HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-10-27, Page 2Inlilt44:0140*** Inn faa•4014.41 1 I -Only 10 Cents41 t Ten Week's Trial Sub- t I scription for loc. I The New Era • [ will be * 3 sent to any address in : ly CAinada for the balance of.1 2 the year, for 10 cents, : 1 * • This is at the rate ci one t 4'. cent a week! Subscribe 3 I 6 1 at once, and get the full t benefit of this very low Ter. : The Otinton gew. Era Editorial Notes. • Welland, Oat, le booming. The Plymonth Cordage CoMp,anY, of Bes- ton„bas bought 200 acres of land there on which te bnild a. new inillion--aucl-a- half factory, width, when completed, it is said, will employ 2,000 or more hands. Good Grit thaws. Some Nevr YOrk preacberS halle de- cided that there are na female angels. Npw we don't kbow'anything about ft, but if the raw material for the mann- faetufe of angersrlif taken from this old planet, there ruust be a great meta- morphosis or else- well, we'veheard that there are "good." angels and oth- ers. And if those preachers care to take hold of a hard proposition they may set about trying to pair() their no-fernele-angels theory down the throats of some of the six -evenings -a FRIDAY, OCT. 27, 1905. week -and -all day -on -Sunday youths of. our acquaintance. - • - Matrimony and the Farm. a The weeklies devoted to agriculture ' and fai rn life have been discussing the •-*unmarried farmer's son - the young Elan who stays at home, liyes with his parents, works the years away, and expects to get "the place" some day. No doubt tlae chief reason why the „fainier's son who stays at.hom,e-does not marry is because he is adependent. Be has nothing that is really his 'men. -Toronto Star. • There is a great deal more truth than many care to admit in the fore- going. It is perhaps not qtrite so.pre- valent to -day, under improved con- ditions, as formerly, but it is urques- tionably true that many farmer's sone -and daughters, too -work- on the farm year in and year outovithout any understandirfg with their parents about pay, or idea are trviaey;ality stand. Many farmers generdmily prOvide. their sons with far na43 when they de- sire to start for .theniStrfaes.' But where a hov has at tsinedhis majority on the farm. it Wier 'd be better both for himself and his father, if he was. paid wages, - or in some • wayknew what his earnings were, st.i that if he waeted to get married, or start for himself, he would he in a position to do so. It is neither right or prulent to keep boys working from year to year, after they are of age, and the whole family living from a common fund. A Splendid Record Sir William Mulock is earn. d to feel r o ordinary amount of gratifica- tion at the figures which have been given out in relation to the business of the Post -office during the • past fiscal year.. They, are remarkable when compared with the statistics orthe': year the Government assumedoffice, and still more remarkable ,when com- pared with those of the previous year. They show that, astonishing as has been the increase during the past nine years, the growth, instead of showing J.n/ sign,' of slackening off; exhibits still greater elasticity and expansion. „Since 1896 the number of letters pass- ing through the melte has not merely doubled, hut, in fact, is almost two and•a half times as great. To get a similar ratio of expansion one has to aro' hack from 1896 almost twenty years. The record is as follows : Total Letters Per Head Posted. of Pop. 1878 44,000 000 10.78 1896 110,028.000 22.81 1905 285,541,000 47.03 It would be difficult to get a more striking view of the progress of the country. Few species of statistics are better tests of the intelligence and en ergy of a country than its postofdce records, and keeping this in mind, the eariada of 1905 compares well with the Canada of 1896, and still more striking- ly with the Canada of 1878, when in the One year each inhabitant sent less than eleven letters, while in 1905 each inhabitant sent an average of over forty-seven. An interesting case tried at the As- ..sizett at Stratford was that of Mrs. Dollie Dunn against F. J. Corrie, pro- , prietor of the Queen's Hotel, Strat- ford, to recover $500 penalty under the -statute. In March last Mrs. Dunn .• Served notices on all the hotelkeepers town not to serve her husband with ;Intoxicating liquor. John R., Dunn, Ineshend of the plaintiff, swore that on the 21st of April last he drank seven O eight glasses of porter in defendant's • 'betel. 'Ile defence called a large ZUMber of witnesses who testified that etturin was refused a drink in the ,Queen's on the day in question. The ,,jtiry found a. verdict for defendant. ers6 Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of course you on't. Do you like thick iRiy,irnooth halt? Of- cintrse you do. Then why ai• r Vigorg not be pleased? Ayr's Hair •Igor makes beautiful heads of hair, that's the whole Story. • Sold for 60 years. ‘,0,1 hsyrkfiged Ayr's Rair ran for a Ione was. it is. Indeed, a wonderful hair tante, tering health to the hair and Wally, and, r!t semi tinapnrmadlillutitstillit a bottle. a. C. ATV* O., for Lowe% MASI. District 'Meeting The Financial meeting of the Wing- hana District was heldin the Methodist church. Teeswater,on Wednesday, Oct llth. Rev. J. R. Gundy, D, D„ presi- ded, and ihe Financial Secretary, Rev. Geo. Baker, acted as Secretary. Sixteen'ministers answered. to:their names and seven laymen. . ' eirC.r.7.Va„ The arrangements for missionary were local. Each minieter pledged himself to be responsible for the holding of .Educa- tiodal services on his own cireuit, A canvass for the increased eircula- tion of the Christian Guard wes • Always insist upon having The Contain* MURRAY LANMAN'S Florida Water. .„ • The most refreshint and delightful perfume for the • handkerchief,: toilet and bath 1ea The niacin Mountain, NOthing strikes a visitor to the Black mountain more foreibly than the per- fect security of a country where every man is a warrior and goes about his 110134 business with his revolver in his belt. The traveler is sacred to 'the Montenegrins, whose manners prove the truth of •the selling that they are the aristocracy Of the Servian race. Dressed la their pictures ue at! 1 _garb of blue knickerbockers, white gai- ters and crimsonjackets, with pork pie caps of scarlet and black on their heads, the mountaineers look the beau ideal of a nation of fighters, such as the old Greeks +must have been in the cley's when they all carried arms. Their whole history, during the eve centuries of Montenegrin independence has been One long series of frontier feuds, and even /low guerrilla Warfare on the Al- banian, border' is not extinct. But to the latranger within their gates, 'whqs ever be his nationality, the mountaitat . eers• are friendly and hospitable. -.-- Westininster Review., agreed upon. A communication from Dr. Crews, on helps in Sunday Schools, Was refer - ed to a committee. All present felt sured that it would prove a blessing to Sunday school work.. • M.dr The cominunication on temperance ork from Dr Chown,received earne.st • and careful.censideration, resulting in the following.motion being carrier:I That the District -meeting assembled at Teeswater, recognizing that in va.ri one places, our present laws in connec- tion with' the sale of intoXicating 1 q- uors to minors on the Sabbath and be- yond legal hours, are being violated centinually,. we therefere request •he several inspectors within the hounds of this distri ct to employ every measure within their constituted .powers for the better enforcement of the present giquor law and that a copy of tlais reso- lution be forwarded' tb each of the•In- spectprs and also to Provincial Secretary. ' The matter of Evangelistic work on the Distrret was introduced by the 'chairman, and a very. profitable cen- yersation followed. •' Sixty Weeys for $1.75 , The new subscriber to The Youth's Companion for.1906 -.who at once sends the subscript foe price,$1,75 will rebeive free all the remarni•ng issues of the paper for 1905. These iesues will 'con- tain nearly fifty doniplete stories, be- sides the opening series of Grace S. RithmOnd's "Tire 'Ohnrehill's Latch -string," a sequel to her story of "The Second Violin," which appeared in the early • weeks of • this year. Madame Sembrich will Contribute 'an article on "Severeigni I Have Sung To," and there will be three stories by May Roberts Clark under the title of• "Tales of a Pawnee Hero," These 'will give a foretaste of -the good things in store for 1900, nibs-. trated Announcement of which will Ice sent to any address free with 'sam ple copies of the paper, New subscribers will' also receive a gift of The Companioh's "Minitternen" Calender for 1906, -lithographed in .12 colors and gold. . THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. 144 Berkeley Street, BOsTole, MAss. • 'To Retain OfliceMays SirWiJfrid Sir Wilfr'd Laurier, _speaking at the 'banquet to Hen: S. N. Parent, last Thursday night in the Chateau Fran- tenag, Quebec gave a', most emphatic deniai of the rumors current that he intended to resign. After he had etfl. ogized the work done by Hon. S. N. Parent as Meyor of the city and"Pre- 'Mier of the Provinee,he dealt with the subject of the new transcontinental railwa,y,and be said that as Mr. Parent had built the Quebec City Hall within the appropriations, and without extras he would do the same with the con- struction of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway.. When tbis great work was completed in five or six years hence,he hoped to see it. and if Providence spar- ed his health, he •would then still be Prime Minister, as he had no intention of resigning. Terrible Back Pains. 7.Tgirarly agonize your life. Some- thing powerful and penetrating is needed. • Doctors know of nothing so swift to relieve as Nerviline, a strong penetrating liniment made to cure just such pains as yours. Nerviline is Very concentrated about four times more powerful than ordinary liniments, •In the worst cases Poison's. Nerviline is extraordinarily good. All muscular pain flees .before it. Nearlyelifty years in use-- a good recommendation surely. J. L. Luckharn, druggist, Guelph,. formerly of Glencoe, took a dose ot carbolic acid during:the night and this mornieg Was found on his office floor ID an unconscions condition, He was promptly removed to the hospital, where he died shortly after his arrival. Luckham left this note ,: "My God command me to Hie Kingdom right away, Good-bye," Continued. 111. health is the supposed cense of the suicide. A widow and fanilly survive. The-Halifax—Herald r -the..- Conser- vative organ, has created a politieal 'sensation bvi its condemnation of the increased Parliamentary indemnities and its practical repudiation of Mr. Borden. It commends the action of Mr. C. E. Tanner, leader of the Oppos- ition in the Local HotiRe, in condem- ning the "raid on the treasury," and says he voices the views of the Whole ConservatiVe party of this Province. Continuing, it says "Conservatives of Nova Santilt are thus absolutely free to express their condemnation of this gross abuse of Jvwer on the part of members of Parliament at 'Ottawa, and the nartv to ,be eongratnlated on having- a leader Wbo has placed the view of the party on this 8ub1ect clearly before the whole Province." , Sherifrtogan of Amherst, N. S., died suddenly. The .titare and stripe,. e A German periodical hire the folloW.; Ing story as to the origin of the stare • and stripes: The Idea' originated ,With a Dane 'mined Marker. He Was born on the island of St. Croix ‘of the Danish; West indies,,where his father and • grandfather had lived. In' 1795 he left his native island and proceeded to Phil- • adelphia.. He was among the erst- to join, a company of volunteers for • American liberty end indepencleoce. For valor shown at Oriskany be Was: • elected captein, and to show bis grati- tude he designed a flag in whoSe upper corner, he applied the thirteen stays embleniatie • Of the thirteen .original States o“he Union.. This was the first occasion upon which the "Star' sPee- gled banner" Wes unfurled. The origi- nal fiag of. Centain Marker is sopposed to be in.eilstence n seine mitiona ,coT. iection of relics of the war of the•Bero, • .. Hats • Earltainent. ' • During the reign of 'King John (1199) the king agreed to ,settle the 'difficulty. „ withPhilin II. of France respecting the latitchy of • Notniandy by eiogle. coin- t t • • kaglisli champion and as soon as he appeared on the field :Of tonabat. • adversary, put spurs to his horse •and • fled, leaving the earl- natteter.eef the 'field. ; King John asked the earl what his reward should be. • "Titles and land I viaot not," he replied, "but in remern7 • brance of this day I beg the boon, •for myself :and my successors to remain covered...in the presence of your majes- ty' eother end' all sovereigns, of this realin," This request Was granted and : never revoked; and it is said to eccount for tbe ensterri in 'parliament ,of. mem- • bers wearing their hats.London Stand ard. . - 1 THE otrsToN NEW ERA Oet; 27th, i0015 New Notes, The Prince and Princess of Walea have started an theirsix reontbe' tou of India. F. McDonald, of London, itunPed off a pier at Port Stanley and Was drowned. On Thursclag,,Ndv, 9, the electorate of the new Province of Alberta will de- cide the elections. • The Count'of Flanders bas renounc- ed his succession to the throne of Bel- gium in favor of his sou. There is a division in the Reformed • Presbyterian Church over the use of unformatted wine at the sacrament. . The Australian Federal House of Re. presentatives voted to petition King Edward to grant home rule to Ireland. Mrs. Mary Ann Aldridge, of Handl, ton was killed by an electric shock, her husband tinding,her dead body in the cellar. • The Ontario Government has offered a reward of 3000 for information lead- ing to the arrest of the Barton mar- clerer. Violating the law of seccession, the Sultan of Turkey is said to have chosen his favorite son to succeed hint on the throne. • Hon. A. Blair has resigned the position. of Managing Director of the Henderson Roller Bearing Comp:nay, Toronto. • Edward George Curliffe, who rob- bed the Adams Express Courpany iz Pittsburg of 4100,000 in cash, was ar- rested at Bral.geport, Conn. The trade returns for the first quer.. trr of the careen t year show a falling off of over three and a half millions in exports. The imports increased. • T. Lee Clark, cashier of the Enter prise National alio,. of Allegheny, took a dose of laudanum and then shot himself, after'finding that the bank was iosolvent. Jae; Halliday, frbeeley. ex -M. P., haa Veen appointed to hay tattle to supply the asylums .and other public biiild- inns of the province with beef, at a salary of $2(100 a year. t • . , F, •H ChrYster, K. (C, ottawa, has been offered a judgesliiii in the On- tario Court of Appeals; anal, has refus- ed it. His 'chief reason is that. he would have to move from 'Ottawa to Toronto, and farther his practice 2201V brings him more than the position on the lipid). • •• ' ' Senator Fulford bad eon tem plated establishing an experimental Aram hear Brockville on lines Of. the Ontario .Agricultural %‘;ollege, had given Instructions for pure/using a 409 -acre site. cheese factory and creamery and buildings for eattle were planned, with experts to be engaged fOr each department, The Donkhebors have been notified "by the Minister of the Inteeior that . they have two months to herniae nat- • uralized and mane entry for their hom.esteads, or their.Present •Ilti'd in gs will be. given to others. • Peter Vele, gin has advised his countramen to re. use to sbecome British subjects. In ieW of this stand serious comPlica- ions are sure, to roan t, ba . John, earl of Ulster, , was 'the. : • • ' • • • ' • • )a. Laviy.er's Satire. • Lord' Chancellor' Eldon pronounced the word "Hen" as if written ifon. • Sir Arthur Pigott, a distinguished chancery lawyer, maintained that. 'lien,' was to - be pronounced ' like lean, and one day each made a stand in court for his fav- orite pronunciation, whereuPen Jekyll, a Witty lawyer, perpetrated this rhym- • ing pun, which alludes to the • pa,rsia minim's; arrangements of the chancel. lore kitchen:• • Arthur, Sir Arthur, Why; what 'do • )'OU mean . • ty saying the chancellor's iloe is lean? la'ye think that his kitchen's ati bad as •all that, • That nothing within it can ever get fat? • Yeti Will find it less easy to .uproot °ions than • to choke them by 'gaining virtues. Do% not think. 'of .yotir faiths, gin• less of °there faults.,In every .pefson tvlice tomes •nerir you look for • What is good and strong. lIonor that. • rejoice in it and, as ,you can, try to. • trnitate it, and yoUr faults 'will drop off I like dead leave e when their tliiie.Comoia +-Ruskin.l -• • ...a • , A Wonaeatui Plant Faintly, • There is a family of microscopic plants tailed diatoms which swarm in all oceans in every clime. • They are •coated with pure silica; or- flint, and are found in the most delicate and love- liest forins. Bo tiny are they that it • takes 41,000,000,000 of thorn to fill a single cubic hich, and 180,000,000 to • e naked eye would just look like a speck of dost and Weigh only a grain. • They Multiply so feet tnat Within fot». • ty-eight hours one may become sma- ck() and its offepring fill two cubic feet ID four days. As they die they sink to the bottom, falling in a constantshow- er. In :the course of ages they fill up harbors, the deposits formed of them being many miles 'in extent and hun- • dreds of feet in thickness. The deep- est deposit known is that on which the city of Berlin Stands; which 1 eighty- four feet thiek. • At St. Petersburg there is a deposit of thirty feet, an at Richmond, Va., is one of eighteen feet.' A Ready Wit. , Here is a story, about Sir Patrick Tal. bon sergeant -at -earns in the House of 'Lords. He bad been private. Secretary to the great Lord Derby, when Prime Moister, 'and afterward married one. of his daughters. ,• One day, when a large tarty was present at Znowlsey, Lord rd . Derby I urst out at :with the re-. Mark; "It's a curious thing one never 'mows what a lot of fools there are in England until one becomes Prime min- ister." Thereilpen Taltiot2 at the Other and Of the table, said; uYeen. and one ever lcnows what a fool a fPriree'mlois.. ter rnay be until one becomes his pri- vate secretary." Lord Derby's reply was: "Thank You, Pat."-Daridee Ad vertieer.. • are made only from the best "Para" rubber,' Made to fit every style and shape of niett's • shoes, ladies' shoes and shoes for ihe little tines. _...1n.ladies' shapes they—are--neatr-_Aght,.-perfeet,— • fitting and lasting. Insist on the "Maple Leaf" . Brand it's on every • rubber. Sold by all dealers, ligiaittittfagexamsgamem 414lutics Your 11101#11 Water Homo and aoreof lind,Beet end Out- HENRY* BEATTIE !ale. PROFESSIONAL Appetizer, nzacer arid Digestive That'e irS .Higlily Concentrated . Oneluarter teaspoonful is SUffieient for a cup .of • a plate .af soup, lax .a dish of vegetables, etc,. ,Ssald by all druggists and groeerS. • ARMOUR LIMITED, .Terento Mayor. Corset eriseel Soups X2 yariatieti, neecious %wholesome and appetizing, one tin wag:sake 6 portions, soid by all grocers. ailallnitilligle"ararnlial=egn11111111 Fighting a itatiwpy, "This looks like a ease of a cOrPora- tion being held up simply because it is a corporation, *and because this man thinks he can et tioniethin out of it," was the remar mad.e by Ir ,Justice MaeMahon at.Osgoode Hall. Toronto. on '.Chursday roorning,, dismissing the motion of It. J. Brown, Morris township, Huron county, for an injunc- tion to restrain tlieGuelPh and Godei- ich Railway Co. from funning through his farm: - •• Negotiations havis been going on for about a year between Brown and the company in regard to the price for the; right of way, but Brown has failed in that time to make terms, and the judge came to the conclusitin that be wanted more than his land was worth. . • $10(k Reward, $100. • The readers df this paper will be glad to learn. that there is at least one' dreaded disease that • science has been able to cure in all its s ral that is Catarrh. Hall's Cate is the only positive cure now d the medical fraternity, 0' net being a constittitional disease equires neon- statutional treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct-. ly upon the blood and =cone surfOes of the system, thereby destroyirigithe foundation of the disease, and giving the, patient strength bybuilding up theconstitattien and assistiiig Patine. ID doing its awork. The proprietors have so . much , faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for an.case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. • Address F. J. CHENEY & Co:, .To - Said by all. asuggists, 75c.. • • Take Hall's. Family •PiW for consti- nation:, ' • CarytbraMolock, son pf Sir Willialn Mulock, may succeed his father, as. Liberal candidate in North York. 7 • ARE YOU 'MAKING. i2403.22 A TEAR?• It is being done '•with'inir goods. Work is pleasant, permanent and profitable. • Goods %tied in every house, every: day. , Igo fake, , and no need to create the detnand. ragiumate, reputable business. You can tart without a cent of capital. Writ to day, G. axpatseaLL'a co., Wholesale Teas, and Coffees, London, Ont. " . • Farm pir Sale. Smith half of lot 39, CO 'acres; west half of north halt, containing 25 acres, 2nd con. Tuckerembh, II: EL. convenient to church. and schoon. about 5 miles •from Clinton, 05 acres cleared, remainder in bust,. • It is all seeded but 12 sorest 3 acres of wheat, good barn 36x60 ft, with stonestabling underneath,,frame house with oa, lar arid woodsh d; good orchard; abundance of hard and soft water. Apply to 4ixtf ' IDDO ORICH, Brnoefield P.O. Dipsolution of PartneiShip. The partnership heretofore+. existing be. tween Tyndall Bros. has tbie dav been diesolyed by mutual, consent A. J. Tyndall retiring. All accoutite due the said Arm mnet he settled by Nov. .1st, and persons .holding claims against the said Arm innst send them to either partner by the same date. A... J. 1114DALL, L. T. TYNDALL, Hallett• Sept..28th,1905. •41 House tor Sale �r to Rent.. The large frame cottage formerly ocett• • pied by R. Holmes, is offered either to rent • or for sale. There is .5 parlor, sitting room, dining room, kitchen; and three boil - rooms downttaire; two bedrooms upstairs; good cellar, hard and soft water. Half. acre lot, Large shed that could easily be converted into a steal*• Just the place for a retired fernier, oratome •one wanting a commodious hods°. Spleedid location. Rented or sold on ressoneble terms. B. HOLMES, -Clinked. 2 farms ill.Sionley FOR SALE Public Auction There will be offered for sale by public auction on the premises, Lot 19, Con, 8, Stanley, TUESDAY, NOV. 7th, at 1.80 ts.m., the fellowing valuable farni kola in Stanley Township: , LOT 10; and east heir of 1,0T 20, On the 3rd Con,, containing 150 acres. This farm le Id a high State of cultivation, arid is well underdrained. There are 15 acres of good ,-hardwoed.humb- gibe barnie.a.ver-y....mocl- ' ern bank one, with water iodide, and the fatal is well watered besideeaby never -fail- ing springa. There ig Akio a good brick house. With elate root and heated by a furnace. Ale° Lot,16, on the 8r8 Con,. containitut 3.00 'woo. This farm is In every Ohio - lar firat.olass, and hat; on it about 12 acres 'of hardwood huh. There is good born and hotiso, and plenty of rennitig water., These farms are among' the best in.the County,Of Baron, situated in One of the best localities in °Amide, They are °lose RS a 6011001, ema only two miles from Brueefield village, where there is a railway station. stoma, °hutch and every eon - valence. They 'sre eight miles from Set. forth and six miles from Clinton. This is an exteptionel opportunity for any poem lookine for a good fain. Terms Nish and Will be nude known on by of sale, For farthel particnisrs apply to GPAIIAM BSc 0,, Bructileld WI° $t Purchaser wishing more lend could buy lot joining. josmiArBABEN Clinton Iloase for Sate Ten rooms, with woodshed end stable hard and soft water,more of land, oen trallylocittealenientictilare ttatilY to • NV, BEYDONE For Sale. Clinton Sett Well, Engine and Boiler 12 horse power, (oldie & McCulloo make,) ',emelt Ann other udder; therei Apply to JOHN MeGAIIVA. Farm to Rept or For Sal Lot 16, Con. 4, 11-17liett, 100 sores, near ly all under cultivation, Terme liberal. Apply to W. W. FABRAN Clinton, Mardi 22nd, 1905 Lands tor Sale 4 • • "In the far Weer Reward, Asea, Ins proyed farms for gale at *14 per sore other farms without buildings from $6 t 012 per sore, good land from one to si nules from town. Fare paid to partes infesting. N. P. °RICH, Fieward, Assis To Rent The brick cottage and 20 acres of land, lust eouth of Clinton, on the London Road and at present owned by Mrs. Frear is of- fered for rent on reasonable terms. Apply to Ephraim Butt, Clintonor Rev, W. H. Butt, Springfield. Maroh 24 tf For Rent or Sale That desirable, commodious residence, at present °peopled W. Q. Phillips, on Mary St, First class State of repair; 1-2 • sore garden, with fruit bearing trees •and Mother. Poeseesion given Oat let. If pur- chased, buyer oan have easy terms of pay. ment C/an be inspected any reasonable hour. Address JOHN ReaNSFO,RD, . . Clinton P.0 Farms for sale • • 150 (meg in 2nd Con. H. R. S. Tacker - smith (lot grind west half lot 34) with good brick house, bean, sheds, stables etc. A first class farm,. Parcels will be soldm either separate or together. For parti: 'tare apply to HERBERT CRICH, b or Brydone, .Bar:itiefterrt' , Clinton. Farm for Sale.' London Road /mile froin Clinton, about 16'2 Beres of firat-olass Linn. Rah aa. a garden, has been a stook fart% for a num- ber of year. Frarn'e house, large barns, plenty of stablinea pig house for 100 head, implement building, Possession given at any time. Owner wiabes to retire from farming.' Apply Po H. P1,17MSTREL. • Mey 19.1905 • Farm in Tuckersmith to Rent. To rent for a term of years, Lot 14, Con- cession two, L. R. S„ containing 100 acres, 80 acree•of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. This farm is situated 1 1-2 miles from Rippe)] 7 miles from Sea- TAMES CAMEBELL_LONDES.130no, forth, and 3 1-2 from Herman. This farm ea isSUBB OF mARRIAGELIOEN. SE8 is well fenced, drained, and has, first mass 1" No witnesses required bnildiegs thereon, and is one of the best farrcs in the County of Huron. For terms 'deo, applyto DoigDoig, Attorneys, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. 8-11 (Successor to Pr Jae Scott nennissTan, SOLICITOR, lie. .OLIWTO Office-Efflott Bleck, fornierly ocon ledi by Sir Scott, MONEY TO LEND . : n" s,n-aTterWE R4re 04L:I.ODIETOONRE:NO'T—A"Rp u:S101 - ()LINTON •••••••••••• ,...-..... 1.T....... •' IRIDOUT 86 HALE ...i.• ' • PONVETANCERS, COMMISSIONERS• ', Real Estate and Insurance Agent •' Money te loan •---- 0,03, EIALE, .TON RIP:AM ---- , , CAMERON ' .. formerly of Cameron; Holt & Cameron •ore_raniIanTtor Ist' AorlpproosiSte0011001IbOorInTe009;* GODERIOR, ONT - - - PROEMPOOT, HATS & 131.11114, ' Itarristera, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc'. • Offioes,-On the Signore. 2n4 door from Hama- , ton St, Clederioli,Prieitte funds to loan at e lowest rates. ' • W. PROIMFOOT, R.0., le, C. HAYEit G. 10.1itarrt • - IVIedik..alt Drs. Gunn & Gunn. Dr. W. Gunn, E. It. E r, L. It 0. his. EMU ) Dr, J. Nisbet canon, M. It. 0. S. England, L. R. E. P., Louden. - • Office -Ontario Street, 'Clinton. Hight cane at front door of office or resideece. RattenburYs Streit. • ,.. .DRs'dW'S"AW' PEr:°iAi'aift!:°Z''Asecuoheurei.,etcean•reside.noe O.tarlost.opooitnngssobure,formerlYw • 'oo • , envied by Dr. Aispleton. Clinton Ont. • • ' OR. 0.. W. THOMPSON Physician; Surgeon, Eto, ' . . . ' Office and Ftesidence- , pi i i .noiollyea:usiip:e ja.bwert.Silreaent.zigockssmNoix::731141Dtellbou; herir 0:::cii.:11:i e• re isosee;:o.::. N4E3 00:It 1 p. : . 0, ,. • F. um?. E. • join. itdiosbiTyth:Dio:icitet:naBi; • 'J.: 13. IL,UNDY, D.D.S. p Successor to me. Agnew, Dentist, • CLINTON, -." ONTARIO. . . . . . • • Office open every dayand until 10 cfoloca.;,. Saturday evening. D. II ERNEST HOLMES- ' •. DENTIST • (Successor to Dr. 2.0. Mimeo• . speciarist in crown 'and. Bridge Work• ' L, D. S.—Gradfur Royal College Dental Sur . D.D. s.g-eMit?ciatsait:: rirWinate of • tal La./ono:Lent of.Toronto Utiversite Special attention._paid to preservation of' • children's teeth. Will visit Hayfield e • I Monday. . • •• 4. •• DR; 11..FOWLER • DENTIST. • Officen over'O'NEIL'S store., . „ . Special oare taken to make dental tre ment as painless as . poeeible. Will • vi i Auburn every, illonclay. . . • . • IVIASOellarilebilS . . .., - Fa,rms tor Sale • One 9934 acre farm in thetovinship of 001- torne,,7 miles from eroded& and 9 nuiles•froin Clinton, 1 mile from•Village of Benrailerhlose to Post Office; daily mail; churches and schools. There is a good, large bank barn. baggy house, implement keine, pig pen. and ben house; a good large frame dwelling,•with ten rooms; 2 good wens, fences in 41°0 state of repair. • there ore abottt 13 acres ofpear orchard and 28 acres of apple orchard, fail and winter fruit., about 6 sense of bush. Thi q is & first-class fruit and stock farm. fall plowing nSarly all donq and five acres of wheat; balf of farm Is seeded down. PossesSion can he bad sty time. Aliso a farm of.160 acrearadjoining the above ferns ; a large, good stone house, frairie barn, horse stable, large sheep and cattle shed, ands large spring near the house. with mak house thereon ; spring runs through farm to Maitland River. Several acres of bush; farm over half seeded down and in good state of cultivation, with some '7 acres of good orchard thereon. This fame is known as Cherrydale Farm, and has 18 acres cf fall wheat, Apply to ' rane.m4nY WHITR.13eemiller, Ont. SEC Ultli IES ;FOE,. SALE Mortgage of :13276-0Q, upon' farm • lands worth 34,500; intereet 4% yearly; mortgage dtte 7 eare hence. ' • . • Stock -5 shares in People's Building & Loan Aseociation, of London, dial& made of 430/0' paid helf-yearly. • Stock- 50 shares Colonial Investment • &o Loan Co., dividends of 6%, Feld half yearly. • . These are Offered for male. Particulars may be had from W. BRYDONE, Solicitor for the holder. Clinton, May 17, 1905. " Appes Wanted. ant in the inarket to buy both Pall and Winter Apples. Highest Market price paid Clinton, A.tig a D. CANT9.40N. TheStaidard Elevator. Having leased •the Standard Elevator the ondereigoed is prepared foray the Highest crush price pd 41 W. G. SMITH. Clinton. THOMAS GUNDRY, Live stock and general Auctioneer, GODER1OH, ONT. vo.msteck Wee a speetialty. Ordere left at New RUA office, Clinton,promPtle attended to. TOMO reasonable, Partnere' salt notes discounted, Plums. liesdatisrters for Plume of choicest can. fling varieties, ready after Sept, 8111. Ilsarii and Honey, high atislity a spec. .See our nest valuels in PitillOi and Organs, • Clinton Print rani and Mnsiermporitan. • : Money • • 'Private finds to loan. at aM per cent and ttp. wards • • W. BitYDONE, JOHN W: YEO . B.OLME SVILLE. Agentfor the reasciosemsi. Fr E Aseratescri . - Co, of Manches er, England whose funds are seourity_are rated at $14,500,00P. Also this Me- , Art,r,er minuet IttstraANCE CO. A °lessee Of • farm risks and town property taken by lovvest ratee. First -e ass 101111 COMPanika also represerted. Money to be had fr salt per, • centup, armor dna o nature of gest tits. - Daily mail' Hohnesville - postal card wi fetch him • Licensed Auctioneer, The undersigned eelicite a, share of 'the pstronsge.of those wiehingao hold sales. Satisfaction guaranteed.. Moderate rater!. Apply to or addreas JAS. A. lot 18, con 16, Goderichap., Clinton P.O, MARRIAGE LICENSES • ISSDED:EV • J. B. Rumballt tYliHton.. - . MeTaggart. .11A11111 ER • • ALBERT ST CLINTON Gei!.erattrannaanokettnead Itustne•• =••••••••• . NOTE$ DISCOUNTED Notes issued. Intereocellowed on "• deposits, ' J. P. TINDALL. BANEElt, CL1NiLONI, Private funds so lotur on mortgagee at best current. ratee Geterel Banking businese transected ;rimed allowed on depositin Sale notes bought j,ez.• .The McKillop Mutual. Fire Insurance eo. Perm and Isolated Town Prop. erty Only Insured, OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Kippen; Thos Eraser,' Vice-pres., Brucefieldt Thee, E. DIRECTORS. Jas. Connelly, Porter's ',Hifi; John Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Cliaton; M. Chesney, Seaforth; J. Evans Beech - woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop:1J. Ben. newels, 13rodliagen, Each Director is inspector of IOSSee in his own locality, AGEN.rs, 1 Itobt, Srnfth,. Harlock; Ed.;.aliinchley Seafdrth; Tames Cumnailik, Egniond. ville; J. W. Yet), Holmesville, NEW CHOPPING HILL AT HOLMES VILLE In operation daily, OtletOineril can We er °Loh, fhttisfeetion ,gnsrstt%, Chop home with them. Priest right -toll 1111tOWN.eedr°Drew. e