HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-11-03, Page 2*a 2 BEECHAM'S The U PILLS Atgraa The • haphazard use of a remedy • will never discover its efficacy. Try " Beecham's Pills morning and night, and note the improvement in your -health. • - Tha last Thing BEECHAM'S at PILLS Night Sold Everywhare. In boxes 25 cents' The thin6O i NeW Era FRIDAY, NOV. 27. 1905 Too Many Shows. The Syaforth Expositor, commenting on a recent item in the NEW ERA to the effect that there are "too many small shows," disagrees therewith, and argues that there are not too many shows in the county The NEW ERA's statement was general, but we are willing to apply it to the county. • The Expositor's contention that the shows have contributed to the im- provement of stock, etc., needs no • reply, because no one disputes it. It is freely admitted that they have served a good purpose. But that they are still serving the same purpose' the NEW Era disputes. ' We believe that a good riding show, which would mean three for the county-, would serve a much better purpose than the nine indiffer- ent ones held this year. The Expositor says "The exhibits roe growing in num- hers and infproving in quality year by year, and are an index of the improved unditions of the country." We are sorry that we cannot agree 'with cur friend in this statement. The exhibits are nut 'growing in numbers" so far as the inside departments are concerned. The writer in *ears one by has attended fairs where it was im- possible to get space for exhibits in this department i While in recent Years nearly the entire inside. display could be carried away on a wheelbarrow. - Tife Indemnity increase. r MX, for Nortlitirant, in a recent speech about the increased sessional indemnity, le Credited with the following statement "Under the new order of things, for every day that a 'member did not at tend the sessions. rig the House, $15 was-tmterleducted.-- •That -Would mean a large sum to many, and be did_ not, • believe that twenty men 'would gp through next session and get thecorn. plate 842,500a In this regard he wished to ivint out. that there would also he $15 off for each day lost through sick- ness" Mr. Oocksinitt may be sincere in :what he is saying, but unless some dif- ferent method is pursued in the future than has been in the past, every mein - her will draw nearly his full indent- nity, the proviso notwithstanding. 1 Under the old regulations of the Rouse, every. member was supposed to lose'fi8 a day for each, day's absence during the session. No record is kept of the attendance, and it was left to the honor of the member to state whether he was present every day of the session oi otherwise, ' If Dar. Cockshtitt will tiwn to the Auditor -General's report for 1904, he will find that nearly every Member of the House drew his full sessional in- demnity. During the session of 1903 a 'Certain ex -Cabinet Minister was not in the House a week, yea it W4S.Inaolitfils that he drew every 'dollar of indem- nity, and the matter was so freel dis- cussed in the corridors, that it was thought action would betaken to com pel him to refund part of the indemnity. The writer could give the names of men who are invariably absent 4 large .part of the session -one ine particular worth his thonsands-whe have .not the slightest scruples about drawing the full indemnity. • Some method should be adopted of compelling. registration of attendance at the -Reuse, for there is no check whatever on members. , The NEW ERA cap naine a mpinher not a thousand miles frern Huron who was a very irregularattendant during the last session; and yet drew fql his indemnity, , TRE CLINTON NEW BRA. Nov. 3rd, i9015 iliebei)44.‘"AtiAsesfsisAbeeesi. The Newspapett and its Community, . does.for a aOrtitalunity, IL S. Sen - speaking awhat a newspaper 9 # $ ator David DAVIS, Of blillOis. eeYs : "Every year every local paper gives from 500 to 5000 free lines for the benefit of the com- munity in Whietrit is located. No other agency .can or will do this. The editor in proportion table means does more for his own town than any other man. • He ought to be supported not becanse.you happen to like him er' adnure his writing, but be- cause a local paper is the best investment a community . can wake. It may not be crowded • with great thought, but Roan - daily it is of more benefit than $ both, preacher and teacher. To - [day editots do more for less_paY 444. than any Man on earth. Vat- ronize yoor home paper, not as a charity but as an myestraent." 11.44,11,4ketelli4lieivi. 11011'1144 Sir WilfridLanrier touches tender. chord : . • 'Sir Wilfrid Laurier,'Speaking -at the opeuiug of . the new branch. Of thee 'Where : the religions craze: becomes Great orthern-Ra.ilway nt St. .Jacques .accute. they will eat nothing but raw L'Aeliigan, Wednesday,' Made an ad- -vegetables and fruitin the -theory that dress. .Aftertouebing upon the great God intended food -0-1)e used- exactlye Strides in transpoztation faeilities as it Was .createche •Ocasionally some since his boyhood days in the °district individual is stricken with a sense of. 'Sir Wilfrid briefly spoke Of the Grand sin, ahd, burning his cabin, stoats out Trunk Pacific. • With his family.to wander like:Christ "The first missietharies-eanae to Can- uidis dieciales,'clePetiding upon: Him ada," said he, "hoping to penetrate to . who feeds the raveos and note § the fall China and India. They failed, but of the.sparroev to provide them with what they could not dowill isoou be food and shelter : .• .• easily .possible for' you,:as yea' Will • Ihe most serious affairs,. however, realize when you see th.Producter •of fire their. pilgrimages, • which occur the Orient rolling past your larids in every few tuenths. • They believe in the traine ofthe 'Grend Trunk Pacdfic the second caning of Christ. and cer- RailWay. (Applause,) *thin of their leadens delude them With "You have widlied Inc a long. the expectation that hewill meet them Concluded the nremier, brine I shall upon the prairie and -lead therii upon a beable to .inlfil this wish. But I am inisSion to evangelize mankind, en or- growirig Old, And 1 feel it as Isee many der to peopitiate hire they MuSt appear of My old friends earriedfoff by. death in the, aniage, of their maker= that is or transference to other.fields of labor'. • sterk naketi so they' °want, er Off „carer •Nevertheless, 1 would hope to livelong the prairies, .knowing nu where until encrugh to be -able: to continue my., la- they. Meet their Lord, sleeping on the lairs until they fki'e Much nearer fruit, giound, eating:raw' vegetables, fruits, ion:than they ere- to -day, even though and even roots of -grips, until": the I cannot see thern biought to a sueeess; Mounted poiice round them .up and ful entichision. Rime been the work,. drive them to the nearest jail, There •the &Oath :of My life to develop • my they are 'kept netilY they. : recover . in part Milli theladebision and are* sent nitektb.their villages. Sainte of them never recover. At present there are sixteen Doukliaborsemthe:jail. at Re- gina tindOr sentence citsix.ilionths ii- pIIsi.nhilent .egc le for ihdeeent ear p oeurea: They were,arrestea naked :upon the °Pen prairie while looking a for their Redeeriter...'•The ,.-police wee -tech; to haVethein declared Insepe -and . sent to 44 aSyliim,.! but the department of justice at .0t tatee did noe approve of that'. plan and' had them eo e)trii tted to prion. where they:are giving :a great deal of trouble. They ref ese .tIl etit anything..except raw vegetables and fruit ; they. rgfUse (troll o• chalk One hasuiready died from:.starvition, atid•three inore afeja a despera.te con- dition hone the slime .cause. The Un- edeiked fOod is indigestible and affoads no nourishment, and they will not gat anything elee.. . TWo years age 1,700 men•womee and chitchat) Marched naked' in to Y ork tole to evangelize the:people of....tnitt place. 'On. another 'occasion. IWO left their . homes. in .Mid .tv in ter. Wit h• -the sea w 'Several inchee deep on. thegroundeahd started across the peal -ries to the town of Binecarth, where they wefiltri•eated and detained, until they filially', recOv- erect their reason. These outta•eaks are the, result of fanatical preaehing by cer- tain ludividnala, •who claim to be hie spiredancl exercise a bypreAieiefluence oyer the simple Minded. , peasants.' Their concePtions of religion ore • very Vague and priuritiee, • hitt • they axe Verytenacieus and deterfnined. Their AnCestoraluave endured pergecation for eerituries.and the present geoeration • havainheri,tea the Spirit xii.thartyrdOrn,. .Their ueefulnessete citizens, however, is beginning to be a Matter of: serious doubt, and I am. told 'by the Officiatle:, that as a mass they arenot improving,' and it does not seempceiblefor them to assimilate with the remainder of the community: The Government , has shown8 libeval and linnuine .poliey in its tteatine.nt'Of. thera,but is beginning to lose confidence- int-heirleaders, • The word "Doukhobors" is a Russian • term, meaningu.pirit eyrestlerV•and.° WAS (peen oriignally indarision to a seat of dissenters froth the orthodox ,Greek Church, which organized in the Jetter pert of the °eighteenth *central', The basis of theta belief was that by wrestling .with. the Holy Spirit they could aceorirplish more than by strug- gling With theirfellow mein . They are lioncoMbatantell they do not be- lieve in war or in ehe use of force, or in legal 'remedies Of any kind. They are cippoeed to human law eourtis; police authorities, armies and military • and civil authorities of all descriptions. They are • coinmunists end hold every - Care of "Douksv A Big Problem Ruled by Fanatic leaders Whe Deluded Them into strange 'PH- grlmages. Winnipeg, Oct. 18 -,It is the testi- mony of all who are familiar with their colonies that the quest of the Doukhohors are sensible, industrious, honest and lam -abiding people ; but several hundred of them are so fanat- ical that they cannot be controlled. Two oe three times a year there is an out -break of fanaticism, which creates a great deal of trouble for the police and other officials. One of their perm-, Barities ia that the use of animals . as beasts of burden is unscriptural ; so, to says their bouts, whenever there is a religious revival, they turn 10050 their atom Oyer the prairies and drive it away from their farms 'and villages. Another aeation is that they must work with their hands alone, as Jesus and his diciples did; laborstivingmach. inety and implements are modern fra ventions of the devil in their eyes. Therefore, every now and then, when the mania strikes them, they collect all the mowing nittchinee, reapers, threshers and other agricultatilmach. beery and burri them, in the fields county, to make •life ' more happy for rny fellow:countrymen, ' ai have triedto make wealth for those who had it nut, and m ore' riehes - and '1' the reat ' The very fact that several of the • . to thosewho had.: I 2: :. : township slum s have found it peceeFt DtRAL ELgG'TIONS ON, - • sary to dose up and that others find NOVEIVIBEIt• It hard.work to, keep alive, is' evidence that there are too many. Is it not a 'fact that cannot be dis- puted, that all over the country small shows have had to resort to all kinds of fake attractions in order to draw a erowd,-and thereat object and purpose of a fair has been largely lost sight ot? Seven. tenths of the people who at- tend shows adinit• that the day of the small show is past, that it has out- lived its usefulness, and the only pos- sible justification for them is found in. the closing paragraph: of the Exposi lot's article, as follows : "Thare As another feattire of -this show business which is too frequently lost sight of. That is the social side, The local show is usual/1' held at a ef year wriP11 the fdrming tam minify' are not over -burdened 'with work, They furnish an excellent op-. portnnity for friend to meet friend, and in this way are a source of enjoy- tnent to people, Prribliri4 them to maintain social friendships which othe erwise might die out." Our friend May in tke up his mind to the fact that the day of the small show is drawing to a close, never tahe revived. The "social side" is conceded,: hit the government Is not going to con Gime paying out government grants simply for the purpose of get- ' ting a. lot of old friends together and allowing them to have a good time, A Prevalent I4.1rrOr. Many newspapei's are making the mistake of supposing that the ex. Post- master -General, in addition to his sal- ary of ;510,000 as a judge, will receive the pension of $3,500 a year as a for, trier member of the Cabotit. He can- not draw both. The impression pre- Vails also that Sir 'William is a man of yerv considerable wealth. But those who are in a position to know Fay that the popular estimate of his private in. come is unfortunately greatly exagger- ated.- Ottawa Citizen (Conservntive ) Another error many have falleh into is that of supposing that Sir William Mukick was born of wealthy parents, and. therefore, not entit ed to much credit because cf his position. As a matter of fact, he was born a poor boy, and worked on the streete of Newmarket as an ordinary day laffor. fr, until be got a start La life, His progreee MO entirely dne to his own efforts. .0•••••=1"...mmloommaim.osemsoinime. Take cold easily?' Throat' tender? Lungs weak? Any relatives have consumption? Then a cough means a great Cherry Pectoral deal to you. Follow your. doctor's advice and take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. it heals, strehgthens, prevents. 61;.ftgltrin1fOl"66eigri: Ifdt %el kft it ibtlit."1411111%01111114111ralia• iseeseteel.00. d. ATIS* 441,20.,„ zoos for taizziaimiumiga. ezt Lungs • - It is semi-offieially announced that the bye -election. for the . House of Comincins in West .Larnbton, caused by the death of . Die T. G. Johnston, will be held on Noy. 21. ShOuld this prove to be the ease, it iS notunlikely that the contests for all the vacancies in the Hearse of ConampiaS • will take ' place on the saniedate, 'They, are : Antigonish,•vacated•by the appoint- ment of Mr. C: 111: Masttac to the Rail - Way Ceinmission. •• AsSinaboia West; vacant by the to signation of Mr. 1VaIter Scott to lead the Liberal forces in Saeltatchewara Lanabton West, ;Vacant by the death of Dr. Johnston. • a Saskatchewanevacant by the reSiga, nation of Mr; J. H. Lamont to become a member of the Provincial' Govern- ment of.Saskatchewrin, , Wentworth, *vacant • by the judg• went of th.§uprerrie'Coprt unseating Ur, E. D. Smith, deqiireti elected by the tetm'dng Offlcee, ••• ork Nort vactint lay the reaigna- Mon of Sir William Mulack,: tirbecome Chief Justice of the Exchequer' Court. In addition, Hun Rodolphe Lemieux -was elected for both Nicalet and !Gaspe and when he electwhielI constituency he will represent there umet 'be an eleetion in the 'other.' BABY'S AWAKENING It ought to be a pleasure to look forward to baby's. awakening. He should awaken bright, smiling and full of fun, refreshed by sleep andm ready for a good tie, How many 'parents dread their child's voice, be- cause they know when he awakes he will cry and fret and keep everyone 011 the. move until he falls asleep again from sheer exhaustion. These crying fits make the life of the inex- perienced mother it torment. And yet baby is net crying for the fru) of the thing - there is something wrong, though the mother may not see any- thing ails the child. Try Baby's Own Tablets in cases of this kind; and we venture to say babv. will wake up Sm bappy and iling- an altogether different child, ' Here is proof from Mrs. John S, Sutherland, Elissfield, N. S.* who says :-"My. baby was terribly cross„ and often kept me awake half the night before I got -Liberal party whose policy I represent have seen much 1I pregrese in this di- rection. But there is •yet so much to "Yet, even though I do not live long enough to achieve these things," said the preinier, -even though I go, there ere 'many others who will be proud to takeep the work where 1 lay it dieeee, and carry it forward to a' sup- Cessful.cone:nsum, ' • 'An 'Ettneriesti bittaie. Souie (looters, go so far as to • sfleY that in digeStion is the national diseaSe of Anirric.a.: •.There is : one 'national remedy fpr indigestion and -that is Dr,' jiainilton's Phis nib ich accelerate the • action of the: gastrie gland* and give thein to the digestive: . organs. A`hey streinethen the , kidnasi; and . livee, eleahse andpiii•ifv: the bleed a-nd thne add generaLer)ne to every Oi•gan of 'tile bo,ly, Flesh and strerigthUre fast re- stoi•ecl anclatie patient e in eat and' di- gest anyfood he pleases. Teet •Dr. JLnjhnn's s POls yoileself -25c per box or five.boxer fOr $1.itt. all dealers; , • . . .. • • : ANIMALS AND ,TC/IP,CGCV 4 Dog.That aingkea and a parrot ' That Chewed • Ole • Weed.. • Most %animals 'beye :an utter abhor- rence oftobeccfrin,any shape or forM, • says the proprietor of e menagerie. hilve..paYself ,thade even a really force f dons dog turntailsimply' by 'puffing smoke in its face, but I donot recOin, Mend tlie means me one to be always relied on. • : , , • But to this rule, as to :all Oberst tilere are: exceptions, and nunierous In- stances are known Of animals possess: Ing a positive IOve for tbe fragrant- ' weed; Dogs;: It isj-ereil known.' on be, • . . taught to do elnieet eeVerYthliag. but talk,' and In My early days I was con- nected with a circus' which Possessed the unique attraction of a terrier which . 'aMextir other tricks had been Instructed ' ,In the art of emekhig a clay Pipe. The curious point was that the animalac- tually got to ,enjoy Its -pipe and would Insist oh having it at the usual time every Sunday, as In th/ performance • on week days; The•parrot Is °perhaps Of all birds the meet apt to take up • bad .habits. A friend ef mine :has .one which Is pas. B 'sionately fond of eating ewI a iy' sOwn Tablets for her, Sinter I beget' giving her the Tablets, she is pvrfectly well, sleeps soundly all night, and. wakes up bright", and fresh in the morning." Baby's Own Tablets are a safe medicine for children of all ages. They cermet do anything but good. You ean get them from your druggist, or by mail at 25 emits. a box thing in common. They have no offi- fats of their own, .but are in the habit of .following self-appointed leeders in whom . they have confidence, • They, ug c 'lobate*. If ,given a sudicient iplantity the bird ' will make 'itself positively drunk with the nicotlite arid will stag. ger about its cage in exact imitation et an u an .being. Long -practice has made the bird something elf a connoismisr re - the actions of itox ea ted h by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine Brockville, Ont. President Eciockeveltt's rebuke of the lynchers in the South was Worthy of StateSillati, and was eertainly eour. ageous. The boldness which the Pre. sident exhibited will he appreciated by those who know whatthe sentiment of theSooth towards the colored raee is. Mr. Roosevelt seems to have an opin- ion upon every subject, and what is More, he does not mind expressing it. epecting ItS favorite luxury; and it neve treats fine cut 'tobaccos With contempt. Its particular delight is the plug af- t by sallo, •• • 1L iffecdg fla.e simian tribes that to- bacce loving otadrupeds\ are racist tee- qtent. This is probably owtrig to the roonkey's overpowering facility for Irn- ltatlon, .which sometimes gets it into trouble, / remember an amusing in- stance. A. men after puffing at it ciga- rette for a time threw it down near a . monkey whith had been watching the proceedinga inteetly. The animal Matched it up and puffed gravely for st few minutes. Then a look of intense bewilderment stole over ite face, and, throwing the cigarette down, It retired kite a corner, evident/y veil ill. gentlemen In the north of Ensuuss,, has a monkey which is addicted te abut, The animal has been taught tit° take a pinch. from the box of a visitoe With all the tourtly alr go prevalent In' the days when 811110 takbag was the fashiorn-London Dim Gallery, M, P., who ia a typical young Irishman of Montreal, where he is an alderman, is charged with having spent $10,000 to secure his return as ft member of the City 'Council. That's a pretty serious eharge, but Gallery IS the kind of fellow, who will turn it off with laugh, and say "13y the hokey- i pokey ; I could spend twice that much if bad it." The 'Methodist parsonage at Eden Grove has been sold to Mr. Pearson, foreman of the section gang, and a new ono purchased at Cargill. The prine,obtained for the old parsonage is said to be ill100, *while the new one will cost Tho latter is a fine brick Width , built& year or two Ago, This will rna Cargill the head of the elroult. POINTED PARAGRAPHS, Dent work One friend In the Intend of Mether. There are plenty of good Mende far theta itho deserve thein. tt le herd to *ay 411a," hut It le Nati:It to 00 'Ideal know." I 'Ji mazy vole aoott *at they '40 by Otaitoding a lot of credit foe if. 0 a ' ARE YOUR KIDNEYS SICK a.r.• 0 Let your morning urine stand for 24 ,hours in a glass or vessel, and`then if it is milky or cloudy, or contains a red- dish brick -dust sediment, or if parti- cles or germs float about in it, your. kidneys are diseased. If the kidneys are well they filter just so much blood, but if they are sick or weak froth any cause'they leave the poison in the blood, and this poison affects the entire systeni. It Is natural to pass urine three times a day, but Many who regard theinselve.s as healthy are obliged to pass water sit to ten titnet daily and are obliged to get up frequeutly during the night. They have sick kidneys and bladder and don't 'know it. Smith's Buchu Lithia, Pills cure Rheumatism and all Kidney and Bladder diseases, , and make new, rich toloocl. We will geed you a generous sample post paid Pree together with onr large book on the above mentioned diseases, Address, W. V. Stant Co., 185 St. jamee Street, Montreal, .Canada. SMITH'S EttiCIHU LITHIA PILLS A posnivE OURS FOR 'MURNEYAANDNO! AND ALL )04:)1013 OF KID SLAWS* tilt. ragioutrawattait The Gentle Kidney Otiose. 0:net think that Bti-JA hi not effective laecause it doegi not. ' ' • 41tea4thingtiloose,". Therrien; • For Sale.- IPROFESSIONAL tow sr. Purolunier %violin:le more land tfOnse And i acre Of land, DOA end Out- E ril RV BEATTIE - (Successor to to ate* ewe • - ofiaton- B4ST.$Qro,R. conid buy losjoining. JOSHUA PEAREN who taiim neose, does lease, 0W:tiro Kidney remedies that urge- -or the atoniacheare going and over-stimulatethe 'dneye to o yeti mighty_little good. House for Sole • 1 Tan rooms, with woodshed and stable . hard and soft water, Imre of land. cen- trally locateri for partioulare apply to NV, BRYDONE, 0,01,06,10.1 THE GENTLE KIDNEY cuaz goes about curing you gently, mildly, correctly. You never knew you are taking medicine • -excect that you, begin to get better and keep on getting better. Bu -Ju heals Inflam- mation in the kidneys -takes . Away that sharp pain in the back and the d -all ache through tae hips -stops excessive urin- ation -and enables the disea- sed portions of the kidneys to heal and strengthen, , Cures R.heusnetism Too. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED, Wittatort Crrr. New YORK, • have no oeditinet1 priests or preachers, but like the e Quakers,' wait for the spaitto move then', both in speech • anti action, They arevegetarians, and use neither liquor nor tobtieeo. They are opposed to all modern sciences-. including medicine, electricity and chemistry-anddive as simple a life, as. spossibleee• - • • e „ t - The Tonle of Real:th ' Must be more than a stinuilante- must be a food. as ev,ell. There is it medicine that is both a. food anda ton- ic -it aids cligestion.promotes assimila. ton. converts food into nutriment that, builds up •nerves!, blood brain and bone, That tonic is Ferrozape which contains exectly what a• runidown • system need's. Ferrozone supplies oxygen to -pnrify the blood, ,phosphorons to de- velop the Wain, won to bardeu thl muscles. No wonder it makes suet vigorpus men and women.,. You'll eat, sleep, think and feel better by using Ferrozone ; try it now -.Fifty cents buys a box of fifty. ohocolete • eoated .Ferrozone tablets at all dealers. Port Hop& Guideaa-.The" trainTon which Sir WilfridtLittirier travelletatto Beauharnois, Quebec last week Stop - 31 short time: at Tintothee, and there the Prime alinister was accosted by a veteran of the eebellion of 1887, . who had' longed for years to ineet the gifted Frenell-catiadien who bee' .sbed: so much honor On 'his' 'race, Sir; friers admirer was Casimir Renaud, 87 ' years old.• would' like very nnich to see Sir Wilfrid," lie said, "and. to shake hands 'with Min' before I die." Mr. Renaud's wish wee gratified and he had a long conVersation with Sir. He fold the Premier of the bat- tle of Sit. , .Eustache and gelated many other incidents of- interest. - Cook's Cotton Roof.Compountt _Lnaunif Favorite. Is 'me only safe renew regulator on wnichthowortess eau depend "in lalaV and time or need." Preettred in two Strength. No. 1 ailient 13 tw far the best 1. -Por ordinary= ' re known. isle V,. -pier special .ease3-10 .deggel tbree dollars per box. es -ask your druggist* for iltIseton Boat omponnd. Take po ten „nakitures and IrnitatioNal tentolosnust. Ner. 1 and No. 3 are soil 1=4"1ThigALat an 4"4711t° thfaelti rarit Matte to any ad— trizaperk,n *ice and tour 2 -cent postale . (emu compange - Windklaro 082e. No.] and No, 2 are sold in Clinton hl R. B. Oombe, J. E. Hovey and F. NN, Watts, Druggists, ' • • OMER THAN tlellt are the eplendid advantages offered in 'every department of our schoole--The . OF TORONTO. — e ror quickly and thoroughly *raining Ming people to. earn good salaries in business posi- tions. With 22 teachers. Fes- eqeipi.- en& Un- to -date courses, modernanothoda end thorough system, we con guarantee excellent results. • , • vur new catalogue is dandy • Write for it. • • Yottge and Gerard Sta., Toronto V. - Principal. Berkshire Boar tor. Service. 0 • Sabsoriber keeps for service at his prem., hag, Con, 8rd, Tticketeroith, a large Eng- lish Berkshire Boar, • registered. 'Has never been beeteri in the show ring thia. fall, inking four 1st prizes: Tains, 51 at time of service; $1.50 for regietered sows. Also Yorkshire Boar for eerv(ae, iIPPELTON ELCOAT, Oat g7 41x. • Tackeramith Tp, 2 HMS in mon MU SALE By Public AuctimC There will be offered for sale by Public -auction on the premises, Lot 19, Co,. 8, Stanley, TUESDAY, NOV. 7th, at 1,80 fame the following valuable farm Janis in Stanley Township: - LOT 10, arid east half of LOT 20, on the 3rd Con., containing 150 aerate Tide fain la in high state of cultivaticn, and is well tinclerdrained, There are 15 acres of good hardwood bush. The barn is e very mod- ern bank one, with water undele, and the farna is vvatered besidesaby never -fail- ing springea There is Also good brick halm with skit° roof, and heated by a furnace. Aleo Lot 10ron the sta Cone conteining 10) Acres, This farni ie in every piratic - tar dret•olatte, and has on it About 12 gem of hardwood Web. There is a good barn and house, end plenty of twining writer, These farms ere among the best in The County of Soren, altueted in one of the boot localitiet in Canade. They are close to 4 aelmoll end only two miles from tirucefield village, where there is %railway citation, tabreft, church and every con- venience. They are eight Mike from Sea - forth and obt mike from Clinton. Thia la an exeeptiontil opportanity for any person lookiorefor a good Wm. Tering NOW, and will be wed° known on day Of eale. 'Per • further particiiiire apply to GRAMM BROS., firtafeileld Office -441194 by Birek.formerly occualeft Mr Swat. :momT mare . W. BIRTOONE. BARRISTER 1:10/JOITOR ,ROTARX PUBLIC. 't TO• For Sale. ()LINTON Clinton Salt Well • Bzigjne snd Boiler. 42 home . power, ( Goldie' ik McCulloch* make,)Lerriok and other article') therein &linty to JOHN MeGARVA, , Farm to Rent or For Sale ....._ • Lot 18, Con, 4, Ffullett, 100 scree, neer. ly all wider cultivation, Terme liberal. Apply to W. W. FABRAN • Clinton, March 22nd, 1904 z ..---- , • Lands tor Sale "In the far West" Heward, Assa, Itn. proved faring for sale at $14 per aore, other farms without ' buildings from $6 to SD pet acre, good land from one to six miles from town. Fare paid to parteei investing. N. V. 0111Cia, lieWard, Auk To Rent . .._..., . The brick cottage and 20 'acres of land, jest south of Clinton, on the.LOncion Read, and at present owned by Mrs. Freer is of. fered for rent on reasonable terms. Apply to Epheahn Butt, Clinton, or Rev. W. kl, Batt, Springfield. , IVIeroh 24 'if . 1 For Rent or gale .That desirable, commoilioris residence, at present odoupied by. W. Q. Phillipe, on Mary St. First class atate of repair; 1-2 acre gardenawith fruit bearing trees. and barflies'. Posseeston given Oct, 1st. I1. pur- chased, bpyer cini have eau terms of pev. went. Can be inepeoted any reasonable hour. Address JUEIN RANSFORD, . ' •• ' •Clinton P.0 .... Farms tor sale --..... • i.so ares in 2nd Con. 11. R. S. ' Tooker - smith ( lot 82 and west half lot 34) with good brick house,:barn, sheds, Stables eta A first close farm. Parcels will be sofa either separate or together. For perticu- lam apply tti HERBERT °RICH, . . Seaforth, or W. Brytione, Barrister, Clinton, Farm for Sale. : , Landon Road i mile fioin Clinton; about isr eicras of -frret-olaeli lent. Bich ete it garden, has been a stock Parra tor a num- ber of years. Frame house, large bare?, plenty of stabling, 'pig bouse for 100 head, implement building. L'ossession given at. any tiMe. Gwner whales to retire from farming. A.nply 4o H. PLTIMSTEEL. . -.M8y.19 1905 ' ' .. Farm for Sale. - 9.rsarr., A-4-0 - ,,.''''...-1-,... Swath half of lot 39, 50 Sores; West half Df north halt,cmataining 25 acres, 2nd cob. Tuckers/pith, S. B.. S., convenient to 'Church and school; about 5 mules, from Clinton, 65 sores -cleared. remainer in CONVEYANCERS, COMMISSIONER in Real Estate and Insurance agent MoneY to loon • WE, RALE, JOHN' RIDOUT 01 CAMERON formerly of ()itinerant Bolt & Capieron BARRISTRR AND SOLICITOR, Office-flanillton St oppotite Colborne /awes GODER1011, ONT • L REtniuoPetvr, LARY* & Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Publio, Etc. Offices, -On the Square. Ind door from Hamil- ton St., Goderich.WPrivate funds to loan. at lowest rates, W. PriounrooT, K.0., R, C. HAYS. G. IP.Brant Drs. Gunn & Gunn.. Dr, W. Emus, ILL 41 P.. L. B. 0.5,. Min J. Nisbet oiturarlfi. It. V. S., England, L. IL C. r., Loudon. Oface-Ontarto Street, Othaten. Nicht calls at front door of office or residence. Rattenbnry • Street. - OR, J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON Asoinohoor etc, office and residence On. tario St., Oppoeite English church, formerly oo • evaded by Dr, Appleton, Clinbin Cat, • DF.I. C: 10G THOIVIIPSOFti Physidian, Surgeon, Etc. ` sPecial attention given to diseases of the 4. Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. Office and Residence-. • -Albert Street.2 Blocks Norther ItattenbrirY; Gt. W. Nanning Smith, .31 PIEDISICIAN c.T.i SURGEON. OFFICE -Main Street, Bay -field', fortis' Grip openpied by Dr. •Pallister: a.. LuivOY; Sueeessor to Dr, Agnew, Pietism. •Qr..i.NToat, O$TAI:110, : OfEce open every clayand untill.0 &oleo Saturdaj. evening...• D G.. ERNEST HcoLivtge; . DENTIST ISnocessor to Dr. T. C. 'Bruce Specialist in.Crowa sand Dridge :Work 14, D, S. --Graduate Royal College Dental Sur ' geons of Ontario; Toronto, D.:D. S.-Firepolaas Roma! graduate of Pen- . tat De dartmont of Toronto ilniirersity*. Special ,fittention_paid to' preservation or; ildren's teeth. • Will visit Baylield e bit. H. FOWLER; DENTIST. Officio/ over O'NEIL'S kora.' Special care taken to make dental tr ment as painless as possible. 'Will v Aubtirn every Monday, • ' bush. It lelaalaeeddbut12 acres; 3 kiscellan acres of wheat, good barn 86x60 in. with stone stabling underneath, frame house with cel- lar and woodehed; good orchard; abundance of hard and soft water. Apply to 4ixtf IDDO 0.111CH, Brucefield P.O. in Tuckersmith to Rent. To rent for a term of years, Lot 14. Con- cession two, L. R. S., oontaining'100 acres, 30 acres of which are cleared and in good state of cultivation. This farm is situated 1 1.2 -miles -from Xipperh--7 miles from Sea- fcrth, and 31-2 from Hensel]. This farm is well- formed, drained, and has first elites buildings thereon, and is one of the best farms in the County of Huron, Far terms &c, apply to Doig & Doi*, Attorneys, Sault Ste Marie, Michigan. ' 8-11 Farm s tor 14 ( One 99X acre farm in the Township Of Col- borne, •7 miles from oderich and it mileefrom Clinton, 1 mita from Village of Benmilerhlose to'Post Office; daily mail; churches and schools. '.Chere is a good, large bank barn. buggy house, implement t ott4e,pig poi and henhouse; a good large franie with ten rooms; 2 good wells, fences in gond state of repair. there about 1S aeree of pear orchard and 28 'aerie Of Lunge:orchard, fail antr.winter-fruit, shoutserJa of bush, This is afirst•class fruit and Mock farm, fall plowing nearly all don and Ave flares of wheat; hall of farm bi seeded down. PoSsession can be had any time. 4:aat Ef""p A leo a farm of 160 aer63, adjoining the above farm; a large, good stone house, frame barn. halm stable, large 'Moen and cattle shed, and loge oaring near the hruse,_ With milk house thereon; spring runs throogh farm to Maitland River. :leveret Beres Of bush; farm over half seeded down and in good state of oliltbration, „ eou,s. JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO. SSUER OE MARRIAGE LlOENsilila • Nowitneiees regulrea • 11000 . Private funds to loan at 4,' per cent and iip) wards W. ISRYDONE, JOHN, VV., ysio • Horzag.ipviLI,E. • Agent. for the MaticanarehEi. Asstra Co. of Manchester, E.ngland whose !undsJ seourity are rated at 214,600„Doe. Also th Eintor 1VIIITuAL Ingmar/CZ Co. A chi farm risks and town Property taken lowest rates. Eirst-o ass La also represented. Money to be had fr la 4 9404110, ao?O4"ang o nature of esstri pally !nail • ., postal car, fetch Pita • - Licensed" Auctioneer. The undersigned solicite a share of patronage of thine wishing to 'hold Satisfaction guaranteed: Moderate r .Apply to or address JAS. A. SMITH, 88, con 16, Gederich ipe Clinton,P. 0.s . • A,RRIAGE ..LACENS - issueo:trf t J. Rumballi Clinton, G. D. MeTaggart, BANE Ert ALBERT ST CLINTON it iyi tome 7' acres of good orchard thereon, General Banking Bust This farm is known as Cherrydale Patin, and 1. transacted • has 18 acres of fall wheat. Apply to — . , NOTES Di SCOUNTED , Notes loaned. Interest allowed On deposits. ' • MRS. ItAlaY "WIIITE. Sena/111er, Ont. SECIIIMIES FOR SALE Mortgage of 82,000, upon farm lands worth 84,500; interest 4% yearly; mortgage due 7 years hence. • La emervelcIle Steck-5 abates in. People's Building & Loan liAliscioiation, of Lemon, divid, ends of 6% paid half -yearly. Stock- '60 cheese Colonial Ioyestinent Losn Co., - dividends of 6%, veld half yearly. These are offered for sale. Particulars may be had from W. BRZDONE, Solicitor for the holder, Clinton, May 17, 1005. Appes Wanted. I am in die market to buy both Fall and Winter Apples. Highest market price paid glintOn, Aug3 13:4CANTELON. • TheStanclard Elevator. Having leased the Standard Elevator the undersigned is prepared topaf the 1 Highest cash price Robt. Sii for grain of all kind*. sedortin pa 41 . W, G., SMITIL. Clinton, vme; I. • J. P. TINDALL. BANREB, CLINTON, Private fa-ntle re • lose on mortgagee at. " '60" • " ;*-71111411011Crenli lets. General Banking businerra transetied . :merestallowed on . deposit% • Sale notes Wright . The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Farm and friolated Totem Prop*. erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. 13. McLean, President, Kippen; Thos 'Eraser, Vice-pres., Brucefield; Thos, E Rays, Seq. Treas., Seaforth; DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, Porter's Rill; John Watt, 1larlock; G. Dale, ,Clinton; Chesney, Seafoith; J. Evans, Beech. woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, U. Ben - newels, Brodhageb. Each Director is inspector of losses in his own locality. AGENTS. Ilarlock; Ed It tlinchley James Cumming, Egniond. Yeo, 'HOPPING !HILL AT IOLMESVILLE rn derly. Customere can take e with then). Pridee Bittistaption anarenteed, J. BROWN, Proprietor THOMAS GUNDRY; iitUr Live stock and general Auetioneer, GODER1OH ONT: In eperat vane stook tales a speeltly. Others lett at ' °hop he New Eint, °fete, oltutorn_orormos attended or cash, daltOtantedi