HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-10-13, Page 1cash will pay for Cthe Clinton New . Era to ist Jany, . to new subscribers „ ESTABTABBSD 1865 ROBERT HOLUESPab 1senfOrtti .111.111101111111111111111111111111111101111111111W • NOTES. -Mi. -MV. R. W. Scott, who for the past three years has bthe e very efficient manager of the Seaforth Electric Light Works, has -retired from that position and will devote himself to electric repairing and wir- ing for the company, Mr. Stephen Lamb now has the contrtict for catry, ing the mail to and from the station' to the post office •, Mr. W. Somerville, .who has. faithfully performed these duties for some years, an anconnt of pressure of other bresinesse had the contract transferred to Mr, ' Lamb. Mr. Charles Hensley, who has been salesman in W. Pickard & Son's store here for sorae tirne, has gone to Dundalk where he takes charge of a, clothing business. Mr, H. Edge has commenced work on the station build- ings on the Guelph-Goderich branch of the O. P. R. He sent a gang of men away on Tuesday to construct e sta- tion near Guelph. Miss may Livens, daughter of Mr. H. Livens. of Sea. forth, an honor graduate of the Mac- Donald Institute, Guelph, has been en- gaged .as demonstrator in Domestic Science in the public schools a Port Arthur and Port Williani, At a meet, ing of the board of th,e Seaforth Colle.giate lnetitute held Wit. Friday evemng. they recognized the splendid work done by this Institute by an in. crease in the salary of the principal and each member of the teaching, staff. The Sovereign Bank ef Canada. ESTABLISHED MAY 190t. Total Deposits Apr. 30, 1903 $3 252583. Apr. 30, 1904 5,707,503. Apr. 29, 1905 8,316,203. „ Aug. 31, 19.05 9,138,437. Your current or saving ac- count invited. 19..A.INToain Clinton Manager Itingebridge: Ontrytka Centime -The opening of the handsome new Roman Catholic church will take place next Sunday, Oct. 15. High mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m.: and there will be an after- noon service at 4p.m. The church will be solemnly blessed by Bishop hicEvay of London. A confirmation will be held the same day, and the contirmees will make their first communion. The - day will be one long to be remembered in the history of the parish. The build- ing, which is a handsome one, was con- structed by S. S. Cooper, of Clinton, and although it has been a considerable time under way, is a credit both to the contractor and people. The world- wide famous Dorothy DOdd Shoes for ladies . are here. Coate m 4nd examine them, or look in window f dr • saniples. Lities'and Gents •--fine Shoes at 2 -3rd price am having a big Clearing Sale of aboutb$300.00 worth of Fine Shoes; lines that are broken in sizes. Come in and get a pair to fit ou, at your own price. 1 will rprise you. No trouble to ow goods. B. BALLARD R. Graham's old stand. Exeter NkcaTer.- W. Hawkshaw, one of the best known hotel men in Ontario, died here on Tuesday. He formerly kept hotel in Blyth and Seaforth. His im- mediate death resulted from a hem- orrhage on the brain, which 'caused paralysis of the entire right side. Three years ago he bad the misfortune to fall down stairs, injuring his head, from which he suffered tenbearable pain and from the effects of which he never fully recovered. ILL. -The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Hugh Spackman will be pain- ed to learn th'at her illness has taken - a serious turn and is now in a very low condition. OTOS AmBIG REDUCTION CABINETS 2.50 per doz:$2.5o From now till the first of Jan- uary we are making a tuBIG REDUCT1ON4t in every size of Photograph, from Sun -beams to our large 14x17 family groups. mommt.....tommodois REMEMBEP Cabinets $2.50 per doz. imitmatinnotimittl.. The best Bargain ever of- fered in the County in Photographs ANitoMmitiolawordmdrom Our reputation for artistic pos- ing, and well -finished Photos is well established and can- not be excelled. 0 NOT miss this oppor- tunity of securing good hotos at unusually lovv prices. 'sPhotOS tidi Wingham . Naves. -A change has been made in the firm of Cassels & Carr, of the Wingham livery; Mr. F. J. Carr has sold his interest to Mr. Thos Cassels, who will continue the business at the old stand. Mr. A. Dulmage has been very ill for several days ; Dr, Gunn, of Clinton, visited him professionally this week ; it is hoped that be will. soon recover. Mr. Wrixt. Jecksen, :of Morris,was in town on Wednesday, on his 91st birthday, and walked up street as sprightly and erect as many men a quarter of a centuzyyounger. Mr. Speckling, for some time past book-keeper at the Western Foundry, expects to leave Wingham soon. The $12,000 of debentures of the Town of Wingham for the extension of the Waterworks system, were sold to a Toronto firm for $12.115. , • ANNUAL MEETING. - The annual meeting of the Western Itenndry Co. was held on Thursday last. The'busi- ness for the past year was successful, for a dieidend of seven per cent was declared, Mr. F. Taylor has returned from Toronto and is again in the Manager's chair. Mr. Cunningham will still superintend the .praeoical work, for whinh position he so well adapted. • • . DEATH OF MRS TA.LBOT,- Mrs. B. R. •rarbot, a former well-known resident of Wuagham, died at home in Lend= on Saturday last at the age of 60 years. Deceased's husband was for a number of years engaged in the mercantile bue. inesS in.Wingham. s A Nolan REsPoNsE.-Last Sunday was Harvest Home day' in connection with Wingham Methodist, , Church. Rev. W. McDonagh, of Stratrord, a veteran of fifty-three years in the ministry, preached morning and even- ing. The congregations were asked to place upon the plates $1400 to liquidate the debt, and they responded nobly by contributing $1565.50. Of this about $1000 was in cash, and most of the rest will ' be paid in this week. The corner stone was laid May 24th, 1001, and the church completed and opened in February, 1002. In the short time since, the debt has been removed and the pipe organ purchased and paid for. Considering that when the enterprise was commenced, -the Trus- tees had not a single dollar in the building fund, it is questionable if the Conference can beat the record made by Wingham Methodist Church. The members of the congregation knew ther iduty and did it nobly. STATION IUKANGES4 Extensiye changes are being made' this fall at Wingham, to include a new .$10,000 station. The whole yard is entirely renlodeled:---Ftnifif thieferineneareittlize arine street, the hill Will be. 'cut down so as to coinpletely level the yard from the fence referred to, down to the site of the present station. On this :ex- cessive yard tracks will be laid, and here the switchingwill be done. The cattle pens are being removed to the east end of the yard, and the present freight sheds will be inovecl back from the main line, midi:some distance east- ward, and will be used entirety for fur- niture freight sheds for the fotories. A new freight shed for general freight will be erected, 150 feet long. The en- gine house, now west of Josephine will e removed neat the oatmeal mill; The present passenger station will be removed and e fine new building erect- ed to stand 00 feet back fromJosephitie street. This building will not cost lees' than 00,000 and may cost enrich more, but that much at least is the estimate, says the Advance. On the north and south sides of the laeiv station, gram- lithio walks will be laid to the main street, and between those either, a grass plot or flower beds will be laid out. Hence the front will present a neat appearance, and the busses will be given a locetion further back. Ben:miller reaSoneteeearrs. A. S. Gledhill and daughter, of Kincardine, ate spending a couple of weeks with frier -ids in, this locality. Rev. M. J. Willson and wife of Teeswater, wete renewing, acquain. taflcesin tiliS neighborhood on Sunday last. A. S. Gledhill and Secord Hatt. of Kincernine, visited friends here on Sunday and Monday last 3', .T.Moore, our well known fence builder is st pre., sent building an artistic fence in the county town. #ta NOTEs.-The work on tit% Fisher's new house is being rapidly pushed ahead, and when completed, this house will be one of the most titetodate in this section of country. john Halliday and family have returned to Goderieh, and his farm here will be worked by Martin Mugford, Who has tuoVed his family to the same, • lVterCtilop \ BARNS 131T1 E1.- destruetive fire, oceurred ni Satuirclay night, on the farm of Mr, Robert Searlett, resulting in the hiss of two exeollent barns, together with their contents. The fire tnyite_ riously started at about 8 oteloek in the evon1ig andprni'tleajiy nothing as saved. There WAS snits iMiUrant Mr. be CLINTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13; 1905. NIPPOIA Nous, --108. Alair, accOMnanied by her daughter Emma, went last week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Martins, in Bad Axe, Mick; they intend to remain A few week,. Mise Ilit Dinsdale aniist- ed the chiselhurst Methodist choir in the singing last Sabbath, at their aura- versary services. ales. .r. Baltour and children have returned from the %Vest, where they spent a few months ; Mr. Balfour will not return for some Wine ; he is engaged in the real estate busi- ness now. Cutinote-Rev. H. 3. Feb, of Elim- ville, Preached most excellent sermons at the anniversary servicee at Chisel- ,--irst last Sunday, and in Kippen in the afternoon. „ „On Monday. even- ing Mrs. Buchanan Wife of Rev. D. Buchanan, delivered& splendid address in the Presbyterian church, un their work in Argentine; they are doing great work there, which Is sorely needed. •. DRAWL -Death canie• as a heppsr re- lease on Wednesdaymorning, -Idct. 4, te the late Mr. Squires, who passed Away at the home ' of his daughter, Mrs. Ricker: For the -past nine months he had been bedfast, and for some Years had not been well. He had attained the great age of eighty-eight peen:, four mouths and fifteen days. The late Mr. Squires was born in Dev- onshire, England, in 1817, thus liying in the reigns of five British sovereigns. Sixty-five years ago he left his native land and cause to. Canada, settling in Waterloo county, where he was -e very successful fernier. Ten years: ago his wife died, and soon • afterwards he came to live with his daughter, Mee., Ricker, Who has been a most kindly nurse and daughter to hide, He was a sincere Christian, beloved ,by all who knewhim. For many months he has been longing for the call to go up higher. The funeral on Fliday was to New Hamburg, and thence out to Wil- mot cemetery, near his old home Holnapsvilte Canneit AnxtvtrisaltY. - $11CCeStifOl as have_ been previous anniversaries in connection with the Methodist ohurch titans Village, that • of Sunday and Monday last surpassed all others. Sun- day was a mostedelinlatful day, and the result was that large . audiencesgath- ered tit each of the three serves con- ducted:in the church.. •Itee. Mr. Min - fling, Chairinan of the District, gave a kite -stirring and inspiring sermon in the morning, • one :that was kipecially helpful to the members of the church ; in the afternoonhe gave an illustrated address to the Sunday school children, they being assembled' in the centre of the church ;It. Holines else gave aten minute address. Rev. Mr. .Kerr, Who Conducted the evening service; had a crowded house, those present. being re - Warded with an excellent sermon. -The choir of the choral, under the• leader- ship of Will Pickard, . rendered excel- lent service on each occasion, • . Tile tea -meeting on Monday night was a signal success:- .it was itttended by hundreds. ' The ladies were indefa- tigable • In attending to the wantsof the many who . thronged thetea-table, including a, large numberfrom Clinton, Gederich, Seaforth, etc. .Theprogreni, Oven in the auditoriiim of the cluriobi, trichided add.resees by Rev. Messrs. Birk,, of Seaforth, Haten of Goderich, and Kerr of Cl.nton. The Imperial Quartette, from Seaforth, •rendered. a mitt:they of selectione wheat were much' eiajoYed; eneoree being repeated- ly called for. , Mr. Swann made a Very . 'efficient chairman. Bev. Mr. Stedman, of Hayfield, rendereda vocal solo which, was muc' aPpreciated. The proceeds Were very gratifying, being in the neighborhood, of $130; • Wottiatee IEBTirtrrE.-The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the'usual niece at half past two on -Oct. 10th. The subjects for the Meeting are:- Best periodicalater the family, Care of lamps, Dailyand weeklyprogram of work. GOderich Township SALE. -Mr. W. Jenkins, Of the Matt- iand-Concessioinewho -has'enoree,stock- than he has feed fonwill have a ;sale of snack, on the 10th. 'Nozes-Mr. Patrick, of Ilderton, has been yisiting his daughter-inna,w, Mrs Harry Thompson, of the 15th conces- sion. Robt. Hanley mourns the foss of an infant daughter. A couple of the children of Sohn Hudie have been quite 111. SotwOr, ftEBoRT.-The following the report of the standing of the puple, in 1.1, 8; S. No; 4; for the !Dorian o'• September. The report is basedron attendance, demeanor endediligence, the wanes being arranged in order of merit : 4th Ola.es *Minnie Boom, Ol- lie Lobb, Elsie Lobb, Belle Draper, Myrtle Beacom, Erma Jordan; Mary Smith, Murray Draper. Sr. 2nd -Vera Lobb, Beulah .Nesbitt, Eddie Mille Maggie Easom. Sr. 2nde-Fra,nk Lo Gladys Draper ; Part II -May Sinclair, Jennie Miller, Harold Lowery, Bettie Beacom. Part t-Ilelen Nesbitt, Luel- la Lahti, robe! Sinclair, -.T. H. Low. nay, Teacher. BARNS BIHINELI -On Saturday* meth- ing of last week, the barn, driving shed and stables on the fatal on the Huron toad occupied by Colin Camp- bell, near Goclerich, were totally de. -strayed by lire, • The farm belongs to Mrs Joseph' Wilson, who heel $1,000 insurance on the bowie and farmintilns ifigsi but her loss will not be half cev• eted by insurance: Mr. Oatapbell lost his crops, implemetitsand a cow in the fire but, we understionl, had tour- auee, The cause of the fire is unknown , Mr. Campbell has been troubled by chieken thieves and possibly the fire may have originated from al match thrown down by some such 'person. The fire started between 2 and 3 clock in the morning tto was beyond control when discovered. Attritiorn ClItuttar MArtilms.-NektSlinday at 11 ROVt Mr. Shaw, of Egrnondville, will preaeh aV. M. S. sermon, ; a, ape; dal missionary collection will be taken. At 2.30 Rev. Mr. Anderson, 131yth, will preaeh in the Methodist °hatch, and Res'. Mr. Shaw itt 7 0, in. On Monday evening Rev. Mr.Morrison, of Comber, will deliver hie popular lecture, "That Boy .;” a free-wili offering will be taken at the door, ricrrts,-The Auburn G. 0, X. stud- ents enent Saturday rid 'Sunday at their homes here, asc d ilifies Erma Syffilitnf Blyth, fee Mabel Er- rattA p few da at with her MEIllett NOTES. -ars, Wm, Moon is recover- ing After her serious operation per- formecl Iwo weeks ago, SALK-Mr. Obas Mason„of the 3rd, is about to sell hie farm, and will have a sale of his stock, etc., on Tuesday, Oct. 24. He expects to engage in bus - in Clinton.. .REtaovEnnn ee• Albert Canaan Brown, eon of Mr, Relit Brown, of the 2nd, who had the misfortune to break his leg a short time ago, has so far .re; covered that he is able to be out, RETURNED. -..Mr. John Govier, of this townsbip, who went West on one of the early excursions, bas returned home, and we understand be is quite content to remain in Ontario, believe ing it to be far superior to anytjung in the west. , ACCIDENT. -On Friday night Mrs. M. Hesselwood was coining out of the cellar, and on reaching the .top step she slipped and fell baeltWatels to the Hoor, striking her head on the steps, then on the cement, cutting a gash in - her head and other wide injuring hete se , medical aid being summoned at once, her wound was dressed, having i to have several stitches. She s getting along nicely; she is an old lady only weighing 75 pounds, yet one of the most „active women in the township. Goderieh • "I'"14 'HORSES TQOE PRIGHT-john Hutch- inson, of Port Ainert, was seriously hurt at the Goderich,Lumber Co', mill Thursday afternoon and one of hid horses killed, The team:took fright at a Grand • Trunk erAeine and clashed along . the track. The: engine. struck ,one of the horses.. The man was thrown to one side and was badly in, A DIEW RIFLE RANGE; Goderich, Out. 6. -The Government Rifle Range which has been under' constructidn' for some time here Is now completed, and the event is being celebrated ' by the Huron Regiment and the County Rifle Associations with a big "shoot:" Teams from the different compenies of the 33rd, and from the various civ- ilian Club's, are competingin three events; And there are three individual ceinpeatimis. . Three. valnable. silver: trophies are tobe awarded, as well as twenty-five Moneyeprizes. The tourna- ment commenced Thursday. afternoon . and will he nnished 'Friday. The new range has been built on the lake shore, allowing a good:long stretch, and the ne,egefeete of the Moist modern. class. Bayfield E'VAPORATOR En'UNED.-The lenge evaporating factory here, owned by Mr. John- Whiddon, was burned to the ground last Saturday night. The fire broke out about 11130 p.m. in the boin er room and in a. short thaw the whole factory was in Ramo. and although the volunteer fire brigade worked hard the whole bedding and contents were burned.. The lose anaouhted to $2,000 Insured for $500. it is very nnfortun- ate that the building should be burned, so lately in the season. • - - Nevres.-Mr.. Whitelaw and his Men, from Woodstock, have arrived to ad- just. the machinery, in. Mr. Thomson's flour mill. An entertainment entitled "an eild-time tea -meeting" will be held in the vestry of St. Andrews' church on Monday night; a pod crowd is w. .pected, . as the .admissionfee will ,ba low. W. Jowett is busy blinding his savrinill on his timber limits. Mrs. J. McLeod has. returned from Toronto hospital; she 'says her husband isnow improying, having been removed to. hospital-. • . LondemborO • _ 'Svomt Benese:-Some idea ornie extent of the sugar beet industry in these. parts natty be gained from the fact that on one day this week six ears have already been tent,: and there are were being leaded, . ythilet a n tuber some not harvested yet; °MAW& —An instruetive discourse on "Amusements"_ vas_ given by Aev. Mr. Clement on Sunday evening. last. The regelar.a.nninersiley and bawl sup- er have been planned for Sunday, the 22nd, and the evening of Thanksgiving Day; watch for further an n oup cement. B. T. on T, -At the regular meeting on Monday eyening, an interesting feature of the program was an essay read by Miss C. Huston on the poet Wordsworth. Selections froto . his writings Were read by other members. The next evening ..T. B. 'Robertson will give a study. Of the life and works of Longfellow. it: was decided to invite Auburn lodge on the evening cif Nov, 13. SALE, -The sale of R. Peace on Sat- urday last was well attended,and the stock, implernehts, etc., realized good prices. The hotel property and farm were offered, but not sold. We under- stand that the former has since been leased to one of our enterprising young - men, Mr, Moses BroWn,Who Will secure the serviees of one of the young Wired" recently employed there, and become the landlord of our Oommerelal. Mr, Bruce goes west next weelt, Noel:lg.-Miss Lily nreCool, Clinton, spent Sunday at -her home here, ef Miss Mabel Kerr, of Clinton,. visited het friend, Miss IVIary Stott, test week. Wilfrid Crisp, of London, spent Sun- day at his home here, W. Richards,' W. Wallace and li. Riley, who are now working in New York, spent Sun- day at their respective homes. A G. T. ft, construction gang axe busy re- pairing the culvert on the farm of .1. Garrett. :1, E. Itobertseti took a couple of days' rest fast week on account of illness : we are glad to note that he re- sumed his duties ori atonday, Wm: Brown is moving to the village this week, Where he will take life somewhat eiteier. H. MaeOallum,B.A i 13 Se., of Sydney, 0.13., called 'oti his brother while on his way to Vert William. Lorenzo Brigham, who has completed his third year in medicine in London, left recently for Winnipeg, where he will complete the CORT89. Dr. L. Whitely, of Gotrie, paid a, flying visit to his nightie here on Sunday. Mr. OM UM rt. 13. Jeffrey, of Toronto, are visiting °Id friends here. Miss Elva Wallace is spending a few holidays at' home, Miss ,Allie Bell has returned, after it pleasant visit with relatives in Montgomery, Michigan, Mies Smith, of Hamilton, s the guest of her sister, MrS. Leckie, at the Manse, this wdek. Mrs, ,T, W. Freeman, of Ontario, (NH- fornia, is visiting at the parsonage, .Our [nerd nimrode ?vent Wednesdayith their bounds and guns, This w it bus week at th stationshipping 1 gs The fret: tea eth Fittit The annual show of the Morris Ag ricultural Society was held at Blyth on Tuesday and Wednesday. it rained hard on Tuesday night,and the gloomy appearance of Wednesday doubtless kept hundreds away, nevertheless the attendance was Inlay good, although the day was raw and uriplea,sant. The directors have made commendable at- tempts to keep up interest in this once popular fair, but it is self-evident that interest is waning, particularly in the inside departments. Horses were eiar- tioularly well represent ed, cattle,i hogs and sheen fairly so. The following is the prize Usti.-- Honsus — Heavy draught- Wood mare, 4 Robinson, D Laidlaw ; mare oat, Jno Scott, Jas rale ; horse to tl, D Laidlaw, A Robinson ; 2 year gelding, Geo Dale, A Robinson ; 2 ear filly,. Jas eid, Inc: Scott ; year old gelding, Laidlaw, Jas Forster ; year !Ad any, 13 Wilkinson, D Cook; team, j Fors- ter, J Denholm ;four 1905 colts; 13 Her- rington, • . AgriculturaIL-Broodpare, JaikVan• E mend, • 0 /3 Wilkineon ; mare foal al, 0 eld- Eg- g, W tt,' 13 Ir's:Vo;r22t. old anEgmorid. G Dale.; horse fo B'Wilkinson, W Waite; 2 year g ing, J'Forster ; .2 year filly, .T Van mond, M Lockart ; ear old geldin Sholdice, Forster'; team, Bu .Denholm. , General purpose -Brood mare Gibbons; mare foal, W ShoIdice Sanderson • horse foal R Gibbon year gelding, A Robinson, D Coo. year filly, 0 Dale, J Brigham ; year .1111y, A Robinson; team, 0 W Tay Jas McGee. , • Roadsters -Brood mare, Jas Forster, T Black ; hero foal, Jas Dale, J.Fors- ter ; mare foal; T Black, A Speare ; 2 year gelding, S Morton, H Campbell ; 2 year filly, S Morton, A, Smith; year old gelding, J Barr; .1/ W Rogerson; year old filly, A Speare; T Black .,esing- le:driver, Van VanNortnan, W A Can- ingbarn ; ' team. J Sparrow, J. W. Ele Hatt ; saddle horse; A H Plummer: ; sweepstakes, Jae VanEgrooncl, . CATTLE -Pure-bred.Durharas- Milch cow, ' It Corley, ' T 11 Taylor; 2 year heifer, R Carley, R Harrison ; year oid heifer, D W Rogerson, D Cook ; heifer R CorleVeTHarr ; ageclbull, Inn Bisaorfir ; ;bhuellvdca,laf, Ro9CrieMyclGowan, R Har- r Aberdeen•Angus-Mdch 'cow,E M Lechert ; year Old heifer, M Loch- , art f bull, also herd B Butt 1-2 . Herefords -Milch Cow. E Farnham, ,Allen Bros ; 2 year heifer, and heifer: calf, _E • Faenhani e. aged bun, Allen Bros ; 2 year bull, E Fai.nharia , hull calf, E Farnham, Allen Hies herd, E erehatn. • Geade-Milch cow, it BILaidlaw, ack 2 year heifer, R Harrison, S Barr; year old heifer. D W :Rogerson. M Lockart ; heifer calf. D Ociok, .T H Tarter e steer calf, A W Sloan, D W Rogerson ; 2 year :steer, D Cook, R B Laidlaw eyear old steer, D -Cook,. D Laidlaw ; hod cattle, 54 B Laidlaw ; fat o* or steer, D Cook,- R Hairissin ; fat co* or heifer, R 13 Laidlaw, THarr, Sneen.1:-Cetswold -Aged ewes,.., jaw Barr. Leicester-jno Barrtook all in this clam except 2nd fax shearling ewes; which went to R McGowan. ShrOpshiredoWe -A. Dunkin took all theprizes in this clips. . Any' Other Breed --Aged ram, R. Cor- ley, Scott* San; ranflaixtb, R Corley 1-2; Pair ewes, • R Corley ; shearling ewes Scott' ' & Sons, R Corley; .6We R Corley; fat sheep, J Barr,A Dunkin. Childrn under 10, 0 Kaiser, c - 7 • cash will get th6. C;NewEra to Jan x 7906, to new sub- •• scribers. 1 _ eBrue- field, Flossie Brown ; under'13, Hazel Bennett, Miss B Levis ; under 16; V Bennett, D Gowan. RooTs "-Collection garden produce, .117. II Mcgracken, IV ,T Fenwiek ; early potatoes, and late potatoes, Jrio Barr, I° Willows ; collection potatoes, P Win lows, A Speare ; field carrots, J no Par- rott, B Ilaggitt ; garden, carrots,- LR Haggitt, V Bennett; Swede turnips ancl, any tutnips, W le McCracken, d. l3arr ; beets, A. W Slotua, It Dennolin ; sugar beets, E Haggitt ; icing mangold wurtzels, and globe, WH 1VreCracken, E Haggett ; yellow mangold, It Den- holm, W rl McCracken ; pumpkin, E Haggitt, Jno Barr ; squash, W II Mc- Oracken, A W Sloan ; ted onionselVirs Hele, W.11 McCrecken ; ye! low onions, W II 111cOracken, Mrs Hele :- silver pickling onions, W H McCracken ; white field beans,' A W Slott, V Wil- lows; field corn, al Morton, G W Tay- lor ; citron, g liaggitt, Jas Alton ; weterinelon, W II lereCraelten, 3 Alton; cabbage, P Willows, J Potter ..., rea pickling cabbage, G Haggitt, Mrs Hele;le; celery, W H. McCracken. DAIRY AND PRowsnoitrai -Tub butter: R B McGowan; A Elliott ; crook but- ter, R B McGowan, W Plunkett ; rod 'butter, A Elliott, R 13 McGowan, J G Fell ; butter in prints, R H.McGowen, JAlis BPot 11 i°itetr t e ab extractediacin ts, h°Jr' ePYa' Potter vv er, A Sloan ; home-made brand, W P unk,ett, Elliott ,• maple syrup, Mrs D Brethour, W H McCracken ; collection canned fruit, R B McOpwan, F Metcalf ; gra,pe wine, In° McDowell, W II McCracken; tomato -catsup, W Plunkett, BB Leid- Id* ; inixed pickles, R 11 McGowan; Miss Symintton ,; pickles, R B McGow- an, W Finn ett. • . . MAisturAcTuREs.-All wool flannel. Mrs. G Nott; W Sanderson ; union flannel, M Brethour, Mrs G Nott ; all wool blankets, Robinson & Henderson, R R McGowan; blankets union, Miss Stewart; horse blankets, R H Me - Go Ran, Jas Alton ; coverlet; Mrs G Nott, . Miss • Stewart ; tag mat, Mks Hele, Mrs G Nett ; yarn mat, Mrs. Hele, Mrs 0 Nott; rag carpet, D Laid- Brethour; • stocking yarn, Robinson & Henderson, Mes Note DIES WORK ,Lace handkerchiefs, Miss Livingstone.' Pars ,Duffield ; but- t • on holes, Miss SyMingten; 'Visa Brook ;sspecimens of patching, Mrs J Howrie ; gents' mitt, Miss Symington, IlMcCracken ; pillow shaihs; Miss e; tewart, • Nes Ifele ; patch n,,li ;Pies -Yorkshire - Aged boar, 0 Ilaggitt, a :anon; brood sow, also boar, J Alton, G I3,aggitt; sow, J Al- Tarnworth-Brood. sow, also beer.; j• Alton. ' • - - ' Chester White -Brood sow, It 0 Mc... . &aeon, - . • Unproved Berkshire -Aged boar, R Gibbons 1.2; brood .sow, E Haggitt, It Gibbons. • - • Pourafrin.- Bronze turkeys, G W Irwin, John Barr ; _geese, large bre ed 'also rouen ducks, %V. Carter E Hag. gett ; ducks, G W Irwin. B 'fraggett ; orpingtons,. W Carter, E En8ndtt ; reghorns, white, W Carter, E Bag- gett ; leghormi, brown, Mrs Howrie 1-2"1 • houdans, W Carter.; .hrahnsits, G W Irwin 1-2; tainorca,s, 0 IV Itwin, Mrs Howrie ; himihurgs, spangled also pencilled; W Carter 1-2 1 : langshens, .E Hicggett ; dorking,s G W Irwin ; veyandottes, silver, :vkf ()alter. 0 Ir- WM ; wyandottes, any other variety,e W Carter,. 11 Haggett ' aliclalusiane, , Mrs °Howrie 1-2; black' breasted red/ game also bluff cochins, (3V Irwin 1-2; • partridge coehins, W Cartel"; bantams, W Carter, Mrs. Rosette ; pt - lands, G• Irwin 1-2; red gaps, Eag- white, also guinea fowl, G Ir ,i7 gett ; piymouth 'rocks; 'barred, Mrs Hovvrie, G W Irwin ; plymouth °eke, sin, E Haggett ; collection of pigeons, G Haggett. tfrit4 Eaux,r-Apples-Wintet . pies A • W Sloan, JAI; Potter ; fall pples; Jae Potter 1 & 2; Baldwin, 11, McGoWent It 13 Laidlaw ; Tompkins, iirethour, R 13 Laidlaw; Northern py. j Barr, A IV Sloan • Rhode Isl nd Greening, M Tstrethour,'S Alton ; ,Itibston pippin, it Potter; 3 Alton ; golden russet, J AI - ton, M Brethour ;rusdet Roe:be:to, Miss Stewart, S Alton ;p eek.n o-furtherM , e Brethour,a Alton • Wagner, B fragg. itt, A W Sloan ; endavisr-S-Morton. A W Sloan; Gr enstein, j :Alton, A W Sloan; mammoth pippins, A liV Sloan; Taiwan Stveek .A. W Sloan, it G McGowan; Mann, I Alton, 3 n Veils; Maiden binsbe.T Alton ; Snow,Mrs t? Jc3rOtheur, A Ur Sloan; Ontario, Jain McDowell,/ W H McCracken ; l'eWeel. kee, Miss Stewart ; Wealthy, It G Gowan Canada ; amide, red, Mrs D Brethour, R 0 MoGowan ; Calvert, B 11 Laidlaw, A W Sinan ; Alexander, c.) W Taylor, J B If lis ; 20 -oz pippins, J Alton, A W Sloan; any variety, A W Sloan 1-2; crabs, 10 Laidlaw, rt Denhohn ; collec- tion, AW Sloan,' R G McGowan. ogOther Fri:lite-Winter peers, J Alton, 0 W Toter ; fall pears, A W Sloaii,,3 /Alton ; plums, F Metcalf,. G M Hemil- ton ; collection plums, W 11 Me(Yreck. eta, 14' Metcalfe; tomatoes, 1? Metcalf, W J Fenwick ; grapes, J B Fells, 3' Alton; peaches, Miss Carder, .1 B Bell. GRAINS -Red fall wheat, litre I) Brethont ; white fall wheat, M Breth- our, 0 W Taylor ; red spring wheat, and white Fife, St Brethour ; 0 rowed barley, M Brethour, Mrd Brethour ; white oats, Mrs Firethour, M Brethour; black oats, and small pea,S, M Stetli- our, Mrs Brethour; large peso, Mrs Ilrethour, M Brethour ; timothy seed, Mrs Rrethour, J Alton ; red clover, M Brethour, immitxtrorra— Sinl. opan buggy, and noversd bugry, pjiwl: cotton, Mrs Hele, Miss Symington patch quilt in cloth, 'Mrs -Howrie, - W 'II McCracken ; silk quilt, crazy, Mr Nett, Mrs Duffield ; crochet quilt, Per Howrie, Mrs Duffield; knitted quil Mrs Hele, Miss Symington : pan! woo socks, Miss Stewart, Mrs Nott ; *teas cene work, Mrs Duffield, Mrs Nott embroidery_ on bolting cloth, -Mr Hele, Idrs Nott : erribiendery on silk o satin, Mrs D Brethonr, Miss Stewart kensington embroidery, Miss Stew it ..... Mrs Ilowrie ; roman embroidery, . lr Hele;. Mrs D ,Brethour ; parlor se een Mrs.Dulaieldelffrs Nett ; sofa ;cushion Mee. Brethoine. T H Titylot4'; 'fame panel, Mrs poiliezd, litre Bre hout piano or table sore Mrs Br thour Mrs Hele; drawn work, Miss Syming Lan, . Mrs • Howne ; honiton �r porn lade, Mrs Duffield,, Miss Syxiixigton. novelty in fancy work, Mrs Biethoiir Mrs Here ; crochet work iri silk, Me Hele, Miss Brook; crochet work in cotton, Miss Brook, Mrs Deffield ; bed- room slippers; Mrs .Nott, Mrs : ,Howrie ; toilet e'en Mrs Duffield, Mrs Nott; footstool, Miss' Stewart, Mrs Nott ; applique.- work, MISS 'Stewart,. Mrs Brethour ;pin .cnehiee,'Miss Symieg. ton, Miss Livingstone; handkevelnef case, Mrs Brethour, Mrs Howrie ; mould work, MiesArmington ; knitt- ed lace . in cotton, iss Stewart, Ars Itele ; wool sha, Mrs Duffield, Miss Symington; table mats. Miss Stewart': doylies, mats, Mrs Hele, Mise Stewart, Mrs Hele ; battenburg lace, Mrs Duf- field, Mrs Hele;. giove Case, Mrs q . Howrie, Mrs Livingstoue ; tatting, Mrs Dulfiel4Mrs, Hefei ; netting, Mrs Howrie, Mrs Duffield.; ueen arm darning; Mise Livingstone, MI'S HeleA ntletnaree collar and cuff case, Mies Livingstone, X Brethour ; table centre, -pieces, Mrs Hele Miss Stewart ; table cover, Mrs Howrie, Mrs Ilele ; trey cloth, Mrs Duffield, Mrs Howrie; tea coseye Mrs Nott, •Mrs Hele ; picture throw, Mrs Dueld: M Brethour; lamp screen, Mies Symingeon_ ,• la unary bag; Miss Symington, M Brethotir e shopping bag, 11I Brethour, WS liele ; etching, Mrs Nott,, Mre Hele ;knotted 4i1 sprOa0, M Brethour ; mantle drape, M B ethours Miss Symington' : teneriffe lace Mise E Laves, airs but - slumber robe, Mrs, Itele, Brz•s Howrie; field ; pyrography or poker work, Mrs Hele ; brading, Miss Stewart, Mrs Nott ; couching; ' Mrs Howrie ; ecol- leotion of ladies' week, Mrs Hele, Biro Dfied& nrenteari'e OoMPETrrloil.--fiemm- ed handkerchiefs, Miss E Lavis, R G Mronien. " • INK Anms,- Ornament or vase, Mrs Hele, Miss Livingstone ; plaque in oil, Mies Livingstone, Mrs Hele ; burned work on leather, Mrs:Trete, Mrs Did - field ; Picture of Huron scenery, Mre Duffield, Mrs Howrie ; painting on bolting cloth. MISS Livinotone, Mrs ,Hele e collection oil paintings, Miss Levis ; collection Water color paints ings, Miss Livingstone, Mrs Iroverie ; figure painting in ode iiirrs Irele, Mrs Duffield ; figure painting in water whir, Mrs Hele, Miss Living. stone ; animals grouped or sliest°, in ail, Mrs Ileie, MrH s owele; aniinale grouped ts, • SI. per year insesenae t sLierweee not eapiee 77r= Our Baking Powder Ts. Always Pure. Always Fresh ' Always. Reliable OM USD. - ALWAYS (MD —TRY -1 T7.-.-.-.-- 25cts per lb. REEKIE Drug StOreu N.13.—F1y Paper,. Poison ' 'Pads, Tangle -foot. ' • shank, Turnberry. Light noises, Geo Graham Code:rich. Oattle, R Meddame West Wawanosh, Sheep; N Owning,. Blyth. Poultev,"W Taylor, Wingham. Pigs, Levi Trielt; Clinton; Jos. Gran; Hullett, Implements, A.ndw McNally,. Blyth. Grains, C B 13eese, Roots, Juo Stafford, McKillop. Debit. D E Munro, Auburn; Miss M L Green, Loyal. Fruit, A H .Jacobs, East Wa-, wanosh: IVIanufa,ctures, T Waialeale Blyth. Ladies work, Mrs Tamblyn, Wingham; Mrs McLelland, Beigrave.• Fine arts, Miss Graham, Clinton; Mrs Smith, Blyth. School children's com- petition, T W Scott, •Blyth. , .• Stonley, , &rms.-Miss Fowler and 11Irs.• War. tieldwell, of Clinton made ashort visit to the home of Mr. Gee.- Baird . on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, Miss Johnston and. Miss Gilmour , of Goderich were at the home of Mr. T. Baird on Thursday et last week. Miss M. McEwen is visitingat, the , home of Mr. Win Perdue. The niasona and carpenters finished the work on the barn and stables of Mr, •Geo, Baird. at the end of last week. Mr. John Mc- nturney and Wife are visiting ' at . the . tionie of Mr. Melcolin McEwen this - week. Mt. McDougall and •. wife, of Kornoka are visiting this week at the bonie of Mr. John Butchart, Mr. Mc-, Dutigall has not teen in rebust health. for some time it is still in a week. • state.. He is abio sun'sring•frona asora ' hand: Mr, Geo. Campbell and Mike May Campbell have -• returned from Efi. - two weeks trip to Chicago. Aix. Harry • Leadnor and Miss Jane Dunbar were visiting at the home of Mr. Thos.' Baird during the first of the week. Miss Amy Howson and Miss Ida Mc- , Lennan of Clinton were at the/lc:me of Mr. Geo. Baird on the first of the week. Miss Lily Menowan has returned from her visit to friends neer Molesworth,. . Slitunierhill. NOTES. -Mr. josh Hid has returned. from the West, 'And seems quite im- pressed with its possibilities, in fact, to such an extent as to invest in a, half section hear Saskatoon, Mrs. Elmore, of Maitland, con„ will have an auction sine on Saturday next, and . afterwardseetill bike up her residence in Clinton, having secured a house there. Mr. Thos efc0artney has had a rathersevere attack of bronchitis, but is recovering. Tbe infant child of Mr. Harry Tlaompsori has been seriously ill, butis now better. C. P. R, Cone ductor,H. B. hreVittie and wife of 1\T°rth Balr: are at present on a ViSitto relatives here and at Lonclesboro. Mis Mitchell is the guest of her cousin, Mies. Olive Rill, Iteer. Mr, Rhodes thie week opens his week night, meetings ; they will be held onThursday evening. Communion service was held last Sun- day. Mr. Oeo Wareener, of Clinton is looking after the farra. of Mr. J. S. Miller, during the latter's absence in the West. • ags irtsli 0.ur stock of drugs, et. will • alway4 be found fresh and. up7 • to -date in. every branch, and • we -invite you to .give us .a .call. if you with to procure anything 'usually:found. in. a first-class drug store , . . • • • . . 13.-.eemos• or single, in oil, Miss Livingstone,. Mrs Chemist and Druggist. Itowrie • landscape in oil, John Mc- Dowell, 'Mrs Duffield e landscape, in water color, Mrs Howrie, Mrs Hele ; ority•ori drawing, Mrs Ilele, Mrs Duf- field pencil drawing, 'Mrs Duffield, .Mrs Howrie ; collection of pen and ink sketches, Mrs 1101e, Mts Duffield ; specimen china painting, 'Mrs Itele, Miss Livingstone ; • hand painting on silk, satin or plash, Mrs ide, Miss Livingstone - painting on glftga in oil, Mrs Duffield, micg 14 tingstone ; con lotion of phetographn, Mrs Irowrie, Mrs Duffield, '1'1,ANTS AND IPLOWEIS,--Ooliection of foliage, W J PenWiek gpraninins, Iti bloom, V' Metcalf; fuchnis in bloom, W .1* VeriWick ; hanging basket, E. 11tetea1f, U 13 McGowan, OuT nowtme..Table hoquet, Metettlf, S Morton ; collection of dahlias, W fi McCracken, W 3 Ven. wick I collection of patisics, ,Ta s Barr, 11,1114aidlaw. firnotAt, Putztte.— tady driver .rig, MISS Livingstone, Mrs Sproat fitrinetott driving outfit, , Sparrow, W Sproat: apedial by„ - "Ajar hpi Aire totigsk Bell, Loti'domboto best spring toltel Headaches .Cured. . meets' per tont. or hOactnell6314ro catomil ^ by Imp6rfect 414,es. We Ettn permanently titre !such headitchli with shout*. It wefahl wO t4,111 rot at fund *our Maher. 1 . 40* 41* ' es. '