HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-09-22, Page 2• , 1 r, • • h • ' •A .Keen Appetite *Ad a healthy stomach indicate g.n., active Liver, which is enjoyed Ity all who use Beecharn:s Fills. U'hey insure strong digestion, Sweet breath and sound sleep. No other remedy is as good as • Beecham's. Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents. ; The glintion NeW Ei . eneateesearee. , • _ CLINTON SEW ERA. 444.4 *Or:venous AIlegeci Cures Credited to JamesSharman, a IleaNr„ Who is Now Operating a.t Seaforth • wo 1 The following article was written by , suffering frail various ailments that a reporter for the London Free Press, I the doctors were unable to cure, • and shows the interest ft . this section. What is considered reliable proof is Robert Shuman, on of hair, wearer also given of other remarkable cures. of black clothes, bat having the an- pearant'e of a Prosperous mechanic. is the sensation of Huron county to -day. Sharman 4caine here theee weeks ago, and registered at the Queen's Hobel, giving this place of elsidence as FRIDAY, SEPT. 22, 1955 The opening cif the mental Schools be the Province has emphasized the fact that teaching as a professiem coo tinues to be unpopular among young men. Of 301 teachers regletered in Me - three Puovincial norinal schools this year, fifteen are Hien. In Toronto there are 140 worrier!, and flee men. In London there are tee women and seven men. In Ottawa there are 61 women and three nren. Now that the chilly evenings are approaching. isoal fires will he lighted, and a word of warning will -not be arnise. A Brantford family had a Darrow escape from asphyxiation the other night, reused by poor draft in the chimney. At the beginneng of the season, danger of :suffocation frens coal gas is g,reat. Furnaces nod stoves require care- and attention•tcesee that they are all right hefore being lighted, alai people should take no chaseces. • During tile year ending June 30, 1905, there were 7;689,337.207 cigars mannfastured in the 'United 'States, an irictease of 181020,437 over the t- . put, of the•preesding year. The sew r. ettes e hrge-t he t tee amounted to 3,308 213,7-10, an increa, e of 141,530,479. There were also pro- duced 21,131,801 pounds of enuff, an in- crease of 947,281 pounds. The output ot smoking and ehewing tobacco in• creased only about 2 per vent frnm. :e28,650,710 lifts .333,489,110`poureis That is quite a lot of tobacesetp go nes in smoke. • The• temperance people of Brant connty nre platilling lecaj optioe.move for lieee w n ships - Brantford, Burford Ackland,.South Dumfries and Onond• ega. Profiting by the experiences• in other places, where not only leitels, but stables were looked up, much to the inconvenience of the farmers the Brant County men purpose, if sliccess- fnl in obtaining local' option, to .buy out the hotels and rim them without a lieense and keep the stables open. The undertaking is a rather big One,. - but they svein to be confident it can he. -accomplished. .A correspondent of The (115be men- tioned in Fe.ortiary last that an Ameri- can farmer nained Zah nisei. had plants-. ed a large acreage of the 'prairie near - Medicine Hat with fall wheat, and the „result of this experiment was beigg watched with inteeeit. It appeare inquiry that Mr. Zahnlser for the .isec- ond time had succeeded in raising a gated crop. • - The. Medici lee Hat.regioii les•hitherto been considered to be de-. Relent hi • humidity, and that wheat - growing t.here was too uncertain., Th -e• experiments with fall wheat have dissi-- paie:d this idea. There will undoubt-• edly be a great development in this line in the near future. — - ----- The protiperity of Canada under the Liberal policy is so great that the Lon- don Free Press is euvionsly moved to. seek te lin the credit for the -Con- servatives. Yet we all remember' how the Free Press, in eounnon with the rest of the Conservative or,Aans and the leader, 8ir Charles Tupper, de- clared, whep the Liberal tariff wag -brought flown in 1A01, that the Liberal policy was so contrary to the Conser- vative policy that it would he sure te, cause widespi eel ruin and stagnation Sir Charles then said he already heard the wails of the ruined industries. And no the Free Press seeks to steal the credit for the iesult of a policy which it so fiercely assailed and so bit- terly denounced 1 • Atyer'l If your blood is thin and im- pure, you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich blood that itivigotates;" strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know Sarsaparilla the medicine that brings good health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried for 60 years. A doctor's,thedicine. "I Mira my life, without doubt, to Ayers: Sarsaparilla. It is the rood wonderful medt• eine In the world for nervousness. My curetl permanent. and I cannot thank yon manes.. Yeas. lines biome, Newark, N. 3. $1.00 a bottle. .1.0. Ault All deal sts. for amisamminingoLowell Mac Door Health IMOD* Dr/sterns MD erwe. karasikawniA Dittallt0 doge, of Ayee'l PUls 4,00 or sr Immo effected by the "healer." The case of -Robert Mason, Of Olin - ton, is cited for an example. Mason, it is said, fell from a hoilding eleven years ago and, broke his haele. It is alleged that be was -heated in the 'ra- tite Northmst Territories. His bum- l'Oreit0 and London hospitals, ,and that ness is thee of a healer. the doctors removed two and one-half To -day he is creditect with marvel): joints front his book hone- Hie friends out cures, and for the past tavo weeks say he was never able to natal foot to has had from two hundred to four the ground, but after an interview bemired callers evei\y• day It is claim- with Sharman he could walk with the edeliat his cures ron into the hundreds. aid of a stick, and is •erowleg stronger'. neeareeING roSaurratAN. _ Trier. of SunnnerhilI, was unable to leave his bed for tivo years Men and women are flocking here and eight months. For thirteen years freiui every part of the country. The lee moved about only vote ceueshee, hotels are crowded with ipersons anx- in half an hour Shaman enabled. ious to meet Sharman- and test his Tyner to dress himself, walk to his curetive pmvers. 3t is like a Fair day in the town, ' le statitibilliey,. and sit lit (linnet' with his • Farmers drive in front- many eniles around, always with some sick one to ' °T11211 CURE5 . • present. Often the cases are pathetic.. James Dicart, of Zurich, was -so bad - Patients are brought in resting on ; ly tied up with rheumatism be could beds, hayracks and gravel wagons; not move Irani room to room. , Shale which have been torned 'auto tempor- ,man was driven out to See hian. Dic- my ambulances. At the hotel, where art is in town to -night, in perfect Sharman makesbis headquarters, it is health. " often impossible to crowd itilivough the 1 Mrs. Charles Cluff, Of Tuckersmith, corridors. • said to be the worst caseof eheuma. .The fame of the num has spread tienoin the country, a confirmed in- abroadointil stories Of the most nurac- 1 valid, was treated last Sunday. Now alone cures are told with every sign of 1 she can_go about without difflcialty. ' credence, and the whole -Countryside-, Mrs. Nicholls, of Seaforth,. • had her is appal entlyreadyto'staike ats repute- 1 fingers so badly Stiffened by rheurna.- tion upon the geimineness of the tism, her hands were useless. Sonne healer . ' fingers were bent backward and some • ' Sharman does not heal by faith. elle needle, .asas no queetions ot the patients, his system being merely the laying on of • CADAEs Dumn To SPEAK hands. et, • . I . For himself he accepts none of the istlialOirgench.14:0. that glory. He does note -yen olefin to be! theflnn the seventh son of a seventh son. , Thos. Steeens, proprietor of the "It. is the work of God," hesays. "T Queen's Han!. . F'oui ays after. being treat -I :ES'S MODEST 1 0 ed hy Sharman she was sewing with a 1 am ha His hands, to do His wilL When No ene has had better opportimity I discovered. that I had this power, ' I ', to elidge. of Sharman's- aceomplish- • .1 ments than Mr.. Stevens,. who recites quit my work as 'a machiniat." many Cases of marvelo.us cures, which, 1 The healer is ,a.bout slitter, years of . • • . i be sayst•hieve come, under his personal ..,.A. little girl pained McVeity,. eleven presented to him. He claims to have 1. cibserva lop. Be does not refuse Roy case that is operatedeipon• a; women for cancer a Year's old, came into my hotel," ' Mr. the liver a few months ago, 'and to Steens stated, "who had lost the have niet arith succees, . power of .epeeeh and of hearing through an attack of • fever. In • 8JB FIST. iOASS j twentYfive what -lees after Sharman be. Sharman's first' case bere was that 'elm to work with her she amid both of a hotel babitae, a sufferer for years speak ;ind hear,"- from rheumatism. He was afforded 1 'Stevens confesses that he is un - r. -'lief in a few minutes, 1. is alleged. , elite to understend. it at -all, and ac- Withiii .a week, it is claimed; Sher- eepts Shaman setaternent that it is a man had heeled twenty teWnspeople, "gift from Or 01.". • , • . . , , . • . . • • , • • . . • . • - • • • • • • • . • HOW CONSITAIPTION STARTS Tired When you: Waken—Jan • gold Par.--:Neives Worn . „Out—Snap:11111 Gone 1 our limbs feel."draggy" and exces- sively weak, A night's sleep seldom brings satisfying' rest.. - Coetinuous headaches exhaustion and nerveits sen- sations destroy- yoot health. 'Soon every spark of vitality is used up. Then • you catch tuherculosie. ' . • ' Start to-day.,..t Build up, get new nerve force. and overcome thledprocese, of decay, 'Use Ferrozone,,which phy- sicians consider themost vitalizing, ep- lifting tonic ever made. . ." Ferrozone cures' because it caii fur- nish the hody With . sufficient nutri- ment and building material. ' Think of the irista,nt t affec-at.once the appetite increases, delightfurcolor i in the cheeks proves that rich; red lilood is 'behig circulated. Tired mils- eles are in vigorated. flesh. and weight are added. Nerve force develops, and . bounding, joyous health -is firifilY. es- tablished. This is aertain-Ferrozone restores failing strength front any cause. The experience of Mr. ',Mos : Dowd; of §:ehreiber, Ont., proves this: . • !•4? ."Household worries and cares had about eaharisted my strength, 1 Was week and' miserable. My cheeks lack- ed the color of health, and occasionally I had spells of rhemnatism: Then my appetite fell off, and nothing could tempt me to eat.Worn-out feelings, chills and despondency filled toy very being. I becatne anaemic and du ind- led down to a shadow. Consiunption was very near. rerrozone put strength in my body 'with a rush. It built me up, strong, virile and happy, and I have been well ever since ?' • ' Ferrozorie cures sickness by curing the real Cause, lack of blood and trerve torte; - It -keeps•Iiople ' at their best- fit, reacly and anxious for work. In 50c boxes only. six for $2.50, at all dealers, or N. C. Poison & 0o;; Halt - ford, Corm., U. S. A.,,. and Kingston, Ont. , 4 Is in Ile). Third Infancy - Morristown, ,N. Fr the third time in her life Mary Seeelly, nieeteen years old has relapeed into the xnentel state. of an Jam, t. • She is as helpless during' these peciods as though she • *eve only a.few monthold. • • . The:last .attack has now lasted ten days. She le incapable of. thought. speech 'or action, • Her mint has to at- tend her constantly, giving food and drink to her at intervals, and gener- ally . care for her as. though she were a baby, .If she is stood facing the wall and, told bot to move, she will stand there until called, • TrIefore she Was graduated from the parochiaVsoliool here she had a similar attack, but scion reeoyeeed. ,Eighteen months later she -had another, . which lasted for' several months. The ekcite merit of •a big fire elose to her home- nally restored her ton: normal con- dition, Since that:time she has acted • as her' father' housekeeper flail ten 'days ago, when she had her. latest at- tack,. • -Already at sortie parte in the north- west farmers are coinplaieing of lack , . of :cars to _transport the Wheat crop: The' te,st of a bumper harvest on the railway is &Severe one, krui in 'a fen' years they be in better Aerie t.0 handle' the crop. The G. T, R. wilF he able to assist, and perhaps there Mat not be so Irma 'desire to ship it from the threehing Mime . : • As the hannense 'crowd began to dis- Perse, calla fOr "Laurier, Laurier." be: came imperative. • Sir -Wilfrid disre- garded the Call as long as he could, but :the 'demand becoming louder' and louder afid the 'people • refusing to leave their seats mita Sir Wilfrid catne forward, the -Prernierfinally did so. 'The rear of applause which greet- ed him was deafening. -Report of Sir Wilfr:d at, Regina. : .0 • 4. Abd that is the way the people fiubtiFfl • IS OPIi§ION keiA, Vital WEST. -The Virder,:yfaii., Aelehiace says: -- Itev. Mr. Palms, of Auburn, Huron Cc., Was in town on Saturday and Monday. He occupied the Methodist pulpit, and preached for the president of Assiiii- hoine Conference. This is hie first visit to the west, and he cannot find Words to express his ainalenient at the vast. ness and productiveness Of. it. It ex- ceeds his imagination and gives hini e new idea Of the possibility of the Cana- dian West. "Elven 'after years of read- ing about it and conversing with those who have been here," field he in course of conversation. "I could not rid my- self of the idea of Indians and huffaloS, hut my -visit here has opened my eyes I have onlybeen on the mainline*as far- west as Regina, and htwe only seen the frirge of western. greatness, but," he said with a. Pleasant smile, "Toll have'nt to taste alit the apples on a tree to tell the kind of fruit, you have made a wonderful progress, and your Jivil and Metal conditions are equal to any in the older lands. I' am going back east to make nay final bow in that country, and will C01110 liAlSt kid SA aoon as I can get awav, You have a great country. I was big enough vhen loft Ontario, but for the few weeks I have been here I have gained ten pounds." I. I E. V. Attrill, of Ridgewood Park Stock Fan), IS rapidly coming to the front wink of Hee stook 'breeders in on tario, At the Teronto ExhibitiOn hp tql pIlli'M foul, prizes ont of six ani - nulls simnel, a good reeord ivbere the classee were SO very large as this year, an instance being second prize in a class of 28 animals. At the Western Pair Inst Week he got tine thizes for ten animals shone), the Shire stallion Desford Marquis, the hackney, Ridge- wood Demegelt, and a fine shorthorn greeted the man whom the Opposition press of Ontario represents to be the worst 'hated man in the Northwesel Sir Wilfrid wilier° 1 A strange attire? comes from Telenet° about persecution of the Jews Who reside there, The story is told in the Star, and rea,ds like a tale from Russia instead of from Toronto the Good. It is said that the Hebrewe there have j formed a protective society and hired ' a lawyer to welch their interests. It is affirmed' that people of the Jewish faith are assaulted and attacked in the ! public streets, and that police refuse i to arrest those who assault or abuse them. Mr. Gurofsky, a leading Ileb- I reW, saki : 'The cohditIon of affairs has heroine almost intolerable for our people, and 11; is getting worse every day. 4 Jew ie not safe on the streets of Toronto. Within the past couple of months there have been more than adozen in- stances of Jews being maltreated in this city, f'' One man was set upon b a. ruffian, and he is carrying the hal of his beard in his pocket now. The fel- low pulled it out of his chin by the roots. Sorely sunk, things as that should not be suffered by our people 111 nd the offender go unpunished -and all bemuse the poor tnan happened to be a Such a state of affairs should not be. allovved to existfor a moment. .A Jew should be as free to walk the streets of Torotto ae a person of any other faith, and the authorities should see that he is protected in SO doing. Prefiligr Whitney opened Strat. bull calf all getting firsts, i ford horse show on Tuesday. v Sept 22nd, 1905 News Notes The son of Flenry Derry was ran. over on Belleville Fair grounds, and. may be fatally injured. Excluded from the street. cars, neg. roes in Nashville have etarted an auto- mobile line of their own. James 1ich01, a WinniPeg lad, fell upon a, stake and received injuries in the stomachArom which be died, e Chicago employing printers have decided to fight the union. ore t 'tea - tions of the eight-hour day and, open shop. • .-- , The Argentine Republic proposeb to levy a prohibitive tariff on airna Its of agricultural and industrial machinery used in repairing, ' Became be failed to pay her $4 a week, -as ordered by the court, Mrs. BliZabeth Wilson shot and fatally in- .. ... . Septa. 27 pared her husband in New York. Bayfield Sept, 28-29 Sept, 28-29 1^4V ilOrtni rWrn .... ...Oct. 4-5 Oct, 543 kclotng. syetem, tbeteame as the C. P. R. are 'Myth Brussels Kirktone evi me is risco inen a roe way Tile.netition against 'the return of (I.)Qurnrgieannon ....Oct, Mr. W.:Kennedy, M. P. P. for Port . • ,,Oet. 12-13 .DON'T MISS the .exemination dour floe new catalogue, .11 you have isny idea ot college geom. It eepleine s112 ibout our modern, methods, • One equipmeot end etrong eta% 4 poste& will bring it. Addreee. V'onge and Geirard Sta., Toronto W. IL SUNNI'. ^•^10P, Principal. Fall Term from Sept, fah. • r48T -OF FALL FAIRS The Grand Trunk Pacific intend to, beild and,operate hotels he connection Arthur and Reilly River, Liberal, fell , through at Port Arthur, Mr Hellinrith -:RAKING 42 further.,00i.22 A declined to prosecute the case any 1 An YOU TEAR? it is being done with our goods.. Hon. joseph Martin, speakingat! wera is ;pleasant, permanent and profitable. Win n i peg, (teetered both Liberals and ; Goods used in every house, every day. No fake, Conservatives were had, mid ado- and no need to create the demand. eegitiruate, cated the organization of a third party I teputable business. You con start Without a cent having ae ite main object .purity in I of capital. Write to day. G. tdanaiira. 84 Co., public affairs. • : • I who.tessee...teas, and COiffeN. Landon, Ont. - 'How are all at home? Buy a, bottle • of Painkiller to -day and you will be in -1 .. • sured againstcholeramorbus.diarrhaia, The remains of one of Exeter's old and kindred troubles. The old reliable time residents, Mrs. Edmund Whiting Perry DaYhe Painkilleris sold by all revere brought here from Braceville, dealers, 2.3 and 50c. I on Wedneeday, and conveyed to the Exeter cemetery where they were in- terred . the same day, Death took • HOW'S Thia • "-. placeon Manday... Mrs. Whiting was an aged ledy and had resided in Brace- - We 'offer One Hundred Dollars Re, ville for many years, moving there Weed for any case of •Cata:rrh that can frem Exeter after the death'of her hus- not-he (awed by Hell's Catarrh Cure. • F. .T. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. band, Edmund Whiting. We,. the midersigned, have known • F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years? and 1 • believe him perfectly honorable m all ' A : business transectione and financially Raise YourOlva. saiarg .able to carry out Any obligations made er • 13 AT•i-ENMy0 THE . hy his firm. S• Wannince EINNAN & MARVIN. - • odtrich Wholesale Druggists, Toledoe0, , Ball's Oietarrh.Oure is taken inter- ' • many, acting directly upon the blood- 13 and mucous suefaces Of the system. usiness 'College Testimonials sent free. e 75 cents • . per bottle.- sola by all Druggiste. The School 'of MOdern Methods Take Hall's Faleily Pills for oonstip- , • — • The best systemseindiiidnaI instruotion and a personal interest in each pupil are the reasons for the rapid advancenient and -the short time required tO graduite in our school, . '• ation, . • . • The following from a. Terorito paper: refers tO a former resident of Clinton : -At the Court of Revision this _Morn- ieg.Rey. E. S. •Rupert, e retired Metho- dist minister, had his. income • assess- 1.1p!teNDate lir. Everything . ment reduced:to 8301e. He was taxed We teach ehe ,Gregg Syeteni • of Short. for esoo,: hut he showed•that the. 'big- heed, the Touch. Method Cif. TYpewriting, eeest- pert of this catnefrom the. super- " and the,Bedget• System of Book-keeping. anebatiop hind. • of the Methodist These are the three latest firiamphs in Church, whichneas not asseesablee .''. oominereir I 'tqaphing, 7. ' • ' • ' ' • 'Day and evening classes,. Expert teach- ' ehills Prove Petal I ere, -All our. graduates get good positions, . . • I Beautiful (Armies for the asking, Fees are ,' If warmth and 'circulatien ai 0 not lower than in mesteechohise • Fah ti3rin promptly restored; chills eesult in fetal opens Sept 12tie., • •,, • , • , • • ' - • pneoinopia;• .This necessitates' keeping- , : • . . ., : :Netviline on hand. Taken in hoe i• , ' . , . water• it breaks- Meet ehillR ein: two Min- - . • SECUITIE• FOR SALE' 'utes, By eh bbing freely over the , . . , . • S chest and throet it preee.ots eoldse No .,__ . • • • -:-,-,-., , : . ... liniment so -strong, so penetrating;..so Mortgage of $2,000, upon ,farm swift to killpain and inflainmation. '; :lanes vtorth 84;l00; inters:A 4% yearly:- . Nearly fifty year's record -has proveilsreortgage' due 7 years hence, • .. • ' thevalue of Polsco's Nerviline, Yoe\s tock -.4- 5 sharia in People's Building. should get a bottle today. ' , • - .. , & Loan •Asiociation, of London, ',livid- . . ' •• ,• • • • ' ' • 1 ends of 0% peki. half -yearly. • G. 'vv4t-ikei„, of Devor,. while dreee,i : Stocit•—••.00. sharer'''. VolOnial Investment , to Exeter- reeently, to, take the•train' -. ee Loan: Co., dividendiebf 6%,. paid bolt foe the Northwest, bad the neafortime • ..9aF13'.- • • . • • ,... • - . • ' to haVe one wheel of. his buggy econe re The ie are offered for sale., • Partieulars OM -throwing him to elidgroand, injure May be had from W, I3RYDONE, • . ing his leg, and :necessitating e pest, . Solicitor for the holden • ponement of hie trip. .. -,,....i.....,.... Clinton,- May 17, 1905. ' • '''-' ' ' • ' • • :•-•'• • • • , .."wAten. PEI Et), ROYAL'WARRANT, 147LI-ERS 70 Ii.R.H, THE PRINCE OF WALES • ' • . , • - . " Royal Household " Brand on Flour is your 't protection • ,. - The Royal Household " brand 'On a barrel .or bag of flour means that OgilVies guarantee that flour t� be the best—that if it is not satisfactory you may return it and get your money back OgiMes Stand behind every.p6und of flour that bears their .°Royal Household" Brand. That is your protedion. • Mot people do not realize tlie.necessity of absolute purity in flour—great care is taken to use only pure milk, pure water, etc., but flour, that one thing that forms the greateit part of their food, is taken on chance—but they are learning better. As Royal Household Flour is the only flour in this country thoroughly purified and sterilized by eledridty is it not worth while to give it at leagt at trial. It bears the tamp of the mogt responsible makers. You can have no better guarantee than the Ogilvie Flour Mills CO. 410 • . • 7 ti -3.k For Sales. .4•4, Home and aore of land, East end Ont. tario St, Purchaser wishiug more land could buy lotljoining. jOSHILA. PEAREN Clinton House for *Sale Ten rooms, with woodshed thnd etable, hard and soft water, aore o land,, cen- trally locates for partioulare apply to' • BEYDONE. House, to .Iterit • , • A good.sized and oeroforteble house on Speneer St., with half an acre:of land, all kinds of fruit, bard and soft water, stable. Apply to J, L. IICINTYRE„ Stapleton. For Sale. Clinton Salt 'Well, Engine and Boiler, 12 horse power, ( Gentile & McCulloch make,) Lard& and other- sr$ielee therei n Apply to JOHN MeGARVA. - Tread Power for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale a two horse tread power in good working order. Wilt be sold cheap. 3011k1 B. LINDSAY Huron Road, Gleam ich Tp. Clinton P. 0, Farm to Rent or For Sale Lot 18, 'Con. 4, Hjillete 100 acres, near- • ly all ander cultivation. • Terms liberalw Apply to - W. W, VARRAN Clinton, March 22n3; 1905 Lands tor Sale "In the far 'MeV' Heward, Asa, Inne proved farms for sale at $14 per acre, other farms without buildings from $6'to 142 pet acre, „gaol land- from.one to six miles from town. Fare paid to partesi investing. N. P. CRICH, Beware, Ana, To Rent • • . The brick cottage and 20 'acres. of land, just south of Clinton, meth° London Road, and at preens ownedby Mrs. Freer ie of- fered for rent on reasonable terms. Apply to Ephraim Batt, Clinton, or Rev. 'W. H. Butt, Springfield, . March 24 tf • Farms .for sale 150 Eros in 2nd Con. H. R, S. Tacker. smith (lot 32 and west half lot 34) with good brick house, barn, shed, stables eto. A first clam farm. Parcels will be sold eitherseparate or together, For particu- lars apply to HERBERT ORIOH, , ' Seaforth, or W. ,Brydone, 33arrister, Clinton. . . ' . • Farni . for Sale. • 4 London Road 2 mile froth, Clinton, about, 132 acres of "first-class lance Rich as a garden, hat been a stock farm tor a num: •ber of years.Frame house, large berns, •pienty onetabling, pig house for 100 head; 'implement building. Posseesion given at any time, • Owner wishes to retire from farrnine. Apply fo H. PLUMSTEEL. • May 19 1905 . • • Choice Farm for Sale . • Sabsoriber offers for sale his choice farin of 125 acres, being lot 34, coin 13, Hullett.' KO acres cleared.and in good state of cilia- vation. •Bank barn, stable and driving shed; extra barn ' on rear of farm; sever. failing spring; soil first class: bearing or- chards. ,5 miles from Blyth. 9 from Clin- ton. Apply On premises. or to Londesboro P.O. THOS. BUNKING. Deniable Proptrly tor Sale. . House and 1°01in-the village o.. Holmes - The undekiieted offers her sale,- her large two-story brick house, slate roof, goodoellare large rooms; furnace, heed and soft water in house, stable and drive . shed, good garden, all eirids of friiits, about 2i• acres of land, convenient to Railroad Sta- tion. Post Office Church and Selma Ala - ply by mail, or on the promisee to MRS. T. 0, PICKARD, Holmeeville. 56*?, , Farm inTuckersmith.lo * ,Rest: • rent for a term of years, Lot 14, Cot - minion 'two, L. R.' S., containing 100 aorea 80 acres of which are cleared and ins geicid stateof cultivation. This farm is situated 1 1.2 colleateeneelippem 7 miles from Sea- fcrth, Ana \3 1-2 from Hensall. This ferin is Well fenced, drained, and has, fleet otitis buildings' thereon, and, ie one oL the beet farm a in the County of Baran. -For tering -ttaja, isitiet;°11thidLgann, .13 . 8.11 PROFESSIONAL HENRY BEATTIE Oileiceessor to lir Jas Stott BARRISTER, 6014101Toft, 014/2•TTO by AlOffice-Elliott Nook, formerly occupied, r Ei eat. MONET WO LEND . W. ARYDONE. 0 BOLICITOR NotARri. . k'UfiLIC. ETC, COWYtexamnens, COMMISSiONEH Real Estate and Insurance Agent Mouey to loan C,13. 11.4LE, JOHN RIDOOT Gi CAMER01% formerly of oainerore Holt & Cameron BARRISTER AND soLimpa, Ofilmr-Hamtiton St opposite Colliorne Bop. • GODERIOH. ONT laRouDp0OT,IIIIIVS Re.IILAIR,. ton St., Goderich.m-erivete Puede to 101440 B3 cao rwreisStterarste,s.Solicitors, Notarim Public, .Etc. Offices, -On the Square, end door from risme- W, PROMPFOOT. IC R. C. HAYS. G.14'. Brant kedk,al. Drs. Gunn & Gunn, Dr, W. Gunn, X. It. C. P..1. it. DMA - .y. mart wimin, ID. It. C. Englands L. It C. P., Louden. , • Oilice-'0ntarlo Street, Clinton. Night calls ab front door of office or residence, Eattenbury Street. • DR. a..w. spiAvv. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON Airtticheur etc. office and residence On ; tario oppositedinglish church,Jormerly. oo •-• bi Dr. Appleton; Clinton Ont. • .DR. C. ifte. THOMPSOtv Physician, surgeon, leo. • - special attention given to diseases of the . • Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. • Office and:Residence- ' " Albert Streetwe Blocks North of Ilatienbury, G.. W. Nanning Smith, H. D.,C.L. PHYSICIAN & BURGEON. ' `OFFICE -Main Street, Bayfield, formerly zootipied by D,r, Pallister: , • • J. B. LUNDY, D.1D.S.; • suceessor to Dr. Agnew, Dentlat. CLINTON, - ONTARIO., • °facie open every. dayand until 10 °Woo biaturclaI evening. 12.10. ERPAEsT kotavuEs• ' DENTIP1' , , • .(sucoessar to Dr, W. C. :Bruce'. • specialist in Crown and Bridge Work ° L, D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sur- ' w gems of Oxitarro, Toronto, "' 11:a -Fiss.;•elltas Bono: graduate ot Den- taiDegartment of Toronto • Universitr, Special ettentiopLps,id._treser:vation..oe-. e - children's teith. Will visit Hayfield ; Monday. • . • DR: H. FOWLER, • DENTIST.; • • ' Offioeii over O'NEIL'S etore. . • Special care taken to make dental ern • • . . . . . ment as painless as possible. Will vi Auburn every Monday,. • — lifiscellaneous. _• • TAMEH.CAral-illELL, LONDEBBOICO, • — . 4./ . ISSUER OF MAHRIA.CE.LICENRillfir . • , No. wittiesess required • - • 111.•)ncy Private funds te loan a1'42 per cent and.up. wards W.• ItYDONE. . JOHN W. HOLSIEBV/LLE. Agent. for the MANCEESTEk Fr Aelstruation• Co, of Manchester, England whose funds aro. • security are rated at $14,500,00P.. Also the Mc-• •• RILLOP INN:MANCE Co. A• classes of farm ' risks .and town property taken by lowest 'rates.. First -o ass Leah Companies- . also represeread., Money to be had ir 44 per centtip, wider e nature of sees. rity.- • ,1 Datotl wan r 40.1.naesvilta --- Post•al card wi Licensed :Auctioneer. The undersigned solicits a ehare of the patronage of those wishing to hold sales.. • Satisfaction guisranteecl. Moderate tetes.. Apply to or address JAS. A. SMITH, lot 88, con 16, Goderich tp., Clinton P. O. ' MARRIAGE ICENSE& J. Rumba% Clinton. , 1 • I , , o I.Attor eys, Sault . . Appes Wanted am in the market to,buy both Fall and Winter Apples. Highest market price paid Clinton, AtIg 3 fl. CANTELON. Queen's Hotel Property. • , For Sale This property is offered for sale at a LOW PIIICE and 11 betel Orme of payment , given, also bite Second Hand $efe le offered at $25, 28Asupgply to W. W. FARRAR. ,TlieStanclard Elevator. Raving leased . the Standard Elevator the unclereignea is prepared topay the Iligheat cash price tor grain Of all kinds. pd 41 W. 0, SMITIL Crinton, THOMAS GUNDF?Y, Live stock and general Auctioneer, GODER1014, ONT. Perm gook sales a speelelty. Orders left at New Ems (since, Clinton,prornptly attended to. Terms reasonable, Farmers` sale hetes diseoteted, Plums. Headquarters tor Plums of choked 13n.. ning varieties, ready after Sere. 5th. Pests add lioney, high ;polity a 'epee- ialtty. -See our best values in Pitill00 and Orgene, V. HOARE, Clinton Fruit Farm and MusicEmperitur, G.. D. Meraggorti DANUBE ALBERu ST; CLINTON' . ti General Baniing. .13'146111one* transacted NOTES DipCOUNTED • Notes leaned. • Interest Allovied On etfiL . • • deposits.• • J. P. 'TINDALL. • ' BANKER, CLINTON, ONT • hinds to loan on mortgages Ali *- - best current este,. General Banking bnenteee traneseted ;literati allowed on depoofts. Sale notes bough* • . The McKillop Mutuat' Fire Insurance co. . Perm and Isolated town Propa- ertY Only Insured. OPFICERS. JAI, McLean, President, Kippen; ThOs Eraser, Vice-pres., Brucefield; Thos. E Meet, Secy, Treas., Seaforth, ' DIRECTORS. Jas. C011110119 /An Watt, Harlock; G. Dare, Clinton; M4 Chesney, Sehfoith; J. Evans, Beech. wean;j. G. ,Grieve, Winthrop, ; J. Ben - newels, Brodhagen. , Each Director is inspector of losses his own locality, AGENTS, • Robt. Smith, liarlock; d` Einchley Seaforth; • fames CuMming, Egmend* vilim J. W. Yee, Holmetvilie. HEADACHE. bic.uralgia atid Nerveusuesi Dined - by AJAX ArtiftAt'irga% 1 theesdnditila.„4e7144tt,liVreVit • .1i _ 1....t.,-.-1........ial,..biairirwm6..iLiiiht.4..ittiaidiwi....__.....A..--