
profitable season was enjoyed,
•James McGill and family have mov-
-ed totheir109-acre farm, Wain line,
leteKillop, which he 'recently Purehe sect
from John., Sproat, Theodore Dexter,
having bought Mr. .1e1cGIII's e0 -acre
fartri north of here. We regret t� lose
,theint.ts they were gooa neighbors.
• andcitizens, hut our Coss will be the
gain of these whom they liee near.
- DEmrtuot-Our- village now (101
• mourns the deathof Meiss Mary Gait, -
nee, who suddenly passed away oil the
18th of Nueefriber. Miss Gairdner was
a very popular young lady and was
highlyasteemed•by all who knew her,
She has. !toted is Pest Mistrese here
since the death of her father and eke-
cuted her business with great satisfac-
tioh. For a number of years she held
the situation ite organist in thelereshr
teriAn Church. After her resignation
as orgenist she took the part of decora,
don and to the time of her illness the
ehurch never lacked a goodly. supply
of handsome flowers. The Presby-
tetians will nowgeeittly.raiss het, work
in the church circles ni general as a
great dependarice wasgenerally Placea
on Miss Gairdner..
• week. voiteriss
• Polly Cox visited in Goderich last
Lt •
A,Ir.naonucl, tMhirss,wVeetkInderbtirg visited at
3, Morgan and family moved into
pr'oderich on Thursday. • •
Queenie Martin, of Bayfield, visited
at Mrs. illePhitirs last week.
Ames Glicidon, of Smith's Hill, vie-
itect in the neighborhood this week.
Wintie Youtigt of con. 1, has been
spetilingiewede antis Mrs, Vanderburg
W, Potter, wife and daughter, of
Stanley, visited at 0. W. Potter's on
Thursclay'last •
'Rev. Me. Stedman gave tt, very able
discourse on the evils of intemperance
in Bethel church on &many evening.
The Christmas Settann Is at hand. • In
less than one month Christmas Day
will be here. All purchasers of holi-
day gifts are strongly urged to make
their selections early. Do na delay
until the last week or two, when the
stores will be crowded, clerIca busy,
and the selection of goods limited by
reason of the early buyer securing OW
choioest and hest. Bven if you have
not the money now, there is no ivason
why you should not do shopping now,
when it den be done pleasantly, con-
veniently and toirifortably. Any
storekeeper will lay the goods aside
for you until yott tall for them, od
have the money to play down, 1.3y
choosing now you vim avoid a• great
deal of trouble, worry and anrioyariee
later on, You will get the most all.
dent servite and attention, and at*
quire gifts atjust m rfteenehle priees
*A tam +nob hew&
New Advertisements.
Free -G 13 Ballard
Here's a chance-lienra . I
Stole foods P Reek ie. 1
Reit thle drugs-Holme's
Still clearing -Newcombe . .. . . ,
Up to date- W, Cooper & Oo. ..... ..4
133elaw..Town of Clinton 4
Holiday display -A, J. Grigg. „ -41
By request- Morrell & Holmes 44
I3v surprise --W, IL Helyar 5
Watch for specials -Harland 'Bros -5
PreSeeve your 'eyesight -Counter., 5
Ready -A. JD Beaton. 11
Clearing nn sale -Tozer & Brow.. .5
Rooms to rent -New Era 5
Rconiers wanted-Neev Era „ 5
Farm for sale - Sprung-. ..,,.. 5
Annual meeting -R Mains . . ... , 5
New Butcher shop -j W Torrance -5
Bus, Col -,-W T Elliott, ... . ti
Be sure -WI', Shaw
House for sale-Rtdout and Rale,, -5
Christonts coiniog H Wiltse.... ,5
More new goode-McKintion Se 0o. a 5
Eye strain -Prof Taube 8
Bulls for sale -J Cunitighant 8
51,98 pants-ellodgens Bros. .. : . 8
Christmas ribbons -Hodgens Byes, 8
, County. Clippings .
Wiicl geese anclducks are very num
moue alongLakeHuron near Drysdale,.
Me. William Leibold, 'cif th'e. Babylon"
Line, Hay, has had about 25 h.ens and
3 turkeys stolenthis fall: .
. ,
leliss Rosa Smith has been re-engag-
'ed for,a third term to teach a .sehoot
near Grand Bead nt a. substalitiee 10.
crease in salary.'•
'Messrs John Decker, 'jr„ and J..
Eisenhofer, of the Babylon.line, Hay,
recently 'captured a coon thatweigh-
ed 28 pounds. ,
• The Molsons Bank has purchased
the business of Mr, George Siddit 1 at
Lucknow and will continue the -busi-
ness in the old stand,
'a Well known and. favorite
harse•that lied been in Bissett's livery
Exeter for IF'aut 22 Years, died.- last
Week. He eves: 28 years old;
. .
.• 'Thoirias W. eVillmott, of Ganan.
.oque, 'has been engaged as organist
anctchoirmaster of Elnok'thurch God-
erich, in Place of Mr, Lethbridge• ,
:A happy event was celebrated at -St. -
Paters church, Dr:vadat-a, on Tuesday.
afternoon, when Miss Maggie aubia,
of the Saul) 01140, and Mr. Leo laostei.‘
of the Babylon line Were made mitn
: Miss Kate' Teller has resigned her
Position as teacher in Walton union
school, !Vie Mies L, Agnew, in Szaieni'
school • section • No 12. • Mr. Clayton
Weite has been engaged to tetich in
Velton geliciel at 4, salary. ef, $4.20 a
Mr. Tlios Handford, the well knowp
horse dealer' of Exetet sent • leis last'
shipment ofileorsee, two ear heeds, to
the Northwest lasteveek. Mr, Henri -
ford has bandied . between 700. and 800
horsee this east .season, most of them
going to Manitoba and the Territories.
Mr. Henry Randal, Zurich, met liVith
a very serious iiccident., a few daYe
ago. He was -standing on e sealfo)d.
painting Me. Megelee new heuee whoa
the scaffold glive way .and Mr: • Ran-
dall fell about thirty feet on to the
hard ground. Ills head was injured
and he wee badly shaken up but .no
hones .werd hyelcen:
. .
' A veryhappy event took awe at
the home Of Wm. Ryati, Nile; 61 Wed-
needav, ,when his eldest daughter,.
Miss Jennie, eyas milted in mane/wet°
David 1VIeGfretten, of Nile, in the pees,
enee,of A few relatives and inthnete -
friends, Mr. anclaili..a. 'MeGratten will:
takeup their residence on the farm re-
centlyosopplea by Ale % Ditukeld:.
. .
What the Company is doing 111
the Township sit Colborne
(From the Signal) ' .
The past week of 'exceptionally fine
Indian seemlier Weather has given the
railway contractors . a good -clianecrto
push on the work, h.nd. the opportun-
ity has been. diflyee thken advantage ofe
The' line so far is corapleted and ready
for ballasting from the bridge at Dun-
• iop'e hill to the cutting neer the Mase
. kelt farm, . And at preeent the steani.
shoyel.is cutting downthe small hills
that interyeete between that faint and
;Joe Edwards' property, TWO trains
•of demo -wars drawn by chumay engines
.are.constantly: puffing away, engaged
111 ,flhliug up the embanktnent that
rims throngh the old "Azar:4 property
into the. Yaeger, • Walters and Allin
:farms. • This embankment, io eorne
places isquite di big albite es it eune
through a 'swampy tract of land and
will be some • twenty or twenty-five
feet ire height At :the divis'on line,
where the pew station is to be Ideated,
the work luta to he stopped during the
• rough, Wet weather, for it was impos- •
• sible for the men and teamsvvork
,in the soft . °lay in the deep cutting*
that run through the Alliri . and Stev-
ens farms. At ibis point there *ill be
a lot of levelling • and filling in to be
donebefore the contractor can com-
mence work on the' concrete station
eana.buildings, which are to be erected'
at the estimated cost of $4000. This
station will he a great convenience for ,
that end of the township, ancl will pro-
bably divert nitwit of the traffic from
Dungannon and Colborne that -now
goes to Goderie h. The line east from
here over Sheep's creek will be over an
enthanktnent twenty or twenty -live
feet in height for a distance of many
rods entii it reaches the high land
near the bank of the Maitlaral River
at Auburn. At the place where the
line crosses the tiver, two Massive
piers,of concrete have been erected in
the be4-of the stream, also tevo allot-
ments, one at each end, and the place'
is now ready for the steam shovel
The line, /IS surveyed,. Will letve vary
few eitrves, and the grade front the
erossing at Dunlop east appears to be
slight, The Stile' bridges are, we un-
derstand, •to lie brought over by way
f. the eastern termititis At Guelph, as
the line is completed di:away, Judg•
ing from 'the vast amount of work yet
to be dOtie at the approachof winter,
it must be some 'months; before the
first passenger train can reach etaie
western terminus. It is evident, hem
the spirited way in will& the P,
Is earrying on the work., and the vast
surn of mthis money that • s borsch will
cost, that the Company has high ideals
M to the Goderich terminus, and that
the future of "the city of Goderich"
will be closely allied with the impetus
that this hew 'rafter will give to the
We Keep the Best
• Herbagetitn,
1 International "
Ineluding Veterinary requisitee.
cuisrtbiv, ONT.
Don't _forget. -that.,
we carry al -full line of
Chamois Vests, Chest.
?rote t ors, Chamois
•.Skins, etc.
The Durham Chronicle.
• Is publishing all available i forma:,
tion that should be known to stoek-
holders of the National Foreland Cenx-'
ent 0o. Read it and keeppoo ed. AL
dollar a .year- Fifty cents for sbc,
months. Subscribete-day.
. •
-A, N' • '
. •
x p.g R I. ErN C E
You sornetinies wonder Why it
is you are so Pale, so. weak ARO.-
eo 'engine]: . The reasola in a few
• words, is " there is a lack of iron
in your biocide! • This • time of
year is the tone you should have,
• good, thick blood.to stand the
cold•and froste Our • •
!at 0 0 D E0 D
is.justAyhat yon. need to thicken
• ' Year Wood.'
.er nines lien -Loon. wets,
.No Bilking Powder quite so good
as Purity Bakln.g. Powder,
ttial eitsures -its constant uee:
• lehrii B.
P64 Office'.0ruo' Store.
About' it
,We are stdrselling
100 lbs. Fairs Fittnily Fiafir
, (none better) „foe. ... .,.$ 2.25
20 lbs. IteciPatles granulated
Sugar . ....... ,..... 1.00
lbs best selected:Raisins— 25c
I7 Ihs " 1.00
4 lbs best cleaned Currants 25e
,17 lbs " " 1.00
New PEELS (Crosse BlaekWelrf.4
NUTS Filberts, Altnonda, Wal-
nuts, Shelled Almonds and. Shel-
led Walnuts. •
New Figs, per 11)- a,. ..... 5c
Buy your fruits', early., as
Christnias is drawing near.
•• $12 Dinner Sets for $10
$ 4 Toilet Sets fer $3.50
• THE fitii3 GROCEP,
Phone 48,
.1 44!
• .4
• This. is Oyeretiat
, Weather
and this is the store to hay ,
A large stock and many
different styles witi inake
H it cd'sy for you to select
one NOW. -
Men's blaek Beaver, dark
grey Cheviot, black and grey
li'mze, fancy Tweeds, with
and without belts, -at •
$0,50i. $8 00, $10.00 and $12,00 '
Young Men's Overeoats, in
the newest faney Tweeds,.
the...swell coat this season at
$0,00 to $10.00
Boy's Overcoats, in all
kinds that are new, at
$4,05 to $7.00
Childrert's fancy Overtoatt
In :plain eloths, also Utley
Tweeds, at $4,50 to $7,00
Walk C41