HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-10-27, Page 1!MUT,' •",•••• •••• „ • ••, -Cosh will pay for. C • • the Clinton New: ' .Era to ,ist jolty, .. to new subSeribers ESTABLISSZD BOB= ISOLMEsehos. - isimmiliss"iroimmo"/ 8eturity Savings . . . A. 13a.nk. Account is both Desirable and Necessary. The Sovereign Bank ef Canada.. T. 111.41.1S7'0133 Clinton. Manager Alfred Decerda, a 'young Italian, walked across the continent from San Francisco to New York. on his way to ,Italy, to see a girl who promised to be hinvede, and who now has only a few more months_to live. The returns to the Provincial Board of Health for the month of September -show that typhoid fever was some- what more prevalent throughout the Province, the reports giving 278 cases and 45 deaths, while for the cones. ponding period 182. with 66 deaths, were reported Of the 233 deaths from the different infectious diseases -consumption caused 152, the number of cases reported being 153.. e g ures in September, e1904, were 144 and 158 respectively. cash will get the CNew Era to Joh 1906,to new sub- scribers. CLINTON,ONTARIO, 'FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1905, Oadis rleh Geo Laithwalte retueued last w from, Manitoba and legal& up with an attaelc of typhied fever, which he con- tracted dewing his Western trip. Another small landslide ow:erred on the 0. P. R. works across the river Friday morning which delayed tia e run- ning of the dumpcare a few hours while the track Was, being cleared, Mrs Robert Campbell, while at her household duties last Saturday, slipp- ed into the °ear and in the fall that followed, broke her right leg just above the knee joint. Thursday the injured lady was progressing favor- ably. On Tuesday last Margaret Edwards was .lodged in jail on a charge of in- sanity, °' She lived near Kintail and the arrest was made by Constable Phelan. Owing to the condition of affairs found at the home a second trip was made that evening, and the brother, Thomas Edwards brought to the jail also on a charge of insanity. AmnekENT.-A had accident Occurred at the new North street 'IkOthodist church. Isaac Gauley, & ye:thug man. of twenty-five or so,- was at.: work in- side painting the metal ceiling and fell to the basement, a 'distance of thirty- five or forty feet. The joists for the main floor of the ehurch are not very far apart .aed with the boards and other timbers around it is a Mystery how the young man got through to the basement. He had four ribs broken from the spinal Column and other injuries, including a cut on the head. 'Buy where You can THAT $50 FINE.—A, despatch from Toronto says : J. B. McKenzie, acting for the White Star S. S. Co., of Detroit, has applied to Osgoode Hall for a writ of certiorari in the case of the steamer Greyhound, whose captain was fined $50 and costs at Goderich' for selling liquor on beard.HA claims that the Province of Ontario has no control over the sale of liquor on the great lakes, and that only the Domin- ion Parliament has jurisdiction. He asks that the section of the statute. which states that no license shall be granted for the sale of liquor on ferry I the Teat lakes, the St., GoderiehToninahly-•-•,:-;- LEAN-atm.-Mr. McGavin," who has taught for the last two 'years in S. S. No. 10, is leaving to better himself. The trustees offered him an increase, but he declined to remain. They are advertising for a successor, applica- tions to be received up to Nov, 15th, Scab:nth NoTes.-Mr. Rae Dunlop had the misfortune to dislocate his Oh011kier Last Friday morning.' He slipped and fell vvhile descending the stens at his home, Mr J_._Punchard. is gazetted for the Police Magistrateship of the town of Seaforth, 'NEARLY A Fink -Mr. Robt, Goyen- lock's dwelling on James street, had a nano* shave from destruction by fire on Saturday evening. Between half past nine and ten o'cloek, Mrs, John Govenlock, of Winthrop, who was Waiting there for her husband, went out into the back kitchen, and found the flames then commencing to climb up the wall. Fortunatelyit was notic ed at that time, as a few pails of Water otieguished the blaze, whereas, a eme thinutes more. and it would have•-heen beyond control.The fire is supposed to have started from an 'Oily rag, whighhae beeteused earlier in the day for cleaning the stove. ' • • Lawrence river, or other inland waters 'The cheapest membered flat the captain Me the of Ontario. should be 'declared ultra vires,of the Province. It will be •re - Greyhound was fined the amount stated for allowing the sale of liquor . My Shoe rade on board the steamer on the moonlight excursion from this port -in 'June last T ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SA pee year hisevaere a 4L0 when not seeseei „..,,,.. .,,x1 allied.— .-_-.- ..... 444..4.•,•..t..10•111".!"'"+" ' 1 . , anniversary services of St. Andre -nes nly Cent church on Oct, 15th were a grand sue- ; V • 10 • S ST, A.moasw's CiatrIwir. -The jubilee n cess. Rev, Mr. Smith, of Hensall, who : • • was expected to take the services, was Ten Week's Trial Sub- .1 not able to do so. on a,ceount of illness. He sent, however, a good substitute, scription for ioc t Mr. Lanford, who filled his place well . . * * Presbytery, A Catechist; one must hear will be i 1 and gave unbounded satisfaction. Mr. Lanford is . a member of the London The New Era evenieg with, large congregations. The I the year, for 10 cents. Blyth. " • Nome -Mr. David Cowan has so far recovered from his receet accident that he is able to move about his helm. His many; friends are glad to know this and hepelsoon to see -him up town Rev. S./Anderson exchanged pulpits With Rev. G. N. Haien; B. A., pastor of North Street Methodist' &MTh, Goderieh, on • Sunday. Mr, Hazen. preached the anniyersark serraons in connection with Butte Methodist church. Theproceeds of Sunday and Monday were about: $100'; Mr. John Hallahan, who met With a serious acci- dent three months. ago, •when he 1611 35 feet at a barn yawing,. is now. able to drive into town. His kecor ery has been mitaculous.. . While working on at C. P. R. construction along • the. river on' Saturday last, a team belonging to Messrs Tilden & Co., contractors, accidently. lost ,their foot- ing and rolled down the embankment into the river. They became ebb:in-Feed in the harness and before they could be got out, one of thou drowned. It was one of the best horses the contract- ors had on the work. While .examin- ing the roof of his kitchen on .Friday last, Mr: Hugh McQuarrie had the mis- fortune to lose his fixating and fall to the ground, a distance of 14 feet. He was carried into the house and inedicel assistance sent for. It eas discevered. that a bone in his left thigh was frac- tured and his left ankle sprained'. He is confined to his bed,: and it Will be another two weeks Lefore. he is able to leave it. The axially friends of old gentleman are glad to knew that his fall did. not preye more serious, . is increasing with wond.erful strides. "Why is it?" Simply because I am selling good Shoes and Rubbers cheaper than any one else in Clinton Seeing is believing. Come and be convinced G. B.. BALLARD R. Graham's old stand. • -Hallett : . lebtres.-Mrs. J. Beason. of Gran ton, is spending, the Thanksgiving holidays with her sister, Mrs„. R. Corker, a the ,9th. Miss May Wallace is spending a aes, '...,-1,9ays with her siver, Mrs. T. Riddell,-/sAiburne , GoonjuoGE„-Mr, Wm. ..minuof ,Hullett was judge of a heavy draught horses at Erebro Met Week and gave the very hese satisfaction, Mr. Rinn is a horseman of high .standing and while in the ring gives all the exhibi- tors a fair chalice of coinpeting for the ' During the twelve naonths ended June 10,-1905, 886 persons were killed and 13,783 injured in railroad accidents in the United States. Comparison with 1904 shows an increase cif 11 killed and 4,123 injured among passengers and employees. There were 2,121 col- lisions and 1,535 derailments, of which 163 collisions and 168 derailments af- fected passenger trains. The damage to ca rs, engines and roadway by them accidents amounted to $2,410,671. 1/1111,11101;"' 11191" "I PHOTO prize. . • • • . Faux Soc,o,,-The Lawson farm on the 6th cone of Hallett, has been sold to Mr. Robert Lawson, of Colborne, who will not move on it for the pre- sent, as he bee still two years lease where he is. Luke Lawson, who- has been living on the farm, has gone iato• Clinton for the .winter, and will go west in the spring. , DEATHS -On Friday there died in Huljett, Miss 'Mary, daughter Of Mr.• RIM Riley, aged. 22 years, . There 'died in"Hallett; on Sunday last, the little sou Harvey, of ler. and Mrs. Dayman, -after an illness of three weeks. We are sorry to record the death Of George Thomas Tasker, aged six years and nine months, second son of Richard Tasker; of con, 3, which occerred, on Wednesday, after tour weeks' illness with peritonitis. The funeral takes place onFriclay at 2 p.m. him in order to form &correct estimate sent to any, address in ; of his splendid abelity as a epeaker. Canada for the balance of lie wee greeted both morning and This is at the rate of one tea -meeting on onday evening was a success. The ladies provided a sump -- The program was excellent, including I speeches by Rev. Messrs. Davidson at onco, and get the: full Subscribe tuous tea, for the crowd that attended. " • cent a week. and Brown of Vernal .11srhart of benefit of this very low Kippen, McNeil and Mr. °Mace, of the village, The choir of the church offer,•• ' • was ably assisted by Misses Coats Mc - Ruby Whiddou of the village, and • Rae -,,n1 Houston, of Clinton:Miss •••••••••••••!•••!••••••••40 DENTEI OF Mns HiTone,,Mrs. Luta, to whose illness reference was. made last week, succumbed to her ailment on Saturday last, at the age of '67 years. She has been a resident of the 2ed concession Or a number, of years, and was a veryhighly esteemed . wo. • tnan. Her husband, the late James Hitch, died before the family .moved here. Mrs. Hitch was •a consistent member of Ontario St. 'Methodist Church, Clinton, She leaves • two daughters, one being married, to mourn her loss... The remains were in- terred in Clinton Cemetery nn Tues. Miss Laura Richardson of Stanley, all Londehlborh of whom gave excellent solos, The Miss Lilly McCool, of Clinton, spent following sketch of the history of the Sunday at home. congregation formed a part of the Messrs Brunscton are loading a car program; _ of scrap iron this week. St. Andrew's church started its ec- • clesiastical career in the fall of 1855 as Mr. R. Brown and family .left here on an organized congregation, when Rev. Monday morning for Lloydminster. Alexander McKid, of Goderich, took Moses Brown has moved his tonsorial charge of it. as its first stated pastor.. parlors to rooms at the Temperance .Mr, Wield' was a strong preacher of House. • • the Calvinistic type, and soon gathered The G. T. R. bridge gang- are still together a band of loyal Presbyterians. here working at the bridge northo f and although 'both 'pastor and people the village, had to face and endure the vrivations tt4-4144:****tt******4474 Personal Notes 44. 4}those'having wee11/0 klies or loud* . sm. vising tiin town or going r ewer 4a•- --11 nOtIfY us of the .fact each week. wo 4. would anneenee 4 in tee New Ene. 44: g+++444446+444444++++X Mrs. Joy, of Alymer s visiting her mother Mrs. Shannon. Miss Burwell, of Port Burwell, is visiting her cousin, Miss Gonne. Miss . sther Lyon and her neice, and that usua hardships lly all to the lot of pioneer chureheer Yet they suc- Edith Grace Sampson, visited in Ash-. ' ceeded in planting a church in Bayfield field last week. that has shown ever sin& signs of life Harvey Longman has moved into and growth. eFor some time the con- the house recently. occupied by `‘Mrs. gregation worshipped. in 'a log schools Cole, owned by G. Snell. house overlooking the river, where Mr. Squire of the Roller Iltlills has Dr, Woeds" 'residence now stands. Mr, secured the services of a Miller, from Donald Cameron was the first elder. Dunville to assist him in the Mill. He is remembered as a devout Chris -Several farm. rs are hauling Sugar tian nian who took an earnest interest B.eets to tAte Station these days and Mr in the young and struggling congrega- artet is reeving home a carload of tulle pulp • tion. He and an elder from Goderich, Mr. Kidd, the post -master, constituted • • • • ' , the members of the first Meeting ofR. S. Marten returned from the c6 Session. W ith the assistanof these 'West on. Saturday and was cordially elders, Mr. McKid dispensed the first welcomed back to town . by his many communion to the congregation in the friends. . • • The Rifle Club Will hold a tourria- loft of J. Gairdner's warehouse ; this ment here on Thursday ; teams from place was chosen as it would s.ceommo- date more people than the school- all the neighboring chibs fire expected hcmse; for in those days people came to take pare Miss Haddock and Mies Ferguson left fog New Burland, N. Y. on Friday,. Miss Annie Forrester, daughter of Mr. D. A. Forrester, has returoed home. Mr. Mullin, of Athens, uncle of Ma U.. eWif,iitse, was here on a vi•tit this we • Prof. G. Chant, of Toronto Uni- • versity, is visiting his ,brother, H. 11 Chant, Miss VanEgmond, of London,fortner- iy af Hullett, is visiting friends in this vicinity. • Mr. W. Cantelon and wife will spend Thanksgiving , with their son in Toronto, • . W. B. Marr, of Aitkin, neph- ew laf Mrs, W. Wade. was here on a 'visit this weelc, • Mr, and Mrs. Russell •Manning will eat their Thanksgiving diener with . friends •in Leamington. • .1 • • . • , • St. oleph's . • Mi. Currie the centractOe, who • is building the hock at St.. Joseph, has had very rough weather to contend with as axesult not much headway has been made. A large crib was sunk last Saturday.' and the Work of filling it up Was under way, when the lake became too rough to work on it with • safety. The crib could not withstand the heavy seas and washed where badly *reeked. day. • Oonateinge The revival meetings will be con- tinued next Week, James Dale gave the young people a party on Friday evening, • The sugat beets in ' this part are all. delivered, and have turne'd out satis- factorily. - Miss Belle Farnham has returned to Chicago, after spending a few weeks visiting friends here. ' Threshing is still .going on around here Will Lindsay is having fine suc- cess with the company mill, • It is reported that the Stratford and St Joseph electric railway will be built after all. Mark the word "reported." The report says that other capitalist have taken a hold of the undertaking. This project is similar to nearly all the projects connected -with • St. Joseph they are launched at the beginning of winter and the cold kills them off by spring. • . • Note the per dozen, ° %gingham SOLD OuT, -4-Mr. Thos. Hill, formerly price .a for Cabinets of Londesboro, has sold out his hotel here, be has not yet decided what he will do. Never again will you have the opportunity to secure well -fin- ished photos at the low price we are quoting from noW till the first of the year. Just think ofit—beautiful like- nesses, with the artistic pose arid beauty of touch for which this gallery is toted—'at $2,50 per dozen for Cabinets. For family groups we quote special prices. • (pen ThanitsgiVild Day HENRY'S PHIStO STUDIO TON Sunday was missionary flak in Wingham Methodist Church, and Rev. 'W. G. Howson of Mitehell preaehed mornirig and evening. CitiotoU, -- Mr, Harry *MeOrest, Who has for some time been assistant. tra 11. Petider,Roadnatister on this division of the G, has not been enjoying good 'health' for Seine time has been. given six months leave of absence. WILL BMX MOUGAGE-Theatiniver- sary of the Methodist Church, Whig- haM, will be held Deeetnber 10th, and Rev. R Hobbs of Strathrray will be the preacher for the day. An entertain- ment will be held the following Mon- day evening, and Mr. II.obbs will per. form the ceremony of. cremating the inortage which lute been paid off,alid is now in the hands of the TrusteeS.. This Will be At most pleasing part of the program for Mr, nobbs.through whose untiring efforts the building was erect- ed. V ar ne 'Rev. Stednian and Rev. A. II. Brawn will eXCila‘PUIPIts ell Sun- 1,day nett. Quarterly eerViees Will be he d he die Illethodiet ehurch and the One of the men working at the . joseph dock witnessed a curious phen- omena during the storm .of Sunday last. The wonder was in the shape of a h age cold= of water nearly reaching. theolouds, which was inoving along the surface of the lake with reniark- able speed, accompanied by a roaring sound. It hada whirling motion, and when first seen Was far,out on the lake It gradually came:nearer and was.seen to hreak on the bank of the lake near Taylor's grove: These waterspouts are a very rare occurrence but are some- times met with hn the ricesn,when,loss. of life and property results; feom far,and near ,-to &ttend comnime Mr, and Mee.' E. Manning have .triov- iouservicee. The memberke .at %:; eci to Blyth for the 'Winter, yehete they took of , the ' first Were will make their home with their twelee in nifinber; vis i• •Nnald Cam-• daughter Mrs. B.: Mason; , eton, Mrs: Cameron, Thos. Elliott, Mrs. T. Elliott, James Gairdner, • Mrs. J; CT'airdner, Dr, Gaircinee, Alex, Vame eron, MM.. A. Cameron, Mrs. lama McDonald, D. S. Richie and Mrs. Rich- ie. Orthis group that famed' the first. communion roll, Mrs. James ,Gairdner, of the village, .is the only one living. After Mr.. McKid resigned, the congre- gation was supplied by students and probationers until the fall of 1860, 'when Rey. II, Gibson was called 'end inducted Intothe pastoral charge of Dayileld. and Varna. He resigned in. 1875, at the time of the union of the Presbyterian churches in Canada. For. fifteen years .he served the congrega- tion faithfully. He , was a ethetired, earnest preacher. Mrs. Gibson also rendered. invaluable . service to the young • people of the congregation as teacher ,and superintendent of the Sabbath School. After a vacancy of three' years, on the era Of July. 1878, Rev. Nathaniel Patterson was inducted pastor of the congregations of Bayfield and Bethany; being tbe thstpastor of ' the joint congregations. Atter a pas- torate' of five years he resigned, in 13:83. On the•llth of August, 1885; Rev, Day- id'Forrest was ordained and inducted pastor. After serving the congrega- tion for four years he resigiled. On May 27tle, 1890, Rev. R. Henderson was ordained and inducted pastor ; • at the end of two years he accepted a call to Manchester, etc. After a vacancy of three years Rev. Wm. Graham was ordained and inducted. He ministered . the congregation for four' years, when he accepted a call to Latona. The ehaege was again vacatt for twa years, when Rev. Mr: McNeil -was in- ducted on the 9th of May, 1901. ° in brief, fifty years ago, and in the said log school -house, St. Andrew's congregation : wes born with a mem- bership of twelife, and although the little one has not become a thousand, yet the little one has been steadily growing until now the membership is. 130, 54 of which have been added dur- ing the present pastorate. • The elders that served the congre. within in Mr. Gibson's time were Mal- eolin Smith, Charles Tough, Hugh Bannerman, CharlesShavy and Andrew Wilson, Subsequently there were added Dr .Stambriry, Charles Symons, Wm. G. Huston, John 17ilhidden, Jun Frazer, James Donaldson, Jas. Camp- bell and Donald McKenzie.' • Besides the Session there are the fol- lowing organizations : W. P. M. S., Of which Mrs. (Dr.) Staribnry is presi- dent, ar Mission Band with Miss Gaird- ner as president, a Ladies' Aid of which Miss Armstrong is president. a choir with Miss Minnie Armstroeg as leader and organist, and a Board of Managers of which• T. Brownett is chairman. ,Brueatielit, Miss A. Sewers is visiting her sister, Mrs. liornick, of Tilbury. •' Frank O'Neil, Clinton, and daughter,' Miss Belle, visited in our village last week. 'F,d. Colwell hes returned from Re- gina. He is siifferingsfrom a slight at-, tack of typhoid fever, from which it is. hoped he will soon recover. On Saturday afternoon last the Mis- sion Band held. its closing meeting for the season. 'Miss Wilson,„ of Clinton, was present, and gave a very -interest- ing address to the children. After the meeting, all present enjoyed a very sumptuous lunch in the church. The Band, will& has been under the lead- ership of Miss Jennie Bell, has done good work during the summer months, On Wednesday of last week an im- portant ceremony • was performed at high noon at the home of .Tarnes Mc- Gee, by Rev. Mr. Brown, of Varna, When his second daughter; Miss Ella, was united in marriage to IVir, judge, of Toronto. After the ceremony the guests sat down to a sureptuous din. neri to which all did Justice, after Which the time was blithely spent in social intercourse, all being Merry within doors although the rain fell out of doors. The presents were inany and very handsome, showing the es. teem in which the young bride is held, We trust the happy cenple may have - a long and prosperous journey togeth- er through life, Legal Note. CL1N Quatterly Board at Varna on afternoon, Mrs. Hall and daughter Bags Litiu, of Orangeville, - are visiting Mrs. Shannon, Victoria Streets . Mrs: }lodger's, Albert Street, and daughter Miss . Edith, will spend Thanksgiving Day in Toronto'. • • Mrs • W.: B. Smythe and two child- ren, of Lansing, Mich., are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. • Shannon. The wife of Rev. J. W. 'Holmes (mother of Dr. Holmes). was the guest of Mrs. W. Doherty, fur a day or two. Mrs. Walter' Cole and little daughter goes to North Bay this week to loin her husband,where they. Will -"spend some time, in' hunting. • Mr; Will White,..of Winnipeg., faints orly:with S. Davis, arrived here on Fri- day. having come east Owing to the iilnees of his sister, Nese Louie White: Mr. Foley', Manager of the Dominion Poultry Station,•Bowmaxeeille, was in town last week. He had come west to see how the station at lielmeeyple as prcgreSSinff- ' JUST ARRIVED, New. stock of Chamois Vests Chest Protectors, AND. Chamois Skins See them at REEKIE'S • Drug Store. N.B.-White Pine Compoinatle with Euceayptol and al enthol, cures coughs and colds,' 250 per bottle, pounty Clippings Mr, M. Brown is 'duly installed e- .L O ,• . proprietorand manager ethelonee cott, Howick, enentered eeeelalHoteltriaelerawilrwildcat otenfghtiastweet goocaeeonnodatioi4mmtrate: E. Littlefair, Belgrave,• has Sold Nevi Sdverdseule*.nts... Bay where the clivapest".-Bal1ard....42: PhOtese$2. 50, per Az. -H,B, Henry," Chamois vests -R. P. Reekie. Holidarbarbitius-W, Girl wanted -airs. Murray •--A-- Piano for sale.:-NEw „ Coal stove for sale -41E w Erta..• • Notice, -Anthony Lawson •4s: Berkshire boar -APpelton Teacher wanted- J. Thompson 4 Sonaething to say -T. H. Squire •4 We are quitting -Newcombe .... 4 More Ladies Coats a McKinnon & be, Our record be ten - 'Hellyar. Astro-Physie -Mrs, De J - Tull of clothing -.I W Newcombe.5 Puri tau under ware- Tozer & Brown Fur Coats- Hodgen Bros . . ... Ladies new coats -}lodgen Bios Dried •apples wanted- theatelon Brae S •The wind last week was 'too strong for Mr, Joseph Manning's windmill and • it requiree.e0heiderable repairs on ac- count of the,steength of the gale. Mr. Thai Sampson, aceotepanied, by his sister Edith; arrived home on Mon- day' from Devonshire, .England; he will resume this position as seetion foreman this week. • 1•1••••*•• WEDDINO.-We notice the marriage of G. E. Gray, A. B., M. D., to Miss. Grace Belle Raymond, of Lansing, Mich., took plaee on the elev,enth hist, house and lot to Mr. Geo Solar ot East Wawatio.shk forthe sum of' $1200. NV. Baviden, Exeter, left for Erig- Tiftid.this week to make . another par:- chaSe of horses. - This will be his • 26th trip to the old land. • John T. Strachan has., been re-en- gaged as teacher in S. S. NO. 10 Grey, for the in -coming' year . oe 1.900; • at a good advance in salary, Mr. • Herman Bender has sold his farm on the • Babylon title, Hav, .to Th. Z,kch Disjarainsa, of. , Stephen for at the above place. The groom is. a $4700.00. Theft:tem ceneprises..9a awe. Hullett boy :of the thirteenth. • We extend Our congratulations. ORtliton.- e anniversary service in the Methodist church were well at- tended; instructive , arid appropriate sermons were given' in the morning by Rev ; Mr. Kerr, of Clinton, and the pastor in the evening.. A. quartette formed by Misses Manning and Mc- Cool and Messrs Cole &ed. Manning gave a selection in the evening, which was highly appreciated. On Thursday at 2 p. m. Union Thanksgiving meet- ing will be held in: the Methodist Church: the collection at the meeting_ will be in aid of. the Sick Children's Hospital. Remember' the Thanksgiv- ing dinner in the Methodist Inarch. lAikr OLio REsnanim-After twenty. two 3rears! faithful services as- High Court Treasurer of the Canadian Order of Forresters, Mr. John Neelands, ot Brantford has retired and has been pre- sented with a very beautiful and cost- ' ly cabinet of silverware, The presenta- tion Was. mad e in Occident Hall, Toron- to, by Mr. D. Allan Of Grimsby, High Vice -Chief Ranger of. the Order. _Mr. Geo. Faulkner, of Brantford, 'High Coda Secretary, and Mr, W. D, Earn- gey;Toronto, member of the Executive Committee, with many other promin- ent members of the Order, were also present- Mr. Neelands is aformer resi. dentof Londesboio, where, he carried on business. Township of 1V1Aillop v. Plow). - W. E. Middleton, for plain tiffe, ap- pedod from order of lotticonbridge, 0. J., tlittOd Mtli October, 1005, dismissing appeal by plftintiffs from order of boil Judge on a motion for fuller and better particulars. J. 0. Makins, Stratford, for defendants, a firm of contractors, contra, 'Upon counsel for the defend- ants undertaking to limit the charges of misrepresentation set otit in the third and fourth paragraphs of the statement of defence, no order made upon tins motion except that costal thereof and of motion below be eosts in tiler cause. The NIAV EM tO Unitary lee, 10e. -Many friends syeepa,thlze with Mr. and Mrs. Finlay McIntosh, of Mc- Killop, in the lose of their only son, aged 4 yeats, which occurred on Tues- day last. The death took place on Thursday last of Mr. John McCrae, Brussels. Ile had been a resident of this place fer a great many, years, and was very high- ly respected. He was in his seventy eighth year. • Benmiller 1Vliss Mebel Straughat spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Scott, of Clinton, lis been the. guest of Mis§ Grace Stewart during the nest week. - • ' Mrs. A. S. Gledhill returned to Kin- cardine last week, after spending i few weeks visiting friends n this lo- cality; Miss Jennie Stewart left last week on a' visit to friends in Wood- stock and other points'. Auburn We understand that Charles Asqiiith, son of Inspector Asquitn, who has been 1 eaching school,. intends' taking up the study of medieme. Work has commenced on a new church for the Dovercourt Presbyter- ian congregation in Toronto, of which Rev. Jas. Wilson, formerly of %Vest Virewanosh, and brother of John Wil- son, Auburn, is the pastor. The new church le to cost $33,000 and will have a seating capacity of one thousand. Ituring_Mg. 'VVilson's short term as pastor, the DCWirclitter -chtirah---hat - nettle great progress, the membership having increased by about one hun- dred. A Seaforth paper says ..-The har- vest home services held hist Sunday and Monday in the Egniondville Pres. byterian church were the most success- ful in the history of the chnreh. Tbe services 011 Sunday conducted by Rev. Mr. Small, of Auburn, were largely attended, The reverend gentleman preached two very instrnetive and interesting sermons. • Stanley NOTES - Mr. and Mrs, John Steck- ley, of the Bronson Lite, Stanley, mourn the death of one of their twins, tii.„ the age of about two ninths, which sad event took place on Wednesday. There died at the home of Mr. James Boyce on Saturday, Oct. 7th, the little year-old child of Mr andMrs McCorkin- dale ; the remains were taken to Lon- don on Saturday evening to be inter- red , Mits, McCorkindale and children had'heen visiting for the past month at the home of her father. We' nee sorry to hem, that Mr. Itiehard,Pen- liale_laon,the sick _ . Sautes Wylie' and wife, of Turn - berry, are visiting dia acquaintances along the line this week. Joseph McCully and his siste .1. Mary Jane, arrived in Brucefield on Monday evening. Theys•liare had a somewhat extended tour, visiting in Colorado, Alberta, Assiniboia Manitoba. end in parts of Ontario. Mr, McCully has taken up land in the Moosejaw distriet. NV illiam McEwen returned this week from his visit to Manitoba, ,Mr. H. A. Dorrance, of McKillop. who is at present teaching in school, section No. 3, Hibbert, has been en- gaged as teacher in a school near the. village of Atwood for next year, at an increased salary. There are seven surviving brothers of the Leech family formerly of Gor- rie and Bluevale, whose aggregate ages sum up to live hundred -and thirty- seven. Two of them are Methodist ministers, and. all are members of that denomination. Mr. Sam. Latta, who was principal of the Zurich Pablo School for many years, and who moved to London from here, where he has been principal of one of the schools since. hits decided to move out West, where he and -his brothers have taken up it large tract of land. •. Mrs. James Rttgin, who lives near Dash wood, recently completed it quilt of the log -cabin variety, containing five thousand nine hundredand ninety- nine 'pieces. 'The working of the quilt, needless to say, has taken an immense amount, of labor, and when lb is known that the lady is now advanced in years „the accomplishment of the task be- come all „the more noteworthy. .Thirty four years as an hostleg is a record that is probably unequalled in. Canticle, yet such is the time served' in that capaeity lay Mr, James Harvey, of Exeter, who on Monday retires to his farm in Stephen Township for the balance of his term of life. That the people whose horses he cared for re- eognized the value of his services will be seen when it is knownthat with his earnings during those years he purchased a fine 150 aore Win in Step- hen and carries it bank book. 'Anyone wishing to purchase goatt Wive an oppor- tunity heg,‘a.stm7th: 7.04e10.1.ot,:.Qe. Foundry, on Saturdey; • T It is reported at Winnipeg that J. 11111 will do it lot of railwaybuilding in the West, including it line to Hudson's Bay. A 00113810u took place in theSt. tatw0 rence betvireerAlie steamers Duplienila and TordeMrk'old, Roth vessels arriv- The Official Gazette announces the appointment of the county judge, elerk of peage, and registrar of deeds, in a minber ceZ counties, to act as a eoirimission of the peace. The folloW- ing counties and districts are provided for' Algoma, Druce, „Carleton, Duf- ferin, Elgin, Essex, E'rontentte, Grey, Italdimand, Halton •Dastin itturon, ed.at Quebe At a damaged condition, ,Onto,rio,Storniont, Duncln.s, i1engarry. A Charming Picture 13ar ains Only al.liout six weeks until Chritrrtai! Are you get- ting ready for the holidays. , Can we help you by atietitig• leo lbs. Patios Family •, Flunk _ (none hetter) for ... . $ 2,50 20 lbs. RSdpath's granulated Sugar ....... . . 100 4 lbs. best selected Raisins.; ..... 250 17 lbs “ ' . 1.00 4 lbs best cleaned. lorteets , . 2.50 17 lbs " " " . . . .. 1.00 New PEELS (Crosse & i3lackwell's) Lemon; Orange and Citron NUT:8 Filberts; Almondo, Wal- nuts , 8he11ed Almonds* and Shel- • led Walnnts. New Figs; per We ' are., not selhng Out, neither leaving :town, bxit are out fOr a busy time -I THE IjUB GROCER, O'NEIL A sample copy of the new premiunt pleturo issued by the Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montrealhas come to hand, . It is certainly a deeid- ed change from their pictures of formet years, and ft, changethat will be appre- ciated., It is entitled '"ianeen Aim»). dra,,Her Grandchildren, and Dogs," a `Inost- aliariffingififdttittrestingstibleetr It portrays Queen Alexander on& visit to the Kennels. Accompanied by her , •grandchildreu, The picture of the Queen and the children is an exeelleut one, and the handsome collies and hounds aro so liferike that one falls in love with the picture at onee. All sub. scribers to that great weekly Will re- ceive a copy of this beautiful picture, site 22 x28 inches, absolutely free on receipt of $1 for a years' subscription. The publishers of the blandly Herat& have else 'salted. this year a book of ina anense value to &mime, " It is entitled "The Variner's Mantial and Veterinary Guide " The book is said by cOmpet ent atithoes to be the best of the kind ever issued. it cannot be bought, inn can be had free on conditions which may be had on application at this office Or by writing to the Family Herald anc! WeeklyStar, Montreal, . • • Our stot.,•k of drugs,' etcwill, a1way4 be found fresh and up-- to-date in every ..branch, and we invite you to give us a Call if you wish td -procure anything usually found in a first-Olass drug store. H.% eemBs Chemist and Druggist. Headaches. -Cured. • - Nirseity,per cont. of • iheedaehesore caused • We era* perroutnentlr ittleb e•th hottdaChe, with glasritts. If we fail we WM re* fund your itntilney.