HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-10-27, Page 500‘. 21t14 100• • 11 • OLINTO NENST ERA, • .* • • • * .* A „A A' A A "*. A A • AT A A * 'A*AA A A: * * lec,orporalid IPY Act ot Pettit...tent 1050. • , „ Capital Paid Reserve .1PunC. ,, , , . $3,000,000 wm, S. H. 'Muse. Vice-Frealdeot, ;Pas istrtoo'r, Gen. Manager, FARMERS' SATRI NOTES cashed or collected. DRAFTS on all_points in the Dominion, Great Britain, StateS, awl all Forktgrk OQUiltVi46.. bought and Sold at best rates. DEPOSIT RECEIVWS issued and highest current rate of interest al- lowed. ADVA.NOES MADE to Farmers, Stock Dealers, and Business Men at lowest rates and on roost favorable terms. Forty-eight branches in the Dominion Agents all over the world. SIIVINGS DEPARTIVIENV Deposits of $1,00 and upwards received.' taterest allowed from date of deposit compounded half -yearly and added to principal June 80th and December 8let. moon urrent Mite. • CLINTON BRACH - - New Combs Block. 'Hp C. 13R.WVMR. .. Manager. Come on! Come oil t Let 'Em All Comet: u —• Having got our new Fall and Winter. Goods in, . , we are prepared to supply you with Sults; Pants and Overcoats at bottom pricei. Suits at $10.00 and upwards '• Pants at $3,00 Overcoats at $10 • • Ready -Made Overcoats $5 and up Suits . $5 Fit, style and quality second to none. I MORRELL LCNDESBORO" • BEATEN That's what we've, done, • and on. Rinds, too. We • have some beautiful things in our cases, but never so many swell new patterns as we art now . , •showing. We grit the. geam of all the newest. patterns, . and you can have your pick .if you come soon. In Tirne of Peace preOare fOrWar, The cold weather is sure to come, sooner or later. Now is the time to make your selections of Stoves; we haVe---ai.' full assortment of all the leading lines. • Happy Thought. National and Pandora Ranges, with and without reservoirs'. Empire Garlands, McClary's Famous,* Bucks' Prize and the celebrated Radiant Home, Base Heaters with and without ovens. ' We have several new patterns small Coal Reaters this season. Call and See our Stook. Aluminum Oil Heaters, . just the very thing for this season of the year, when the comfort, convenience, and economy of a first class Oil Heater will be apparent one takes the Autumnal Chill off the air of the room rendering the too early lighting of a Stove or Fuenace unnecessary, invaluable tor an Invalid's Room, has no unpleasant -features *hatever and costs about one cent per hour to operate. Harland Bros. S toves and Hardware: McK1NNON a CO., -- MTH MORE LADIES' COATS oulkroii!t regret it if your Ring -comes" froni THE EWELER- * • Our business has 4 grown greatly by . selling good goods and selling them right. 4 • 4 Comparison is the only true test. of value, We cou.; rt it on every line of goods we sell. • WE .A.I111 TO PLEAsE .4\ For the best ad:. .vertisepient we T have is a Well sat- ; isfied customer. • • 4 .0 • 2,0 , Your •children If* get the same cour- t ..-teous treatment •that you get your- self. • i • If you can't co- . • <>,o, me send 'our - ' - YOlti W0.4.,-. SAVE '' MONEY -BY- :4-- ...ILJIIM21t...,1LEILE,L,.... ' .....-................-.....-,,,,....................7..................„......,-,-.,-,-, 9 * • • • • * ** uritan .4, •, I Underwear For Women and Children e are sole agents in Clinton the Puritan Elastic Knit Underwear for Women and Child- ' ren, and tarry a complete range of `sizes. Any garment not giving en- tire satisfaction will be replaced FREE OR CHARGE. PURITAN UNDERWEAR . Puritan...Underwear For Puritan Underwear . For Children. • of all ages. .No better Underwear made, full range of sizes always in stook. Prices • . • IonSaturdaY. Oct. 7th, Margaret Ikon- Our .inethod' 111 • thron, aged 21 years. 7 b .USIfless . • . BruiETnnow—Ai the 2nd 9on , Bay,•• . • Boyn--In Oakland, Nebraslia•ontLi. t6, October, John Boyd, formerly of Col- borne township, aged 59, r 0 e r,rice to all. 3oiritemt—In Morris, on October 10, 0*• • 0 0 0 • Johnson, aged 82 rat's, d 8 months. • Sale Register. Uottifetiold'itirniture, at premieee, kii-g- etreet. opposite Foundry, on Stu da, Oct. 28 • D; Dickinson, adotioneer, Clinton :Market 'Report. Oorreoted every Thmrsday afternoon Wheat ... 0 73 to 0 73 Oats , 0 28 to .0 80 Barley 0 38 to 0 40 Pea% - '4'0 62 to 0 63 •' Eggs ...... . . „ 0 16to 0 17 Butter 0 16 to. 0 18' Fioge , • 5 50 tu 6 50 Plums; per basket 0 20 to 0 25 Tomatoes. 4, ... 0 so to 0 35 „ 8 tit 0 25 to 0 25 * -Wool. nowiabed „ 0 14 to 0 14 • Wool, „ washed. . •. 020 tc 0 22 Women • . Is.manufactured in Canada and 'the greatest possible care .is taken t every stage of its production and each garment is as pure and dean as it is possible to make it, All wool, .unshrinkable, women's sizes; . 75c and $1.00 , . Penman's Natural Wool Known to every lady as a gar- ment to give satisfaction. Guaran- teed unshrinkable. Sizes 32 and:34 $1.00 Sizes 36 and 381.151.15 Children's sizes 1 ec 2 65c Children's sizes 3 Se 4 75c, 90c Qttr custom have the satisfac- tion of selecting. from a st091t that, • is alwaysa up -to- -9 datti. • • We bid fur your 4 Wanks on the. mer- .• its of our mereh- andiae and the • lowness • of .our * .price. • * • • • We look to the, future as well as the iireSent'.. Our plie gh t. 20c, 25c, 35c, 40c, 45c and 50c • 1111.I 'A 4` ., . • ;' , * • 0 0 0 0 444. 4 &9 4 4 4 • 4 • 0. 0 4' 0 4> <> * 4.4 „ 6•4, & e: 42)4) 44? *GS • 0 MIMS li>teirte&,liiti...Alli® r -4401 liAt011MOOSS ooille(b,3C ocl00000000 Puritan Baby's Own 'Vests are- niade of all pure wool; every garment guaranteed. Pries 25c, 35c and 50c Stanfield's lJnshrinkable Underwear fOrMen A. full guarantee. ,.•ces with every garnient Your money _back .if you shrink,the.ra. .Small sizes $1.00 Large sizos • • •OUR MOTTQ 4 No Prdertoo sm a It * Nime.to large and • No tiouble to sh• - ow our goods. We clon'..t,-iiiark our goods up to cut, Ahem ducyn for"g sale. 00 00 0 • 1NeW. Barl°r 864. 6151111111111011111110 for business every week evening, litizor„ boning scieptificuaty done, . . -.— Grot.mc1500eOeYalloilgRatahriacis ospneanewlil.beheo tprii rene •• Give him a c&tl Gunaga on. A Caretaker Wanted. — For' the Clinton Collegiate lintitute. • . •C SalasY. $25Q Year, APPltratione received • Clintonj Ontario. until.Ootober 31st. &schedule ot duties may be seen by prospective 'applicants at the Secretary's office. • • M. D. MoTLOGART, " • ' IdES. F. FEE1q011,ounty Manager, We have done a large trade in Ladies Cloth Coate this season. Our stock got pretty well reduced in several lines and sizes. Last week we got another shipment which puts our stock in gond shape for the fall trade. The buying public now look on this store akheadquartere for Ladies', Misses and Children's lleloats, and they know when they buy a McKinnon -Made garment they get the very latest, up-to-date style. Our stock is very large and varied. The few styles we mention below will give you a faint idea of the stock we carry. The Goods require to be seen to be appreciated Ladies' Frieze Coats, fiv ft ont, 32 inches long, semi -fitting with belt effect at back, lined throughout, colors blankand Oxford, ..$5. Ladies' Collarless Coat, of black beaver, fly front, trimmed at neck and belt with black velvet, lined througnont, at.... -°. . $7 Ladies' Frieze Empress Coat. 42 inches long, back. tr.!... el.. with pleats and kersey strtippings, colors black and Oxford .. ..$10 Ladies' Empire Covert Coat, 42 inehes long, fly front, new fancy • shirred sleeves and yoke, trimmed with pleats and self strap- ping. colors fawn and brown " $13 Ladies' All -wool KerseyCoat, 43 inches long, self strapping, satin finished, princess lining, loose hack, colors black and fawn$15 Misses' Prize Coats, double breasted, two pockets, long length, Sizes -• • 12. 14 and 16 years, calors navy, myrtle and Oxford .. . $3,05 Children's Coats, in all sizes and prices from $2 to ;. l. Ladies' Fur Coats. in astrachan, Irmo 52250 to $40. - Lrdies' Electric Seal Coats, in all sizes, from 880 to $50 Ladies' Greenland Seal Coots, very special at $80 and $35. , 1VicKINNON etc CO • 9 BLVTH t0.0.........,.......:•••••.......... CENTRAL STRATFORD. oNto This smallativertisementrep- resents one of thelargest and best colleges in Canada. No school in the Dominion does more for its students than we d'O. To our knowledge not one of our gradu- ates is unemployed. We get far .more applications than we can meep. You 'Way 'enter atany thud.; Write for our catalogue. ' ELLIOTT & IteLREIIL During recent months the ELLIOTT • At Home redeye. pd 4t , . Teacher Wanted, Warned, a good male traCber for S. 6. 5.Morrie sp., Huron CO, Duties C(3M- pupae Jan. ist, 1906. ..Personal application regitired. Thia is a first clam school teld- ing Diploma. • • •• W. B. FERGUSON, Belgrave P. O. pd 4i • See. Treas. 'Choice Residenee for Sale. Subsoriber oftere for manila residence on Ontario St., Ite he is leaving, town. It la one of the moat modern and up to -date •houses in town, having hot and cold water, ' bath, electric light, and is mast tilisibly situtted in ane of the most pleasant 'Fern' at the town. Ptrticolare on application I • • W. B. Nnwcomev. TORONTO, r ONZ hots received ten, fifteen, twenty and even fiftS times as litany calla for istonographOre, book- keeporO. Oto., as it had students graduating divine the same months. This is the school to attend. Enter now, Write for magnitloontfree catalogue. • Cor. iOnge end . W, 3.18LIJIOT1 Alexander Ste. Principal Miss Sybil R. Courtice, I.41 C.1 ,,Winner of Barron Gold Medal anti 1 Heintzman Scholarship 1905). Tea.cher of Piano and Theory. For terms apply at residence con Joseph and Fulton streets. .1115.STORE i5 READY to supplyyOur tiothing ,w.ants. —. juSt • soori as you ace cleady to buy' Nye never had.a better assortMent • - , •• : .. , - . . Clothing anywhere.;!' ..' ' : , , • . ' • ' Men's Overcoats in winter- weight, made_ from fine grey and •back Frieze, good lining, with and. without storm‘ collars, $6,50 to T . 1Vien's Overocats made from, fine grey Cheviot, beautifully finished, . $10:• . ••made in th,e neweiV wintek,!..ityle, our special price...4.. 0 • . Men's fine black Beaver 0iercoats, walking length, lined 'with far• - $12 . iner's atn, veWet collr, $1,0.00 and..... ................... . . , Youths' and Men's fancy tweed Overcoats made from. fine Cana dian Tweed Overcoating, tong loosestYle with belt, velvet co1-. lar, farmer's satin lining. The best coats to be . found any $11 oid.re, at $7.95, $10.00 •ad:. 6 •• . 4 • * • * ;* * ,, * * 4 0 ** . ,,, . r * • * • * • • Our stoek of Boys' Overcoats and Reefers is in all sizes and at all prices. . .. Boys' Overcoats•made from. fine smooth all wool grey Frieze .with ' . storm collars or With velvet collars, at all prices • according to size... •i011“411•109-1.:11‘.64000111.1011.40:6•1,1,6•1101 ........... . . to choose iron and our prices are as low as You can buy GOOD Clairvoyant AOteseP1331sIc 'Reader IVIrts. TM, T.T. 4:1 1)&4,4e1140r Withes to Bay to the pub- lic that the is 110 -fortune teller; nor 1'411de,. She does not read the band •but through the pyobio or mind and magnetic She hall not herr. - ,"ed Iitythinrtntry.tordm- I delve the public bat simp- ly .givee instances in the) pest life and advice on any businets matters or acids dirt any may have in view, whether,it will be a weevils or not and what beat adapted for. Whether they:fell heir -to money at home or elsewhere and tivei advice on wrt, or Jostles and how to proceed. Any clueetiont thet they may Wish advice on will be answered oorreotly. This la only a -natural Mit which the has potteteed Ante she was (Vitt Noong and she withst to so Inform the ptthlio in genera that she void not with to aseeive in any we, eta any 018 ,Olebitig to amanita her it invited to do fie ee early al convenient or they Will Mite 4 titre ehenee. The 111088 prominent twee nooetat heron Intelnest sea,other affair. 'Mn tittle et oocurroneeeloa Iiiitutown oruionotatleaild. Itaniember tht Mn. Altaits Vrarr is Titionat. iladanle it 1000444 it the COMMEBOIAL,,110134 AIM kr a thh* I. S. flottiteri Nalion Bali Boy' Reefers in grey and black Frieze, $2.75 Every branch in our line is complete, you cart get any article produced at this store. Our Pilees bring The Trade, Our personal sUpervision, goes with every chase and satisfaction is guarantee(3, t3N1j'ERT2(KING Night or day coil . promptly ottooara to Our .Big Sale: of .Metit's:Irtiilor4lad0:$1ciiiii IS SOLD. § § § • • § §, § Leave your order now for a suit or ,au Overcoat and save from $3.00 to $5,00 144,4444444.4*4044+444444444444++1+1+ h&j; *be