HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-10-13, Page 41.0
Oct, lath, 4905
A Few Plain Facts About
Newcombe's "Leaving=toyvn ale"
The fact of the first day's sales being greater by several hundred dol-
lars than the total of the best week's business in Clinton,
demonstrates, beyond a doubt, that the people appreciated
the Bargains offered.
The fact that the stock is a very large one means the reduction in our
prices must be genuine and generous, if we, wish to acbom.-
-plish our purpose, viz: sell out the entire stock in the short-
est possible time, and hand over the key of- the store to the
Landlord: . s. • '
The fact that when we decided -t� leave Clinton, we had bought and
placed into stook our entire Fall purcha3ing of ,Millinery,
Mantles, Dress Goods, Furs, etc, means that the people who
buy here during the next few days, secure their goods. at
Who'esale Prices. -7 --All we want is our money back.—We re 10;!V!.(iI:
G. B. Ballard
The gilt!. t.i) NeW Epa
Single 70are
000(1 goiter October Oen to Noyember 7th,
inclusive to
Muskoka Lake. Lake of Bays, Magnetewan
Myer. midiaud, Penetang, Liseelield. Au sta
°thins Argyle -ko-Clehocona, Lindsay to litt113.
swum, bower!' to North Bay. All points in
Temegami, ont.'& N. 0. Ry, points on North-
ern Niv. Co. (Georgian Bay and machine Div.
bleu.) also to Blom Re. merit and Port Arthur
via N. N. Co.
G00t1 going October loth, to Noe. 7th.
To points mattaws to Poet Arthur tD01116117e.
An manta ve,adretarningentilDecember 9th.
Special one way Colonist fares.
To points in
British.Columbia. California,_ Coloraio,
Mahe, Montana, orogen, oteh,
Wrehington, eta,
Going daily iiutiIOotober 81st,
For tickets andfull information call oU
F. R.Iledgens. grown Agent
His wife haebeen on the lookout for
him ever since his disappearance, and
she went to Greenwich, on Monday,
and identified him. She will try to
have Daly released on a plea of in-
sanity and take, him' back to Toronto.
In order to get purchasers for the
farms Daly wept abinad and spent a.
fortune trying to induce emigrants to
go to Canada, instead of South Africa,
He once said that he had enough busi-
ness on his shoulders ,. to ineke a
thousand men. insane. Daly. disci?,
peered seven years ago and returned
to Guelph nine months later dressed
in•rags. When he finally left home
Ave years ago Mrs. Daly supported
herself and their son by teaching
music and spent much time hunting
for her husband, filially believing him
dead. His business in Guelph is Still
unsettled because of inability to get'.
his signature.
• ,1
Located at Last.
A_goo4 many farmers( in the county
of Huron, and in this particular
locality, have reason to remember J.
J. Daly, of Guelph, who bled them for
various amountee He waspublisher
of The Canadian Farm Advertiser, and
had agents all over Canada ecuring
contracts from farm owners, who
agreed to pay him commissions for
sales and so much at the end of three
ear, even even if the sale was not made.'
These agreements became records, and
he made rnoney so feet that he has
gone crazy over it. One year he Made
$200,000. He disappeared six years
ago, since whi,h, timeall trace of
him was lost pail he was discovered
aLt Gireentvich, Connecticut; on „Mora
day,.of this week. Daly was arrested
in Greenwich, while trying to work it
get -rich -quick scheme on James Car- t
miclaa.el, a carpenter, who had agreed
with Officer Talbot to be a victim for
the purpose of finding out what Daly
was doing here.
New Advertisements.
Less than cost, Tozer & Brown 5
Worth Saving, J W Newcombe, Co,, 5:
Boots Se Shoes, Jas. Twitchell 5
131g Bargains, McKinnon & 0o....... 5
In Time of Peace, Harlaud Bros., .... 5
Stove for sale, Geo. Potts 5
Brooch Lost, New Era . , 5.
tiaretaker Wanted, M. D. McTaggart 5
Court of Revision, Town of tainton., 5
Femis for Sale, Mrs. Mary'White.. „ 5
A feW plain facts, Newtombes , 4
Corp t samples, laodgen 'Bros ..... . $
Two Great Coats, `7` . 8
not looking for profit.
The fact that in the City- of Niagara Falls, Ont., we have bought a
large stock and leased a store for a term of years, means we
POSITIVELY MUST 's -ell -out all our stock here betore leav-
ing town.—No reserve; everything goes.
FRIDAY, 18, 100,5 Tindall Holliday of Guelph was fined '
$30 for g.iving a drink of beerto a tetra -
Religion Should not be ' ster at his brewery. • .
• _
Considered. ___ At Peterhoro Assizes the grand jury
— found a true billagainstChas. Gow for
The Blenheim News -Journal sayS : - the shooting of the Hill boy.
The Globe wouldbe serving its country The three-year-old daughter of Jas.
equally well if it advised". school trus- W. Harkness, of Sarnia, was buined
to death through .setting her clothing
on fire. ,
George Dennis. Ewart Bell, George.
Bowers and Thomas Wilson were com-
,mitted for trial at Ingersoll, charged
with the murder of Isaiah Wright.
The fact that every line of goods we have in stock (except spool tperees,:i.orterstate Protestant or Catholic
Cotton) is reduced in price from 15 to 3.5 per dent., is..proof 'thireirlie!,:s.1,grhel'ubd:t.`ter:veattt:h7i
"• ' '
positivethatNeWoombe.s"Leaving Town Sale
wil-r-p- .a .
money -Maker for thousands of people in and around Clinton
during the next few weeks. : " • •
See that you get your share
would not allow Many Roman 'CathOlic
teachers to be engaged in Protestan t
schooli, The Nsw ERA has alvrays be
lieved , that the. question of religion
should not enter into the engagement.
• of a teacher. „ they have all the
' other, que,lifica.lins, the fact that a
eacher happen d to be a Roman
of the good things-
. Catholic should not .for a moment
• ' • • • stand in the way Of their engagement
an a Protestant•shool. Teachers have
. , little.eraimpportunity of biasing tteir
scholars on religious point•s, and there-
", fore, the matter Should not . be con-
sidered at all..
• ,
• Your inouci back '
if Ton want it.
Rev. Mr. Graham, of Goderich, will
preach Educational ,Sermons on Sun-
day next, Mr. Manning' taking his
work in Goderich. •
The Ladies Aid Societyhas generous-
ly decided to instal electric lights in
the Parsonage, providing the cost does
not exceed a certifin figure.
The busines,s_meeting of the Y.P.S.
U E. of Wiles Church met in basement
of the church on Wednesday evening,
an 1 the following officers were elected
for the next6 months: -President, Rev
*airs. Stewart ; Vice President, Mr.
Cranston ; Rec. Sec., Hannah McKen-
zie ; Cor, Secretary'Ida, Walkinshaw;
Treasurer, Mary McEwen; Social COre;
McEwen, convenor; Prayer Meet-
ing Com., Edna Manning, convenor,
Lookerit Cert., Mr. A. Cook, convenor,
Music Com, George Pearson, convenor,
Organist. Mr. A. Cook, Assistant Or-
ganist, Nello McKenzie.
Saerrmerital getviereewill be conduct-
ed on Sunday next,
The offering at the the thank -offering
meeting at the Egrnondville church
last week amounted to $119,00, which
is very creditable.
' The anniversary services of Calvin
church, St. Helens, were cenducted by
the Rev. Mr. Henry, of Hamilton, on
Sunday, October Sth, •
Are making *a:se...ft io getting their.lot, ' Miss M. •• Thompson; who has been
in readiness for the erection ,of their . conaned to her room for several' Weeks
:hutch. The foundation of -the build- by illness, is now improving and able
I ng which,formerly stoed on the let is to sit up. •, , •
thg greatest miracle of the whole huse
being remov;c1 and the intentarn . is to Mr, Harry Longman, of Hulletti,whe' nes-nealring the mire, and then by_ a
put in the , oundf
ation • or tlile new went. wth
est on one of. e harvesters simple passage of•ine tiny mitt, mai&
church this fall, so that the stiperstruc- excursions, returned homennTuesday.
ture can be gone. ahead with. earlynext in the man deaf again. Oh, Lacre-
He says "Ont ate° is plenty good era' mans l ph, Lticrimosa. Thatat great.
season. , : • ' °ughfor me ; I would have. remained
One individual watreated for rhen
The death occurred Friday forenoon • west had I liked it well enough." . matistn. of the shoulder, and when
s ;
Mr. Frank O'Neil arrived from asked about it declared that the heal-
Moosejaw, on Tuesday. -He said they ec was full of electricity, and when he
had had snow at' Banff, which ia not .rernoved his hand a stinging sensation
surprising, as it is in the mountains. resulted. He reported that he was
in the territories. the weather was stung. Most of: them have been
beautiful,• though somewhat eold in "stung in the sporting .sense, which
Manitoba,. He will be here a couple of means that they paid out their good
weeks. . ' money for something that was Tint
bread. So it might he caried 011 an
infinitnin. •• • • •
-pastor of Alinent., Ont. _Some_yeara .., • The cop ersnaiths and hoot -sellers -
later he left I lie Presbyterian body and IS THEP
-HEALER .' ' arereaping
•arvest. Ile tells 'every
united With the Church, of England, • • , ' ,..• • • ' • 1 - •
serving with much success ,during his . A twn....A.RLATA04,er .ar pshaotieest:tatnodwaeisaor copper sole in their
rninisteriel fife at Port Stanley„ Kirk- to. wear .nothing but
a • •
' . . broad -toed shoes. At ()redden the
ton, St. IVIary's Goderieh, Point Ed- •
devils doing 'business in hisanatoniy
was More than that paragon of virtue
could stand, and he called back the
cure that he had made. . Tbere was
at the 'residence of his brother-in-law;
Mr. L. S. O'Connor, Chappel street, St.
Catharines, of Rev. H. D. Steele, until
recently Feetor-efethe Church of Eng-
land at SOmbra, Lanibton comity. The
deceased, who was 71 years of age was
a native of Hallifax, be S. and in early
life was a member of the legal prefes-
skin, which he left to enter the minis-
try of the old Church of Seotlarid, as
----- • ' . shoe dealers soidone their entire stock,
ward and Sornbia, where he .vas reside '
ing whenfailing health compelled him ' ,Lodnon A.dvertiser, Saturday
ago he came to Thorold in search of
to retire from aetive life. Six weeks ` •
better health, but all that good care great business at his old stand, Yes. plentiful as they poesibly can be. '
Sharman, the healer, is still doing .a are many. 'Gullible people are as
terday he was Visited by a large num- London Advertiser, Monday.
land-office business, and the suckers
Thus Sharman, the healer, is doing a
and medical skill ,could do • were un- her of women , Quite a nunneer of Sharman, the -"Healer," has taken
availing, and yesterday he passed
away. He was twice married, and is men testedhis divine powers. his departure, and also a couple
It may be • imagined that Sharman
survived by. a sorrowing; widow,„ two • of dollars presented to him y
ilrii-hal'iAriined "fanatic; wile' may patients who will be healed in the
sons, Howard, of Mexico, and Edward believes that he is divinely inspire .
of Sault Ste Marie, and three daugh- Such a belief never .entered his head, -sweet by-andby. His 'destination is
not known exactly. He left on Satur-
ters. • , . He is simply working for the money,
day night, and he is supposed to have
and has acquired a few magician's
tricks, and also a few simple . physio- gone to Berlin. .Quite a number of
luck people came in today to see him,
X4808$444444044+++Heleg. lo ical facts to help him, • • but must remain Owned until the
.4, harman is • shrewd. His cures for healer can conie to them. The provide-
+ Personal Notes eta the most. part are promises to cure. In es to cure are not turning ont accord:
eat 4it• a week, ten days, in a menth, the
patient will be better The moment- ing to schedule. Many of them are
•-:* if those:bovine relatives or friends due to -day, but so far no results have
44. visiting in town of Oleg avow es* ary exhilaration due to the niassaging
,,s,, notify us of the fent each week._ we come from his treatment.
44t Of the affected parts is taken for a sere , • ,
Rev. Dr. Gundy, Wingham, was in 44.-4" would announce it in the New ERA.
cure . •
vices. and Rev. W. Goodwin, xeter, • .
X+4444+44++++++++++X iiiiis gr'abeisescoTelashelinge4 ternuig .
Brimfield • • • • „
Exeter on Sunda for Missionar set-
preached in Winghare Methodist • , . ------ One man related how ,Sharrnan had DaATit-Our villagers were sorry to.
Church. Miss Eriatt, of Auburn, is the geest cured a man of asthIpti, by rithoing his learn on Friday last of the death of
Mary Leugh. , ear. The reporter did not smile. -The Miss Mabel Lamont,_,after a few days'
Atiniversary services will he held in �fMiss
Nile church on Sunday. October 15th. ° ' man believed almost a,s much as he be illness -Gilchrist IS spending it few days lieved the catechism. One mat with illness from cholera morbus. She re -
Rev. M J. Willson, of Teeewater, is turned from school on Wednesday
with friends at Plattsville. , one leg shorter than the ether, went to
expected to be present, and preach in feeling sick, but was not thought to be
Sharman, had it pulled* and Was fot-
the morning and evening. Mrs, Tnomas Holloway, has beeri „ seriously ill , all that doctors' skill
ever cured. That'si, what this patierm
visiting her son in Weigher% could do was done, but early Friday
said, and when he was asked how morning she passed quietly away to
mtich Sharman got out of him When her long home. The sorrowing parents
his leg was pulled, he indignantly re- have the sympathy of the entire neigh -
plied. "Only $2," . • • boyhood in their affiietion. The funer-
In spite of press reports, the report- al was held on Sabbath afternoon, and
er was° unable to find one authentic was very large, Rev. Sewers officiating.
The Financial District meeting of
the ministers and delegates of yle- ,
Mrs. Dr. Sweetman, Toronto, visited
t Tv ingham District in the Lo • ndon Con- her cousins, Mrs. Steepand Misa Rowe
ference v ill he held at Teeswater on last week.
Wednesday, October llth at 2 p.m. 1 • •
Rev. Fether Corcoran, Sertforth, is Mt. and Idles Stinson, of Harriston,
organizing a society called the Holy spent a few days visiting at Mrs.
Name. Its object is the veneration Steep's, Mary street.
of the Holy Name of Jesus, and it will I Dr. Dinistnore, of stvatfera., father
no doubt do much •toward promoting of Mrs. 14. B, COMbe, was Or ViSitOr in
clean speech in the congregation. 1 town this week. .
The minima Epworth Leegue Con- I ,
Wention of Wingharn District will be Mr. and Mrs C. Overbury left en
held at Teesvrater on Thursday, oet, . Wednesday, on a month's , visit to
nee. Rev. M. 3. wawa, ti, A. of friAids et St. Thomas.
'Teeswater, will officiate es President ! Miss Xelly, who has been visiting at
for the unex•pired portion of IC: J. the home of her mother its Myth, has
Beaton's term. • ' resumed her posiLion with the Sackson
- i . -,
Iis- tie.
The Women s Atikilinry of the mie- •
sionary Society of the Diocese of Han,. ' Mr, Thomas Houston, ef Kansas
on have de, idea to establish "The Oity, a eousin of Mr. SohnMasten"
Bishop Baldwin Memorial Fend." ire spent a few days here last week, and
tercet on which will lie used in re • with other friends in Bruce.
rewinding to special missionary appeals i Miss 'Olive IIolland,___da,ughter of Il.
the particular objects to he decided by •C. Holland, notGeo Holland as stated
vote At each annual meeting. . i last week, has taken it pose ion as type
Kerr 13ree.., even eliste. whn have for 1 writer and hook -keeper with Mr. Jas.
frome time teen ho dingnseries of meet- JviLehlI. , . •atore•srtid smile. soon flitted away. and
ings in Seeforth M0,11(1(11(4 chureh, . Mr, 1); TA Lenard, of Newtnarket, la in its pleas tfilile it look of ineffable
elosed their engagement fel Sundry ' visiting his cousin, Mrs. GeoAN
, DIS. Woe. The devil ! such impunity,
a.lt and left town en Mendny. Their Although residing in Ontario for 30 With bowed heaA he picked up the
bneptings were well atteteled,.intere.et- years, he had not seen Mts. Davis in .cotton 'batting, teplaced it In the
big and profitable and will -tin doubt be the meantime, Mid onl • knew of het. patient's ear, . and .saddi "No more
.A.; a successor of Schlatter and the W. F. M. S. -The annual thankoffer.
test of that ilk, he has every claim for an meeting of the W. F. M. Society*
was held on Wednesday evening 1 Mrs,
An incident happened during his Hamilton, of Goderich, gain an ad -
visit that was amusing. A man stiffer- dress, and the choir, under the lea.der-
ing from deafness visited him. Shar. Ohio of IVijes Meneth, gave several set.
man rubbed his Pare diligently,' took a eetiens. •
beaVy-ticking watch out of his pocket,
held it to the man's ear, and mur- • • -
The International Cerrespondence
mutt -led, 4‘Dost hear it ?" PI dost," an -
School of Scranton, Pa. have, as an ad -
away from his ear, "Dost hear it genie
more r nj dost," said the 3214)3•• this done by local pupils on exhibition at
Cooper's Hook Store. - Some .of the
eyesbulging. Sharman held it at
work is very in trieate and coin plieated,
arm's length, and with a regular Roh-
but the accuracy with which it has
('it Mantell air, asked agairi"Dost hear
it yet again' some more ?" The marl been executed is a fine testimonial to
was now thoronghly convinced that the School of its good instruction and
jump- of the painstaking care of the pupils.
Sharman WAS possessed, and he
ed up, and said : "Man, 'Yen must lie Douglas Goodwin, Harry BreWer, and
possessed of the devil " Here Shale &moue! itemp, have fine exhibits' Mr.
mitn uncorked a sad, sad milk The Xemp's architectural work isespeelally
. .
japan reports .state that the blowing
up of the flagship Mikasa was due to a
mutiny on b ard, „
Canada vstil
be typically represented
. productive of much gOod. ' ,resiclence here, throng x Mr, D. Cante. shalt thou hear " and lea him out, To in the procession of the Lord Mayor of
The Gederieh rongrogation lou 80 informing him insinuate that'Sharniart had severe, London nextrnontlx,
• Sir Williani igtioCklias Tesigne.d.11S
' position as Postmaster Genera, owing
a,n,PArItsi,..113,11:11gralli,1°aP'soofi. SePt•17th' , ke '
t . .
to ill health.' His suecessor has -not b• ,_
been named', but it iereportecl
A• B• AYlesWerth may take offitlieLet. Mr.: HERMANN -I Walton,S b id
Hon.' , Mr.Fes'ter. ,co'ne: '.e.$ Out squarely andth:lilt:Ai vial :Nt 1::::_e ; Bins:. nssGve. rearf-ayof, rnot , on Sept doSonf Is! ate; trt -2eie n 13arr.ad ,:: to os2 3::::
o... r...uottis nermann, a daughter,
2nd, to Mr., and Mrs. ‘Ioseph Pinkney. a son.
WARDEN -At. titliffa, 011 the 4th inst . to
Births, Alarriawes Deaths
You Will .
This fall to fix up your
house,' and we wish to re-.
mind yop that we have
just what you want, and
at the price you wish to
pay for it. Our assort-
ment is unbroken in the
cheap—mediurn and high-
er grade goods, .
M1 Paper Trimmed
What About
VVindow Shades
For that hoiise of Yours?
Bring us the sizes of your
windows, and we Will tell
. you'wlyat .we can*.do for
you—any silaide you want,
. quality and rollt-rs guail-
ahteed. .
- WHE 9.TLEY-In j3W°:dNst.00k, on. October if,t BO astral , . . . ; .... . .• 00 3828 to
00 4300 ,
HOASELEY.-Im denten; on October ilth, t Clinton Market 1 eport
the wife of It Horisley, of a con . ' Correeted every Thursday afternoon
PdolNrOSH-In MullAt ; on October 10th, the • • •
Wheat ...... . . ........ () 73 to 0 73
wife of John lio'.n Cosh. at a daughter:* ,
theiwile of Mr win W Wheatley form9rly of eY • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Clinton, of a som . • . Peas ..., ......... ...:0 62 to 0
,y it! 03 W.RL, EpRo w- klelr Ca ini du t wo Ili r. eos no BfleaPut g, h2 9t teh; to nr, , BEugeaer ...... .. . .. .... , 0 16 to 0 17. ,
and SoA •RmluNreT.x.aTn_Idni mu rWwa . :RI In :Ift a. ;, a Septi kinh,t a. 2. 2f6pitothhn: `ttoR mAirr. Efwp iougon:Cii 0 • up. • .e. 'e. . . b.. ... ............ . . .............. 00° 012060 - tt:Ojo °06 0 01285 .
'end. mrs, Taugher, a daughter.
TAtiGsren.-In Winkham, Oot. srd, to Mr' * Tomatorri. t ,, .. : .. ....,... (6) r5 fibo s 28g ' .•
, awl:flea-- o 12 to 0 14 '
and Mrs. Chas. Green, a daughter.
' MOFFA.'r -Turnberry. on. Sept, 95th, the Wool, washed ........... o go to 0 22
Wife of Mr Chrietapher MOffat. a daughter — ---
the wife of Mr. Rebell MeMiehael, a daugh-
McMICITA.IfIL.-In Torn -berry', on Sept. 25thi ,
S.ale Register. .
Farm k f M W it
lot 36, Oon.'8, Hill ptt, on Friday, Oc
Thos Gundry,Auct ' • •
Farm stook and Implements •of Mrs,
F.asoni, lot 71. Maitland epnoessieue-Thi.
erich township, on satarday. Oct. 14. 0,
Hamilton, Auot. ••
• •
ILA . Jos. Warded a son • Farm 'stock and • Implements 91 Wm
eq:.ally. ' r_e_snonsibl.e far . it. Th,. at 1. s .0Tomttochl...0eARrER4ut,rh..;;EGode *eh, 014 •
more manly than (he curse of Mr.
.1Iaclean and Inc Mail and Empire. 5th, to ier, and, airs_ Wm Graham, a son: land Con., •Goderich Te.; on Thursday,
to mr, and Mrs R, Treilfer,
GRABAm-in Goderich, on Thhredar :et. GfIVILrYi t°11::°i7-11'Weer:J.entin'i .1°* '41' Ilsit- .
mtitaGnotlalri:hp.• opn xwa jedanrtehsyda,y, Oct 19.. Gee. Elliote Anotioneer,
a erorni.daY sePt 11P' TToipvilnadstripj,ro,n iTorite82d5ayb, sosect.lini7e.. GTohdoermicahs. .
EvEBETT--xn Goderich, on. Wednesda:,,
son. • T.
Farm etoekaete., or Mr. 0.. Mason, lot...
Odtoser 4th, 10 Mr -and Mrs A Everett, a e0114 ' W. Brown, And. ., .
in defence of the increased indemnity
arid declares that all whodid not spea
and vote against it in the House are.
a •
• The NEW Era:meet apologize to its
idadere for the quality-of_the Paper it
has been ,compelled to use for the last
two or three weeks.. . It is mech •in-
ferior to what was ordered, and we
hope that by at least another weekit
will be replaced by paper of altegether
better quality.
Is Robert Holmes*, the diScredited ex
M.P. for West Huron, still after the
ereition of King's Printer? - Goderiell
Sure, • and.. At Senatorship, And the
Lieutenaut-Governorship of Manitoba
or British Columbia, and if he doesn't
getany of'thee and Manages to keep.
out of jail Or the Poor house, he may
ask the Star's Permissien: to run again
in West Huron. • '
The Goderich Star refers to "the
credited., M.P. for West Huron,"
meaning that a defeated person Is a
discredited one. 'Mr, Mitchell, the
tor of the Stir, speaks from personal
experience, being dgcredited in a dou-
ble sense, for he was not only defeated
at the polls, buthe was else defeated
-and therefore diseredited-in a con-
Vention of his own party frierills,rnuch
to his annoyance, When they •nominat-
ed Mr Dudley Holmes.'
A Regina, paper states that Rev.S.D,
Chown, Secretary of Moral Reform in
corinection with the Methodiet0hurch,
is to take Part in the election ,cam-
paign in progress in that province, in
behalf of the so-called provincial rights
party. The announcement may be
unfair to Me Chown, but if it is true he
had better think twice beforecarrying
it Out. }Tomas appointed by the Gen -
oat Conference, to look after Moral
and Social Reform -not to participate'
in political ceinpaigns, and he Will be
the cense of trouble it the Methodist
Church if he does, net confine himself
to the work for Which he is paid, If
he wants to 'alit, his political views, he
should resign his position. • While We
are on this point there's another aspect
of the same thing that Might be refer
red to. There is no cher& which
more frequently faises ite voice against
"clerientinfluence" than does the Me.
thedist, and yet every now attd =tin
some minister of this denomination is
doing the very thing condemned,
'The Government return§ show a ne-
&lethal of 160 Hellion licenses this year.
Matthew Roward, postmaster of.
Caledonia, 15c, detut
Joseph Adams, &young ralgtishman,
'corninitted Suicide at Barrie by cutting
his throat while delirious from typhoid
19, Con. 3, Hullett, on Tuesday, Oot, 24.
FRI'I'ZLEY-In Siltford; on Tuesday, Sept '
26th, to •Mr and Mrs It Eritzley, a, son. • • •
• MARRIAGES • . * '
bride's father,Lakeside, Rayfiad Road, acder- = . . - HOLMIESVILLE .
RABBIS -ANDREWS -At the home of the
._vRaeuvn. g °Gat' al' glIhteazrenot. JB: AAna in operation daily. Ctiromers• can take, .
ich Township, on Wednesday. Ootober 4th. by ,
Xreemari Barris, of Dungannon,
roaawrao.lituoc er.,roirs:e, oCrhoofshht:m. se e;isthfatchtieomn.orifrrahgeleerdi.ght-toll
Itioln-POWELL-At the residence •of • the . .BR,'prieto
.OWNeprn. . - I
bride'S parents, on Sept. 80th, by 11,er. Nen .• • •
. I
R. rowell,.Egmohdville: • , ,
efor Sale:
'. r .
Shaw, IL A. Mr Simon Reid, of Guelph. to
Miss :Violet PoCholie Rsfdenee
well, youngest daughter of Mr.
HILLS -KYLE -At the * residence of the — .
brid e mother on oot. srd. by Rev. N. ehaw, - . . , e. • ..
finbseriber offers; for eels hisresidence On
.daughter of Mrs. John Ky,e of Egmendville.
B A, me. Georee Rills. youngest son of mn; 0141triO Bt., Se he is leaving, town. it is
honsee in toivn, having hot and cola water,
aims. mu.. to Miss Agnes .T. Ryle eldest tine of the most. modern and, Up to date
Sept 27th. Harriet• Obath, e'ectrio light. and is most eligibly
TALBOT -1n Tiondlloniori,
Crcaler, formerly of wingham, beloved wife of
E It Talbot. , ,• ,
ANDERSON -In tordwieh; on Sept, 271h:3.
Anderson, aged ,75 years, 13.mmithe. end 17 days,
MATEIER4-In mods, on -Seeteinber 213th.
Susan Pattersoe, wife,caltobert Mations aged
68•years. • . ,•
COOPER -In 0oderich township on .04.9th.
Charlotte 0 relict of the late °Thomas 0 Cooper
.of clinton aged 91 years.
• LAMONT-In Brocefleld; on Oct 6th .111abel;
oldest daughter of Mr Is obt Lamont, arred 12
OTJRRIE Wingh Oot 10th, Aon
Linklater, wife Robt. Currie, sr aged 71 years
. Joseph ton streets: ,
and,5 months.
situated in one of the most pleasant parts
of *lie town. Particulars •on application
• •
Miss Sybil-12-4-Courti6eir'- -
• • A C
Winner of barrtin GeldMedal arid
Heintzman Scholarship 1905).
Teacher of 'Piano and Theory,
Foe tering ap ly at residence cor.
. . l'he Half -Price Sale, which 1 have been
conducting for thepast three months, has
been more than satisfactory US me ; 1 trust it
has been the same to my many patrons,
In order to clear out the balance of the
Rumball stock, to make room for new goods
arriving daily for the fall and 'Christmas
trade, I have decided to still make a further
reduction of prices. My shop window will
always give you some idea of what to ex-
pect in 13ARGAINS.
The Repair Dipartment will have
. my personal attention. All work entrusted
to me will be guaranteed to give perfect,
satisfaction or money refunded. All goods
sold by me will be engraved FREE OF
1 Engagement and Wedding Rinks a
Specialty. •