HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-11-03, Page 5Nov. 3r4d 1905 The Moisons ask incorporated by rAct et Parltanten't arm, Capital Paid Up $3,000,000 Reserve Fund $3,000,000 Wm. Blossom MaimazaeoN, President. 8. H. Errata, Y11e-President, James ELuxox, Gen. Manager. FARMERS' SALE NOTES cashed or collected. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain, United States, andtali Foreign Countries, bought and sold at best rates. DEPOSIT RECEIPTS issued and highest current rate of interest, al- • lowed, ADVANCES MADE to Farmers, Stock Dealers, and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Forty-eight branches in the Dominion Agents all. over the world. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Deposita of 11,00 and upwards received. Interest allowed from date of deposit compounded half -yearly and added to principal June 80th and December 81st. Highest current Rate. CLINTdN BRANCH •• . •. New Combe Block, H, C. BREWER. Manager. MoKINNON , i CO., BLYTH GREAT VALUES • iN• FURS We have always done a large rade in' Furs, audit 'eetison we. doub led our order to supply the growig demand for Fine Furs. Buy.'ing, as we do, in large quantities, we get lower prices and special cash discounts,whicla. puts us in a position to quote low prices for first-class guaranteed goods. —Black Coney Ruffs, 4 tails, very special, regular $1.75 for $1.35c. —Black Coney Scarfs, large size, full furred, chain fastenings,, 8 .tails,, good value at $4, for $3.50. —Marmot Uaperines, long front, chain fastenings, at $3;95. —Japanese Mink Stoles, eight silk tassels, very special, .at $5.50; —Texas Mink Scarfs, 6 tails, 2 ornaments, cord and tassel fastening,,. . great value at $6.50. —Sable Ruffs, in brown and. black, °tails, chain fastenings, $7.50. —Isabella Sable Stoles, 72 inches long, .8 tails, 2 ornaments, cord and '. tassel fastenings, very special, at $10. —Stone Martin Scarfs, long front, 2ornaments, a snap at $10. ---Uaperines, Electric Seal and Persian Lamb combination; long ;front, • high storm collar, great value at $9. —Baltic Sable Scarfs, chenille trimming, 2 ornaments. at $12'.. —Also other Fur Neckwear for ladies in various styles and prices. Ladies' Astrachan Coats, fine glossy curl,.24, 27, 30 and 36 inches long, at.$25, $27.50, $30, $35 and 540. Electric Seal Coats, 24 to 30 inches long, at $30, $35, $ nd $50. ' —Men s Siberian Dog Coats, great value, at;18, $20 and $22. —Men's Brown and Black Calf Coats at $20, $22,50 and — Men's Black Galloway Coats, great value, at $25 and 2'8, : —Men's Calf Coats, with astrachan collar, at $22,. $25 and $28. —Men's Persian Lamb Caps, great value at $4.50, $0, $8, $10 and $12: C. M KINNON CO: Threeego Why you should' buy ;a ns. Happy Thought `Range - • in preference to all others. . it is the most durable. The Happy Thought contains more metal, and of better quality (no scraps iron : being used) than : any other range, therefore lasts longer and coats less for 'repairs. es It is easily managed. There .is nothing. intricate about the Happy Thought.—You simply light the fire, and it does .the rest.— No re -kindling ; no shaking. 3 it is the .most economical. The firebox, grate, fluesand datnp- ers are all so constructed as to reduce the amount of fuel 'used, to minimum, and coal is quite an item now -a -days. Every stove guar- anteed. Over 150,0C3 now in use. • . Radiant Home The ^Radiant Home" Base. Heater produces • • se more heat and consumes less fuel thanhay other' heater made.e have others too. Call _ and see our assortment. A Special Watch this advertisement, We ptirptise •giving* n;- speoial low price on some line every week. This advertisement will change from week to week announcing the SPECIAL: Our SPECIAL for all next week will be Lamps, Burners and Chimneys. Do not fail to call and get prices. , 1 1� Second=hand Coal Furnace for sate ctiealr. Ltariand. Bros. Stoves toes and Hardwane •. iitt=eftet=11 Rubbers.... We do not need to glut :the mails with circulars, trying . to sell Rubbers which will not sell'` on their own merits! We liF' give you our word of honor, and stand by it_ MORRELL & I10LMES; LCNDESBORO iLQ ), 13. hoover. Every branch in our line is complete, you can get , any article produced at this store. 0 Our Prices bring The Trade,; Our personal supervision goes with.* every chase and.satisfaction is guaranteed. AL,13NDERTAKING Night or day Crating pros pay attended to Ei1 TLE CLINTON SEW Ela • \, AT 0 vow cioseowurmos 4 9 4 Q 4 <t? O W { .9 9 9 9 9 •: ., ,v. • v•. • O o. O .• l 4• .0 0 0 0 0 0 0.• 949444004999, 9944949 9994•?;.. +99'99 l 9 YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY •BtJYINO YOUR GOODS HERE. RECORD That's what we've done, and on 'Rings, too:: We have some beautifuI things inour cases, but •never so many swell new patterns as we are --now showing. We got the cream of .all the . newest pattern;;, and you • can have : your; .'pick if : yQu �. come: soon. You_: won't. regret it-, if your Ring comes. . from 9 0. Our business has • grown greatly by 9 • selling good goods O: and selling them 4' right, 0 9 Comparison is 9 the only true. test 9 of value. •We coin 9' rt it on•‘every line o of . goods .we sell..: 9 9 m WE ."•AIM. TO a P.LSE 9: e For, the best :•acs:- !' 9 vertisement we p haveis a well sat_ s O isfied customer. .Your -children get the same'cour- teous treatment that you get your= n , self. 9 THE JEWELER:. If you. can't: co -- me • send your, child.. Rear Adreratistnituts. '. Hen house foil- Sale, - A well built Hen house for sale, :0A15• Will be sold rheas`: MRS. DOWZER,' Towniend sr, ,Pony; Buggy, $c, tor. sale For sale, good driving Pony, with buggy, enact,- =robes hirness, etc,—Will be sold.: *heap.. F. MoEWAN, Isaac S. .. • Square' Pian° tor. Sale. Good Square Piano, New' York Weber•,`. good condition, Splendid .tone. ;Muss be sold,. Also' Radiant': Borne Coal ..Stove, nearly new: Apply to pi , JOHN AVERY, Lyndon Road: Teacher Vant'd 'Teacher wanted :ed d for U. S>e ctroa No 16, f ''set Watoenoeh Dimes to .'commence ,Jaa. 10.'1006. Applieatibns received no to Nov. 25, personal application preferred State salary. T.STRAUGHAN, "Sec; •1?d4i Auburn, P. 0. MICHAL; :MA'RR, Seaforth.• ." Manufactures Cider and Apple Butter;, Orders promptly'iil1ed._ ... Auction. Sale. or PURE-BRED REG3STERED SHORT HORN CATTLE. FARM STOCK, • AVI) IMPLEMENTS... Property: of Mr, . Bet:. ,Grainger,. lot 9, oonceaseon:6, E. D. Colborne, doadry, November 61h, - . Thia sale wilinc1ud seven headofa. is- tared Shorthorns, of '•the • famous 'Fair M+id" fAmiiy, noted as a great milking, as .we,l as a .bed-prodaoing etrein of Short. Horne. kfair Maid's record was- 2lbs of batter' in one "day, made at the \orla's Fair, Chicago. , t:'verythin4 Advertised by Mr Grainger will be sold, as he'is going • West. This will be a good chance to buy registered Short -Horne .and; good gr'ane farm . stock, : at usual. farm stock terns, •W, • B; GRAINGER, Ptoprietar T,. GUNDRY, 'Auctioneer • Hays yon seen the Handsome Catalogue of If not, you are not yet familiar with the work being done in Caeaia'a Greatest Commercial School, 870 placed last year. Home courses in BOOK -.KEEPING, SHORTHAND or ) ,ENMAN$HIP, for triose who cannot attend at Chatham. If you wish the home training write for Cat-. alogue E,, If yon wish to attend at Chat- ham write for Catalogue F. 111ention this paper when yon write,`, ad. dressing. , D. McLachlan 45z Canada Business College • nov34xntf: CHATHAM, ON A Caretaker Wanted. For the Clinton Collegiate Mediate. Salary $250 i► year, Applieationb reooived until October net. A aohedule of duties maty be 'seen by prospective applicants itt the Secretary's office. M. 1). McTAGGART, Seo'y. Outing recent month the ELLIOTT 'TORONTO, ON t has received ten, fifteen, twenty, And oven flit times At many Citrix for stenographers. boor keepers'eta,, its it had students itreduating dnrin btu eine) menthe. This isthe school to *need. 81nterrew, Write for'magnideetttfr ot►taiogne. 05 :surd w, el<. i9 :: Otlr ::..method -.-i. 0 business :. o One �' rice to al P. • 9 Puritan Lider*ear l~or Women and Children We are sole agents in Clinton or the Puritan > lastie Knit Underwear for Wonien and Child- ren, and carry a complete range of sizes, Any garment not giving en- tire' .satisf$ction will be replaced ,\ FREE OF. CHARGE Puritan Underwear omens ... Is:n 'tnufactured in Canada and . the greatest possible care is taken atevery stage of its production and 'each' garment is as Imre and clean as it is possible to make it.. All wool, unshrinkable, womeli's.sizes, 75c and:$1.00 or PURITAN UNDERWEAR P i u>< l� , an Underwear ForChildren of all ages; No better Underwear ear made, full range of sizes ' always in stock.:' Prices. 20c, 25c,.35c, 40c, .4,5c and .50c. Puritan • Baby's Own Vests are. made of all pure wool,. Penntan s Natural :Wool every garment guaranteed. Prices. Known to every lady' as a gar, : bent to give satisfaction...; Guaran teed lansh,rinkable.' Sizes 32 and:34 $1.00 Sues 36 anti: 38 r$1:15 Children's sizes 1 etc 2 65c Children's sizes 3 Se 4 75; 90c 5c 35 and 5a0c Stanfieid's Unishrinkable ,Underwear For Men • A full, guaran tee: goes. -with ;every;, garment Your: money back if you shrink them;. .,Small sizes $i.00 Large sizes 1•25. o Our customers• have the satisfac- tion of selecting from a stock that 4 Is always up -to- 9 data, J We.bid for your wanes' onbthe mer- • its of our to rcla-. • andise' and. • the o lowness.: of our price, r • We.look to` the • • 'future as -'well ' as :.O' f the present. - Ou,' .9; price most be ri- ff ght 9t• • 9 4} No orclertoo small ' ; None to large anti 0. TV:: No ti ouble'•to, ow our goods. •4.:• OUR MOTTO' 0 •We don't Mark 0 oar .goo Up• to o , c tit: them -down • fora sale. •L. 9 9 •:, 9 C+o ••(> *0.9 •• *'• -O. 9 9 0.9. 0.0..0 • .9'9:.9 0'00 0 .0 0 9 4-9 _•; 9 . <>mo ,o�p ® o/ Vox).,• o 0 oesepeo fl •• o 0 0 • .:. • .34,,rve- o CAVA o e Or • State of Chili, City of Toledo, Births. :Marriages, i1E':lltll • Lucas County... s s r•, , Frank J. Cheney mattes oath th-it he is senior partner „f thei firth of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business: in .the city of Toledo, County andState afore- said, and that said firm will pay the sutra 'cif :UNE•:H,UND1.t D.DOLL,A! S5 for each and every case of ; .Catarrh that cannot be cured by the r. se of Hali'sCatarrh Cure. P.t. J. CFIENEY. l ` Sworn to before me and sit" crtbed my presence. this 6th day of D cern. bar, A. D , .1886. A W. CLE A SOS. (Seal.). Notary Public, • Hall's Catarrh' Cure is taken inter- finally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous •surfaces of tile': system. Send for testimonials-frt e, Fy.al. J, CDr14ugEN.EY & 7$c. Co , Toledo, O. bl �fists, flake Hails Family Pius for censtipa. tionSold „ HY Call . in and g.3t 'o u r .prices on chi ce grocers eft bef ore going elsewhere ? QUALITY is more to be considered than cluan- tityi but when you get the very best quality and a reasonable degree • of QUANTITY, why not buy here :? {duality lingers when prices are forgotten. Our motto is large :;rales and small profits, givint the customer the i)etlefll;, A. Itheaton The Peoplees Qls<'ocer. Phone 1111 BORN.• Ooos:so —In ]3nlleit,. on the 25th o f it Oct., to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vodden. Girl Wanted, Girl wanted, at'onoe, Apply to MRS. .SVM. MURRAY, BattenburvS't. a daughter, Bods—In Leebtirii, on October 18th the Wife of \V . G. Bogie, of ' son. Jo Est.—In Exeter, on Cie Ibex* 22nd, the wife of L. G .Tones d ' a n,ua.mer. I Cri car- In Exeter, on October 23rd thewife of Thos. Creech, a daughter.' LOTT. -' I' in Brussels, on :October: 20th, , to Mr:and Mrs - George Lott, a son.' .,Dere. Iti Hallett, on October 28th, to Mr. and Mgrs, Arthur Dale, a son. WEnt. —1n ,tfowick, on October 17th to Mit.' and Mrs. David Weir; a Lotarltlban.-in Wingbam, on Tues- day, Oct. l?th',. to 211r. and .•M s.. Wirt. .Lecki?idge, a son. • CRA1'MAN.-In' East Wawanosh. on October `.its , the wife of Mr. Allan l Chapman, a daughter« Sabra -3n Morrie, on Oct. 12th, the Wife of lir. JainesSniith,;.aaon. MARRIaGES' - A1i.MtsTri0110„ 51Ew • In Colborne, on•Oct.iStb, .by Bev.. J. G. Yelland,.11. Arinstr'ong. of Missouri. to Miss Mew; daughter of Mr. 11. Mews ' .• Mc1�a, ,-ANDHEWS—At Augus- tine Church, Fort Rouge, Winnipeg,• on October lith, by Rev. Dr, Wilson, Lorne E. McKenzie, of Winnipeg, to Lillian; youngest daughter of Mrs. S: E. Andre}vs, Clinton,. • BRATY•--MAsOX—At the residence of the bride's mother, on Oct. 25th, by Rev. Dr., McLean, Mr. George Beaty of Ashtabulat, Ohio, to Clara. third. daughter of Mrs. Prances Mason. of Btyth. HA.WT OEN.-•-xxc+>aA .-1n Winni- peg, on October 9th, by Rev. Donald Munro, Mr, W. J. Hatetliorne,of'4''l as- kada. Man., to Miss .li;ntiah .ingratne, of Walton, Ontario. M(Sj'ADDEN—BENNuTT--In 'iWinn1.. peg, an 04. flth, by Rev. llonald Mun. ro, Mr. Setiinel MeS a<dden, of Beisse- vain, Man., ..to Miss Minnie Bennett, of Walton, Ontario, DIEL , Mt)PFA'.C'.i. .. In Clinton, • oli FF"ridlly. October 27th, Bertha Mande Andrews, wife' of Wx G. Moffat, aged 25 years, 1 m'nth and 17 days, 'heart. -In Hallett, on Wednesday, efoventirer .1st, Hannah Clare, daukli- aternd of. Me.11tlat8i'V,' L Mair, - aged 3, years Nonr.r:.--•In Clinton, no Wednesday Oat. With, Margaret Noble,relict of the late Thomas Noble, Aged 81 years. 1"onD1;W'.--In Godericlt, on TVcdnes- fitly' illt5l'lltllg, Ott. Zith, ,Maoris) kor. ter, third 80t1 or lair. and Mrd. Atexan- der Yoram, aged /mouths and 11 days. MonILOW►—In tioderieh,• oa W'edltes. da:e. morning, October 2.5th, Martha, wife of Richard Morrow, raged 86 yeaix and 0 months. Srttovr,.—Tri Btingatinoti, zini V'rittnyy. October 20th, Andrew Sp rout, aged 73 T►ea,ra. f4AT11zitm. In •; le, un 04tc sir 1 .11tabetb„ Teacher wanted.: •Teachert 'wan ed for a S . B N ' 10; Gode- rio 7o"such;•d tie to commanredbn• ' Ariz 1st. 1006, applicitionr reoeiyed tip to Nov, 15112, Personal apnlicatton preferred, J. THOMPSON.' Secretary. Treasurer, Oct, 26;4ia Clinton P r ,0.� f IENTRAL STRATF•ORD, `ONT. Tis smalladvertisementrep. resents one of, thelargest and best 'colleges in Canada. No school' in • ,the Doniinibn °does•rnore for its students than e :do To' o ur knowledge not one of our gradu-• sates is unemp`oyed. We get far more applications than we can meet. You may enter at any time. Write for our catalogue. -ELLIOTT & McLAekt.ThN . Teacher Wanted `. Plano for sale. Wanted,.a ,gooctmalee teacberfor s t3, No. 5,. Morrie tp.,. Huron .Co. • 1)atiee Isom mance Jan. let 1906. ' Personal application col a Io required. 'i'his is a. first elan school hold- ing Diploina, •. , W. 1.1'. FERGUSON, • Belgrave 1'; 0 • pd 4i S,o, Treae. Choice -Residence fair Sale:. Snbeoriber`offere for sale his residence on Ontario St., babe is leaving town; it is' one of the •mobs+ modern anti up to -date houses in town, hevitia hot and cold water, bath, e eotric light. and le most eligible situste4 inonr of the most plea.ent mete of the town.. Partionlara on application , W. H. N E r, .,O.rtnE' • • Emerson stjn4-e Grandata lig bargain, A l.. Pp 9 to NEW ERA, Office. Radiant l'iame.Coal Stove for Sale. • Sane battier; in go,d order,. cheap, 'Apply at NEW ERA Oiacee, • Notice. Notice in hereby 'en.that the ander cigned will not be reepanaible for any debts contracted in jails name without his ar'ritten ,order. ANTHONY LAWSOit. Oat 21 41x "Hallett • Tp. I That H ALF.P1U CE Sk Again The Half -Price Sale, which I have been conducting for the past three months, has been more than satisfactory to me 4 trust it has been the same to my many patrols. In order to clear out the balance of the Iumball stock, to make room for new goods arriving daily for the fall . and Christmas trade, I have decided to still make a farther reduction of prices. My shop window will 'always give you some ' idea of what to ex- pect an BARGAINS, The Repair Department will have my personal attention. All work entrusted to me will be guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded, All goods 1 sdldnl y arae will be engraved FREE OF' CHARGE.' iigagerrient and Wedding Rings a Spe ialty. MARRIAGE LIC I SES PROCURED W. R.. OU JEWELER and maker of CO