HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-11-24, Page 2ilk YOU MARINO $2,003.22 A 41*An? It is being done with our goods: Pan i3 pleasant, permanent and prodtable. 'lbw).* used in every house, every day. No fake.- -and no need to create the demand. Legitimate, acpuMble business. You can start without a cent lot capital. Write to day. G. StfansuaLl. St Co.. 'Wholesale Teas, and Coffees, London, Out, • The glintoa NeW Eva FRIDAY, NOV. 21. 1903, The Senate Editorial NotcSe . . . The Tonto News should find -an. otherIbie fer Mr Hamilton e tts. Otta'Fk:R' eorl•espotalent. He's a peseimist end chronic grumbler, and is always fault- finding. Surely he can And something pleasant to Write allout once in a while. 0 CLINTOR The Pres' Jyterlal Society The twentLethal-Muni meeting of the RmTtlilleersis01a07nPawrehyteral•Woinr isF.,ereitogn rsoviety,wlasioi Prel_eee:chuch„ Seetortt,Oa at:Notwthisulndtngtlsee., scnne ettleett unfavorable weather, there • oeattit Societies, are termed Alienate Presided. Rev.. Leckie. of Londes- 1 livered an excellentaddress descriptiVe most pleat:meat and profitable one and +seemed to be therouglaly enjoyed. by ell present.. . Ttlit EVENIZIG MEETING The meeting in the evening WAS open to the public and was well attended, the auntence room of the church being WI ,a.• 'large attendance. The minor or comfortably filled. Rev, Mr, Larkin .e• ts nod every Auxiliary Ander the boro. representing the Preebytery, de- I4444•44•40••• 444* t The New. Era's Great 1 'Clubbing Offer Renewed. Two men have • been killed this fa. I teetepiees of ;Ile parent some was re. Th world and the necessity for increased throughbeing mistaken for deer, A Jo rsentecl. The meeting opened ut a the worle done by. the missionaries f th h h. • f ti ie a. ine, with the president, 'Mrs (Rev) o e c urc m various parts o a liberality and reneaved wad on the part - The reports trout the several Aux- P P , Mertes and mission bands were ye. fields continually opening out and the eeivecl and were mostancouragieg, i increasing interest of the people of • showing good work along all lines and heethen lands in the Gospel, thew need. • contribeeions. The - report of the . Vaulted vvith its truths: Rev. Dr. i treasurer showed the following con- 1 Ruchanan, missionary in Central In I tributioes front the respective .Anx1l. di t, gave an interesting description of 1 levies and tnission Wattle, which 'etre oa.! his work aneant• theamels. The doc- pease fonds : , tices ' the healing ayt • lemon% these , the deer in the country are net yetee* theilves of these two In011t aura tit should be a "henitentiari off.eive for ane meal to shooe another wleile out The Toronto News says : hunting. the Price of One Shiite, of Egptontiville, presiding, e '••••••••,,t efUR subscribers will be pleased eV to learn that we have secur- ed a renewal of our arranfement aid, by which we are enabled again to offer The New Bra and The Herald for a year for One • first session was mainly business one. ti 1 t f the rieW with The Montreal Week y Her- Two Papers for "The reform of the Senate was nnce et. recognized article of the Liberal At a meeting of the Conservatives • $aitti, and its more radical members 1 of North 17.4ssex the rther telity, it was ..' 'went for abolition. The leedees have some ib 'r 1 wovspapers show a lis- board and lake M. Monk as leittler. . elf the inecease uf the indemnity to . elguietIL di o red the mg itai ion, but Proposed • to throw Mr. Borden ovexe positimi to re% ive it, esp..cially in view ThLS .wrisveiry,unkind at best, but what de the rank and file think of the pro - 162,500. The Senate has three bad .1 f Its It owes its •zap pointuient to a , pneition to accept a French-Canadian, ;to increase of both membership and ' • d theirde • •e to become ac - addition to the amounts raised tor ex. tor le a Inedion missionary and prac. Auxiliaries -Auburn,- $47,5S ; Say- peePle and in this way Is ena led to d 141 00 • '01 to fluenee over them for good that under field. $88.60 ; Blyth, 8124.48 • igake; i gam their conlidenee end wield an in - $•a t B,neeflel, I 2_ 1 Weong satire... it, is useless, and it is ' efider all the cry It e I'? 11,,011.,• "... re. ri0 h' darn ID. $1a ; Duffs Church; Meleill'op, 020.35.; i. other circumstances he could not . o. •expensive. Nothing•could be more ale , _ e, ee.„ .Egmandville, $214 ; Goderich. 8127.98 ; mid Metter have' been converted to • • surd than that the•executive authority I tulti"• • • reOdevich: townsh•p„ • Union. church, • Our Opposition friends takadelight ' $$9 ''' •14111"11' $107 ; Kirkton, $49• ; shoultl appoint legislittors, who are , supposed to act •tee a check on the , Leeburn,. 025 ; Londeshoro and 13urne' House of Complains. If the Senate is in telling us of the increased expendi. t church, $70; Seaiorth,:$280.35; Smith's . to be retained at all, it should be el tut.e of the Laurier Governineat and Hill; $41 d.' Thames • Road, $121.50 ; eeted by the people • or by the Provin • • ' • Varna, $10. Total $1,727.75. Miseion. dal Legislatures, andet should do real e legislative week, and net as a real S, check upon the Government and the •• -majority ef the Lower • House. We are :male vhat it is difficult to make • changes 111tbe constitutiou. but the • *act teat a retorm cannot be accom- • plished in et rear is no reason why it should not be kept before the public mind." No serieus objection can be offered to some of the arguments here ad- vanced, and we venture to say that if the abstoitct question of "Abolishing the Senate" could be submitted to tha Liberals without any other question being involved in it, the result would be its abolition. But there is a point with which the public is either unfaria- Mar, or it is overlooked. And it is this The Provinces of Prince Edward Island, Nova S :otia and New Biuns- -wick have the idea that in some sway or other their rights are protected by the Senate. That it is an erroneous idea does not alter the fact Of its exis- tence. -and its existence is in part res- ponsible forth° retention of the Senate. Conservatives have only become advo- cates of Senate abolition since it be. came Libernl. NV e believe the country would be just as well off without the , 'Senate as with it ; but since it is like y to be retained, •an eleetive Senate • Would be more representati re, though it is a question whether it could be any useful. To tale of the Senate doing real leg- • islative work and being a real. check • On the government, is more or less a -visiori. If the Senate introduc d legis- lation, it might conflict with that in- troduced by the Commons, and fric- tion and difficulty would at once ensile. Let the House of Commons look af- ter legislation, and the members he held responsible for it, and the public then have an opportunity of appro- ving or disapproving thereof. attempt _to make • touch • party capital Bands._ Brumfield, i42.22; Exeter, $$0 work of the Balfeur GoVernneent ire F4:50111.;. Vinispine„.. tit 4 out of it. What. do they think of .the Gotlerich; $50.20 •• . ensall, • K ip this connection ? Lord • Roseberi, Seatorae Thatiltsgivinrug,g).'ass:43 apeaking at Strowbridgee England, re- .Thatnes Road, e23.50.: $292.00. Monfss.oziel3natttittiostcl trtur_x_itraledts: cen nye declared, that the "Government .. expendii met in, the last ten years lied dition to this • about 1000 worthof been inereasing at the rate of 5.1 vnill- ioa a year, that is, 144 mitliorts instead of 90 millions, while in spite, .of this we have Lord Roberta telling ne our army is not any 'more efficient and is not efficient at all." In the face Of these figures the Laurier Government . is economhal .1 o penuriousness. And it has value in the county's g,rowth to show for every dollar. , The Farmers' Side of It. The farmers of Ontaa in were ably represented before the Tariff -Commis- sion in Toronto last week, and it may Le doubted if ever before a group of Cabinet Ministers in Clanaelit lie. ened to so thorough an exposition of the farmers' interests in connection with the tariff. James McEwing of Dray- ton, W. L. Smith of The Weekly Sun. E. C. Drury of Crown Hill, W. F. W. .• • • L. E. Annis ofS b. addreised the Commission in the in terests of the agriculturists. It is safe to say that no other interest has had, or will have, its ciuse advocated with greater zeal and force of reasoning. • Their position briefly is teich that "protection" as is accorded the farm- ers on that which they have to sell is of no practical value to them ; while • the "protection" they are required to endure on that which they have to buy is a serious burden. Yet, under the „ circumstances, they contend only tha the existing tariff should be the maxi- mum, while iates should he scaled down ,in particular instances. Such protection as they receive on their products they are ready to forego in exchange tor a rednced tariff taxation on what they consume. The nianufacturers of the country are a compact body, with well-defined objects in view. The farmers are by no means compact, nor have they as a whole an accepted fiscal theory. One farmer will believe that protection is an out-and-out evil; his neighbor will argue that the theory is all right if the manufacturers did not get so much the best of it. But the opinion grows among agriculturists that the tariff as they encountee it in reel life does not, and is not meant to, make farmers rich. This is what every organtention of farmers is teaching the ind(Vidual agriculturist, and the public men of the eountry will find that the pupi s are learnil-roronto Star. MISERABLE.NiGiiTs: , Nothing so .demoralizee an infant and enslaves' the parents as to take a. (-rose or wilkefule baby from the bed and wade him up and cloivn etheflooe, during. the night; • •The beby pries be cluthing was. .contribeted tu Indian schools iiI the Northwest. . . The following 'ofncers were elected for-thia-curren ' year : • Provident, Mie. je,Hamilton, Goderich ; let honorary president, Mrs. C. Fletcher, Thames Road ; 2nd hanoreey president, Mrs. N. Shaw. Egmondville ; 1st glee pre- sident, Mrs. Ethel M. Smith; Helisall 2011 vice. •president, Mrs. J. McNeil,. BaYfield ; 3rd vice president, Carswell, McKillop Secretary, Mrs. Rich Irwin, Clinton : treasurer; • MIs. Ellen Spott, Seaforth ; secretary of supplies; .Miss K. AlcTeggart, Clinton ; seceetary .of literature. Mrs. N. M.,. Leckie,. Londesbero . • Seceetary of .Mission Bands, M188 \V flame; Clinton. Mrs. (Rev.) Savers extendeda very hearty' • and cordial invitationfrom ebe_Briteetield Auxiliery. to hold the next'aminal meeting in Union elitirch , ein that village. Diet invitation was. Christianity. Mrs; Irwin also rea the annual repnrt of the. Society, which gave an interesting and com- prehensive history of the work done dining the year, which was not only gratifying as to the past, tut gave much elm Uragemeht tor the future. Several musical selections were given by the churl+ ehoir, and a well rend- ered solo by Mr, Leech, a iiteenbee of • the choir. In behalf of the niernhers of the Soolety and. the visiting sisters penerally. Rev' Mr. Anderson, of Glid- e:niche expressed the hanks to the ladies •the Seaharth- Alixittary lord all who'aided them for their hospita- lity and the efforts they pot forth to .make the meeting the success that it had proved to be. ' The Members of the Presbytery and the Society were entertained at dinner and: supper by the lad:es of the con- gregation, and the sociability tims. engendered added not a little to the plemeure of the oceasion. • • mute it is not well -generally. becanee , accepted, The next anneal. 'meeting its steinach is sour, • ite little, bow els' 'Will eherefore, be. held in •Btuceilele. congested and itsskiti hotand feverish Mrs. Rich Irwin and Miss Kate M c - Relieve this and baby will sleep sound- ly all night, growing stronger endbet. ter every chg. Just- what withers need to keep Baby healthy and enakec hint sleep soundly is Raby's Own Tab- letwhich cure ail stomach, bowel end teething troubles. and thus Pro- mote netpriel, health -giving sheer - Mrs. Helines, Dame, 0 it s tys : • My belly was troubled With sonr stothech and WAS constipated most of the time, and was always cross and restless,: . I gave him 13ithy's. Prebytery, which was in session at the Own Tablets a.nd found them a• cone.. plete success and would not now be1 seine time, to convey to the ladies the greethigs of that body; elide° in a neat without them." Von ean get Baby's' I Own Tablets from any druggist •address. Urquhert is not only the mail at 23e a box by Deor by pe welting the . latest member of. the Presbytery,. hut williainM s' edicine (Jo., 'BroCkville, the oi:ingest Man in it, and it *as • • only natural that he should. Ihe esonie- On t. • what diffident in addressing so large • : au audience composed exclusively of Believing that he bed murdered his .ladies. But he proyed himself equal ife; Alexander Labrie, • one of the to theoCeasicin. . ile congratulated the best kitown fermers in Quebec district ladies on the Marked :success which . cininnitted suicide by Winging hinf- bad attended their effort e during the self in hie shed at his halite. A: differ- past year, tin the good Work they -hacl. mice of opinion an some demestie sub- ' done a,nd the large aniount ..of money ject between husband andwife reeult- they had raised for miSeions,and en - ed in a serious quarrel In a fit of larged on the need for united and .coia, blind rage Lebrie picked up a loaded secreted effort in that directioti. where shotgun which was standing in the thework is so pressing and the labor - corner of the kitchen. and, aimiiig • it -ere so few in .comparison with the at his wife, nulled the trigger. With ammiiit ofwork waiting to be done, a piercing shriek Mee. Labrie fell 1113- while the principal media Money with conscious. and when theernoke eleared which to carry on and extend the away, Ltibrie saw her form •stretched sinerk. Addresses were also iven by out, apparently lifeless on the flexor. Believing that the worrian was dead. and that he WAS' her niurderer, Labrie went to a, shed in the rear of hie -house and hanged himself to a beam with: a piece nf rope. A •few minutes later a neighbor drove up,enteredthe kitchen • Taggart. of -Clioton„ ev-ere appointed deleglites to the next annual', meeting of the general society wh,ch is to be • held in Winnipeg, 'Manjtebao in May THE ARTERNOON MEETING , The afternoon eneeting. which wa,s presided over by Mrs liamilton,, the newly elected president, was largely attended and a mese inteteisting pro - 'gram was given. Rev. Me. Urquhart. of Kippenewho. was deputed by the IThe Hetald has recently been • i improved, and the publishers • promise that for 1000 it will be le Ibetter than ever. With The New ; Era, giving all the local and dia. • tric news, and The Herald, with * 1 , Its general news and reading • .,- subscribers to The New Era, are matter, at the price of one paper, i ; getting m great bargain. • f The ofter is good only for sub. • • scriptions to the New Era paid. a • 1 T:ilg IA actaannecf billIwiteitabigritits. i Ora. Subeerilters in arrears can, 4 1 teke advantage of it, by paying te ariearegee : rend a eyear in ad- Z vaoce. Under' no cieeumstanbes • : will the Herald be sent to :any' * • suladeriber, not payiog. in ad- * ,vance. t To new subseethers for 1006, • ; • The New Eva will be sent for the t et remainder of this year without i -0-extra-chargr, _ .... • . ., ..,, In ternitting, address : . .. f ROW,r.. E.I 0 LM S, i . Tan nEw En& CLINTON, - ONT.A.RIO.;• . *4014 •••••••••••• ••••4*.••• Nov. 24th, 1906 For Fah.. 730004 and sere of hind, Emit end On - trio St. Purchaser wishine more land cotddeliay loteeining, ITO SUVA PEAREN Clinton House for Sale I •Tan maim, with woodshed and 'stable --- mt isn 00 t water, 1 acre of lend. cen. • . trolly located for partioulers apply to • 1 ' W, BRYDONE. For Sale ••••••••• ' : Clinton Salt Well, Engine and Boiler, 12 home power, ( Golcl•e de McCulloch niake,) limb* end other artielca therein ' Apply to JOHN McGARVA. Diseases of Women OFTEN DUE TO Deranged Kidneys When the Kidneys Are Weak It /it Impossible for Ms y Womarito -• be Happy or HeRIIIIY• If the girls and 'women who are si- lently suffering with`eyitat they sup- pose is "'female tronble,' Weni d. look to their kidneee, thee, would epott. find the smirce of their 111.13eatilt. The kidneys an e very clesely 'allied' "with the termite organs and if „ the vitality t he kidneys . ineany.' way '; Wait . till • you cool down before you impaired, great suftering is .sure to• whip or shut up in dark closets.' Then, (teeny. • • ' to if it is the 'child thatehas a temper Lands for Sale PROFESSIONAL HENRY BEATTIE (successor teMr Jes ileett • . BARRIS.TER, 801.10ITOB, em. CLINT() , office -Elliott forraerly Occupied, I ' "In the far West" Reward, MOM 1113 - proved farms for sale at $14 per• sore, other farina without buildings from $6 to 012 pet acre, good land from one to six 'Mimi from town. Fare paid to patted investing. N. P. MICH, Beware, Aso, 1 The breaking Of a chain in the King- ston Locomotive works ellotveti a, huge cylinier to drop on two men. James Goodman • Was Wallet injured; and Robert Gorman severely erusbed. .A dangerous drink isimpure Water: Il brings on diarrhoea, cramps arid piercing pain . in the bowels. Connt- erect the effect of bad water with •Perry Davis' Painkiller, Take it in your grip when yotetravel. • • • Break a Bad .Temner, • 'Anger gets More people 'into trouble than mealtimes. 'We' de and say things while in a temper that we spend the rest of our lives regretting. Parents should never punish theie children 'while •in anger, for if they do the child Invariably gets more than it deserves. No better medicine is known fer the kidtieys than Dr.. Hamiltons Pills ei and not Ydurself break it, before the Mandrake and Buttermilk : they stie egeofP Six is reached, for if .yop, don't xnulate and strengthen the kideeee then that temper likely never and thereby assist the ether organs to be.conquered.• t d t • ; work ' Instatit benefit • ' • o o na uses and certain cure are gua,renteecl every case. • Sufferer, 'don't wit. begin treat- ments •witli Dr. Hamilton'ti Pills at oncee thy veil cure you as they did Mr*. Ae B. t:'oburn. a We I -known re- sident of the town of •Portland. Read her experience • "For t,wo years past haye been sickly and Weak.' My. color IVAA dull and sallow. arol•I • felt • exhausted arid weary, as if all my •strength were be ing eaten up with some hidden trouble. I heard of Or. Hanallton',s Pills and de- i 1 o 13 TI he • i a • Stunning the leantiet. "Running the gantlet," 4 punishment sepposed to be peculiar to the Ameri- can Indians, was origineted in Brit- ish navy. Dvere sailor in the crew but the offender • to be punished Was pro- elded with a switch, which he was 're* .'quired he lay briskly on the bare sheet- • dere of. thenlan 'who did the runuing between the two The Indians observed the puniehneent inflicted in Virginia and Canada and copied it as a • tom of 'torture, • To Rent The briolt cottage and 20 acres of land, just Ninth of Clinton, on the London Road, and at present owned by Mrs. Freer is of- fered for rent on readonable terms. Apply to Ephraim Butt, Clinton, or Rev. 'W• EL Butt, Springfield. March 24 tf few days was surprising, . They regn- e . lated my kidneys and bowels and enr- • Huttley'.s tables: of the Weights of ed all my Sufferings ; today I ain pee- min show' that the 'human' body is feetly well." , • ' made up of thirteen different elements, h.:Very wOniati can' take Dr Hainil- ' of which five are , owes. and. eight tcm's • Pille with 'safety end benefit,' e„; Their: occesitnial use keeps the By's- ' avilully '•.' Mrs. _Shaw, of Egmondyil e ; Mts. epee in healthy. well regulated order. Fletcher, Thames • lepa.d ,• Miss ItiarY No medicine more gentle or more Lough Clinton ; papers by Mrs. Hans- ' prompt in.resultsi Now is the time to Mon; Goderich, and Miss Kirkwood, get Dr.lfamilton's Pills .25e per box Seaforth, and it 13ible reading by Mrs. or five boxes for $1, at all dealeis, or Anderson, Gnderich. Several musical by mail from N• ' C. Poison & Co., selections were also rendered. - On the Hartford, Cohn., U. S. A.; and Kings - and found Mrs. Labrieunconsmous on • whole the afteenoon meetmg was a ' the floor. • She was uni jure& and soon recovered. She had fainted .. when her husband pointed the gun at I 1 HOSPiTALS CROY/DED her, and the charge had passed close to ber head,bue had missed her entire- • • . ••:- ' • ' ly. When the woman was sufficiently recoveeed a search as made for I,ah- MAJORITY OF. PATIENTS WOMEN rie.. His lifelese boely_was found a few .... . ' , . ' ______ . " • Is Your Hair Sick? VINIMINIONSIMINNIMIL That's too bad! We had no. deed It was looking pretty thin and faded of late, but naturally did not like to speak of ft. I3y the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular hair grower, a perfect hair re. itorer. It keeps the scalp clean and healthy4 u all well acquainted wait Aferve fink =%A42T far Ibe Mato L'eadthi it soft end eratitithy sou iterttim' trio:141%N th° hetwill, NOW. minutes later, hanging by a rope to one of the rafters of . theehedi Labrie Myr:onithis Bs Philalam: Advice Sav" tams' was forty years of age. • Pala alma this Nip!. It is a common complaint with wo- men. The right treatment is Nerviline which penetrates ,to the seat of the pain innnediatelye Nei•viline Warms and soothes the affected parts, draws out the irritatinit and pain, allows the .patient ease. after one rubbing. No liniment so economical and safe.- Nearly fifty years in the use and the demand immensely greater every day! Nerviiine must be good. •• ISAVE nosTAND HIS START. !Wrath' Bernhardt Had Faith In the • Playiviefirhtga Ability. Edmond Rostand, the great French playwright, had the usual difficulty fn getting hearing when 'hitt he began to. write for the stage. Sarah Bern- hardt was directly reeponsible for tiae primal achievement of this successor of. 'Victor Ilugo, Mme, Bernhardt grew. greatly interested in Itostandht first play, "La Princesne Leintaine," tied suggested that he give a retblie reading Of the manuseript at her theater. To this reading the actress Invited results are Wait • Coquelin, %These attentlen was riveted The following letter should bring from the very first line and who, walk- " hope '±0suffering. women. Mrs. Robert ing bobie with the poet, gave it al his 'Glenn, of 434 Marie St., Ottawa, Ont., opinion that bis companion wee: tO be- tonie the greatest drartisAist of the age. ‘41 bind myself. hero and now, to take any play which you write (in which there is a part for me) without read- ing It," he said, "to cancel ,any en- gagement rutay have an liana and to • prodnee your piece with the leant pos- sible delay." • Stich faith as this proved a verttable bnekbote to 'Rontand, 'who had lost ail hope of exciting interest in work. few yearn later Coottelitt prodneed "Cyrano," the eueeeee of 'Which has . painted ±0±0 hintrioale history, Wue gratitude to Mine. Bernhardt for her ohne in giving him tide OPperattaity that blade Bontand Write "Ltdiglea," • *Weil many erities eettaider the greet- ' tet, tragedy. modern Aimee. Uwe. Bendiertit made fortunefra whid Ale land Costly Eperleince, • It is a sad but erne 'fact that eYely• yeae brings an i n - crease • in the number ofopera- tions performed • .upon women in our hospitals. More than three- fourths of the patients lying on thews snoW white teas are women and girls evhc are awaiting or recovering from opera- tions made necessary by neglect; • Every one of these Patients had plenty of veer:ling in that bearing demi feeling, pain at the left or right of the womb, nervelis exhaustion, pain in the small of the back, leucorrhoea, dtzzi. nese, flatulency. displacements of the womb or irregularities. All of these symptoms are indications of an un- healthy coedition of the ovaries or womb,. and if not heeded the trouble will make headway Until the penalty has to be paid by a dangerous opera, tion, and a lifetime of impaired useful - new at hest, while in many oases the writes: • ' • Dear Mrs, Pinichains- ,, LydiaB, Pinkharnei 'Vegetable CoropeUnd is eo well and widely known- that it does not nod recommendation,but am plowed to add it to the many which you have hi ite favor. r mitered =told agonies from ovarian troubles for nearly three years, and the doe - tore told me that !must undergo an opera* thin, but as I was unwillhig to do tide, I tried your Vegetable Compound and rain only too plowed that I did no, for reittored nie to perfect. health, saving me the pain of an operation and the iminenee bills atbancling the sante. Pray *Wept Tv hearty thanke end bent whin:a" 4ritet as surely no Mra Glenn was ced of the troublee enumerated in hr letter, juitt Bolan* will Lydia E. Pinkhattitt Vegetable Compound care every woman in the land who eider* from womb. troubleott.zinfitelrmitiblon the ovarian, kicker trouble', nervous • eitelta)41ity mad *Argos stroattettSox • kit *titan all yoagivit to *Oa fatilita t011; THE t"Idt.., • LLYCKS. Northerly Felton,- Canad lens ' Lows • • Faith In Medicine Man. • A report received at the Mounted Police Department at • Ottawa • rom • Sergt, ritzgev tald, a ery, capaWil ble e her, who until recently was in com- mand IV • the 'Mounted Police post at ,Fort McPherson, which Is well up In the Arctic. drcle, contains coneiderable • Information with eespeet to the Elelti, MOO and their habits, ' •• "The Eskimos belonging 'to this •shore," he Writes; "are called Ieoginol- • lycks. There are two tribes, one being Go -puck nathoeie &id the *thee- Het - schen island natives: They are fairly 'well built, the Men averaging 5 feet 8 Or 4, inches in height. All the older Merl haVe their tower Jaws pierced in labreta, and the women have their chins tattooed.• Of late Years they • have stowed this, and men taid Women of about twenty years have no marks. There are about 250 leoginollycks, but they are very dirty in their habits and never wash. • 'The Minataltrnites, or Deermen, are inland Eskimos. Their hunting grounde statt from about forty miles from Iferechall Island, on Beaufort Sea, and run west of Poiht Barrow. They are a strongly -built people, the 1110/1 being about 5 feet 7 or ft incheein height. t he older nettivee have the lahrets and tattooing, the same as the Kognioi• lyckit They nuitiber in all sheet 100. There are a few faMiliels Of Eakinioa from Behring Straits who call theme selves Masinkas. There is no marriage law with them. When a man fa ready to take a wife, as a rule abottt the age of eighteen, he goes and live8 with her In the house of her Parents. • That hi the only ferrn gone through, If they cannot agree they separate, but they • generally get on 'well together, •There are always few medicine men in each tribe. If anything id abOilt • to happen he has a dance and tells the tribe all about it. If a &five is sick the medicine man is called to drive the devil out of hill If the inatiVea can icet a, doctor theyalwaysprefer it. SO • It woufd gem that they do not Put much faith in the medicine man at the present time. / have found these tiveavery honest, and all the time I have' been at nerd011eIl Taland I never heard bf a ease of Meeting among them, They are a very hospitable Deo. pie, and It a stranger demos to thair house or tent everything they litiNe M hie disposal. They are VerY healthy.. Melting, but I do snot think that they live to a gtseat age, as there are few men Over. fifty Years of age among them. ininht 4110411a* year. The to- Ithno is %molt • the Indian. no The Bad Cold of. -To-Day MAY BE PNEUMONIA TO...MORROW: The sore throat or 'Wiling Stotiale that, to the asieleas, Miens but a trivia annoyance,- 11367 develop into Pnetanoals, Bronoliitis, or wane Throat or Dung toptible. . DR - WOODS NORWAY.. PINE SYRUP . moNEY TO LEND • BRYDONE• BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOT4RS7 • UBLIO. ETC. ormiTON ' 'IDPOUT & HALE. CoNvEYArmeens, Coregmxtenotenns, Beal Rotate aud Insurance Agent Money to loan 0.1/it• ,YOBN RIDOU .ForRent or.Sale • • • That desirable, oorarnodions residence, at present occupied' by W. Q. Phillips, on Mary St. First class eLate of repair; 1-2 sore garden, with fruit bearing trees and hushes, • Possession given Oot. lat. If pur- chased, buyer can have easy terms of pay- ment. Can .be inspected any reasonable hour, Addrese JOHN RANSFORD, Clinton P.0 'Maine all tite lung -healing virturee tithe Pine tree, and is a sure owe for Coughs; dads and ▪ Tirroat or Lung troubles. Mrs. E. Butolibr: eon, 186 Argyle Street, Toronto. irrites; " I have lima' a waterer from Chronic§ Rsonebigs tor 'ears and have found Dr. Wood's Xeres" Pine Syrup far better thati any of the hundreds ef *goodies I have Used, Our %thole Ian* um k in oasts oi Cougha or OA& We would not Don** be hunibugged tnto tains sometidag •"IOW 86 good," ask for Dr. Wood's and bidet • *a getting it. Put up in yolk* wrapper , throe Was tress is the trade *nark and pried 2,5 dents. NEW CHOPPING 1If1L AT • liOLMESVIILLE In operation daily. Cus mitre can lake Ohep home with them. Prieto right --toll Or oaida, Satiefaotion gu wart eel'. BROWN, Proprietor Wood?* pladeaphoddato, Tbs Great ragthli Itched is an Veil proparat pa. prescribed Overt° years. sista in the of Canada pelt reo0Minend as Beard cocr the only medicine videptid satisteetden.;14 ,.1)ttromP its kind that ital. tiSt eared all Parma or POTVO. SPetlilat&Thteav,,Int weetsofaIniseoreSeseses: co, Want or,Sureuta mint which lod 4.- an na per_paaagesiciet8. for ict wi six win ear& inaued promptpaser• Winetes. illeoffreepgvaphlet, wood oompeay. lifindsonOnt.Cannillb Woods Phosphodine is sold in Olin to by R. P. Heckle. F. W. Watts, If, B.Conibc, and S. B. Hovey,. Druggits Farm for Sale. London -1102a /toile from Clinton, about 132 sores of first-class lance Rich as a garden, nes been a stock farm for a num- ber of yews. Frame boom, large barite, ptenty of stabling, pig house for 100 head, implement building. Posseision given at any .time. Owner wished to. retire' from farming. Artily eci H. PLITMETEEL. May .19 1905 • MedLal. • Ora. Gunn & Gunn. Dr. W, Gnaw, 1, R. C r.. E. it, 0.8.. Win - Br, J. Nisbet tumor, M. C. S. England, L. It. C. P., hondOn. . Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls ab front door of office or residence, Eattenburr- Street. Farm in TudierSmith to .Rent. •• To rent for a termofyears, Let 14, Cone. cession two, L. 11'. 13„econtaiuing 100 acres, :80 earn of which are cleared and in ie good state of cultivation. This farm is eituated 1 1.2 miles fronaliippen, 7 ranee from Sea - feral, and 1-2 from Hensalt., .Thie farnt is well fenced, drained, and hoe first clase. buildings thereon, and is one of the beet farms in the County of Htiroti; For terms '&o, apply to Doig dt Doi, Attoeneye, Salim Ste. Marie, Michigan. 8-11 Farms for Sale. • . DR. J. W. SHAW. . • PHYSICIAN, SURGEON 0 • Aset miner • eta,. office arid • residence, On tario St., opposite English church, formerly err moiled by Dr, Appleton. Clinton Ont. QR. O. W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon, Eta. „ special attention given to diseases Of the • Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. .0face and Residence- .. Albert Street,2 Blocks NertkalltatlefarililrE,.. G• W. 'Nanning Smith, 31. C.31. I'HYStCIAN & SURGEON. , OFFICE. -•Main Street, Beyfield, fora:tette- occupied by Dr. Palliate= • • J. B. LUNDY, D.D.S.• , suceessor to Dr. Agnew; Dentist. • OLINTON, - ONTARIO. • . Office open every dayand until lifo'oloo Satardite evening. • ' D es* G. ERNEST. HOLMES, DENTIST • (Successor to Dr. T. O. Bruce SPeda1114 1111 crown Mid Bridge Work; D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sun goons of Ontario, Toronto. D.D. S. -First-class Hono ; graduate 'of Dent tal Department of Toronto 'Calve:sky. Special attention paid to preservation of' ohildren's teeth. Will ,visit nal/field • • • Mhnday. One 991 acre farm in, the Township Of Col- borne; 7 miles from Goderich and 9 miles:from Clinton, 1 Mile from Village of Benmileniclose .to Post Office; dallsfinailf churches and schOols. There is a good, large bank baro. bug> house implement noose, pig pen and heti house; a good large frame dwelling, with tea rooms; 2 good wells, fences in good state of repair. there are•about18 acres of pear orchard and 28 acres of apple orchard, fail and winter fruit, about 8 acres of bush. Thio is a first-class fruit and mock farm, fall plowing nearly all don ,• ar d five acres of wheat; half of farm is seeded , down. Possession can be bad as.y tinle. Also a farin of IGO acres, adioining the above farm ; a large, good atone house, • frame barn, horse stable, large sheep and cattle shed, and a large spring near the house, with milk house, thereon ; spring runs through farm to Maitland River. Several acres,of bush;farm over half seeded down arid in good state of cultivation, with some 7 acre. of good orchard thereon. This farm is known as Cherrydale Farm, and has 18 stereo of fall wheat. Apply to MRS. AILEY WBITE. Benmiller, Out, .Ne ;Iv Barber Shop. -7;. FRED JOYNER s opened a shop in Geo. Cooper's old stand. and will be there for bueineis every week evening, Rarer honing scientifically done, • Give him a oall. Choice Residence for gale. Subscriber offersforealehisresideno�on Onpario St, as be as , leaving -town. -It b- one of the mate modern and ' up•to-date houses in town, having hot and cold water, bath, Weenie light, and is most eligibly' sheeted in one of the 113016 pleasant parte of the town. • Partioulare on •application ' •W. H. NEWCOBIBE.. •••••••.1.P......•••••••• Berkshire Boar for•Service. • subgerib-er keeps for eervioe at his peon. ism, Con. 3rd, Tutikeremith. a large Eng- lish Berkshire Boar, registered. Ras , osier been beaten in the thew ring this fall, taking four let prizes. Tertnic $1 at 'thus of servide; $1.60 for registered sows, Also Yorkshire Boar for service. APPELTON ELC OAT, Oct 27 41x Ttiokersmith Tp, 1.4 11 t tii 13 A C 1i INeu • lifervtatioeirli Aka ' :abler • AJ asd eitimine our stook of,high art pianiti Of hit est case designs and: Containing finest so dons purehaeab'le for money. See Our Vito latest styles of sWeet-toned organs, _at prime, Iriatrueroents rented. tuned Or paired. GraraophOneS and Mind° iety * • •1 HOARE% Iltroportain TheStanclara Elevator. c.L.Woildr DR. 4. FOWLER, DENTIST. • Offices over O'NEIL'S store. . „ . Specie( care taken te make dental ire, • ment AS painless an- poeeible. Will vi•i/ Auburn -every Monday. • •-e—e• TAMES CAMPBELL, LONDES130B0. • %MIER OR IIARRIAGE LICENSES ' ed No ,witnesose requir• • . . , • , , Money Private fundittO lean at 4i4 per, cent end uPp' : wards ' • , W. YDQNE: • Licensed Auctioneer.. The undersigned solicits a share of the- atronage of those wiehing to hold mime, • atisfaosion guaranteed. Moderate ranee. Apply to or address JAS. A. awful, les. 88, con 1.6iGederiehtp., Clinton P. Os • THOMAS GUNDRY„ Live stock and general Auetioneer, • GODERICHI, .ONT. Farm Moak Wiles a specialty. Ordera. left at ;Maw ERA. mike, Clinton,_promptly attended - toe • Terns reasonable.. °Farmers' galenotes diacounted.. . , • . • • MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSOeD:BY J B,, Runtballs Clinton. •:J. P. TYNDALL. BANEElt, • CILIN.TON, ONT Pdvate funds so loan on niortgages aat beat current nits* General Banking business tranweted nterest.. allowed -on deposits. - Sale notes bought • 'G.- P. Mere ggart liff..D.,MoTaggarti McTaggart Bros. ' RANKERS • ALBERT ST 0.. 013141'(.N .•>, General -Banking Ilnalnean •, • transatted • ,. —.- NOTES DISCOUNTED .• Drafts Wined. Interest allowed on • deposits, . . • flaying !tatted the Sumatra Elevator the undersigned I* prepated Miley the Ifighait cad& Prig* tor 'gran el all kind*. W. G. WM. Minton. I 0 unagathon.. • MBS, P. FRENCH., • County Manager, Clinton, Ontario. At Heine Fridaya • pd Miss Sybil R. Couriice,. A. L. C. M.• Winner of Barron Geld Medal and Heintxman Scholarship 1905), Teacher of Piano and Theory.. For terms apply at residence,cor. of, Joseph and Fulton,streets, The McKillop Mutual Itire Insurance Co. riirM and Isolated Veleta ProyiP erty Only Insured. I. B. McLean, President, Kippen; Thos Eraser, Vice-pres., Brucefield; Thos. Hays, Secy. Treat., Seaforthl DIRECTORS. /as. Connelly, Porter's Hill; Jahn, Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M. Chesney, Scarab; r. Evans, Beta* WoOrij J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, I. Bel. neweis, Brodhagen, Each Director is inspector of loists itt hin own locality. AGIN* ktibt. Sttlith) MAO* Ed Ellithie &Werth! junco Vonuoing, Yoo. gob000vitht.