HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-05-18, Page 3FREE TO CHURCH BAZAARS
A quantity of saleable sample packages of
will be sent by express, charges prepaid, to any church
or society, for -sale at a bazaar or entertainment, to be
held' in aid of a church or charitable institution.
The application must be sent in or endorsed by a
ciergym..n,who will state what church he is in charge of.
This offer is made for the purpose of introducing
Red Rose Tea to people who are likely to appreciate
its superior quality, and at the same time aid in a
material way very worthy objects.
T. 11. 11STABROOKS, St. John, N.13,
A heavy snowfall is reported at Wil-
low Bunch, N. W. T.
Francis Pitt, a young Englishman,
.hanged himself iu Hibbert township.
It is reported that 350 Grand Trunk
machinists are ou strike at Stratford.
Several robberies of mail bags from
the north shore are reported at Quebec.
"Tell mo what you eat and I will tell
Iron what you are." says a Midway pro-
fessor. Does the professor mean to say
that a woman who eats eggs is an old
hen; that if she eats fruit she is a peach ;
that if a man eats sausage he is a ground
hog, or that if he eats fish he is a lobster.
Reflections of a Bachelor.
Politics consists of being a pursuing
wolf all the year except election time,
and then a hunted fox.
A woman never gets so old she thinks
some man ought not to chase her, and a
man never so old he thinks he ought not
to chase some woman. -New York Press.
The time a man finds out how little
be knows about arguing is when he be-
gins to find fault because there is no hot
water for shaving, and winds up with
defending himself for having come home
late to dinner six months ago.—New
York Press.
The Most Wonderful Medical
Discovery of the Age.
As a cure for Catarrh of the Plead, Throat,
Lungs, Stomach, Kidneys and Female organs;
Prof. Dykes' Oil of Pines stands unsurpassed by
any other known remedy.
Oil of Pines is the most speedy cure known to
medical science for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron-
chitis, Grippe, and all Catarrhal Diseases.
BEWARE of that most dreaded disease heir to the
human system, CATARRH= ! Allow your lungs to
become weak and diseased, your kidneys to become
diseased, and your back lame and sore, your liver
and bowels deranged. These conditions Lead to the most
fatal of all diseases, CATARRH, The eyes begin to grow
dim, the pulse fails, the wholesome stream of ,our blood is
,choked and troubled, the limbs begin to decay like sapless sea-
weed in a summer's sun ; our better views of existence are
past and gone ; what remains is the dream of lost happiness or
the fear of inevitable evil.
But remember, SUFFERER, that the wonderful and
never -failing curative powers of that sovereign remedy, OIL
OF PINES, has completely cured thousands of cases as above
described. Therefore, upon the first evident symptoms of this
dreaded disease, CATARRH, make haste and procure a bottle
of the sovereign remedy called OIL OF PINES.
OIL OF PINES is not only a never -failing cure, !bot also a sure preventive.
Remember, that an ounce of preventive is worth a pound of core. Do hot delay or
trifle, where so much is at stake. It means yonr further health and happiness.
PROF. DYKES' OIL OF PINES is a natural medicine. It contains no
narcotics, no alcohol of any description,
OIL OF PINES is not taken by teaspoonfuls or tablespoonfuls. - The dose is
by drops. A bottle of Oil of Pines contains three times the number of noses
to that contained in any other dollar bottle of medicine offered fox sale,
The reason the name " Oil of Pines ' was chosen for this sovereign remedy
is because the oil from four different species of the pine make up the main body of
the remedy, Compounded the Pine is the oils and ]tunes taken from nine different
plants and roots which grow in foreign countries.
Some remarkable cures effected by the neversfailing cifrative powers of
Prof. Dykes' Oil of Pines :—
To Prof. 0. M. Dykes, Mfg. of Oil of Pines at Hensall:
Dear Sir: The happiness and good health I have derived from the
• use o£ your celebrated remedy called "Oil of Pines" prompts me that it is
my duty to give you a true testimonial as to the merits of your famous
medioino, and by so doing let the other sufferers of Asthma know of the
only sure and speedy cure for that distressing disease. I am now a man
nearly seventy years of age, and I have suffered nearly flsteen years of
_,.revere torture from that dreaded disease, asthma, it robbed me of my sleep
and rest nights upon nights, arid I have had to get up out of my bed as often
as six or seven times during the night. I have tried a score of dootors and
have used all kinds of so-called cures, I have used inhalers and snuffs, but I
received no results, they were only so-called cures.' One day Last April Mr.
Dykes, Who is the manufacturer of the "Oil of Pines" called at my house,
I was induced by him to try his discovery, and I did. The result of the
confidence I placed in that young man's word is that I have never lost one
night's sleep since I took his $5.00 treatment and I feel like a new' man in
general. I can sincerely say that I would not begrudge if I had paid $1000
for those six bottles of "Oil of Pines." Now I desire every one to under-
stand that thin teetimonial is given of my own free will and that I gave it
because I felti it my duty to give it, and also becauee I feel it my duty to
let Other sufferers know the right remedy to buy, so that they will not
Waste their money in useless medicine, the same as I did. I say without
any hesitation that I consider "Oil of Pines" is the only certain and sure •
Cure for Asthma, I will conclude bysaying that the $5 I iYivested in "Oil
Of Pines" got for me a afire I have tried for 15 years to get, and paid in
' that time nearly $1,000 without success until I got "Oil of Pines,"
Yours with the most sincere gratitude
Johnston Stewart, Rannoch, Ont,
Witness, 3, G. Constable, St. Marys, Perth County.
Price $1.00 per bottle, or 6 for $5,00.
N. B. --If your storekeeper or druggist does not handle Oil address ordere to
Prof. 0, M. Dykes, Metall, Ont., Proprietor and Manufacturer. All orders
promptly filled end forwarded to all parts of V. S. and Canada upon receipt of
price. Ask for Prof, Dykes' •1011 of Pines," and take NO SUBSTITUTE. Prof.
Dykes' is
Drpgaiete Can be nal and supplied direct from Prof. Dykes' Laboratory at
Newell, or from Wholesale Druggist* at London, Canada.
THE WINGI1AM TI. ES,' MAY 18, 1905
Never pierce meat while cooking or
the juice will escape.
To ecald milk, set in a jug or basin
in a pan of cold water over the Sre.
Wheu the water boils the milk is scald-
If a Emmy crust is desired on mering-
ue, sift ppwdered sugar over it before it
Is placed in the oven, and have the latter
When Savoring soup, never use pow-
dered spines, as they form a sediment at
the bottom of the plate and spoil the ap-
Matting may be Cleaned by washing it
with water in whioh bran has been boiled,
or iu weak salt water. Dry it well with
a oloth.
To take out the mark sometimes left
after cleaning a garment with gasoline,
lay over the plane a piece of Olean white
tissue paper, and press with a hot iron.
It will at once remove all traces of the
A cloth saturated with coal oil will
clean a sink, bath -tub or basin which
has become greasy and discolored from
If a spoonful of borax is put into the
last water in which white clothes are
rinsed, it will whiten them very innch.
The borax should be dissolved in a little
hot water betoze it is added to the rine•
ing water.
If the bedstead is really brass as piece
of flannel moistened in salt and , vinegar
will clean it. Slightly touch the spots,
• then with a clean flannel rub the entire
surface of the brass, using a little whit-
ing on a dry flannel as a final polish.
Wooden spoons and paddles are indis-
pensable if there is much pickle making
to be dove in the home, and even for the
piokle dish on the dining table. a small
wooden spoon daintily carved. can be
kept more attractive than a silver or
plated oue that needs constant polishing.
An excellent polish for hardwood
floors is made of half a pound of bees-
wax, shaved, put into a gallipot, and
covered with turpentine; stand by the
fire to dissolve. When using, put some
on a fianeel and afterwards brush with a
rather stiff brush, suoh, for instance, as
a scrubbing or boot brush.
Kitchen floors oan be easily cleaned/
if painted with boiled linseed oil,
Table linen should never be put into
soap suds until it has all stains removed
by pouring boilingywater through them.
All stains except iron rust can be re-
moved in this way,.
The cause of rust and a rough surface
on cooking utensils is that they are not
wiped perfectly dry. Wash the articles
in hot soapy water, rinse in very hot
water and dry with a clean towel,
Wash and dry them every day. Keep
special towels for this purpose.
Chamois skins may be washed in
warm soapsuds, rinsed through several
clear warm waters, drawn through the
hands to press out the water, and hung
in the air to dry. During the drying,
pull occasionally, and when almost dry
rub until soft and smooth. • .
It is far better to use rice starch for
starching colored wash goods. This
may be procured at any first class gro-
cer's, and comes in brown, blank and
yellow. Make it as you would ordinary
clear starch, first moistening in cold
water, then adding sufficient boiling
water to thciroughly cook.
An easy way to brighten gilt frames
is to take sufficient flour of sulphur to
give a golden tinge to about one and one-
half pints of water, and in this boil four
or five bruised onions or garlic, which
will offer the same purpose, Strain off
the liquid and when cold wash with a
soft brush any gilding that needs it.
To clean lace, spread it carefully on
wrapping paper and sprinkle with cal-
cined magnesia,' place another paper
over it and put it away between the
leases of a book for two or three days.
After scattering the white powder the
lace will be found to be about as fresh as
when new. This may also be used in
cleaning light dresses; sprinkle the mag-
nesia between the folds of the skirt and
waist, and lay the dress in a drawer or
box. After several days the powder
may be shaken off.
Rub the face well at night with cold
Dream to prevent the skin from getting
dry. Pare mutton tallow is also good,
or glycerine and rose water.
Bathing during profuse perspiration is
more to be commended than bathing
when the body had cooled off, inasmuch
as in the latter case the vitality may be
too low for reaction.
Greasy foods of any sort, and too lunch
sweets are bad for one who is sn'bject td
pimples. Eat plenty of fresh spring
greens, dates and rhubarb.
Olive oil will clear the skin if taken in
small doses; a teaspoonful half an hour
before breakfast and one half mahout
after the last meal of the day, The use
may be kept up until no longer needed.
The essence of stint, mixed with dream
and sugar, with plenty of cracked ice,
'Will afford relief irons the lassitude
totaled by excessive heat, This prepare-
tion is also beneficial in cone and Oita"
mer complaints. Mint prepared in a th
hall Water, half Wine, and a cupful taken
daily will remove bad breath, if from a
disorderly etemaoh.
Fruits grown in China are nenaily
inferior in flavor but superior to ours in
keeping quality.
For every cooly imported into the
Transvaal the importation agency re-
oeives liftyr•five dollars.
The late ex•Governor Clatlin of
Massachusetts was one of the seven
governors of that state born in 1818.
One hundred znilliofl bushels of grain
are sent every year into the Jewish con-
gregation at Shanghai,.
French and German hooses have re-
eived most of Russia's orders for mu-
nition r of war, clothing and provisions.
At the beginning of last year tele-
graph lines in Spain had reached the
following extensions:; Overhead wires,
18,176 miles; underground cables 05
miles; submarine cables, 2,044 miles.
Mr. Bernacohi, the scientific superin-
tendent of Capt. Scott's antarctic ex-
pedition, thinks it is possible to reach
the south pole by the aid of dogs or some
kind of motor car.
Catarrhal Troubles Prevalent
Spring Months Cause Sickness.
Breathe Hyomei, and Be Cured of
Oattarrhai troubles are more common
at this season than at any other time of
the year. The sudden Changes that
come during the spring months are pro.
du ,,five of many oases of catarrh that
without proper treatment will become
The pleasantest, most convenient, and
only scientific method for the treatment
and pure of oattarrh, le Hyomei. Simply
put twenty drops in the little pocket
inhaler that comes with every o?itfit, and
then breathe it for three minutes four
times a day.
No dangerous drugs or alcoholic con-
coctions are taken into the system when
Hymnal is used. Breathed through the
inhaler, the balsamic fragrance of
Hyomei penetrates to the most remote
cells of the nose and throat, and thus
kills the catarrhal germs, heals the irrit-
ated mucous membrane, and gives com-
plete and permanent cure.
- Thousands of testimonials have been
given as to the astonishing cures made
by this remedy. J. S, Nugent, trea-
surer of the New York Lif9 Insurance
Company, writes: "Hyomio has com-
pletely cured my daughter of catarrh,
from which she has been a sufferer for
The complete Hyomoi outfit costs but
one dollar, and as the inhaler will last a
lifetime and there is sufficient Hyomie
for several weeks' treatment, it is the
most economical catarrhal remedy
known. Extra bottles can be procured
for fifty cents. Ask Walton MoKibbon
to show you the strong guarantee under
which he sells Hyomei.
The Shearing.
]Nancy Byrd Turner, in St. Nicholas.]
The day they out the baby's hair
The house was all a•fidget;
Such fuss they made, you would have
He was a king—the midget.
Some wanted this, some wanted that;
Some thought that it was dreadful
To lay a hand upon one strand
Of all that precious dreadful.
While others said to ieave his curia
Would be the height of folly,
Unless they put him with the girls,
And call him Sae or Molly,
The barber's shears went snip -a -snap,
The golden fiuff was fining;
Grandmother had a trembling hp,
And aunt was almost crying.
The men folks said, "Why, heI1o, Boss,
Your looking five years older!"
But mother laid the shaven head
Close, close against her shoulddr. '
Ah, well; the nest must lose its birds,
The cradle yield its treasure;
Time will not lose a single day
For any pleader's pleasure.
And when the hour's work was weighed
The scales were even, maybe;
For father gained a little man,
When mother lost her baby!
Mooney's Crackers are as
cosy to digest as pure milk.
and as nutritious as home-
made bread. Let the little
1 -1 's supper be
Cream Sodas
and see how sound they steep
and how plump and rosy
they grow.
Air -fight . w
Packages . .
them to your
table As crisp
and inviting
as if fresh
from the
Dere teecher, pleze excuse my pun
Fer absents ylaterday.
1 hadd to have him home becaues
My servint went away. ,
He washes dishes, swepes an' data
As expert as end be;
We're all soe proud of hint et home,
Re's such a helpp to me.
"liay, mother," he sea ylsterday,
"We kids all love Miss Drew;
she's jiet ez nice ez she kin be
An' mighty pretty too,"
An' when I maid him stay at home.
Itis rase growed awful sadd.
"I can't see teacher then," he sez.
"Alas*, ain't thatt too baddt "
Mr sun rites all my notes ter me;
I•Ie's rltin' this to you.
S hlrt my hand a wekke ago,
Br maybe it was two.
But Willie's such a darltn' boy;
He's helpped me all he cud.
Expuse his absents if you pleze.
Xurse truly, Mrs. Wood.
Want et Oonildeuee.
Little Girl (to curate, who is waiting
for bis hostess)—Don't touch anything
while I'm gone, will you, air. Jones?*
Alliterative Slang.
"Yes," said the student of slang in a
modern educational Institution, "I got
it In the neck all right,"
"Tut, tut!" exclaimed the professor
of billingsgate who had overheard his
remark, "I am astonlsbed that an ad-
vanced student such as you would be
so careless in his choice of terms for
expressing such a splendid idea. You
should have said, 'I've got it where
Gertie got the goiter,' or employed
some other strong alliterative term."
No Trouble About Prayers.
"Mother," cried six-year-old Frank
eagerly, "I want Jack here to stay all
night, so we can get our sleds out
"No, Frank. Nurse wouldn't stay if
she had the trouble of taking care of
another boy," replied the parent.
"I don't see what trouble Jack would
be," grumbled Prank. "He washes and
dresses himself, and he doesn't say any
The human Mimosa.
"Closely is such a stingy chump, He
goes around rattling the dollars in his
pocket, batt he never spends a cent."
"Yes, I have noticed that too. Do
you know why he reminds me of a
sensitive plant?"
"No; why?"
"Why, he wilts every time you touch
A Sort of Acquaintance.
Mrs. Grimes—Do you know Mrs.
Sykes? She lives in the same hotel as
you do.
airs. Joslyn—No, I can't say that I
know her, but we are on pounding ac-
quaintance with the Sykeses. They
make so much noise we have to rap on
the wall now and then to keep them
Down and Out.
He had loved and lost.
"Never again," he sighed. "I shall
never love again."
"Ob, yes, you wilI," rejoined the
heartless beauty.
"Never akain," he repeated. "I'm go-
ing to turn over a new leaf and save
The Lecture In Mathematics,
Professor — Yes, sir, if you were
thrown like a stone you would de-
scribe a parabola in returning to earth.
Student (wearily) -I think I'll go out
and get thrown at once then, professor.
That's about the only way I'll ever
learn to describe one of 'em.
No Pleasure In It.
Mrs, Chase --Oh, I don't like to go to
hat store! It's so unsatisfactory to do
, our shopping there.
Mrs. Shoppen--Why, they have every-
•:iting there.
Mrs. Chase—That's just it. No matter
what you ask for, they can suit you
tght off, ,
Very Qneer•.
"Well, well, that's a funny thing."
"What is?"
"Miss Passey was an old maid be.
ore she married, and now that her Wie-
land is dead she has become a young
As to Itit'r Complexion.
Fraud --Flava you seen Kit Garling-
torn's sealskin? It's nothing but an
'imitation on the face of it.
Irene—Well, so's her own skin.
tt Sometimes rails.
"There's nothing like perseverance.
t wins out in the long run."
"Not always. Did you ever see a heti
m a porcelain egg1"--Brooktyn Life.
Might flet Some.
"Is Clarence Appleby the sort of per -
ion one would caro to cultivate?"
"Web, a little cultivation wouldn't
!tort him any_,"--Olevnland ieaeta, ,,,,,,
Just about the meanest
thing a furnace can have
is a dinky little door.
Ever have one? Hit the edge
as often as the hole? One has
to be an expert stoker to shovel
coal into some furnaces. If
you're not an expert you'll get
as much on the floor as in the
The Sunshie furnace is
equipped with a igood, big door.
You can put Mour shovel in and drop the coal just where it is
wanted --no trouble, no taking aim, no missing,
Everything about the Sunshine furnace is on the same scale
of thoughtfulness.
Sold by all enterprising dealers. Write for booklet.
no scattering, or
It makes a woman terribly happy to be
unhappy because she loves a man so
This would be a pretty dreary world for
women if there was no chance in it for
them to show off.
The average man's idea of a business
transaction is one in which he gets the
best of the bargain.
When you see a boy with long curls
it's a safe bet that his father isn't the
1 whole thing about the house.
rost Wire Fence
Has no equal as General •
Purpose Farm Fence •
It will turn Stock without •
' injury-- the Parra— ;
does not need constant patching •
and with reasonable usage will
last a life -time. Booklet and •
full particulars given on request. •
White Church
Vii" •;, ,f..••�"'',77("IWSt' r.: ..
Specialists le the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Private and Sexual Diseases of
lien and Women. 25 Years In Detroit. '
.Bal -No Names used without Written Consent. Cures Guaranteed.
Thousands of young and middle.•aged men are annually swept
to a premature grave through early: buseor later excesses. Chas.
Anderson was ore of the victims, but was rescued in time. lin
says: "I learned an evil h'bit. A charge soon came over inC.
I could feel it; nig friends n ticed it. I beeline nervous, despon-
dent, gloomy, bad no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodings,
poor circulation, pimples on face, back weak, dreams and drains
at night, tired and weals mornings, burning sensation. To make
natters worse, I bec.. ne reckless and contracted a blood disease.
i tried many doctors and niedicnl firma—alt failed tilt Drs. Ken-
nedy & Kergan took my case. Its one week I felt better, and le a
11 t\ 1 \
few weeks was entirely cured. They aro the only reliable and
honeal Snecinlist: in the country."
!MADER•-we guarantee t, cure you or no pay. You run no
risic. Webave a reputation and business at stake. Beware of
frauds and imppo�s ora. We w11 pay 91,000 for any case we take that our NI;W
11fh:T:lU/.) TKE;ATMENT will tort cure.
Wo treat and cure Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture. Weak Parts, Kidney
nod Bladder Diseases. " nnsultation free. Books free. Call or write for Question
List for home Treatment.
DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN Cor.Ml blgsnAvich.lbyst.
0••••••••••••••••110••••••• •••r•••••••••••••••••••••ttt
Tie Times 1
Jo ) De-artment
lir •
Our Job Department is up-to-date in
every particular ; and our work is
guaranteed t o •g i v e satisfaction.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Our peeialit
is the best local paper in the County
of Huron. Subscription: $I.00 per
year in advance—sent to any address
in Canada or the United States.
Alt advertisement iii the 'pintos brings good reaults-
Address all commnnicatiions to—
tlftion Phone, No. 4.
Residence Phone, No.74, WiNGI1AM, Ob f.
flH► HS.M *SS l*0SSMMSSS4Wpm.