HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-11-03, Page 6The" Easy, Pleasant, Certala Way to We. • CONSTIPATION The most convincing proof in the tirorld that Pruit-a-tives de cure Constipation is the iionest testimorty a people these wouderful little tablets HAVE CURED. es have used Pruit-a-tives with great benefit. They are a grand me:110km for Con- stipation and Stomach Troubles. I would.not be without them in the house, they are so good." EISA 4AT/a 1Daltra, enumville, oat, or Fruit Liver Talkoletoo. attlaugglsts, soe. a box. Manufactured by Fruit 44Witi Writs& Ottawa. An .Alphohetteol Word Game and How It Is Played. "I can think pretty quick," said Jim Simpson to -the acrowd", one day. "I bet I can think as quick as you," ' said Billy Brush, who was never to be outdone in anything. ,The rest joined in the argument till it was more "hol- lering" than anything else. , "I'll tell you bow to settle it," said Sue Atkins. "Let's see who can get: ap a connected story quickest, with the -words all beginning with the letters of itro alphabet in their order -that Is, the trst word to begin with A, the °next with B, and so on." All agreed. Alas! Jim Simpson, the greet quick thinker, didn't have More than five words of his story finished ana Billy Brush only bad seven when. Dorothy Clarke waved her piece of paper in the air and read oft this story: "A beautiful camel, devouring every- , thing fiercely, galloped hard into Joppa, , knocking little tIolaammedans nearly joger, pursuing quaking riders savage- ly, till utterly venerable women. `Y -z.'" j The rest produced compositions of Varying quality, but they were all so pleased with the new game that they kept it up for a good while and used , It over after when rainy weather or other troublesome thargs made time bang heavy on their hands. . , 1A. INDISPENSABLE . Fcr the Dressing -Table ^OIL MIMI( & LAN MAN'S F!oricia Water More lasting,sst refreshing than Cologne Beware of Co un terfe ts I braysiookforibe"Trade-Mark"witlathenomeof LAREN & KEMP, NEW YORK • MEDIAEVAL tlEVIVALS. • 'Illtetboilla of the Frau:telecoms In the , Thirteenth century. • At learn two methods seem to be sued among revivalist workers both of which Wive come down from mediaeval thnes. The Franciscans insisted on an ' obedient band of workers, with an al- most military organization. They In- deed called themselves the "army of Jesus." At the bead of the order stood the "general," a new term in the thir- teenth twatury religious life. The chief of the bind of workers in any Italian town took as his title the designation given to the military leader in the City republic hi which tbey had their tem- po -foxy abode. In Venice he was 11 gas- talionere de Gesu, in Milan il capitate -del Gent and so on in other towns, althey had distinct modes of beginning theIr work preoeribed for them with as detinite details as If they were ldethoe met Spaicopal missionaries or ofiteere and soldiers of the Salvation Anny. When they began work in any town they were ordered to select o hall If possible in the lowest and poorest dis- trict. They were forbidden to paint ei- ther pulpit or bench. They were to are aemble in front of their hall and march through the streets -singing their leymas, playing On pipes and waving banners. When they had gathered a andleient crowd they were to return tO their hall, take their followers in with them and deliver short emeticsl ad- dresses, interspersed with hymn sing - kg. Francis had a great dislike to all book learning. Be told his followers to spangle with the eommon people, to talk Filth the masons wben they were buiki- lag, with the Weavers when they were weaving, with the women when in tat - Ian fashion they were washing &stiles lw the side of the streams. They would Wu, be nod, find what filled the minds Ati the people, what spirittial help they ended from the preachers, what thin - with% they had in becomtng followers. et Jeans, and in a morning's converese lien they would find the material for their in/dresses. The Franciscan revivaliate Subjected fiat etteretts also to diAtipline and boot than united with each othete They beliallie what were called Tertiaries tie Ilte eider and made Vows to live after * 'described fashion, to detote se asuch of their money t good work' to gtve a certain amount a that ow to the praetice of active be -MOO. Lindeay in ContemPer A WEIRD StOR*. • Strainee Experience WIG* Phantasms East Attica. Die Uebersinollebe Welt of Berlin gives an aceount of phantasmain east Africa. They are described by Colonel Langfeld as having come to hia eXpera *nee. A friend of his, starting. for rea toria Nyanza, said; "If any harin befalls Me I'll let you .know.,...•I'll give you. a sign.'' Tbe NOY White ale;UThh there was the son of.a large. colimial • merchant. • • Two months later the pigeope in their cot in the middle 'oe the yard appeared to be 'disturbed. • The colonel was aroused in the night and naw two round point, more glewing coals than the eyes of it wild, beast, gleaming from the dovecot. , He fired and saw an animal lilte a •chinipanzee, ' long, reddish brown hair, fall to the ground and immediately rise and diaaP- ' pear round the corner of the boast, ut- • tering a terrible shriek. An old Sudan-, -ese declared that it was a devil, that it came as a warning when a- European had died an unnatural death and that this was the third time he hael seen it. A strict search revealed no traces. of blood, although the shot had, been flied at only four yards ranae.a. Later tae colonel, still awake, .heard light boot - steps on the Veranda. *sing to See who was there; 4te. was. surprised tO find tt. European' sitting? ate his table, -Which was fully set Out terra meal. Art. the strangerraised: his heaffin the full:. moonlight he saw • that it .was his Weird (who had gone to Nyanza), but hollow, eyed and with, a euffering, Mien, Mee colonel managed to utter a. lanes- . tion, when-autalenly the aptly:04one vanished and the taple appeared clear of all 'dishes'. Six weeke: later ;Word Came ter the station: that. en • the • same day on which these remarkable events - had happened or seemed to happen the young merchant bad. 'lout his. way and bad been • killed. and partly eaten by, wild heasts. • ". CURES CAI .A ERA • NESS' One Week's pie of Flyemei Did More Than Six Months' Treat meat by Specialists, I In the treatment of deafness. which is often a result of catarrh, Hyomei acts almost immediately upon the • in- flamed membrane and the heeling begins to return at ance. ' Miss Meeks of • Mattewart, N. toys -"Ilyernei is truly wonderful. have used it but. a short' time • and see a great` change' in my condition. My hearing is improvieg rapidly iind I had no ideal would improve so radidly in so short a time, ' My breath which was, very offensive to myself and Others, has lost its had odor entirely. I have spent it great deal of money with catalTh Specialists, and ean tridy say that six months of their treatment is not equal to one month' of Hyomei," A complete outfit costs but $1,00, and consists of an inhaler that ean tarried in the 'vest pocket, a medicine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei. The inhaler wfillaSt alifetifieeeneld there is enough Ilyornei tor several week's treatment. Additional bottles of, Hyomei can beprocoredfOr O. cents,' Compare this striate expense with the fees charged by specialiste. If you cannot obtain Ilyornei of your dealer, it will be forwarded' by mail, postage paid, on receipt "of price. Wefts today for . consultation blank that will entitle you to terVioes of our medical department without charge. The R. ' Booth Company, liyornel 'Building, Ithaca. N. Y. " THE BALANCE Or ,FOWER. • We take seine states, not leas than three, -Least 'em "A." and "I3a' arid "0"; Not Russia, -Prance, arid GermanY, ' I3ut"each a Simple letter, SUPPOsing "A" Snould buy a gurh Then "B" must parchase More than one; , • Then "C," who will not he etitdone, alustigo a cannon better, Then "A," if riot entirely mad, • Ateither gun or so will add, As many as the others liatIE 'Until overtops them, And "B" and "C" will purchase. more, timetly its they did before, And heap up implements of. war Till lade of Masorete/es therre . ,A.Od dile is "the, balance of ptewerr , DipIamacy's clitnax and tatter, if we were not afraid of the guru; Ws " had Made, We 'Should all be at war in an hoUr. Tea TgB °LINTON NEW BEA. waaeraniaamaavaraa .0NS0MPTIVE PROBLPIII. TERRIBLE cAsg OF SUFFERING • IN THIS CANADA OF OURS, Hope Withdrawn From Lephardt Eat He Travelt Mout Frem One Town • to Another --Friends FailHim and a Hospital Doors Are Closed In His • .Face Secatise He Has Been Pro- • nounced Incurable. . Widespread sympathy/ has been ex- , citedbythe narration of the enisfore tunes that have dogged oneLephard, an ineurable consumptive, •Tiee poor fel- low ha s• no borne, aria therefore no memicipaittee is willing to burden, it- self with his care. From Galt he was sent to the Gravenhurst Sanitarium. but, being pronounced incurable, he , was °refused acImis rn. He then went to liamiltpne but was soon tent back again, only to find that the. Galt hotels" would not give him accomentalation.. Hisfriends tailed him, and thehos- pital delete were olosed in his face. At present he is in a tent. In ,all ettes country there seems to be no place where Leaharel can lie' down *end ret a little while before' startiog on his long Journey.. If he were to commit a. crime, in ender toget accommodation in a jeil, no clouba. the prisoreers . anti geards weeld,peotest: The word "con- sumptive" is no less- dreadful -4n its ef- fect upon most' people than the ter- rible word' "aeper." •• •The Hope, Cure, • There are, probably, eass of con- sumption that might be called. Lncur- able most medical men- would very 'mach ,doubt this diagnosis of a patient who is able to travel al:lent from one. town ' to another. ••Ie Lephard were ab- solittely• ineurable, eny undertaker might let him spend his remaining minutes. in Ms shop, It is a pessimis tie physician of one behind- the times who returns 'a , Verdict' of incurable in - any case of tubereulosla ehoWadays: SO many miraculous cures have been ef- fected that hope litigers, as long as the, heartbeats. leis a feature of the ds - ease that the victims usually hope'un- •stil the last; but•pathetic „though .this . may he, it is; nevertheless, vitallyebn- portant, and is one .of the mostpower- ful alOs in effecting' a cure. The pa- " -tient who .believes he will- recover is far. More likely to • doe so.. than the unfor- tunate who has riO such hop... The lat- ter is_ doomed, • b'eeauee he has surrene., _dared to the eneniY. This is the ..rea-. • soti why it is very ,unusual for a• doc- tor: to pronounce' a patient hopelessly • infeeted. Thedecision was obvibusly. unwise. in Abe case of Harry. Lephard, who has had broachial tuberculcsisfor only aafew Months. . . • The 'Home of ..the Last Hoppa'. • ' „ • ee-The,-GrievenherseaainsattittoneLmay- have • been justified in .its reausee to . care for Lephard'„. It naturaily. desires to have as low a death rate as pos- ,sible, 'and••woold -thus 'decline to ada • Mita patient whose chaptee of ,recov- ery are suppose:el to be'worthless. The melancholy influence :Upon the other patios: a death in the sahl.ariurn was °also coheldeted, dcolet, and perhaps from the Gravenhuret point of -View the. action that bit so harehly on ,Lephard" Was, proper. •If this Is eo, a -e cars way say that the Natalia-Sarre- taritint Association does not quite- solve the -problem of the consumptive in Can- ada:. ' Worthy . its 't,a.lais. are. tnere is. room for a heepital • that will, not turn .away Arm . Lollard. Consunipaives might. be 'classifiede.end those who have failed to. respond • to the treatment giaen them 'Might. be. • deafted• to a home where they could have a last 'chance, end a Place to lie dawn and die when the, tinie came. A• frirm leetter, than a hoepital- for.. the, carrying -out of this. idea, atul the 'consumptive slowly •failteg, before the assaults de plithitis would -not have • his last' days embittered by the hersh- ness 01 'hisfeUOws • The Peer -eating Cuae, • Probably the latest. phase of the war aaairist coneamptioh is the over-eatilig •cyre, foukh and ready . description that . is Pettis? •emirate. In 'Cleveland. this tneatmerit'llas been ,very success- fully - aclOpted, • • In an interview in The, Clevelaud plain -Dealer,' Well-known doctor Said; "It is no- 'freakish treat- ment, oo sensational' or radical depar- hire from ;What the:WM-car WOrld-fiaa long_ known, ebout consoreptiote It is • elie. only real way to combat the die.; ease, and •it has • been worked. out in *detail, That is all that is hew about it; Me and fees have eilvveys been 'good In capes et coneumptien. The city has used cod liver OIL oliVe 'oil, and cocoa, and wilt continue doing so indefinitely. But we will overfeed in addition, and We will de it in the rational, serisible meaner which the •originetor of the method devised, , We •use vegetable •Juices because they are . Very strength - 'tiling, very nuttitioirs, and, et/reel/tiler, because they are easy to digest. 'Vege- tables do not hurt, tit stornaclx In any way, arid .111 the form of coneentiated, juices we get the thaxiinurn- of virtue with a minimum of exertioa teethe ea- tient's digestive apparatus, .The idea to to feed the patient be such a degree and.,M such .a manner -that his tsystetn • is constantly reeelVisig the benefit 0± the best nutrition, and is . getting it from . fresh material, We cduld, not sinpiy gorge a mon with over -eating. Ile would be stalled. He woUla foun- der himself.. Therefore, t)art of the treatment is a good big dose of taster oil every day." . • The Home Treatment, The City Of Cleveland, itS -freo treatinent of ,cCitistiMptiVeS, Is fAllow. lug, the lino advocated by the dootot quoted above. There , deny tlitiie. at the City Hall, morning and evening. where patients gb to be treated, and return to their occupations, The the- ory that all .eufferers ebould be Isolate ed from the general public breaks down • In practice, and now • the • gospel Is. "Work and be cured at the 'sarne time:" In England the ;salient does not go, to the hospital; the hoWpital goes to hint. The same principle has been adopted in Germany. When a ease IS 'reported, • doctor. is despittehed to' the ..Ifoine of the victiree ale first duty• la to ex- plain to the man the nature of the mal - • arid to assure him that he an be oured. He then makes an eatuninae don �t the pretniada, and etiggeramebe- provemente trent' a sanitary point ot view. Ile ilealrea aultable :scheme for • ventilation, recommends certain food and eiothing, and leaves medicirie, The No -v. 8r4, -1905 Distilled • 'Sunshine Did you ever have a headache that n -k d e • Sunday feel the wash' - day? • Perhaps YOU have been • drinking inferior teas, ' (1( No, you don't need medi.. cine — all you need is 4 package of Grand Mogul Tea. (I[ This tea combs the kinks out of the nerves, Why-? Because it is rich in theine \ • (the flavorin3 e s s en c e ) whiCh is just Concentrated sunbeams. Grovvn on the high table lands of? Ceylon, • this tea .cantaini the'. ele, • ments of a pure nerve-lood, . Grand Mogul .1rOct: g There are no other teal a just ' • as good", as Grand Mogul 25e. 30c, 40c and 50c per pound, • ((Sold only in 'packages lined with • air -tight paper. -Premium coupons . • in each package. The cost of these coupRo..15 not taken out of the tea • --but is simply a part -of ,dle ad. vertising appropriation.• NCB's Woks. Every county in Ontario except pine now have a tiouare of refoge.„, Eight of these places are - west of:Toronto; • -- The Rev. Charles Meglieltion, author of In His kqeps, is dangerously iI1 et his honoe at Topeka, of a. disease of the stomach and kidneys, 8,nd may have to submit to art operation, ' The detectives sent out by the Agri. ' enitiaral Depertnient to leek after the fall fairs have secured eight convie- tions. They report a special effort on ' the part of offieers of agricultural soci- eties to keep the fairs fees of fakirs, Mt. A .0, Attwoods. who is, the pre- sident of the Ilderton Apple Packing .Company, reports that they have just sold their entire year's output up to 11)0(1 bavreis for $220 for sewn& and $2.50. for firsts. The company Ands, •the. trai•tel and does the packing, which will realize to then% • nbont $2.10 for gaits and $1.70 for seconds, ' Three hundred Public s-chool teach- , ers and 'about one hundred -of their ' friends, making, in all a party (if 400 • from Tore r . to, erri ved at Pitts bum, Pa , Thursde y for a two -clays' visit 'to 'Pittsbileg. Pittsburg opened its items: to the visitoraeand wee fully- prepared to ,give thetn 9. glorious time. • The patty wes in charge of Me. Ames L. ,Hriglies, claef inspector of the royal:0 Schools. Officers of : he Ontario Alliance 01 state that fi oil: every part of the pro - vim* is coining encouragement. of an *)rising of publie 'sentiment an*airist t, e bar. In aboiit forty ratiniCipalities the local Option agitation has taken. more or less definite foene. Already the matter has gone throngh the C0 and will he. snlmaitted to the 1 people on January 1 at the next, inest- 1 nig of the municipal councils.' J.he mat- ter will be pressed On meaty more. • The -freedom of the city-, the highest honor the Corporation of the • City of Londiin can bestow, %vas presented to -General" INTiWant Booth, of the Sal- vation Army, with great 'ceremony on Thursday, One thousand Salvation- ists.escorted him into .the' city.' ' '•in- stead Of the gold .casket, the address was enclosed in one of oak, in accord- anee with the request of the Geneve!, the diffetence in. the cost, $50(1, being presented by the Common Council' to the Salvation Ariner'e fund, • • Mr. ThOmpion Bennett,' e wealthy resident of Blackpool, • Englend, met with; a fatal • aecidelit at. Port Elgin. Wednesday., Ile and a party of friends had beeti touringin the west aud Called here to spend a weelewilh.his nephew. Mr. John 'Bennett, ‘ititending to sail for home • on the- 31st inst. While walking about ter: (leak Mt. Bennett fell into a •cellar gangway arid broke his neck. He livell some hours only. Ills nephew, with other friendS in the ebtripany, are kin,,o• the body home :ceased. was ,gertial . and wealthy lo England, star .ing • tomorrow. De- bachelot. . • • • A big sensation was caused it %Dui -eolith -Ea ItigniniAdaytlight, when Lieut -Col Kaulbai k, former Conserve, • tiVe member ot the House of Com- mons, NV418- arrested on a charge of per- jury, alleged to have -been conamitted duting th$ trial Of Ka,ulbaCh vs, Zwick- er in the supeeme- °Meet recently, 171 Inch Col. Kaulbach was immediately released on bail, and his. preliminary exaininatioh will be held 'before xpeanticlitair4 1.M.opargeissetnrateted LGurniMentbhusi Coin!. 'the Federal Parliament for -61rer7. twenty years being defeated in Nev.. ember last by the preserit member. Ai Thursdays session of the conven- tion of the Ontario AV. C. T. IT, at Brookville, after reports by the 'Ored- • ehtial.and Appropriation Committees, - ' the election of takers for the ensuing year took place, reSultitig as foiloavs: •President, S er'E McKee, Barrie, i•O•sleoted ; Vice -President, ' Mrs M Thornley, London, re-elected ; Sec- tetarya Mrs S It aVright, Loudon, re- elected ; Recoedileg Seoretark, mrs E Irwin, Weston ;. Treasurer, Mrs B 0 •Britton. Gallant:4de,, re-elected ‘: Secretary, Miss Dunlop, Pembroke. The following ladies, Were appointed to constitute the Tidiqa 'Publication Bpard :-IVIesdames Wright; Thordley,, London ; Bigelow, Cornwall ,• McKee, 1301110 ,• Detior;. North Bay ; Acheson, Goderich ; .Breati, Lucknow ; Britton, Gan/Moque ; ‘Vatei•son, Kemptville ; Bascom Toronto ; Miss Diintop, P001. take ; Miss Giles, BrockVille.• members of the family are then given a little 'lecture, to the end that the un- fortunate may be properly attended4 and they themselves run no risk. Re- peats , are dent to the, -Board 01 - Health, and if necessary the . doctor pays rawly more .visiM. The principle, hovvever, is. that the patient is encour- • aged to fight the disease himself. The success Of the moVement has been most satisfactory. *„ • What Ontario Needs • , Tuberculdsis Is net the scourge and the terror it was . tea years ago,' .R can be prevented and cured, and this fact stiotild argue for action on- tae part of the Government. The- City of • Toronto, as best it can, looks after its own sick, but. for the consumptiaes of the province at large 'little ,or no pro- vision is made . It is to be hoped that • the publicity given to the case of Lep- hard win lead to a removal of this te- f preach, liToneathearrnes suggested.. ••• Whe zy iShest, 1,en Ire Ile and owe ell *Sepal), i,ette be* all ret Miss Sybil R. Courtice, Aff LI. Co k Witmer of Darras ooki Medal end Ilehitztriett fieholarship WM, Teacher of Plano and Theory.; Itlearis yotir trouble is %sleep se:tted To delay is dangerous. All the infiata- ation will be drawn out in ,one day by applying Nerviltne It penetrates through the pores of tbe skin, relieves infl•tinat ion and thus prevents serious conseqeence For, sore throat, weak chest and tendency to tolds, no • pre- scription is better than Poison's -NOW - :line. For nearly fifty _ years it has been Canada's great houtebelcl reinedy. 25•0e0ts buys a large bottle .„ 21 .ettuse of Drowning. , swimming under a blazing sun the body is submerged' at it low teiripera- tore While the full' force , of the sun beats �u the unprotected head, To add to the obvious dangers of such a state, of things the blood is forced into the head by the pumping action of the limbs in swininiing, thus causing the arteries in other parts of the body to be overfilled. The consequence is often a violent headache, which may/ be fol.- - lowed by insensibility, rrtfe, swimmer sinks and unless help Is• at hand adds another to the long list of the mysteri- • ously drowned. The Power 'Behind' the reirisee , • TheSdetertaining factor in all Mod- ern life, is money. The hand that holds the purse rules the world, though the wage earlier; hut the, pUrchasing Vow - M. of sthe nation is in the lutiade or the woznatithat Is, among the only Wo- men• who are of any account in the em- Pire, the wonien of the Middle (in all • its tiers) and the loWer c/asses.-Lon, don ' • . Morniag Or Evening? • . The leerned Henry Ainsworth Says that as darkness was befortalight (Cleia eala 1, 5) the eVening Is named 'first, and the lews began their day in the evening. The Athenians did the same. -The ChaldeapS counted froth sunrise, the Egyptians from noon, the„ Romans from raidhight.-Notes 'and Querieg. • . When Seven men die. - „ Yon know at least one of them had - Consumption. At first it was only Cairairla hut it Wiee neglected. When Catarrhozone cUres so quickly it's fool- ish to suffer -it's'a shame to keep on sniffeling and hawking. Ca,tarrhozone goes direct to the cause of the disease, that's why less() dead certain to Mire. It stops the cough,. Prevents that dis- gusting ditschaege,•clears phlegm out of the throat in ten minutes. Very , pleasant, and safe too ; get Catartho- , mono front your.druggistito-day, • • . • London's Enormous Trade. - ' You 'get some idea of London's trade • bY moving through the tall warehouses 1 . Of the doeles, says The T.,ondoe. Daily I Mail. Consider a feve figures. Thirty- • six. thousand tons of tea are stored here in a single year, tn. the Vatilts, S ABOLUTE . I Way, can be stored one hundred thous - 1 withetheir twenty-eight miles of gang- ! .. , fifty thousand tons of wool, worth • ' and pipes of wine. Two hundred and 4 • 1 * 1 A20,000,000, arrive antitially ata.he Port ' ea London.•Twenty thousand tens of S • a • • 1.. rac:tree:ei In bond, 000.Phre isaccolncIan toper:-..acketlin 0.onuine 0°0 41'.a CC'4 kStec Little Liver Pik:;.. • 37,3„ Waint !neat* Sleenntelen of • • Pais,SIMIlid !Weenier Pciewe 'awe oseett and es coy to engatt ;7 • i'cr"=-7"-r" ron'tiruativ rfrH,0 " 2„ vim otmlitts, POR FOR TORP/O LIVER POO CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. CON THCOONIPLENIOI! ;4410.7 41t. „ the cold storage warehouses for eight hundred and sixty -tour thousand Sheep. Sixty thousand pounds Of on- trich feathers have beett. Stored here at one tithe, and several millions of bird -skins arrive annually, too numer- ous for cornPutation• in addition, the London Docks have aeconitricalation for sugar, Ivory, spices, bark, SU/00/ Metals, marble, drugs, dates, pepper, coffee, Cocoa, isinglass, COSI grain, furniture, wend, timber, car- pets, butter, cheese, poultry, even het sea -shells, sponges. Moak, ambergris, and •beeseeaxi In a I1ngle rent you may look tit elepharttas tusks worth nearly. a 'hundred thousand Pounds. Rhymidesa Words. There aro about sixty words in Eng - Ilan that have no, rhyme. As giVeri In "The Ittrathers' Leetieen," by AndroW Loring, they ere as follows: Aitch, nib, amongst, derehtte,bilge, bourn, breadth, brig quo, bulb, telt, conch, culm, bum depth, doth, eighth, fifth, 4111n, forge, forth, Algae, gill!, hitrep, 10tInger InaltvA Month, morgue, mourned,' moUth, ninth, oblige, of, heart, via, oorph. pork Pooh% ortatige, puss, reoffrab, Whet% Nostrc . start, sixth. at. *wan, s'Yloh. tenth, torsik, tw untlastted. VW. warmth, o FOR , . . Diarrb.oea, Dysentery, Collo. Stomach Cramps, Cholera Morbus. Cholera Infontum. . Seasickness, • Summer Coinnialnt. =a all Looseness of the ;Rowell! In • Children or Adults.: ild 'Strawberry is an instantaneous cure. It has been used in thousands of homes for sixty years, 'and has never failed to give satisfaction. - Every home should bave a bottle so as to be ready in 'case of emergency. - MRS, 'GEORGIC N. HArtyevi ettene.ath, Oat., writes: can recommend De.-Powleias ;'xtract of Wilcl Straw berry as the beet. medicine I have ever used for Diarrhoea and all summer complaints. I always keep it in the house and praise it highly to all iny friencts." • Cioirvoyant Astro-Psy Chic Reader ]Xr0 31. 13. Ct. 1)e It....einnt• wishes to say to ths .pub- . lio that she is tie for tune • ,, teller, nor Palmist. She • dul3: tilhOrto 4 gr ehth a d the.p e ytutel be • °a' mind' and magnetic •• rower. She has tiot learr- • ed -anything to try to de- oeive the paella bat 'iiimp- ' ly gives instances in the . past life and advice , on- , any bafinees Smitten or - .desle thet tini may. have ' • • in view, whether it will be. ' • a success or net 80a What best &espied for. Whether • they fall heir to money at herue or elsewhere and gives advice on • same or , lessee and how to proceed. • tiny - questions that they- -, may wish advice oh will ' .r be ' answered eorreotly, a, This is only a nstural gift A , which she has 'poeteesed - since : .she was , quite. . , ,' vhang and ' she wrehes •41t0 80 inform the pablio in general thet she w3ald rot wish to deceive in ally way, sod ' any. on wishing to cot:Omit her la invited to do etc; as early as e9nvement or 'they will mise a ".,re 'hence' ' - The most prominent people consult her on business ana other affairr. Gated time of ocourrenoes and satisfaction or money refunded, Remember tit 0 Ma,D. AtIE'e V lattla LIMITEDlitaaalrta if 1 j00100C1 at the COMMERCIAL no.ETLA 0' • fora short lane only. ' 44. iee COA:X.4.• t. • " • Betort, placing your orders Lor 4, your season's Supply of Coal; get 4440 41; our prides. The Very best goods 44. 4+ carried in stock and sold at the + lowest possible price. . 43••• gliMgrirarenti. zinrirmit mt. 41: & Rowland's Hardware' store, or 40. dr•with • • • • 46. W. J. Stevenson, ; • At Electric !Light Plant., . X+1444444444144444441. F4tzsimons••-.4. Son., 'We thank our customers for their generous patronage in the past, and desire ,to notify them that we t have moved" to the Combe Mock, where we have ranch More room than formerly. The very choicest fresh and cured Meats kept in stock. All orders will receive prompt and careful attention Vitzsimorp tt Sou Telephone 70. Our Butic Teas. •Are goodes we say they'are, probable better than you think- , they are, . They, have no -fancy names, ' they need none. Simply ask for our 25c, or 3 or 40e Tea, and you. will get in • your parcel thie •store's idea of • Tea GOODNESS, without pay- ing mere than you oughk for it. Of eoUree-ttfere may be people who have formed a preference for some other brand of tea, who wouldn't.cate.to change...' But we have noticed that the majority of those who try these teas of ours 'stay with them. " The.1110 Grocer. Clinton, Ont. HEADACHE Netaa lklet;vaelmesssenorl or .-slyny • AJAX• tt L:14 No heattclestwoom earaelasteentivertlialevertal. Take noothig, ogee* ete, Al.liselersescliniethess AuSurt • Maloof. Ont. Money ha** ea isathified• • • AY NC 00-% fieme . :41:e .„. Is the paying heti beyond a doubt. One dozen of eggs on the average sells for the same as one- pound of iratterk and,the labor is Much los, Nothing on the farm gives such paying results, if properly fed, as the hen, as it is her natural action to- lay eggs, , Heecules Poultry Food Contains the harmless Mg,redients tha t makes your hens lay in winter time when eggs are at the higheSt'price. Reside% it keePs them in splendid condition to resist disease. HERCULES LOUSZ KILLEN will keep your -fowl free from vermii4 and CLYDESDALE CARDOLINE ANTISEPTIC will keep your hen* house dean. This adds to the egg production. All ildf preparations are mid under POSITIVE OliAltAteritt .0P IIATISPACTION or monet cheerfully refunded by the dealer. Ofolesolate Stock Paoli Go. Lhaltitd. ,Yeoloata. �L