HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-09-29, Page 2•
•-e•-• •
Sept. 29th, 1.905
gincon NW
FRIDAY, SEPT. 29, 1905 ,
:Zrasdrle Province,' is Not Ahead.
Man. Nelson Monteith,. 1VIinister
--tAgrimaltnres has returned from .his'
'Western tap, in the emense of winch
Mete wept as far as Brandon. He is
=more than ever convinced that Ont arict
7.t5e3 =it second to the Prairie Province,
awl that for Neve Cameo espedally
-ethers is a splendid futtere. At Fent
William he opened the fair. rine then
,averaten to the Rainy River district,
`Mlhere are some twe million acres Of
1:excellent agricultural land in the is
sztriet. but the settleermaplain of the
etoninerous Indian reserves anti the
%mem number of veteran,' 'and grent
eleteations as a drawback to the proper
eedttlernant of the area. The Indians
ewe increasing on the Rahry River re-
serves. but are no better farmers than
tate eace in other Peovinees.
Wlrnt S:r Wi1fid ;S 'es in the
County _Clippings
Mr. Harry Otto has purchased the
Albion Hotel, Fordwich. from Mr. Geo,
The Dipattm.ent Store Catalogue
Now that the "open season" for de*
partinental store catalogues has ar-
rived, it would be well -for buyers to
•Court Opens Monday„at 2,30 p.m
and closes at 0 p.na.
. The fall jery sittings of the High
Mrs. Hunter. of Laurier, ,pensed Cieurt for this county opened on More
away last Week, She was In the stop and consider for a moment the day afternoon at 2,30 o'clock, this judge
seventies. . . advantages and disadvantages of buy- being the Honorable Chief Justice Fel-
, trig oat of town, before sending their conlbridge. There Were four jury cases
1)i, John Williams, the newoney to the city stores- and four non -jury cases entered for
.. .
intendent of the 'asylum for eindsupers eptics Agreat deal of mail-order buying trial, but these were Wrestler adjourned
At the opening of rettawa. Fair. Sir
-7Wiliedd spoke as fol ows concerning
tidse west: As to the crops of the
Northwest no words can describe them.
'Thequantity of fertile I.nd there is
ttothe easeerner a revelation. I had
-22sought that in the course of my ex-
aiedienee I had witnessed the best
:things in the Dominion eif Canada. I
glad seen the Valley of Annapo is, in
lthe Province or Nova Scotia, through
awliielf.-as Was said by :Joseph Rowe;
-uyon.ean travel for forty miles under
nipple blossoms.' I had seen -the valley
•sof the Richelieu in my own native
3Iterfbace, which 1 thought could not
.4)4 surpassed,. 1 had -seen the fertile
'land in the Province of Ontario be-
Itween Cohourg and Sarnia. which is
.chtinsed to be the garden of Cauda;
imt when you Bee the valley of the
•tilaskatchewas and Red River -valley
mauler a crop of forty bushels to the
mere, field after field and mile after
-smile of the finest land there is, ander
isilage, 'you h uve seine fidet eseice e
-time but only a faint conception, of
eirhat the qualities of the western
• - country are. in fact we do not know
the extent of the riches we have, and
ahe more it is explored and developed i
-the snore we will come to the eon 1
alueion that we have here the beet '
heritage which GO could give a man.
at Woodetock, practised in Gorme ior sweat'. be done! away with if people
'Seine time, • , would not be so willing to take for
The trustees of Blake scheiorliave granted that city prices are lower
re-engaged Mrs G. S. Howard for an- than those they ere aecustomed to pay
other year. This is Mr. Howard's' the local inerchants. If they ,would
eighth year With us, - take the trouble to investigeft a fete
•s lecific cases they would and that
Miss E. McCallum, an honor gradu-
ate` of ° London Normal sohool, • hes
beim engiged es teecher feaeone of the
departments's)! Exeter public school,
' The heavy wind aceorespanying the
rain storm on Tuesday unroofed the
bum of Mr Phillip Hem of the 8th
con. 41 ladhorne.
Mr, T. E. Handford, Exeter, Pur-
chased a tearreof prize horses from W,
T. Elden,'Tuckersmith..'fer, 5550. ..they
went to the Imperial Oil Co., Winne
Peg -
At. a 'meeting of the Weoxeter Schooltto sell much cheaper than they actual-
Tresteee held ast . the nresezit '.ly do, . the !perpetual
teachers, mr, Johweek
n Hartley ann miss -embut owing to
end of "suckers” ..to whom distant
Edzittiali Henry, were lie -engaged for fields look green, they are able .to
• 1900.
A 3'enng lad, son ef Mr. 7ames i There are many accommodations
Willis, of the third concetrsion of which decal mere han t s are frequently
Stephen, 'fell from a horse on which willing to give, such as a feW months'
he • wag riding h
and ml his thigh credit -without interest, which no de -
broken. ' pattmentaletore has ever been known
Mr, Geo. Eacrett, who has been con- to .do, The privilege of inspecting
ducting:a earness business in Exeter goods before purchasing is also a con -
for a number of years, hive disposed of sideration. Is ie good business to pay
his entire stock to Mr. Gis House and yeah in advance for goods which you
will gnout of husiness, have
' not seen 2 •
Mre_Wesemer, of Brussels', has reeted AZrest many people find ie news
the store south of Gerrydi
le ardwilre shlT sometimes to aSle foe a little cred-
store Myth, and is building an adcli- This credit business goes to local
tioneto.tbe brickehitepureeeh
e eing_to
start a emend photograph gallery.
or settled. without trial, so a
business of court was oolichlded at 6 o'
clock. The grand jury had been noti-
fied that they need. not attend as there
was no criminal business. •
Videan et al. y Dancey, - Motion
against the• naent of the niaster
Belton' merchants sell most Imes ot in. chambers eet mg aside notice of
goods at from 5 to 20 pett.oent. cheaper trial. Motion riot considered. Trial of
.thite they can be botight in Toronto. action postponed till the next non -jury
Practically the only exceptions to this sittings for this county. No costs of
rule are to be found in a few very this application. 'Injunction proceed,
44403 lines which the dePhrtment ings to stand with -this extension of
-stores find it pays to buy in large time as to trial. •
eaoantities and saerifice fot ithe sake of Shoemaker v. Hooper, -Action for
advertising ; and in the working ott of slander. His Lordship struck out. the
,dead stock. jury notice and ordered the action to
Considering the fact that the depart- be disnaissed with costs. =
mantel stores do only a cash business, Bruce v. Dornirden. Fish Co., Ltd._
it would seem as if they could afford A..ction under Workrna,n's Compensa-
tion Ace Trial of action postpon ed
until the next jury sittings . of this
Court for the county of Huron by con-
sent of the parties.
McGratton Dalton.- -Action on a
promissory note. A jury was balled,
but his Lordship dispensed with the
,jury and directed judgment to be en-
tered for the r•laintiff tor 6942 UO with
fell costs of the suit and counterclaim.
eraim struck out. •
McDonald et al. v. Gollitn et al.-
Action for construction of the will of
he late Roderick • This was I
the -examination of our tioe new catalogue,
if you hem any idee of college mune. It
expiable all about our modern .methodei
fine equiproent end strong ittaff 6 at a
bruie it, Aclarms
amintein prices which local merchants
would be ashamed to ask.
-Your little one may be well And
"happy to -day, but would ecie know
- whet to do if it awoke eoanght wide
the croup,' or went into •tinYulainus
&Dr spasms to -morrow ? 'The deetor
-way come too late. Have. you .are -
liable remedy at hand ? Babyes Own
-Tablets break Up colds, prevent croup,
-re Ince fever, check diarrhoea, cure
40OHti pation and stomach ti oubles,
. 'help the obstinate little teeth through
painlessly, and give 'sound, healthful
;sleep. And they . coot ain not one,.
:3YeArticle of 'opiate or poisonous "snoth-:
stuff" ---this is guaranteed, They
are equally good for the- new -bora
defant or the we I -grew° chill. -Mrs.
Eason E. Mackenzie, • Bink'e Corners,
.Que, says :-"Before 1 began piing
-.Baby's own Tablets, my little one was
weak and delicate, since then • she has
had. splendid health andis growing
-nicely. I find nothingengoed as the
• Tablets when any of my children are.
ill" Sold by all druggists; °raw, rnajl
.at 25 cents a box by writing The
Wthianis .Medicine. Co., Brockville,.
Yonne and Gerard !Us.. Taranto
suAw, Principal.
Vali Terra from Sept, dth.
For Sale.
House and e sore of hind, Eget end Otif-
tirio St. Purchiser whaling, more land
could bay lot joining, JOSHUA PEAREN
- House for Sale
hard and eoft water, mire of land. tien-
For o
(successor it+ Mr Jae Scott
• Office -Elliott Bisok, formeria
bY Mr:Scott.
12 horsepewer, ( Goldie & McCulloch
Clinton Stilt Well, Engine end Boiler, RIDODT &cantHAD31:11:0080
C°R)leavElseYAstatecEerasugrae00 Agent
nizt.rapitieyetihroriaokilanaicleoethAe4r varAti.oles therei n
Farmers' institutes. Money to loan _
Bluevale, Forester'sHall, E. FL, Nov. 21
Jamestown. Victoria Hall, EX... .22
Fordwich, New Hall, E. Huron 23 1.
Molesworth, East Huron,. , 24 .
Ethel, Town Hall, East Huron 25
Walton, East Huron. . .....
Hemlock, School House, East _Huron 28
Winthrop 4 eg
Si Columban " 30
Rol ru esville, Wilson's Hall, W ,11. , D e c. 1
Carlow, Township Hail, W. 11.......2
Londesboro, 13rucees Hall, „ -4
Wingbane Town Hall, W. II 5
St, Helens, VetHuron 0
Kintail,,McDonald's Hall, W. II '7
Dungannon„ A.gricul. H. W,11., Jan. 0
Blyth. Industry Hall, W.'11 8
Brussels, Town Hall, he al 9
Gorrief Town Hall, E. Huron 10
the only action that came to trial.
Judgment reserved. A written argu-
ment to be put in by counsel.
Bennett * Doig. -Action far 'slander.
Action withdrawn, each petty to pay
inezehants, while . they frequent y his own costs.
-setitletheire cash -business* act the. eitya Plurrketatt -ales vs -Wilson , -Action.
for recovery of poseepsion of lands and
r t Judgment for possession of the
lands in question and $100 for rent,
each party to pay his own costs.
The court adjourned at 5 o'clock till
9 a re. on Tuesday to allow the jury -
Men who.could not get away on Mon-
day to be paid for next day's attend-
ance. :The sheriff and crier attended
the distriet adds to the general pros- • on Tuesday morning and the jaryntens
perity of the coinmunity and helps to mileage was paid,. -
huild ,up the, town and Sorrounding McLean v. Buchanan et al. -Action
country. In the 'Elaine W,O, Sending to set aside the will of the late,Archi-
inoneyetway from town it a loss to bald Sands. Judgment upholding the
the buyer botb directly and indirectly. will ; costs .of all partiesout of .the
estate; execotors'. costs as between
solicitor and client. • •
The home of Mr. and Mrs. It. 'Tay -
Joy, Taylor's grove, Sauble line; Hay,
was the seene of a very interesting
even on Wednesday, September 13th,
at 11 a. me it being the marriage of
their eldest daughter, Jennie A., to Mr
John (1.'Bell., Kippen.
A very interesting event was cafe-.
baited at the home of Mr. arid Mm.
Geo..Clark, Stephen, on Sept. 18th,
when their eldest daughter. ' Miss
M' -in' Te, became the bride of Mr.
Win. J. Dixon, : it • proParous young
fernier of McGillivray.
Corm. W. F. VanStone, " of Wing -
ham, was taken seriously ill while in
Toronto, and was taken to the Hos-
pital, whete• he pessed throngh an
operation' on the 2nd inst.. He is in a
private vverd of the hospital and is re-
ceiying every poseible attention:
Miss 'Stella': Gregory, the youngest
daughtei of Mr. and Mns. Thos Greg-
ory of Exeter lets entered upon her
duties as. Principal of the Public
Schad in the town -el Ecin Weill%
ton Ore.-at•an initial -salary of 'MO; in,
fell charge of the 'High School Depart-
ment. . • .
In connection with the eriovement
that ie on toot to elan nate undesirable,
' . f..atures, such' as gtirt. es of chanee and:
the sale of liquor; in connection with
-the Agricultural Exhibitions of the
province, Mr. H. B. I owan, Provincial •
:.uperintendent of Agricultural----P-m-
ieties has received letteis suggeefing
tiro an etforeshould be made to dose
the bars of all hotels with in five miles
of the place whez•e an exhibition is 1e-
lms heid on the day of the exhibition,
_advocates of this measure point out
that most of the undesirable • features
.nomplatiaed of are conducted in con-,
eleation with the exhibitions which
.31o1d horse races, and that in the case
of a large proportion of these SO ieties;
the greater part of the purses far the.
horse races are subscribed by the hotel
Is is also - con te mind- thateerecertain
alas:sof people go to the exhibition
vtbtbe i.o.V.Intion of hsv:ng a•bigh old 1
'iiie. mid getting di talk, and that the I
scenes around hotels the day of the I
'exhibition. particularly in 1 e •eVeln
Ins, are often' 1 the meet disgusting
-manure. It is contended that if ti.e
'hotels wee e closed On the day of .the
-exhihitiOn, a great blow would be
Amok for the purification of the Agri-
cultural Societies It is probable that
the matter will be discussed atthe
snext convention of the Ontario 'Ac-
sociation of Fairs and Exhibitions.
Mrsand Mrs.' Peter' Douglas, of
Blake, met with a very unpleasant
and painful accident a few days ago.
They Ntrk'l e returning home from
Zerich, and: had nearly; :reached the
Brenson Liue emner; when the horse,
which is one of the western variety,
turned sharply for the :ditch and ran
up M. John Greiger's lane. Mr. end
lently inti the ditch, with the resit t
that Mr. Douglas received a.number pt
cuts and beuises about the %face and.
„was Otherwise shaken up . Mrs Doug-
las faned still worse, as she was rend-
ered unconseiots. not ,,recoverlmt tor
son e hear.% and has had medical at-
tention ever sine . tees accident She
is slowly recoVeeiter. The baggy was
badier weected.
A moment's thought would reveal to
them the utter unfairness of thus
giving the cream of tlmir trade to
city col purations and the "skim -milk"
to merchants who have probably seen
them theough tight pinches and help-
ed them in other ways, . •
It should he remembered, that
money which is kept in town and in
Manitoba and Keewatin.
(From the Manitoba Free Preis.)
"No Goveremetit Manitoba has,
evei. spent: a. cent for any _purpose in
• eNo GovernMent of Manitolia, hae
ever collected a cent a ..revenue 11)
• `In a word naGoYernment of alaiai-
toba, has ever had the slightestpieros
gativesdominipn, ,etva.y; yule, Coritrel,
author ty, juriedietioe, suzeritioty, •
caliphatea seigniority. or; any bther
sort a powtr. oyer Keewatin, or any
shadow.eif ,eny sort (if administratnee
connection with Keewatin. 'e
"And yet ehat anzusieg bluffer and•
staterkmArt,.. Robert Rogers,
bidniges in tall talk about the pmela-
matiOn which hoe just:been issued by
the Dominime Government in regarda
Kedratin. ' • • .'
Mrs Doe lits.were both 'thrown tee- - .
31r. Alex McCall died at his residence
in Morris on Sunday morning. Par-
alysis of the spine was the cause of
death. He was one of the pioneers of
Morris trnship.
Impure blood always shows
somewhere. If the skin, then
boils, pimples, rashes. If the
nerves, then neuralgia, herv-
eusness, depression. 'If the
stomach, then dyspepsia,
biliousness, loss of appetite,
Your doctor knows the
remedy, used for 60 years.
"Returning from the Coban war, I was a
"Waite wreck. My blood Wel bad, and ta7
&math was gone. „nut It CSW bottlet of Ayer
airealfarllla completely cuted tam"
H. O. Dolman, Scranton, Pa.
et a bottle.ct, Arita ee.a
/II sta. for Mag.
irilpilre 11100d
Nd th.tesilettit'slitteint the
You're Only•Ilslf Sick' •
' But nevertheless you feel pretty
eseedy.." „Best prescrietion is Dr.
Hemitton's Pills ; they trine up the en-
tiee sys,tem, stiengthen the stomach,
elsvate your spirits atia make you feel,
better in one day. It's by cleaning the
: bo ly of wastes, by purifying and en-
riching the blood that D rellarn ilton's
Pits aci.nre plisinso =ice. Very Mild;
• • • exceedingly prompt, and guaranteed
Wearing Away Your Lungs.
Yff,.. and your strengh -too. stpp.
cote:0111:g and get rid Of tint catarrh.
The one ' remedy . is "Catarrheizone,..
width goes to the diseased tisanes
a ong with the air yonbeeatlie; it can't
fail to reach the teource of the trouble'
it's bound rcekill the germs, and as for-
healieg, bp the sore plecesenothing can
surpais-i Qatarrhozone. Ifyou
get insteer relief and ultimate cure
"von Willeinleeet get back yoUr money;
for Cat,trriieZOne is guaranteed to clue
catarrh ;13 any part of the system'.
in ruu no eisk therefore tine Cieti.trte
came - atone expeu se if .not •satisfied.
• •
Why Natives Ate the Moat Scioto
They Supped the Broth. ' •
Peculiar to, itself .1s tlie*• code:of lama
• of the. Isle of Man. The lairs of Eng-
land have -never prevailed there, and
sortie of the Mater enactments are very
'ear, ourt Orie-61-th67aidreIrti—noinfr,
ean Scots to avid. taped wins . the
e?tUna dbet's tn,teeleotland;
and o s to irko e• Alien ea waste
upset.; p r eerie
ed ehae ' jatras ToTtellt; .
working CO'inmended fOrth of this
isle wit, • as mai convenientspeed as
may be (1561). The first of these laws
wait t42 YekNat ova, !aeries ol, raids
the toast by a Gallo Y' rover
Earoed MacCullech. It. Is sai • tned Tt
was at ;this Perled that the Manx cus-
tom eorigineted of "eating the Meat be
fore they supped the broth," lest they
should be deprived c the More sub-
stantial part by the appearance at their
doors of this Scotchman and his crew.
About this time the parish clerks were
*Meted "to state, at the church doors
at • the time of service and whip and
beat all the doggs." During the seven-
teenth century a law 'was made that
"whosoever shall be found or detected
to pull horse tayles shall be punished
upon e tne wooden horse of the parish,
thereon ,to conthiue two hours, andto
be wipped naked. from the waist. tip-.
ware." •
Manx deemsters s- the high -court
judges.; -etre still swore, as they haVe-
been for ' hundreds ht Years, .by the
following burlotis oath: "Ey this beets
and the contents -thereof, and by the
worelerful works that God bath mir-
aculously' wrought In the heaven
above and in the earth 'beneath In six
days and seven nights, 1 do swear that
I will, without reseed - of favor or
friendship, 10S8 Or gain, consanguinity
or affinity, envy or malice, elteellte the
! laws of this We JUStlY' between parte
and party as indifferently as the her«
4 ring •bankbone cloth lie in the midst of
1 the fish. So help me God and the cone
tette of this book."
t Every woman, widow, or spineter, In
I the Isle of Man, whether she.be owner,
.! ampler or, evert ladder, eriloys the
.fritnehiso for the Manx house et keys
'elections, Every widow enjoys half
of ber libsbasurs personalestate and
Imo a lite interest In his real estate,
and she eannot be deprived of this by
Her 'Written consent must be ob-
tained to all transfers and &eats at,
tenting her blishand's ProlieriY. On
thin Other hende, no Metaled woman
can legally ewe hi her own right either
rtiOneY tH" DroPintY the Isie of Mali.
111111Loo o,..14161
in every case,: Yaur druggist sel s Dr.
eiamilton's Pills'of Mandrake and But-
teimut in yellow boxes, 25e each. or five
for11.00: Get the Genuine, : '
- . .
I: We offer One Hundred Drillers Re,
_ward„feer any ease of Catarrh that can.
t he -reitli -Hairs- Catarrireureeee
F. j. CHENEY di CO., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have knOWII
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm. ,
1101/1/'s This?
Wholesale Druggtsts, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
natty, acting.directly upon the blood
and mucous endue:es of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constip-
ation. •
Farm to Rent or For Salc
Surely as night follow's day, sickness •
vegstables. Every housekeeper fol'ovve the eating of unripe fruit or ' ' . LIST OP FALL FAIRS
keep Perry Dates' Painkiller in the Lucknow .: ' i• .. Oct. 4-5
house in summer . it gives instant res Brussels. ..... .. . ..... .....a. - -Oct.'5.6
lief and speedy cure. • ' . Kirkton ."..... ... . ,.... ..... .....Oce 5-6
Gorriea ........ ....,'.. ..............Cct.7
' -. .""'..... . Rlyth.t. . - .. .......... .. .:..Oct. 10-11
' • rteasant moments. Dungannon ... . . ... a ....... , Oct. 12-13
• • , , • •
It has been Said With a great deal- of
truth, that you can never really becoin
acquainted with e man until you have
supped with him. •
In order to ensure a pleasant stime
good tea,enuet be used. During the
past fivteyears "Salado.," has beconie a
familiar word. to every • n spiiPer'
:reader, and judging from theimnie.nse
consignments, which 'are 'being -sent •
out every day, "Saladar. Ceylon Tea
must he Just as familiar in the hornes.'.
Tfi the foce of keen competion that has ,
arisen since it was first put on the mar-
ket in package form, the filet that. the
demand is steadily increasing requires
no comment : it tells its own story,
eSalada" ds, Kin g.,
• . • , . •
Words Strange to Ton. That, Are
In the DietiOnary.. .
. the !,litimber Of. obsolete words. that
are to be, fatind.in.yeebster'sDiction
ary IS considerably larger than People •
have any !dee caf.' The following lettere..
• ' written* by an alleged pea, to an editor
Who had treated hie poetry with det17
Mon, furnishes some idea of them: •
"Sir -You have hehaeed like an Ina
petigineue .serogle! Like Wiese who, en-.
vieue ':61 link:moral celsitude,. carry
their ungicity to, the:height of efeating
symposically. the fecund :wertls which
enlY Pellreethic genies uses evith 'ober; .
ty to .ebligate the tongues 'of the .Weet-...
less! $1r, you -have' crassly parodied
eirtraWri /let Wthmigh they were. .
trangrainse: r.sW coeeseryete
.fireachesad oalia. a veil *ova'. the
.stramenetal ingratitiide. • which • his •
Chainfered ' even. • my • inalscerptible
heart i . silent on the focillafion
which •my ,coadjullanby :mast bane giv-
en yon When I offered. he become your
Pant= and aaininiele. I will not speak.
of VI .fiae obleps,. you have
Elown in . exacerbating the, die •
genius you should. have approached
with. mental discalceation. s6"Tren .
you, without supervataneous word's,
nothing- will render ignOscible your.
conduct to. me. 1 warn you that I
Would vellicate your nese it I thOnght
that :any Moral •diarthrosis thereby
could .be 'performed -if I thought I
shoilld not inapignorate my reputation,'
Go, tachygraphic scrogle, band with
your ennui lquinate fantors; draw ob-
jectations tram the thought, if you
' tan, of having synchronically lost the
existimation of the greatest poet since
Ana yet all these words are „to be
lotina in the dictionary. • .
Lot 18, Con. 4, Hallett, 100 borne r.
ly all under cultivation. Terme libe'ral.
Apply to W. W. FABRAN
Clintoneklaroli 22nd, 1905
Lands tor Sale
the far 'West"' Reward, Alma. • Int -
proved farms for sale at $14 per sore,
other farms without buntline from $6 to
el.2 per pore, good land from one to Nix.
miles from town. Fare paid to parted
investing. N. P. CRICH, Reward, Ana.
.pesdent? If you are making an'o- 'eayrtrYsturnei nodriee.
else, quit aucl.make money for yourself. Get out
hi- slavery and be free. Write 0, mAnsnAx.r. &
Co., .I.,onsion. They will show.you the way. They •
have started thousands on the road to freedoni,
Seen dollars -a diy, every y innthe year, IS berng
handling' their goods Write Write now..
Time is Money. ,
• An Absent-Mrnded Canadian.
A Cahadian farmer, noted tor his ab-,
Sent -mindedness, went to town orneday
and transacted his businese with the
utmost precisloh. He started back on
his way horne, however, with the firm
oonviction that he had forgotten some-
thing -what It was he could not !walla
try how he would. As he neared hOrrie
the convietion intreased, and three
limes he 'stopped his horse arid went
carefully through his pocketbook in a
vain endeavor to discover what he had
forgotten. In due course he reached
honte, arid Was met -by his daughter,
who looked at him itt staprise, and ear
claimed, "Why, father, where have you
loft mother?" -Pall Mall Gazette.
Treating the Horse.
The farm horse which Is driven to
town and made to tat "pest meat"
twti or three nights a. week after
hard day's work ean hardly be biretta
for not leying emelt fat on hit rtho.-,
Rural New Yorker.
• The news that JudgeNeshitt is short-
ly to retire from the Supreme • Court
bench is accepted in t he best inferined
Circles here ascorrect. lids understood
that Mr. Nesbitteeill go to Toronto and
become connected with Mackenzie aud
Mann. te rest s. •
• ' • •
- •
Temperience people hi Thence county
P. E. where the Scptt act is in force
are agitating for the repeal of that
statete aid its eeplacernent bytehe pro-
hibition leer now in operation in Char-
lottetown. With that object in yiew
they have heeri Communicating .with
the Secretaryof State in OttawaTor-
der to learn t i le necessary prse ure.
The Scott ah
ct ae. been • in fdree in
-Prince county since 1878 arid various
attempte to 'sectire its repeal have fail -
. gOet::019:v.cty. Or.
9)741Ho4Seh014. ROI*
If R•oyai Household Flour were not as
good as Oglvies say t is, who would' be
the greatest loser?
You would try it once—if it were not
good you would be a small loser, Perhaps.
But Ogilvies would probably lose
your custom.
They would also lose the custom
of every other woman who tried it .
and of thousands who had never
tried it but had been -told that it was not
as represented.
Therefore .Ogilvies must make Royal
Household Flour the best flour because
they stake their reputation upon it, and if
you and thousands of others found it was
not the best, Ogilvies would ruin their •
SO Ogilvies make Royal Household'
Flour the best flour, in their own protection.
Incidentally that is your strongest protection
guarantees you the best flour because the
brawl carries with it Ogilvie's Reputation.
Ogilvies simply ask a trial—know-
ing that it will make a Oermanent
friend for Royal Household Flour. .
formerly of Cameron; Holt & Cameron
Ofileaatianditon St opposite Colborne
*Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Etc.
Offices, -On the Square. 2nd door from Hamil-
ton St., Goderioh.W-:, Private, funds to loan at
lowest rates, ^ .
W. PaOunroor, X. C., R, C. RAYS, G.F.BLAIR
TO Rent Drs. Gunn St Gunn,
Dr. W. Gann, L. R. P.. R. C, S.. Whs. '
• The brick cottage and 20 acres of land,
jot eonth of Clinton. on the London Road,
and at present owned by 1VIrs. Freer is of-
dered for rent on reasonable terms. ' Apply
to Ephraim Bute Clinton, or Rev. W. H.
Butt, Springfield. March 24 ti
, For Rent or Sale
That desirable, commodious residence, at
present 000npied by W. Q. Phillips, on
Mary St. Filet Claes suite of repair; 1-2
acre garden, with fruit bearing trees and
bashes. Possession given Oat. If pnr.
6564, buyer elan have easy terms of pay-
ment. Can he inspected any reasonable
hone Address JOHN RANSFORD,
Clinton 12.0
Farms for sale
1 Dr, J. Nbibet Gunn, II. IL, C. S. England,
L. R, C, r., LonslOn.
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls ab
front door of office or residence, Rattenbury -
Street. .,
150 sores In 2nd Con. H. R. S. Tacker -
smith ( lot 32 and west half lot' 34) with
good brick house, barn, sheds, stables etc.,
A first class farm. •Parcels will be sold
eitheaseparate or together. For particu-
lars apply to HERBERT ORIOH,
or W. )30done, Bareriterrt'
Fuxin for Sale.
. -
London Road emile from Clinton, about
132 acres of first-class Jana. Rich as a
garden, has been a stook" farineor a num-
ber of years. Pismo house, large -barns,
Plenty of stabling, pig house for 100 head,
implement building. Poseession given at
any time. Omer ,wisbes to retire from
car.mintyAid9PilY9(;50 • B. PLTIMBTE,
• - •
Choice Farm for Sale
Subscriber offers for gale his choice farm
of .125 acres, being lot 84, dm. 13, Hallett.
10 acres clearee and in goad state of culti-
vation. Bank barb, stable and driving
shed; extra barn on rear of farms never -
failing spring; soil first class: bearing or-
chards. 5 miles from Blytb, 9 from 'Olin -
ton. Apply on premises or to Londesboro
Desirabie Property for
. Sale.. •
House -end -lots in the Village o Holmes -
elite. The undersigned effete foe sale; her
large two-story brick home, elate, roof,
good cellar, large rooms, furnace, hard and
soft water in lionise, stable and drive shed,
good garden, all kin& of traits, about di
acres of land, convenient to Railroad Sta.
tion Post °Moe Choral and Sobool. AP••
ply by mail, or on the premises. to MRS.
T.0, PICKARD, Holmesville. . 5 6 ti.
Fa!in Tuckersmith to
,relirsidenee On ,
tario St., opposite English church, formerly ors
ounied by Dr. Appleton, Cliuton.Ont., •
DR. 0, W. THOMPSON.. •
Physician, Surgeon, Eto. •
special attention glyen to diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose.
Office and Residence- .
Albert Street.2 Blocks North of Rattenbitry
G. W. Manning Smith, I. D.,C.11.,„
OFFIVE-Main Street, Bayfield, formerly',
occupied by DrePallister:
J. 8. Lu,Nov,
Successor to Dr. Agnew, Dentist.
Office open every daeand until 10 Dickies
Saturday evening, . •
(Successor to Dr. T. 0. Bruce -
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work
L. D. S.-, Graduate Rayal College Dental Sur
fawns of Ontario, Ruronto.
D.:P. S:-First.elass Hobo.: graduate of Den- •
tat Department of Toront,o Universibr,
Special atterrtion_paid to preservation of
ohildren.,s teeth. Will visit •Baylield •
Monday.. " •
• DENTIST. tio
• Offices over O'NEIL'S store. '
Special care taken to make dental te
ment as painless as possible. ' Will '
Auburn .every Monday. •
• • No Witnesses required .
Private. fungi& loan at 4M_per cent and .up-
wards.. • • • .W.. BRYDONS. .
Agent for the MAillemiesmsFi E AEIStraANOSI •
CO, of Manchester. Ragland whose funds are
security are rated at 04,500,00e. Also the Mo-
iirrZor MUTUAL hostrnallok Co. A classes of
farm risks and town property taken by'
lowest rates. First -o ass Loan Companiee.,
also represerted. Money to be had Ir ni 41 per
cant up, &cue* Una o nature of seetrity -
Dot stilg rittr Bo1iesvih1 - postal card wi
Licensed Auctioneer.
, .
The undersigned solicits a share of the
patronage of thosewishingeb hold Rates.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Moderate rates. •
Apply to or address JAS. A. SMITH; lot,
38, con 16, Goderich Ip., Clinton P. 0, --
Rumballs Clinton:
a To rent for a terrnof pierce Lot 14, Con-
ceseion two, L. R. 8., containing 100 acres,
80 acres of which are cleared and in a good
state of cultivation. This farm is eitnated
1 14 Miles from Kippen, 7 miles from Sea.
forth, and* 3 .1.2 from Heesall. This farm
is well fenced, drained, and hag first Wass
bnildiegs thereon, and is one of the best.
farms in the County of Horan. For terms
&o, apply. to Doig & Doii, Attorney 9, Sault
Ste, Marie, Michigan. . 8-11
Mortgage Of $2.000, upon Wm
lands worth 54,500; •intererit 4% yearly;
"mortgage dne Tyeare hence.
Stock -5 shares in People's •• Building
& Loan Amociation, of London, (livid.
• ends of 6% paid half -early. •
Stock-- 50 shares Colonial Investment
& Loan Co., dividends of 6%, paid half
yearly. ese.\ •
These are offered for sale. Particulars
may had from W..BRYDONE,,
• Solicitor for the holder,
Clinton, May 17, 1905,
• Appes Wanted .
1 Am in the market to.,,buy both
Pall and Winter Apples. .
Highest market price paid
Clintcre Aug 3 D. CANTELON.
TheStanclard, Elevator.
Having leafed the Standard Elevator the
undersigned lie prepared tepee the
s IligheSt cash price
for grain of all kinds.
pa 4( W. G. SMITH. Clinton.
4 . •
Live stock and general Auctioneer,
GODER101-li ONT,
van, dock stiles a. specialty'. orders left at
New Elia odice, Clinton, promptly attended
to, Vilna reasonable. Earnierg' Bala notes
cuseountea, gobt. Smith, Harlock; Ed : Hinchley
Seaforth; Tames Cumming,' Egmond,
ville; J. W. yo, 141rnesvi11e.
' • .• , •
Intra-ggatti 7.7:7
Genera* 'Stinking Btiolnesei
transacted '
Notes Maned. Interest allowed o
Private fonds to loan on mortgagee 144
hest current tato
General Banking busmen transtieted
Interest allowed on depoeits.
$ide notes bought •
The MeKiliop Mutinal,
Fire Insurance co.
Perm and Isolated' Town Prop*.
ertY Only Insured.
J. 13; McLean, President, Kipper; Thos
Eraser, Vice.pres,, Ilrecefield; Thos.. E
Hays, Secy. Treas., Seaforth;,
Jas. Connelly, Porter'efliill; John
Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M.
Chesney, Seafoith; J. Evans, Beech-
wooni J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Ben-
newets, Brodhagen. '
Each Director is inspector of losses in
his oiei locality,
, Plums.
Headrittarterg for Plums of choicest eats
ning varieties, ready after Sept. 5tri.
Pettta and Honey, high quality septa.
!elite. See our beet values in Pianos and
Clinton Prtnt Parra and tinSieStriperitina
. .
Neuralgia abcl Nerikalitalee rtirOdilla
.1),4 kik°, h20),2!esittriteftoottoolif