HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-11-24, Page 3Nov. 24til /905 Losing . Yoin. Hair And doing nothing to keep it? most women like thick, heavy hair long, 1uxurLnt hair. Don't you? Then nee all's 'Vegetable Sicilian Hair Heaewee, You save what hair you have and get more at the semi.° time. For the whiskere and moustache we more aecartiortaina DYE. it colors a nee 'brown or a soft black, R. F. HALL & Nashua. N. H. • Immummo.. Clinton Post -office Time Table Public Loaby opens 7 30 a.m. Pubile Lobby eloees 00 p.m. Wicket &M.O. office ope 800 a.m. P. 0, office cines at icket closes 7lJUp.1U. • MAILS. Mails close as follows: South 6.35 a,m„ 3.50 p.m. East. .6.35 a.m,. 2.50 p.m., 4.50 p in. North 9'50a.m.'6.00 p.m. West....12.30 p.m. Goderich..9 50 a in., 6 p.m., 9 p na. Mails are ready for delivery approxi- mately as follows From North....8.0U a.m. 4.30 p , West 800 a,au. " South. ..11 00 a,m., 00 " East 800 a m„ 2.00 p m, [from the night train " Godetich . 3.45 p.m, • NOTES :-The public is requested to bear in mind that the hours mentioned above for opening and closing the Lobby are not compulsory, but might be made coincident with the opening and closing of the WicketThe privi- lege is extended by the Post -master for the 'convenience of box -holders. There 171Ily be occasional days when -this privilege will be .withaeld to.en- able the caretaker to do necessary cleaning, etc., The Railway Commission have found the Grand Trunk gulity of dis- crimination in the allotment of freight cars, according to t e comp a n o Upon the table At ;be meeting at Toronto, of the laruitaGrowees Awe elation Friday Afternoon was a spec', men of the Ontario apples, of • Winch complaint was recently made as. ereat- • ing a scandal in Manitoba, and a preju- dice against Ontario fruit, Mr. Haynes who was reported as saying that, this shipment came from - Catbarines. denied that be baa ever said. ea, and Mr. A, McNeill, chief. of the FrinaDe- partment, who preeidefla atated. tliat shipment carne from the eastern p.at part of Ootario, aed that he was Oros- eeute the shippers wbose names .were on the file le the DepartMent. The apples Were a little larger than marble.. and a little 'smaller thart decent ccab- apples. They. were in the middle of a barrel marked No. 1. • . • no You Get Onassis.? • No remedy could he • more ..prompt' and agreeable: than Dr. .Ilituiliton's .Pills. .No matter Whore you go yotall hear of the grand cetes .thear mike , Writing. from Ottawa Mrs M. E. Le- gere says For 'people inclieea to eilliousness andsick headache 1' don't tbinle, there is a- remedY • to••-eethaata• With Dr. liamilt ne'Pille; "I formerly . had bilious attacks about onceat month .-used De. Hauditetiftagi tle !JOU ed .grand results.- My stonlitieh lute been put in -good Order era My health. greatly improved." No. medieme beta ter -for men, women, or children,- airy Dr. Hamilton's .Pillsa 25c .per boa Or . five. bexes for sLoaaka4dreggists. 1 i t f, • the Dominion Tillers' Association. While shooting in Windsor Forest, King Edward fell and sprained his ankle. The accident is not serious. If am, your frTends or relatives suffer with Fes,' Laileasy, Si. Vitus' 'Dance, or Palling Sickne.,s, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise ori such diseasei to THE LEIBTG Co., 179 Kine Street, W., Tcronto; Canada. AR tiruc,:,i:ts senor can obtainf,.,r you • LEIBIGSFITOURE • smear Business Ynterruptiong. As electric transinissien lines .ars multiplied the stories told by linemen of queer interruptions to the service Increase. •A few nights ego there was sudden trouble on the Cataract Petrel* Company's lines ' near Allatibarg. Lights went out in the company's gate- house and the suPPlY Of electricity fail- ed.. Inspectors went but on the', lints, and, after a long search, found that' a large crane had flown •against the transmission wires and haa been elec- trocuted. His body, lying across two wires, continued the short circuit and crippled the line. Not long ago a cat climbed a pole on tae LOokpOrt trans.; mission line ana, 'Wes '•clectrocuted While stepping from one wire to aneth- er. A short-circuit was estabilehed and trolley lines; electrio lights ' and oilier systems depending on •electric poWei were paralyzed till the linemen found the charred corpse of the cat and lOolc It off the lines. FAMOUS :PEOPLE' J EW FANNIE M . LOTHROP SIR ALFRED ffalvlSVClitTii • The Publisher of ThirtyTive Periediellt - The most successful newspaper publisher in the vierld is tlir Alfred Harmsworth, who owns thirty-five periodicals, seven of which are - in the leading cities of England. He was born in Ireland in ,1865, the' eldest gon of an English barrister, and was destined for the bar, but before he had • completed his grammar sohool course he deterMited to be an editor, and though sentenced by his father to go to Cambridge, he seaceeded in having • this senteece reversed. • At seventeen he was installed as editor of one of Sir William Ingram's journals in the office of the "Ilustrated London News." • Four years later be married, and when twenty-three started his first paper,' "Answers," , a penny -journal of popular information, and the foundation of his present, • fortune. The publication office was a small room, hardly' large enough to draw a long breath in, and the four dollars a week he •paid In rent was quite • an item. The first number sold 13,000 copies; within a year itrose to 48,000, and four months later, by puzzles, schemes, guessing • contests,. prizes and clever and daring methods of winning publicity unknown to the conservative British press, the circulation rose to nearly .three-quarter of • a million.. When the unappreciative government officials .stopped the competitions the battle was already won and victory perched on"the Harmsworth bannere. Then followed a long string of minor publications, until, in 1800, he bought the "Evening News," a papei With an unsullied record for failure, • and by the Midas touch of Harrnswortb it was on a paying basis in a feee weeks. The next year he started the "Mail," au instant success, which now' has the largest circulation of any paper in the world; sells five times as many copies as any other London daily and pays its editor -ea man only thirty—a salary of $125,000 a year, ° • No one in •the employ of the firm, which comprises Sir Alfred and his six brothers, works more than fare days a week; every one Is greeted tt vacation each year, and if an efilploye desires to leave England and travel Sir Alfred pays half the Menses. • The Napoleon of journalism owns •halt a dozen fine eetintry bailees be, sides his magnificent town house In Berkeley Square, and more than a dozen automobiles. He does everything on a large seeteatand recently bought tract cf forest land in Newfoundland, half the •size Of `Vermont, from which he will make all his paper to be carried to England in his own ships. entered according to Act of the Parliament of (Janata, In the you tun, by W. e. Hack, It tl;rartinont ot erisstotte. TEEV CLINTON ,,NZW BRA AN AROUSED PROVINCE RV A STRANGE INSECT- r • The. L6cal -OPtion Vovement Going. with 'a Swing—On Hundred Municipalities Active,tiOw the Campaign. is Progressing—Some Liquor- Dominated Councils —A Great Popular • Uprising A,gaihst the Bar -tooth. • (From The Pim:leer -aniblished by request.) 'Inc Local Option campaign through- and clogged campaigning. Kitchener out the Province of Ontario is gaining conquered the Soudan by begyining at in strength and broadening in extent its very trontier. It took infiaxible • patience and consummate iaigineeei II The teluperance workers are arousea to •lay the long lines of rad through at last to areidization of the pOwerful, desert country, and fight bitele toe weapon rady to their hands for the fanatic tribes that opposed his ad - lessening of the evils of inteaapeettece vance to Omdurman and Kbaartouni, in the Local Option provisions of the Bet natieuce and engineering and to- Lionor License .Act, domitable pluck carried the day: It The hquor men, on the other hand, wits the long, slow', painful, seemingly are thoroughly alive to the tremendous intern -Arleta-% but always irresistible, hnnortance of the present movement. advance that issued finally in the rids - • here is • something so practical ing of the Union Jack oie the ruins of about the Local Option plan that it Mahdisrn. Nothing short of the same appeals directly to the common sense spirit and the same method will con - or the hard-headed elector, and in so quer the liquor evil, so firuily en - far its it cloes this the movement in- trenched, so • desperately fighting for spires the liquor men with wholesome its life." • fear. Tne contest is • now fairly on. in fully one hundred municipalities in BLOODLESS GIRLS the ProVince action has been taken . . • ...-- with a view to the seeeriug of Local , • Option.. . Find New Health •Thropgh the' In some'cases nil. councils ha,,ve' • • tise or yr vvilliams Baur Pills ararily and autocratically reiused to , • • llow the people to express ihe'r minds When you see a young girl pale arid on the question; und-have-tal len- into ailing, and wasting a asaaa,a, .you know line with the declared policy, of tbe that budding womanhood is making, liquor men, whieh is, and always has new demands upon her blood •supply been. to stifle the expression of public which she cannot meet. Mouth after Opinion. month her health, her strength, her That so many councillors elected by very life, is being drained away. No be -people, ana trusted by them to food and no care on do her any good; represent theina should. bare-facedly Cannon medicine cannot save her srving over • into the liquor caino and from brokenhealth and a hopeless de - take their stand with the liquor inter- cline. New bleoa: is the one thing es and refuse to even allowthe people that can make her a healthy, cheerfie, a voice in the managementoe their rosy-oheeked girl. AW nd Dr. illiams' own alleles, 5s almost mconceiVaillf, ill Pink Pale actually make new blood a democratic country, It remains to be seen whether Olivia. tian citizelie of this Province are going. to allow such cora:leer to go ibitabeked, • There are, on the:other handavery -Many Couricile that have readily ac- quiesced in the reasatiable request el tat) temperance pepplea and the fiOst of Januaay aext Will lie a red-lettet, ilay in the history, of the tenmerante mo vern en t in the. Pro eiiiee .of Ontario. There will be more municipalities vote upon the question of abolition of the barroom upon that day than have voted in all the Local Option contests that have- ever. been •heId in the Prov: ince. • ;Tae full extent"of the movement may be seen flan]. '• tile followingalist, which cont.:dos • the mrinicipelities 111 which action has been taken jay the temperance people, ' althougla • as. We bey° said above, in some few instances, the Council has • refused to sabinit the byaaw : • • ' • Acton, Amehel, Athol, Amellasburg, Alemate Arkona, Arteinesia:• a •, ' Barton, Bastatd, Burlington, Beanes- Inside Information Readers haute for ProfltEveryone Ought to Grasp this Opportunity " tinese heart Intro, specks before the TO have even a simple case of ihdi, gestion is to have "inside informs,. tion" of watering that warns of sera 1. 011E1 trouble in the future, (micas the digestive system is strengthened. If you cannot eat and digest three good, square and satisfying trteals each day without discomfort, youe stomachmeeds Mi-o-na tablets. They are not a mere temporary relief, but aro composed of valuable medieinai agents which strengthen the digest. ive organs, and euro and prevent stoma& troubles, • When Mire are deft distress atter eating, head tic es, beTching of giores. A sour 'wet in tho mouth, ....aaaressa , Chesterville, 'Oolli n gwoo 'fp., South Oteisby; Catoden, Caistor, Chatsworth,, Cremate, - Drayton, Demmer, Dalhousie and N. Sherbrooke. " Egranont, Enniskillen) Eenestown, Mina, Eunhenlia, Esqueslog. • Finch, .11os. - • Gananoque, G'eorgetown,' Grinisby, Grimsby N., ariinsby S.. East lewd- •Iiinbury, N. Gwillhobury, Grey. • ,• • Holland; Hillier; Rogersville, Flow - ick, N. Hinsvvorth, ilaldimand. • Iroquois. ' Keppell, King,. witb'eVery tIOSQ, 'IWO pt49 edte't a how they have staged thOUS- ands of pale, anaemic girls from ATI early grave, Miss Alice Cara•put, aged 17 years, living at 475. St.. Timothee street, Montreal, gives strofig proof of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to cure. "A couple of years ago," says Miss Chapot 'I was an almost continuous sufferer, and became so weak I coeld hardly go about. I, suffered from frequent and prolonged spells of dizziness, 1 aad frightful headaches, and my -• .stomach was completely out of ordea • The least exertion would leave Me Worn out arid breathless', and I did not are peer to have a drop of good blood in my boda.. I consulted a dohter.. Who told me the trouble sees 4eilend de- bility, but his treatment did not help me a particle. 'To add to the. trouble my orerves gave way; and I often pass- ecl sleepless nights. At this staf.Te a friead advised me to try DF, Williams: Pink and •,1 got a few boxes: The that benefit I noticed arom Alta use of the pills Was an hi:load-yeti ap- petite, and this seemed to bring much relief. I continued . taking the • pills until I lia,d used six boxes, when I was 'fillip restored to health, .and •I have notated a day's illness since. I cannot. patise Dr. Willianis' Pink Pills • en- ough fer the great good they have done me " '•• The Avreto Vele Kant and Ti Nouns. re. New Zettattid, The awete, alt the Maoris, or natives of New .Zealand, call it; arHlplaUa rescens, as naturalists term it, Is Mind in New Zealand anti is a vegetable Ow terpIllar of from three 1:1) four inches In length, andstafar science ilea not been able to say whether It is a vegetable or an insec0It is always fauna at the -foot- of large myrtle -trees :that bave beautiful rel ilewers on their stems and e beautiful creeping eIematis as waft() as •the snow. Tae Maoris call • this tree by the name of The aweto buries itself among the root; of the rata a few inches .below the ground end there lives 'uatil it Is full grown, when It undergoes- 4 Most Wonderful change. The spore of a vegetable fun- gus, termed by oaturatists Sophoeria rebertsii, fastens itself to the neck. of the caterpillar just between. the head and the first ring and then grows up- ward to the height ef from six to eight incbes. Many people assert that there Is never more than one stem, but such is not. the case, for some bave been found with two stems; although very rarely, • ' • , The stem shoots up, out of the ground above' where the .caterpliler Is liviog. &boat two or three inches, Below the saith it grows into the aweto. until It lihis up every possible space witairathe outer eicia •without changing the form ot the insect in the slightest way what. . . • soever; anat'sihmlyesubstituthig-a-aegea• table matter for antneiti Matter. As. ripen as this takes place both the Phtnt and caterpillar become dry and hard- a_nac_ I die., lade retain exactly the same form as wbett alive. The whole hale .4 brown Color, arid, the insect appears a wooden caterpillar With huge • horn ..atanding OP' teem the back et its neck. . How the caterpillar 'manages to .proPia gate its sieeciah ha ear, ehe. tot renal, TY ihe 'caterpillar becomes -chrysaliEl, the chaysalie alianges Into a ,moth; the Iiothay eggs,. and these eggs agate, ..beeome caterpillars, and so On without ' stoppteg. Maey reasons' eke gloved araliy •the talent shoo ta lap frorn the' ba.ck •• t.&) 'reek of the aweto. One is that the evade hie a slimy substance oozitig out from its neck,,which white the .ftWet'o as • • lx,ring the.:ftiot of the rata tree. for its only feed catches th'e seeds of the. fungus and, holds it fast there till. the tatter begins to grow When••it 'bas . sucked all the vegetable life out of :the -,Siveto it mist .nitnraili die, or it finds no further- tioarishmerit: The. aweto.is . . often 'found In, large numbers . - • • • . , Quality and MOVOr Cey lot' Natural Green rea is fat superior to any Japan tea.• Sold Only In Seated Packets OW,a, soc.4oerte, and boc, per lb.• ••lay all Grocers, AWARD s'I, LOUIS, 1904. " *4444 4 t-Tte410444444444 if New Crockery andChristmas • Fruits 4-,S+ Just Received. ••• We -.4.,.,- opened five crates of beautifal Crockery, irn- • via ported direct from the makers in England. We carry the finest leT • A pate ariaemic pavan needs only brie thing -new blood. • Dr. • Williams' 'Pink Pills •do one thing only -they make' newbloed. • That is • all they do, but they - 'do • it well. • They don't act on the bowels, alley don abotia ea with mere syMpteins. They won't 'cure any disease that isn't caused 'or- igirially from bad blood. But •wheri Lakefield, Leamington Di; Williams' Pink :Pills replace bad • Macnabaltlarkdaley Maakhani. Mark- blood with good !hood .they strike ham Tp., Meitford, Medonte, Moore, straight at the root and -cause of all Morrison, Moentaba N. MArysbure, comniondiseaseelike headaches,. side- Naseagaweya, Nottawaeaga, New- aches, • backaches, kidney trouble, 'burgh... •• • liver complaint, biliousness, Indiges- .0akville, Oshawa, °raga,. To., Os- tion anaemia, neuralgia, sciatica) 'hrey, -Otonabee, Osnabruck, Owen Sound, • ' Petrolea„ Pickering, Picton, Pls.:up- ton. Rama, Richmond,: Richmond Hill, Salt Fleet, Scott, Sarnia Tp., Stem - foal, Sydenham, Saravvuk, Southamp- ton, Sophiesburg, • Stanley, , Sombre,. Stouffville, Sobthwolcl. • ---Thornbury, Tilbeey, Turnberry.' Usbor'ae: Vaughan.. East Wawanosh, WellineactaWrox- eter, Winchestee,‘ Warwick, Wood - .bridge. The fight is fairly on in Owen Sound. At the ttit meeting of the Council it was decided, lees vote of seyen to two, to submit a Local Option by-law to the electors on Janttatv lst. At a for- mer meeting of the Uounail petitions were presented both for and against the submission of the by-law. These were referred to an examining corn. mittee, who presented their report as follows : • • Local Option Petition Total number of names • 1160 No. whose names were illegible 30 Non -voters • 26 t Names signed more than once • 0 Net No, qualified signers866 Petition ,Opposed. 'Total number. of nanaes... ,.., . 905. , ' No. whose names -were illegible ale ' Non -voters .. a ... ..... , . ..... 319 Names signed more than once 30 , • Not No. qualified earners.. 503 , It will be seen, that the Local Option pet i tion sto Oil thc. test far better, than did the Honor men's &sou inent, • The decision of the Council to sub. mit the by-law was announced at the great 'revival meet ings being held by Crossley and Huntei r n the town. At these tneetfogs there Wee° over 3,a'al people present, and the Announcetneat celled forth it veritable -ontberst of en- . thuslastu, There Sienis to be little doubt but that with the present ',tamper of the electors the by-law will he .earried by• it substantial majority. • eaes, 'flirted tengue, sieelessbess, nervousness or back nehe, tile stout. Plvery reader of theNEW showd heart of grace, and visit the Local Op - locomotor ataxia and; the special se - oat troubles that every ivorrian knows 1)111i that none of therh like to talk .about, even .to their electors. Bat -you must have the genuine pine or you can't.becure& and the genu- ine always have the fell •name, "Da \Villiams' -Pink Pale ' for Pale' 'Pee pile," on the avrapner atound mai box. Sold by all medicine dealers or emit by mail at 50 cents a box or elk boxes fo $2.50 by writing the Dr; Williams • , • • . • • . • rasicane • For Fun and. Profit. . • ' rear is . expressedin some .Ouarters that the anuitipheation. of mimic- libra- ries will lead to .tt decay in hottie libra- ries and that 'peoplewill not, reed with • the thoroughness and Profit* orformer days. It is .alleged that our fathers paid a stiff price for a book and read iti to nieces to get the -worth of their money, .with the result that they learn. - ed More than. does' the library patron who .'skitas through a volume only to • sip the honey • of interest. , There • is something, in this theory, but the met - ter of cost is not enough to account for that hunger .and thirst after informa- tion .which -make reading profitable. • The free library may boa dissipatlow to seme; blit It Is- svboOntP. many' who are too :poor to buy the • books winch will do them. good.. One whe appreci- ates a • really' 'geed book will make great 'sacrifice to .OWn' it,: hut that per. 'soil:Must .first knowthe worth' of the . • treasure, and the library often points it out Lovers of Shakespeare and • the . Bible are .not satisfied to tet those vol- umes rest on the library sheives. and . it be the same in the case of any loaned; book, which the .borrowers dili- gently read.. 17ronyborrowing they Will .pass to owning, In these deys of. com- plex jife it is seldom '-taet one book completely covers a Subject.' Each • book Is one, of a .series like the :school text book; land the student nritat fare on from .heightto hefght flnttl the. top .it -reachedan point of fact' the public library is a co-enerative scheme—One• book serves many. minds. Vurther- more, it gives free play to advance by thelaw of ' selection. • • '0 The. Christian Guardia!), discussing "The Liquor People's Dread of •Local Option." 'says " tVtieh the Wine and Spirit Journal, the organ of the liquor interests in • this 'Province, speaks of the Local Option prospects in the tone and language it haarecentIy used, the (telt needs the help of 311-tia. friends of temperanee rimy wen take 1 ratty tlte o.pportunity offered to try tion battle to the gate. If, in the 11.o.na,. just •otto little tablet. out judgment of the liquor men, one•third of rt 60 emit box of olio remedy be. of Hut constituencies will adopt the foto each meal for a few days, an you will 600t1 have it strong stomach and perfect health. If you cannot obtain All.o.na ttf your druggist, it will be sent by tuali, post-paid, on receipt of price. Write tut for advice on your etlfie frorn , a • Medicine Co.,' Broekville, Ont. leadingstomach spoontlist which will o se . f I firitain's.--Xnemployed • The visit Of a•depUtotion of wives of the unemployed in London to Premier Balfour, asking for work or assistance, has again drawn attention to labor conditions there, and given ()onset, yation newspapers a text for a family upon the foolishness, of free trade and the benefits to be deriveg from a pro- tective tariff. Refering to this sub- ject the New York Journal of Com- merce says that there is no unusual in- dustrial or commercial depression in Great Britain. In factthe country as a whole is in a fairly prosperous con- dition, and the nation is rated as the wealthiest in proportion to population in the world, .There are vast estates, great accumulations of. prooerty and lordly inconies in the United Kingdom d.erived, to be sure, hi to small mea- sure from external sources ; but evi- dently the well-being is very linper- fe;tly diffused. For this there must be economic and social reasons. There are vast estates, held in lordly pleasure grounds and used at large cost for show or for "sport," while most of the farming is done by tenants of wealthy landlorde. Actoss the channel in France there is no complaint that so few of the people are ottaehed to the Mail, and that SO little can le derived from it for the support of the popta latter'. Wages are lower and the cost of livina is higher in France than in Ifinglane, and yea there is no such cry about destitution and suffering and no seal army of the onamployed. State, of Ohio, City of Toledo,. aa I•aictis County. 5 Vrank 1 Cheney makes oath that he ie senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney" & Cooloing business in the city of Toledo, CeurityandState afore- said, arid that orda firm will pear the slim of ONE ILU,NDRED DOLuAltia for Null Mid every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of na.11's Catarrh Cure, V'. CIIFINAY. SWorn to before me and subscribed itt nitr presence, this Oth day of Decent. ber, A. 1), 1880, A. W. GrxAsoN, ' (Seal.) N'otary Public, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucons surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free, V. CIMNItY & On., Toledo, O. Local Option by-laws unless vigorous opposition le organized and inaill. mined, what a glorious proportion of the coristituencies could be carried for Local Option if the tettiperallee people are alive, alert, determined filld etrate. gie Jct us learn frotn our friends the enemy In fins matter. Let Is any Wornertuffer UNTOLD AGONY FROM KIDNEY TROUBLE. Very often they think it is from .so;called "Female Disease." There is lestifemale trouble than they think. Women suffer from backache, sleeplessness, netvottstiess, irritability, and a draggled:down feeling in the loins.• So do men, and they da not have." female,trouble." Why, then, blame all your trouble to Female Disease ? With healthy kidneys, few womca will ever have 'female disorders." The kidneys are se closely connected with all the internal; organs, that when the kidneys go wrong, everything goes wrong. Much distress would be saved if woraeu would only take DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS at stated intervals. . Perei0 cents per box or three boxes for Ei.215, all deelem or sent direct On reeeipt of pries. The Doan Hideo. Pill Co,, Toronto, Ont, and largest aseutments of 4i -rockery in the 'county and this lot • contains the very latest an choicest patterns and designs, in Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, and fancy China. They are geode you should see. We are selling them at -less than regular prices New TeasW e in* Sugars nd Canned Goods • in new ruits. _ Teas, Sugars, and Canned Goods. Call and get prices, TEAS ' _rie:. Black, Geeen aud Japan. We:sell the best 25e Tea in quality. quantity and • apc. W. !Irwin. +0. +0- 44* -Oct inter Has...Como . . ben't, you Want a good pair of Rubbers ?. our prices are lower than Usual- • ly asked by others, Our Boots and. Shoes and Sot, are right in price • anti. quality. '.How about an Overcoat ? See our Blankets -Flannels; Flannelettes,, etc., klOw about Coal Oil at 18c and 22eLampsand Lanterns very' cheap - What do you think of Flour at $2 52.25 arid $2.50 per 1000lbs; not '9$ lbs atS some sell. Highest price•for produce, either cash or trade. Loadesboro Emporium /.4.0V. 14th, 1905. Re. adatn: litiMill1111111111a .akInq-:,ty Mall: LgA.115 at home to ont, fit, Mei put together everything in Dress -making without 'using paper patterns. I will send for trial free of (Marge to any part of Canacla. Elite Tailor eastern and first lesson consists of how to take measures, out and fit a perfect waiet and eleevetIor any lady. Coarse of Imam taneht in two weeks or•uniI yoa are perfectly setiefied, to be peidley oash atrinstalment plan: Gold tnechil. St. Louis, 1991. Mrs. Wm. Sumatra Drese-cetting School. Stratford, sant. Canada. A pupil writes, "Aly friends laughed at me wheel told them I was learning draw -- mating by mail, since that they have each Paid me more for making dresses 'than I p' - - for the coarse. I latish now." . , Another writes "t had been tanning a dress Making alicip five years before taking ar couree from you by mad, always using patterns to cat by; you Make me feel as if r die - lea know anything; what need to be a bother is now a pleasure," • Another writes "I am very much p eased with my system andlessons; you -tell Ortr how to do anything and extlain it is so simple you can't make mistakes." There are ins of others. ' areeseeeleaneweaeerea • ...4extenyer 4,IdIe indlistrtesot Though timemay mean money for a • mall, It neVer does to a Woman, 1 •We are adepts of 'the idle industries because our time is of no earthlycon. sequence. Think of the miles of lace we crochet, the impossible einbroka• Offal we make, the countlesa Odds and ends we construct, of AO eiirthly Liao except to tatch &1st. Think et the , tours we waste at the plan°, which no ; 1 one wants to hear and„Which 'We never learn, to play. Think of the awful phe tures we make, which no ono wants to gee; the innumerable things we do that I are so mitteh better done by some one l • else. There may be male loafers, stt. I peiritbunditnt male loafers, mit it 8001118 to tne as It their united numbers are *a nothing compared to those worthy lady loafers who no perfectly respect • And perfectly hile.---Idrse, John Lane 1* Portaightly. torte*. Said by all Drugglists, 756. 6111100e preparation, and thoroug b nt free The n T nooih Am-pldopt thew wide (Adios of taroftli d Take Italia yawl y Pills for tonstipti. pally.. Ithaca, 14. Y. Couches and Easy. Chairs - • During the long *inter evenings. a good Cotich or an asy Chair will contiibute Very rnuch' to your comfort. We sell a strong couch with spring seat, covered in Fancy Figured goOcIs • - at $5.00, Gents Arrn•Chair $2.00, Morris Chairs $5.00, Ladies' Rockers $1.00, Parlor Suites, 5 pieces, fancy Valor6 covering J. 11.CIIELLEW Myth.' Largest Furnitore Steve in the County. Olinton Sash, Door, and Blind Factory, This factory is the largest in:the County, andlies the very latest improved m'sa • chinery, oapable of doing work on the shortest notice. We Carry an extensive and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all ciao. es of buildings on short notice, and On the closest prices.. All work is ;envie- ed in a meohanical way and eatiefeotIon guaranteed; We sell all' kinds of in terior and exterier Material, ' Lumber, Lath, ,Shingles, Lime, Sash.. Doors, Blinds: Etc agenafor the Celebrated GRAY BILL somem, oat% mantosature at Waterloo. Call andget prices and eatiniates before teasing your Indere ; S. S. COOPER- PROPRIETOR, . General Builder and :).ontrartor .s: and. Ste:1g Now is the time to get, your Cutters and Sleighs fitted up and pathted, and the place. to have them done is at. MBA.LL &McNIATH atiRON ST, CLINTON, • Lig t Bagaies our Specialty They areNtadie:orthe best of material, and takeino seconil place inAvorkmauship. They are the hightest grade, and in- tending pfrehasers should sec my stock beton purchasing Geo eLINTes LAWS, earlilaa PICKLING SPICES Dia yott ever try buying • -• Spices at 0 Drug Store P, It is part of the steakyou knew.. and the prices are the aame as • at other stores. We always get.in a fresh snpply of the beEtii Spieee PIA in time for Pickling, mid invite housekeeperS to 'do their imying ihere, Hssences of all kinds, jar Rings, &tee Wax, Cooks, eta, alwaye en hand. t • * HirireY Dispensing Chemist • and Druggist