HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-05-18, Page 5$6.00 MENS SUITS $4.25. 14 only Men's Blue Serge Suits, sizes 34 to 44, regular price $6.00. Sale $4.25 MEN'S BLACK SUITS $7.75. 19 only Men's blaol; "er blue all wool serge suits, sizes 35 to 44. Sale price $7.75 $1.60 BOYS' SUITS $1,00. 16 only Boys' two-piece Navy Bine Serge Sailor Suits, braid trimmed, sizes 21 to 26, Sale price $1.00 500 MEN'S COLORED SHIRTS 25c. 8 doz. Mens' Colored Shirts, soft bosom, sizes 14ti, 15, 15X, 16, regular 50c shirts. Sale price ..25 TUE WfNC,+It.1.M TINES MAY 18, 90 THE BLUE FRONT STORE NEWS. C of ling Bargains •At GROWDER'S, Big 10 Days' Cut - Price Sale WE NEED THE READY MONEY YOU NEED THE GOODS__,.,"=� Come and see us during the next few days. We will show you some of the biggest bargains we have ever shown. Everything marked in plain figures. . 60e BOYS' SWEATERS 40o, 40 only Boys' Wool Sweaters, all sizes, regular price 50o and 60o, colors blue, red, green. Sale price 40 $1.25 ODD TROUSERS 900 29 pairs Men's odd Tweed Trou- sers, all sizes, regular price $1.00 and $1,25. Sale .90 $1.25 VESTS 900 16 only Mens' Tweed and Serge Odd Vests, sizes 31 to 44, regu- lar prices $1.00 and $1.25. Sale 90 $1.75 MEN'S ODD TROUSERS $1.25 33 pairs Men's Ocld Tweed Pants, all sizes, regular price $1.65 and $1.75. Sale prioe $1.25 50c MEN'S OVERALLS 40e. 24 pairs Men's light weight Mole- • skin Overalls, all sizes, while they last. Sale price........ .40 $7.75 MEN'S SUITS $5.75. 21 only Men's plain and stripe effect tweed Suits, sizes 35 to 46, regular price $7.75, $8.50. Sale ,.., ,..$5:75 35o UNDERWEAR 25o. 36 only Mens' Undershirts and Drawers, regular 35c goods. Sale price .25 Mens' Cotton Socks, a pair . , ... .8 RAIN COATS. Men's Cravenette Rain Coats, sizes 33 to 46 chest, $9 50, .... .... ... $10.50, $12.50 $5;50 BOYS SUITS $4.00. 17 only Boys' three-piece Tweed Snits, sizes 26 to 83, regular price $5 00, $5.50. Sale price $4.00 Shoe Bet.rgain.s. $1,25 BOYS' SHOES 90o. 19 pairs Boys' Boston Calf Shoes, sizes 11 to 4, regular prioe $1.15 and $1.25. Sale 90 $1.75 MENS' SHOES $1.85. Mena' Dongola Balmoral Shoes Sizes 6 to 10, J. McPherson make, regular price $1,75. Sale $1.35 $1.50 MEN'S BLUCHERS $1.15. Men's heavy Blocher Shoes, sizes 6 to 11, regular price $1.50. Sale. $1.15 $1.15 CHILDREN'S SHOES 90c. 17 pairs Children's Pebble Lea- ther Shoes, sizes 5 to 11, reg. War price $115. Sale prise to clear 90 $2.50 MEN'S SHOES $,2.00. Men's Box Calf Shoes J. Me - Pherson make, sizes 6 to 11, regular $2.25 and $2.50.... $2.00 TRUNKS MND VALISES AT RICHT PRICES ? he IL H. CROWDER. Co. These prices are for Spot Cash only. WINGHAM, ONT. fid 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 COUCHES The Gomfortabte COUCHES -�- Kind -•— anaimPanniumenutmagsammareminwsimmeria A better assortment of Couches than we have in stock at the present time is not to be .found ; and the prices (well, you plight imagine the goods had been stolen) are so reasonable. All uphol- . stered in best Velours at prices - - - $ 7.00, 7.50, 8.50, 13.00 and $17.00 1 Examine our Mattresses at $3, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 It's an acknowledged fact that our Diningroom Chairs for comfort and style can't be beat. Per half do::en - $3.25, 4. O, 5.50 Headquarters for Window Blinds. Curtain Poles, each - - L. A. BALL, . CO The People's Furniture Store. UNDERTAKING Brink residence, 5th house west PHONE from Hamiltons Corner Drug 51 Store, where night calls will receive prompt attention. CARPETS LIN;OLEUMS OILCLOTHS • 11111111111111111101111,11101111111011,1111111 1.1.111111111011.11111111101111111111.11110111111111111011 BRANDON,Manitoba I am the owner of 5000 of the best building lots in the City et Brandon, and over 2,000 in the City of Winnipeg. The City of Brandon is recognized as being one of the railway centres of the West, whieh greatly tends to enhance the valne of city property. The Wheat City has been chosen as divisional points for the Grand Trunk Pacific and the Great Northern Railways which wilt shortly enter the place. This will increase the value of property over 150;T,. In this list of properties I am °f using during the mouth of T.fay (only, 1,000 choice building lots for 150.00 per lot. Terms, $10.00 down and monthly in- atalments of $5 00 each. • Torrens titles Write immediately for hill particulars. If cash accompanies order and during the year the pur- chaser becomes dissatisfied with his investment, at his request I will return money with fig- interest added. I can procure for you several homesteads within a few pities of thriving towns. The land is flrst- olasa to every particular. These are genuine snaps. Petro of lands $1.00 to $0.00 per acre. Itasypayments. EaguIries for lands will receive prompt reply, as I Intik° a specialty of mall oro°rti. These lots In Brandon will positively advance the lat of Jane to $75.00 per lot. Se- cure one now. For references see Baiter of this paper. JOitlt VAT, The i'.slrtd ll a>ttl. Ofttces, 6301iosser ave., summon, 71Can. BELGRAVE Last week over $24,000 was paid out in this village bf i the buyers for cattle and hogs. This is a large amount of money to be paid oat in one week to the farmers iu this vicinity and shows that Belgirave is a 'very important shipping centre. We would like to hear of an- other village where a like sum of money has been paid in one e week for stock. Throw Medicines to the Dogs At beat they are unpleasant, often use- less. You have some disease of the nose throat or longs, Doctors would °all it bronchitis, asthma or catarrh. The common root of these diseases is germ or microbe irritation,—Catarrhozone not only destroys these disease germs, it does more, it heals diseased and inflammed tissue. The disease is not only cured, but its return is forever prevented by using Catarrhozone which is splendid also for colds, coughs and irritable throat. Remember you inhale Cattarrhozone— Nature's own cure—ase no other but Catarrhozone—it's the best catarrh cure made. BLTTH Rev. and Mrs. J. Holmes and Miss Luella Holmes were in Exeter last week attending the funeral of Mrs, Rollins, sister of Mrs, Holies. Mr. James Moo. , who has carried the mails on the Blyth and Auburn route for many ye. rs, died at his resi- dence in Auburn int Wednesday night, May 10th. Gangrene was the cause of death. Ile was only sick one week. Mr. 0. Harpilton has completed the assessment of the village for the present year and from the' roll we take the fol- fowing particulars:—Real property, $61,639; buildings, $178,317; taxable in- come $8,945; business assessment, $34,- 630,60; total real and personal property and taxable income, $383,531,60; popnla- tion, 993. The religion of the popula. tion is as fellovds:---Presbyterians, 420; Methodists, 827; Anglicans, 210; Roman Catholics, 20; Evangelical, 11; Luther- ans, 5. Last year's assessnletit figures were as follows: --.Real property, $196,- 300; personal property, $23,500; taxable inoome,$1,100; total personal property and taxable income, $24,600; total real and personal property' and taxable in- come, $220,900; population, 876, There io absolutely no satisfaction 10 doings something smart if there is nobody for yon to brag to %beat it. MORRIS. Mrs. J. D. McEwen and little daughter 04.8 onnd i11/1081of the jet Iine spent a few *days vision at the parental home in Moutorief. W. H. Manndere bas invested ie a new windmill, tank, coca. He's determined to have everything in firat•olase shape. • Mrs. Chas. Q. Campbell, of the 1st line is not improving iu boalth as rapidly as her many friends would wish. She line now been confined to her bed for some teu weeks. Dr. D. T. Smith, of Omer, Michigan, formerly et Morris, is here making a Short visit with his people in this neigh. borbood. We were glad to see Dr. Smith looking well and also glad to learn that•he is prospering in his new home. His brother, 14r. Wm. Smith, who had an auction stile of his farm, implements and live stook Iast March, is now located in Omer and doing well in the furniture and hardware business. WALTOi1. Another of the pioneers of Harou has passed from this life. Mr. Robert Den. nisou died on Sunday, May 7th. He was prostrated by a stroke of paralysis on the previous Tuesd;iy. He had reaohed the unusual age of 85 years. Mr. Dennison was a native of County Sligo, Ireland, and came to Canada when quite young. The family first settled in the county of Peel and afterwards re- moved to the township of Scarboro. While there Mr, Dennison was married Sarah Dowsell, who still survives him, Soon after their marriage they Dame to Huron, now over 48 years ago. He took up the farm on the Huron road, Hullett, now owned by Mr, A. Hngill. He re- mained there only about six months, when he sold his farm to the late John Hugill, making a good profit. He then moved to the township of Morris, pur- chasing the farm on the gravel road, north of Walton, on the corner of which the Walton church and school now stand. Thirty-two years ago he sold this farm to a Mr. McDougall and purchased the fine farm adjoining Varna 'village and on which he continued to reside until his death. Strained Back and Side "While working in a saw mill" writes C. E. Kenney, from Ottawa, "I strained my back and side so severely I had to go' to bed. Every moment caused me for-' ture. I tried different oils and liniments but wasn't helped till I used Nerviline. Even the first application gave consider - able relief. In three days I . was again at work. Other men in the mill use Nerviline With tremendous benefit too.' ' Au honest record of nearly fifty years has established the value of P,olson's Nerviline. JAMES1 OWN. This community received a terrible shock on Wednesday evening, May 10th, when it was learued that Robert Me - Tunes, an old and well-known resident of lot 20, con, 1, Grey, had dropped dead while working in his field about dusk that evening. He had been plowing and was in to tea about 5 o'ch ick and appear- ed all right although he had been speak- ing of a pain in the region of his heart on a previous occasion but nothing serious was thought of it. A water furrow had been plowed and Mr. McInnes was using a spade in cleaning out the waterway when the call came. His son George was harrowing in an adjoining field and took the harrows into the field where his father was so as to be ready to sow on Thursday. He went back to see if he could aid his father in finishing the work when co his sad surprise he found him lying ou his back dead. A doctor was called who pronounced the cause heart failure. Geo. Johnston, a neigh r, was summoned and the body was conveyed to the house. Mr. McInnes was born in the county of Armagh, Ireland, and came to Grey township 30 years ago, buying the farm on which he lived and died from Samuel Roe. Mrs. McInnes, 7 sons and 2 daughters survive, 5 sons and a daugh. ter are located near Deloraine and Ar- cola, Man. Deceased was a hearty man until the last few years. Ile took a trip West last summer with a view of im- The season's first cold may be slight ---r ,ay yield to early treatment, but the next cold will hang on longer ; it will be more troublesome, too, U n - necessary to take chances on that second one, Scott's. Emulsion is a preventive as well as a cure. Take scorns EJIIULSIO$ 'when colds abound and you'll have no cold. Take it when the cold is contracted and it checks inflamma- tion, heals the membranes of the throat and lungs and drives the cold out. Sand for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists Toronto, Ont. 50c. and 51.00 - - - MI druggists 33LV l;VALE. Mr. Clarke of Sunshine spent Baxley at I. Stewart's. Miss Cora Messer of home over Sunday. Mr, Wm, Messer made a business trip to London last week. Mr. Malcolm Aikenhead sent Sunday with Wingham frieuds. Miss Belle Burgess was visiting her sister, Mrs, W. L. Fraser iu Morris last week. Miss Mabel Oliver has returned from a three months visit with relatives at Woodstock. Miss Annie Mitchell from near Erns - sets has come to learn the dressmaking with Mrs. Bailey. Miss Mary Scott bas returned from a three months sojourn with a sick rela- tive at MI mitten. Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott of War- ren, Ohio,heve been visiting the former's sister, Mrs. R. N. Duff. Mr. Malcolm Scott left last Tuesday for Saskatoon, where he has a position in the hardware store of his uncle await- ing him. Communion service will be held iu the Presbyterian church a week from next Sunday. A week from Friday Mr. Radford of Belruore will preach a pre. paratory sermon, Listowel was T You Aro Ailing Not quite sick,—but robbed of ambi- tion to work—find it hard to think clear- ly, Not ill enough to think of dying, but had enough for Life to be pretty dull. There is a remedy—Ferrozoue—that quickly lifts that half dead feeling. Gracious, but Ferrozone makes you feel goon; it sharpens the dullest appetite, makes it keen as a razor. Booao? Ferrozouo makes lots of rt, the rich, nourishing kind that vitalizes the whole body. You'll bo wonderfully quickened, immensely strengthened, feel hearty and vigorous after using Ferro - zone. Buoyant health, surplus vigor and reserve energy all come from this great restorative. Fifty cents bays a box of fifty tablets at all dealers. 5 e lsard's, THE LEADING STORE CUT PRICES IN READY-TO-WEAR Clothing BIG SALE of Men's and Boys' High -Class Cloth- ing. It will be to your interest in every way to see and PRICE our CLOTHING before buy- ing elsewhere, as you are sure to save money, during our Great Gut -Price Sate Roy's Suits Boys' Fancy Sailor Suits, nicely trimmed with braid ; good valne at $1.50. Price $1.25 Isar*'s Men's Pants. A special line of men's striped pacts, dark tweed. Out price sale .. $1.00 Men's Suits Youths' Suits. A fine of Suits to clear, worth $6 00 and $7.00. Out urine sale .... $5.00 Overalls Men's strong Blue Denim Over. ails. Sale price ...... . .50 Boys' Suits Boys' 3•piece Snits, regular valise $2 00 and $2.75. Sale mien $2.00 Youths' Suits in plain and fancy tweed, regular value $0.00 and $6.50. Sale price ., $5.00 Raincoats. Men's heavy Waterproof Coats, guaranteed. Our cut price $4.00 Men's Suits. Fanny swell pattern tweed Snits worth $7 to $S dollars. Sale prioe 80.00 It E. ISARD & Co. Opposite Bank of Hamilton. -Iltissuommemiumnismomairaugassicalosammaiiiimmun Right oohs at right prices, +++++++4++4+++++4+++♦+++++ +• JUST IN: .6.40•.r.W.(aa Nisi..,*. A Gar- of NOR 9 Coiled Stool Wire ^"hi •sic :+..an„n. :tin3+'',ti+i•ia' ,. r>41ni at deals. +d is likely 4, to in ; •., '0:' i .^t.t.:';; !. ,it I!.7 well to leave their u ♦ o • t•,r s '• is a', 0.t,::, ,ia "t o +3 ' . '' v h:: a . , u xev in the market whoa m33t.'giir,.d o: we T. � 0:111eate, It cheap. + Massey -Harris Repairs I have jnvt t'ken over tete e::.noy :tor the MaRsev-Hattie Repairs and + wilt try and keep the a .o,;k in e to that fanners may be supplied in future with what they may r r; I AM ALSO SOLE AGENT F0.11 T;iE CSG":GItATED SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT—THE BEST ON EARTH ger- Best Brands of CEMENT in season at Lowest prices. •A full line of Lawn Mowers, Garden Rakes, Spades, Shovels, 4, etc., an hand. Give us a calf, i +++++4+4++++++4+++4+♦♦♦++♦ 4• + + ♦ + + BINDER TWINE.—We are new taking orders for the TOu, + Plymouth and Internation- A , ,+F al brands of Twine. '"'�.'.•�: >'10 �F . ++++++++++++++++++4+4++++4 G++++++++++++++P+++++++++-v z z 4• ♦ +- f A ♦ t GRE]. Andrew Histep's new dredge has ar- rived and was taken to the Lamont VVTTTYVVV iTTTTTTTTTYVVV VY drain where it will be set to work, ► Miss Nettie Campbell has position to Ber- ► T o `(J A L G p� O C R y lin where she has taken a in s x Mr. Green's photo gallery. Her many : friends wish her saccees. Election of officers took place in Roe's j League Tuesday evening of last week. ► They are as follows: --Pres., John Pear- P.eon; 1st Vice Pres,, Belle Miller; 2nd j Vice Pres., Julia Frain; 3rd Vice Pres., Clara Bryans; 4th Vice Pres , Jennie ► ► TYYVVVTTT'VTYVV' VTTTTVvYYV! 4 proving his health. Mr. McInnes was a Hogg; Rec. Sec., John Bryans; Sec., quiet, kind hearted man, a good father and obli,. mg neighbor. He was a mem- ber of the Methodist church at Roe's ap- pointment. BABY'S BATTLES. "Baby's Battle" is the title of a valu- able little book on the rare of infants and young children, published by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Cu., $fockville, Ont., which will be sent po free to any mother who asks for it. tells you also something about Baby' t wn Tablets, a medicine that °urea a the minor ail- ments of infants an young children—a medicine pra sod b every mother who has used it. +'rs tichard Smiley, Leon- ard, Ont., sa :: "We had a very sick baby in our h• se until we got Baby's Olen Tablets. They were the first thing that did her arty good, and I think were the means of saving our little one's life. I praise them to all inethers.” All medicine dealers sell these Tablets, or yon can get them at 25 mute a box by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Os., Brockville, Ont. The Canadian Commercial Agent in Trinidad reports that there is a good market in that colony for Canadian cat- tle in lots up to five hundred head.'lie strong advises the cattle dealers of the berninion to take advantage of this open, ing.. Angus Brown ; Treas., L, Frain. League meets Tuesday evening and the meet- ings are both interesting and instructive. The following particulars are taken from Assessor *oI,air's roll for this year:—Total actual valve 0f real pro. petty exclusive of bnildings, $2,003,800; total valve of buildings, $840,435; total actual value of real property, 32,844,225; business assessment, $11,010; taxable in- come $3,965; total assessment, 82,859,300; children between the ages of 5 and 21, 988: children between the ages of 5 aid 16, 600; no. of births, 69; no. of deaths, 26; population, 3,040. There is a de. crease in the population of 144, as com- pared with the assessor's returns for 1904. Reflections of a Bachelor. Prom the New York Press. Everybody has a hankering to teach others what be doesn't know himself. The average man's idea of a joke is somethibg over which he splits his side when he is planning it sad nobody craeks a smile when he does it. The way to make your wife have con- fidence in yon. is to tell her that the other woman is tether pretty except for her hair, eyes, mouth, teeth, nose, oofnplex- ion and Spare. AT w 1'''1.10 AAAAA►AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Cooked Meats, With the coming of hot weather the sale ('f Cooked NI(ats increases. Nothing so tasty for tea or Sunday din- ners as a nice piece of Boiled Ham, Corned Beef or Boiled Beef, sliced thin; and then the saving and worry of conking. Boiled Ham, per lb. 30c Corned or Roast Beef per. lb • • - 20e Finnaan Noddies - The new pack of Finnan Haddies have just arrived, a trifle higher than Iaet year but the quality of our Thistle Brand Scotch Haddies is far superior to all others - - • - 15e per can, 2 for 230,, Baked Beans - Boston Baked Beans—A delicious dish to serve for dinner or tea, and no trouble, just place the can in boiling water for fifteen minutes, then open and serve. - - per can tic GRIFFIN'S. The C. P. R. has let the contracts for the construction of the southern portion of the Totonto•Sudbary Hue. 7 he Canadian Pacific ltailway will inaugurate its Imperial Limited service ori Sunday, Sane 4. The Will of the late lion. James Suth- erland disposes of flii estate of nearly half a million. 1 4 1 1 .4 i 4 1 4 4 4 4 1 t 1 4 AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA►AAAA4 Thomas Dslinage was killed at latter - onto while operating some dump cars. Stratford is eaperienoing a shortage of brick, which is hampering the bttildingi: trade. Provincial Treasurer Matheson will likely go to England this summer to arrange for the iosub of rroviuctal stool,; for the Teni]sk pining ltaila�sy.