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The Clinton New Era, 1905-10-13, Page 5
0 0 0 0 0 Oct 18th, 1905 k incorporated by Act el Parliament gigs. Capital Paid. Up.„„ , .........$3,000,000 Reserve Fund $3,0oo..,000 Wnf• Moz soN MseenzesoN, President. B, R. Ewltle, `Viee•Pxeeident, • JA.A148 IiiLLIor, Gen. Manager. FARMERS' SALE NOTES cashed or °collected. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain, ` rnited Stateli, and alb Foreign Countries. bought and sold at best rates,' DEPOSIT RECEIPTS issued and higlxeet current rate of interest al- lowed. ADVANCES MADE to Farmers, Stook Dealers, and Business Men at lowest rates and on .most fa' iorabie terms. Forty-eight branches in the Dominion Agents all over the world. SAVINGS i1BPA.RTMENT. • Deposits of Ate and upwards received. Interest allowed from date of deposit. compounded half•yearly and added to principal June nth and December Seat, Highest current Rate. CLINTON BRANCH . , New Combe Block. H, C. BREWER, Manager. 4 41 Come on.!: Come on. Let 'Em All Cone ! • Having got our new Fall and Winter Goods in, • we are prepared to supply you • with 'Suits, Pants and Overcoats at bottom prices: Suits at $10.00 and upwards Pants at $3.00 Overcoats • at $.10 Ready-made Overcoats $5 and up as as Suits . $5 Fit, style and quality second to :none. •� MORRELL = 8 .•J,tQLAt&, LCNDESBORO , MoKINNON & O0.,• BLYTH Now.. FOR a IJSKININS Our stock of New Fall Goods is now almost complete in everydepart'. went. The most of our goods were contracted for•months ago before the advance in price of wool aiid cottons, which puts, us in a, position- to. quote very low prices to close cash buyers. Below you•wili find a few quotations, which will give yon an idea of what yon .uiay expect when you visit .this store. Grey Cotton, fine even thread, regular price 5c, for 4e. Gvey Cotton, good weight, yard wide, regular 7c,• for Sc. Flannelettes, rill ends, from 5 to 10 yards each, in dark' and Iight fan- cy stripes worth 7c per yard for 5c. Flannelette Blankets, grey and white, in three sizes, worth $5e, $115 ., .. and $1.50, for 75e, 95c and $1.25. Ladies' Fur Neckwear, in Ruffs, Caperines, :Scarfs,: Boas, Stoles, Etc., in all the new designs, from $1.25 to $20. Children's White Bearskin Coats, in all sizes from $2 to $4, Misses Cloth Coatsin navy green and black, atcloserices.. Men's Cloth Caps, with fur ear coverings and -Ozer, at50e and ;a5 ,c•,. Ladies' Cloth Caps, the latest American style, very special; 50c. Ladies' Cloth Mantles, new styles, in fawn, at $10 and $12.50.• King Quality Shoes for men, and• women, at $2,50,• $3 and $8,502 Boys' Standard School Shoes at $1. $1.25 and $1.50. Lad 'es', Misses and Children's 1Shoes.an a great variety. DRESS GOODS -Our Dress Goods department is now full to oyer• flowing with all the new designs and weaves.. We take the lead in •this line as usual, Priestley's.Dress Goods always in stock.. --ate A Smart Boy Wanted to Learn the Business MCKINNON IiTlneofP Peace re .. p dare for War. The cold weather is sure to come, sooner or later; . Now is the time to make your selections of Stoves; we havea full assortment of. all the leading lines. Happy Thought, National and Pandora Ranges, with and without reservoirs. Empire Garlands, McClary's Famous, Bucks' Prize and the celebrated Radiant Home, Base Heaters with and 'without ovens. We have several new patterns srriall Coal Heaters this season. Call and See our Stock. Aluminum Oil Heaters. Just the verythingfor. this season. when this eason of the year, . the comfort, convenience, and economy of a first class • Oil Heater will be apparent, one takes the Autumnal Chit off the air of the room rendering the too early lighting, of a Stove or Furnace unnecessary, invaluable tor an 'invalid's Room, has no unpleasant features to hatever and costs about one cent -per, hour to operate. Jiariancl;. Bros: stows and Hardware. .1. 8. hoover. RNIB Neeson 'Bali Every branch hi our line is complete, youcan' get.. any article produced at this store.: • Our Prices bring The Trade, Our personal supervision goes with every chase and satisfaction is guaranteed, t 1.1N1361? r.R AKIN Night or dothilha promptly attended to (neo THE CiiITTON NEW EPtA W.11. lit 1.11YAR One Distinguishing. Feature of our Watches ANb Clocks Is that they LAST A full and well assorted stock always on hand They are accurate time- keepers Low in price .rC+�J54Wwwu A :•Cell Solicited.' Old Watches taken in part payment for new ones; jeweler and Optician 41111111111111114 tat. Attatrtionuata Stove for Sale. Parlor Cook Stove;: coal, in good condi- tion, Will be sold at a 'bargain.. • GEO. POTTS, Clinton. Brooch Lost, Agold Brooch.' some place. between Wil-: lis Church and Clinton Cemetery. Pinder will be suitably rewarded by leaving same at NEw ERA. A Caretaker .Wanted; For the Clinton Collegiate institute. Salary $250 a year. •. Applications received until October 31st, A. schedule of: duties may be. seen¢, by proepeotite applicants at the Secretary's office. 141. D. "MoTAG GART, "Sec'y • Court of Revision. Notice is bereby given that a Court will be bald, pursuant to the Ontario Vetere' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4• 4 4 4 0/mgo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) . 0000 KS., •• 0 O O• 0 • 0•• 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 4494.44©4. 4!40.4•Q•.o4440044444000004444 Q; ,,* YOU WILL SAVE: MONEY BY BUYING YOUR GOODS HERE, s Than Cost. . READY.TO-WEAR SKIRTS LADIES' COATS, CURTAINS, CA RPETS, DRESS' GOODS, CORSETS, MEN's FURNISHINGS, HATS AND CAPS, ETC or the balance of this nnonthwe will run a TRW IOT SALJ' of the following In g 1 r>les. some Cases we are cutting tete price right in two and none less than one third off regular egoist prices, • We have had a very successful season and to show our appreciation to our many, patrons we are going to give for the•balance of this month values that nothing but a visit to ouir store can conte... vince.•you of,: wa Ready -to -Wear Clothing• 4 Black, navy and grey Cheviot Ready -to -Wear Skirts, :4 lengths 38 to 40, from $2.50 up to $6, at 4 , Exactly Half Price • Black Sateen .Underskirts erskirts O } • s0 4 J. sP • Odd -lines of Ladies'.Black Sateen Uiiderskirtg, made of good:quality black sateen, well made, -good- style, regular $1; for 70c.: Also gdcU.ines ranging in prices from $2:00 to $2,50, to go at Half Price, ,,� ®<> Dress Lengths 0 0 0 a We have 'aid out. for easy selling `25' Dress .Lengths 4 of. Tweed arid Colored Cashmere, from $4 to $S a dress" o length, to go at Half Price, .Men's Fancy Shirts 75c 4 Ten dozen Men's Fancy Shirts soft and stiff iif .fronts,• 4. all sizes, regular $1, : for 75c, 4 Men's Fancy �. Shirts 5Oc Ten•dozen Men's and: Bos FancyShirts' .all .siies ra y i 4 regular. 75e, for SOC.' • 0 0 0 0 0 4 Shirts Den's o r ad Men's Black-, Sateen orkingSher 04 •is made of good quality of black •gip teen, �vel.l Tilade, regular' X. For'- 75c'< 444.4 CAPCI��r�,,,�,�,t ,/� 0-�rye U 4.•4a• OtiriAPFAitMle 4 4 0 0 4 Crom,pton'e Corset -:A few styles of Cronipton's Celebrated Corsets in drab Qg colors, regular 50c:. For thia sale only €35u. • a Toadies' Shorto Cows • -- Ladies' hip length ` Coats in f lwn and .black; last ...year's styles,.regular 4..�aO .to 8, while they last:$l 00 ... ,' .Uu on wand Wool Carpets Naw is your chance to buy a = good carpet cheap.4 . 'T• hree ;patterns of Union carpet, regular 40c for 25c 0.4 •Four patterns; regular 50c for: 35c • s" Twelve•good patterns•2-ply Wool •carpet; 4 lk. regular 80c for 50c .4 0 Four good patterns of the beat three-ply woo] • Men's. J Hat Going out of the. Men's Hats and: e- ery or,e must be - cleared out. Your choice oaf ;our up -to -d ite stockTE'..:42 Men's and .Boys' Soft and'S:tiff•Hats -at Cost :Price: Ordered•Clothing regular ,$i,10 for $5c.-. o , 4 Your, choice of fiftesl O i. atteri�s'of good r l? ... �, . Scotch Thy sods acid Black and Bine Serge fit, liii i; s and - 4 �,, g i l workman-. , ship guaranteed., -• Conde earl•y and get .first : choice, o reaulai `$18 said $20, for $14 00. 4 .4.'4.,4•do'4:o0'�•>44a `. O���aC;� 0 o�o• .. • � ., � ,� � .� . 4 4: -, 4 0' 4 : 4 G� pOH aQAq . � eJ� a ®Ct Ce o : • :• 0 ®s o •' ..: . Lists Act,. by His Rotor the'Jadge of the CountyCourt.of the County •�.:�.1..3 .t , n � r af. Huron, at �/r .. the TOWN HALL : GLINT +y ON; on , » t s OCT.• ,r(',45 �':;; e , ;. T. $th; . I�30f , at 10 i / . /7" ... _'�/�(....-ti ,' f�j o'clock a.m.,' to hear na determine the � _ -... ''"_ "„'' t- '� several e o �sr _�. • y sal complaints of errors and omies>one. � yC1��2ttiro, o1j�,!. Clintonin the fors 1905; List of All Municipality &having i3ur• attenaane at our FailOpeningwae.ffva P g tainesas gr. at ae that of a year ago.. This faot ), business at the Court are 'requested to al- sneaks for itself, Write fur, iiiago,ncer cata- Itend at the said tithe and place lesue Enter :IOW Dated at Clinton, the:19th day of e0/0 ,to" Car, Yonge and 1N, J. ELLIOTT bet. 190, g Alexander bts e Principal. ,f + D. L. MAf�PHER ON, • u, f � te Town Clerk, Farms for Sale One 99k acre farm in the Township of Coli borne. 7 mile's from. Gloderieh and 9 tulles froth •Clinton, 1 mile from Village of Bo:miner. erode • to Post Office; daily mail; churches and schools. There is a good, large bank barn. buggy house, implement house, pig pen and 'hen house; a gSott large frame dwelling, with ten rooms; 2 good welts, fences in goad - state of repair. iers are about 13 acres 4f pear orchard and 28 ad°res'of apple orchard, fall and winter fruit, about Cadres of bush,: Thki is a first-class fruit and stook farm fall plowing a -arly all don and five acres of wheat; bait of farm le seeded' down. Possession can' be had any time. • Also e. farm of 100 acres, adjoining the above farms; a large, good stone house,. frame barn. horse stable, large sheep and cattle shod, and a large spring near the house With .milk house thereon spring suns through farm to Maitland Rivera Several acres of bush; farm over half seeded down acid in good state of cultivation, with some 7'laero, of good orchard thereon.. This farm is known es Cherrydalo Patin, and has 18 scree of fallwheat. ,Apply to Two fishing tugs which vaere opera ring ant Canadian waters :on Lake Erie were seized hy the United. States rev- enue•cu.tter1%torrill �. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. This srali advertisementrep-- resents oneof thelar estand hest colleges in Canada. No school in the Dominion does.xnore for its students than we do. To our' . knowledge not one of our gradu- ates is unemployed. ` We get far more applications than we can meet. You may enter at any. time. Write for our catalogue. MRS. MAR 'WHIT13.13enmiiler, Orb 1. f' ELLIOTT IIICI.AGn LThN •�. •�N�� ♦�N�. ♦rN�♦ ♦�♦.�♦ ♦�N�N�♦ 4 • ._ • 4=. 4: Ell4. 0 MAR.E. ROOM for fa11 goods we will for _ the next 0 clays offer Men's, Women's,. Boys' and Misses Boots, Shoes -and Slippers at the N♦♦ yN,♦ ♦♦! ♦♦• ♦♦N♦1 ♦♦N•♦ ♦•N•N•N•M•N♦♦.•N•N•1 ♦♦♦ 1.1 ♦•♦ 1♦1.♦1 ♦•♦ 1•♦ 1•. ♦♦44N41 Clearing Sale obts and Shoes ♦ 4=. 4_• 44. 4. 44 a• ,4 4.. 4=4 4=. ' Oji 4=4 the following reductions iii's Kid Gaiters worth 12.20 dna *2 50, . ' sale price. t5 ,, rabies Button Boots, worth front $0.00 to" $4.00, now going at The same lines in size 2l at $1.50• Ladies% Oxford and. Strap Slippers in sixes 2 , 3, ` +31�, worth *LSO. 51.715 and $2,O0, n now selling at '' 1.0 Misses' Laced.Bbots, pat, tip, @ties 11 to 2 Co go at 080 toys' School Boots worth 1$11.51, for (Slightly•narroW in toe) $125 'This is a Money Saving Opportnnity, - _4 ^_...W +4 :�yli � �:. i�YllaW,iYrW'rWrir.Yi...w J.�1 �a..Y•ur.yr� ,,... t.... -"' .f* -,i,, 9�,�..-y���.44,4,444400440+, � �.1�,/.� �, ,� M.AIy1/ X47. .. .0- +.44, ,444'•♦t is'.47..441401.404:01404+:••:•4444.44•:+t••••:4:4:4 $3.0 . _ 6: $500 . ORS ON SUIT P f you heed a SUIT organ OVERCOAT this fall we can save you from $3 to $5.orthyaur.purchase. : We must clear out':' every dollar's � wor- th of 1i'weeds Etc., the ., In storey If you: do not wish to..' have :a made... suit • . up we will sell you` a suit length no twoybu g [ • wo alike]and;can have it h Imtade ;later. : This is :a chance :.. youto' • seldom get buy cloth at • less prices than the wholesale people ask. s Lis T----------- $19 ANI)/$20 Overcoats made to $15 00 your nicasure foie ...... . W�� have a limited number of dark navy arid. black Bea- ver Overcoats that sold at• $18.00 to $20.00, made' to your measure •with first-class linings and workmanship, for 4 .... , . ,Y 4.95 • 10 only Overcoat4engths in black, navy, brown, grey, stn oo-. th finish frieze. All wool .goods and can't be beat for wear. These coats'are never made for less 40 than $14 & $15. Leave your measure for one • only Fall.Orercoating •in black, grey and navy. Thesela ` cloths are the finest We have for fall overcoats and are the best values to be had anywhei e at the re - gulag price cif $15. 'Made to your owlet at ll•/ 6 0 e s. We have still a good assortment of the Suits we advertised last. week -but don't put off ordering till the best ones are gone, Imo" -This sale will contlntle till.. every dollar's worth is sold- .* 4444444444444-1444444441444++++4414444444144.44 Thew