HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-10-13, Page 3• . Ciet-13th 005
81 -.LOW NO. 10 tor loos'
of the Town of Clinton
•IVIERLY cARR1 ED ON BY 11.1AcmilettsoN
WHERnas the said David "A, F,,ret ster, Will-
-diem Jatteson, Wm W. Farm m. Gunn and
Charles E. Hovey propose re area 'tee a OM.
SNIEY Wi,h a capital stook of 150,000 to acquire
• the business, good will, and prentisee of the
• -late firm of Maopherson tra Hovey Co. and to ens
gage in the manufactui e and sale of portable
stead traotion engines, threshers and other lines
Of maelunery, and for that purpose to reno-
vate the works and erect and equip, such new
•lamps and buildings as may be necessary outhe
I -Premises.
A.PD WHEREAS, there Is not alreedy estab-
lished in the said Town of Gilt:ton, any indus-
try sioailar to that proposed to be carried on
by said Company.
AND WHEREAS, it has been agreed that in
-evelieof the said Company being so formed, the
said own shall and will guarantee the pay --
ant tale loan of 110 000, to be obtained by the
QOPaany,,upon the oredit of the said Com
• pany, %Dearing Interest at four and one halt per
• eentum per annum. and to be repaid in equal
.unonal inetalreents of 1768.76, — as per
schedule Alhereunto appended, so es to fully
Tepay the debt in twenty years.
The first of such payments to become due
and payable on the 80th day of December, 1906,
and subsequent 'payments to be made on the
60th duster December in each year thereafter
until the whole shall be paid.
• AND WHEREAS, it has been agreed that the
• whole amount of every payment of principal
and interest to become due and payable on so -
count of said amount,in each year, shall be
Paid and satisfled by the said Company as the
',same becomes due.
AND Wattnas.S111. part of the agreement
between the said David A. Forrester, Wm.
Jackson. Wm. W. Ferran Wm. Gunn and c.
Z. Hovey on behalf of the said proposed Com-
• - P8915N. and the corporation of the Town of Olin
ton that the land reasonably neeessary.for the
uses of the Company whereon the buildings
• used in their business may be erected, and
mash buiidings shall be assessed for the pur-
poses of the Municipal taxation at no greater
aura than 62500.00 so long as so used, for the
term ef ten years,'and that such period of
ten years shall commence to run as hereinafter
AND WHEREAS, the amount of the whole rate
able property of the said municipality, accord -
Mg to the last revised assessm'ent roll, for the
' year 1905 is the sum of 3727,511 00.
AND WHEREAS, the amount of the exist-
ing debt of the said municipality is the
sum of 166,507,68 and of the saia debt wheth-
er of principal or of interestnothing is in ar-
Clinton as follows.—
That it shall and may be lawful for the May-
.' ,. -or and Clerk of the said Town of . Clinton and.
the municipal council thereof to enter into an
- agreement with the said Company being pro-
' meted by the said David A Forrester, Wm.
' —Tackson, Wm . W. Ferran, Wm. Gunn and 0.
R. Slovey, Bed to be incorporated under the
Ontario -Companies Act. for the purpotie of
manufacturing traction and portable engines
and threshing machinery not at present being
reennfaeturW. in the said town, to guarantee
• the repayment by the said Corporate Company
of the sum of 310,000 to be barrowedaby the sai• d
Company on the credit of the said 'Company
' upon -such terms that the same shell be repay-
able by the said Company in twenty equal an.
• anal payments of 3768,76 dollar' each payable
- yearly at the rateof fourand one-half per cent-
• p num. upon the whole unpaid princi-
pal, al e rat pa e men to „become due and
„ thyab the Company on . the 80th day of
1906, arida like payment to become
made by the Company on the 30th
-due a
• day of December in each year thereafter, unti1.
the whole. amount shall be paid.
a in any event the said guarantee 'shall
not be given until the said Company shall have
been duly incorporated and stook of the said.
Compen to the amount of fifteen thousand
dollars t ...tall have been subseribed for and
fully paid and until thereishali have been given
10 the town a first mortgage upon tbe lands,
buildings, plant, and equipment of the said
Company as indemnity against the guarantee.'
whieltraortgage-shall contain a stimllation
Thet the said Company shall keep the build
Ante and plant of the said Company -insured in
a entranany or ociamanies to be approved by the
Clouded of the said Town, and will aseign the
nid.vssurance to the said Corporation, or to
•2 one in truet for them.
"let the said guarantee shall not be given,
' S1 he said Company shall, in the erection
s and in fitting the' same with maohin-
Sri 'n purchasing the plant, have expend -
%um of not less than twelve thousand
C'ejiagreement satisfactory to.the council
In event of the Corapany entering into.
,6 said Town, as hereinbefore indicated,
4nd whereon Shall be located the build -
Speed by the said Company for the purpos-
carrying on their business within the
nwn, shall be assessed ter the purposes
.".ttion *1 00 greater sum than twentylive
t, eased dollars for the period of ten years
a the first of January next, preceding the
.ing of the said guarantee, should the said
rantee be given during the first half of the
^ nd in the event of the said guaraptee be-
g 'liven in the last half of the year Tben from
egret day of Januaty next succeeding the
vir g hereof.
This by-law shall take effect and come into
oree on the 80th day of December 1905.
On Friday. the 20111 day of October,. 1905, at
he hour of eleven o'clock, a.m.. at the Conn-
ell Chamber -3n the Town of Clinton, the May.
•noU appoint two .persons to attend at the
Ana -summing up of the votesby tee Clerlr,
. andone person at each polling place, on 'be-
half of the persons interested in and desirous
of Promoting the _pulsing of this by-law, and
one person in behs11 of the persons interested
it. and desirous of opposing the passing'of
this bylaw.
The clerk of the said Municipality, at his oblee
In the Town Hall, shall sum up the Dumber of
Irstes given for and against this bylaw, on Tues
the 24th day of October, 1905, at 11 o'clock
.e vot of the ratepayers entitled to vote
shall be taken thereon at the
e after montumed, and the said
etas shalt 00 taken on the 28rd day of °atelier
.„ 4 lit iu the forenoon, and to be closed at the
the palls to be opened at the hour of 9
. if Bye o'clock in the ef moan, and the
O mons also hereinafter named shall bethe te-
nting officers to take the votes at the said
,,ar St. Andrews Ward at the Town Hall,
:•a °bolas Robeen, Deputy Returning Meer.
Pig St, James Ward at the building for -
molly known as The Queen's Hotel, 'Victoria
$t, John Scott, Deputy Returning °Meer.
For St.Johns Ward at Humball and MoMath's
Carriage Factory Huron St. Ohm, Helyar,
• Deputy Returning "Meer.
For St. Georges Ward at John Leslie's Car-
• riage Factory, Huron St, S. J. Andrews, Dela-
ntyReturning Officer.
, Passed in open council at Clinton, this
\ -.day of • 1905.
t;• J. B HOOVER, Mayor.
The following is Schedule A of this By Law,
ereinbefore referred to—
When Principal interest at
Payable then dee 44, per cent
then due
Dee. 80, 1906 8318 76 8450 06
Deo. 80, 1907 83311 43565
Deo. 80, 1908 348 113 420 06
Deo, 80, 1009 363 70 -,405,00
Dee. 80, 1910 880 10 888 68
Dec 89, 1911 897 24 371 62
•Deo 30, 1012 415 11 853 65
Dee 80 1913 433 76 884 97
Deo 80 1914 453 81 315 45
Dee 30 1915 473 71 205 05
Deo 90 1916 495 03 278 78
Deo BO 1917 517 31 251 45
Deo se 1918 540 59 • 228 17
Deo BO 1919 564 91 203 85
Dee 39 1920 590 33 178 43
Dec. 80 1921 616 90 151 80
Deo 80 1922 644 ne 124 In
Deo 80 1923 67067 1)509
Dec 20 1929 703 98 04 78
Deo 80 1925 78500 333311)
Total an-
nual pay -
4768 76
768 70
768 76
708 76
768 76
768 76
768 76
768 76
• 76870
768 76
• 768 76
768 70
768 76
768 74
768 76
708 70
768 70
768 78
Take notice that the above is it trtte copy of
propotied by-law which has been taken into
el/Wider/Wan and which will be finally pansed
t (Went ()Me aseent Of the 43160tete being
bi the ffkitateil of the Municipality therefor en
0 tabled thereto), after One in6fith feeln the
fleet tatblicatiOn the Cliliton Neit Era, the
.41100 of Whin fittblietttilm Was laidey, the,
tetentrianth day of seetember, 1906, and that
Votes f the tinietorg of the said Mania
r Will taken thateen on the day and at
hed plaese Meter
It Clerk
To be sure, you are growing
okl. But why let everybody
see it, in your gray hair?
Keep Your hair dark and rich
and postPone age, If you will
air Vigor
only use Ayer's Hair Vigor,
your gray hair will SOon have
all the deep, slob •color of
youth. Sold for 60 years.
.1 am now over 60 years aldend 3have
• $ thick, (low• head or long hair which fs a
weeder to IyoriRy one oh* sees it. And not a
gray hair in it, MI dust* Ayer'. Hair Vigey."
Miro. R, Hands, mum.
MA a bottle.•'J.0..avaii co.,
dlioneh Matta.
AUK- amonommomnin
White Hair
• The Bengal Groshen‘c.
The Bengal grosbeak bands a nest
shaped like a bottle and always selects
for its support a long, lithe litnb over- e
hanging a stream of water, •The en-
trance is beneath, and, from the situa-
tion and peculiar shape, it Is absolute-
ly impossible for a snake to gain ad-
mission to the nest. • One naturalist
mortis seeing fourteen attempts on the
part of serpents to get at the nest, but
the hungry snakes always fell oft into
the water.
Changed Peoltioa.
Fielding—How thee changes a man!
There's Battser. A dozen years ago he
was so engrossed with the teams on
the diamond that he eared tor nothing
else. Now all his thoughts are eentered
In his family. You know he.has- a wife
and eight children. Rhuais—Well, that
Isn't so much of a change. He has 81111 -
ply transferred his interestto his home
*corking the old Man.
"Do you think her father will give his
consent? .
"Sure! I've been playing poker with
tam once a week for the last • six
months and letting him win. He'll feel
like he has been offered a pension when
I ask him."
The Beat They Could Do.
Itich 17nele—Well, Annabel, have you
named the.baby_for me2.3toung.Wife—__
N -no, Uncle James,, but we have come
as near to it as we can. We call' her
Tryon, your friends or relatives safferWith
Fits, Epilepsy; St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling
, Sickness, write for a trial bottle arid' valuable
treatise on such diseases to Tun Lerma Coe:,
ree Kinq Street, W., Toronto, Canada: • Ali
erugeists eel or can obtain for you....
News Notes .
Sixty electors of Charlevoix have
sent a letter to Rodolphe Forget, M.P.,
asking for his resignation.
Newton C. Doti herty, Supe rinten
deue ut achools at Peoria, is under .ar-
rest tharged with fotgely.
Colonel Matheson, Provincial Treas-
urer of Ontario, is in London, negotiat-
ing seven million dollar loan.
Mayer George B. McClellan was re-
nominatecrfor alatior of New York by
the Democratic city- convention.
• "Tho tariff is high -enough" is the
text of a circular being sent out by a,
committee of the 'Trades and Labor
' Provincial Treasurer McCorkhill, of
Quebec, says the Government is con-
yinced of the justice Of the principle of
the tax on commercial travellers.
A report comes from Vancouver6at
Hon. Geo, W. Ross will be appointed
Lieuterient-aovernorof 13ritish
bia in succession to Sir Henry joly,
The half-y.early statement of 'the
Grand Trunk Railway shows ;snot Sur-
plus of a91.652, and after paying diva
dends, $7,422 were cerHed forward.
Simon Hammer, aged 19, "confessed,
at the inquest that he had shot Jahn
S. Hauch accidentally at the East,
Zona, ottariveri, and the jury returned
verdict of accidental death,
- Five little, minutes are all the time
Perry Davis Painkiller heeds-tcastep
starnach-ache, ellen when it is sharp
enough to make a strong man _groan.
Don't be fooled by imitations. 26c and.
30e. • • •
.The tender of Foley Bros„ Larsen &
Co” Winnipeg, to build .the branch of
the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway be-
tween Fort William and Lake Super-
ior Junction, a distance of 210 miles,
• has been accepted, •
. The twenty-six Doukhoborl who
are Just now on a pilgrimage in the
Northwest want the Governinent to
er climate The have been 11 d
send thein to Ceilyifornia On aomeexwpaerme
from the boukhober
Yarnes writei; "Book borrow:,
ers are incorrigible, and book collectors
. .
-must 'understand -that for themselves.
• churlishness is an essential virtue I.
.recall a. good story told by'Ashly •SterrY
• Of a book collector who solemnly warne
ed him against. ever lending a book
and who to eiefpree ,lafs ineoial led Ilan
to a well stocked bookshelt In bis owir
house, laying: 'Look at those shelves'.
Every : book on theirs was lent to 'me.'
avratiovriat Nests.
a Swallows and house martins build.
by sticking together pellets of prepared
road mud. Most of the Material' is ob-
tained from the drying puddles on•the
highroads, ' If not mixed with, any-
thing else ,the tendency of these pel-
lets would be to crumble when day:
Ituftheatwallowe tribealteelnealletleaajtai
a mucous secretion which enables It to
gum the particles together.: : • •
. A. Gentleman:*
mere is no. such t,hing, as beteg. a •
gentleman at important moments..:" It..
is at unimportant moments that a man
Is a gentleman. •AtImpertatit moments
he ought tesbe.sOmething better.—G,K.
Chesterten, a. • •' •
• The .a.ble Lawyer. •
"They say he an autberfty on con-
etitational law." • •
"I think he's an authority on uncoil-
stitutional law: A.ecording to hide
there's e little •
Capable an "Alarnalleg.
Percy—I'm ^ afraid of Mies 'Isabel.
Guy—Why? Perca-a0h, she lookat
ine as if she could make me propose tt
*ere left alone with her.. "
Aoterripti tif sixes, tows*
The Greatest Living Master of Styft
In "The Grange," a delightful, plain, brielt hOuse, half -concealed by the
network of vines that eover it, With a wide sweep of lawn and grounds filled
with old trees—a whole city bleck in the heart -of Toronto, hedged in by
high walls—lives Canada's venerable author, Goldwin Smith. • A°
This greatest living master of stylein the Eitglisli language, as he has
been called, hail hail a busy life in his eighty-one Yeare, YOt 1118 OWti WOrda
prove it litts been a serene and peacefill One. "Aeeording to the Psalmist,"
he says, 'if by reason of -strength our years be fourscore, yet is their strength
labor and sorrow,'but I must say that while have found mine fell of the
first, they have been free tram the seeond."
Born in Reading. England, he was educated at Eton and Oxford, gradu-
ating in 1845; two yeaes later was elected a tallow of University College,
wheae he acted as tutor tor'seme mid though called to the bar, he never
practieed. He was prominent itt tbe two commissions appointed to examine
into the cOnclitiOn of Oxford University whieh led to a number of salutary'
reforms. In 1858 he waS Made Regius Professor of lelOdern Itistory at Ox-
ford, a post he held for eight years. During the 'Civil War in the United
States he vitas a valiant champion of the Northern cause, and on his leeture
tour iti that country in 1804 he Met everywhere enthusiastic and flattering
receptions and reeeived the degree of LLD, from Drown University.
In November, 1868, having resigned his chair at Oxford, he again visited
the 'United States and aecepted the professorship of history at tint newly -
founded Cornell University at Ithaca, X. Y., where be lived for three years.
On his retirement he went to Chada, being still Profaer,or tmeritus of Cor-
nell, where he was extremely popular with the students, who affectionatply
referred to him as "Coldio,"
In Canada he soon found recognition and served In a number of post -
Wits that gave himopportunity to render invaluable ilierVlee to the ranee
of edtieetion and letters, And on all questions of vital' political interest his
Volee and hie nett were ever ready. A long list of books on history, reli-
gion, national politics, philosophy and biography he has to hit eredit, yet a
far greater bulk of 1319.teri8l remains in his constant contribtt ions to the
newspapers and periodicals of hit day. A tete tichOlat a matte of style, a
great thinker, a fearless leonoclast, an able champion, a tir est worker,
Goldwl Otnith. h b
. aalt a mighty influence f
Find Health and Strength in Dr.
a"1. consider Dr. Williame' Pink Pills
11 most Marvellous medicine," says Mrs
Louis Turcntt, 005 Papineau street,
Montreal. "They restored me to
health awl strengths when 1 was in a.
most bo 1 .
despaired of recovery. My trouble be-
gan a fevy years ago, when I peesed
through a severe illness, from which
did not regain my accustomed health
and strength,allitiugh I had the very
best apart, and treatinent. I seemed
to grow weaken every dep. I was pale
and emaciated, had no appetito, could
hardly go about, and forind my life
alniost a burden. 'It seemed as though
bleod had turned to water, and
zny nerves seemed completely. shatter-
ed. All the time I was under medical
treatment, but with tin apparent bepe-
fit. One clay a friend who called to
see me, brought me some Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink, Pills, and asked me to
take them. 1 dtd so, and after it couple
of weeks I found ray appetite improv-
ing, arid took this as a sign that the
pills wen:111011meg me, • and. I got en -
other supply.. In a few weeks more
the change in my appearance and con-
dition woe marvellous, and friends
who dropped in to see me, hardly
thought I was . the same person. It
WAS not much ion et• ontil I was com-
pletely cared a in fact felt better than
a have done for years before. I am,
therefore, very happy to make klaseen
to all ailing women the fact that they
can find new health through the use of
Dr. Williamas' Pink Pills,"
Mrs. T,urcott's experience with this
medicine is the same as thousands of
other% • Dr. Williams' Pink Pala are
the greatest cure for the ailments' dile
to poor. blood All the weakness of
anaemia ; all the distress of indiges-
tion ; all the pains and aches of 110U1' -
algia, sciatica and rheumatism; all the
misery and all -health,: that women
suffer frona time tu time, come from
bad blond. And Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills euro those troubles, because they
actually make new, rich, health -giving
blood. They darateet upon the bowele,
they don't bother with • mere symp-
toms ; they go right to the toot Of the
trouble and cure it through the blood..
Brit you must get the genuine—sub-
stitutes and itnitations • Dever cured
anyone. See that the full name "Dia
Wrilitans' Pink Pills for Pale People" :
is arinted on the Wrapper around the
box. Sold by medicine dealers every-
where, or sent by mail at 50cents a
box or six boxes for $2,50, by writing
The De. :WilliamsMedicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont. ' '
-.The v4-0 Magazine and Review tells ,
an odd story of .a Hanabilrg atierchaat.
who had tive sons who were all ardent
teetotalers. The nierehant Was con -
Mop Who Withsianar Great Pressure',
•e 200 Fiet Eielow the Surface.
At wave eleptia, asks The Pali MaU
Gazette; can at, 'elver carry • out hia
functions? How long COB he , maven
under the fillrfaCe? What is the effect
of high air pressures on the human
“syetern . One well-known firm of sub-
marine engineers • limits the depth of
descent to 25 fathoms, or, say, 150 feet.
• Dot operations have been carried out
at greater depths than this, altd
baps the greatest distance below the
surfs. e t
r 6613 sti,et.e,
In working Is 34 fathoms, or' 204 feet.
This' was accomplished by .Tas,
er, who descended to the • Ship Cape
Horn, sunk . off Plohiclanque, South
America, andsustained' a pressure of
88 1-2 .pounds on .everysqnare, •inch of
his body. * • •
Another remarkable feat was that of
Alexander Lambert,. ,•who recovered
70,000 In gold, Coin from the steamship
Alphonso xiI., stinIC off; Point Gando
Grand Canary, in nearly 30 fathoms of
water, the.actUal depth of the treasure -
room being 26 2-3 fathoms, or 160 feet.
This mart also performed the . •daring
feat of stopping the flooding of the
Severn Tunnel when 'a door in the
drainage tunnel had been left Open. The
- door. was situated • O. quarter of a mile
distantfront the shaft; but. equipped
in his diving 'dress. he crept that. dis-
tance • through' a • harrow passage full
ot-water and -cloned. the- door. . Thief
Plucky act enabled the pumps to over-,
come the Voinme of water which was
Hood/lig the working and allowed the
completion of the tunnel to be carried
A further interesting ease of deep
diving is that of Angel Erostarbe, wto
succeeded. in- • recovering . silver. be.rs
valued at .£9,000 from the steamer
Shyro, sunk off Cape Finisterre In over
thirty fathoms.. • Inthis case the diver
• had to blow away portiOns of the vessel
.wIth dynamite before he tould •reach,
the treasure chamber, :Three dives per
dierh • were frequent, and as many • as
rive. detscents . were made' in • one ,daY.
.The maximum period under water was
twenty minutes.• •
. .
The effeut of high -.Pressures onthe
constitution is not • eound injurious
when the work is carried out under
ordinary precautiOna. A. French scien,
tit .has gone so far as to claim that
breathing 'compressed air is a remedy
.for asthma and: eMphysema. It ld'alse
Sad to .exetta eliaestion, otvitig. to the .
great quantity of oxygen carried -11M)
the blood. It has been found that It
Period or two hont's should elapse be-
tween na meal and. n .descent. In de-
scending' the movement should 1;ie slow
and If the Pressure dauses. pains In•the
head this can be remedied. by • rising
kentika few feet; whew.. the deseent
can:be :reconfirmed. In aicendlng •div-
ers are ree"Otnmended not to 'exceed a
'speed. of two 01 01 second. • • •
trary minded, arida to rescue. the nets:• •
gelded rating- men from the error of
their obatinate ...wall, he directed in hie
will that each of the five should on tlika
.day of -the', funeral drink A "gaitaaanie
• wine to hia neeinory in some public
place, adding aria conaltion Subsequent
that 11 any of them should refuse to
• drink •the metalled glass his t,taare- of
the inheritance should be Mrfeited and
dlyided up' aniong the More complai-
.lant lerothete, but If all sbould refuse
the ?whole fainlly nreperty. shouldgo
to cliatitiee; a.. • . • ,• • .
NO Other telitement io add on the Sup-
ifq of 'Wine is reealled except that of a
total aastatner who left a fine Wiae
lar, a recent, legacy : to himself,' to bis
'heir, with directions that its contents
should be vented untested eon athe.
The,41te *.eie lit gine
Daniel O'Connell once unraveled a
queer:plot in a willcase Witness alta
Or ' witness swore that they saw the
doeunient tauly executed At last a e011-':
stantly . reiterated expression &Meat
the .lawyer's attention, :"The life was
In bine" •over and over 'repeated. • . "By..
the virtue of Your oath, was he alive?"
he asked one witness. "By the virtue
Of my oath, the..life. was in him," he.
Wag answered. Then O'Connell turned
to the men -and iery Slowly and 'Very
solemnly said, ayow X call upon you,
In the presence of yOur. Maker, avb0
yvill seine day :pass, sentence upon you
for this evidenee, I solemnly aSk
and you answer at your.peril—wae not
month when his hand was placed upou
the will?" Cornered and pale With
fear, the . witqes's confessed' that thlia
had, actutilly happened. • '
The tlirch.plend of the Age
Not war, •inote deadly than ever
this modern butchery—but Catarrh
which leads to oonsuraption . an,1. ati.
nually kilis naore than famine and war
combined. -The doctors now success-
fully fight catarrh with it reinedy
that 'never failsa-"Catarrhozone, '
death to evpry type of catarrh. It
clestroysl every root and branch of the
disease sa thoroughly that a- relapse
need never be feared. 'If troublea with
colds'nasal or thmet catarrh, or sub-
ject to bronchitis tr asthma use
Catarrhozone and you'll be cured for-
• Genesis of this Dighttaing Hod.
• 'tie first lightning red was not COD'
Ileirtieted by Franklinnor set lip in
'A.raerica, but by a monk at Seutten-
berg, • Behemia, named Prohop Dia
'wisch. His apparatus was made and'
pet together during the opring and
suromer of the Year 1764 and was first.
set Up In the garden df the cure Of
Prenditz (Morella) on jtiiie 15 ot the
year above named. 'The rod attained
'as mueh dietinetion as that later made
.by Franklin and was the eauseo the
Inventor being presented With much
money and large estittes, His enemies
claimed that the rod Was the cause Of
the great drought of 1767, 1/58 and.
1750, and upon the matter being report-
ed to Vie.nria It was ordered te 1., talten
TARR :surr.ggpl.ts
Uyoniel -- irse by - -"plreat I rig
• • dicateat Air .*
The popularity 'a ad increttio in the
gales of ilyornei are unique in the
itripals of medibina Such astortishing
ctires' have btea made hy this Ternedjt
that its Sale is steadily increasing every
year. • • a a
.1i1 aomplete ayemei outfit. nest's
bat $1 00 and consists of an inhaler
_that an be carried fr. the yest pocket,
35 inediciee dropper, and a' bottle of
Inlyrettei The inhaler lasta li fe-time,
and 13' one bottle. does not cure an
extra botttle of: Hyoenei can he ob-
tained for 50 vents.: I• is the Most
eeenozeicel of all remedies, ndv-er tised
for the cure ef CI 101111, is the only
orie I het.. follows. Nature in . her
methods .cif treating diaeases • of the
rpy esairetoorgrths.• . '
,T3retf.the thrf nigh the Inhaler foe a
few an i nu tC•e: (.111 times ,a.. •dity,. , en d
your eativeth is. cured; • 'aliat's
It you .caienot Hyomei of
your dankly it will' be totevarcied
mail. Postage paid, on receipt of price.,
Write today for co nsu I tat ion • hlan k
.that will, entitlesaht to services' of our
medical department IVil [tout charge,
The It. T Booth Company, fiyoulei
Building, Ithaca,. N. Y. •
• •-Window Wedges.
Windowwedges ate woithlauch and ,
cost little. No bedroom window should
be without Ite Wedge,. of by meetis of
It .rattling :may .lee prevented 011 stormy
nights and, the occupant of tae rooln.
aunty -111m aundiciturbedaaa
The one beautiful attioUght to ever
keep In mind is 'the best metbods for
Making borne the most delightful place
• to be In, a.' place vyhere. evert; burden
and anxiety, every perplexing prob-
lem• CR11 be brought. -Charity Sweet.
Equal .parts of ammoniaand turpen-
tine I Wilt take paint, out Of clothing,
even if itbe hard and 'dry. ,Saturate
the spots' as often as necessary; and,
wash out in soapsuds,
• Alum,. the -size oe a hickorytut, dis-
solved in a pint,of.starch,. will, brighten
the 'color In' tilusilna -"glugheins
colieoiS after 'Washing*, ..„„;1.4•A's :,,••••• •
olli bottler
The season's first cold
may be slight—raa.y yield
to...early treatment, but the
.next dold will hang: on
longer; it will be more
troublesome, tho tY 11 -
necessary to take chances
on that second one. Scott's
Emulsion is a preventive
as well as a cure. • Take
down SCOTT'S 0111111011
atilio Wag.
traVeleraraw a woman take a man
by the colter, Prink him up the steps,
into a railroad cite, jam him down...into
a seat, pile Up 11 valise*` and two big
brown baskete with loose eovers and
leng handles at his feet mai say:
'Now, sit there until I help iqiiry
.5: 410 011 the car itaf t 1110;e till 1
etc W+.1».111 reeehed the claw
•a !etyma "x' :13;1 1,)
": • •:°.11 1 ::')11` 1311 '11111)1'?"
111 '
when. • colds abound and
ou'Iihave no cold. Take it
wb.en the cold. is contracted
and it checks inflamina.
tion, heals the membranes
of the throat and lungs
and drives the cold out.
s$en O, 'ma am*,
There Io Quick Relief From
itt Prult-e-tives. And they are a poSitive cure for -constipation and all
blood impurities, Those waoliave used. these marvelous little fruit liver
tablets are the ones who praise thein wannest. Here is one of hundred e of
testimonials from Mose who owe their good bealth to Fruit -a -Oyes :—
awe tried 1fmk-ft-Oyes and film them exceedingly, We happened to need such
mild and harmless liver tonic and•I shall keep Prult-a-twes by me always, now that 1 bave
used ther4 Alia And• nieY d *Ile 00 much Voct.." Alio 51. X,. menaRns, Celery, N.W.T..
or Fruit Liver Tablets.
soa a bete, At druggists. Manufactured by Frult-a-tives Limited, Ottawa,
you ever try buying
Spicee at a Drug tore?
It is part of the stock, you know. and the prices are the same as .
at other stores ' 'We' always get in a' feesh supply of the best '
• grade Spices just in time for Pickling, a.nd' invite housekeepers
M do their buying heie. Passeces of all kinds, Jar' Rings,
Battle Wax, Corks, etc„ alvveys On hand.'
* thapatiSing' Chemist •
-J. E. Hovey .-
. , . and Druggist
. - •
eaxn..-Dress•making by -Mail.,
.,. LEARN Dreiesaaakina in yotir OWII home by mail in from 2 to TO WeRire.• Chaegee
for 'course, including the Mtge Tailor System winch is thabest and latest, $13oneh' or
$15 instalment plan. To prove Drees Getting Mtn be taught by mail; send ins ynor per-. .
soca' address and X will rend w soy pert ot 0 Made, system and Aret lesson. I( after
eitadying drat lesson you can out ^and fit a waist pet featly, send e13 or $5 as first instal—
Went: for coarse of 8 Liaisons (48 hours after /*awing) oonsiating of.huw to oat, fit and
Put together anything in .'drese-making. 11 you.can't learn retort' a% stern sod losers=
(ondamaged 48 hours after retoeiviag) The whole family Pan learn .1. eL431 one 9Oniao-
(Take zionee that anyone not returning systeni Or reutittsnce413 boors after reedirlidwilL
bi dealt Tith s000rding to lav.). Write- to -day as this offer in good for a few wfeks only_
etre. lana Sannaetia Inventor, .and ordy'nersoa irf Canada teaching Dress -making by
Mail. Drese-ciating.schooi at Stratford, Owe, Canede:
SPEe,1211, NOT1eE..I willpereenallY teeth a glass this inaproved 13;04
c,oarse ooiximetioing Witteny. Oatober 23cd, in Stratford Only, All Wishing to leek% ak
sohool call at my °Bile, Market Placa oeposiie ClitV if alt, on S344..rOttY.t..9a.i. 214' OF
write rue no latter than that date. • Boaedieg found for papas.,
Fresh arrivals this vv -eek, consisting'0 Bedroom Suites in
polished -Mahogany, Hungarian Ash, atid Quarter-Ctit Oak":
These'suites are ev;eptionally.fine goods and will be .Soltl at
low prices. Our large stock of Iron beds, mattress aft,i.spriaga
may interest you. Call and see thein
. • .
11.-ctiELLEw, Rhtk
teageet Faint itaffieSteriteein the Coenty. — a -a. ----- -- •
Clinton, Out:, •Oct. 1905.
, . .
Oenttomen,: T.4ke, Notice.!
.We inforni you that we have those Maims "11" Grain Bags also bbiase
E. B. Scoop Shovels,' Manure Forks, Lanterns, Glasses, tannes; Oil (both ^aten-
eriean and Canadian), now Shoes and Boots and various other kinds of Shiva.;
We have Building Paper, Glass, Putty, Hinges, Nails, Tacks, Wire, Staple, -
Hooks, etc: '•Try us for Salt. Flour,' Meal, Horse 'Maiikete.:- a feW' left at a Hara•
gain. These are only a few lines We might mention.. It Will be to your interest
to call and examine, before you buy. 'We take 'Butter., Eggs, Tallow, Lard,
Oats, Wood,- etc.., in exchange, or pay cash for those arti:les as readily as trade
Give us a trial and be convinced.
Londesboro Emporinin. .
1405. •
Clinton Sash, Dopr and
Blind Factory,
' This factory is the largest inIthacounty, and his the very lateeb improved ma,
ohinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice, We carry ao extensive
and reliable stook and prepared plane,. and giye,eetintak 3 for and btiild alt
ea of buildings on short notice, and on the closest prices. All work is seemly -
ea in a meehanical way and satisfaction guaranteed.' We bell all klub of in
• terior and exterior material.
Lumber, Lath; Shingles, Lune, Sas , Doors, Blinds.. Ete
Agent:for the Celebrated GRAY BILL SOBOOL IISSIt, manatee:ante'
at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates befote placing tour orders
General Builder and:,lontrattor
We haye ,a good assortment - of new
and second hand buggies in stock, inspe$
them before buying else where.
Repairing in all branches .done promptly"
and well.
Our Specialty,-
. They are-made:olthe best of tnateriali and take`no second
place inmworkmanihip. They are the hightest grade., and in-
tending purchusurs should sec my stock betore purchasing,
t .!11•1111MIMIMMOmmetillnegonoliMinipd
INte464444646,:****4 e•tt 40444444*
4 4
• 'This ad. is conspicuous abovs all others, so
also is the stock of Grbceries, Provisions, Crockery,
Chinaware, etc., to be found in,„our store, above all
our competitors.
WANTED ood I utter and Eggs.
ji • WO'
• • •
.4. 64.4 ..516 rilk6