HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-10-13, Page 2IINDI8PEN8A131.1:
Far the Pressing -Table
Florida Water
More lasting sad reireehingthanCologite
Beware of Counterfettel
The giinton !kits/ Etta
FRIDAY, OCT. 6, 1905,
The Next Ten Ya's.
A t the annual meeting of the Cana-
-dian Pacific shareholders, ere of the
English directors, Thomas Skinner,
mnade the significant siaternent that
-notwithstanding the pace at whieh ex-
tensions to the C. P. R. frystem had
been made, he doubted Hit would be
;able to keep up to the demands made
upon it. 1 his may be coupled with
the prediction of Sir Wilfrid Laurier,
made at Fort William recently, that
'before the Grand Trunk Pacific was
reornpleted, another tiastiscontinental
line would be found necessary. Ai%
Hays, at Brantford, expressed the
same opinion, and declared that in the
next ten years more railroad mileage
would be built in Canada than in the
preceding twenty-five years. Since
11401 the Canadian Pacific alone has
spent nearly $45,000,o0o upon additions
sand improvements, in rolling stock,
new shops, reduction of grades, per-
xnanent bridges, tunnels, stations, de-
wators, wharves, etc. A •further ca.pi-
tal expenditure of $7,500,000 was auth-
orized at this meeting to provide ad-
,elitional cars and locomotives. The
work of double -tracking the line be-
tween VVinnigeg and Port. William
will he completed in about three years.
In the year ending Jane 30 last the
company's mileage upon which traffic
was moved increased from 8,332 to
B.568, and on June 30, 481 miles were
-sander construction.. The freight car-
ried during the last fiscal year was 11,-
.812,204 tons, an increase of 757,000 tons;
and the number of passengers. carried
B,891,511, an increase of 640,040. The
Atlantic steamship enterprise of the
company is apparently prospering, as
the directors were authorized to pur-
chase two new steamships of 14,000
tons gross register and 18,1 knots sea
speed. These will be the fastest boats
on the Canadian Atlantic route.
The optimism expressed by railway
directors and managers may have
some faint relation to the flotation of
Tail eay securities, but they can show
chapter and verse in their annual re-
ports for the faith they profess. The
next ten years promise to be epochal
in the history of Canada.
Canada will Supplant the United
States as Wheat Exporter.
B. W. Snow, the noted American
-wheat expert, says: "In all my ex-
perience, I do not know any other
country or land on the face of the
globe of the same extent containing as
large a percentage of high class wheat
land as lies between Winnipeg and the
Rockies. This is a big statement; but
it is absolutely true and correct. I
hive watched the deVelopment of /this
new country for some years past, and
31 believe it is a matter of very few
years until what we in the States call -
Northwestern Canada will moduce a
larger surplus of wheat for the worlds
enarket than is now produced in any
country. .
"Western Canada ineide of ten
years will be the principal source of
European wheat supplies, and will
have the position oceupied by the
United States for a quarter of a cen-
tury. The United States has practic-
ally reached and passed its wheat esrsf
porting days.
"The national wheat lands of the Re-
public are all taken, and the natural
increase through improved culture
will hardly keep pace with the increase
in population. On this account Can-
ada will have the market for her pro-
duce, expanding as rapidly as the pro-
, duction can be increased, and will meet
ith decreasing competition from the
Editorial Notes.
Mies, or be Publishing
A baohelor millionaire, who could
ilnd no satisfying pleasure in We, com-
mitted suicide the other day, :solely
and simply because he had nothing to
do. And yet -there are hundredsof
people wfio Would gladly have ex.
changed positions in life with him, and
have been of some use to their fellows
or theinselves.
3.8th, 1905
The Governorship- of Maisitoba,be-
conaes vacant this month, owing to
the fact that Sir Daniel Macmillan
will have served his terns, awl the pros
!Abilities are that Mr. Greenway will
be his successor, The Mail says that
r. Sifton is after it, but this is hardly •
likely. If Mr, Sifton gets an appoint.
ment, it will be the High Commission,
Sir Henry gnight, ex-Lond Mayor of
Londcrre iriterviewed. at Liverpool .ou
his return from Canada, spiel he
thought the Northwest was quite
•caPahle of rearing produce enough to
feed one hundred million people, :Csart"
ada. had many world wonders, but he
was of the ,apinion that neither Can
adians nor Britishers thoroughly on.
derstood,the country's greatness end
its possibilities
A now Dornitgon election has been
ordered in North Wen4wortb: 'This
is the oonstituency where the seat was
givento Mr. Smith, Conservative, by
a judge, on a , technicalitY, and from
whose;judgment Mr. Sealey, the Lib-
eral, • appealed., The latter actually
had a majority, arid sheald have been
awarded the seat, but he, can easily
win it. It was 'unrepresented dUring
the last session. -
, Hon. Mr. Monteith, Minister of Ag-
riculture, slays there are altsigether too
many small fairs, and they should be
amalgamated into One good county or
riding show. lie Is right ; that 'view
has repeatedly been expreseed in these
columns. The way to amalgamate
them is to withhold the government
grant from them, *and Mr. Monteith'
should see that this is dope at the next
'session of the- Irlouse.
"Tour home paper never loses
loverest in yeti." Te this, pote
eibly, you have not given a pass-
ingthought. , • -
No matter if evalike the news-
paper man or if he likes you, if
beis true to his profession and
publishes a paper for the people
he allowe no personal matters or
petty spites to interfere with
his news -gathering. ,
He may meet you as a strang-
er, yet, along with his best
friends, -chronicles your success
and sorrows wherever you may
wis,eariftoirtaheoeet ywollhoawreouevdelo.thanerci
anon reminded of yonr existence
by an item in your home peeler.
Others may deceive and defraud
you, but your home paper never
fergets you.
Possibly you do not deserve
decent treatment. by the paper,
but you get it ;Jest the same,
and if -it should at any titne say
things to cause your for to turn
She syrong way, study a mom-
ent and see if it has not at var-
ious times said many ince things
Lor evhielt ' you fail to give it
creche -Portland Oregonian.
' AA044-404‘kAP WAA,404.1WW•AAAWA
- Do You ihop By *ail
Rodolphe Forget, M. v., it alleged to
have been naade the reciplimt of a
ter from his •constituents calling upon
him to resign hie seat in Parlianaent
because he has failed to redeem pledges
made by hinasto-build,--mit of his_ow,n'
private means., wharves and railways
in the comity Of Charlevoix.. The let-
ter is from a number of the Liberal
electors in the distvict cif St, Irene, If t
Mr. Porgetnia,de the promises in qiies-
tion, he was very imprudent. ,
One of the first signs that s.ohiething
is wrong with an infant is disturbed
sleep. Usuallythe trouble is with the
sternach or bowels. If your little one
is cross and restless do netgive it an
opiate or "soothing') medicine of eny
kind: All these thingeare deadly poe
son, Anti th'e sleep they give.is unheal-
thy. unnatural and injurious. .Your
baby will sleep arid let you sleep if yeti
treat it properly. in, Baby's Oven Tab.
lets there is not an atom of • poisonous
"sleepy stuff," and yet by their bane-
ficient, healthy action they give- re-
freshing sleep from which the little
one wakens bright and well. • Afro. S.
T. Douglas, Petitcodiac, -N. B,, says :-
"My baby was troubled with constipa-
tion, was restless and.uneasy and did
not sleep -well et nights. I gave hins
Baby's Own -Tablets, and the change
they madeetvae wonderful. Theyregte
lated the bowels and he ,now. sleeps
I well at night." :if your . dealerdoes
thecskeep e tablets send '25 cents to
D.. tVilliarits' Medicine CO . Brook;
ville, Ont., and a box will .be pent by
*1 postpaid.
nierliing Bon. G. W. Ross,,
fe re rts be true. Hon. G. W.- Ross
will wit 'n the next few days,he made
the recipfnt ot the munificent gift of
mowr ro his friends and admirers
who a ppree te his efforts in a long and
useful caree
Mr. Robert affray, -president ofthe
Globe, who he charge of the Ross tes-
timonial fund, tated that the fund
was fast growing o this amount.
The report that e Hon. George W.
Ross is to be app inted Lieutenant- !
Governor of British lolum Ida is °flick'
ally denied, Mr. Roe never applied
for the position, nor As there ever i
any idea of offering it to him. Ilis
presence is (emir -ea now as much as
ever in the pulitieal field nf Ontario. s,
The lieutenant-governorehip of British
Columbia will go to a British Colurre .
bin man.
C4 T P Awards Another Contract.
The cantraet for the-cOnstinction of
the branch of the Grand Trtink Pact-
, fie froth Fort, Vi11iam to Lake Superior
Junction, ahont 210 miles, was award-
ed recently at the office of Frank WS
Morse, Generel Menagenot the Grand.
Trunk Pacific ter-Foleyelitemes Lerson
& Company, of Winnipeg, -
This award means that, about 500
miles of the Grand Trunk Pacific , will
be uner actual construction bythe end
of October, And it is hoped fully a
thousand miles will be under way by
the e.nd of November. One stipulation
provides, that the contract must be
eompleted in time to Move grain in
Low Bates to California
on ft number of days this summer
low round-trin rates to qtalifornia,
points are offered via the Chicago,
Milwaiikee & St. Paul Railway. Lib.
eral return limits and Stop over psi*
leges. Tee) through trains every day
from Union Station. Chicago, via Chi -
cage, Milwaukee &St. Paul and Union
Pacific Line. The Overland Limited'
leaves 6.06 pilto, and makes the rub t
San lzraucieco in less than three days.
The California Express, at 10.26 fettle
carries through touristas well 118 stan-
dard eleepirig cars, and the berth rate
for tourist sleeper is onlY $7. Com-
plete information regaeding rates,
routes mid train servite sent on re-
quest, Colorado -California book sent
for sfir cents postage. Polders free,
• A., J. TAYLoli,
Canadian PASSertger Agent,
• 8 Xing Street East,
Toronto, Cantda.
Mr. Justice Nesbitt, on resuming
ractice at the bar, hasassoeutted Irina
elt With the firni of McCarthy, Osler,
Hoskin & Hareoutt, of which he was
orineely it member,
••,••• airRenewer
to it true you want to look old? Then keep your gray hair. Ifnot,
then use Hall's Hair Renewer* and have all the dark, rich color
of earl Ilfe restored to our hair.
Shopping tiy does not build up
your town or give a chance to your
merchants to carry -as large a range as
you wonid have them do. Your neer-
chant . is a necessity and • neoessities
ought to be given a fair chance,provid-
ing yo.n are not paying extra ter it. It
jesiet Brliiisnit4ohf eg ot o°dssual IP) °t Isiee tylleat°rno ti Peed gy9oriti6
can buy,cheaper away than at home.
It stands to reason that the prciperly
conducted home store will save you
most, money Wilder all fair conditions ;
it hating less expense, you seeing what
you tiny before you purchase, and any-
thing not right is remedied on the spot.
If you drop your hat in the river,
how would you like to wait for one by
mail order - If *et weather comes
and you have no rubbers, will you "At
by your Own -fireside" or "wai,e, till the
elands roll by," and bring in a mail or-
der for new ones ? If you find yonrself
Without a dean collar On Saturday
night, will you let church slide till next
Sunday in order' tia'ac Ommoclate the
mail order. honses ? Tbey are not licen-
sed ; neither do they,pay taxes nor add
one iotato the value of your proper! y.
Be-loyalto the townyen live in; There
is a legion of reahons NOV your home
store IS a necessity. 'LoOk into the
mat/ er and von *lb find your interests
1,0 'be one and the -same. '
The Bleed Is The .Life
Owing to faulty actions of the kidneys
and liver, the. blood becomes filled
with ditease germs that imperil health.
The firet 'training is a backache, dizzi-
.nesq,. beadach sand lack of vital energy.
Act ott4ckly if you would avoid the
terrible ravages of chronic kidney
complaint. Get Dr, Harniiton's Pills
to -clay : they- AUTO kidneY liver
complaint for ail time.. No medicine
relieves co promptly, nothing in the
world of medicine cures more thor-
oughly. For good blood, clear coin
plexion, healthy appetite, the proper
treatment is l)e, Earnilten's Pills, 25c
e: box at all dealers
.The open season for moose and deer in
praCtically all' of Ontario' commencss
Oh the.fiest day of November and.
tinnes until the fifteenth.' in the dis-
trict north aacl tre.$t of the maul lino
of the O. P. R , from Mrsttawa to Port
Arthur, the seasosi, opens October 16
and dotes November 15. Mr. •Samiiel
Turner, ef London, has been appoint-
ed a deputy game•wardere and licenses
for shooting moose anddeer cats he
s .cured from 'him
Review of Hider .,i -laggard's Report In
The .Canadian Labor Gazette.
Acting as, a epe.clee commissioner for
the British • got:fen:Merit, Mn. Rider
Haggard, the novelist, *has investigated
the condition cif the farm colonies es-
tablished -by the Salvation Army in
England and the United States. A re-
view of his report is POTAiShed in The
Labor gazette, and this sets fdrth not
only ,the so:ea*: of the eirperlinents de-
scribed, but the : favorable outlook ,for
similar:work in the Doiniploo, In the
settlement at Fort Rohde, • California,
the colonists selected. Were destititte„,
but had some experience., in farming
week. To these -men the 'land was sold
• tinder contract at:. 000, per 'acre, plus •
the eost iinprovernents. The Pnr-
chase money Was made. Payable in
, equal annual instanmerns, pread over
.8 period of twenty. years; to .v,daieh wag
'added interest on deferred pa,Yments at
the rate of five per cent, -Chattels; such:
as horses, stank, linpleMents etc., were
sold to the colonists epori a riVeserear.
System, under Which the peice was
Made payable' in equal annual inStall7
Thehter to which was added intereet nee -
on all unpaid balalicee at the rite .of
eix per cent per arintim. Every sets
tier is reported as 'having done wefl.
statement in 'detail is given of in-
terviews• 'With the several heads Of
fartillies.": over twenty 15 number, in
every instance the surplus value • Of
their assets over all their liabilities
constituted a considerable percentage,
arid in some eases nearly the whole of
Me total value of the farm, though the
tinie of settlemerit had averaged erilr a
few years, In eorne cases but este or
two, and in no case more than seven.
Thee people, who a feW years ago Were
it thn position et day laborers, are
new for the most part on the highway
to considerable prOsperity, and already
Possess' haPpr heroes, health". families,.
Pleasant surrouridMge, arid a stifficieueso
upon which to live. .
The -colony, at Port .A;mity, California,
'Was coy:moiled lateely of men of to
previous experienee in' farming. The
land having been .bought, the familiee
were imported by degreee for the meet
Part from Camino-, and settled titien
twenty -acre lots. Hardly any of* the
eeteere poesessed tartital, and in marry
instance e the Salvation ArMY Was
obliged to pay the eeat of transpertae.
tioh to their future homes. Certain`
men with experience vvere selected for
their instruction, end to this- end placed
among them As coloniser. •
The reeults, ctetordfrig to the report,
include the turning of a block Of Vaatil
prairie and into a, Presnercos setps-
molt, where a poptilation of about 276
ersons are living In happiness, health,
04 comfort, with O. good prospect of
eing -entirety indetiendelit, and in SO1110
SANS COMputitatiVely *minket.
The Dominion CirsiternMent hat given
Priletiettl ApProval or the ecdortization
eheme of the •elalviteitin Army by doe
Ming ten W1010108 'for the parpose,
Meting, Of efeiree, that the free grant
euireneenti aa to eettleMerit be corns
lied with,
Count)? 'Cuppings
John Beadle, of Weet Nirawanosh,
who has been illwith appendicitis, is
recovering. . •
Wris Ito4.,West Wawanosh. who
has been 14td' up with ah attack of
pleurisy.41 able to get around, again, ,..
The eldefitison of Rev. Air, Baugh, of
IPPleols, has accepted the position as
principal uf the public school, Potters.
burg, commencing hie -duties, Oct. 2nci,
, After a few weekir vacation Miss
; Annie W. Green, of Loyal, left on
; Monday morning to look after the in-
terests of the Aylmer Cheese and
erAssoeiation to the end Of the
Mr, Abraham Lehman has disposed
i of his fine 100 acre farm on the Bron-
son line, Ilay, to Mr. Peter Duchaerne,
I of Michigan. The price paid by Mr.
Ducharme is $5000.00 anti he gets a
! Splendid home.
Colbert Bros., brewers, Egmondyille,
have thrown in their lot with the
Brewers' Association, The concern
will now he known as the Egmoncl-
ville Brewiug Co., of which Mr. Harry
Colbert will be manager, and Mr.
Percy Colbert, secretary.
The first fatal accident happened on
the C. P. R. &instruction on Saturday,
near glytti, when the train Mad of dirt
. was being drawn from the cut; a eave
belonging, to Mr Andrews tried to
cross in front of the oars, but .was not
quick enopgh, the cars striking her so
that she died.
The sad news wa,s received on Mon-
day last:of the death of George Jarvis,
$t, Relens, who wet:kb out West on the
harwesters' excursion about five weeks
alto. The, news was a great shock to
friends here, as the last word his
'people had from hint wee that he was
en 'extra good health.
Eriteter teaching stahasheen chang-
ed during the week by the enga,ging of
Miss McLean, of Dungannon, to take
the -entrance olass until the New Year,
during the Hine& of Mies' Vesper.. Mr
Alvin Amos, who taughtthe roont dee-
ing September, has gene to Toronto.
to sesame his medical studies. '
well-known resident of this dis-
trict died at his home , in Bluevale on
Wednesday Afternoon in the person
of jeMes D.eyell, aged 78 years. De-
ceased lived M Winghine for a num-
ber of years and later in the Town
Plot, and recently moyed to Bluevale.
He had been ailing for inineetibse.
The death took 'piece, on ' SaturdaY.
September 23rd. ae• his home in Rose
City, Mich.. of Mr iVfartin Shooks, in
:the .87th year of his age. Mr. Snooks
was a former resident of East Wawanoeh, having settled near Zetland up.
weeds of forty-five years ago, but .for
the past' thirty years has been living in
Mr. Paul Maelge, of the Tha,mes
Road, hag reterried from his trip to
the Old Country.' Be crossed the At-
lantic with a lot of cattle of his own
feeding •and was lucky in striking a
good market. Mr. Medea also visited
relaeives in the south of England and
was much pleased with white .he sews
in that part of the country. He says
the farmers make more money there
a,nd inake it easter than:they do in On-
tario and heis almost tempted to sell
'hie. fine farm in I7sborne and remove to
Morey England" and become a landed
proprietor there.' .
Dropped 7111 Others .
. "1 dropped all linixnents but Nor-
viline became I found Nerviline the
quickest to relieve pain," Writes E. S.
Benton Of St; John's. "If my child-
ren ;are gcroupy or sick. Nerviline
cures them. If a ease of cramps ot
,stoniaeh ache turns. up, Nerviline is
ever - ready, We iusc Nerviline for
, -neuralgia, rheurnatisneand all kinds.of
aches and pains ; as good as any
doctor. The great Canadten remedy
for the past fifty years has been Poi-
son's Nerviline- nothing better made.
Mr, anima eafalle of Moncton,
No Ifs., Send, an epee Letter
to nu sufferer,* .
..,- •
Most women are tired when they
wake UP. Uousowork drags along
with great difficulty; Neryoueness is
allVaYs present, headaches seldom de-
part, tears are ever ready to Row -
get there is A cure, a true specific
for woruen's ills that restored a linens,
inent lady in Moncton. Mrs, 1)aigle,
For Sale.
Renee and eon of loodtAilt end Orit-
toirio St. Purchaser wishing more land
could buy loSjoining. JOSHUA l'E4REIN
House for Sale'
Ten room, with woodshed and Edible
hard and soft %viten e Attire of lima, inn,
erelly lottatealer partmailers apply to
who tells the followinf experience : .
seakoess, sort of a seneral breakdown.
Clinton Salt Weil, Eigine end Boiler, R MOUT' HALE12 home pewer, Goldto & McCulloch
meliee Dernok and other artieles therein CONVEYANCER% InsuranceAgenOOMMISSIONtITaii,
aeal Estate sod
"About a yearetgo had a serione for Sale.
My digestion laileti entirely mei I was
.able to gat but very little. I took vio-
lent stomach pains and suffered terrib.
ly fear's headaches. My and I doctor said it
(Saccessei Dir Jai lataft
Ne *
office -Elliott Block, former's' "waged,
it ffsq.!'
Ws 1131VVD9NEe
was "nerve exhaustion
, Apply to JON P4OGARVA. , Money to loan
' te ;
a Farm to Rent or For Sale
never be well. My troubles increasMe
e ,
for as I grew weaker I because subject
to neuralgia and rhemnatisni. Sleep
dually forsook Inc and I almost lost
heart. Different medicines didn't help.
Doctors couldn't do me any good. I
was desperate when I heard ur Ferro -
zone. The first box convinced me it
was just what I needed, It toned up
my stomach, gave me a splendid appe-
tite and then my recovery deemed
easier. Perrozone increased my
weight several pounds, has restored
my nerves. given me a, good color and
strength such art never had before.
For the weak and sickly I can truth-
fully recommend Ferrozone." (Signed.)
Emma Daigle.
REMEMBER:: 4No mere stimulant
or alcobolic concoction can teke the
place of the nerye and blood nourish-
ment contained ha Ferrozone. This
true tome always does what is (UMW
for it. Sold everywhere in 50c boxes
or six for $2.50. )3y mail from N. C.
Pelson &Co., Hartford, Conn., U. S.
A., and giugstor., Ont.
Mr. Joseph Carter,formerlY or Blyth
arrived in the village on Monday even-
ing. For the past five . years' he ' has
been a resident of Jackson, Michigan,
where he haiebeen a member ; of the
firm Of Messrs Career & Eassoo, manu-
facturers of the. Carter matereaele boil
er cleaner, a device for the isreven.
• Von of scaes in steam boilers. As joint
stook company, - knovvri es the Autom-
atic Beeler Cleaner Co.. was recently
formed and purchased the bpsiness of
Messrs. Carter and Beeson. Mr. Car-
ter, having dispOsed of all his interests
in the United States. returned to Can,
ads, and is now looking around fox' a
,suitalde place in which to locate for
the manufacture of the Canada auto-
matic boiler cleaner for the Canadian
trade. This cleaner is how in use in
many of the leading indestries of Can-
ada. and the United. States, the \retest
concern to adopt it .being the Illinois
Central railroad, wise are instelling. it
Oh all their locomotiYes,
• sioo Reward, $100.
'rhe readers of thispaTer will be glad
to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that •science has been
able to cure in all its stag.es and that
is Catarrh:- mars- ,dureie the.
only:positive nuts now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrhbeing
constitutional disease, requires a mon.stitutiel treatment. Hall's Catarrh
'Cure is taken internally', acting direet-
y upon -the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, thereby deitroyine the
foundation .of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building Up
the constitution and assieting 'Datum
in doing its 'works' The proprietors
have so muCh faith in. its euratiVe
povvers that they Offer One Hundred
Dollars for any , case thatointlfaas? to
eure Se ford1* f • '
Address Fe:, :CHENEY & Co„ To-
.ledS6O'Id°6 .3' ruggists, 75e.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
pation. .
av ROYAL.wArglisiVr, strizzes TO t15 41 ?HZ PRISCX OP W4LL •
. . ,
, .
Good Bread should please
e Eye as well as the Palate.
Why does the dainty housewife delight in
snowy napery, glittering cut -glass, burnished
silver, delicate china- and all other table
allurements dear to feminine hearts ?
And what man does not appreciate table
It is not that ,we appreciateihe appearance
of our food almogt as much as the taste of it?
Bread may be ever so wholesome well.
flavored and made of scientifically milled flour,
but with all these qualities We want it to look
dainty, appetising, snowy' -white, with nut-
brown crust, and be firm and silky in texture.
Royal Household Flour makes jut that
kind,, of bread, -
The 'eledrical purifortion and gtetilization
of Royal Household Flour makes it yield not
only absolutely pure bread, but bread of,
snowy whiteness and beautiful texture -:–
bread that will grace the prettieit table or
give beauty to .the humblegt meal served on
the plainegt dishes.
You can prove this by trying a 25 lb. bag
—you must have flour, why not have the
Ogilvie* Royal
/behold Flour.
Lot IS, Cote 4, Builetts 100 sores, near-
lyall, under cultivation. Terms liberal,
APPI9 to.- - W. W. PARRAN
Clioton, Idarob 220,, 1,905,
Lands for Sale
"In the far WestReward, Anne Ioa.
proved farm for sale at $14 per acre,
other farms without buildings from $6 to
$12 per sore, good • land from one to six
miles • frero town. Pare .paid to partied
investing. N. P. °RICH, Beware, Ages.
TO Rent,
The brielt cottage and 20 acres of laud,
just pond) of Clinton, on -the London Road,
and at present owned he Kra Freer is of-
fered for rent on reasonable ternse, Apply
to Ephraim Bete Clinton, or Rev, W.
Butt, Springfield. Minh 24 tf
For Itent or Sale
That desirahle, commodious residence, at
present ocoueled by W. Q: Phillips, on
Mary qt, Pint class etate of repair; 1.2
acro garden, with fruit bearing trees end*
bushes; Possession given Oct. 1s. If pur-
chased, buyer can have easy ',tome of pay -
Ment; Can be inspeoted any reasonable
hour, Address JOHN RANSFORD,
- Clinton ,P.0
Farms for sale
150 area in 2nd Com IL R. 8. Tucker -
smith (lot 52 and weet half lot 34) with
'good brick botme, barn; sheds, stables eta.
A first class farm; Panels will be sold
, either separate or together. For partial.
hire emit' to RERBsgetTorteblt, I01/,
or W.' Bryclorsee Barrister, Clinton.
Farm for Sale.
London Road 4mile from Clinton, ahout
132 'sores of niatmlass liana. Rich as a
garden, has been a stook farm tor a nem-
ber.ef years. • Frame house, large •batiss,
plenty of staillioe, pig house for 100 bead,
implement building, Booseepion , given at
anytime, Owner wiiibes :to retire from
farthiag." AnPlr o 11. PLIIMSTEEL.
May 40 1905
-Choice Farm for Sale .
Subscriber oilers for side his -choice ferns
of 125 acres, beirig let 34, con, 13s Hallett,
1:0 .acres °lewd and in Aced State of °Wu -
vision. Bank . barn, • stable and driving
shed, extra biro on reae, of farm; never -
spring; soil first clan: •betkring or-
chards. 5 miles from Blyth, 9 from Clin-
ton; • Apply on premises or . to Londeebere
13-0,NK. ISG..
Desirabie.Prolierty. tor
liotieeittullatii in the village o JEICInsee=
The undersigned effere.for cable, her
large two-story brick house, slate roof,
good cellar, large rooms, furnace, hard' and
soft Water in house stable and drive shed,
,good garden, all Elude of errat,. about
acres of land, convenient:to Railroad Etta-
tiairPost Mae Church and School. .'Ap-
ply by pail, or an the promisee to MRS,
T. C. PICRARD, Hohnesville, 5.6.tf.
Fa,rin 1» Tuckersmith to
To reot for a term of years, L�t 14. Con-
geseion two; L. R, 8,, containing 100 acres,
.80 ricree of which are cleared and in a good
state of cultivation. This farm is situated
1 1-2 miles from Rippers, 7 eniles frora Seat
ferth, and 3 1-2 from Mama. This forth
is- well fenced, drained; ;and has firsfolase
buildings therean, and is one of the best
/amens the Cbtinty of Huron. For terras
tic; apply; to Deigit -Doig, Attorney o; Sault
Ste, Marie, Michigan,. • -
Mortgage ot$2,��O -upon fori.
lands worth 84,500 ; interest 4% yearly.;
Mortgage due 7 'tate hence.
Stock -5 shares in People'Building
• & Loan. Associatien, of Loncion, (livid.
, ends of 5% paid hall yearly •
SI,t4teLrkleirt 50 bares
dariVeisde_tinTs°04lia 61titaPvaldiralieal
These are offered for tele. Parthinlars
meg be bad from W. BRYDONE,
Solicitor for the holder,
:Clinton, May 17, 1005.
'Appes Wanted,
am in the nia-riet to buy both
Fall and Winter Appleq.
I-Ighest market price paid
Clinton, Aug 8 D. CANTELON
TheStandard Elevator.
Having teased the Standard Elevator the
undersigned is prepared topay the
Highest cash price
for grain of ail kinde. *
pa 41 W. G. SMITH. Clinton.
Live stock and general Auctioneer,
GODER1014, ONT. ,
ram .tock sales it specialty. Orders lett et
Nem Rea ineleti, Clinton. Prometir Attended
atele.4.4Tueurtienct reasobabie, raimers' sale notes
IIefelquarlers for Plunie of ohoicest oar.
nieg Verietleti, ready after Sol% 61h.
Pears and Ildney, high metlity a spec-
ielity. See our nest values in riaii08 and
Or ans
Ciinien irruit Firm end binOsEraperinit,
e011,11 BILKTUT
formerlyof Cameron! Holt 01c Cameron,
Ofiloe-Ilamliton ED opposite Colborne Hon
Parristere, Solicitors, Notaries Pablicoste.
0111cm-on the Square, and door from Handl.
ton St., Goderich, ew-Private funds to loanat
lowest rates. •
W. PAM:wows, K, C., R. C. tiers, G. r.BrAnt
Ors. Bunn & Gunn,
I Dr. w, Gunn,Lit. ft P.. L. L O. FL. Ulla -
Dr, J. Nisbet Gunn, M. 11, 0.3. England,
I,. D., C. r., Loudest. •
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Eight calls all
front door of office or residenoe, .R.attenbury,
Asec noluser etc., Once and residence Oia
tario St., oppoeite English church, formerly oo•
°unload by bar, Appleton, Clinton Oat, •
,DR. G. W. TH0119113,001*
PhYeleiati, Su.rgeon, Etc. !
special attention given t� diseases of the..
Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose,
Oillee and Residence-::
Albert street.einteelre Tiortheritattenburs'
•151. W.. Manning •Sinith, .11. D.; CM.
paysioia:ti 131;1110011.
oFrioE—main.sireei. Bayileld, forzaterly
ecoupied by Dr: Palliator: e
.1. B. i.UNDY, 1).B.S.4
• successor to Dr, Agiievy, Deantist.
'Officio open every dayand Until 10 o'olosy
Saturday evening. . •
(Successor to•Dr. T. 0, BrlY3e
SPecialist'lre trawa and Bridge Work
11, D. S.-Gzadnate Royal College Dental Star
__ aeons of Ontario, 1.afronto,.
S.-Firab-olaus Bono graduat.e' of Den -
tat Department of Toronto universibiA •
special e.ttention_paid to „preservation ot
obildren's teeth. WillMonitay.. visit BayAeld •
' -DENTIST. --
Offices ova)! O'NEIT,1"13 store.
. Spatial care taken to Make dental tre
=tent as Painless es possible. Will vi I
Auburn every Monday. • . ,
„ • No witneseeh re nir d
• • •
wpyliviateinds to loan 1#.4WR31.13 vaand an.
.4ent for the MANcuEsnat.Fi R Asstrils,
Co. of Manchester, England whose :node
eeonrity are rated at s14,600;Doe; -Also the •
Razor Millman Inauriaccu Co. A classei•
farm-Iisks and., town property taken
'await rates. First -c awl Loan Complus
also represerted. Money to be had fr split
cantnp,aoeir :big .1. nature of saftritr-
Daily mail* Bohnesville - postal owl
fermi him -
' Licensed AuctiOneer.
The undersigned solicits a shore Of tiair •'.
patronage of those wishing to hold sales.:
Satisfaction guaranteed. :Moderate rateee
Apply to or eddies(' Jag, A. SMITH, 101
88, coti 16, Goderich ip., Clinton P. 0,
J. IltinabaJls Clinton.
D. MeTaggarte
Geilerai Banking BO sio
• transacted
Notes issued. Interest altseved on
, aquiline
Private tondo to Men on mortgagee ife
befit current rata',
General Banking businelet sransieled
Interdei all ed on depooite.
Side notes bought
The McKillop Mutual,
Fire Insurance Co.
Farm and Isolated Town Prop.
erty Only Insured.
J. g, McLean, President, Kippen; Thee"
Eraser, VieeTrese Brucefield; Thos, g
Hays, Secy, Treas.,' Seaforth4
/as, Connelly, Porter's1Hili; John.
Watt, Harhicki G. Dale, Clinton; M.
Chesney, Seafolth; J. Evans, Beech -
won; I. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Bela
neweiS, grOdhagen.
Each Director is inspector of losses in
his own locality.
noht, Smith, • Harlock;
Seafortin lames Cummings Eginon&-
ville; J. W. Veo,
11.1,0* an Netvetweis tome,
AJAX Iltrlintablittrii