HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-09-29, Page 8,
* . 0 . I
Ill - ; - , .
� I
Opening Disp-1 'Of.
, _4
.1 -1 T
k. ��
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RkIl Mi,flincrv., '* .,_...,
, ,. ". M W'.
----M-"- -
. .
Friday Afternoon, Saturclay Aft �
. I croloon
and evening,, and all, next iyook. ,
. I
These are the days of our Opening ex- -
hibition of Millinery for Fallt and vre.''h�.art-
ily invite you to visit the showroom when-
ever and as often as convenient. Come and
make yourself perfectly at hom* e, examini! ,
.. .
the new styles at -your leisure,, be as - critical
as vou wish. The hats are here for your
inspectio-n, and whether to look or "to buV"t '
we bid you welcome. OJ the merit..' the ex7
cellence, the completeness of the' display, we
say nothing here, save that from every .
standpoint they are far and away beyond .,
I anything this sto-e,has shown in the., ,Past,,: --
Of cours! this is only our opinion, but we ar�
. satisfied to leave the verdict widi 'ou, feel: .
1� I y I
I ing sure that when you see the' Milliner' '
0 .. I yi
-11... you will agree with us. . ..
-.4 1 . :. � .1
. ' .
4 'rhe showroom is -yours for 0 i ' .you s�
I . pening Day. . -If .
I "
4 . cannot come in. the afternoon, come 8a:turday
. .
i evening. . �.. .
I I I . I . .
14 . . � . . .
I .� I - �
i f�l I ' . - I ... . I ' 11 , .
j More New Dress Goods .. I -
I __ - . ._. _� -J. .
I More new Fall and Winter Dress Good§ -v
hand this week. Many of them handsome tweed .
novelties, in small designs, and - light to mediu,m.
� dark shades that are selling very fast in' ,the " cities, .
! . . .
� Dress Goods stocks were never so near Maur- liking I , . .- .
or values so good, as to -day. We have the .right ..
1 �
materials, and are selling them a:t the`ii�'bt prices. I . �
. . . ..
. � .
. .1
I . I
The Tweeds . � '' ;-.;
� . . .
. . 1. ; I . ". _'..
I Pit 65c per yard. .. . . �. I � ...,
Medium weight Tweed Suitings, neat grey- ef -, , .
fects,'54 inches wide, will make a li-oildsome co ..
.tie at per. s: " '650
tunie or separate sjd�t. Specilal.val � .yd :1.: �,
� I .
At -$1.00 per yard . � � . . I I . . . i. . 1.
. I I .. : ,
Wool Tweed&, Ij yds wide. neat effects in, " .,
creant, .brown and grey materiaN; willmad�e ''. . . ,
stylNh And serviceable costumes - just Ats suitable
for separate skirts. Special val tie at lier yd ..".. �;1110 0 '. ,
. .- .. I . .. .
At 1$1.25 per yard. I I ., . . . . .... I '...
. I . . �-, ...
.1 . Veryliandsome-tweed Stritings, light'grey . . ;... . .
shades; also some pretty mixtures .in greens, ! ' '
browns and blues;. very fashionable, suitable for$1 �
either fall costumes or separate Seirts, per yard - - A - .
. . . . . .
. I �
. .
. , I .
� . I I...
� .", .
. . . .., . .. 1 .�
Plain Cloths � . ... .. I. .. I..
Exceptional, value in .plain, cloths. 1,il�brt I ea .
selves. a E, .. ,
by our direct from .British markets. -., .. very .
. m anted shade, in four qualit'les, .each good., enough -I I
. .
' . . . - .
to call" special." . . . , I I . �
. . . ... I :
. I
. .
. I
At 50 cents . . . . . . .. .. . .
. I , . r'
Pla-'n wool Anjazons, good weight. and Anish- ".. t 1.11
in plain brown, red, myrtle aild-black,peryard- �*5 Oc.
I . .. .
fit 75 P-ents. , . . . . . . I . ... . . .. .. I . . � ,:., I 1. I � .
Fine nality. ladies' cloth, bright -finish,- all , .,: ..�
pure'wool, guaranteed thoroughly shrunk,.�G- . , ".. I
ported by ourselves; would be good value at � 85c , : I
orWe. our special price �per y4 .............. �.. 1. 6 . 75c.
. I . I I I. . I
. . . . . . . I ...�. . I
At $1.15 1 . 1. � . I . t I . . I I ,
. Extra quality all -wool irnportied.BrnAP ." tj� -. ' I..... . �e...
1-1-110 al -
fine, smooth finish; made front puye -j�oojs, imm. , ." . ,
ported by ourielves ALgt 'vifff. England, hi� , - ",' 1*
.gt-f. , ,
%� I I *
brown, navv, vr-.-a;-)-reds and blacks, extra value
. . It . , ,�. .. . ....
. I .... .......................... I ....... $115'_
. - .
I I . I . r ,
I � .
- . . ,
. .
- At $1.50 . . . � I . . � I
Very fine Broadcloths, rich, lustrous finish, � I . .
made fv�m piire wools; will make.hand9ome and - 1.
stylish I costurnes, in navy, brown, in r A: �
I yrtle -or �
black, per yard ............... i .............. �..O.� 1 W. .
I . � . �
. . 1.
- I I I I . I . 1W .
� .
New Dresden RibbonS New Dr6s'deu Rib- " , , .
. bons just Dpene'd, .
thi --k'"' *Q-'-t-e.-t;h-L--carreet-thi-ng�--in--Uil�boia--Joz-:neek�_
s wee . Ill e . ... :
wear; r good assortinent of patterns . . .
All pure silk; a . I . It, . I . . I
. .
25 cents per yard*. . � . . .. . .
. . . � . I . . I � ,
. .
. .
. � 11
'ma -4i, . I I . I .
. I .
I .- Coats -. - I ..!
O.....'. I .
__ I . Wet
.,:. -
V I i h. Style, � �.
I I . I .
11 I .�
,,, ,�, . .., I t i's �worth you r while: - io , ,
� V%o � .. I ' i .
. see , the new Cloaks in our.
Coat Departffientj .eve.n if ..
. ,
I I , you have no thought of buy-- ,
j . ,
. .
. .
, ) I ing- one this season,"'.* We .
" J - . will be glad to 'show the�jn, -
I for. we kri�owyou will be- i
, .. . ...1in-, �
I �, terested. Mcany'new ga.r-
! - .. MentS opened this w�ek,
11 ,
1�1 #� Exact reproductions of New .
/,' �'l � il ... York sty] -es ill' Covert-
I ,,,� i, .� " !ill I Cloths, TiAreeds''or Xer.1;6ys",
I',," , . , � il�i�'' . I ..
U, ld,�,o.i� ... Of.,rnost of them-, no�twol..
I ,. - garments. alike.,,. . 11 I
New Covert Coats, Empire back, or tiolit fittilig, sty . 10 cor-
reet in eyery detail, copied exactly from, Now York gArinents,
three-(juarter or seven -eighth length. Vvety one tki'l(.)r_rn.a(jC.
I �
. � $12.00 to $20.00 � I..
Handsome Tw&(-d Coats loost, or serni�flttI&I I, B,mpi � re
'it %viii; bra'ids or I'
styles , plain or nicely trinirne plain clothif, spr-
viceable and stylish garments � 11
. $7.00 to $15.60 ' �, . . I
. .
Conts nuide froin Kerseys and fleavers,, black only, tailol,
made, newest styles, looqe or eviiii-litting, extra vAltjt-.at
$10.00, $12.00 and $15,00 .
I . .
, ,
"UNNOWNWO � W . 11 I I � . I . I . 1111111111�,1111 . I I - . I— . I I :
1. I .
I "
� . . .
. I
I i, H o d g e n S f"S' r" . OSO.,
Dry Goods .- CRAtoll. I
I . I
. .
. . 1. .
. ., ,�
. I
.. ._�_ IN .
I -
* .
" .
4 -
wr -77 -"r'rrzx-,��T.
. " �,",
I . . a q
" .
4 1 . . . .
I � . .
I . . i � . I I . . � � � I . I I .
1 .--1-17 �", �� '.. - � - ... .", 1, . I , � r __ . I I . . I - . SOO 20thr, IWO i
.. - -_ 1111�Z:11:11.=w 1, r. 11 . .
. I . P i . :== .. ." - 4= 1 � r I 1111 11�= � . .1 .
I I . .10. . _
.NOW, Er C -
.1. , , 0 , (A . r0it to our Nerehants. *0+000+X c � 9 , A ,
I The, gfinton , 11inlon shopii 0 . r + I ,
drems, tind the - "re ""In! � -K-W . a uy -
I , FaxDA:y,, szrz 2a, ioo5. d1aplayi1t),ade go-'o'n'e'lo"I 1- __
. I which our luerbliants have .eivepy $' L a I Not -es - n,t aftord to b
. -
_!t-__.._ �.;_, -4_1__1-1_1__ reason to be proud. Better dressed , I . . . � I
I I. . Local., R41ces .--. - � shbp.w1a4wyt1;*6 not to beseen In ;�.++A, . I :" . . .
.-. . .. � I rr, . a% � . .1 � � i .. I 1. . . . ' - r
. ...
, Pe � ach . eet .TQ?n(d0e*, Grarica. ete" ro?.7 Sale tOT1 in the country. There is all, ol , hDickinson has moved to tll�. Mv,r. 11 . "�, - 1. � � . .1 I 100"D I
.. - -
I ,
. . � look green," but people wild art) com- - EdIr I L&V.18, Of 0 I'll 11 �
peteut to judge ati(l, who have used oils � . � . -' h"'-Oon T' p
CIAXI'4;41.�N A�03* saying, oft quoted, that 11 distant bills-, Oil e, on Huron street, ,,, . Q u S I
4 11� Is, �aid*tbllt Ale. a � . _ 0
L 1'0 HolmesvAlle, - . . . . ..
0" ' ' '�lol . I
,,e .r% o'. a�""dle ..
. trr.1t14 doi,,V.,.".,�l,.,-'.,�'It'l,rg,o .n ,a t., p3',('4 �vell thele powers of obser'vation al. �, willshortly move to town. - . . 0 .. .
)perli. NVill to, ab ,0�t o brui, store . � . .
=b woys return to Clinton from vl r �
' ,, %s sitig to John 06ttorl' left oo Friday for De- . 4 �
, fiUVA ,S -11t 22n,A H - roj ,to 4 V,=. other places, with' a greater ,respect trOit, wbererbe will spend tla� winter Might .as W ,.
I . autl tfiler it . . . V our own- With his,kion. .. . . .. . r . ell com,plain'because it .costs an.�9�1. to get, � lohfek. -
. . ppreciation. a .. I .. I . �, . . . - . t r 1. I.
r -
. � I to, #414. 700#40# - . x&erohants. The Clinton d6alers. have Mr, ,Martin, of Chicago, Son-in-law . . � � . I . . -_
. � r I
ARM BROKE11N.'- Miss Margaret,. ,,buen business acuilien as those of of Mrs, Barge, ha begil laid lip with A The Price- Is' TW , nty_rSe r n � ' � I
� y,phoid fever, . e . ve Ce
second daught& of Mr. Goo. D. Uc- Mly city.. They are- in verfect to"th mrildAttack of.t 8 . I I
.. I � .. I ntsok
Iart. had the misfortune to fall with t1le demands of oustomers and Mrs. Clark, Huron street, has. routed '*V_1 - , I
he was playing r hoase to Alr?,, Easont, of Goderich The kind known as Tapestry, twenty ,inches- square
11�09491 a fente on which a the condition of the world's markets. he .
I on Saturday afternoon breaking her Their expenses are lower than those of township, who is moving to town,' four designs, st;veral colors, . . . I
right arm. near the sib' ' some of itheir competitors, and - the , , . *
ow. * . . . I . -
I . .. ' custniners geD'the beriefit. . . Calvin Callander,' wife ,ind . three . . I . . �
SAL143 OF CATTLE. - Govenlock It you are takingin the ope I nings yolt childten, of Parkeesburg', West Vic- . . I �
Ben�,, of Winthrop, advertise. all ex- inust have been delighted ivii ginia, . . 0 I I
, K the Are yisi kng a -
1; the home of Mr. , * " I
. tensive, sale of chdice catt,le on Friday, showing made.- It appeals to the local P. Rumball. - .. . . y twice as M' uch ' . ''. . I I I
e hundred * head,of feeling of every man and woman who Mr. W. P, Spalding has taken Lip his . . Worth easil . I 0 1 . ,
. ('c" " O' "" ub lip, which is an . is interested in , Clinton's success -&0 realdenceWith. Mrs, J. Falr,er., atal Dont, juAge- that *eerxa . � 4
' "
sto ke�s " "'%a .
opportunity thors)e. Wautillg. cattle that is to all wl house thus. ted has'bPeu �reat. . W . ggerate until you bave en. the quality.
sljoul, I � jorri,kets living in the the vaca . I se
. I not miss. � . � . I towft. If you haven't visited the open- ed by.Mr, J, Bell, - - . � . "I . �... � I . � � I
I I , . .
SEAFORTH FALL PATH. -This ings, u still buy- 400ds; take a hin't tends t I aking a, ,. I
event `wn�i held on .Friday last, and from mw Eu& . advertisement.$, and , ' ii,nd Miss 0 , ook, A L ONG STORY BRIEFLY. TOLD -,
R � . T ' 00"' ,er in
. turned out to be Wgoodfair'witha get them right, You can have vill "' -at o � ' . . _17- 4 .
8 v"te
Mr* � I
'e)v-17 ont it a ist. in the booli. . I � I . . . . .
e y , wants suf of lor his O' W . - . I I . � .
large attendance. Part of thepriz , our ..Flied by NzW HaA ad. sto�e, in absell-e 1. .. . ..
vertisers,an i you'have an out -of- . . .1 . . �
� l6t will be fonud Oil 0, - we had d " I . . I . . I . . . , I
intended publishing Pt"Igew.wole of tile town friend who goes elsevillere -to . Mrs. A. JR. Goodwin, who has been, " . I . . , , L. ,
1, , . i
� ;
u. wtlI help thep ogress of Or a - I I . I , I * I ` i
alleged cures Clinton.' , . ___.. I ' � ' ' Warden Miller and . . . I �
came famous through his, � I . . , go
list, but found we could notido so. . : shoNget him to try buying from our ,confined to bed tot over four weeks ' The . 4 Co �' % �
. , ,mere antii. He'll thank -you. for the slowly impro-vin&-bohi able to be 141; .
. . .
IN TOWN. -kc. Sharman, who be- f few minutes each 5ay, . -
� r . . . . . 11 .0 0 1
at Seafortb, * Was in town on-gonday. hint � , and . yo . . , - - . Mr. Spaicku.an, 0 1 . W. �. Fa"r .. . .
, .- . .
I .. . I
He came un on the I -o'clock train, and . - I . I . . Chairman, of the House of Refuge I OPTEN - T M -E -- C. . I __ J
wellttoUeter-M4,25. Whileberehe " 011-EXING " AT NEWOOAtBW8. ' � OomMittee,iiiet here onMonday,to . K-EAPEST � _: f. L
. I ... � � . . .11 .1 . .. I I -1w," I - 1.
visited'the wife of!Mr.4aineglleayn, Friday evening and'Saturday of last attend to somo matters relating thereto . �.
. I .
� I � .
whobad previouslybeen treated7byllim.. . week.w4e Oserved as' Open' F. W. F4ench, (biother-jil-law of . I � ... �. ALWAYS THE BEST. .' �
. � in days a . . . . . . Q I �
MOVES TO TiDRONTO jU.N CTION-* in th:& Millinery and Dress Gogis, De- Jacob Taylor), who is a teacher in East ""1=M"=W_"__ - - I I I .
I . . � I I I I I
aterest rabe's niammoth, Toronto Collegiate, had his - . . - � - I
- MIr. W.T)owns is taking an i tments of Newco salary vol , I I I . . I � I � . . ��. I
in a h -plumbing business st,10're. The display was. excepti6riallyx -ililtarily increased I by 1100 a few days. I.
� ,�rdware and . fiWMW"W"V"*"""WA - . - �_,
a Tot -onto Junction, and left therefor brilliant and tho-styles very sim�leand- N1400- . I � *Vwfiav" I � . . . . . � ,
. . - . I . I . . � . . .1 -
� ,on Monday; his family, will follow uniq0% com�flslrig all the latest -0091, n tand . that .Geo. IF. Emer- �i� * ' I . . . 11
* "' " L ders n , � .
oung,man of. tions in ready -to weae hats and homew . ond'on, formerly., of Clinton,. ' ' , , , , - ' , � 7 . . �
� I If you have not seen 00 " Q! rigged With the-Nordhelmer Absotute ,Peri.f 10.c I . .
sterling qualities, 4nd We hopirlie: ma�, � trimined. shapes, has ro e
0 - , '. the�disjplay, donot lose the opportunity- ,Iaiio Co.,.'a � .hai,ndsotiie increilse . . . I . . .t I 0, n .
realize all his expectati ns , , ecy . I . I
. . . it' - of salary � I ... I . I .... . � .
. . � I . I
I I . . of ±1 jug the, store this weeki Mi. . .It �: . !k . .1 v I I .
Switzer,. who Newcom , ises personal attentl . . . . � . . .11. .1 . . . . . .. I � . . I . I . . I . _. ,�
. LIVED HERE. -Dr. .. pon A aecoi.id landblide .is reported, from I . . . . . . � . I . . ... I . , I
wits shot by his j eilous wife in a. blibb. to all-apect= �. .. . 'Qodericb. That town is a I . . I '. I . . .. . . � .
igan to,wrj - a few days since, h" died , I . . . ..- I . . I . . . 11 goi'mg to . . . � .. . , I . I 1, . ... . . 1. . .
-frou) his injuriesi As stated irithe' � _ .- .... .. � U"Olm" BRO$-' - pieces since Dan McGillicuddy sold the I I I . . I . . .. I . -6 . I . . . . I I .
I NEW-ERAjast Week, b6th.w4reresi, . I . 1. . - Weekly Signal and moN,ed4way. -Tor- . . . .1 I .. . I - .. I I . . � I .
. The adv4tt��rnenb of the above*firm, onto Star.. - . - ... I . . � � I . . � I . . 11 . . I � ., � . I . - . I
I . . - �
dents uf Clinton for a tin::ie, he bein5 which will -be found a i,qe 8 of ,thi . . . I . . I
� Is ' ' . I . - I . . .. I I I
. Miss Millie Dingmani at 'one time . . � I . . I i . .
a member of the, Baptist. church an. isskie, announces theirMillmery open. . . . I . . I � . I . .
, ve' - those' connected With Clinton Colle lafe,but . . . . � I . . ... I , . I
spoken b.f r highly by asso� ing for tb-da8rand. to-mocrow (Friday- latterly in Action 'High Se ool, has I . . . I . I . . . .
b y _ .
. ciatid with !in. I . . � . It ''I . . I, . . .. . . ., . . : . � . .
. . . . .. and Saturday) anel. all next Week. lo lEichruond. Hill - .. . . I I 1. . . . I . . .
� .PROPERTY QHAN'GE -Mr. D. L, is oat �-necessary. for us to make -any High. Schd6l. . �. I . . . . . . The Makers of 1-'..Qu6en Quality"' Shoes have'an' . . .
Mclutyrebas sold 'his' handsome re. comment this*.week, deferring that till ,, , - W Glenn Q . imp . I : . � I .1, . I .. . . EL.--ZAltliough' - . . .
. *
sidence on Huron Street west; t6 Mr, next week, sufflee it to sav, their ,bell will teach'Clini aim la view --TO .EX.0 constant ea- - ,
. J. B. Lindsay, of Godiarich township, reputation - will be maintained pals, toli 'pupils. on Mondak.;*Ykiday and ty ` . - I
Sat deavor to,maike'Qtieen Ou�ti be't.ter, h * '' kept it � .. I
. for -about $1500. It is a commodious .seaspnp .and visitors Will n :. urday.9f each weeki ort ` 1. � . - I , As , .
� . . . I S t;�d may. be I I 'ing.t6L make." it -BETTFR .. . ..., .
Andcomfort4ble residence, well fitted� appointed., - I . . . .� seenat his residence ' Rat rlbury St.' .BEST, they are still striv � . � . .
' '
. . 1. : ,West, ori"tfiose days, ` - I . ' . �
up, and will iqve a mo6t comfortable . . . I - I . . � . . A6.Ki L .. . I I .1 . 1�> is * - . ..
. 0 ' I's I � � . 1. s . was comiri than.B.EST. .The goFLI they lo6k fo ' �Crd t " �
.. L c - r talus posses." : :.1 . � I g Out I . I . : - � . . . I � . � rw � .
home Mr, cIntyre I . . .. eptember W6 ' ss Wilftenian . I . � . I . I . . . . I I � . . . ..: � , .
� I
. .
. .. I
sidnof -it until December , . . � � 400919..'- - ofthep6st-oMce the other*, evening,* , . :
�. : - . . ; . �. - . .1 . 1. . 0 :,
. . tned, her foot.sq I - tio , . � .. ,. � .. , . .
. . I , , � I � ... * � "' - -
. I
I . -
. _kP , 116VEME'.NTS. -J, 1. MoCaiigh. . I 1. .ishe blipped ai�d spr%. - , . .:, Ab!�olule�- - Perfec, nd ,.. I . ... .. �
I -, Zur. LEshm -People of'town were' :badly as to necessitate her going, to I . � I .. .0 . . . L .
, I .1 I . . . . . - I .1 ....... � . I . . ft
ey,i6 erecting a stabte-on'bis pcope�ty . plea�antly,surprieed oil Saturday* last,. the hospIt6l for a fe* days. . , d Sole,A�ency'f0r,*C,j'L't ' . , :
. On Mary street ; a. foundation will also when they heard thfit'Mr W. D. :Fair, � A. T.�Co�pet wixiawarded tile con. �. . .We have.'secure. . I . .1� on, .-and . I . .,
. - . . ' . � I . �.. �: . , .. . � ��,
. I.. . , ..
I. L' ,
be put under: the h6use,,and it will.be the well,kndwn book-sejldr� and iss �trkck,of,supplking. the House.�of It6f� I Will- bd pleased -to' show y - them.. . � . ... . .
,V4 . 1. I .ou ,�; - , .
. .. � I .. _ . . 1. .
I .. I .. � I I 1.
thoroughly0yerhaul6d before he moves- Hattie Leslie, .the charthirig daug ter nge'with-Wbw window8hades, aud-60. . v r I "I , . . . . .
. . . I . , - g ready ke- � OIL. .
; into,. it.1 `'.; A.,. Seeley, is , erecting, a 6f.Mr, -Jolm Leslie,, had been marri I W6'are,�cleari ng. out� se' e'al' in,�.s at . I .
. .
: 6 , ttenbury street. . ' that.m6rillri* ied .large Ahade�. of, finest quality. have - � ` - I . � I I :�, � !. " . . . , 1. . , .
,stable an'hlh lot on' R! - . I g ; Pthe an4oitiic�m�nvw'as. been Placed-oh'the windows this Week. , .: -&�oed P�rices t6,Ma *kooni. f6t OU: L I I
. I I . I � .11�0 .: Qdeeii.Qualfty, ,Y .� -
, . '.. _�
- . . c,_� Cas,,, -, � . '' ' . � . , '' .
. - , that.. peolde : , ivi" , , , " �f- tlie. Kvrapo�afbx. -was :. - - hauld see them.� .Y o'u save Money every - t,ir'n6 you , 1. :-. � -
...... Rov-S. QPeeneis'making-anad- so unex&cteo hardly , , ..
dition to his houge,on H,uion-,street.' . 6redited it-* " notwithstandinjg 'the I S, ..,. ..:. - , * '' . � . . - ,. . ,. '. 11 I'll". . I .. . I
. .. ii��lled td his'., h6oleAn'New York -State . - I . . . '. . ". I . � � .. . �1� . � __ , ... .
� I . � fac6- tbat jt bh.s..loug . be tici- . f , . .1 . . % . I I . I I . ,
. 'GUN CLUB. -The, 15th annual live . . . ea, an . last week., -owing' t6 the illness of his ' : -buy your. oatWear at'.;... � . .
bird' -and.. 'target toiirriament, of. thb Oatt,d; In fact so well had theiy wif H- , I ; . . I I � - . . .�. . . :1.1 . . . q W�l - - I.: I
- .� . ,
6. e bas returned totown,ind I . � '. .'. , L . . I I . . . I I . . I .
� - . � . � '
I I _ kept the,see'ret that only"tbe'night. be� is filling up the stalf (ifthe Evaporator' . . . . . I . . . . � . .. :.
I Clinton . Gun 01 nb will -take Place on ,fare did their most- Intimate,' ao, ua"iqt,-. I T H E."OL D '�-R F, L 1'. A B L E � '.1 . -� - :' . � .
.1 ,
Traesdgy,%dild Wednesda�-,Oct, .34, 1 *hiellebAinieri6ed 6perationslasb Week, - . . . � .., . I , ,. . . -, 11 .. I � . . I- , I-*
.. . I
a�nceskxioW,At w S; 661nil :9 011 and = I . � . I . . I I . ''. . I . . . "', ., .. � . I . . I .
� . I . '' , - . . . .. . I
it - .. . '. �, , . W1. . L � �` � � � " �, - - . . . . .
' ' x1sovioletta om )Sop, 0 �. . I
.when Over. $&%. will be offer4in. even wheo,11t,-buS itriver took. them- Th f Ciiriton' ' " ' ' . . . . I .
. _r . 1!-!" �... I - I I . . . ... . � .. ��. ,.- ..
9dies. Th�r!p ar� f6ur'.66ntests for the to thq.statlon as thby st arted on tb6ii was e ues 0 rie s15 P. -Mrs., A,., H' . . �. . . ... . �, . � 1. . i . , ,.. . : �.. I . I � I . . . �
. . I I I Tie I � . I i , . I I 1. I . .. ... � 11 .. I . . . . I . .
rst. di.Lk and * ten, for th6 second.. wedding tout, . 'he was not aware: that . rna; 0 itrin . tile - week. - Miss I . . . .. . . I ,. � .. I I . . I '. ...1. I . . * I
. - ,
I -
Should .the weather I piovie -fa*drablq behhd a, Wedding * arty. wltlz him Tho pson, s tdii� 'Trinity, chupch. . .1 I . I � �. It .: .! .. . I - - � . . .
. , . . �. . .
.there will 'likely ' be .&. .good 6rowd.of. . - - - I � . M -, - AYLOR. �& SON, * * I I
. I I . . I Rev. Dr. Stewart perlZrined t , � e - choir on, tin. :ev6aing,'and. ver .. a. , T _ . A-19.1-. � - `1 _. .
. . -
- . , ..
. . it �re' ; .1 . -
competitors.� .1 . � . I b( credita ly butr uted .a solo. --�Blytl . .1 . . � 1 1. . . 1. �. . _ . :1 .
. 14. . . . I . Many, only:& v6py. few, gueE s . eing , .� I I .; - � . . I 4S 1 . . I . . ,
� ;
.. . MORE. WAT.E H. _:Mr.- B�vans � had 'prosent; it goes, �Athout -s .in jhat ,-,,-,- -- -- - , L ' ' * ' , N W %V" q ARWW I I "I"Mm ", , - ,
. I I ' B*. ' I � LL . �w M" "M MI" "
tlie'good fortune- to strike pleilty of bhe very,. beat - ,tvishes �� * eiv. an . 77rr- Sniiitb, .of Lon'don, the . � . . , . .. . I . . . I I . : , . .. III_ . �.. I
- . Vk . , I . . I- . . . . I . . . . ,. . . -
- w -ek friends nre',extqnded th I 0 till, well-knoviFn general-�gerit . for. 'the I . -
Oater in the artesian well be last � � . I MME!M. . I . - . I 1 1. .�'-�-- .
.put down for '�Andrews Bros,'. He b& at: lihme to their I n 8 . after- -Massey-Rarris 0oixi'varty-in' Western .: .. . . .. .. � , ,,� . -, I. . .. . : . . .. . .
; . I � I. I I . . . I . . . . I . ., �,
'drilled . 'O,ctober 23rd.. I . . . , . . ... .ont&rjo, Lig. leaving- to iake' 1 . . . . . I . � I . , , , . I � . . �. . I I I
a little overl5O feet, 45.of which I . . I . . ,� I I . a better , 11" I I . I _.: I
re, . . -
was through s6lid.rock, and left, them. -TYNDALL-RuzzaAL, �Wa'y pp�itlon in Calgary, iiid .'was the re-, I . . . . 11
1, L,.�: Wedne . . L �. !
with,6Q.fe6tofwafer. Heis how.:46i- home of Mr Pred' Rumball; lent of. ,'game'* valuable p'eusl'by . . . .. - - .- ,. :, . 1, !.
-Huron 10, I . . I � . I � I . . . I . . ,� - . ... . I..., . 1. Is . I I ,i!
the . . ... . . 9.11 .
StPeet; was - 'i�e so6n&' Of .hips London'friend' ' . . ,. - ,
ing a.:Y�eli for the lacksbri Mlstnuf4ctut-. '& . . 13I .:,:. I * . . . . .; I * . : %, L . : �, I w ., I . ,
. .haprlly I . .L . . . I .. .1 . I .. �.. - . . . �., 1. . . . I I . . . .: .. � . - , I I . . , - , .. - I -'i
Mi Co.',"affeii ivilicili- he willpt# one event, When. iiis eldest diiuirhter, Miss Acertailigeiltlernaii id'toWu,,,who �'� , 'I . . ,�� - I . 0 .. �''. . . . . p.. . . I � I A 1. * I � . I . .. . �, , I
d6ivn'f6r Me. F�rran.. , ' - - , - - Anriie. E � became� the ,,viit'd of ME held.a block of 0 R, R - shares which . . . . . .... - .. i . . ;.� * . . . I— I p .1 I .. . 1. . :�* . ., m � 1,!, . I �. �'.. .. ,
� .. .1 . . I . '. . .. . I . � . . I '. - . . . 1. . . . .. . . . "�
. . �,tthur !Tlyndal , * the:�cerem6n,.� -ataprofltoi$i�o is mentalli, , I . . I.. � � . � , �
. , I . I being he sold . : 0 . . . . ... . . � . . 1. I... 1. .
. . . .
WAANI.XG, -*Tlie'dther 4yening ptnforriiedby. Rev. ll� M. .114alining, , cliibbing.hii-ils6lf-..be'eaus;' 4 -did.. I I " . I - - 4
. .ii-stoue.. . . not I 096 . . . .., . � � ! :- - I I . �
fsogle party or parties throw and billy immediu-te ftlends of the.con-� . Wd oil until the surprising advance'. . . . ., .�.� ". . f. .i L ., . . . .. I .. I I
througl . i a win�iow in ac6rfain hopse. I " . . . ... . I � - . . I . . . . I .. ; �� �, J_,/%�--�
I . . , . . , . I . . .. .
. I . .1 .1 _. ... I � . .. . . .. . .� 1. ... .. � _�-41 - I .
on the base line, the. glass and stone- and"bridemaid. were dispensed. about $1500 inore. " . , , - . . . . . � I -� .._ .k ... . 1
. I in' which were- . � . ,.�_ I . . . il I .;
on. a crib ' g"'Poin _----.- . . � . . I .*,�, �i a , .. -'!� , .. . I ..* .
- '. ' ' . . I � - .1. - _�- .. � I . 1. I . �
. I -e - _' Vir;11 .: . . � .... .. , , � I . . .
' ' ' , .. 1, . . I
bettig found , i , with , The bride is ivell know" As O" - m,T Sh,�L't;7, ,��% -.of 1417 , ,. I
soing-young chNicen, Suispicions at of the most highly e��2.-M,�f ;-,--,,r,- ,;,qt;ipl y., lin 4 . . .. . . 11 . . I . .,.... I 1.
hdld as 6'the'.Iguilt t 6 Ic , .,.' * &I,, O .. . I
� . traptibg parti�s being piesent. Bride- lastweek,'whed he . would.. liave, fimcle, .. ".. ,
I. __
y -�='A-'� ALU'k IX -q 4Adjes ofAQW.i., -'Wh-tie- - , , ton, who has ,beeil borne ! * ' . . � la, .
the groom is -it for the'swinmer, has� returned. ta Loin— ,�.' I . . .. .. , I . . .. .. ,�
I V. I 1. . 1. . � .. . . �; . I .., ..
. ; I . .1 . . .: I . .
is to i;6rve a 0-nmg.' f -this is ulat young farmet-iti.Hulletb. Af, al Cd1lege ,he - has already . . . . � . .
. .
ifferent' way will..be. POP _ " I . I dofi:M6dic, P. bi�s . . � , . , . . I . I '.
. � � I �... .. I
[��immeir..�7 a J ater th6.ceremony and & delicate lunch- passed -three exa6ina,tijus , nd h . " " �. . � .
eon t1i � . . .� . I
� .
I '. . 1. ... .1 11. .. . .. - , * `o n- . ,.
found with -which to d - eal : witil 'the tuey Jeftpp. tile 3.20 train: for the e",ry-:,,pFm0ec'r, 6f taking hil fourth, � ' ,' . ' .
. -.,- ,. � .. I ... 1.1.11---1 f I _ is I . - � � ,.,.,� �, � .
pfe' .1 ' ' � ' :'-,�._ .. '__`,,_. , �. Ly"...1. All 'ir a;tld final * . , I '... -_::�M�-:: 1 � -w .4, . .
par .0 at fau t. .1 � I east. � : The congratu t : I . I � I I , .
_1 :. . . .. . a ionir a . e extiffilriation. . - - -: - - I. I . . . I . . . : I . .. :
�� I . . I .. ..... I'- . .
. . . :
� B . - ' - . ded ihiin We, . . - -4j. '': � - ,
I LTSINESS. CHS.1�61i. lie bank- man e ten, k , ' - ,.. �
. ads 'x ' Humphrey Snell (s6n 41abids Snell). . . . I 1. . �
o.long' and:successfT4,117 fri d tb ar e their'retifrn they . .. , . ... . .1 . I . I
irig.business:s - 7 .ipt � .. �, . . .. I .. : . � �
: . . .
carried on by W r. 6 eo, . D. McTagg,trt. und y ' t 110 , a )u� -6 ,town -on:TucadiC , for Douglas, wy-. , . �. .. � � � I . .
. wi r 9& � le,ft here . . . I � ...
. ke t�eir iesidcXkce i . , .. -
. I �th . . . I ombig Territory �. i;e goes: t � '.. . . r , '... i . , � . -
fol! 0 pr sent - : I a. atkpmd . . . � � . .: ... ,
undergoes a 6hanie' on the � Ist 0f � t h . ' . �. . . . the.State�Fair,- arid- also in%carebf it .. . � . I . I . ., I.
I . . i :*. I .. � i.: -
.. . .
� October� his bl-�tb&. Maic. Im, who has MILLER HENDUR90S - John Miller, parl6ad of Leicester sheep'. . � � . . I . I I ,.. I., :
� - - which are' -, * . . , -1 . .
hetet6fore been' his Qfrice assistant, oungest-s�n of Mr. J. 0. Miller, of b i sent ut b' 'the Sheep Br6edeW . . . - � ... I
. 1-f . ' buishiess, : I NUA I : , !. ; .
lieco ning . a partner, in the � Ae Soo, forri4erly, of towxi,)� biother of =iatio'no "Xarebuokssavethree, ' - - . . . . � . I
Ili will -hereafter go under the Mrs. E6, M. McLeAn, was married in St. there being. a ready sale forthe furmer, , � . , .1 : _:
W t(g - . . 1. .-41,%A,_` I I .'',..
. -
,narneof-XcTaggart Bros', Both lnelll-� Lukets Catfiedr.%4 Collingwobd, I last . Harrison Wiltse� of -town . , went . .to . . ... . I . . . ... I .1 . .. . I . I . ..
beis of Oie firm are expe46nc4d. bAnk- Week, to Miss H. llendec�on,,... . � .. t . � I I . �. . I
il s6hoola,t. Athens � at'. the same time I .. I I.. � I .
, ers havink. the cbrifidefice . 6 1 fjho c6m- , - . . . __ I , , � � ,d. as ' . , . ; . . � I . . ... .� I . �� . . .
munity..- 1: .- ... . . .� ;jr, Joh42. Howson; .,who ,has been': the alleged healer, Sharman, d r. . I I . �
I . .W11 M I I I ..
_ . �� , a '. . . .
. DEATH OF'REV, 11., MC'C'IlAfM� v sitintr his relatives, here, l6a . e6 for tseis niodest eno4h to .say lie does I . . " .
. v not claim. tiny healing virtues because . � .. I I :
t, 0 Toronto this week, where &' Most int. . � . . . ,� 1, . . ".... . ... � 11
Thos6ofour townspeople who'Wor portant*eyent takes.. filab� before his of1this., Mr. Plumsteel �was also Well 'OVIRM�, I , .�. . .
Ldgn.ts gr ing the time, . . ,. . . - I I
_ies ,',jv__e I ur. ]Rev, F. .retui'n to the .West. On Monday he acquainted with him when he liod'iri I- - I .. . . . . � . ., .. .. ... f
. - - I �
. 1. ., . . �
g;. -- 'fV-1H --Chiffft1T;- - . the eastern portion of Ontario , �--T�_____�._ . I �
. ...
�, Mcoua* 16� � I _ .
was asoro .its
1 p . to to Miss. , �__t_.__ �2 1 , . .
,. d-q�,.�rcgret, of --his- ,will, be .married. at'Toron . .. . . .. . . .. I ... .1 . . .
earn with I I " �. ,111- � I __1 1- i....
will, I Lmiise Hartl6k, "'a charming -young �116*' �ty Valuators, -have,coiii I � 1. �. I_. . . �
death, which occur,�6&at Wcillardl-on ,, I Cou . . - . O. .
Wodnesdiiy. -'Deceased has �resided at , lady ' of Kincaidine, and th6y Will -at pleted their w6rk, sofarjastownships' . r IL. 1. . . . I .'.:_,.,. .. . I
� once start; fdr---their future?h6rne �at d , A McKillop . :
Welland.ever since 1e left hefb, some are cuiicerne ; thety re W .. -'. .O.A. . . �. I
27 years ago, The remains of his wife. Mediciine 116;t:' "'Jack" is one of tho: as. the best township, alfrourid, in tile. I . . � I . �, i . . I . ..
Ri6 interred in Clinton Come . - Clinton boys who. has prospered. with county. Brussels- arid.. Wroxetei vil- . . .1, I . .. I - . . I . . . . � I . I .
'to' ' and I 1. � .. � I I . I
thefuneral ofMr, McQuaig. W,IT.take the great de�el6vmerit Of the west, lages'ate alga oompletod, and'the time . , . .. ... . . .
ace froni Clinton -'Station t , 0 -da and it is nothecessaiy,'for him. to lie of the valualbois Will now be given to I . . . . . : . � . . . . i
gg y" 04 . arrival of the. one ,.a 61OCK alwAke6vohildring whero'his broa,kfast the other ; towns and villages. in the ... I
rl I . will come froni.. ,His tnany;. friends in. , � . I . .
train from the east. , . ' couftt�% , , , I 1. .. . .. . � � . . . .� I . � " . .
� 1. . . � . . I Clinton ioln with us in wishing . him, . - Sod '�
. I I
- I
I WH,;T.' Olivet Jeevis selfand_*ife long life and happiness, Veoplewho.see�� X�,, `W. W. -Farran, 4. �11 , , . . � " � . . I..
; ' . . I . . : .� 1. . I � . I Division Court Clerk, out'driving on- . I � . .. I
left for Prince Albert , , Sask,, on Tues- . . . . FAdayt. appt(rvutly In the -best of � . - . , . . I . . I , I . . . . I
. dity,.and R Doan for Winrupeg; both . 11wisip"11 �oqt,,' , ,. . health, were rtitich surprised on. Satur- . . I I ...... . I ..
.were ticketed bv W, Jackson, .; P. R, . . '_ . . . clay to beat that. he wag seriously. ill. I I . . I . I I 4 . I .. � I . I . I I . .�.
- . I
I agent. Mva.,AV. T6bbutbJeft the st4be' , Judge � troit. presiaeA iit � sitting of 'He is Improving, and hopes to be. back . . . � I I . I . � . I . I .., I , I I I
- -
, morning �to. .Join .her husband at Red, the Division Court ,on saturday'. R, in, Mee in a few days, hW � work in .1, I . I 4 I . . . � I I I . . . . I I I . I
, . 1.
lands, Cal.�, Ad Mr,,4, W. Rosa, daugh- T. Rance acted as- Clerk, owing to tile: ffiti meantime being attended to. by, � . I , . I . . : , , 1 . . � . I � . 11 .1
, ter of Mr. Geo. Cottle, left for Ida 0, fllriesg6f Mr. Fairan. Thelogp6l.fra- his-spii.in.I&W, Mr, jRan66, , . - I I : . . . . , 1, d
. . . �
where .-Mr. 'Ross .is employed ; both tortifty *aii represented' by,. Idessrs, - On Friday Oven? . n ome eig , , , . . . . I . . . I . I . .
. .
were ticketed by Fe R,14odgens,,a nt � Best hnd Hays.Senfotth, blairand lit hieni 6 $ I . . �. . I � �� . . I . . . � I
G T R-. Donald PAtters0h, Of C0 bers of the A, O'. U. Wdirov�. to 131�th :�� - - I 0 . - , , , . I . . .1 . I . . .
. I , . 1,8t Dickirtion� Goderich; Bea�ftle and Btyw , . . . � I . . I 1.
. WaWAnosb, also left the same . quid atte4ded service in the Episcopal � � � 1% . . . �. . � . .
mOPnA' done, Clinton. Several of the case . . . . I . .
ing on a visit to friends'ne4r Calgary, on the docket were settled wi s Chur,'o , with theiv , Blyth br6threli I , ; '. . I * I ., I . . .1 . I . �� . I
.1 � . tphout; wber_� -mon was prea 4 . .
I . . .1 � going to trial. .Those disp,md of were . a �poclal set aboh I
* ACCIDENT. - on _ I ' M16- - Uo,Ast when iv * tell yod that the
Thursday litst, Macpherson vs. MqXn !ghti, -Action them by Rev, Mr. Ednionds, who i s a, . . it i's no ' e . . I
Whilo.-Ressrs Morris & Morroll, were on thresher. Verdict for plaintiff ' , member of the order;'but is aliout ro- ldrges't stock of hicrh-da�? Overcoats we have laid . 11
hauling, thelf threshei on to the � bArfi Govenlock. vs.. oudmord et al. -Aa- moving to Learoing!on. Thoy were . Z) I . � � .
flooratBen oburchillIg I-Itilletto th(,,,,v tion concerning hay. Jud afterwards entertained toa suniptitotts. ,,before. our Customets-is�nOWon our counters., Every- . . .
met with ari accident wbicho ver grilebt co$`. di,iner a,t the Coutmercitil Rotel. . ' * .
-erved., . � . -is -been maee to ouibrder by the leading Manu, I
fortunately, was,ilot Attended wltK Robinson, vs. Johriston,--4his eage' The.6eason for the op6n.air ba6d coat h, � . j. . � . �
any serious regults. The .team - had caused more intaest thait tiny, of the concerts is virtually over, and it CAn. -facturer$ Of,Cp4iada.. Correct in e�ery little point that .
just pulled the machine into the barn, others, The plaintiff, Win. Robinson, not be said that tfie -, town band has to make a perfect- �)-ji�rnoiit,' is made riom first- .
when, Lbe floor beneath the horses .duink- Oliver Jobilston over a horse been spacing in its servicei The band . I
deal, the animal, ib was tilaimed, being has played but -once it week �on every 9111cs merals,ai i thebughbut with good lin-
gave way. Seeing that it was going, , c �ss id lit 6T I . I
they out the harness, hild with the defective in its 8*1nd. :Judginent res- occasion,,when the weittlier, has., 11'en in"'s. These g,,irments cann6t fail to. give-satisfacition, I 1i
flioor the horses fell 6, didarice- of nine - erved. . at all suitable, and theW playing has ,_1 � . .. . I . � 0 . .,.
feeti. isliijularly, they'were'not huit Conob'vs, T&LAWgillin-Withdrawn, been very greatly apprecfitt�,d intleed. � ffe're are two specials, just togive you an i&a what . I I
ig itest, . Very forcum,ttely the I L
! .� 1_$ ��
in the,sli Itobinson vs. Bfgglns�--4 wood deal, It was their intention to play Out for . I . . . . . .
' It W#s Ad . ourne(l. till next couA, I the last time this seasoll last night, � W �. , I . .1 � 4!_
, a are showint .
machine remained stationary. , ,!,
a Oose call all round. 1. I . I I � . I
. � . �1-1 luunber of'"Rartlishea cases and Thursday. . I .. �� . A Alan 1� Coat for $ x o, o a . I I . I . � 1. .- . � �
VROGRESSIVII,' AND PROSPER.. judginent ounithoy I ises were also dis� .Xr. Alfted Tretnaii;e, who Is tho I - .CoOs, made froill 01 .1 I I 1
4 able representative of the fra .4in I i and double-brVasted, a styliably exit ganiietit, -, also Overcoitta I
I N`G.-A couple of old ffitroniatis, who Posed I of, . pap, _pvt,ad . . A1011's ovel ock tweeds, neat'sinall 'designg, ;
alle pro ressing . with the, west, are I Atitolliftfle Smoke constutiot, and V110 Mn , Vfroill dark grey 0heviots, single breasted, velvet coffitr, cub in . I ! " . . . . . .
AfesArs 31611n, and Steplleli' Ta,vlOj`,L of - lit ffia.'Oetolyer number of tho Cana- �qll,ver, 111nite(j, 11as jjj,tjjV 4 the wvy lateststyle, good: lihings used in both, yel�y .. .
. . tfuie. ,)(,(�jl
btinnedosA, sons of the I willifull (,,,`u Nlaga.zino tiler at,(, reproduced it titken for Robert floline.4, of Clinton, I . I
() orap 1, I I , 6110,00 ..
of .,Clinton, They .r4noll mul. Series of phot, s taken' by- N` B' Tba' repeated hitetro ations ho hits speetal i. t vitch ...... .... - I... 1-v"111 ....... I ..... T -i
'�(1�11Y,1,1(1)11�1 0, Heury, 4f 01111t) ,14 dellowing W11110, - I .
. I t M general busiudss on litil X. Inetwitit,would (jualtly 111111 for Ali Boys, overcottis at$,$, 0.6 I . I . .1
tonsive scale, .011,11 1;5(X) acreq Of land, the yinmg son o, . .. ', Clooper, of town. Al. P., AnA possl4ly A "grattel. " 1111t Boys, Overcoats, made frolit grey. stleipe,l7weeds, noat piaterns, I � I
. �
I I I I I I - , '. 1� ,
� i '.
I I I i
1! -
i 11 I I
ay � I
I b -
of t I
em �
fr e I
I I . I r
� I I I i
I. -
.1 I
- , it * , velvet Collar, cut in the littest st�lef sttonk linings o'ged tlil�bugholtf,
donj la,rgely in cattle, and'ard evident- I10, Quaker Itellimly Co. lefto,town doubtlo'i lie would ratlleVbe � Owed
Ty on the road to become millionaires, on, Monday for TNIR61101, a,ftel, two to pi osectite his daily 11VOL'Ation, tin(l *11 stand. ,tv t .1, .1 .
. , . I
-acres in vjivat, woe�s - profitable business, 11heir ,allow the politicians to'attend to their to'Aj, speoial each ....... ...'. I � I 0 # . ... .......... I . I . $540, .
This year they had 176 .1tv"ont that wX anyawoluxtof1lardive, ,Wkizeq 11
from whiell they got OW bushels ,- i4trect ontortitinuient drow hundr(AN 6n,n' knit.ting-Godevieh. Star. [Mr. � I .1 . � I . I . �, �. � ,,,
tlieynre,l'iist'shil)pitig2Ooll�oitd of ex- everynight, cttid theywerecertaloly ltoItlleso-vi(l(�litlyli�icit.tilitilll)Ol'()Cgoo(l- . i , . I I
port �Atd% and 4a if All t�ead evid- I , - .
light 'Andlar entortallullouts, there being - 0 . SO, .
of it inuch higher miler than inany looking "doubleg." Refote Alt. Opo, 111c. ,.- I il
6110'es of prospetity were. not eno TAg axt, 6ftowli'.cut oly lits, belttd, . HODGENS B R, ll I
thewivesof eap-h hakto recently pre- notilin Vulgar at, silocially objeetion. Mt-fflollylos,was oftell wistaken for � .
� "
sdnted them with allothor son., Ulm able. -U lifflott Daymelit's baby was, this gentleman, and last Wcok lie WiAs Clothiers and Gent"s, Furnishek, Clintoll �
_4_1_1� I . . . .
. .
. I I
. �
� I
. .
. ft.""... _ " .r,�',_dwj�- L
awaildou, wle U10111011u. rit1g, Wittl a rniAttwen jEOV liev, Mr. JmOssf Or - .__,�_ "'. l 1"'.111. 11111, I .1 I 11-1 I., I— I
bota of. ftet.trly M votes. -1 I . . . I - ___ a ,-- - _ __ I I �
. .
. # . I 1. I I � , .. .
. . I . . . I
I . I . . .
11111�� - A 11, f4 . I . � I . � � .. I. . N � . . I
I .
-A&I , k- I I I 4,d.&Aafij&.____ . I � . .
- Aj �.M&__Z_ �Iamb_ . . I I _ .
- 11111111111111 � - .1 &,J�. - ',.161:__.. 1 iir*t�__ - _ _A,#__"_S�� - � - - i
71 -IMP9111w,
-- --
- -
�, .,�...
, .
Al, !
f I . � .
I , , I ,
* . 0 . I
Ill - ; - , .
� I
Opening Disp-1 'Of.
, _4
.1 -1 T
k. ��
� . I-
RkIl Mi,flincrv., '* .,_...,
, ,. ". M W'.
----M-"- -
. .
Friday Afternoon, Saturclay Aft �
. I croloon
and evening,, and all, next iyook. ,
. I
These are the days of our Opening ex- -
hibition of Millinery for Fallt and vre.''h�.art-
ily invite you to visit the showroom when-
ever and as often as convenient. Come and
make yourself perfectly at hom* e, examini! ,
.. .
the new styles at -your leisure,, be as - critical
as vou wish. The hats are here for your
inspectio-n, and whether to look or "to buV"t '
we bid you welcome. OJ the merit..' the ex7
cellence, the completeness of the' display, we
say nothing here, save that from every .
standpoint they are far and away beyond .,
I anything this sto-e,has shown in the., ,Past,,: --
Of cours! this is only our opinion, but we ar�
. satisfied to leave the verdict widi 'ou, feel: .
1� I y I
I ing sure that when you see the' Milliner' '
0 .. I yi
-11... you will agree with us. . ..
-.4 1 . :. � .1
. ' .
4 'rhe showroom is -yours for 0 i ' .you s�
I . pening Day. . -If .
I "
4 . cannot come in. the afternoon, come 8a:turday
. .
i evening. . �.. .
I I I . I . .
14 . . � . . .
I .� I - �
i f�l I ' . - I ... . I ' 11 , .
j More New Dress Goods .. I -
I __ - . ._. _� -J. .
I More new Fall and Winter Dress Good§ -v
hand this week. Many of them handsome tweed .
novelties, in small designs, and - light to mediu,m.
� dark shades that are selling very fast in' ,the " cities, .
! . . .
� Dress Goods stocks were never so near Maur- liking I , . .- .
or values so good, as to -day. We have the .right ..
1 �
materials, and are selling them a:t the`ii�'bt prices. I . �
. . . ..
. � .
. .1
I . I
The Tweeds . � '' ;-.;
� . . .
. . 1. ; I . ". _'..
I Pit 65c per yard. .. . . �. I � ...,
Medium weight Tweed Suitings, neat grey- ef -, , .
fects,'54 inches wide, will make a li-oildsome co ..
.tie at per. s: " '650
tunie or separate sjd�t. Specilal.val � .yd :1.: �,
� I .
At -$1.00 per yard . � � . . I I . . . i. . 1.
. I I .. : ,
Wool Tweed&, Ij yds wide. neat effects in, " .,
creant, .brown and grey materiaN; willmad�e ''. . . ,
stylNh And serviceable costumes - just Ats suitable
for separate skirts. Special val tie at lier yd ..".. �;1110 0 '. ,
. .- .. I . .. .
At 1$1.25 per yard. I I ., . . . . .... I '...
. I . . �-, ...
.1 . Veryliandsome-tweed Stritings, light'grey . . ;... . .
shades; also some pretty mixtures .in greens, ! ' '
browns and blues;. very fashionable, suitable for$1 �
either fall costumes or separate Seirts, per yard - - A - .
. . . . . .
. I �
. .
. , I .
� . I I...
� .", .
. . . .., . .. 1 .�
Plain Cloths � . ... .. I. .. I..
Exceptional, value in .plain, cloths. 1,il�brt I ea .
selves. a E, .. ,
by our direct from .British markets. -., .. very .
. m anted shade, in four qualit'les, .each good., enough -I I
. .
' . . . - .
to call" special." . . . , I I . �
. . . ... I :
. I
. .
. I
At 50 cents . . . . . . .. .. . .
. I , . r'
Pla-'n wool Anjazons, good weight. and Anish- ".. t 1.11
in plain brown, red, myrtle aild-black,peryard- �*5 Oc.
I . .. .
fit 75 P-ents. , . . . . . . I . ... . . .. .. I . . � ,:., I 1. I � .
Fine nality. ladies' cloth, bright -finish,- all , .,: ..�
pure'wool, guaranteed thoroughly shrunk,.�G- . , ".. I
ported by ourselves; would be good value at � 85c , : I
orWe. our special price �per y4 .............. �.. 1. 6 . 75c.
. I . I I I. . I
. . . . . . . I ...�. . I
At $1.15 1 . 1. � . I . t I . . I I ,
. Extra quality all -wool irnportied.BrnAP ." tj� -. ' I..... . �e...
1-1-110 al -
fine, smooth finish; made front puye -j�oojs, imm. , ." . ,
ported by ourielves ALgt 'vifff. England, hi� , - ",' 1*
.gt-f. , ,
%� I I *
brown, navv, vr-.-a;-)-reds and blacks, extra value
. . It . , ,�. .. . ....
. I .... .......................... I ....... $115'_
. - .
I I . I . r ,
I � .
- . . ,
. .
- At $1.50 . . . � I . . � I
Very fine Broadcloths, rich, lustrous finish, � I . .
made fv�m piire wools; will make.hand9ome and - 1.
stylish I costurnes, in navy, brown, in r A: �
I yrtle -or �
black, per yard ............... i .............. �..O.� 1 W. .
I . � . �
. . 1.
- I I I I . I . 1W .
� .
New Dresden RibbonS New Dr6s'deu Rib- " , , .
. bons just Dpene'd, .
thi --k'"' *Q-'-t-e.-t;h-L--carreet-thi-ng�--in--Uil�boia--Joz-:neek�_
s wee . Ill e . ... :
wear; r good assortinent of patterns . . .
All pure silk; a . I . It, . I . . I
. .
25 cents per yard*. . � . . .. . .
. . . � . I . . I � ,
. .
. .
. � 11
'ma -4i, . I I . I .
. I .
I .- Coats -. - I ..!
O.....'. I .
__ I . Wet
.,:. -
V I i h. Style, � �.
I I . I .
11 I .�
,,, ,�, . .., I t i's �worth you r while: - io , ,
� V%o � .. I ' i .
. see , the new Cloaks in our.
Coat Departffientj .eve.n if ..
. ,
I I , you have no thought of buy-- ,
j . ,
. .
. .
, ) I ing- one this season,"'.* We .
" J - . will be glad to 'show the�jn, -
I for. we kri�owyou will be- i
, .. . ...1in-, �
I �, terested. Mcany'new ga.r-
! - .. MentS opened this w�ek,
11 ,
1�1 #� Exact reproductions of New .
/,' �'l � il ... York sty] -es ill' Covert-
I ,,,� i, .� " !ill I Cloths, TiAreeds''or Xer.1;6ys",
I',," , . , � il�i�'' . I ..
U, ld,�,o.i� ... Of.,rnost of them-, no�twol..
I ,. - garments. alike.,,. . 11 I
New Covert Coats, Empire back, or tiolit fittilig, sty . 10 cor-
reet in eyery detail, copied exactly from, Now York gArinents,
three-(juarter or seven -eighth length. Vvety one tki'l(.)r_rn.a(jC.
I �
. � $12.00 to $20.00 � I..
Handsome Tw&(-d Coats loost, or serni�flttI&I I, B,mpi � re
'it %viii; bra'ids or I'
styles , plain or nicely trinirne plain clothif, spr-
viceable and stylish garments � 11
. $7.00 to $15.60 ' �, . . I
. .
Conts nuide froin Kerseys and fleavers,, black only, tailol,
made, newest styles, looqe or eviiii-litting, extra vAltjt-.at
$10.00, $12.00 and $15,00 .
I . .
, ,
"UNNOWNWO � W . 11 I I � . I . I . 1111111111�,1111 . I I - . I— . I I :
1. I .
I "
� . . .
. I
I i, H o d g e n S f"S' r" . OSO.,
Dry Goods .- CRAtoll. I
I . I
. .
. . 1. .
. ., ,�
. I
.. ._�_ IN .
I -
* .
" .
4 -
wr -77 -"r'rrzx-,��T.
. " �,",
I . . a q
" .
4 1 . . . .
I � . .
I . . i � . I I . . � � � I . I I .
1 .--1-17 �", �� '.. - � - ... .", 1, . I , � r __ . I I . . I - . SOO 20thr, IWO i
.. - -_ 1111�Z:11:11.=w 1, r. 11 . .
. I . P i . :== .. ." - 4= 1 � r I 1111 11�= � . .1 .
I I . .10. . _
.NOW, Er C -
.1. , , 0 , (A . r0it to our Nerehants. *0+000+X c � 9 , A ,
I The, gfinton , 11inlon shopii 0 . r + I ,
drems, tind the - "re ""In! � -K-W . a uy -
I , FaxDA:y,, szrz 2a, ioo5. d1aplayi1t),ade go-'o'n'e'lo"I 1- __
. I which our luerbliants have .eivepy $' L a I Not -es - n,t aftord to b
. -
_!t-__.._ �.;_, -4_1__1-1_1__ reason to be proud. Better dressed , I . . . � I
I I. . Local., R41ces .--. - � shbp.w1a4wyt1;*6 not to beseen In ;�.++A, . I :" . . .
.-. . .. � I rr, . a% � . .1 � � i .. I 1. . . . ' - r
. ...
, Pe � ach . eet .TQ?n(d0e*, Grarica. ete" ro?.7 Sale tOT1 in the country. There is all, ol , hDickinson has moved to tll�. Mv,r. 11 . "�, - 1. � � . .1 I 100"D I
.. - -
I ,
. . � look green," but people wild art) com- - EdIr I L&V.18, Of 0 I'll 11 �
peteut to judge ati(l, who have used oils � . � . -' h"'-Oon T' p
CIAXI'4;41.�N A�03* saying, oft quoted, that 11 distant bills-, Oil e, on Huron street, ,,, . Q u S I
4 11� Is, �aid*tbllt Ale. a � . _ 0
L 1'0 HolmesvAlle, - . . . . ..
0" ' ' '�lol . I
,,e .r% o'. a�""dle ..
. trr.1t14 doi,,V.,.".,�l,.,-'.,�'It'l,rg,o .n ,a t., p3',('4 �vell thele powers of obser'vation al. �, willshortly move to town. - . . 0 .. .
)perli. NVill to, ab ,0�t o brui, store . � . .
=b woys return to Clinton from vl r �
' ,, %s sitig to John 06ttorl' left oo Friday for De- . 4 �
, fiUVA ,S -11t 22n,A H - roj ,to 4 V,=. other places, with' a greater ,respect trOit, wbererbe will spend tla� winter Might .as W ,.
I . autl tfiler it . . . V our own- With his,kion. .. . . .. . r . ell com,plain'because it .costs an.�9�1. to get, � lohfek. -
. . ppreciation. a .. I .. I . �, . . . - . t r 1. I.
r -
. � I to, #414. 700#40# - . x&erohants. The Clinton d6alers. have Mr, ,Martin, of Chicago, Son-in-law . . � � . I . . -_
. � r I
ARM BROKE11N.'- Miss Margaret,. ,,buen business acuilien as those of of Mrs, Barge, ha begil laid lip with A The Price- Is' TW , nty_rSe r n � ' � I
� y,phoid fever, . e . ve Ce
second daught& of Mr. Goo. D. Uc- Mly city.. They are- in verfect to"th mrildAttack of.t 8 . I I
.. I � .. I ntsok
Iart. had the misfortune to fall with t1le demands of oustomers and Mrs. Clark, Huron street, has. routed '*V_1 - , I
he was playing r hoase to Alr?,, Easont, of Goderich The kind known as Tapestry, twenty ,inches- square
11�09491 a fente on which a the condition of the world's markets. he .
I on Saturday afternoon breaking her Their expenses are lower than those of township, who is moving to town,' four designs, st;veral colors, . . . I
right arm. near the sib' ' some of itheir competitors, and - the , , . *
ow. * . . . I . -
I . .. ' custniners geD'the beriefit. . . Calvin Callander,' wife ,ind . three . . I . . �
SAL143 OF CATTLE. - Govenlock It you are takingin the ope I nings yolt childten, of Parkeesburg', West Vic- . . I �
Ben�,, of Winthrop, advertise. all ex- inust have been delighted ivii ginia, . . 0 I I
, K the Are yisi kng a -
1; the home of Mr. , * " I
. tensive, sale of chdice catt,le on Friday, showing made.- It appeals to the local P. Rumball. - .. . . y twice as M' uch ' . ''. . I I I
e hundred * head,of feeling of every man and woman who Mr. W. P, Spalding has taken Lip his . . Worth easil . I 0 1 . ,
. ('c" " O' "" ub lip, which is an . is interested in , Clinton's success -&0 realdenceWith. Mrs, J. Falr,er., atal Dont, juAge- that *eerxa . � 4
' "
sto ke�s " "'%a .
opportunity thors)e. Wautillg. cattle that is to all wl house thus. ted has'bPeu �reat. . W . ggerate until you bave en. the quality.
sljoul, I � jorri,kets living in the the vaca . I se
. I not miss. � . � . I towft. If you haven't visited the open- ed by.Mr, J, Bell, - - . � . "I . �... � I . � � I
I I , . .
SEAFORTH FALL PATH. -This ings, u still buy- 400ds; take a hin't tends t I aking a, ,. I
event `wn�i held on .Friday last, and from mw Eu& . advertisement.$, and , ' ii,nd Miss 0 , ook, A L ONG STORY BRIEFLY. TOLD -,
R � . T ' 00"' ,er in
. turned out to be Wgoodfair'witha get them right, You can have vill "' -at o � ' . . _17- 4 .
8 v"te
Mr* � I
'e)v-17 ont it a ist. in the booli. . I � I . . . . .
e y , wants suf of lor his O' W . - . I I . � .
large attendance. Part of thepriz , our ..Flied by NzW HaA ad. sto�e, in absell-e 1. .. . ..
vertisers,an i you'have an out -of- . . .1 . . �
� l6t will be fonud Oil 0, - we had d " I . . I . . I . . . , I
intended publishing Pt"Igew.wole of tile town friend who goes elsevillere -to . Mrs. A. JR. Goodwin, who has been, " . I . . , , L. ,
1, , . i
� ;
u. wtlI help thep ogress of Or a - I I . I , I * I ` i
alleged cures Clinton.' , . ___.. I ' � ' ' Warden Miller and . . . I �
came famous through his, � I . . , go
list, but found we could notido so. . : shoNget him to try buying from our ,confined to bed tot over four weeks ' The . 4 Co �' % �
. , ,mere antii. He'll thank -you. for the slowly impro-vin&-bohi able to be 141; .
. . .
IN TOWN. -kc. Sharman, who be- f few minutes each 5ay, . -
� r . . . . . 11 .0 0 1
at Seafortb, * Was in town on-gonday. hint � , and . yo . . , - - . Mr. Spaicku.an, 0 1 . W. �. Fa"r .. . .
, .- . .
I .. . I
He came un on the I -o'clock train, and . - I . I . . Chairman, of the House of Refuge I OPTEN - T M -E -- C. . I __ J
wellttoUeter-M4,25. Whileberehe " 011-EXING " AT NEWOOAtBW8. ' � OomMittee,iiiet here onMonday,to . K-EAPEST � _: f. L
. I ... � � . . .11 .1 . .. I I -1w," I - 1.
visited'the wife of!Mr.4aineglleayn, Friday evening and'Saturday of last attend to somo matters relating thereto . �.
. I .
� I � .
whobad previouslybeen treated7byllim.. . week.w4e Oserved as' Open' F. W. F4ench, (biother-jil-law of . I � ... �. ALWAYS THE BEST. .' �
. � in days a . . . . . . Q I �
MOVES TO TiDRONTO jU.N CTION-* in th:& Millinery and Dress Gogis, De- Jacob Taylor), who is a teacher in East ""1=M"=W_"__ - - I I I .
I . . � I I I I I
aterest rabe's niammoth, Toronto Collegiate, had his - . . - � - I
- MIr. W.T)owns is taking an i tments of Newco salary vol , I I I . . I � I � . . ��. I
in a h -plumbing business st,10're. The display was. excepti6riallyx -ililtarily increased I by 1100 a few days. I.
� ,�rdware and . fiWMW"W"V"*"""WA - . - �_,
a Tot -onto Junction, and left therefor brilliant and tho-styles very sim�leand- N1400- . I � *Vwfiav" I � . . . . . � ,
. . - . I . I . . � . . .1 -
� ,on Monday; his family, will follow uniq0% com�flslrig all the latest -0091, n tand . that .Geo. IF. Emer- �i� * ' I . . . 11
* "' " L ders n , � .
oung,man of. tions in ready -to weae hats and homew . ond'on, formerly., of Clinton,. ' ' , , , , - ' , � 7 . . �
� I If you have not seen 00 " Q! rigged With the-Nordhelmer Absotute ,Peri.f 10.c I . .
sterling qualities, 4nd We hopirlie: ma�, � trimined. shapes, has ro e
0 - , '. the�disjplay, donot lose the opportunity- ,Iaiio Co.,.'a � .hai,ndsotiie increilse . . . I . . .t I 0, n .
realize all his expectati ns , , ecy . I . I
. . . it' - of salary � I ... I . I .... . � .
. . � I . I
I I . . of ±1 jug the, store this weeki Mi. . .It �: . !k . .1 v I I .
Switzer,. who Newcom , ises personal attentl . . . . � . . .11. .1 . . . . . .. I � . . I . I . . I . _. ,�
. LIVED HERE. -Dr. .. pon A aecoi.id landblide .is reported, from I . . . . . . � . I . . ... I . , I
wits shot by his j eilous wife in a. blibb. to all-apect= �. .. . 'Qodericb. That town is a I . . I '. I . . .. . . � .
igan to,wrj - a few days since, h" died , I . . . ..- I . . I . . . 11 goi'mg to . . . � .. . , I . I 1, . ... . . 1. . .
-frou) his injuriesi As stated irithe' � _ .- .... .. � U"Olm" BRO$-' - pieces since Dan McGillicuddy sold the I I I . . I . . .. I . -6 . I . . . . I I .
I NEW-ERAjast Week, b6th.w4reresi, . I . 1. . - Weekly Signal and moN,ed4way. -Tor- . . . .1 I .. . I - .. I I . . � I .
. The adv4tt��rnenb of the above*firm, onto Star.. - . - ... I . . � � I . . � I . . 11 . . I � ., � . I . - . I
I . . - �
dents uf Clinton for a tin::ie, he bein5 which will -be found a i,qe 8 of ,thi . . . I . . I
� Is ' ' . I . - I . . .. I I I
. Miss Millie Dingmani at 'one time . . � I . . I i . .
a member of the, Baptist. church an. isskie, announces theirMillmery open. . . . I . . I � . I . .
, ve' - those' connected With Clinton Colle lafe,but . . . . � I . . ... I , . I
spoken b.f r highly by asso� ing for tb-da8rand. to-mocrow (Friday- latterly in Action 'High Se ool, has I . . . I . I . . . .
b y _ .
. ciatid with !in. I . . � . It ''I . . I, . . .. . . ., . . : . � . .
. . . . .. and Saturday) anel. all next Week. lo lEichruond. Hill - .. . . I I 1. . . . I . . .
� .PROPERTY QHAN'GE -Mr. D. L, is oat �-necessary. for us to make -any High. Schd6l. . �. I . . . . . . The Makers of 1-'..Qu6en Quality"' Shoes have'an' . . .
Mclutyrebas sold 'his' handsome re. comment this*.week, deferring that till ,, , - W Glenn Q . imp . I : . � I .1, . I .. . . EL.--ZAltliough' - . . .
. *
sidence on Huron Street west; t6 Mr, next week, sufflee it to sav, their ,bell will teach'Clini aim la view --TO .EX.0 constant ea- - ,
. J. B. Lindsay, of Godiarich township, reputation - will be maintained pals, toli 'pupils. on Mondak.;*Ykiday and ty ` . - I
Sat deavor to,maike'Qtieen Ou�ti be't.ter, h * '' kept it � .. I
. for -about $1500. It is a commodious .seaspnp .and visitors Will n :. urday.9f each weeki ort ` 1. � . - I , As , .
� . . . I S t;�d may. be I I 'ing.t6L make." it -BETTFR .. . ..., .
Andcomfort4ble residence, well fitted� appointed., - I . . . .� seenat his residence ' Rat rlbury St.' .BEST, they are still striv � . � . .
' '
. . 1. : ,West, ori"tfiose days, ` - I . ' . �
up, and will iqve a mo6t comfortable . . . I - I . . � . . A6.Ki L .. . I I .1 . 1�> is * - . ..
. 0 ' I's I � � . 1. s . was comiri than.B.EST. .The goFLI they lo6k fo ' �Crd t " �
.. L c - r talus posses." : :.1 . � I g Out I . I . : - � . . . I � . � rw � .
home Mr, cIntyre I . . .. eptember W6 ' ss Wilftenian . I . � . I . I . . . . I I � . . . ..: � , .
� I
. .
. .. I
sidnof -it until December , . . � � 400919..'- - ofthep6st-oMce the other*, evening,* , . :
�. : - . . ; . �. - . .1 . 1. . 0 :,
. . tned, her foot.sq I - tio , . � .. ,. � .. , . .
. . I , , � I � ... * � "' - -
. I
I . -
. _kP , 116VEME'.NTS. -J, 1. MoCaiigh. . I 1. .ishe blipped ai�d spr%. - , . .:, Ab!�olule�- - Perfec, nd ,.. I . ... .. �
I -, Zur. LEshm -People of'town were' :badly as to necessitate her going, to I . � I .. .0 . . . L .
, I .1 I . . . . . - I .1 ....... � . I . . ft
ey,i6 erecting a stabte-on'bis pcope�ty . plea�antly,surprieed oil Saturday* last,. the hospIt6l for a fe* days. . , d Sole,A�ency'f0r,*C,j'L't ' . , :
. On Mary street ; a. foundation will also when they heard thfit'Mr W. D. :Fair, � A. T.�Co�pet wixiawarded tile con. �. . .We have.'secure. . I . .1� on, .-and . I . .,
. - . . ' . � I . �.. �: . , .. . � ��,
. I.. . , ..
I. L' ,
be put under: the h6use,,and it will.be the well,kndwn book-sejldr� and iss �trkck,of,supplking. the House.�of It6f� I Will- bd pleased -to' show y - them.. . � . ... . .
,V4 . 1. I .ou ,�; - , .
. .. � I .. _ . . 1. .
I .. I .. � I I 1.
thoroughly0yerhaul6d before he moves- Hattie Leslie, .the charthirig daug ter nge'with-Wbw window8hades, aud-60. . v r I "I , . . . . .
. . . I . , - g ready ke- � OIL. .
; into,. it.1 `'.; A.,. Seeley, is , erecting, a 6f.Mr, -Jolm Leslie,, had been marri I W6'are,�cleari ng. out� se' e'al' in,�.s at . I .
. .
: 6 , ttenbury street. . ' that.m6rillri* ied .large Ahade�. of, finest quality. have - � ` - I . � I I :�, � !. " . . . , 1. . , .
,stable an'hlh lot on' R! - . I g ; Pthe an4oitiic�m�nvw'as. been Placed-oh'the windows this Week. , .: -&�oed P�rices t6,Ma *kooni. f6t OU: L I I
. I I . I � .11�0 .: Qdeeii.Qualfty, ,Y .� -
, . '.. _�
- . . c,_� Cas,,, -, � . '' ' . � . , '' .
. - , that.. peolde : , ivi" , , , " �f- tlie. Kvrapo�afbx. -was :. - - hauld see them.� .Y o'u save Money every - t,ir'n6 you , 1. :-. � -
...... Rov-S. QPeeneis'making-anad- so unex&cteo hardly , , ..
dition to his houge,on H,uion-,street.' . 6redited it-* " notwithstandinjg 'the I S, ..,. ..:. - , * '' . � . . - ,. . ,. '. 11 I'll". . I .. . I
. .. ii��lled td his'., h6oleAn'New York -State . - I . . . '. . ". I . � � .. . �1� . � __ , ... .
� I . � fac6- tbat jt bh.s..loug . be tici- . f , . .1 . . % . I I . I I . ,
. 'GUN CLUB. -The, 15th annual live . . . ea, an . last week., -owing' t6 the illness of his ' : -buy your. oatWear at'.;... � . .
bird' -and.. 'target toiirriament, of. thb Oatt,d; In fact so well had theiy wif H- , I ; . . I I � - . . .�. . . :1.1 . . . q W�l - - I.: I
- .� . ,
6. e bas returned totown,ind I . � '. .'. , L . . I I . . . I I . . I .
� - . � . � '
I I _ kept the,see'ret that only"tbe'night. be� is filling up the stalf (ifthe Evaporator' . . . . . I . . . . � . .. :.
I Clinton . Gun 01 nb will -take Place on ,fare did their most- Intimate,' ao, ua"iqt,-. I T H E."OL D '�-R F, L 1'. A B L E � '.1 . -� - :' . � .
.1 ,
Traesdgy,%dild Wednesda�-,Oct, .34, 1 *hiellebAinieri6ed 6perationslasb Week, - . . . � .., . I , ,. . . -, 11 .. I � . . I- , I-*
.. . I
a�nceskxioW,At w S; 661nil :9 011 and = I . � . I . . I I . ''. . I . . . "', ., .. � . I . . I .
� . I . '' , - . . . .. . I
it - .. . '. �, , . W1. . L � �` � � � " �, - - . . . . .
' ' x1sovioletta om )Sop, 0 �. . I
.when Over. $&%. will be offer4in. even wheo,11t,-buS itriver took. them- Th f Ciiriton' ' " ' ' . . . . I .
. _r . 1!-!" �... I - I I . . . ... . � .. ��. ,.- ..
9dies. Th�r!p ar� f6ur'.66ntests for the to thq.statlon as thby st arted on tb6ii was e ues 0 rie s15 P. -Mrs., A,., H' . . �. . . ... . �, . � 1. . i . , ,.. . : �.. I . I � I . . . �
. . I I I Tie I � . I i , . I I 1. I . .. ... � 11 .. I . . . . I . .
rst. di.Lk and * ten, for th6 second.. wedding tout, . 'he was not aware: that . rna; 0 itrin . tile - week. - Miss I . . . .. . . I ,. � .. I I . . I '. ...1. I . . * I
. - ,
I -
Should .the weather I piovie -fa*drablq behhd a, Wedding * arty. wltlz him Tho pson, s tdii� 'Trinity, chupch. . .1 I . I � �. It .: .! .. . I - - � . . .
. , . . �. . .
.there will 'likely ' be .&. .good 6rowd.of. . - - - I � . M -, - AYLOR. �& SON, * * I I
. I I . . I Rev. Dr. Stewart perlZrined t , � e - choir on, tin. :ev6aing,'and. ver .. a. , T _ . A-19.1-. � - `1 _. .
. . -
- . , ..
. . it �re' ; .1 . -
competitors.� .1 . � . I b( credita ly butr uted .a solo. --�Blytl . .1 . . � 1 1. . . 1. �. . _ . :1 .
. 14. . . . I . Many, only:& v6py. few, gueE s . eing , .� I I .; - � . . I 4S 1 . . I . . ,
� ;
.. . MORE. WAT.E H. _:Mr.- B�vans � had 'prosent; it goes, �Athout -s .in jhat ,-,,-,- -- -- - , L ' ' * ' , N W %V" q ARWW I I "I"Mm ", , - ,
. I I ' B*. ' I � LL . �w M" "M MI" "
tlie'good fortune- to strike pleilty of bhe very,. beat - ,tvishes �� * eiv. an . 77rr- Sniiitb, .of Lon'don, the . � . . , . .. . I . . . I I . : , . .. III_ . �.. I
- . Vk . , I . . I- . . . . I . . . . ,. . . -
- w -ek friends nre',extqnded th I 0 till, well-knoviFn general-�gerit . for. 'the I . -
Oater in the artesian well be last � � . I MME!M. . I . - . I 1 1. .�'-�-- .
.put down for '�Andrews Bros,'. He b& at: lihme to their I n 8 . after- -Massey-Rarris 0oixi'varty-in' Western .: .. . . .. .. � , ,,� . -, I. . .. . : . . .. . .
; . I � I. I I . . . I . . . . I . ., �,
'drilled . 'O,ctober 23rd.. I . . . , . . ... .ont&rjo, Lig. leaving- to iake' 1 . . . . . I . � I . , , , . I � . . �. . I I I
a little overl5O feet, 45.of which I . . I . . ,� I I . a better , 11" I I . I _.: I
re, . . -
was through s6lid.rock, and left, them. -TYNDALL-RuzzaAL, �Wa'y pp�itlon in Calgary, iiid .'was the re-, I . . . . 11
1, L,.�: Wedne . . L �. !
with,6Q.fe6tofwafer. Heis how.:46i- home of Mr Pred' Rumball; lent of. ,'game'* valuable p'eusl'by . . . .. - - .- ,. :, . 1, !.
-Huron 10, I . . I � . I � I . . . I . . ,� - . ... . I..., . 1. Is . I I ,i!
the . . ... . . 9.11 .
StPeet; was - 'i�e so6n&' Of .hips London'friend' ' . . ,. - ,
ing a.:Y�eli for the lacksbri Mlstnuf4ctut-. '& . . 13I .:,:. I * . . . . .; I * . : %, L . : �, I w ., I . ,
. .haprlly I . .L . . . I .. .1 . I .. �.. - . . . �., 1. . . . I I . . . .: .. � . - , I I . . , - , .. - I -'i
Mi Co.',"affeii ivilicili- he willpt# one event, When. iiis eldest diiuirhter, Miss Acertailigeiltlernaii id'toWu,,,who �'� , 'I . . ,�� - I . 0 .. �''. . . . . p.. . . I � I A 1. * I � . I . .. . �, , I
d6ivn'f6r Me. F�rran.. , ' - - , - - Anriie. E � became� the ,,viit'd of ME held.a block of 0 R, R - shares which . . . . . .... - .. i . . ;.� * . . . I— I p .1 I .. . 1. . :�* . ., m � 1,!, . I �. �'.. .. ,
� .. .1 . . I . '. . .. . I . � . . I '. - . . . 1. . . . .. . . . "�
. . �,tthur !Tlyndal , * the:�cerem6n,.� -ataprofltoi$i�o is mentalli, , I . . I.. � � . � , �
. , I . I being he sold . : 0 . . . . ... . . � . . 1. I... 1. .
. . . .
WAANI.XG, -*Tlie'dther 4yening ptnforriiedby. Rev. ll� M. .114alining, , cliibbing.hii-ils6lf-..be'eaus;' 4 -did.. I I " . I - - 4
. .ii-stoue.. . . not I 096 . . . .., . � � ! :- - I I . �
fsogle party or parties throw and billy immediu-te ftlends of the.con-� . Wd oil until the surprising advance'. . . . ., .�.� ". . f. .i L ., . . . .. I .. I I
througl . i a win�iow in ac6rfain hopse. I " . . . ... . I � - . . I . . . . I .. ; �� �, J_,/%�--�
I . . , . . , . I . . .. .
. I . .1 .1 _. ... I � . .. . . .. . .� 1. ... .. � _�-41 - I .
on the base line, the. glass and stone- and"bridemaid. were dispensed. about $1500 inore. " . , , - . . . . . � I -� .._ .k ... . 1
. I in' which were- . � . ,.�_ I . . . il I .;
on. a crib ' g"'Poin _----.- . . � . . I .*,�, �i a , .. -'!� , .. . I ..* .
- '. ' ' . . I � - .1. - _�- .. � I . 1. I . �
. I -e - _' Vir;11 .: . . � .... .. , , � I . . .
' ' ' , .. 1, . . I
bettig found , i , with , The bride is ivell know" As O" - m,T Sh,�L't;7, ,��% -.of 1417 , ,. I
soing-young chNicen, Suispicions at of the most highly e��2.-M,�f ;-,--,,r,- ,;,qt;ipl y., lin 4 . . .. . . 11 . . I . .,.... I 1.
hdld as 6'the'.Iguilt t 6 Ic , .,.' * &I,, O .. . I
� . traptibg parti�s being piesent. Bride- lastweek,'whed he . would.. liave, fimcle, .. ".. ,
I. __
y -�='A-'� ALU'k IX -q 4Adjes ofAQW.i., -'Wh-tie- - , , ton, who has ,beeil borne ! * ' . . � la, .
the groom is -it for the'swinmer, has� returned. ta Loin— ,�.' I . . .. .. , I . . .. .. ,�
I V. I 1. . 1. . � .. . . �; . I .., ..
. ; I . .1 . . .: I . .
is to i;6rve a 0-nmg.' f -this is ulat young farmet-iti.Hulletb. Af, al Cd1lege ,he - has already . . . . � . .
. .
ifferent' way will..be. POP _ " I . I dofi:M6dic, P. bi�s . . � , . , . . I . I '.
. � � I �... .. I
[��immeir..�7 a J ater th6.ceremony and & delicate lunch- passed -three exa6ina,tijus , nd h . " " �. . � .
eon t1i � . . .� . I
� .
I '. . 1. ... .1 11. .. . .. - , * `o n- . ,.
found with -which to d - eal : witil 'the tuey Jeftpp. tile 3.20 train: for the e",ry-:,,pFm0ec'r, 6f taking hil fourth, � ' ,' . ' .
. -.,- ,. � .. I ... 1.1.11---1 f I _ is I . - � � ,.,.,� �, � .
pfe' .1 ' ' � ' :'-,�._ .. '__`,,_. , �. Ly"...1. All 'ir a;tld final * . , I '... -_::�M�-:: 1 � -w .4, . .
par .0 at fau t. .1 � I east. � : The congratu t : I . I � I I , .
_1 :. . . .. . a ionir a . e extiffilriation. . - - -: - - I. I . . . I . . . : I . .. :
�� I . . I .. ..... I'- . .
. . . :
� B . - ' - . ded ihiin We, . . - -4j. '': � - ,
I LTSINESS. CHS.1�61i. lie bank- man e ten, k , ' - ,.. �
. ads 'x ' Humphrey Snell (s6n 41abids Snell). . . . I 1. . �
o.long' and:successfT4,117 fri d tb ar e their'retifrn they . .. , . ... . .1 . I . I
irig.business:s - 7 .ipt � .. �, . . .. I .. : . � �
: . . .
carried on by W r. 6 eo, . D. McTagg,trt. und y ' t 110 , a )u� -6 ,town -on:TucadiC , for Douglas, wy-. , . �. .. � � � I . .
. wi r 9& � le,ft here . . . I � ...
. ke t�eir iesidcXkce i . , .. -
. I �th . . . I ombig Territory �. i;e goes: t � '.. . . r , '... i . , � . -
fol! 0 pr sent - : I a. atkpmd . . . � � . .: ... ,
undergoes a 6hanie' on the � Ist 0f � t h . ' . �. . . . the.State�Fair,- arid- also in%carebf it .. . � . I . I . ., I.
I . . i :*. I .. � i.: -
.. . .
� October� his bl-�tb&. Maic. Im, who has MILLER HENDUR90S - John Miller, parl6ad of Leicester sheep'. . � � . . I . I I ,.. I., :
� - - which are' -, * . . , -1 . .
hetet6fore been' his Qfrice assistant, oungest-s�n of Mr. J. 0. Miller, of b i sent ut b' 'the Sheep Br6edeW . . . - � ... I
. 1-f . ' buishiess, : I NUA I : , !. ; .
lieco ning . a partner, in the � Ae Soo, forri4erly, of towxi,)� biother of =iatio'no "Xarebuokssavethree, ' - - . . . . � . I
Ili will -hereafter go under the Mrs. E6, M. McLeAn, was married in St. there being. a ready sale forthe furmer, , � . , .1 : _:
W t(g - . . 1. .-41,%A,_` I I .'',..
. -
,narneof-XcTaggart Bros', Both lnelll-� Lukets Catfiedr.%4 Collingwobd, I last . Harrison Wiltse� of -town . , went . .to . . ... . I . . . ... I .1 . .. . I . I . ..
beis of Oie firm are expe46nc4d. bAnk- Week, to Miss H. llendec�on,,... . � .. t . � I I . �. . I
il s6hoola,t. Athens � at'. the same time I .. I I.. � I .
, ers havink. the cbrifidefice . 6 1 fjho c6m- , - . . . __ I , , � � ,d. as ' . , . ; . . � I . . ... .� I . �� . . .
munity..- 1: .- ... . . .� ;jr, Joh42. Howson; .,who ,has been': the alleged healer, Sharman, d r. . I I . �
I . .W11 M I I I ..
_ . �� , a '. . . .
. DEATH OF'REV, 11., MC'C'IlAfM� v sitintr his relatives, here, l6a . e6 for tseis niodest eno4h to .say lie does I . . " .
. v not claim. tiny healing virtues because . � .. I I :
t, 0 Toronto this week, where &' Most int. . � . . . ,� 1, . . ".... . ... � 11
Thos6ofour townspeople who'Wor portant*eyent takes.. filab� before his of1this., Mr. Plumsteel �was also Well 'OVIRM�, I , .�. . .
Ldgn.ts gr ing the time, . . ,. . . - I I
_ies ,',jv__e I ur. ]Rev, F. .retui'n to the .West. On Monday he acquainted with him when he liod'iri I- - I .. . . . . � . ., .. .. ... f
. - - I �
. 1. ., . . �
g;. -- 'fV-1H --Chiffft1T;- - . the eastern portion of Ontario , �--T�_____�._ . I �
. ...
�, Mcoua* 16� � I _ .
was asoro .its
1 p . to to Miss. , �__t_.__ �2 1 , . .
,. d-q�,.�rcgret, of --his- ,will, be .married. at'Toron . .. . . .. . . .. I ... .1 . . .
earn with I I " �. ,111- � I __1 1- i....
will, I Lmiise Hartl6k, "'a charming -young �116*' �ty Valuators, -have,coiii I � 1. �. I_. . . �
death, which occur,�6&at Wcillardl-on ,, I Cou . . - . O. .
Wodnesdiiy. -'Deceased has �resided at , lady ' of Kincaidine, and th6y Will -at pleted their w6rk, sofarjastownships' . r IL. 1. . . . I .'.:_,.,. .. . I
� once start; fdr---their future?h6rne �at d , A McKillop . :
Welland.ever since 1e left hefb, some are cuiicerne ; thety re W .. -'. .O.A. . . �. I
27 years ago, The remains of his wife. Mediciine 116;t:' "'Jack" is one of tho: as. the best township, alfrourid, in tile. I . . � I . �, i . . I . ..
Ri6 interred in Clinton Come . - Clinton boys who. has prospered. with county. Brussels- arid.. Wroxetei vil- . . .1, I . .. I - . . I . . . . � I . I .
'to' ' and I 1. � .. � I I . I
thefuneral ofMr, McQuaig. W,IT.take the great de�el6vmerit Of the west, lages'ate alga oompletod, and'the time . , . .. ... . . .
ace froni Clinton -'Station t , 0 -da and it is nothecessaiy,'for him. to lie of the valualbois Will now be given to I . . . . . : . � . . . . i
gg y" 04 . arrival of the. one ,.a 61OCK alwAke6vohildring whero'his broa,kfast the other ; towns and villages. in the ... I
rl I . will come froni.. ,His tnany;. friends in. , � . I . .
train from the east. , . ' couftt�% , , , I 1. .. . .. . � � . . . .� I . � " . .
� 1. . . � . . I Clinton ioln with us in wishing . him, . - Sod '�
. I I
- I
I WH,;T.' Olivet Jeevis selfand_*ife long life and happiness, Veoplewho.see�� X�,, `W. W. -Farran, 4. �11 , , . . � " � . . I..
; ' . . I . . : .� 1. . I � . I Division Court Clerk, out'driving on- . I � . .. I
left for Prince Albert , , Sask,, on Tues- . . . . FAdayt. appt(rvutly In the -best of � . - . , . . I . . I , I . . . . I
. dity,.and R Doan for Winrupeg; both . 11wisip"11 �oqt,,' , ,. . health, were rtitich surprised on. Satur- . . I I ...... . I ..
.were ticketed bv W, Jackson, .; P. R, . . '_ . . . clay to beat that. he wag seriously. ill. I I . . I . I I 4 . I .. � I . I . I I . .�.
- . I
I agent. Mva.,AV. T6bbutbJeft the st4be' , Judge � troit. presiaeA iit � sitting of 'He is Improving, and hopes to be. back . . . � I I . I . � . I . I .., I , I I I
- -
, morning �to. .Join .her husband at Red, the Division Court ,on saturday'. R, in, Mee in a few days, hW � work in .1, I . I 4 I . . . � I I I . . . . I I I . I
, . 1.
lands, Cal.�, Ad Mr,,4, W. Rosa, daugh- T. Rance acted as- Clerk, owing to tile: ffiti meantime being attended to. by, � . I , . I . . : , , 1 . . � . I � . 11 .1
, ter of Mr. Geo. Cottle, left for Ida 0, fllriesg6f Mr. Fairan. Thelogp6l.fra- his-spii.in.I&W, Mr, jRan66, , . - I I : . . . . , 1, d
. . . �
where .-Mr. 'Ross .is employed ; both tortifty *aii represented' by,. Idessrs, - On Friday Oven? . n ome eig , , , . . . . I . . . I . I . .
. .
were ticketed by Fe R,14odgens,,a nt � Best hnd Hays.Senfotth, blairand lit hieni 6 $ I . . �. . I � �� . . I . . . � I
G T R-. Donald PAtters0h, Of C0 bers of the A, O'. U. Wdirov�. to 131�th :�� - - I 0 . - , , , . I . . .1 . I . . .
. I , . 1,8t Dickirtion� Goderich; Bea�ftle and Btyw , . . . � I . . I 1.
. WaWAnosb, also left the same . quid atte4ded service in the Episcopal � � � 1% . . . �. . � . .
mOPnA' done, Clinton. Several of the case . . . . I . .
ing on a visit to friends'ne4r Calgary, on the docket were settled wi s Chur,'o , with theiv , Blyth br6threli I , ; '. . I * I ., I . . .1 . I . �� . I
.1 � . tphout; wber_� -mon was prea 4 . .
I . . .1 � going to trial. .Those disp,md of were . a �poclal set aboh I
* ACCIDENT. - on _ I ' M16- - Uo,Ast when iv * tell yod that the
Thursday litst, Macpherson vs. MqXn !ghti, -Action them by Rev, Mr. Ednionds, who i s a, . . it i's no ' e . . I
Whilo.-Ressrs Morris & Morroll, were on thresher. Verdict for plaintiff ' , member of the order;'but is aliout ro- ldrges't stock of hicrh-da�? Overcoats we have laid . 11
hauling, thelf threshei on to the � bArfi Govenlock. vs.. oudmord et al. -Aa- moving to Learoing!on. Thoy were . Z) I . � � .
flooratBen oburchillIg I-Itilletto th(,,,,v tion concerning hay. Jud afterwards entertained toa suniptitotts. ,,before. our Customets-is�nOWon our counters., Every- . . .
met with ari accident wbicho ver grilebt co$`. di,iner a,t the Coutmercitil Rotel. . ' * .
-erved., . � . -is -been maee to ouibrder by the leading Manu, I
fortunately, was,ilot Attended wltK Robinson, vs. Johriston,--4his eage' The.6eason for the op6n.air ba6d coat h, � . j. . � . �
any serious regults. The .team - had caused more intaest thait tiny, of the concerts is virtually over, and it CAn. -facturer$ Of,Cp4iada.. Correct in e�ery little point that .
just pulled the machine into the barn, others, The plaintiff, Win. Robinson, not be said that tfie -, town band has to make a perfect- �)-ji�rnoiit,' is made riom first- .
when, Lbe floor beneath the horses .duink- Oliver Jobilston over a horse been spacing in its servicei The band . I
deal, the animal, ib was tilaimed, being has played but -once it week �on every 9111cs merals,ai i thebughbut with good lin-
gave way. Seeing that it was going, , c �ss id lit 6T I . I
they out the harness, hild with the defective in its 8*1nd. :Judginent res- occasion,,when the weittlier, has., 11'en in"'s. These g,,irments cann6t fail to. give-satisfacition, I 1i
flioor the horses fell 6, didarice- of nine - erved. . at all suitable, and theW playing has ,_1 � . .. . I . � 0 . .,.
feeti. isliijularly, they'were'not huit Conob'vs, T&LAWgillin-Withdrawn, been very greatly apprecfitt�,d intleed. � ffe're are two specials, just togive you an i&a what . I I
ig itest, . Very forcum,ttely the I L
! .� 1_$ ��
in the,sli Itobinson vs. Bfgglns�--4 wood deal, It was their intention to play Out for . I . . . . . .
' It W#s Ad . ourne(l. till next couA, I the last time this seasoll last night, � W �. , I . .1 � 4!_
, a are showint .
machine remained stationary. , ,!,
a Oose call all round. 1. I . I I � . I
. � . �1-1 luunber of'"Rartlishea cases and Thursday. . I .. �� . A Alan 1� Coat for $ x o, o a . I I . I . � 1. .- . � �
VROGRESSIVII,' AND PROSPER.. judginent ounithoy I ises were also dis� .Xr. Alfted Tretnaii;e, who Is tho I - .CoOs, made froill 01 .1 I I 1
4 able representative of the fra .4in I i and double-brVasted, a styliably exit ganiietit, -, also Overcoitta I
I N`G.-A couple of old ffitroniatis, who Posed I of, . pap, _pvt,ad . . A1011's ovel ock tweeds, neat'sinall 'designg, ;
alle pro ressing . with the, west, are I Atitolliftfle Smoke constutiot, and V110 Mn , Vfroill dark grey 0heviots, single breasted, velvet coffitr, cub in . I ! " . . . . . .
AfesArs 31611n, and Steplleli' Ta,vlOj`,L of - lit ffia.'Oetolyer number of tho Cana- �qll,ver, 111nite(j, 11as jjj,tjjV 4 the wvy lateststyle, good: lihings used in both, yel�y .. .
. . tfuie. ,)(,(�jl
btinnedosA, sons of the I willifull (,,,`u Nlaga.zino tiler at,(, reproduced it titken for Robert floline.4, of Clinton, I . I
() orap 1, I I , 6110,00 ..
of .,Clinton, They .r4noll mul. Series of phot, s taken' by- N` B' Tba' repeated hitetro ations ho hits speetal i. t vitch ...... .... - I... 1-v"111 ....... I ..... T -i
'�(1�11Y,1,1(1)11�1 0, Heury, 4f 01111t) ,14 dellowing W11110, - I .
. I t M general busiudss on litil X. Inetwitit,would (jualtly 111111 for Ali Boys, overcottis at$,$, 0.6 I . I . .1
tonsive scale, .011,11 1;5(X) acreq Of land, the yinmg son o, . .. ', Clooper, of town. Al. P., AnA possl4ly A "grattel. " 1111t Boys, Overcoats, made frolit grey. stleipe,l7weeds, noat piaterns, I � I
. �
I I I I I I - , '. 1� ,
� i '.
I I I i
1! -
i 11 I I
ay � I
I b -
of t I
em �
fr e I
I I . I r
� I I I i
I. -
.1 I
- , it * , velvet Collar, cut in the littest st�lef sttonk linings o'ged tlil�bugholtf,
donj la,rgely in cattle, and'ard evident- I10, Quaker Itellimly Co. lefto,town doubtlo'i lie would ratlleVbe � Owed
Ty on the road to become millionaires, on, Monday for TNIR61101, a,ftel, two to pi osectite his daily 11VOL'Ation, tin(l *11 stand. ,tv t .1, .1 .
. , . I
-acres in vjivat, woe�s - profitable business, 11heir ,allow the politicians to'attend to their to'Aj, speoial each ....... ...'. I � I 0 # . ... .......... I . I . $540, .
This year they had 176 .1tv"ont that wX anyawoluxtof1lardive, ,Wkizeq 11
from whiell they got OW bushels ,- i4trect ontortitinuient drow hundr(AN 6n,n' knit.ting-Godevieh. Star. [Mr. � I .1 . � I . I . �, �. � ,,,
tlieynre,l'iist'shil)pitig2Ooll�oitd of ex- everynight, cttid theywerecertaloly ltoItlleso-vi(l(�litlyli�icit.tilitilll)Ol'()Cgoo(l- . i , . I I
port �Atd% and 4a if All t�ead evid- I , - .
light 'Andlar entortallullouts, there being - 0 . SO, .
of it inuch higher miler than inany looking "doubleg." Refote Alt. Opo, 111c. ,.- I il
6110'es of prospetity were. not eno TAg axt, 6ftowli'.cut oly lits, belttd, . HODGENS B R, ll I
thewivesof eap-h hakto recently pre- notilin Vulgar at, silocially objeetion. Mt-fflollylos,was oftell wistaken for � .
� "
sdnted them with allothor son., Ulm able. -U lifflott Daymelit's baby was, this gentleman, and last Wcok lie WiAs Clothiers and Gent"s, Furnishek, Clintoll �
_4_1_1� I . . . .
. .
. I I
. �
� I
. .
. ft.""... _ " .r,�',_dwj�- L
awaildou, wle U10111011u. rit1g, Wittl a rniAttwen jEOV liev, Mr. JmOssf Or - .__,�_ "'. l 1"'.111. 11111, I .1 I 11-1 I., I— I
bota of. ftet.trly M votes. -1 I . . . I - ___ a ,-- - _ __ I I �
. .
. # . I 1. I I � , .. .
. . I . . . I
I . I . . .
11111�� - A 11, f4 . I . � I . � � .. I. . N � . . I
I .
-A&I , k- I I I 4,d.&Aafij&.____ . I � . .
- Aj �.M&__Z_ �Iamb_ . . I I _ .
- 11111111111111 � - .1 &,J�. - ',.161:__.. 1 iir*t�__ - _ _A,#__"_S�� - � - - i