HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-11-03, Page 8TIM CLINTON' NEW EES • We aimto aetE gaud goods anis. •Pelts +a no iadeeentent, if qualitie$ are not worthy. Ton can depend on anything you buy here. . e Best Tim. o Buy FU FUR prices. are . going up. If you watch the daily papers you will 'see that. They will cost more money. before they are any cheaper, and we could not put our present stack in the store today for the• same; .price 4s we paid f o. it. This means that if you are going to buy Furs this 'winter, it will pay you to 'buy before present stocks are sold. Our stock was never so good as to- day, and you can buy from it with absolute-` confidence that you are getting correct styles and dependable qualities.. Each and every one of these is down -right good value. ' Belgium Hair Ruffs, or Stoles, $2.so: e, • • All , Ohio Sable Ruffs. fill ood' • #; length, 8 tails, special at each $6,00. Columbia Sable Ruffs,'servicable and dressy fur, good styles and shapes, A 1y q ualit 8, $Io.Oo and $x5.00 Alaska Sable' Ruff, natural fur, close and d fine, very special ecial value at_each • p� $IO.00 Extra choice Alaska Sable Ruff, made .• . from selected skins,. new . styles, .' r ao$25and $. .50. � ,� , 37 5 German -' Mink - Stoles, stylish and dressy, $6 5o to $IO.00 • Genuine Canadian Mink Ruffs, guar- anteed best4 yualit , $25 to $4.0 hand ilssabella Fox Ruffs and Stoles, • some fur and very dressy, $15 to . $35. Muffs to match all these furs in flat or barrel shapes Cap seines, and all furs suitable for this style of garment, .$s.59 to --$2-5 Astrachan Jackets,. fully guaranteed made from perfect skins, $25; $301 $37,5o and $45. Near ' Seal Jackets, well made and lined, $35 to $45•' to $3 50 ;ql Goats That are Right In Style anc Modera In Price. We have the Coats that are -right in style, and have them marked at moderate prices. Thereis no guess work about . the • style of anygarments we show. All :have.. y been bought fi om the best makers, where names, are a guarantee ofperfect-fitting . and stylish garments. No suchgg than garments a hereabouts. No better time to -buy NOW, for the assortment is better than it can possibly be later on. y� $15t.'r. . Coats, .r .r $1�:'- Handsome Tweed Q�oats;a, $7,oU, ,.!4 Stylish Covert Coats $11.50 $iii 18 and $20 Black Coats, all sizes, $5, 0.50, $10 and $15 Children's Coats, three-quarter 4 lull length/ C The glintan New Era FRIDAY, NCV. 3. 1005 Local Notices.. . • Rifle Contest, n'; ' "' "t" ' ' "" "",l° " '" " '" r' ", ' 40 The Rifle Club held• its maedi on ? Notes Thanksgiving Day. It was the inten- tion to have a two days shoot, but Local owingto the lead weather, only one I *.It k * ;k t * * ! t,N, matcwas shot off. There %were ; gerT-C� •'"f 'f'�' PVT T`eay - . twelve competitors, and the following 1 Regular meeting of the Council.next points• were scored : Monday. DRIED .'APPLES 'IY.INTED••,-H'igheat 200 yyds. 200 yds, 000 total sitting prone yds, The last Bough Cup football match 25' .. of the season is billed for to -morrow. u E. •Courtice....2•t , 23 . B872 � Mr. Ar J. Holloway is up in the J. Johnson jr ..20 dl le O. E. Dowding 43 27 17 87 the vicinity of Tiverton selling stock of D. Macpherson 19 2# 22 65 the *9terling Bank. Dr, Shaw 25 1S 1u 58 Dr. John (x itmn and Mr. E, Oantelon R, welsh 19 23 14 50 are enjoying;a week's duck shooting E. McLean LS 25 n 5i• at Port Rowan, 0 Hell I6 21 ' 14 51 M B v s•tr k Ater at priest paid,-04N'J'RIi03 BROS. Du. OVENS. Surgeon, Eye, Ear and Nose, treats diseases of these organs. and firs glasses. properly Will re at opiate% Drug store. i FItiDA' , Nov, 17th Hours 10a•In., to 4p.m. Zallixt goldC. AN OLD BIRD. —On Sunday last a parrot that had belonged to the Bent- r• $all .. • ,18' Bent - kV family for about fifty vents passed 1\0 Macpherson 16 13 4 37 Rich.• powns.,20 4 , 46 • on Mr. James ¥iliac water and is now boring for the foundry. r ' •away. When the. late Mr. _ Bentley ('came to this town froiln Australia. nearly fifty years ago, he brought the bird with him. It retained its • vocal powers and activity to• the end of its J'. B Hoover -.12 17 29 • he,prize of $6 was dividba between the first six. The following shot at 500'yards but existence It's great age is very un: were too,late to' enter in the match usual. G. Cuninghaxne..:0 W. G. Doherty 18 N. Robson , • • .22 A. 3. 0arig8•....18 CONTRII3VTIONS - In.the Globe of ..1 Johnson sr ...18 B. J. GIbbings 27 Saturday, among the acknowledged H. '1'.. Ranee.. •. A.Tnrner a .20 contributions to the Muskoka Free De. 'Holnies . „24 W. P.•Spiuiding 9 :• and Hospital for Consumptives, are the following from this County: - Misab Death's Harvest. Moyer and Miss M. E. Robb, Oliuton, DEATH OF REV, W. S. I LACK $5 each; H, K. Austen,:Goderich, $2 ; STOOK.—Rev. W. S, Blaekstoslr. Mrs. A. M. Eliot, 1; T.Godeill G Jas, at one. tixne pastor of the old Ratted. Beattie, (xoderich,, Rl; T. Tilt, Goderich bury St., Methodist Church,, Clinton, $1'; H. 0, Brewer, Clinton, $1 ;. G. M. died at Atlttntic•Uity, on Saturday, at vv.,'Ol' $1 S bl S f th Mrs. P. McNeil leaves to -morrow for Toronto. where she expects to stay for the winter with friends. Oliver Johnston and v, J. Wallis each left on Wednesday with a car load of ripples, for the west. The Ancient Order of Forresters in- tend. giving an At Home in their Hall oc1Friday evening„ Nov. lOth • Ma or Hoover, Dr.' Holmes y ona Jack Johnstan•left on Saturday couple of week•'e hunting trip in new Ontario. r We are sorny'.to learn that. Dr.' Sohn Steep, of Winnipeg; an old Olintonian, is laid up With a severe attack of ty- phoid fever.. The Oustonis.•eoilections of the out - port of C.inton fur the- four months ending Oct 31.st, were $'i00. more chis Year than they were last. Wednesday brought .a foretaste of winter, the temperature being pretty lot;, with - a;, snowfall of half -an -Inch, Itwas'a genuine 611z -sera, while it lasted. James Seale turned up' in town on Friday, andigot into an old trouble that landed. him before the Mayor, Who let him, ge ' on his promising to upon, ; Q. to• a ,; •e •- or i '.the.age of 81 years, where he had gone $1, • •for i,is health He has been residing' ClliA.NGES, —A. portion of Mr. Sos- in: Toronto for several years, having a couple of sons there. After retiring from the active work of the trxnistry, he became one of the editors of the Saturday issue .of the Mail, writing a semi=religious. : leader- for Saturdays paper. .lie was :a man of marked ability,and • belonged to: a school of. ministers that is ' very: rapidly ills - Messrs. Ransford.haee secured an officeappearing. eph Copp's lot, north of the F ,undry, • has been bought by the•Thresher Co,, and the' office moved thereto, Mr. W. Wheatley, doing the work, •, As it will` require to be over -hauled, which will'" take. some tithe, the office in theSloarie block, formerly used by: Messrs Rans- ford:has been secured temporarily, .and Two Good Things at a Quarter Here -are two specials, ata quarter, that. you: Will find hard to best for value. Each the best we were able to find of the kind, and we looked care-, fully after the best. • Gloves at 25e Ladies' Ringwood Gloves, made froth fine, soft wools, good weight, properly shaped and perfect fitting, plain colors and fancy patterns, extra value at per Ladles' Vests at 2tfe Ladies' knitted ribbed Vests, .soft finish, prop- erly shaped, well made, white or natural, draw- ers to match, per garmentrr', r.r. ,..rY r..,r,...r r. ..' 25c 25c. Hodgens Bros. pry duds : - Clinton. in the Coinhe block, formerly occupied DEATH. OF MRS. NOBL.E..— Brief,leave town.: by the late Dr. Hamilton. reference' was last week shade to the.Mr. Livingstone,: of the customs de RUGBY FOOT-BALL—Clinton was' death of Mrs: Noble, relict of, the late nartriment,,:Ottawa, whose �duty'it is to. --Thomas Noble; which occurred h look after. manufacturers rebates, is here this .Reek. in performaace of his special duties.• •. • S. Eagleson, Iate of North Dakota, yesterday botigbt the farm of Mr. Mc Tavish,. on• the Mill road, Tuckersniith, paying about $7,000 for it, This is splendid farm of 100 acres. The friends -of Miss ..Landsboro, of r ruckensmith, will he glad to know that she is. • recovering' nicely: • from ' the effects• of, an operationperformed. • in, Cliii5oii Hospital a few days since. Hiram Hill has the: contract for the.' Part th erection of - the .new :front work ,shop of class room suddenly fell; almost•bury. G 'conducted the the Foundry, and started his cement ing the teacher suddenly render the debris. Oue services.; miner on."Wedn9sday.; he is rushing Fiece struck frim fairly on the opo DEATH OF MRS MOF'F.A.TT —UT the work,' the' Weather notwithstand- h tiENT\ BOOKS again defeated by Stratford, on Thurs- day, the score being 48 to 0. The Clin- ton boys are not.at all disheartened' by their experience in the two ‘games they have played. The.line-up was 'as follows ;— Clinton — Full back, Nors- worthy ; half backs,' •Doherty,, White- side, hite side, Alexander `quarter back,. Shep- herd ; snap back, Scott ; wings,,Bart Tiff, R. McKenzie, J. McKenzie, Jack- son, ack- on . Miller Easson. 8 , a9 GOT HURT. - Assistant. Principal,. Walter Baker of Victoria school•Galt, met with a serious accident on Friday. morning. , -ar. ofe. ceiling:in ' his home of Mr, A:' Foster; on, Thursday of, last week, Deceased was' a widow when she came to this country nearly 40 years ago, takin gupp� .. her residence on the 2i,d con., ot'iHuliett,ori the farm now occupied by Chas.. Peacock, She' has••lived in town for several:years. She leaves four sons and two daughter three sans are living in Toronto, Thos. H. Gerrard' and John ; and Francis in Rock. Creek. ; the daughters are Mrs, W. Stewart, Hullett, . and Mrs. Sher- man, Chicago. The.wife of•Mr. dames McNeil; Clinton, from whose hone the funeral took place on Friday was a nefce. Rev. Mr. Gonne FIFTY CENTS A : large :e well bound Cloth- covered book, c' dear type,. good . paper, I castrated,. twet- -six Wes. Tkie:best. minty book we lave ever seen at the price.. h t f e understand . 'the: Mr, Adam, lire un t Foster,.who 'is working. in .(igderich, aird had rented a house therewith, the 'is head, causingra wound several inch are very sorry to, be called upon. to es long, which:required sen stitches. announce the death of Mrs. Moffatt, and .w will not r - r Baker is laid.otP 1 ` Di. k p It able to 'resume his. duties fora .week. occurred suddenly on Friday lifter- -ntentiomof movinghisfamily; has He i,xwell known hire being a brother Deceased had b 'n delicate i ,e wife of Mr. Will G. •• loffatt.' which - OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST. Orders Dominion Express D�d.�• Issued. itRfsvr Fall and Wn tci. oes andRubbers of Mr. Richard Baher� noon.. ecease : been i decided on their remaining here: for. h' 1 h f rtie time and her death• VO:l'ER'S L1ST 'REVISION. = slightest anticipation that :it would Mrs. D.E ckniire is at. Ethel, attend - court for' the revision of ;,the voters come so soon, as.she:had been able'to in;l.:. the. wedding 01 Miss Bella'lldilh list was held before Judge' Doyle, on: be up• and around 'during the week: a,r and John' Bryans. The , marriage ed On b j � J Andrews was in her 2'6th Year, `t Eckmler will remain Erie a few days eat or so , the winter.' - was inevitable,' but'no,:one• held the Saturiayy Mi Thos nserva n appear _bite Ras the eldest ,datif;hter of Mi. S. •was celebrated on the 1st inst • Mrs. - shalt of the` Oon ervatives sand . ear . ncl, tie on b hal of the Liber,more. • Mr.H, .Beat hehalf had only been: 'married a little among old friends._ ' als: A Mutual agreement was'. made than two• years ; about six ;months ago Mr. and Mrs. John •Gibbingshave re - concerning.. most.. of the appeals, : heshe contracted. a cold, `which develop turned.•from their . trip to the west.. that the adding of•14 names for the, ' ed into lung` trouble. Mr.'Moffatt is:.they enjoyed' •it very much and .area;; Conservatives, and 16 for the Liberals, an employee of the' Organ Factory, and greatly taken .up: therewith, so much 'number of was aa matter ofStruck off, A n b Nie. Doherty and employees testl$ed so. that ,Mr; . Glbbings bought 'land; names.were struck being those of their sympathy, by 'beautiful •floral wt,;r.t, t,,..>,;A:o et decide to: work. persons wreaths, -as• did also the Pastime Club; TA • ,MMM' who had removed. UR stock is now. c_oinplete. , We never had a _ better assortment:: • We know • from 'a .long experience .in the Shoe business, just. what p J • ind of Shoesyou nee..• and we know •the best, place k y to `buy •them. Stock .well. bought is half sold. 'Have 'a complete assortment of rRubbers,.. K81�t` Kracte'' and. 'Granby' Y. `n; li nton They'cost' for which we are sole agents x C >, you no More than inferior goods, • and.:. wear- longer. Our ;prices, "quality; considered, are the.;' lowest.A trial P solicited and. satisfaction guaranteed. ' No' trouble 'to:• show goods•' s - - and the Royal 'Tempters, of . which • An effort is being made to quadrille LAST OF THE SEASON.—A. nulla- 'Bitter deceased' was a valued member. conviction of the Captain- of•the Grey: her of members of the' Lawn Bowling The funeral services on Sunday were hound,,who vas fined far selling liquor: Club, wound u.p theseason by a friend`. conducted by Rev.: Mr.' Manning, as- during one of the Goderich excursions, ly game on the green on Thursday af- sisted by Rev. iIr. Newcombe. .That and at Osgoode Hall,: on Tuesday, pee- , ternoon. It was a little cold for good 'deceased was held in very high. esteem mission was given to argue the case. • whoto rent a number w ownswas unable r playing, but the participants enloyecl was testified by• the large Mr. W. •D n rt. _The, rinks .were skipped by two attended the funeral. ' She had no house as Toronto Junction, and .there- grocers,asfollowst fluffily. Her husband and relatives fore brought one,• to which • he has Ray. Rumball, . W. Doherty have the . the heartfelt' sympathy of moved his effects. Mrs. Downs left J.. Coiirtice J. Nediger the' Community m their . irrepsrable for Toronto junction on Monday. ''• Mr. R. Holmes J. Hunter bereavement. Galbraith WO ' rented Mr. DoWns' H..'Wiltse skip -16 J. w.Irwin sk.21 "i", house. lfl:+LCHE'\'ZIE ANDdEWS. Hallowe'en passed ofi:yeryquiatly;. OCTOBER, 1905. --The highest maxi pashionable eburch wedding in able at the mune temperature: was 78 on the 1st. the:evening.was six prominent young The lowestminimum temperature was Augustine, Port Rouge ladies dressing in disguise' --three with 260 on the 25th; The.highest, range The Winnipeg Free Press, Of Oct. blackened faces --and making calls on .' 20:5; and the lowest 6 • The average 8a s , _Au ustine church Fort`. a number : of their: friends, who were .� - MEREOROLOGi:CAL REPORT Foil there beim lift e done of an objection hater '.:One 'of, features of maximum temperature was MOO2,cna average minimum teripeteLute 39.80, and he average 'range:17.060. .The total rainfall was 5.91 inches; , There fell two inches of rain on the•1Sth. On 2 twas ice the 6 h there half an inch thick, In October, 1904,' the average maximum temperature was 53:050 ,the average minimum :,temperature was: 33,23 0., and the average- rauge was 16.820. .The total rainfall was 3.66 in. WO MEN'S INSTITUTE. —The leg •ular meeting of the Women's Institute. was held at the home of Mrs.F. W. Watts on Friday afternoon of last. week. After the usual routine of bus; iness Mrs, Watts read .a very instruc-• tive paper on "Home Nursing" ; after an interesting discussion Miss Tebbutt; introduced the . subject of "Christmas Gifts," after which several of the mens - bees mx opinions as to the best • Teased ways and meansofproviding Christ- mas gifts hrist_masggifts for all who should be remem- bered at that time. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank ub Hall ; s•ects-"Christmas' Cookery, by Mrs. J. Johnston; "Winter S,llacis" by Mrs: Trick ; 'Christmas Candies,' by Mrs. W. Manning. The hour of meeting will be2.30 p.rr% for the winter Says g , unable to penetrate the disguise. • Rouge was thescene of.a happy event his afternoo, at 2.30, . when . Miss Mr. W. White,. of Winnipeg, who teaxrie down here owingto his sister's Lillian Andrews, ::oungest daughter illness, was compelled to return home on Thurasday., Miss Whites many friends' will be lad to know that'she beg lad is somewhat better, though h her._, con- dition is yet•fax from satisfactory. Mrs Ralph White, of Philadelphia, arrived. here Wednesday. `',• Miss Mabel Doherty, of town, who is teaching_in; Oakville High School, has been appointed,'to. Seaforth Collegiate Institute as •Commercial, Specialist, at a salary of $700. She begins her duties. at Seaforth on the 1st of December. She is to be congratulated on this ad- vancement, and the Board will have no regret at her engagement..• Thomas Mason was called to Detroit on. Friday, owing to the serious illness of his .daughter, who is clerking in a found she he h store there. On arrival was suffering from .appendicitis, and she was removed to one of the city hospitals—St. Mary's. As soon as she is able to move she will return home. A singular thing connected with her removal to the hospital is the. fact that so manyof the assistants are from Huron, The night nurse is a cousin of Miss •Wilds, Goderich township, 'and the day nurse is Miss Devereaux, Sea- forth, while one of the doctors is'Mr. McLean, son of a former proprietor of the Commercial lintel, Clinton.. Dr. S. Hapekin , frirfnrrly of etwtnrtb'i is f iaid up in the haspittll with typhoid ,fever. of Mrs. S. Fi: Andrews, of Clinton, Ont.. became the wife of Mr. Lorne E. Mackenzie, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mackenzie, of Toronto. The ceremony was performed. by the Rev. Dr. Nilson, Miss Robertson .pre- siding: at . the organ. The bride was given itway by her brother, Mr. Rufus Al .res s,=of Cleveland,- and attended by Miss Pearl Graves.' Dr. William. Arnold acted as best man, the• ushers being Mr. O. E. Mackenzie anal Mr . Hardy Hastings. . The bride, . a .bright winsome.' girl, with Merry dark 'eyes and brown hair looked verylovely in her wedding; gown .of white satin, duchesse made entraine. The Skirt was inade.w.ith it front panel of shirred chiffon,studded with seed pearls end finishelit the bottom with ruffles of the chiffon, the sides were laid in soft plaits to the knee, caught with the pearls while the long train was left perfectly plain. The bodice was made with shirtings in girdle effect with a yoke of 'the shirred chiffon and seed pearls and deep bertha of duchess lace, . ruffles of chiffon: finished the elbow sleeves, months. Her long tulle veil was caught with orange blossoms and her bouquet was. of white'roses and lilies of the valley. Atter the service at the church a re- ception teas held at the residence of the bricks brother and sister, Dr, and Mrs. J. R. Steep, Bell street.. Mrs. Andrews, with Dr', . and. Mrs, Steep, was•condueted by him until the time greeted their guests at the entrance of hisdeath, which occntred in 1808. to the dra •ng room, which was de - Mr. Ceiatbe established for himself ik col'oted ith a profusion of pink car - widespread r'Otllltati411 115 all oxtpert ilatfutld,• .m, ue bride's mother wore a :chemist :and a conscxt l-itlbtts business handsdtne.reed oT gir�Zvtsilk math y Fke tail than. After M. Oombe's detiie of embroidered eniARt n g' Y business• was carried on by his son.: feather boa, her hat wag Q2 g aY Capt, IS, B. Combe, who had the mis- chenille, trimmed with two WAS AO fortune to be burned out about three steel, buckles, Mrs. Steep's gown was years ago. lie immediately opened a lovely one of pearl gray crepe de out in one of. the Searle stores until cherie over taffeta, with vest and deep the new block was built, and the store girdle of flowered chiffon and pipings to which Mr. Holmes now succeeds is of aniethyst velvet. Mr. and 'Ctrs, ono of the most up-to•date outside the Lorne Mackenzie left on .the 0, N. 11. cities. Mr. Holmes is well known toflyer al 5.20 p. in. for St, Paul and the people of Clinton. and surrounding Minneapolis, the bride wearies' a country as a reliable man in his hull- smart travelling suit of navy blue nese. He graduated from the Ontario. serge, the long coat trio ned with College of Pharmacy with first class black silk braid ,and velvet opened honors in 1903, with the same result in. over the Toronto University -degree, of chiffon, :c'1. becoming . toque of blue Bachelor of Pharmacy. lie also has a velvet, trimmed with pale blue wings diploma from the Canadian Opthalmie and is handsome set of milk furs, long College of Toronto. Mr, Holmes' ex- stole and muff, the gift of the groom, ptierience as manager: of one of the com leted•her costume. The groom's leading drug stores of Toronto,and as gift to the bridesrnaid was a pretty. travelling a presentative for te Mar, rooch of dull gold, set with ;'hole tin, Dole, Wynne Co., of Winnipeg, pearls. should give him a erxfected experience Among the many handsome gifts rr IIss� in his business, , He opened, his store received its the bride was a nlagniflc• on Nov. lot, and as soon as 'passible,, ret; cabinet of sterling silver and a will have a complete stock such as is "black' marble clock from the office found in an up to -data drug store and D staff and employees of the Winnipeg all business entrusted to him will he General Power Co., with which the . properly andcwnscientiouslydi,spensed. 1 groom is connected. BUSINESS CHANGE.--The..'oldest dreg business in the county has changed hands, H. B. Combe having sold out to W. S. R. Holmes, Phn, I3,, of• town. The•.business was started by the late 'as. H. Combe in 1859, and DRY EARTH, CLOSETS A `joint committee from the Board of Health and the Council -have draftod a.by-law adoptinga di earth system for.closets which wll be presented to the Council for consideration • at the next mooting, W. W. McVicar, of Sarnia, well known in Clinton, hasaten.ted a dry earth closet and has forwarded a sample modelto the Clinton Board of Health, and should the Council pass the by-law' he will no dcnibt.visit Clinton very soon' and explain the many advantages' of his system, which, ludgine' from n the model, should be very sanitary. We wish Mac successWith his invention. riERIOUSLY : ILI,. -- We are very sorry to learn that there is ntoimprove- meat in the condition of Aire. Alfred Goodwin, whose illness is causing herr friends gave anxiety. Tier sister, Mrs. Partollo, of Detroit, is here owing to Mrs Goodwin's condition: ; Victor Good- win, who has a•fatrn in the Northwest, was also stimitioned home this week owing to the serious condition of his mother. ' Prof. Oainpbell,son-in•law of Mr. Goodwin, id also seriously 111 again with pnuetnonia,' frons which be has l reviously suffered, and is still unable 'to sit up. 'His mother, Mrd. J. G.'Cattripl:ell, of Aylmer, it visiting, him. 3 big half -dollar Specials from ': our. big - • stock of Me ns Furnishing. 1na. Each bargain ` kind .: Value such 'as as -you will et• no of its Yg' w Here • else in town. Kut rrif ort Mitts S oc Men's heavy Mitts, Mule's, skin face; ' black leather' back, heavy wool lined, double wrist-areat mitt for all kinds of work.in kinds of. weather. Special ecial •` p at per pair Fifty Cents. 5 Men's -Underwear -Underweoc• Men's flpec�e=lined Underwear, made by; the. .: best makers in Canada, fancy stripes, • heavy wei l'it, soft finish; perfect fitting, warm, comfortable and durable, all sizes,: per garment ' Fifty Cents. Tweed Cads .hoc Heavydark tweed Gaps, two styles; ono ' ith inner and the other with outer sliding band. New shapes. Fall and winter Cap. All sizes, each Fifty Cents. • Clothing and Men's Furnishings, Clinton.