HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-11-03, Page 1e e
cash will pay tor
11,1! the Frolinits°t11 JT.ne;v.
U to new subscribers .
ROBERT erioLtaasatie
•,•• •••••••••• • •••••.,
fl cash will get the:
C1906, to new,sub-
scribers. '
New Era t, jam
w en not tallied
Savings . . .
A 13a.nk Account
is both Desirable
and Necessary.
Sovereign Bank
H. T. letak.INT0331-e—
Clinton Manager
Dori forget
That I am selling the
best of
H 0
Cheaper than anyone else
in Clinton or. vicinity.
. Come in and I will
convince you.
R. Graham's old stand.
HEee your pulse quits
beating regularly, you
immediately summon a
doctor, for if you don't,
trouble is likely to follow. When
the pulse of your watch is irregular
you should have the doctor attend
to it for the very same reason. We
are ust as much doctors in our way
as any physician. We clean out
the whole system, repair all break-
ages, oil up and adjiist the works so
that the pulse will be strong and
regular, and a regular pulse means
perfect time. Our charges are very
inoderate, too.
Jeweler and Optician.
Goderich Township
100 acres 9n the 2nd con., of Tucker-
aopointneent, and i . being aeshited by
Pante Sonia -Mr. Samuel Switzer
has sold his farm in this township to
S conducting special services atenotron
smith, paYing therefor the sum of
has bought the Frenk Crich farm,
Mr. J. G. Steep, for 'about $5,000 and
Toronto Deaconness School.
ATM Ada Seaman, a graduate of the
$0,000. We are Seery to lose Mr.
Switzer from this neighboilhood.
NOTES. -Miss Ella McGuire of Strat-
ford Business College, is taking advan-
tage of the Thanksgiving holidays by
visiting at the home of her parents in
Goderieh township, The yellow tint
Of autumn is fast showing its color in
our forests indicating to us in nature
that Canada's winter is approaching.
The farmers in general diclait observe
thanks -giving as a holiday as they
would wish to have done had it been
set a few week's eater. Our authori-
ties that set apart a day for thanks to
the Almighty for his rich blessings be-
stowed upon his people, should have
delayed the holiday consequently the
farmer would be in better spirits to
share in the duties and privileges ctrin
cerning Thanksgiving. Revs. Stead
man and Brown excliangedepulpitslast
Sabbath, Mr. Steadinan taking some
special work on Varna circuit. Large
and appreciative congregations greeted
these gentlemen. Me,ssrs Anderson
and Stewart have returned from Mani-
toba after spending a few we.eks there;
these gentlemen speak very favorably
of the way in which the majority of
farmers are prospering there. Mr.
IsaacRathsvell is, again on Ontario soil
. after spending two weeks in the mod,
erate climate of• Manitoba. Isaac's
thinks we are not doing anything as.
compared with that country. He also.
informs ustbat it was sir below zero
when he left fete home.: Mr. John Em-
merson has leased a farm on the 7th
con. ; TIQW that Jack has the cage, the
-next important article will be to get
the bird, vehice Deine -.Rumor asserts
will not be lona. The 'apple packers
will begin to wring their hands some
of these cold mornings, longing to be
sitting by a cheery boat stove, Mr. J.
Cooper, of Toronto. Editor; paid a few
hasty calls eite day last week renewing
old acquaintances in this neighbor-.
-hood ; he was oar old Pedegogueof S. al
No. an has, Many Warm., friends in
this section. e
Co!latnate. . •
There will he no preaChing services'
in the Evaogelical, Church next Sun-
day. Communion eservices will be
conducted by Rev. S. R. Knechtel in
the Hallett Society next Sunday morn-
THAT 040E.The suithetaveen Co1-7
borne- and Goderich township, con-
cerning the work done on the Holmes-
yille-Colbornee hill, was to have been
tried in Goderich on the 7th, butive
'are informed that a number of the
principal ratepayers in Colborne are
anxious to have the matter amicably.
settled without further expense, and -
in order that this • May be reached, the
case Will not gotne up for trial on the
'original date,. but will be laid over un-
til a subsequent court. in order that
the case may be settled, if. so 'desired.
• St. AugUstine. -
You've been promising your friends
for some time that you'd get your eihotO
taken ane eend thein one; and. you
• know they'd be delighted to have it
Now's your chance. You can get
beautifully -finished photos 'at the am-
azingly low price of $2.50 per dozen at
our studio There isn't a dealer iri Oft-
tario who can give you a better Pictiike
than we can. t•
You'd better sit at once, heettuse if
there are inahy orders ahead of yotirs
it may crowd us :getting them ont just
when you want them.
Last Saturday, Mrs'. Kinahon, one of
the pioneers of this locality, passed in-
to the other world. She was living al-
most across the road -froth St, Awns -
tine church, and without the services
of a hearse, her casket was bornefirst
to the church. and then to the R. C.
cemetery by six of her grandsons.
A pleasant family gathering occurred
at the home °fear. and Mrs. Jae Robin-
son, of St.- Augustine, when their fam-
ily, consisting of nine daughters and
three sons, wereall present. After a
pleasant time spent together, they
drove to Wingham and had aefamily
photo taken. Th's is the first time in
twenty-five years the family has all
been •together.- .
B. D. Straughan spent Thanksgiving
Day at home. . .
Ed. Fisher and wife, Carlow,. visited.
friends here on Sunday last
Miss Entine Jewell 'was the octet of
Miss 'Mabel Mohring on Sunday last. .
Ed, Walters returned ,Imme on Moir
day, haying spent. a few days in Col-
liogwood on business. •
Miss Annie Yelland returned -home
on Wednesday .last, -after serving one
year as assistant matron in an indus-
trial school at 1VIuncey.
Quarterly services will led conducted
at this appointment on Sunday next
at 10130 a.m. The evening berme will
be held et Bethel at 7 o'clock.
Assessor Carter attendedthe court
of revision Friday' last,
Mrs. Hugh Dunlop is improving
after her severe sickness.
Miss Ada Drake, of Staffa, is visit.
Log her allot Mrs, Richard, Hotham,
Mr, aewett states that he cannot
ship any_ more fowl until about the
20tie of Nov.
George Hall's ,sale last week was
very, successful, everything sold for a
good figure. '
The revival meetings are being
carried on this week by the pastors,
Revs Mr. element and Birks:
Miss Jennie Lowrie, who has taught
successfully in No. 4 school, for three
years has tendered her resignation and
Miss Effte Rueter has been engagep
for the wining year.
The regular meeting of the Wornen's
Institute will beheld, on Nov. 8th, at
the home of Mrs. Millson, subjects for
discussion, The farm home andThe
best ways of spending the winter
evenings, All membet.s and those in.
terested are requested to be present.
Miss Sarah Barr visited her taster,
Mrs, Proctor, of Toronto, last week.
The trustees. of No. 4 have engaged
Miss Effie Hunter to Succeed Miss J.
14MwisesrY'Lizzie Voldea visited her
friend, Miss E. Cuninghame, of Bel.
grave, last week,
Mr. NV, A. Dale is wearing a broad.
smileahese days, why? beeause he is
the proud possessor of a bouncing
"babyboy." —
Mr, Charles Mason had a Very tine-
cessful sale on Tuesday. last. Gei AC -
count of ill aealth Mr. ldason intends
removing to town.
Mr. Eineephrey Snell has got: moved
into his new home on the 2nd, whieh
he purchased from Mr. G. Wray • we
welconee him to this neighboreoole:
• There is some talk of a syndicate
being formed to purchase. a cembined
thresher andstraw cutter, to operate,
in the neighborhood of Lenclesboeo.
The beef ring of the 8th and 9th con-,
cessions will close the season's opera-
tions with an oyster and fowl supper.
at the home of R. Career on the even -
Ina, of the 14th inst. • •
• The Many friends of Mr, and Mrs.
W. L. Mair, of OM. 9, will eaiiipethiee
with them in the death of their three-
year-old daughter,, which ocearred on
Wedneeday. The funeral takes place
Lo -day, Friday. •
Several of the Royal Tempters of
town mee at • the hotne•of Mrs. John
Bayley, 2nd coo., on Tuesday evening,
and presented her .with a fruit dish
with silver stand; and a silver spoon,
In recognition of her services in con-
nection with the Lodge,.
From le aores H. Livermore this
year took over 17 tonsof sugar beets:
which- netted him at the factory $5.10
per ton ; deducting freight, 70c per
ton, this left him clear $50 per acre.
Mr.- Livermore thinks this is a great
deal better than grain growing. .
One of the old settlers of the end;
passed away on Priddy last, in the
person of Mrs. James -Hitch. • ears.
Hitch's maiden name was Mary Cele.
She was a kind. hearted and good
cheistian woman. • She • -leaves. to
mourn her loss, two daughters, invo
sisters and a heather. Iler remains
were laid' to vest, in (elicitor' cemetery,
the pallebearers weee e.4ohn.. Bailey,
Leine Tandall, .Wxn. .11111, George.
Wray, W. A. Dale and S. 40.9m41.-
REPoirr.-The following *shows the
classification and relative standing of
Inspector Tom visited Mr. Ander-
sen's .school in Hay on Tuesday of
this week, " . •
Mrs. Henry Penfound and Mrs.
Hugh McDiartnicl spent Tbanksgiv.ing
with friends in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and children
spent the Thanksgiving holidays with
their friends itI-Ashfield and West
Mr. Alex McBeteth is shipkng his
lumber this week ; he expecto have
about. 300,000 feet. He was fortunate
in selling early. •
Mr. lobo Janes after spending sev-
eral weeks with friends in and around,
Belleville has returned home. His
'many friends here are pleased to see
him looking so well.
Mrs. • Alairand daughter, Miss
Emma, have returned home after
spending a few weeks•with her daugh-
ter Mrs. ldakins, near Bad Axe, Michi-
gan. They report haying spent a very
pleasant time. •
Mrs alio McNevin held tier auction
bale on Friday, the 27th ultewhen good
prices were realized, She intends to
move to Goderich in the near future,.
with her family. They will Ale very
natch missed. ,
The Kippen Branch • of the Bible
Society hold their annual meeting on
Thursday evening in the Methodist
church, The Rev. Mr. Urquhart will
address the meeting on the aims and
work of the society. • .
Mt. John Berry sold his fifty acres
with stock and implements to Mr.
Ricker for $4,000. It is a good farm.
Mr. Berry and family intend retiring
to Hensall. They will begreatly miss-
ed in the church and neighborhood.
OlirrtrAnY.-It is our painful duty
this week to record the death of an
other old settler in the person of Mrs.
Malcolm Fisher, who died. on, Satur-
day, the 28th Oct„ at the age of
'seventy-seven years. Thedeceased
has been in poor health for some
months, but has been in bed: only a
'few weeks. Her trouble was. an affec-
.tion of the heart. She was a lady of
very kindly and helpful ways; a de-
voted 'wife andenother. as well as as an
obliging neighbor.She leaves a
yecant place inenady 'hearts. She Was,
faithful member • of St Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, and left behind
her a bright. testimony.. of trust. in
Christ for salvation. Her funeral o
Tuesday, the 31st, to Baird's cemetery,
was largely. attended. • The funeral
services were conducted by her minis-
ter, the Rev. Mr..Urquhart. The pall-
bearers were, Messrs D. Grassick, J.
McDiarniicli J. Jones, 11. McDiernaid,.
R. Morrison and A. McMurteie. Be-
sides a host of friends she leaves be-
e:fad to minim her death, here aged
'husband, two sons, Peter on the home-
stead, Robt in Manitoba, orie daugh-
ter Mrs. Joseph Hood, a brother Mr.
Gibson and two sisters in the trnited
States. •
Stanley •
Miss Lizzie McEwen left on 1V1bnday
to continue her studies at the Normal
School, Toronto. •
Master Albert Charlotte, son of Mr,
A.ugust Charlotte, Sauble Line, died
suddenly on Wednesday. •
the pupils of No. a for October, based .
on Preenotion exaniinations and weekly
test papers: Si'.'IV-Essie Meer, John .
Wallace,•Geatie.Vodden, Elsie 13royen;
Jr. IV -Della McCool .Annie Ball Era
nest Voddent eMary-,Jacksen„ Orval_
-Rapsele, Flossie Brown; elnward 11111,
Earle Squire; Sept. Wallaee ; Sreear-
Charlie' Vodden, • Albert MeLaughlari,
Armand McCool, elain:Appleby, Cora
elcOciol, Ephraim Snell ; Jr. la -Wes-
ley Haggett James Lovett, Rid:teed
Vodden, Heleii.-Littlee Earle • Mason,.
Maggie Male, Etta . Meta:tem ,Eldred
ldcairien ; Sr. II -Ploy Cole,. Calvin
Lovett; jr. Il -May Appleby, .Ada.
Little, Maty Voided, Eta& WOOL
Willie 'Weymouth, Secord• Moteisiene
Pt. II -Ella • Lee, Edna ,Lee, Etta,.
Brown, Fanny' Lovett a -Pt. I -John
Gorbett, Keatlea, Weymouth, Ira Rap-
son, Mary Gorbett, Pearl Hobbs,. Viva
Cole, Ernest •Little. -Enrolled attencte
ance; 46 ; average, Bee - 7'
Santini's Feita.-a-Mre Frank Wiltisee
Who nevi on the Cole. farm miles'
West of Lendesboro, met With a very
had loss on Wednesday evening of
last Week, by the bottling of his. barn,.
and contents; 'which included,. thie
years crops, and pert of his imple-
ments, - together With two bored& and .
a colt. Mr. Wiltse had gone to: Clin-
ton in the afternoon with his wife,
who was on her way to•Mitchell; and
he bad not tetarried when the fire -was
discovered, though he reached honie
shortly afterwards. The hired man
had put the horses in the stableat five
o'clock, leaving everything perfectly
safe, and had gone into the village.
There is no doubt whatever that the
firc. was incendiary.. Tyro different
persone met a mate on the road, div-
ing from the direction of the fire, and
'although both asked him where the
fire was, he gave no reply:, but drove
hurriedly on. The neighbors who
hurried. to the scene did good effective
work in saving some of the outbuild-
ings, and Mrs Cole desires to thank.
most sincerely those who. did so at great
risk, Mr. Wiltse had an insurance of
0800 on the contents, and Mes Cole,
who, owns the property, had an foster-
ance of $850 on the barn, and $150 on
her contents, in the Meltillop Motunl;
but the loss in both instances will be
'much greater than the ineueatice. A
good deal of sympathy is expressed
for Mr. Wiltse, who is an iedustrious
young man, and this was his first year
on this farm ; the loss he•has sustained
has so disheartened him that he has
concluded to give up his lease, the
owner of the farm consenting) and. he
will go elsewhere to start again He
will have an riection sale of his effects,
ou Saturday next Nov. 4th; and' his
neighbors should see that everything
put upt brings its full value. Mr Thos
Cole Will evork the farm in connection
with his own, next year. • •
Porter's Hill .
Mrs, John Cox is spending a few
(lays in Goderich,
re, Archie Metiongill is visiting at
London this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Glidden, Colborne, vis-
ited at O. V, Potter' on Satnrday.
Prank McDonald, who has been laid
up with rheumatism, is some better.
Mrs. le G. Potter and children, of
thwriee Croseing, visited at, 0, W.
Potter's last week.
Quarterly service will be held at
Bethel ohm& on Sunday morning,
Nov, 56, ttt 10,130, lgr, Stedman taking
. the Service,
Hallowe'en was much in evidence
the following morning when Yates gin
lore adorned the fields and roads.
The Good Tempters of Auburn have
received an invitation to visit the Roy-
al Templars, ofLondeshorce ate Novem-
bet. 13th. 4.
The Presbyterian Church of this via
lake intend having 1. tea -meeting on
the flth of November, A. goodprogram
is being prepared and art interesting
and instructive evening is aSeUred.
Intended for ant, week
IstOTUS.-Mr. J. Lawson has left the
village and has moved into Mr. H.
Govieral house on the Ease' Line,
Messrs A. King and C. Scholtz are
having their houses covered with
fancy tin eovering. It is Vonore('
that advocittee of thmperance in
Wawanosh Township are prepering
for a LOOM Option eatripaign; suceess
to them, The evaporator hes not beeTl
etinning for the past few days owing
to scareity of fruit. The Scranton
Correspondence School have quite ft,
number of pupils taking their course in
this neighborhood ; Cecil and Ruth
&Win have jitst begun a counse With
them, At tile ;netting of the Ontario
Sunday School Association, in London
last week, Mr. D. E. Munro, of this
village, WW1 elected a member of the
Exeentive, It Is an Om:Aleut choice,
John Stanbury, of -the London Road,
will make his home with his brother,
Dr. Stanbury, Hayfield this winter.
• Naw Dass. -The •Trustees, of S.
S. No. le -Stanley, .haye atamoVed the
-old desks and replaced them by elegant.
' new single seat desks, made- ae Pres-
ton, Ont. • '
NOTES. - Miss Georgina McMillan
visited last week with her cousin, Mrs,
Robt. Pearson. John Jervis has dis-
osed a fine young horse to Mr. Archi-
ald, near Seafort Met. Pear-
507)returnedfrom the west last Friday
afterhaving spent it most; enjoyable
time. • ' '
S. S. Examixe.aities,•:-The. annual
examination of the Sabbath School in
No. 1, was held on the afternoon of
Thanksgiving Day. • The childeen were
examined in the shorter ,catechism and
in the International ' lessons from
April till Oct. The childeemanguitted
themselves in their usual' creditable
mariner, and at the close were award-
ed prizes and rewards; '
_ The following is the October month -
Jo report of S. S. No.. 1.V. Stanley,
Names are in order of merit. Sen. 5th
=Mary Johnston, A. Johnston, Ida
Dinsdalo. Jun, 5th. --E., Gemmel, E.
. Hood. Sen. 4th-NormanJones, Jean
Graesick. • Jun. 4th. -Etta Jima', J.
Jarrot M. Fisher. 3rd. -Jane Hogan,
J.' Kehl, Oda McBeatb,
Rathwell, Walter Mcfleath. A. Janes.
2na Part, -A. Fisher, Herbert Kehl,
Anna Hood, lst Rathivell,
Wattle McBeath, Alex, McMuttle,
Varna. '
Mktg Martha Keyes:visited her sister
Thanksgiving Doe.
' Mrs. Ed Bo ce, ofBlake„ is "the guest
of Miss Ward this week,
Mrs, Frank Keyes visited her Aunt
Meg, Joe }foster, of London,
11Yr, and Mrs. Wiley, of Wroxeter,
were the guests of Rev. Mr, Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs, 'Wilson Cook are mov-
ing to Hensall to live with their son
Mrs.' Sturdy and friend Miss Gimpy,.
of Whitechnrch, spent Thanksgiving
with the fermerie mother Mrs.
Miss Keyes received word last 'week
of the death of a young daughter of
her sister Mrs Barber, (nee Harriett'
Keyea) of Orillia ; she had only bee11.
sick a few. days. Miss Keyes attended,
the funeral. Weeatend our sympathy
to'the beveaved parents,
le o I m es al I e
Me, Brown, of • Greenway, was a
guest At Jas. Ross's over Sunday.
Our chopper, which has been started
by Mr. Brown, is doing a big trade. he
baying to run overtitne to accommo-
date the' fainters.
Renea Assoonottene- Members of
the Holmesville Civilian Rifle ,A.ssocia.
Mon are hereby informed that the
annual ;shoot of the Association will
be held on the afternoon of Wednes-
day. November 8th,and on every
Wednesday hereafter duringNov--
ember unless further notice is issued.
Sheeting; to commence at 1 p: ea. sharp,
F..0. Elford, chief of the Poultry
Division, Ottawa, and Mr. Foley, man-
ager of the poultry station at Bow-
inanyille, was here superintending the
killlng of one lot of chickens.; they
gave many valuable, hints regarding
the killing, Plucking and packing of
fowl for the market. If farmers and
otherswould interest thenaselvde in
this branch: of the farthing incluatry,
it would well repay them, for the
proper packing and dressing brehtelta
ens will add from two to three cents
per pound to their value when piet on
the market,
Mr. Andrews, from Michigan', is a
visitor at P. Leonard's for a few days
Abell Halstead, of Michigan, is vis.
iting at tbe honie of his niece, Mrs,
All. Jervis.
On Motiday, a Mrs. Fisher was
brought in -frcim Hennaller and wee ta
ken to the Lendtin. Asylum. . She Was
in the .Asylum before, 'but Was dis-
charged. -
Goderich is to have a new branch
bane, that' of • the Sterling. -Bank,
which has been incorporated, by act of
the Dominion Parliament .with itn
authorised capital of $1000,C00.
A telegram recehtecliin town ein Mon
day gave the newsof the sudden death
from heart failure of. vvEn. Reid, • of
Saskatchewan,, blather of Mrs. O. F.
Sturdy and Mrs. • (Capt) Wm. Babb.
John Dinsley. of DungannOn aged 34
was comtnittecl to the county jail on
Saturday as insane.. • Mie Dinsley was.
ionee tinae ago an innate() of the, poor-
house, and is subject to epileptic fits; •
MISS Edwards, frail, near Kintail,
who was cominitted to jail last week;
.hee"apparentla redoveieireannye teen,:
porarily, at least being:as changed i n
her actions as foesible. She nncl her
brother are stil in the jail.
Since her ,accident it, fortnight ago,
when she broke' her broke her leg by a
fall as she was going to sit down. Mrs.
Richard Morrow had:been gradnaily
sinking and eves a,ble to take but little
nourishment, her death- yesterday
morning coming rather as a _release
from her suffering. '
- . .
' Wingham
Mr. R. A. Hutchinson htte been stif-
fering a 0 reat dell for some time With'
0, sote eye and tele yesterday for 'Tor-
onto to have aneopetation performed.
Mi. John Long. .meofWinghanes
old and respected citiiens had, a stroke
of paralysis .on Tuesday evening, and
his friends fear that he will not receea
• • .
Mrs. Ken Patterson Ina with a seri-
ous accident on Saturday last. Haying
ingoccasion to go clown cellar, she miss-
ed her footing and *fell to the bottom
of the steppe The reedit was that nnO
of her legs was broken,. • .
On Tuesday of lasaaveek, Dr.. Ken-
nedy, of Winghaine assisted by Drs.
Spence and Gordon, perforated an op-
eration on Mrs. William McKenzie, of
the2nd concession cif Kinloss, fote in -
Ward trouble, and, we are pleesed to ,
say 1VIrseMOKenzte is doing oidelye
Miss Post received the sad' news on
Tuesday of the death of her brother,
Rey, Mr, Post, in California, cn Cote-.
ber 11th. Deceased had gone to Cali-
fornia, for the benefit ofhis wife'a
health and he. Contracted a trouble
with which he sufferedfor several.
weeks before hiscleath.
Cartwright, of Toronto, hes given
lodgment for $2000 • in favor of tbe
Gurney Foundry CO against the VVesta.
ern Foundry Co. of Werigham. -It is
alleged that the latter attracted' some •
of the formers employees at a time
when a strike- was on, ldre Stewart;, :
for the • Gurney ComOany, claimed
that a workman was -worth twice as •
much as hiSwages to his employers.,
Mrs, D, Floodye Barth, abated her
permits, Iast eveek.
Miss Lizzie 'Whitely, of London,was
being for a visit last week.
Missf,L. Brigham, of Hamilton, was
hoine or a few days lase week,
Mrs, R. Cele, of London, called On
friends in the old parts last week,
Messrs W. Walloon-1nd W. Griffiths
left here last .Friday foe Loyd minieter.
Rev. Dr, Stewart will preach in
'Burns' church next Sabbath evening.
Arthur McAllister, of Constance, re-
..reeeved acqua,intaacee here Thursday.
Miss Mina Kirk, of St, 'Thoneas,•spent
'Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs, We
Mies Lawclay roung, of Beantferde
;spent the holidays last weekwith her
, mother here,
Miss Lillian Sherk, Winghamespent
Thanksgiving, as the guest of Miss
Mee Bell. ,
The Orangemen will celebrate Gey
Fawkes' night by: a, supper on Monday
evening. the 6th met.
Mrs, Smith returned to Hamilton
this -week, aftex• an extended plait with
her seater, Mee. , • „„ „
Rey, Mr. McKenzie and 'wife of 'Lon --
done visited the lattera parents;. Mr.
ancaMits. G. Johnstonelast week, .
Miss Clara E. Ruston and I:meadow:1'
Miss Ethel Lyon, spent the Thanksgiv-
ing holidays at her home at Pine River.
J. D. Melville is away on a two
weeks' hunting trip in Muskoka as
John is a oracle shot, he will sureleasee
cure the full limit of cleer.
Mrs,. A. Taylor, Mr. F. Taylor,. of
Listowel, and Mrs. (Dr.) R. J. Hemline.
of Detroit, were the .gpeets of Mrs, J.
Lashed& Thanksgiving. •
Next Sabbath the Sacrament will be•
'administered in Knox church. Ravi
J. L. Small, of Auburn,will conduct
. the •preparatory service on Friday.
The feed slipper leat Thursday -was
a complete Success ; the supper sus--
taaned the reputation of former years; -
and the- program wasalso good. The
proceeds amounted -0.9190. • .
Mr, Stateire of the Roller Mills ' got e
quantity of Manitoba wheat front Sea -
forth and is going to give the miller.
there flour in exchange. He can sup-
plyhnsitwetitetreetoanbdiS;ChtleSattO.Iner.9, 1107...-.9.. a: he:
On Tuesday evening betiveen.' 5 and
6 o'clock:Mrs. McVittie.got a quantity
of meat at Mr. Woodman's she:mated
put it in: her buggy in front of. Morrelee
Store, ,and while inahe store about 15;
minutes some ill disposed person stole
it '
e-Thanksgiyipg Day was e. beer- one
here.. There were a number of Rifle
Clubs linving a ma•ch, the particulars
of which we did not obtain from Col-
oneelr. Young, who retains the score
cardsee There was a union service in
the Methodist church at which a eel -
lection was • taken up for the Sick
Children"s hospital, In the evening
the Methodists heldtheir anniversary .
supper and entertainment, which
proteediasuccese. As usual there•were
quite aenumbet of aisitors. come here.
for the -holiday and some f.romhere
wept to other places. -
' ' Tuckerstnith.i e
Mr..alrerace _Townsend visitedeel
tivesein Goderich this week. ;
'Mese Amos Townsend returned from'
Milbank, where she has been
her mother.
Altai Jos. Townseod renamed from.
-13a,yfield last week, where ebehes been.
visiting -at Dr. Sta,nbury'd.
OjeMonday evening, Nov. 13th, Dr..
,Meade of Rensall, will give his popular.
lecture in Turners church on "Woe -
ingeend Wedding" A social. will lie
held in the basement, commeneigg:att
1, lecture at 8, .
; .STYNDAT scuoori ORGA.113211-:
. VON.
: .
Series of Township Rally.Mseta-
tugs to Secure it more genera,
' `:
ally in FlutiOn.
The Executive Committee of tlie•
Huron Co„ S.S. Association, in cone.:
atinetion with Mr. E. A. Herd', Teach--
er Training Secretary of the Peovinoiat
Association have completed prelitnin-•
are- arrangemenes for a series of meet-
ings to be held at various poitasen Hie ,
Connty, for the purpose of securing elle,
formation of Ioeal township organiza-
tions where none alreedy exist. , •
Mr. Hardy, assisted by sonie repre-
sentative of the Oc.iunty Mteeutive,and
with the presence and cooperation. of
toot) pastoes and S. S. workers, Will
'• BAD) Finite -Wednesday morning
abont one•o"clock a fire started in the
rear of the veneered brick block me
the north side of the main street, next
to the post office. The progress of the
fire was so rapid that those occupyitg,
the building had tui (thence to sa,Ve
anything. MiSs IVfcCitli, milliner, lost
her stook and hooka ; A. Bennett, pro.
dace dealer ; John Murehisen, geney,
and Mrs. N. L, Crundbell, grocery,
stoolc mid household effects, are total
losses. A. T. Davidsote furniture and
tiodertaker, and 1', 'Watson, barber,
in a frame biiilding adjoining sieved a
very small portion of their contents,
The armory, Containing rifles and
forma of Company No 3, of the 32nd
Battalion of Brue?, was in the veneer.
ed building and is a total Ioss. The
atnount of building,
is small. The
total loss:will be $12,000 ; the instil*.
&nee is about intittV, .0aus.t. of lire is
. New stock. qf
• Chamois Ve.Sts.
Chest Protectorsy...
Seethem at. • •
Drug'? •-tore..:i
. N.8 ,-White Pine Compound.. e
- with -Eucalyptol - and Menthol:
cutesc oughs and colcbee 25e per
bottle .
R. J. Howard, a Prominent gentle-
man or Drysdale, has come -to Clinton. • •
wbere he has secured a situation,
Gee. Wray has moved, to the fermi
on. tbe. base line he lately botight Mutt
tWe Mplady, jr, Mr. Tiplady has not
.yet seetered a house in town.irito which .
;he can move,' though he has several in
:view,. and expects to close a deal in te.
few de
!' Rev.. W. E. Kerrpastor of Ontario. '.
;streetehureh, has 'been caned:even to
officiate at noless than six funerals
since he came to town.. And he says- z
hat Is more singular, is. that L .
',haven't haa a single wedding." SOltle
.of the • charming young ladies orhia •
,chorch. Will no doubtsee to it that the . •
latter eirentristance does not prevail.
much lonaer. •• '
Mr, Tames FoWler, 'of the 1310eva1e•
Road, met with a severe and painful
accident on Tuesday afternoon. He
was engaged in, picking apples, Mullen: •
out of a tree to the groubd, sustainio
a fracture of the collar bone, who .
will lay filen aside froin Work for
some time, Mr. Fowler has been rath-
er unfortunate in this respect, as ie is
only it little o'er a year ago that he
met with an accident at a barn .rauntig
in which he sustained asbroken limb
Mr., and Mrs. A. Schaefer- were oalled
this week to attend the funeral of. IL
Qnaid,. Port Albert, a brother .of • Mrs.
Schaefer, Deceased was out west in
the sumnier, and was taken with a, se-
vere eold. Consumption dev,eloped
and he passed away on Sunday, aged
30 years. The funeral took plebe. on
Tiaetelay to Dungennon cemetery. De -
cowed was a member of the Preibyter-
, ion church, .11e WAS unmarried, and a
,metnber of the Canadian Foresters,
and also of the Masonic Order,
rrn,v....A fire broke out in the
Button block, on Main street, early
Wednesday trrirritne,and did $12,000
daniteae, vaith $ i
0,400 nearrenea Fiye
. families lived .in the business blode,
and had narrow eseepes. l'hey saved
nothing, and got ottt in their night
clothes. Chas. Swanson hail to drop
his wife out of the windcnv, one stoma,
while severiti others fumpecl for their
lives. Fire had broken out Monday
afternooa, but had been put out. It is
thought that it stnouldered betw'een
partitions, and was overlooked until it
got beyond control. The weather was
bitterly cohl. Those in the block were
Mr, and Mrs. Ailey arid daughter, O.
Swanson and wife, L. Ilishie and wile,
Pens, wife and two children, and
Mrs. McLean. The losses are ; W.V.
Vanstone, oWner, $5,000, with $3,250
iterarance L. G. Kruse, grocer, 1)2,500,
with $1,500 insurance; Chas. Swanson,
barber, $500, no insurance ;11. 13isbie,
bookkeeper, $500, no insuranee ; Thos.
Pens, butcher, $000, insurenee 13300 ;
Mrs, .Aley, milliner, $2,000i, insurance
$1,000 ; Mrs. McLean, $000, insurance
$3o0. Prank Vanstcne, repreSenting
the Win. Davies 0.0,, lost all his books,
as ili1 all the other business ..inon. Not.
a dollar's worth of goods Ness saved,
' , •
Only about six weeks, until
Christmas I- Are you get-
ting readyfor the holidays?
Can We help you by 'offering
190.; lbs. Fates Family Fleur _
(none better) fee... .. ...$ 2.25
20. lbs. Redpath'e, grantleted •
Sugar ........ .. . ... . 1.00
4 lbs best selected 11 sisins roo
'pas. 1,60
411E6best cleaned Currants : 25c
Mew PEELS (Cresse & 13IackWell's)
, • ...Lenten, Orange and °item: , •
INOT. S Filberts', Almonds), :We al-
! nuts, Shelled Almonds au& Shel-
led Waldots. „ •
!Ileaw aags,.:aCe lb 5p:
: 'We. are'not .selli'. 't
. u ,
,neither leaving town, , but
;are outfor a busy time.
TgE.1-1UB apotwR,
Having bought out the,Drug husioess
of H. ArS. Conibe. will be at your ser-
, vice, day and nigh e, with a completa
and fresh stook of
present the sulnect and endeavor to se.
cure the organization. All friends of • . •
Sunday School are cordially invited',
The following •is the prograni, stih3ect
'to any change which may be found
Monday November Oth-at Seaforttr,
commencing at '2 o'clock p tri., in the.
Presbyterian church.
Monday eyening aHlteter., Rev., J
W. Perkins, in charge of details.
Tuesday afternoon, Nov. '7th, in •the
derman Elettigelieal churchaeashwood
Rev. Mr. Clemens, pastor, to include
the schools of Hay and Stephen town-
ships not otherwise attached; whether
English or German.
Tuesday evening at Hensall, to in
elude sehools in adjoining parts of tiny
north part of teeborne and lo wer end of
Tuticersmitte Wecinestlav afternoon,
Presbyterian eltureh, Elityfleld„ to in-
etude- schools in South-west part of
Godeeich town shin and northeast pare
ni Stanley, Bev. J. MoNeil in chargeof
'Wednesday evening at Clinton. to
inelude all schools convenient thereto
in eurromading townshipe, Rev.
It, Kerr in chargeof details. .
Thursday afternoon, at Dtingannon,
. to include all schools convenient there
to in Ashfield and wawatiosh.
Tharsday evening, at Myth, for all
schools convenierit in surrounding
townships, lefiss reeler, 0o. Secretary,
hes eharge of details.
Friday evening, itt Wirigharn, to in.
chide all :taboo s convenient thereto.
,Mr‘ John Kerr in charge of detainee
'rhe Gotierieli Signal says Win F,
Diamond, the man who was tried at
Winghain on Sept. '7 tis insane, being
a monotnitnin.e or; the subject of a
young latly of Clinton, whom he in -
51510(1 on believing Waadeeply attached
to him, tiottvithetati ding her statement
to the ciente:try, has been recommitted
to the Jail here and Will be sent to au
Drugs, Patent 111.edicines,
Perfumes, Toilet Artieles4e
soAp, cts a cake
25 cts a box
el Us
Remind You
Again thaewe are giving up the Tail.
oring. loneness, or in other words eve
are lying up the ORDERT'D Oloth-
There kw doubt about it that we are
selling SUITS arid, OVEHOOA.TS
made te °Wee, at prices that cannot
he heat
Have you seen the $ t5 Snits
we are selling
, Any tailor will eharge you $18 ta $20
for the same kind. Our pricee while ee
they last -and. there's noti many left- af
is $15.
Overcoat weather is here
leave your measure for
one at from $10 to $0,
T1141 W •combo 44%