HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-09-29, Page 44
Sept. 29t1x, 1905
n Eiega isplaT of Fail Goods
This progressive store has prepared for its many patrons an array unparalleled for style, for gnat.°
ity and for greatness. In Tlillinery, in Dress (ioods, in Women's and Children's Coats,Furs, Etc., this
store again bids for your patronage which has been so liberally given since coming to Clinton.
Year by year we have increased our sales and year by year this store bas become greater and more yarn-,
ous. In our invitation to the.public to inspect this :year's exhibition of New Goods we ,do so with the con.
f1dence that we are showing a handsomer and more complete stock than we have ever before displayed.
Our opening of Millinery, Etc., will continue all this week. Come and see the new things. as often
as you like. You are always welcome here. WewillIconsider it a-pliaiure to show you through our stock.
Fall's FinestDress Goods Display
Chiffon Broadcloth is the favorite for fine dresses!'
We have them in the new shades of Alliee Blue,
Pearl Grey, Fawn. Blue Grey, Navy, Green, Brown,
Burgundy Red (which is the newest shade). No
better assortment will be.found anywhere.
Prices 85c, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 per yard
Satin Cloths.0 60c•and 85c
At these two prices we. have excellent values in
the new satin cloths so much in demand for ,shirt
waist suits—this cloth will give excellent wear and
we can guarantee the wear of it. Comes in a fine.
range of new colorings at y60c and Ase
Colored Crispines at 60c
This cloth will give extra good_ wear, it is made of
yarn that has bEen thoroughly tested ancl if you, buy
a drePs from the many shades we show, you will be
well pleased with looks and wearingqualites.
Extra Special at 60c
.New. 131acl Dress Goo(1s:
We always keep a -very full stock of Black Dress
Goods but this season the stock is more varied,' than .
ever. For the fall trade we have added' a much lar-
ger stock of Priestly's Dress Goods, in .all.prices.
- #
New Flannelette GOWITS
• The Flannelette Gowns we have this season are
• better made than any we have sold before—they are"'
all made with :the French seams that will never break
-out or pull, all are nicely trimmed. It will not pay
you to make them whenyou can get values like' we •
i have at 85c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50
Warmer Underwear
• We buy our: Underwear frbiai thebest mill In
4J4na,da.1 'The Underwear this mill ..makes is- -guar-
anteed 'to give good wear. It is Made of nothing but
the best yarns, all of which are thoroughly scoured
before being knit into garments This season we
• have better values than ever in Underwpar for Wom-
en, Misses and Children. Try this gore for, your -
Season's supply.
Prices from 1414c to.$1.50:a 'garment.
Our B & C.Corsets
The -most important!. of
all things made for a woman's
comfort and good looks is un-
deniable a well qiit corset.
.Wonien who wear the B.
Corset tell us ;that it ex -
Cells all 'artherS' for -WdaY and --
Comfort.: Prices . •
$1.25 to $2.
. J.
X++++++444eff.eli.44444424 4 a seaker of rare ability and/power,,
44* e
. Will give addresses both inerni'rig and
3: Church News * evening' '
*De se. • ST. PAUL'S
.pe4+4,44444. . Avrepriate Thankseivint ert
V.) e held in St. Pants on unda , 1
W ILL18 CHURCH ,,,ducted bY the aster, nev. .....Bel Guni7e, The
• 0 . , - :TAT. the' indebtedness .-
C .— te unite of of the 0 ureh. •
Allen Craig, was unable to sing last I , 'Matins ••
Sunday evening, and Mrs J. B Hoover Theme Come ye thankful people mine,
Menite. . , . . .- , . Turle,
, • The fission LePPrs,
4c- • see I •
. (Conti:breed)
.Personat Notes44c-4.0
eft If those:11*ring relatives or triende 44e
•ea visiting in • tovrn pr, going •',1110:"^rsr*
gt the 'f=....we oe we
would ennonaiitt the NXW • EnA: •s1,.,-
and Mrs. W. Glenn Campbell filled in •
with a duet. The solo part in the ithe Paciallar P451 ; D C th
s, 65,81, 144. •
m •. .. ... ..... r. ro
them was taken by Mrs. R. P. Reekie. Jabi ate ti.,;;, Henley
In India, China mid Japan there
'approxirnatel 1,000;000 _leper
)-;- ;4.0)14.4, orie ,vieeless
ancl friendless, in need of help phyeic-
ally as ,well as spiiituallf.. The Mission
to Lepers has for twistity seyen , years
endeavored•to alleviate the distress of
e these suffers in,,threeOeys, viz : 1, The
establishment and support of asylums
for•Lepers, and homes for their un-
- tainted children. 2, Grants. in aid 'Of
j asylums already established. 8 The
providing of christian instruction for
baeigirvmens,. where it would net otherwise
It is,now working at 62 stations 'in
Burmah, Ceylon, China, Sa.para,
'and Lumatra, having already benefit.
,ed; either directlyor indirectly, about
1.°T"hisPmeirs(slinosn does not ;end Put mis-
sionaries of Its own, but wet ks in co-
VeTEtibir enelettee.----as in
the case of Mi. W. H. P. Anderson, of
Guelph; the last`missionery to be sent
out. A. young man of singularly brit -
Rant prospects, Whir has given' up his
business career, that he may. deviate
his whole time to this work. Mx..
Anderson goes out under the Foreign
Mission Board of the Giernaan Evan-
gelical Synod of the 'United States, but
as his desire is to work specially among
pthueriLoenpegraihae. will be sent to Chan -
This Work is entirely supported by
voluntary contributions : • , .
$20.00 will support, a child for one year
$25,00 will Support a Leper for one year
$50. .00inwiLl satispzolrint a Christian teacher
$2.56 to $500,00 will build a Children's
- Home
$750.00 to $1500.60 will build an asylum
As it is 80 thoroughly underromina-
tional in nature; those of the citizens of
!Minton, who are intereeted in'this very
raportant work, are asked to eon.
tribute as liberally as they are able,
owards its maintenance. The band,
of iittle girls, known as the "Pinafore
Circle" are going to be able, through
Werk they have done this year, to COrie
ribute $5.00 toward the support of a
Leper. As it will not be possible to
tutelage for a public meeting, ittryone
wishing to contribute Any gum what-
OVer, may hand it to Mrs. I. W. Irwin
any Wednesdity afternoon during Oct -
riff be"folfrwleafrtd4etdl‘'tfot'' ittrirssitil.silae"Wma' tr.
Deputation Secretary, North
American Division,
Mr Et J. W. Moore and daughter, ar
visiting in Detroit:
• Mrs, Jas. Twitchell left on Saturda
on a Visit to Leindon and Detroit.
• .
On Tuesday evening. the Young Wo- ' n ro y
Kyrie Eleisoti . , Tours Mrs. A. T. Cooper leaves next week
men's Guild and Christian Endeavor Heflin 00. °12 a visit to her brothers in Chicago. -
Snciety of Willis church united on 1 Odertory Anthem ,Praise the Lord 0 Jerusa •
gi.ing a Reception tothe strangers and Eveneong Garnet *Brien left on Monday to
take a, position on a Stratford paper. 1
students fately come to town Autumn Hymn 872 •
lea -es and flags made a very effective Proper Pealme 145, 141. '1- . Mrs. Pode goes next eek to visit
decoration for the lecture room of the 3,ragniva.b. ..... .. .. .. ........, ...: .,... ,, ,.Thmett her daughter, Mrs. Ross, in Chicago. .
church, while the reception committee liniertigiti, r Is i i e sTi Li; 43: ....ii:i•;. wic....41'' . Roy ROdawa,y, assistant G. T. R
were indefatigable in their efforts to Hremn 49 • , agent at Reckwodd, spent •Sunday at:
make every -one- feel- thoroughly -at Offertory_Selo,-.111.st:tts.Lana_,-....47utte ' his laose_h_ere, _
home. After some time had been ! is • 11'188 i""•ug4tA"''' key r Steadman and Wife; were
spentspent on the giving of introductions ver Hymn • - guest of Mr. Chas. Glew, Huron • road,
and in the examining ofthe quotations 1 Evenin g Swiss (run Choral.) '• Hullett, last week '
provided,. Mr, Houston, the chairman I
a the evening made a few very ant re- - Miss Oakes, a Detroit, who has
, 011tar10 Sunday School Asseen,
marks by wa,y of introduction to the ) . , . been visiting friends laere, returned.
_....„ • • home on Saturday. • •
program. The program which yr as ex- ' The 40th animal • convention of the •Miss Hall, who vines home recently
ceedingly well rendered,. consisted of '
Ontario Sunday School Association. to to visit her mother, returned to Allen -
vocal solos by Misses Reid and Thomp- 1 he held in the city, of Isandon On 0e- ford on 'Wednesday.'
Jackson, a recitation by Miss resew er-
artrtuet by iNlisses 11.1oRae and La- 1 irs ' oraus.7.2:hakin haadir With
be of more than usual interest. Situ-
son, also Messrs Cook and Stewart tober 24-th, 25th and 26th, pisamises to T LF't of •Simeoe, former.
ated in the heart of a district excep-
tionally strong in Sunday SChool ac- j.d°frti°e17/4 OT; Saturclay,g,
pine, and a quartette by the Mesdamcs
Hoover, Campbell, Reekle and miss tiVity, in• a city of•handsome churches, Robb. At the conclusion of the pro- Mks. T. Ooatsworth, 'of Blenheim,
program dainty refreshments were model Snnday Schools,. hospitable Ont,, will spend a few days with her
served and after the singing of the berries, and excellent railroad facilities, I brother Thomas Trick. ,
National Anthem the guests disnersed the prospects were never more hope- I
hearing with them very pleasant mem- fut. The program, which is now being ) Thos Trick, left Tuesday for St Lonis
, 'Mrs. Frank Wheadon, sister' of -Mrs.
Ories of the hospitality of the young .issued, includes the names of a nueaber , after a most enjoyabie visit. •
people of Willis Church. a caliadian specirdiste, in a,ddition to e
1 Mrs. Laatoregux, a, noted Priraary I. Mrs. M Ed • Cantelon, who has een
1 isi in fox: some time at Barrie and
ST JOSEPH'S worker from 'Chicago, and Ma•rion v t g
Lawrence, the Internatiorial Secretary, I et
The Wingham Adirlirine 'had the f
her points has returned home.
following reference to thseidw. priest irom Toledo, Ohio, Seven open par- Miss Susie Cook Who) has been ein-
in change.of tins painsh: -On Sunday con erences aye been ' played in , one Of the large stores in i
last, Rev. Fr. Hanlon terminated the 1
f an attractive feature, and will embrace
' arranged, and will undoubtedly prove' Toronto, returned to town this week.
labors of his pastorate of Winghain 1 primary
and St. Augustine Churches. Work Tea.cher work; Home Miss,. 114a3r Rotlaway, daughter of Mr.
gregations were Very attached, to him 1
His c"" i Department, ''''sfouse to House "Visite- Thos. Rodaway, Huron Road east,
and -appreciated hie faithful ministra, 1 ttou, Parents' Responsibility, and De- leeves for Chieaeo this week, where
tratiens. Especially was he attentive Ilay. itouse to House Visite-
tion will no doubt reeeive opecial con -
to the afflicted, and he leaves this pnr- sicteration. VieW of the lliterefit eon-
ish with the esteem and kind wishes of - •
she enterea tranimg school for nursee.
Mise Doan, vvho had lukd for years
all classes of citizens .
inoVetrient, During position on the teaching steff Clleve-
. On Sunday last this present year, Visitations heve land sebeeisf and who has been home
his Wingham congregetion eintaltasiz- to her dutieon
taken place n Hamilton, London a holiday, returned. s
ed their esteeni for their pastor by.pre- i
ellevie, arnia.. Dundee and Desere' on Saturday.
him with it well-filled puree, . • "'
e most gra I ping results,
During his pastorate, the debt hits and it is expected ta
ht similar tnove-
been removed from the church here, ' men ts will be underteken in Xingston,
edifice has at St, Auguetine, handseme new •-Woodstock, Belinton, Pembroke, Port
been r
eected and will stunt- Iltv.13erlin, Waterloo, the townshig
it seems strange, t,hat, having labored Toroftte, in the near future, eaclaer
SO energetically and snccessfully to Training will also receive special atten.
build a neW church. the pastor should . • .
ly be dedicated. Prom one. starnipoint of indham. in Norfolk Cour, en
Judge O. EL Elliott and family, who
have been"visiting Mr, and Mrs. Thos.
Trick for eirtrre weeks, left last Thure-
day for South West Missouri, Mrs.
Elliottleft in fine health
Miss Wtttson, darighter n Wat-
son 141 tl ad .
he removed before its dedi eatiOn. but turn, iti view of the fact that tins is the Kennedy and R. Fitz,simons, Clinton,
first year the department hashed a left on Monde,/ for rort
removal to Clinton parish is regarded secretary. Ile hats already. visited where she is to e married,
n 7romoion and Father Ranieri ie./e 0000ffos, organized 40 elasses h if S
laev. Pr. Hanlon eommenced Irat' in St. Joseph's ehnrch htt
neerly 700 ate -dente, tlay on a, visit to his mat r C
wort ry of it. ,
With an enrollment approximating Mr. john Step epson e t on .atur.
11 11)
Irs. Geo. Tedford, He has never no.
day and is like y to he as ponidaeas It re reported on what seems to he
his predecessor. There will be no eer. need authority that ex -Treasurer Rob -
vice next Sunday. ertaon of Tilbury Eeet, bas offered to
pay the township $3,000 and give ilee
Lest ont ay evening. the Bib ts evere wt et te rtovinetal Auditor
studv Avila condricted by Mr Beaton was overhauling hie books 801110 tittle (a former bnsiness Man of toWn„) is )
and Wag very instructive. Mee Carrie ago. • I visiting his old Merida in this vicimty.
Shipley ming a solo entitled the ,All the priests in the *London his wife having been here for Mille
lallorrielatmt witieh WAS vety renehtmen Catholic district havt been asked. time, fle likes the west iminetteelvt
appreciated; Next Sunday the Bp- to contribute towards a farewell 6 . bttt as it did not agt with 1 i ift?
ONTARIO sTrunrrontnton curity for the &donee of the d it
e C
fore been in that cif y. During his 0)-
0e/tee his bush -urea here is being looked
after by his son rretl, who holds a
situation with the Sherkek-Manning
Organ Co., London,
Mr, D. 13, Calbick, late of Carga-ry,
worth Leitgrte hold anniversaty ser- I -path; whieh will be presented to Right health, he told out' and is undeelded
in m eit , s ve
*lees, No Amine win be spared to i Rev, Diehop McEvoy, of London, on what he will do, Ile sari the progress(
*mike thette both' Intertetting_ and pro- the eye of hi* departure for ROME) •thitt I and development is eirooy marvellous
Ammo; XtsCoats • of Blenbehn,
J although It ha. Jtlit COMMen cod. •
• • A spark front a threshing engine let
• fire to a toad of wheat sheaves
Caaman, Man. The horses van away,
becoming tangled in a straw stack,
which caught fire and smothered the
Mr, James Andrews, of Ito6eoe;
Ohio, is here on a visit to his brothers
Jerotne,;(1olon and flomer and is ice-
cornpanied by his wife, 'Some years
ago he worked a farm on the base
line. It is 21 yeare since last he visit-
ed here during which time there has
been veryf rent elm -wee and improv
ts nue e.
Col. Grayden.of the Royal Engineers
and Mayor 11. M. rumba% late of the
10th llussars, were the guests of Mr. S.
Bamford on Tuesday. These gentle-
men expreseed themselves as being
both surprised and pleased with what
they called the bottte-like English- ap-
pearance of the country in thte.vicitt.
Single 11Fare
Good going October 26th, to NOvember 7th.
inanely° to
Muskoka. Lain*, Lake of Bays, Magnetewan
Haver. Midland, Perietang,'Lakefield, All qta
• time Argyle to Cobocenk, Lindsay to Hem.
burton, eevern to North Bay. All pointe tn
TeMsSarei, Ont. &N. O. Ay, points on North.
ern Nov. Go. ICleorgian Bay and Machina Div.
Ision) also to Sault Ste. Marie and Port Arthur
vie N. N., Co.
Good ping October 10th, to Nev. 7th.
To Points mattawa tie Port Arthur inceisive.
AU tteltete valie returning until Degenager 0th.
Special one Way Colonist fares
rpo points M
Britieh Columbia, California. Colorado,
Idaho, Montana, Oregou, Utah,
Waehington, eto.,
Going daily until October
or tickets and full inforination call on
F. R. Hodgons, l'own Agent
The Era
• FRID.A.Y, SEPT, 29, 1905
An Enlarged Industry
Elsewhere in this issueappears a
by-law to be stibmitted to the electors
of Clinton, on the 23rel. of October,..for
a guarantee of the payment. of $10,000,
in eoBrinnan
eictieondow. ith th.6 new Thre,shex
This Company proposes to carry on
the manufacture of Threshing Mach-
ines and Portable Engines, and in or -
dee to do so will acquire the promisee
at present Occunied• by Macpherson'Ai
Bovey CO., which they intend to en-
large and improve. The Company is.
already conditionally formed, -and
large amount of the capital prevision -
ally subscribed. . • •
The company is composed of the
very best businese men:in 'to ezo,. triad
no one willcorestien their bona-fides_for
a moment, but to help.thenr make two
'needed improvements, and inetai.'•
to-date machinery, .• they askthe
aboveguarantes. ' '
•in order that the town May be
amply secured against loss, the folloVv-
. !rig provisions are inserted in the
by-law :- • . • , ,
'• That in any °Vent the said guarantee
shall not be given entil the said Cono-
pany shall bave been duly incorporat-
ed:and stock of the said Company to
the amount of fifteen thousand dollars
shall have been subscribed and paid
for., and there shall have been -given to
the towe a first tnortga, e -upon the
lands, building, plan t, :Lnd equipment
of the said Company: as indemnity
against the guarantee, • •
That the said guagenthe shall not be
giyenuntil the said Com nensr shall, in
the erection of Amps and in fittine the
tame with machinery, and in parches.
ing the plant, hairs expended the' sum
of not less- than twelve thousand.
dollare; '
From the foregoing cianses,. it will
. • •• "
be seen that the town runs no risk
wbatever,, end there should.. not be any
taney about voting in favor of the
Eirery •onc will admit the ''necessity.
and mai:opt:ince-of keeping indristries
in the tolier, tuciolioe,'.541*;;;,se4 this
Trirot alone 'keep the manu-
faclturenf Threshing Machines 03 es--
tablIshed industry; bub ib will add eon-
aiderably thereto, bringing, into town
skilled meChanies and their families
Every family added to the population
means that much more proirpefity
It Means so many. more to feed and
clothe,. •Tt means so , much irn,ore
spent in 1.iviges.. 'And these things
benefit not alone the individual, but
the entire CommuniCY.
We hope our townspeople will bare -
fully think the Matter over, being con
vit.oeil that they de, no votes will be
recorded against the by law, which
illequie et alt the
free-holderson the Astsessnient Roll in
order'to carry it.
• '
. • It is said that Thomas Greenway
may be appointed Lieut.:Governor of
t Manitobe. Well, it would be a fitting
finale to a Very •active' public career,
and he eould diseharge the ditties of
the position just as ereditably as any
• one else,
• Some of the papers argue that the
Tariff Connnission at present secarring
evidence, is merely a blind to provide
for an inereitse of the tariff. 'This. is
hardly a fair conelOsicinit is certein-'
ly an act of wisdom to secure all the
evidence possible, at first hand, even
though some of it is strongly pro-
tective in its ehataeter, but it does not
follow that the tariff will be raised
simply because some one interested in
It certain line of manufacture, desires
it. The presence of Hon. Mr. Fielding
on the Commission, and the apt way
in which he exposes tonne of the argil.
ments advanced, would rather indicate
to the contrary. Mr, Fielding 46 -only
it very moderate protectionist, arid if
• he followed hie own convictions, would
,nnt be OM ata1,
Perhareethe most Scandalous thing
that has oecurred in journalism fax
some ante, is'the attack by inuendo, of
the Toronto 'World, on the Canada
Life Insurance Co, and ,Senator Cox,
its; president, The latter has the mis-
fortune t be a Liberal. The expoe fire
of rascally transaction in eonnection
with some of the American Insurance
Co's, leads the World to suggest by
implleation that there May be similar
things in the Canada Life, notwith-
standing the fact that a Michigan ex-
pert, who investigated the standing
and business methods of the Canada
Life, recently mad le a,report that was
eminently favorable to it.,•
You Will
Need Scoine
Wall Ppper
This fall to fix .1,1p your
• house, and we wish to re;
mind you that we have
just what you., want, and
Iat the price you wish to
pay for it. • Our aSsort-
ment, is unbroken in the
cheap—Medium and ,high- '
er grade goods.
All Paper Trimmed
What A4oin
.Winclow 8:tirades
For that house. of )(Ours ?
Bring us the sizes of yotir
•windows, and we will tell
•you what We. can do for.
Iyou—any ,Shade you want,
• lity and rollers guar-
aclitiltaeed.:; ' • ' . .
• The pieture of .the4TOrpnte World
speaking of lack of erineinle in pi Tic.
pen, is the most glaring ease of the
divil rebuking sin that has eccuried
'for /elide time.
'The Toronto Sun, discussing the . re-
lative importance of the agricultural
and manufacturing:industries, makes
a good point in favor of the, foriner in
pointing • t • sl.proving by quota-
tione, thattl. -4'14' y,every
Worth of this ottput of a darn.). repree
sents labor employed .by Canadian
farmers in creating that output, while
the output of 'Canadian factories, in
ineny- cases, is largelY made up • of.
materials which have been. imported
in a part ially finished eondition:
Births, Marriages 'Deaths
-Odsing,-On Sept. 28th; .in Clinton
to.Major and Mils. H..' B. Court*,
• MAESTIALL-Itea?lintOrt,,_on Sent 24th
ershall, of a •
son.: • • .
TA.v.1,63.—At Minnedosa, Man.; Aug.
28th,. the wife of Mr.. Stephen TaYlor,
:(larother of Mr. Jacob Taylor) of a son.'
• ,Tker.ort• -At•Minnidosa; Man., on'
'on Sept. 8th, the wife of Mr. John Tay-
lor, (brother of Mr. Jacob Ta,ylor, Olin -
ton,) of a son,'
Wixelonicerthe-In.Gorderich toWnship.
on Sept 28th, to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs.
Thos Wiggington . son, '
' COOPER -4n' Montreal; on Sept. '26tIt
the yvife of E. H. Cooper, (son of Mre, .
W. Cooper, Clinton,) a son.'
ILiereirm.•••••In Blyth; on September
7th, the wife .ef!..Mr. Fred H aggitt, of a
daughter.ICEESLeics. -In Seaforth; on • Septi
19th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. B Kerslake, •
0110111N -In on'sftt.
to Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Cronin, a 'SOO,
OVETIHOLT,--In Hay, on Sept. 9th.
to Mr. and Mrs, James Overholt,a son,
SestiUE.- Sauble Line ,Hay. on
September 10th, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm
S had , .
• :A.IxEsiEEAre-in London, Sept 19th,
to Mr. and Mrs. john Aikenhead,- (for -
Meets? of Stanley,). a son, .
Not 10 IlOr
of the Town of Clinton
Pro auTzioar4E Tula saw Towg or
$10.000 TO nE nottnowEn Bar a Coits
FoxnmsTEtt, Jti:cgeog, VcrutraME
TON, FOR Tag Poltr,osg og aoquunne
Wmemass the Bald David A, Porreeter,
liana Jnoltson, Wett W./fanny, Wm. Gunn and.
Charles E. lievey'propose to organize a floras
party wilt a capital stook of $50,000 to itoquire
the businees, good will, and premisee of the
late firm of Macpherson &Hovey Orsland to en.
gage in the mannfacture and sale of Portable
and traction engines, threshers and other lines
of zneehinerr, and for that purpose to reno-
vate the worke and erect and multi such new '
shops ane buildings fig may be neeesserr onthe
AND Wirenees, there Is not already tenth-
lisned in the said Town of Clinton, any indas-
try flintier to that proposed to be carried 04
by said company.,
ANI) Wilessee, It has been agree& that la •
event of the said Company being so formed, the
wee Town shalt and will guarantee the PAY-
mont of a loan of $10 (XV, to be obtained by Me
said Company,,upon the credit of the said Corn-
pany, bearing mteresu at four and one, half per.....40
crttuaimi in
per ,fttanIre emu. tao ondtol, brees.e,
re7Paid2a n es .pqu ea
schedule Anhereento appended, Saab to fallY leo
repay the debt in twenty year.
The drat of such payments 1,0 become due
and payable on the 110th day of December, 1908,
said -subsequent lpayments to be made on the
80th day of December in each year thereafter
until the whole shall be paid.
AND WHEREAS, it hoe been agreed that the
whole sonontiref every payment' of 'pflecipe4
and interest to become due and payable on ace
couneot sale amount, in each year, Mall be
mid and satisfied by the said Company as tho
same becomes due.
.AND WitattEAS It is part of the agreement
between the said David A. Forrester, Wm,
Jacket)); Wm, W.Parran Wm. Gunn .and
E. Hovey on behalf. of thagaid proposed Com-
pany, and the corporatron of the Town a Olin -
ton that theland reasonably necessary for the
uses of the Company whereon the buildings'
meal in their brusineea may be erected, and
such buildings shall be assessed fox the por-
oses of the Municipal taxation at no greater •
sum than $2500.00 so long as so used, for the
tperromvideotif.ten Y.ears,7and, that such period of
tenirearesholl commence to run as hereinafter
AND warnsas, the amount ofthe -wholerate •
able property of thegaid municipality, accord- .
ing to the last revised assmareent roll, for the
year 1905 is the sum of $727,511 00. •
Arne WEEREAS. the amount. of the exist- •'
ing debt of the add: municipality Is the
aum of $66,507,68 and of the said debt wheth-
er of principal or interestnothing is 'in ar-
. _
BB TugarIFOAE itivAereD by.the Towtt. ot
Clinton as follows.- • . '
. • .
That it shall and may be lawful for the May-
or and Clerk of the said. Tovvn of 'Clinton. anct.-'
the municipal council thereof to enter into an.
agreementwith the said Company befog. pro-,
-meted by the'sald. David A. Por.rester, Wm.
Jackson, Wm. W. farrate•VITm , Gunn and 0:
E Hovey, ani tobe incorporated '..under the
'Data* .Companies Act for the purpose of
manufacturing traction and portable engines.
, and threshing machinery not at present being
nationfactured in tbe said town, to guarantee .
the repayment by theaid Cerporate Company
of the sum. of $1.0,000 to be borrowed by the said •
Company oh the credit of the'said Compttny
aubulaetbpyatyhme esnetids
upon sum terms that the same shall hie roisaY-
°Chi 13761)8,471103:d ionlltavryse ne alYthe gnu:Pea:11e'
'early at the rate of fourand one half per Mut-
ual per annum upon the whole unpaid .
pelf and the first paY mint to become duo' and
payable by the Company on the 30th day
December 1006, anda like payment to beco
-cloaend be "blade by the Company oh tticuJ
d* of of December in each year thereafter, Mt
the whole amount shall:be paid: .
That in any event the said guarantee shail
not be given until the said Company shall h ve
been duly Incorporated and stook of the sal
Conipany to the amount of fifteen thousand
dollars shall have been subseribed • for and
fatly paid and until thereishali have been given
to the town is first mortgage upon the
buildings, plant, and •equipmeut or
Company as inclemnityagainst the
• Thet the said Company shall it
ings and plant of the said Coral)
a con:many or ocrimanies to bee,
Colima of the mid -Town, and A
maid insurance to the said- Core
some one in trust for them,
That the mid guarantee shad
until the said Company shall,
_of shops and. M 'fitting the earn'
ed the sUm of net leas. than twelve thousand
That e ;vent orthe -0.oMpany; entering. into-
sneh an agreement sat,sfaetory to:the cenneil
of the said Town,,fts hereinbefore indicated, • '
th.e land whereon shall • be located the .
.ings Used by the seid.Oompany teethe perpoeeseva .
'•es of 'carrying on their -business • within the
'said Town, shall be assessed tor the purposes -.
.of taxation at no greater Bunt than tWeetyfive • •
hundred dollars for the period of len years.
front the first of ,Jsnatury'next,. preceding the. -
giving of the said guarantee, should the said •
guarantee be given during the find half of the
year,and in the event ot the said guarantee be-
ing given in the last half of the year 711en from
the flrist day of /Annals- next secceeding the,.
giTvhinisirliilye-liaew°f's.hallstakel effect and. Mine hito
force on the 00th Ray eit December 1905.
On Friday, the 20th' day of October, 1905; at
the hour.of eleven o'clook, axe, at the Conn- •
. ail Chambee,in the Town of Clinton,. the May-
or shall appoint two persons to attend at .the
final summing mint the votes by the Clerk,
andonapersoat ,eachepolling',
half of the persons interested in and desirons '
. of .promoting the paeuing ..of Mehl b' -law, and
one peraon inbolialf of the Pintoes ntereeted
iri. and desirous of ,opposhig the passing of
this bylaw.
. .
The Clerk ofthe mid Mtinicipality,at biota/0e
the,Town-Han,shall sem .np the number of • .
,t votes given for and against thisbylaw on'Tuete
is. din: of °etcher, 1905, at 1 °clock • •
The votes of theretepayers entitled to vote
on thie bielaw 'hall he 'taken thereon et the ..
places hereinafter mentioned, and the said
votes, ihttll be taketion the 23rd day et0 ;ber
' 19011 the, polls to be opened at the no 9
o'elorat in the forenoon, and to be closed a
hour ortive o'clock in the at ornoon, tsod tTii
persons also hereinafter named shellbethe re, .
tend:Igoe:teem to take the veto at the Mid '
PO. ' . •
FM, St. A:ndiewe Ward . at .the Town
Nicholas Robson, Deputy Returning Moor.
For St.' James Ward at the building for-
merly known an The Qt/t3011'S rioter, vietoria
St. Jahn Scott; Deputy Returning Meer •
For StaTtilite Ward at iturnball and Mettath's
Carriage Faetory•Huron St, Chaos Helyar,
Deputy Returning Officer.
For St, GeorgesWard at John Lealle's Car-
riage Factory, Huron St. 9. J. AndreWa, Dap-
ntyRotttraing Ofileer.
daryaoderied 10 open counbilia40.1Intrai, thie
B.J. 0ll. 0. vz ..° p, MI it Ro sr • a T.,•' lerk.
The following Is Schedule A of this By Law,
hereinbefore referred to -
FiAIR.-LESLIE. -At the residence of
the bride's father, on September 28i8,
by Rev. Dr.- Stewart, W. D. Fair, to.
Hattie, da,ughter of Mr. 3. Leslie; of
Clinton.• •
TYNDALL.-RuMBALL.-At,. the resi-
dence of of the bride's father, .on Sept.
27th, by Rev. H. M. Manning,: Mr, Ar.
th,ur Tyndall; to Annie, eldeet datigh.•
ter of kr,F. Rumtall, all of Clinton,
CLARKE. -Excilzva,-At the Parson-
age, Ethel on Sept. 18th by Rev, E. F.
Arniattong, Mr. Richard Clarke, of
Blma, to Mnis Cecilia Engler, of grey
township. . -
1VICIGaw.-1110LA.tuest.-A.t: the rest.
dence of the bride's parents, Goderich,
on Wednescla,Se September 20th, by
Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, 13, A,. Williain
Ernest.. elcleakeon Of S. A. it/eGaW, to
Jean Blanche; second daughter of Dan -
PoTerEE -SAELER-At,the residence
of the bride's mother, ,Septembee 19th,
by Rev, Wm. Lowe, Mr. Alex, B. Per -
ter, to Wee Martha Saditr, both .of
IVieCtimtto*In Welland, on Sept, 27,
Bev. F. Ma:Mate, formerly pastor of
Willis church, Clinton, aged (35 years,
ItaE.-In. Tornherry* on September
10th, Catharine Rae, ,
muimg-In Wingliam, on- September
19th, Alba Smith, daughter of 1)1r. and
Mrs, Eewin Smith, eged year, 8
ntonths and IfrdaYs.
BOWMAN, In Wirigluttn, on Sept.,
10th, Joey Marguerite, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs, John II, Bowman, aged 10
CAttrart.,-ln Seaforth, on September
10th, John Leo, Carlin, son of Mr. Jag.
Carlin, Huron Road East, Mcitillop,
aged 20 years and 4 months,
MeCALL.--.In Morris, Oil September'
17th, Mr. Alex. IVIe0al1, aged 72 yearn,
reign.- In roderich township, on
Sept, 28th, George rod, aged 90 years
and 5 month,.
When Prinoloal interest at
Ppr tent
,ayable then due 41, e
••then dee
8030: 11 00 00 16) 4318803 348 717 606 4450450 , 06:0
Deo, SO, 1007
Dee. 80, 11)08 838 II 436 65
Doe 39, 1011 ' 893807 2413 333753818 565623
Dee. 80, 1910
Dec , 30, 1912
15 1
Dee 80 1013 4433 71,'T mg 45
Dee 130,04 . . 459 31
Dee 30 1970 ' 47371 205 05
Dee 80 1017 641337 al 231 3 4
'Dee 80 1018
Deo 80 1019 540 59 20228 86
Deo 39 1020 175
121783 4788 ..
Dee 80 1016
Dee , 80 1021 564 91 •
Dee 80 1922 6
Deo 80 1028 6741 94 24 1 4
6611 3903 In551 00 ( .86
D 703 DS 64
Dc 30 SO 1024 1 0
61 718 ,
JIM 80 1025 735 08 83 10
Total *tu-
nnel ps,y-
748 '76
796 76
708 76
746 111
708 76
788 76
• 768 /6
708 76
768 76
• 768 76
768 70
• 768 76
788 76
768 78
• 768 70
'Peke tidied that the elitnes le 4 tree tope ot
tspropdaett by-laW hie: been tek eh bite
Ooneideretion and Which will be finistiv 04SiSed
by the Mullett Of the bittineteanty therober (in
the event of the assent of the eleetera bettig
(lbtelited thereto), Atter one womb from the
firet piablidatiOn n the (Ilititett NEW Era, the
date of *bleb tAlbli6ittieti Itats FrideY, the
twentreituth day of septera'ber, 1001t. Mid thet •
the trotta. Of the *letting of the 8A tl Meth+
rat, Will be tektt th rent On the day end et
he hew end pleemil ereur
D. MACP It, 01014
DA4ed th%MU doky Ilopteugor,