HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-11-03, Page 44
Nov. 3rd, i'905
ur Leaving-TOWI1 Sale
-A Big �r
Drawing . a
sonde have been coming here by the hundreds from all the nearby towns to secure the bargains we
the bargains offered for they are coming back
is enu>ane and people appreciateg
a e Ivin Thls sale g p,
r giving.
again and again to secure more of the goods they need,, at savingaprices,
Everything in the store has been reduced in price—nothing is reserved , everything must go for we
want to move as little of the stock as possible.
We are selling the best 50c Factory Yar. n in all shades at 39c per lb.
The best 75c Scotch Fingering Yarn at • • • -.59c. per lb.
, ::. , ' 23c
30c and 35c Ail Wool Hose. [extra heavy] at
Worsted Hose at. ,...... , ..•. : , ,
40c ,...,,• 28c a pair
Wool Sheetingin Grey and White at......... .. .. 50c �.
lb Sc y _
New Crockery, etc., J. W. Irwin
• - � �3 483.90 has been. written orf bank build-
Col•d Weather is here, buy Under -sales Newcombe s 4
Single Y are
\Moisons Salk Stalemeni Verg •S iI]sIactorg Year..
1FQR,HU111TiiR$ Fiftieth Annual- General Meeting of Shareholders-,
' +� I •
Geed going October 26th, to, November 7th, Future Dividends Quarterly,.
ii iluslve to
Muskoka Larch. Lake" Bays, ls'agnetevour
11 to
1 A q
keti d
River. Midland Peaetan , l:,a
thins Argyle to Coboconk, Lindsay to Rah.
urton, save= to North Bay. All points in
TemAgauri, .Ont. & N. 0. Ry, points on North-
ern Nev. Oof Georgian Bay end. Mackina Div-
ision) also to Sault Ste. Marie and Port Arthur
via N. N. Co.
Good seine October loth, to Nov. 7th.
To points Mattawa to Post Arthur inciasivn.
All tiokete valid returning until Deeemoer 9tli.
For tickets and full information call on
F. H:-Hodgens, Town Agent
The thinton TBW Eta
FRIDAY, NOV, 3, 190.5.
Nciv �iltTort><Sein4entg.'
Don't Forget, Ballard . • 1
Doctoring Watches, Grigg 1
Photos $2,50 per doz ; Henryy�. 1 1 shareholders, making 10 per cent for
Business .Ohan e, W. S. R.Holmes 1' the.. year. 'The usual' contribution
Let Us, J..W.`Newcombe Co . , . •-. • 1 made to Bank Pension Fund ; g55, -
The fiftieth annual general. meeting' The balance left at Profit and Loss
Bank old 'n
ns w h x
Th Theas
ofe lA ccount is t31417 93,
Board Room of that institution in Directors
Montreal at 3 o'clock Monday after- Your' have ,thou tit it •ad
noon, cal October 16. visable to add considerably to the
The president, Mr, Win. meiaon Bank's holding to real estate for use
ofbranches, at Montreal, Toronto,
o its a M al T
Macpherson, occupied the chair; and Winnipeg,•Exeter, aond other laces
having called the meeting to order, P
requested Mr. A. D. Durnford to act making. in. all a lar a addition inerease its
as secretary. ;and that :gentleman read'issets and quits justifying$the oth
the advertisement convening the von will observe of gl( ,00h to the
meeting. Bank" Premises Account, which now
Ramer OF DIRVOTons stands at $409,000,
The General Manager, Mr. Janes Branches have been opened duaing •
g the year at'Amherstburg,. Ontario;
Elliott, then read the annual report of f and at St. Therese, Quebec, and a
the Directors, as follows ; sub agency at St. Thomas,Ontaiio, and
Gentlemen. -The Directors' have a bntnch will be opened at St. Henri .•
pleasure in submitting this, their an cioon as our handsome building,
fiftieth annual report and statement, now being erected on Notre Dame
showing position of the Bank on 30th street, is ready for occupation.
Septem er, 190.5.• All:branches.haye peen carefully in-_ .
w The iiec profits for the - mar`, after p
making provision for bad and doubt- spectecl asre usual during the year, and
fol debts, amount to S3f10,_74.ra1, your Directors record with. pleasure'
Two dividends have been paid the their satisfaction at the zeal and care
o displayed by the officers in the dis-
charge of their duties
25 per cent. Discount on
all Millinery
season was marked full. • 25.
Our Millinel;yothis se y
lower than last year and right now when
per cent, ow y >;
you want a new bat we have taken off 25 peak: cent
more which makes quite .a saving for you. •-
All Our Ladies' Neckwear 'is .
Marked Down As Follows
25c Collars at 19c
35c " 25c
50c . " . 35c
75c Collars at 50c
$1.00 `t , 65e
$1.50 t":. . $1.00...
Buy Linens here and
Save Money
All 30c Table Linen.
$1.25 & .1.35
All 25c Linen -Towels
50c '.
Mods ms Bknk S
Why 1Vot, Bea
3 Reasons,, liar
Rubbers, Moire
• Hen House
wear -and Hosiery Now and
Save: 25 per cent.
All 250 Hosiery and Underwear at 19c
5c ..._,
60c & 65c ct ct ti 50c
85c rt.. It cL 65c ..:
"$1:00 " ;, t� 75c
$1.25' Penman'•s Natural Wool : $1,00
Ings, and a bonus paid to the officers.
Harland Bros., . . , ... 5' 30th September, 1905.
11 Holmes „5 LIABILITIES {+
sale, Mrs, Dowzer • •.5 capital paid up , $: 3,000,000 00
*' <• my for sale; l� McEwan .A` d . Reserve fund $ 3,000,000 00
Square Piano for sale,;. John ery • . Rebate on notes discounted 80,000; 00.
Teacher wanted T Straughan 5 count ......: ...........,... .,...,.. .31,417 93
Profit;:and loss ac
Cider, MMarr; wanted,,
,...: �. a .100th dividend for half.yearat 10 percentper, nnum 150,000 00.
Auction sale, B.oGrainger 5 Dividends iinclaimPd;;, ... :.. `� ... . ........... 42 54
Chatham Business Oollege .::5 3;261,480 47
Shoesnry andBooks; Rul Wors,�Uh , ,W Fa"ila yl &Son 8 Interest, Exchange, etc. reserved. d: $ 144,247 44
; Co, ........8 Notes in circulation:....... , .. • . 2,90.6,970 00
The best Time, Hoin ens Bros 8 Balance due to Dominion Government....
Deposits not bearing interest 3,478,840 22
37.055 58
Balance due to Provincial Governments..;. 248,274 58
3 Big Specials, 8
Becoming .Ra lon . Deposits bearing interest d
• ,80
166,094 83
Due to
other banks in Canada
Mr. F. W. Spence, of Toronto; one . Deposits by f•oreign
138;694 38
banks 96,724 36
Due .oAgents in United Kingdom ,,..,
of the ' best t
-known temperance �voiYi "
ers, made the following statement the,
372 80
other day
ASSETS : $30,118,464 66.:
Deeniniou Notes ..... , • . • ... • • .. 1,621 231 ?;i •'
I believe in total prohibition, but t
JUST A FEW : .REMNANTS OF CARPETS.LEFT: is not going :to.come tn•m. orrow, Foe•
ALL. TO GO AT NEARLY HALF PRICES:: " be prm tical do'n• g anything wtne e can to'
Spepie .. • $ 500,144 89
DRESS GOODS have been selling very. freely,; but we still
have a big stock 'yet, to sell as .follows
50 and.60c Dress Goods
60c, 65c and 75c . " "
85c, $1 and $1.25 a tt
$1.25 to $1.75:.''
Flannelettes; . Flannels, Shirtiags. Tckirigs,
Cottonades, "Prints•, Ginghams, Towlines, and '
in fact everything n : Staple Goods >have been
reduced to cost 01114 -..less.•
Church News it
Anniversary services will be held in
the Baptist church on Sunday, Nov.
19th. Rev. H. C. Priest, B. A., of
Georgetown, will preach the sermons.
Lough, Doherty, Hodgene;• Chant,•
Southcomhe. Tyndall, and. W. Cantel -
on. W. Rr Lough was re-elected Re-
cording Steward. Rev: 1, Greene; A.
T. Cooper. and . A. Tyndall were ap-.
pointed a temperance committee, to
further work in this direction;
The gervices On Aii.nday last -Choir
Day -were of special interest, the
music in particular having been ex-
presslyprepared for the day. At the
County Clippings, :, place of Mr..Jos,Snell, who owing to
.d his remoyal from the village, has • ten -
The Trustees of S. S No, 4, Grey, . dered hisresignation.
have secured'the services' of • Fred L. Mrs 38s. Rowclifie . Exeter,while go-
13ryans as their treaeher for 1$06. ing into the woodshed:on Monday, had
The trustees of school section No., 3 '. the misfortune to• fall and 'break her
Oplborne have re-engaged Miss Court• arm
It is proposed to. submit Local Op-'1and Pet Stock. A.ssoeiation.
ney for 1406, at an increase of salary..I the winter exhibition of the Hu
Cut off licenses where we "can't get rid
of them altogether.. '
This is one of:the most sensible re
marks Mr Spence has made fox some.
time. • But it is not the sentiment a. lot
of temperance people%showed- when,
they. demanded ; of Hon G, :W Ross
.°'prohibition c;r nothing," and then
voted against Mr: Ross ;because he
would not grant p'rohibition. '
One of the weaknesses of prohibition-
ists has been that .they. were "up in
the clouds," and did not recognize the
conditions by which they are aim -
rounded, The temperance people have
thrown:away opportunities' because
they were• impractical Work to. a
common end, but use all the means at
hand foil that purpose.` , •
morning service, in addition to several
tion by-laws in Grey, Mois, Brussels. I will •be held in the town hall, Seaforth, •
Howick, Turnberry and East Wawa November 20th to 23rd.
�Iletisrs'.Richard Treble and Thorne
well -rendered anthems, Mr, Murch, the hutoti Cd. L�ouitcil .will meet in Bakerhave purchased the livery busi
able leader of the choir, gave a,solo; _Brussels the first week in December, tress wbich..Mr. leo.• Cranley has
and Miss Boles and Mr: Sibley a duet. commencing on Tuesday afternoon, carried on at Exeter for the past five
We congratulate Rev, C. R. Gonne, Rev. Mr, Edvarde, :of Tiverton, Who 5th. years.
M. A., on his appointment as Rural was the preacher for. the : occasion, The wedding of Miss.Belle Liveng Hear Bone, 3rd Imo, Morris; met
Dean of the county. It is a position' made his morningdiscourse specially ' ston, 8weddi •,g Gray, and: Mr. :Sa,nndy' with . an accident, while assisting et
he is well qualified to fill, and one that applicable to the day, referring largeln Yuji' of the same line, took place on moving a building by which a tom-
ing t e ladyf membersthe Blble. In the eve Wednesday:. pound fracture of the bones• in' one leg,
ing the • of the choir i
wore white waists,'and.appeared with- The wedding of Mr, Jog Welsb, Stu was caused.'
out • bats. Four anthems : were ,ren- con., Grey, and Miss Eva :Cele of Ethel Mrs; R. Horne,,formerly of Exeter,
. a s special dered by the : choir, a, solo by Mrs. took place on Nov. 1st at the residence who has been seriously ills underwent
ciele next Sunday evening, P Murch and a quartette b Messrs, of the bride's father.' a'n, operation for the removal Un of1,a
collection will be taken on behalf f q Thos Corbett Belgrave had th rp tumor a e Y g
M h d Sibley, Mrs Mu ch and St
faithful, devoted service has merited.
At the meeting of the Endeavor So -
a o --' a is3- o f w dare ago a ic'xae s
mission funds.
and Rev. N. Leckie Mise Boles. Mr, dwards again oc- fortune to have .his kneecap. broken Hospital,,Toronto.
Rev. Dr. Stewart cupied the pulpit, Mr. Manning mak- while at work, which will lay.him, The typhoid • epidemic, at present
of Londeshoro, will exchange pulpits ing a few remarks at the close of the 'd f some time • '1 in i3asiiwood is assuming
on Sunday aerxiion. Eliz singing was the future
The entertainment given by the for which is . due both to its members I en y The" Crediton correspondent. of -the
will be thesame as this year,
• The nominations in Saskatchewan
took place on.Tuesdiy, 'and. three -of
the seats went to the'Liberals by �ic-
elaYnation. This is' a pretty' geed start.
The Ontario Governrnent:has' decided
to' refuse the Chatham and Ottawa B
Elks permits to sell liquor and no E -
clubs incorpoiati4 in future will have sa
this privilege. This is 'i step in the •
: right :direction. • "Club" liquor:has.
lots of people into; trouble.
Personal. Note s`+`•:
• If those; having relatives or frien
44, visiting in town or going.aw 4'
notifx us of the fact each week, w n
wou'd announce it in; the .Naw,ExiA
4t,., hi
• Rey, j, Greene spent a few days in
Miss Harvey, of klensall; was 'last
week a guest of Miss M Washington,
,Mr. D. B. Kennedy' spent Thanks-
giving day with old friends in Caledonia
Mrs, Just"ice Robertson, of Hamilton,
is visiting her nephew, Mr J. Cun-
inghanxe. •
M to loin her}eleft husband, who is �locat-'
ing; 1
Mrs.. Lattornell, of.'St Thomas, is
spending a couple of weeks with, her
relatives here,.
Miss Ellacott, of':Wingham,,wass'the
asi a or prevailing ing , guest of Mrs; H., Stevens for Thanks'
The present ' staff of teachers at alarming proportions '.and• the town- giving holi iaya.
Blyth public School have been re ship board of health, has been asked •
Miss E. 'W'ashington, who has been
n.. ed for nest ear.'. Their salaries to set in the matter.
Y. of the day, and the choir is to be com-
'mended for its excellent work, credit.
Army on Tuesday evening was well and the leader, .Mr. Murch, The,aud- he
attended, and was evidently much ap- iences, articularly in the evening, ' John Malcolm, the pioneer: nriilknian Exeter Advocate says that Sharman. is
d by the audience. The pro- particularly
formed a fa orable im- of Hensel], has purchased Will Hug- nearly forgotten by the residents l ff
p I large, a vart's' farm at Rodgeryille. The price that Lively village. The shoe mere•
coeds were $20. P were lar of both preacher and choir. g
Lieut. Garsides goes to Goderich this The collections,: on behalf of the choir,. was considerably over Six: thousand. ants are selling narrow -soled shoes
week, and Cadet Proctor to Norwich ; amounted to $28. Contractor Ourrie, who" was en- again n and thent stores are. disposing of a
gin.buildin the St. Joseph dock, K
their successors are not yet known. i gaged' g
The Salvation Army band was . i has stopped work on it as the weather Alrs.. Richard Bailey;. Bayfield, has
around serenadingthe citizens onmake much head-
ead- received a cheek from the C. O. F. for
i THANKSGIVINGSERVICE, -The is too uncertain to nLa
Thanksgiving Day, and. raised about ' way, $1,000 as payment, of
the insurance
anion Thanksgiving .service held in The Roxboro Bridge has been can policy of her late son.William, who
►. Willis church on Thursday was fairly'e fords b was drowned recently at Bayfield. She
HURCH, well attendee], and was very interest- i then eIKillon conned,and heavyotices to also received one from the.members
ONTARIO STREET CI fit, 11 R "v W D M?atee the M p
h been •Hosted on the
The quarterly official hoard will of theeo 'Baptist chard'.. preached. the
meet on Monday afternoon at 2.80. I serrlpon, from Psalm 67 t 3, "Let the
at effect have -
bridge. .
d t) t b • 21st anothe
Sacramental and reception services ' people praise thee, �0 God ; let all the . On atm ay, c o er , i whose name is familiar to our readers
will he held on Sunday next ; lovefeast people praise Thee. The offering was of the earliest settlers of Ashfield about show times, says it is 51 years.
at 10 a.m. in the neighborhond of $13, and was ' passed away, in the person of Eliza- this fall since he first exhibited at a
donated to the Lords Day Alliance by beth; relict of the late George .Tani 11 shots and with the exception of
Rev. W. J. Ford, L. L. li., of Chen resent.1 le. in her.sevent -fourth year. fa
n a farmer pastor, will conduct the ;cite of the congregationp I y+. �' four years, he has been at, exhibitor
c e. P These offerings have formerly leen 1 Mr• Daniel Steinhaclx, svho has been
anniversary services of this church on devoted. to the poor funds. of the differ- f every year since and that he has taken
, a resident of Zurich for. many years,' more prizes for vegetables than any
"Nov 12th eat churches, 1'1,.1 that left on Titesdav for Seafoit , other living man h y �I
of Court Rose of Sharon, No. 05, Bay -
field, for
Mr. W', H,. MaGraeTcen, of Brussels,
1011 it is likely y a m, h. where inthe county. L r.
The subject on Sunday evetytng will denominational
they 'will be given to some um, • he will make his howe with his Baugh- eO aeken has won over $203 this
and vie- struggle purpose. •
of rasa s t r s ,
he to tial
be T at; unnatio u
fi . dano p
Cane -
Geor a Button, writing in the least,
u like o
see the preachers relieved from to a sand the '0th eon., Ashfield, At the early age
ing the place of a bulletin board; when the wharf at Grand Bend, Th
it Miss Beatrice Greene
announce during the Sunday has been washed out from under the of 52 years, last Monday. The lady
°eve a
',evening, when
they cribs and •part of the strllctnre as had been ill but a couple of weeks we
game a report, of the Summer School. service all sorts of meetin s during elle . been shifted from its original resting tteumonia. The deceased was a
Rev. W. Wade is temporarily in week, distracting the minds of tl;e lace. "" riatiye of this township. She leavesa
R y
charge of the S. S. Bible class, former- people from worship. of have lea- p
Murch. He is a son to believe that manyof the preach, On "Wednesday of last week a pretty bereaved husband, one daughter and
ly taught by Mr. T. M ul like to be' relieved of 'the October wedding; took placo at the 'four sons -Mrs. Michael Grifti.n, and
man of wide ence,and well quail- Ors wo d ,• home 'of Thomas ITrrison, Goderieh Tholnttr, Lawrence, John and Patrick.
i for -this position. duty,-•Ylamilton Times. All chutehesi.
Miss Minnie Mrs. Wallace was a d'eyotecl member
ties fo a should adlo tibe }titan followed in. the 7"p,,, when his daughter, , .R, a church.
Miss Sharman, of -Stretford, .whothef 1 '
cavo Methodist Churches in C,linton,' Ivas �ttnited in holy bends ofa.of
cR the. g11Pst. of ]lt1 : 'V61n. New. Here an officer of the chnrch reads the matrimony to Arthur.Townsshend, of
mho; song a solo in this church ]loth Uric silents sand thu the minister r:foderich. Barret manufacturers are forming a
morning and evening last Sunday ; she sn relieved of the unnecessary duty,
as abeautiful.t . ,
tial of
tory."A choir composed entirely
young men will lead the singing.
A very interesting missionary meet=
Ing was held 'n the League on Monday
o- -`s rt time at
ter,Mrs. Baldwin, for a hitt year,
dian k aptist, says he would lik t Last week's Htorni played ed havoc with •
k. P y
It is With deep regret we ant
the death of Mrs, Patrick Wallace, of
h voice, and 110.13 very
greatly appreciated. Crossley rand Bunter received. 371;7
• , : for their services in the Walkerton
WESLEY CIIU1WR evangelistic e,trnpaign. They -are now
• I.ovefeast at 10 a, tn. on Sunday holding meetings in Owen Sound.
An exceedingly pretty wedding took
placeWednesday afternoon at the
t,Zueen shotel, Blyth,,when Clara, third
daughter of the hostess, Mrs, Prances
Mason, became the wife of Mr, Ileo,
Beaty,who has been rine of the fore -
mosacrament t this close of the Montreal has been .chosen as the naen for the 0, 1''. It. contractors in gin North
rning service, a meeting place for the, next general tills section, . 'Writs for new election
At the MeetingOf' the Quarterly conference of the Methodist church, j n. York, West Iraubtott, Wentworth
good Citi xaday ven t,Fie fol low, which wilt convene on ;Mentember 12th! r tKellerman
ell a man hT as beenaa p- ' and Antigonieh have been issued,
.lug nteWardd wermxe dee etlsrr,. 1 [ Nov. 2#1 is polling day.
combine. It .should be a staying good
Bev. M. Baker is suing the Congre-
gation l°-•ehttreh at Woodstock for
back salary. The 'trustees dispute the •