HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-09-15, Page 8i, a
• Sept. 15 b, 1905
A Helping _Haiici
There Is helpor every Woman who suffers from headache, fainte
teas, depression, backache and other ailments during those times
when Nature makes a heavy demand. On her strength and vitality.
Every woman should take
to help her through these trying periods and to keep the system in
a normal and healthy candition. The girl just entering woman-
hood, and those of maturer years, find equal benefit from Beecham's
Pills. Taken at the first sign of derangement, they give prompt
assistance. Read the Special direetions foe women with every box.
Sold everywhere in Canada arid U. S. America, In boxes 25 cents.
CouNciL-Mayor, Hoover; Council;
ors, Ford, Wiltse, Gibbings, Clint
Cottle, Cantelon; Clerk, Macpherson,
Treasurer, McTaggart; Chief, "Wheat-
PosT OFFICE- Office hours, lobby
oittler07.30 a. m. closes 9 p. m., wicket
open 8 a. m closes 7 p. m. Jas. Scott,
a postmaster.
PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free
ading room in Stavely Hall. Open
ery day from 2 to 5.30 p.m. and from
• to 10 p.m. J. Bean, librarian.
SCHOOL BOARD -F. Hodgens, chair
man; T. Beacom, Charles. Hale, A.
Turner, R. Downs, F. Hall, J. 'Shaw;
Secretary, John Cuninghame. Meet-
ings first Thursday evening in each
gart, secretary; Wm. Jackson, treas-
urer; D. A. Forrester, chairman; J.
Ransford, Jas. Scott, Jas. Fair, H.
chairman; Mayor, Wm. Harland, sr..;
Dr Shaw, Medical Health Officer; Jos.
Wheatley, inspector.
BAPTIST CHURCH -Sabbath services
at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school
• . .
Eichibit at Mee,—
Mr. William Hutchison, Canadian
commissioner at the Liege Exposition,
reports that the attendance at the Caa
nadian Pavilion still continues very
large, it being ndt unusual to receive
the visits of 40,000 or 50,000 daily. The
exhibition authorities have a. tramway
on the grounds running in front arid
close 'to the Canadian, building. They
had first located their station at a dis-
tance of one hundred and fifty. feet
fromit; however, the inquiries about
.the Canadian exhibit evere so numerous
and continuous that they soon changed
the stop to the front of the .Canadian
Among the recenavisitore of distine-
tion 'Were Lord Lyvden, Sir Howard
Janes and a number of aldermen and
county councilors from England, known
as the municipal committee. Sir How-
ard Joaes expreseed his particular ap-
preciation o th.e mineral exhibit In the
following language: •"I am surprised
at this* fine exhibit taken as sie whole,
but the mineral exhibit is something
very superior. I ue'ver expected to see
anything like it. This should be taken
to London where it would give the peo-
ple of England smile idea of yourCoun-
try's greatness."
at 2.80 p.m. General prayer meeting This mineral exhibit has attracted a
Wednesday evenings. Rev W.H.number a professors a geology front
Magee, pastor; D. Prior, S. S. supt. the surrounding cities. One from Ber-
WESLEY METHODIST CHURCH-,Sab• lin, when signing.the register, wrotd
ba th services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m the following remark: "The most
Sunday school school at 230 p.m. Rev H. M. teresting and most instructive exhibit
Manmng, pastor; A. T. Connar, S. is the mineral exhibit.of Canada."
upt. General prayer meeting Wed-
n.esday evenings ; Epworth League
xneets Monday evenings, and Jumor
League Friday evenings.
Sabbath services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Sunday school at 2.30 p.m.. J. S. Cook,
D.D., pastor; Thos. Murcb, S. S. supt.
Epworth League meets Monday even-
• ing; prayer meeting cn "Wednesday.
• evening.
• Sabbath services at 11 A.M. and q
Sabbath School. at 2.30 p.m. Prayer
meeting Wednesday -evenings; Chris-
tian Endeavor Meeting Sunda y even-
ing after service for half houx Prayer
Meeting and first Monday of month
D _pastor; James ,Scott,S.S. supt.
buiZtss meeting ;Rev Dr. Stewart,
Sabbath services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Senday school at 2.30 p.m'. Ladies'
The •flePort of the Provincial surest.
The fifth repertof the Bureau of xta-
hor 'Was recently issaerby Hon. Dm 400 PARS Of Ellen Walby is One of
Beaume, Minister of Publie Works. Alla Tbeueend° 91. Cures 141!:cle- 147clia
E, Pink/tames Vegeteble Compound;
Bobert Glocitling, the Secretary of the
bureau, relates that he had been seri- Hoy's/ many women realize that men:
Ously handicapped by the neglect, both strUatioia is the balance wheel of a
of manufacturers and of labor gargled- woman's life, and while no woman is
=UMW, to reply to the Gevernmenas entirely free from ,periodical suffering,
request for information, and but mea- itis not the plan of nature that women
grer details were °given by those wh,o should suitor so severely?
did reply. Only. 174 manufacturers
took the trouble, and the labor bodies
muriber but 227, The returns, how-
ever, afford a fair insight into the
operation of the unions and the wage
and labor status of the members. A
directory. of labor orgatizations in the
Provtrice is included, which fills 34
Pages and, appears to he very, complete.
A section is devoted to business open-
ings compiled from reports made by
the clerks of nearly 300 municipalities.
Several towns offer freedom from
taxes and. other_ advaatagea to am in-
dustries. Waterpovrer is to be had at
Antrim, •Calabogie,. Dryden, Eganville,
Frankforci, Iroquois, Newburg, Otter-
ville South Rifer, Tillsonburg, White-
yale and other places.
. Several pages of remarks -and sug-
gestions from. labor organizations suf-
ficiently ventilate the views of labor
nien and may bp worth study by the
legislators. The earpenters tell how
they have raised their wages by the
union from 12 1-2 cente on hour in 1.875
to 30 and 32 1-3 cents during the past
• four.years. There is a general obJec-
fiat to -assisted immigration and a de-
mand for the eight-hour day. The en-
gineers ask for the enforcement of an
• examination for oertMc,ates, and for
marine engines the compulsory employ-
ment of certifioated men. •
A table of average wages • Indicates
$1.2 to $16 per week as the ruling rata:
The order of railway conductors at Fort
William report $30; the Iron. IVIoulders'
.Thousaeads of Canadian womenl how
ever, have found relief tom all monthly
suffering by taking Lydia E. Pbeleltain'a
Vegetable,Coinpound, as it is the most
thorough female regelator known to
mediCal selence. It tures the condition
1,vhich Causes so much disconifoet and
robs menstruation of its terrors. •
• Ellen Virally, of Wellhigton Rotel,
Ottawa, Ont” writes: ': 1
Dear Mae Pinkbane- ' I
"Your Vegetable Compound Was recon -
mended to me ta teke for the intense suffer -
in, which I endured every month and with
whielt laid been a sufferer for manv. years
getting no relief from the Many presemptione
U nioe, Dundas, $27.50'; Brockville, St. which were prescribed, until, ileally.becom.
Thomas- and Smiths Falls loconeotive, leg discouraged with dootors amil their medi-
Engineere and Sarnia railway conduc- ' "'Vegetialtr &mi
ninpoedund, and I am E.
that I
to try Lydia B 'Pinkhanas
tors $25 each, Toronto has the loarest did, for within la 'short time I began to 714
wages, With the boot and shoe workers and in an incredible short space of tithe the
and plasterers' laborers at $7, Smith's aow was regular, natural and without pain.
Falls being next with 47.80, the aver.. This seems too good to be "true and 1 ttei
age of the Vederal• Labor Union. The indeed a grateful and happy woman."
highest average in Toronto is that of Women who are troubled with pain
the 'Marine engineers at $20. . ful .car irregular menstruation, sheuld
Eight labor disputes were referred to take prerapt action to 'ward off seri-
cenciliatien under tae act during 1904, ous consequences, and be 'restored to
and 54; strikes Were reported, involve peafect. health and strength by taking
ing 171 establistinente and:8,945 P. Lydia:, 'E. l'inkbarn's Vegetable t;)em-
kits, covering an aggregate of 878 days.. - pound. an e v
:This is a decided reduction from tae ham, .Lynn. Mass., for further free: ad -
previous ereataWben 82 disputes oebur- ."Ce.
.. .
, Thousands beve been cured lee
' red. , The eitiployers ehad the advert- se clo•leg- ' • ' •
0,65 In 34 settleirreats, the 'employed -in '
.. , . , 28
Will Spend s250,omoss In the Next FaW
. Yelps In Construction.
he statement that the Canadian Pa-
cific, the Grand Trunk Pacific end the, i
Canadian Northern will spend 1250,000,-
000 within ,a very few years, causes
ama.zement in railroae. circles., outside e
of Canada, . says The Calgary Herald:
In fact,. the current' contracts in Cana-
diarx railway construction' are taken to
bear out tile- estimate.
Projects under construction or een-
traet iri Canada are tremendous, 'ehe
Grand Trunk Pacific has not let west-
ern contracts, The 'bake Superior
branch, 220 inilee, is toebe pushed im-
metliatelY. It will cost about .16,600,-
000. The eastern section, 1,800 mules of
main line, has convieted preliminary
surveys and found a 4.10- per, cent.
grade. *Contracts- are expected shortly:
This division will cost about 150,000e
000 cash. It and the Lake Superier
division may be completed in 1908,
The western section, 1,700 miles, is
tp be about 1,009 miles, Prairie road,
nosting about $20,000 a mile, or $20e-
000,000, and. 700 rrillewar mountain'road
to cost abola 125,000,000. The contracts
:for this division will. probably. be let
In September. The road is to be com-
pleted within live years. • • .
This whole project,. involving over
,11,500 -miles of main line, is put in the
estimate at $100,000,000. The figure ige
low. When all projected branches are
...auilt the figure will .probably total half
as much. again. Construction estimates
' cif • the kind are purely arbitrary of
eourse, and the net 'cost ie imply al-
. ways uriderestimated. . .
The Canadian Pacific is Set down for
an expenditure of $100,000,000. This
looks high. The Canadian Pacific has
'0111Y beanch lines to tulle:- At the
moment, the contracts . for the 'Toronto -
Sudbury line are let, the cest to be
19.000,000,. The line parallels a .Grand
Trunk division. • A similar nee to pare]•
lele the • Ivlidland is . projected, to cola
• about 1-5,000,000. •Another Ontario line
is building from Guelph, to Goderich•
. 13(emiles, t� cost about $2,000,000.
• These. lines, entailing., over • $15,000.-;
000. cash, strike directly ' at the 'Grand.
Trunk in its province. ' How • many.
other Grand Trunk divisions • are ao •be
'Paralleled no one can say. . The, On -
aerie: bilinees. is goo& theee two late
". ter lines reach • good lake •ports. , The
Whole Canadian Pacific Ontario systern
•is a .poi-tidawater system, The die
jeet is.eo gathealake eraffic eo.tbe port
' of Montreal.' ' • • . ' • •
Westward. there are dozens of local
branches either building •or about to be
bulla These may.be noted.: •
Pleasant Mae line, .210, milts; We-
taskiwin branch,. 114. :miles:: Lacombe.
• 'breech, 110 rollee; • 'Beerlefore • exten
-.tsien; 225 miles; being a . total of, aver •
• . miles under donstruetien. Tp acicii-
tiori Over' 200 ,miles of :braaMits ere
• tively; eontemplatee, making a total of
, 4early 1,000- Miles In , inueediate pros-
pect, • ,,' i- ' . . ' . . • .
. From Pcirt Williarri to 'Winnipeg 127
'. miles double um:a .win be laid, making'
. on* 'Mit-off 'of ' about, .35. intim .: This
• project .entails about $6,060,000, eVeash,,
Other..smailer branchee:. spiirs,, eidings.•
' etce• bring, the. natal' of 'railroaaaexperi- :
1 . e . , .
diture in Sight up over.$45,09,900.. This
does not • include •• the normal annual
, aapitea expenditure on brie,gesaars,ekaa
• etc., nor the heavy equipmenabills.
• The Canadian eaerehern Pas one am-
. bitious project. and • a. ' dozen snialler
• ones. MeArthuraof•Winnipea is •werle.
. Ing en a 550 -mile extension from Kama
saca to, Edmonton, south Of the Grand .
i .Teutile Surveys. 'About 350 Miles .adili-
tiOnal are.. under -contract. About $20e.
, 000.006 is' involved •in an the.se eciritracts.
I' In. addltroe, charters have 'beet asked.
, for ,a; 200 mule line into •Assinihota '-and,
' 'a regular :,eyetern . to: coVer the, aeurary
. mirth of, Regina.; N. W. ,r. • These Piens,
an about 125 /alien' in •Quebec, will un-
.: doalatedly being the, total up over the.
. .
..,' $, eetienated. '. .. • . a . ..
, • n• independent . but interesting pita,
eitet is the Bloialike; Railweee 84 :Mites
16 .never jells to cure a suitiAtg.
COLD; J.EAVY cotp, .and
all .8)110...legletre TROI.re •
BLE. • • : .
. .
:Largo Bottlea$1.00. Idedium Size 60q.
'Small or Trial Size 26c:
Eadorsed by all evho have Mied
Guild meets last Thursday of each
; A. Y. P. A. meets Tuesday
evenings. C. R. Gunne, M.A., rector I
and S. S. supt. •
Service held every other Sunday at
11.30 a in. and 7 p.m. Rev. Father
Pinsor. neault, pastor. C.M. B. A. 'meets
4th Thursday every month; Sacred
Heart devotions* 1st Friday of the
Month; Mass every morning at 8 a.m.
BRETHREN -Meetings at 11 a.m. and
7.30 p.m. on Sunday, and on Friday at
8 p.m.
SALVATION ARMY -Service at 7 and
11 a.rn. and 3 and 8 p.m. 'on Sunday
• and every week evening at 8 o'clodk
e ng ro ug course o rag ca
• •
Amazons On the Field" •
A farm la:timer of 5, new kind is now
daily at work on a .farm near Orping-
on, Kent, England. She is the 82 -yea' --
old daughter of a Cdrnmander of an im-
portant squadron of the Britishnavy,
and she has renounced fashionable life
to devote her future to bucolic) pur;
Whop her Work -Ii of Such aaharacter
that the regulation ,skirt is an `encurn-
branee, the lady Attires herself In a:4)0r
of troUsers and a Man's Jacket, and in•
this costume She is frequenelYeseen 'in
the Orpingtoneareets:
'Bar some ancanthe she has been nn
d r oi :Clio h fp 0, la
instruction.ut the :largest farm in the
• district, preparatory to leaving for Can
Mei where elle Intends to begin 'farm-,
• ing on a very. large scale. .
•She is a very muscular lady, tall and
handsome,' arid she Kees about her daily
task with great enthass
iasm. She share
with thee men employed oii the farm
all the rough work that bas to be done,
and is quite as Proficient as they in
the Use. of the spade este ehovela
Clinton Post -office Time Table
Public Lobby opens 730 a.m.
Public Lobby closes 900 p.m.
Wicket &M.O. office open 8.00 a.m.
P. 0. office closes. 00 p.m.
Wicket closes ..7.00 p.m.
Mails close as follows:
South 6M5a.m., 3.50 pan.
East. .6.35 am, 2.50 p.m., 4.50 p m.
North 950 a.m. 6.00 p.m.
West 12.30 p.m.
(3odericb ..9 50 a ra , 6 pm., 9 p.m,
Mails are ready for delivery approxi
mately as follows:
From jNortb....8.00 a.na., 4.30 p.m.
" West 8 00 -
" South ... .11.00 a.m., 7.00 p.m.
" East 800 a.m., 2.00 p m.
[from the night train
" Goderich 345 p.m.
NOTE :-The public is requested to
bear in mind.that the hours mentioned
' above for o'pening and closing the
Iy,- Lobby are not compulsory, but might
P -
be made coincident With the opening
and elsing of the Wicket. The priyi--
ege i tended by the Post -master
�re convenience of box -holders.
There may be occasional. days when
this privilege will be withheld to en-
able the caretaker to do necessary
cleaning, etc.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Bignaturo of
See Fee...Simile Wrapper Below.
Very email and as eesy
to take ao sugar.)
rolf,Tonpin MEL
*t ,cmorrintrititi WO Aka§ NAinne,
How. to eure.Toothachei .
Any Itching tooth cat be relievel in-
stantly with Netylline. ,rill the cavity
with battingdipped in Nerviline and
rub the gums with NerViline als0. If
the face is sivolien encl sore,,,hathe- the -
paieftil parts with Nerviline cover
with a flannel. This pan't fail becensa
Nerviline kills the pan' outright itnd
prevents it trdm returning. Stroliger
quiclze/ , nior6 'satisfactory than any
other"lim men a Polson Nerviline h as
laeen :the largest•Seller for nearly fifty
years ; try it yourself. ; • a
A recent letter in The Globe from
Leipzig, Germany, says: Two Canadian
students are studying here Who•are ate
treating morethan ordinary attention
by the excellence of the work 'which
they .are doing in the Semitic lan-
guages -the one in Assyrian, the other,
In Arabic.
Mr. E, G. Perry hails from.western
Canada. About four years ago he ealne, 1
a L, oily gay'
to Berlin, and after studying there a
year carie to eipzigwhere he has ,
sinca....etudied. While doing excellent
work in•sither Semitic languages, Mr.
Perry has specialized in Assyrian and •Butter -
receives his doctor's degree here this
year for independent work done in this
caseS; '111- 9 the. terms. were 'unknown,
:and In 6 both Sidespartially succeeded
A: table of•steikeeeind loeltoute in Can-
ada he 1904 with tlie7 results .1lIs six
;pages,' anderieorriparatiVe figures for
Great Britain and the -UnitedaStates.
The secretary's report of benefits paid :
to rnembereby International organize.'
tens during the year shows a total (ex -
elusive of sums paid as benefits by
cal unions) for death benefits,' $7.82,382;
ditto, 'members' wives $43,305'; sick
benefits, $766,7•63; , traveling benefits a
$73,442; .tool insurance 45,873; imam-
ployed benefits, $73,073. The member- .•
al/IP of the' Amerlean Federation of
Labor is.1,676,200, gain of 210,400 over
1903.• . • .
A -n interesting section is. devoted :to
theeeri4 of living in the United States
•the Yeats 1890 to 1902. The cost
of foodas a. whole reached it higheet.
• in 19�2when it was 10.9 per cerit,
• above the- aVerage of the ten' years fOl-,
lowing 1890. The year of 10West pri-
ces was 1896; and the 'increase since
then 18 .16.1 pee cent. The estimated
• average cost. of.food per family in '1896 •
was4296.76. an 1902 it was $344.61 The
figures- were coraPiled from 2,567 fain -
Glueen Has laek Elephant.. I
The baby elephantat the Royal Ital-
ian Circus, London,. whose ptofessionai
narne.is Jumbo Junior, made- Pie debut •
. in Match last, and his first season has
'been one;long triumph. He • has, in-
deed, becbme so much the vogue that
It •ie doubtful 'whether any. function
could be considered smart without
Jumbo Surlier to hand roiled the ices
or' to conauct the orchestra.
. King
$tirritio4unior is the sinaliest
that,. has ever,..visited Europe.. He is
good -looking -far an elephant --and has
many accompfistimente. He playa the
Month organ and wearing a large pair
ef sPectaeles, conduct's a. full, erchestra
of ten penee musiCians. He deuces with
'ease and .grace and will Ieat cakes er
fruit :with enthusiasm, • whenever aao
opportunity offeee. He is always leaap-
ing new tricas. • • a •
, ,
The Limit 9
A Scotchminieter instructed his
who satamong the congregation
durieg service, to give a. low whiptle
If anything in his sermon appeared to
be exaggerated, On hearing the min-
ister say, .0In those •days there were
snakes. fifty feet Jong,' the clerk 'gave
a subdued whistle.
"I should bave said thirty feet," add -
ea the minister. . •
Another whistle from the clerk
On coneulting Thempson's Cone
cordance," said tile mmister. ...cen-
fusion, "I eee the length es twenty
Still •another whistle, yvhereepon
preacher leaned over and said in a
stage whiner. "te can • whistle , .as
much as ye like MacPherson but 111no take anithea ebOt• off for a.nYbody!"
• A Lessonr. Wss1
4 motherer -was showing'her dear little
Joe a *picture at the .niertyrs thrown to
the Boils aaa 'Was talking very eolerilla;
ly"tc4,hina, trying
-to miake hum fool what
a terrible thing itVas. ' • .
, "Ma," said he all at one. "oh,' Mae
Piet look atethat poor little lion, tight
lIis r u P h n the
commanded his presence at Bucking -
ham Palade to assist in the celebration •
ot Princess Victoritae' birthday. The
bey princes were delighted with him
and the Queen fed hirn WitA. sweets,
out of Dawson .(Ifty. Werk on. this is
, under vex. ' ...•
All these Projeeta ‘takea tiegether;
mean tremendous activity' tbrialighOut
• Canada. Not only the Canadian QOM
tree:fare bet • also the" American are
Watching eagerly for chancesat the
• Wora.' Foley: Broa; of at Pala, and
Peter Larsen, Helena, Montane, are ae-
I. tare bidders ter Canadian contracts:,
' 7 Other things being:equal, however,: the,
..,Canadian contractors have the call. '
behind there. He won't get anyee
.a. marsh Order. ' : '
On the peach near an English, town .
a Sign bearing 'this legend was nailed .
to apost: . • •
cakes and bananas, until he became ber 0Notice.-Any person passing beyond
eworn :friend and refused to leave her
, this point Will be drowned. By order
sidweitht grca.teed_ifficuitye Ice willeeeve•mt- Leot-lhe 'magistrate."
u 11 Persaa.ded to mount the little tub • .
a y
and Was given his mouth organ. But '
music had lost its charm for Juinbo.
He quietleeleft the tub andwalked back..
to the Queen's seat where he •reniaitt-
ed for the rest- of the afternoon. When '
• the Queen left her chair .jurnbo era. -
ted witlather like a poodle.
Since then the baby elephant hae
been known as "The Queen's Pet," and
his society engagements are now se
aurriereue that Signor yoloi, cernplahle
that instead of being jumbo's .trainer, •
he, appears to. be his secretary. ,
' ' es.
• I
department, as his major subject. The
Week, *litchis ot a very difficult char-'
actor, is Said 14 be of a. highorder.
Mr. H. 5, Davidson comes front east-
ern Canada, and has beeri in Germany
abont two years. While also doing ex-
cellent work in other, Sernitie lane,
guages, Mr. DavIdeen has specialized
In Arable and is regarded here as one
of the moot. brilliant Arable students
at the University. Mr. Perry returns to
Canada in the autumn' while Mr. Dav-
idsori reinaina here for farther Stade?.
mankind would have to
Invent rnilk. Milk is Na-
ture's emulsion -L butter
put In shape for diges-
tion. Cod liver oil is ex-
tremely nourishing, but
It has to be emulsified
- before we can digest it.
• ' •Tarried. , • , •
Young Ilusbande-I' wish I were sill- ..
,gle again. WifeWhat for?, You mon. •
stele' Yming Husband -To' have the •
joy of marrying you again. wge-
You I lin • '
The Lew of the Revolver. • • •
. • •
A •singular point . in . the law as to
carrying revolvers was •brotight to light
in a caseatPolice Court recently; saye
The Tertant0 Globe.. a Adolphia Mele
pleaded guilty to drunkeraiess and also
tee a oharge bf ,carryieg a revolver Cole
Denison said he would fine the man St
and costs or 10 days for the drunken-
ness and $5 and costs for the other of-
ferice:• "I think under the statute it 10
$20 and coStir for carrying the 'revolver,"
interrupted • Crown Attorney • CurrY.
"Well, I Will make it $20 and .costs ,or
10 days, anyvray," said His Worship.
Having loOked up the Ia.W on the point,
Ma Cerra said,:'"Five dollars and Masts
is where a coristable SUSpeCts a, man
of cafryingate 'Weapon and searches
hint and finds it on him. don'eknotv
what would, happen if the officer did not
find the revolver on him." It appeared
that whetal a man is arrested On anoth-
er chargoand a reirolver is found in his
possessien, the minimum fine is $20.
At the reeent 50 -Year eelebratfoo at
the American "Soo"' Hen. Raoul Dane
darand, Speaker of the Senate of Can.,
ada, said.: "We know what you have
done' for the betterment' of navigatien
on the lakes and how helpful Sq)1.1'have
been to our mariners.. We hope, to- be
able before another hall •century. is
carripletedato-recipracatielre kineleter.ofe
•fering you a direct outlet to the sea,
through a tevenlytteat Watarway via
the Ottawa and . St Lawrence -River,
thus 'saving you the • annoyence ,.of
twice breaking bulk before reaehing 0.
European oort." '
A Good Joke on Dad,
'A face days ago the wife of a prom-,
!emit hostelry owner in a small village
tear Berlin gave birth to a bouncing
Nen, and the happy father celebrated
the occasion in the usual style, says
The Berlin, Ontario, Telegraph. A few
days I:hot/ions a neighbor's Wife had
alsio given birth to a bright little babe,
and on the day atter the birth of. the
first child. the latter babe was taken
cater to the hosteTry and place in the
eat *Rh the termer by tionie Of the
boarders of the house. Tho happy ho.
telkeeper was informed that he was the
father of twins, and he immediately
Vrelit up to his wife's rem and saw the
Mier attlVal, He was more than de.
lighted, and tree drinks Were in order
for the rat of the day. Next day lin
went the tee the twins, but one of them
ad tone, and his boarders and neigh.
bOre are OM Ituitching.
Scott's Emulsion
combines the best oil
a'with the valuable hypo-
• phosphites .so that it. Is
easy to digest and does
far more good' than the
611 alone could. That
makes Scott's Emulsion
the most strengthening,
nourishing food medi-
clne In the world.
, sehd tor ft** 11111171016.
Scar'r as nowmn, chimists
I SOO, Arid' $1.60, All
• ,
• Inc slavery of Faehion.
• Henry tabouchere, the audacious ed-
ttor a Truth, which is a periodical
•read by fashionable people, thus ee-
presses hie opinion Of the •fag:dons in
, dress: the aina of dressmakers is to
make nioney, and they find this easy,
as they have to deal with silly people.
Each year theyia+ter the fashions and
fl t
The marvellou"s. results of which are Flaw being rapidly rea-
lized by 'sufferers from diseases of Throat and Lungs,
Consumption and all Chronic and Wasting Conditions,
Pneumonia., La Grippe, Bronchitis and Stomach 'Troubles. 4.
The Scourge of this 'Country
and Climate is ?T'uberculosis or
519 Bathurst St., Londen, July 89, 5904,
1.k. Slocum Co, •
, I am sending you my phot e and...testimonial
herewith for your great remedy PSYCH1NE. •"esa
. your remedies did evonders for me. I was about 28
or eci years of age when -I took PSYCHINE, •The
ckictors had given rneaup as an incurable consumptive.,
My lungs and every organ of the body were terribly
diseased and wasted. Friends and neighbors, thought
I'd hever get better. But PSYCHINE saved me. Idyl
lungs have never bothered me for 16 •yearsg .ancl.-
PSYCHILNE is a permanent cure.
This is but one out of the thou."•
sards ..of letters on file at this'
office testifying t� the unpar-
alleled excellenCe of Psychiroe inl
eradicating and Preventing '
eases of the Throats Lungs, Chest!
and Stomach.
For sale by all reliable druggists at $1.00 .per bottle. For further advice, in-
. formation,. eta, write or call Da Slocuie, lee King Street West, Toronto, Canada.)
..'haye. long Ipe:,,550.11:\ eyeomenli,1".
rkey .16.6k.L.:bdie -
Cook. keffer
13vrr i6s totkt,
GIct kssii.OAIE
cikEr range. .onitt
' The Gurney. Tilden 'Company
Oun6ereonsl guarantee, se well se thst,or the innkers goes with eye*, stove,Witsve Souvenir,Ranges on view,
Iltrailton pnonipeg. •
fl ,4',
V.accou::: Montroal
. ,
• .
The students of the . Forest City Business and
Shortbo.nti College are taught Typewriting on Machines
witlf blank keys --blindfold the students and they -
operate at a high speed,
rA: touch operator can do inere-vvork and gets more,
: money than a sight Operator, .
• "Can you write by touch," is the first question
pow usually asked the applicant ofiii poS2tion. s.
- School . BuOlet:
free % for the asking
j. Nv.Vg.sTP.41.*.t.
Y. C A.:131dg,,
• Have Restored 'Thousands of
Cannthan Women to
I,s, Health and Strength.
There is no need for so many women to
suffer pain and weakness, nervousness,
Illeeplessnets, entemia, faint tied dizzy
epells and the numerous troubles Which
render tho life of 'woman a round of sick-
ness and suffering. - e
Young girls budding into womanhood,
who suffer with pains and headaches* and
i whose face is pale maths blood watery,
will find Milburn's !laid and Nerve
a e cart' ., ' Pali help them greatlyduring this perio
dresses Of one year eannot be adapted Women at the change of life, who are
to that ot the next year. Women are I nervous, subject to hob flushes, feeling of
the SlaVes Of these intelligent harpies. I pins and needlt, palpirion of the hearti
I .
etc., are tide over t trying time o
They blindly' accept the fashions or -
ained b them and seein to be entire- remedy.
ly ignorant of the fact that what thay 1 /6 has s, wonderful effete: on a woman's
SUit ono woman does not shit all. system, makes pains -and miles vanish,
Dressmakers have Very Jittln taste. brings color to the pale cheek and sparkle
EVen they have it is wit
their life by the use of tits- wenderfel '
ally the titalifOrt *bleb they inaugurate
bY nor to the exiq.,
Vitality, improve the appetite, make rich, WI 9.CC0111MO ate _rain 8 to 18 men.
d r
Subordinating: it to flnande. Oeeafilet• Ihq euuu SY6t6M) renOr lost
The Tables rarige • in price rom $3.50 to $1:'.00
omv:roito,Oakbogood jonteolyrdnegrith, abtutaitlairsgetaWate: ' Led blood and .tijspol that weak, tired.•
stit,0 ritoambition feeling,
ALL DEALItlie. Ctill and see Them.
tgav be charged tor the coottnaoes
111.0. OAR iiitk.• 601 0101 State
esterti Fair:
Tor 00411.•1710141 THAT MAIPR TALL
• Annie', 1.tsti,Sis, WAR POPULAR
When aovernorahritcoe eild the foundation or
zondoie Ontario, one hundred years ago he enew'it -
would grow to be a great cify, but had:no thought of the,
.Western Vain .
be Westere Pair gives the people of this country
an excellent opportunity for tti pleasaut outing at a
mini:nun of cost, atid at the same time developes their
More of practical end useful anovriedee, . •
•• Its' educational features haVe always bell ,alrefully
losteeed by the Directors. 'This yeareeevetal important.
• improvemallsof aninstructive nature hate been added.
The celebatted oat highland Regiment Baud Will give
three teacarts daily during the exhibition. The entertain.
meta department Will be bitter than ever, and will Include
leaping the gap In mid siir One steant automobile.. •
roe initemelveri wales 11110, •AtOteiNT, •it
A. NALL**, eeoeirt'Aitir
Sept. 8 16 1905
Durinq:, the Harvesting and Thi,eshing a gord
We show eight different styles of Dining Tables, each
Extension able will be found very convenient.
thet*Ilburn Co., tlitilted,tiventosOlit. tairgeSt Furniture Store in theVounty.