HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-09-15, Page 6TEE CLINTON NEW ERA
Sept, 1011, 1905
Lid it ever.
occurto .yOu.-_
eeylon Tea, his motive Is seiregain, because of
in reased profits SO 13EWARE. ,
Sohl 0,,i in .ead Pack tn. 25. 30, 40. AO, 60. By all GroC43114.
id; c Mi•ed rGreen. ' Highest Award 10 t. Louis, 1904.
More Merry Mistakes of Pupils Record-
, cd by Henry J. Barker, M. A. I
The subject of geography often pro-
videm entertaining experiences for the
inspector and teacher.
An Inspector was questioning a class
of village lads, in a North country
school on the subject of English
manufactures and the towns where
they are carried on. After eliciting
from the lads that the -industry of
cutlery was associated with Sheffield,
that boots ahd shoes were made in
Leicester and s-ieict, etc., he came to
How to Mount Butterflies and Moth -
The Poison Bottle,
The procees of preserving and motuit-
ing butterflies and moths is rather
complicated, if really fine -specimens
are to be' made,. and requires • some
apparatus. The method may be found
fully explained in most text books •of
entomology. One • of the beat-. an
handiest for beginners 'is Cbmstock's
- "Insect Life." Briefly; the proeess. is as,,
follows: Having killed your specimen
by smothering it in a tigbtlY covered
box, containing a sPcinge or bit of oot-
the subject of cloth goods. ton saturated with ether, or benzine, or
Pointing to one little lad's trowsers, some similar agent, it is next lifted Out • circumstancee was impossible. An ac-
he said:- 4 by means of tweezers grasping the body, tion to remove the cloud on th*title
me . involve the whole; proPertY, as-
ly a bit of a patch!" I should then be laid gently adicas die -
oth sarniaurlae N-v°uIll
pap r
0 y s out the purchaser ot lots With a: nalue. •
"Now. my lad, where was that for if the wings are t h d th
leloth made?" likely to suffer harm. the plan under which the lots hadlicsert
. The. iade a little ignoramus, was then be laid on a -strip of soft , pine :sold, as . was frequently the , case in
suite taken aback, and thought the board, with a greove cut in its sin -faces those days, had not yat been registered,
gentleman was pointing to a certain deep enough to anew the body' of the co.olicari couldn't tie up in an inv.olved
place where his mother had done some insect to.sink.into it, so that the wings. laWettit •every transaetion .of the tnost
pecessary mending. ' lie flat upon the boardsw,hen spread.. A - sticceasful sale of the year. He Sought
, "Why, sire . he stammered, "that's strip of stiff paper (writing
- °Weil
-.. , never mind," said the in- wings (lengthwise), and pinned firinly is historically 'known to have been able'
les* Cheque and talked as Mr •Cooliean'
to-dond the young Englishman bland-
ISpector; 'tell me where the material to the board at each end, holdin
s the"
, a
-game from?" wings firmly down and smoothly unttl ly smiled and said: L'Il•pell.those Iota
cone;derable advancif You win
.114 00h, sir," said the lad, "It's a bit of they have dried, which wilt 'occur In at a. e,
Out out of my father's old breeches!" two or three days,- according to the
.. „ . . me a• few 'hoursto a let of Old
i ,. '
1 . weather, etc. • The 'spreading of the • Ccuntrymete who prefer doingabueiness
/n a South London scemol the inspec. Wings. into proper shape meet be made 'w-
ith an . Englishtnan; andwill Make
or was trying to Rad out whether the after the papers have been .pittned; by • good my • dep.ositeverything will
• and •
oys really knew and appreciated the aid of some slender instrument, like a 2 be all right all round.". ' , • • • '
tances between the different toWne—knitting-neediesoroughly driedsi, i'.e'4111. a COolicase's face-gred Held,' but he
irthich they so glibly mentioned. So he the pasSers .may be lifted;• and the in--
. trairredeltis Celtie-Impuisievenese. anti__
thrned-to one la4, and said:- 'Sect transferred to the bex. or drawer in
. rnerety' 'twittered: '!And stiltprie,
Come, now, En I nd even got hold' of ire- ,
Typical: Yarn Abe/tit That Srinetih Atte"
thineer„ Jim Ovelican, and Meth..
er .of George Hem.
Every' Winnipegger Of the days of the
great boom in • the eaten. eighttee, ;erase's'
Lewis. M -Toronec 4,1,thrifay
rernernber jim2Coollean, - elevervst,
wittiest and smoothest. auenoneen that
ever waved a hammer over the eine pf •
lots in as Manitoba town which fent
sprang into existence en a gailyenlered
map in his real estate ,anctionriiont; at
the -corner mentorted by the oldelmar
as being offered far a bottle of whiskey
and a pair if pools. . , . , • •
It was in the Itomf a -sale of lots.
in* Minnedsea 'or Rapid City, whien.
prosperous theme. te -0e 1.f*12 .
existed on beautiful maps of."Own
end in .the Words of Mrsalloolivan. who
was auctioning -them of every afternoon
imd the supply ran- out or,
the. surveyors could pet -on another ade
dition, they were going like .bot cakes.
Hundreds -of. lots were sold to handrede
Df purchasers on the usual payments Of
a third down and the -balanee tWo
other epticilied paym. ots, A perfect
tide -.was guaranteed. In the hut A..
auction=aOd there -was nothing so hut,.
ried in those fast days as a rear estate
auction controlled lite persuasive
•Mr, ,Coolician-twenty choice lces w re
knocked clown to a bland and appaeent-
; IY unsophisticated young Englishman;
who gave his 'cheque for the ten per
.cent. deis,srAt necessary at the time and
received the customary receipts, which
he forthwith registered in the registry
take- • 'Upon presentation of the cheque
"neXt Mr.` Molt can's ' bebickeepws
er was informed that the account was
overdraWn and that the Cheque coeldn't
•be paid. criminal. action under. the
els. ot ,SelltIris," .
"That le Just it, Mr, Ham You al-
waye come to the point. I came to ask s.smog,e compooiut 0 smoke and. Foot
.nsttetuariifrunder the circumstatices there
• .1 ferenoe By' Dr, Des Voeue.
Mr. Ham' thought earn.estly fore°, min- • Hereafter It would eeein .that Lona
it orelwo and then sable gravelyt "1 .don in particular is to be known IsY a
am afraid there is not enough inoney in ;
this registrarehip of a large and pros- new name, and that neW name one'
coined at a, nubile •health congress re-,
Perous county bearing an historic title mottle". .Dr. Des Voeux lectUred oll the
for two strong men with different but ceal smoke e.betemetet, and coined, o,mtd
still exeravagant dispositions like you
and my7elf. One of us will have to re. aPplatise, the new ,word, "smog," which
. is a compound Or smoke and fog.
eign'' ' There again the old change against
"But. Is1r. 1-lani," said the Worried ' London of beings old-fashimed and out
"Just think! 1 am an English- of date was leveled, at ber, for, said
man, a staang'e in a strange Ivicl with i Des VoeuX, if the obsolete Itlechen Bre
U family of nine."
"i)h, well; I guess you ate right. Its were atiollibed there would be less
smog:. In fact, Des Voeux professed
110 to me, then, to resign. The man witb. to be ab$e to deLect three distinct %U-
rsine lia$ t____he cart on tile nth." . •• urnal segs-lerealstadt, Tieititheine mid
„ dinner sieogs., T9 this, added the Hon" .
• Rollo Ressell, they °Pet the metropolis
SM. IHEY BY Iii1111 Beebe'
, .. the deterioration ot health' and theseitst
2 5,200,000 every year, ' in addition to
• •-• - . •• pression of spirits. ' ' •
•EASY WilY to Make New Antu t
nu' • Foluiwing the talk about snihke and
how to get . rid qf • ii, another 'indict- .
'Dresses Out of Old and Faded rnent was brought against Lender)... I
Coined at Recene Health Confer.
• couldnt be a small iteereaso, made in TilY
Costumes and tuts •
Diamond Dyes
This is in regard to its vitiated atmos-
Phere, smog or no smog. Dr. T. ploy-
er Lyon drew a .lurid picture of life in I
the centre, of London not calculated. to,, • ,
encourage Visitprs • to stop long in the I
are the Popular Package DYeel town. Owing to -the deficlerit air sup- I
. For Bejabie. !Home Work dWelling, place for men and woriten I
Pliehe .said; Londen was. quite unfit as •
Do You Suffer I
Won't yedbe guided by the experience of ors -take vt,,,bat
they took -and cure eyourself as they cored tiaeinselves 1. PAle
a-tives cere the cause of the headache. They remove the bloce,i.
poisons which cause it entirely relieve constipation and. tone, up the nerves:.
This letter is the.proof that puts an end to doubt .:--
have tried ftruit-a-tives and found them splendid for licadathes. feel so numb.
better since commenced tainus them, 'tidal; they are a splendid meeicine, and am.
recce:intending thete to all my friends.'t Mrs, j, DU1.011G, 'Rhaniesvitte, Oet,
or Fruit Liver TiabletS•
sec. a bone -Ali druggists. Manufactured by Frultseetives limited, Ottaws.
--- • who. are engaged in intellectual pur-
115on't wear a faded gown or akirt, suits, and it was Impossible to get cen-
• Don't look shabby simply . because ditions ffroper for' the rearing- of chil-
dren, as both the infant mortanty and
r new finproVed tny Dreall Cutting Cour% sett Can be tseglit at
home,by better than by personal Instructions. It can Mt
1.alight In from 2 to ICI Weeks. charge no more thaa. making of st`
„ems. To be paid by cash or Installment plan. I teach.you a perfect
course in dressmaking, from taking a measure to finish. I will per.
. OXIMilne all lessons. for -who can Instruct as Well as the
• inventor? No experience necessary. No a41v, genuine without these
gjltr6oss:eil'L=1:!nigvttre'bt:stie=2:14teV" tcaun nastrill>1 mali
taltcg4:111,4,litigo_.!..rU.010448. and eine.e.. fig elisee7t nip lb
.DeeSser:Aerrifolation. SoCiiitra..01.130 ..
tees. wn. sermon
- Inventor
eol'isinat foWr .1AeNtaDr7
e 0 l I Latino a, of . , .
.. .e.t.e.t.i noLnecosaary. to .lr,y'.:etuy g.lovalli; : the sickly .looke oe those who Itypd tee? NMI:ie.-Yea 044 0 ywano) tittle.; a cou-s) le year awn heiti3 al; any tIma. The whole
thilli•vtte ill i tfaudloetloantdos.n4hybYtnboereen.lese YO Li' • -tifiede - Teee-s teal e- ge e ae es. , and- varks. - • trefeaV.4uslieettriaA•fweireaMt ratteezei•• ii0 iwnioler 4.1 Tars bi, r . the. En co . Taller . eyes teat! - „la, "'a.. lb
Wish are ,quite inatiequa.e to allovt a, blast . ...
'that ceet sets- era's per Package, the quenee was Londoe is killing its chil-'
o'd drPse Or skirt Can be dyed a bah. dren and allowing weak children to •
towline and beautifull color in keeping ' grow up to die miserable deaths.
with the. ;tilt titan. season. Thliusands . The rernedy stiggeeted. by • this emtn-
of ,weieen will Iritve. autlinth 'dresses, , ent doctor of cheet diseases was that
suite and sk lets, that cannot be tdid fresh. air Should be brought to London
froni slew, but svhieh have eost, them by means of tube railways, : through
only a f rifle,the result Of coloring over which. it. could ba purneed, and by .
then.. old' materials with Diamond ' Means Of .nthich :the impure air dMild.
Dye4. . ' • . I be retrieved. The large buildings, als. o,
. Nt4Vta' risk your meterials and gar: . he said, should -be split up into venti-
nietits with the Weak,. adulterated. feed. 'sling Onite, for, as arranged at pros-
itnitetion dyes sold oy .snitits dealers.. ent, the upper parts were fouled by the.
.Winen you buy t:te DiamoND Dva'S, air from the lower, and the 'leeward .
you nave. t he le•iet pro Iticed 'in. the . side by the winewerd. - . • ...
mield. Send to .WellS & . Richardson Though. no new therrnometriC recora •
Co , Littl;tPil; Mnpt14•11,1, P. Q., for new . has been created there Is nO•gainsaying
hooke, eDieuenet Dyes mid: How • to that. such heat as •Lorition has, been
15,:e Theia,” ate.l card Of •18 dyed 'loth suffering .friem recently has been More .
aim Pled•-.1,sent free to 11,11.4. address: ' trying than has' been experienced • by.
' ..Yellow. Fever la Canada.: -
. . .. i „the present generation it least. •
, . . the__Thheeaat_irrnhilaksolgh4eat,en einueucty thOelakst, •
MB. Wel. amens
eue oeo packtt„os of Demened.Dyee, .of pure air to enter, and the • oonie-
n me n, et ur .
and depressed tri Spirit •
J. Gordon .Mowat 'write, in The Tea...,
.rmito World: If occasion co • 8 i 0 ' ' ' ' ' " . ' - . .
I . you've mentioned which it is to be kept, where it is held ' It was well that businese Was-,illack,-
Ingham,. How far is it awly?" _ in its Weep by a *pin thrust throughthe ltmdi." . ' .a' „ , , gi . .. way •in 'connection . with •yellow fever..
silk to it from London in one day?" fleet drawer. : I , . ' . . • • •
. . . go to make ot. the °herrn that West.rn. notice that in •184e Quebec, in common..
There are a geed many things that ".tislUihtereet. with Canadian "readere-tb- • s
Good ,Story .of..Georges Ham. . - . . desPa.tches from New. Orleans, it 'might .tor there .1s hardly an office in the city -
neat. A: London coroner • remarked' .at
where the staff tit cierlts,:has.not been
reeticed.throtigh-illitessetaused. by the
- - lei:e 'PeRabrilie-liiiiii-(thiliiiii) "iiith-theyi '"'' ' ' •
1 : tfOon't know, sir."
li'Vell, do you think your father could sheet of cork on the bottom of the dab- •
"I/To, he emuldn't." A 'poisoning -bottle shotild.ne one.with , life has te, men*. people. Probably. one . with Nevi,. York, Phila,delphia and other . an inquese that he didn't reinember a
'O -.0 .
,nto"Itt. tiva features of the • %Atlantic seaports, had an epidemic'. of •seaSone of se neatly •stilcides, all' caused
a -wide mouth and a firM, clossteelier--
• " 1 It should hold 4 to '".6 Ounces;•..Put into soeial. life . of .t1-48; West is the goon fel- • eYelleot fever. . That. was the last case - by. the d,e,pressing heat and amides), s
I • this bottle a piece. of' cyanide ,of potos.... - lowship that ,pervadess. the life of..etit Canada. had .of yellow- fever spree/eh-kg . to . have been. so , nutnerous, , . • . • .
* • • • • There' are no • from a Canadian focae. .10 the great . .The le.ct that the ambulance service
I Teachers should be careful in using shim as big. as a large hickoryenut, and .. 0 5", wil •
ars or speaking . mediately, before there is tithe for the' .ed. when. a Weseeen •meh. is willing to. Tennessee, suffered terribly, • and the nas been hardly adequate in some
&hen addressing schol
Idiomatic or colloquial expressions water enpugh to cover ft; and then im- villages in the 'West Eriough.is.coneed. yellow.. fever, epldeinie where Memphis, L
In their presence. The little ones are cyanide to nisitove,.put In.enough pies- an •that the .markee of. hi' district . •Pestlienee extended:slate Kentucky 'and .
South Itlitiols„ there were floe, deaths quarters to meet the demands throws a'
apt to take what is said too literally, ter of Paris- to entirely soak up the. is it ,liown. Stald...13legitsh- doesn't eon- ,
contagipn ,in all these -case's .was peculiar light on the action of the Fine.' .
gis the following story will shows._ water. In this way the cyanide vvill be ,vey 'the idea of the prevailing social:, ; reported ne•Ontario frern the fever; .the •
pr,e.: ance ,COMmittee Of the Lendon 'County.
A gentleman who took an interest in firmly cemented in •place tit thabottem • spirit of. the .West... One hes to berroW . Council, whiCh refused to iianetion .0.'
the village school called in bne day to of the bottle, which should he left open' • 'from the Prenen annecall is borthoeirale al/manly contracted ecrois, the. borders;
but it was tss . f . plena for lii...e ins,titution of a. PtIblic am- .
this trail meinory Of the Ontario Board
I know. but nee servIce or at any rate decided
he noticed that the monitor or pupil or two., and then seCurely corked' and. , et helpfulness towards each other. . t .,.,thatetetnuet beedroppied for the present.
have a chat with the master. Presently to dry in a shady 'place for an hour • or canearaderie. Its oumome is a spirit .. , , • late in the season., or ,
he disease to epread here.
taachor-a youth some sixteen years labelled Poison, If not opened unties - George H. Him, the particularly well This Was, the committee • States,- *ori
old -was not in his place, and he asked . cessarily, 8uch a biettie will Setain tis.: knoVen atid- well liked manager of ,the' •of Health report for the year mentions .PtirelY:fina"14 grounds, for the Conn -
the master the reason. . strength for several months, , • press •departinent of the 'O, P.. le: ina ed- • • cil has yet to discoVer how it stands in
"Oh, r ye had to dismiss him," said
-"And why not?" ,
Voae he's dead, sir!"
1Do you want the Best;Fat the lowest price?
1 Thousands die of .Consouationt,.. less every 'season; so close to .Europe as ,
though ' r • f ` ' ." • •
.ye low . ever prevails • More .or regard •:tie'•:the extraordinary expendl-
provements,' arid. the tact that the build-
• • •
.. . . • •, fore he tpoic up .his residence in . , It may be' interesting. to note.that al- t i • th Holborn lo the Strand ini-
ure n a ,
- ' . • mOnt: ' ''''
the master. ' • ' ' • • 1 teal'. was 'a typicateWesterriene He ltad .•
• .
been & nentspa„per, Man, for Yea:re in ing sites lu•Kingsweer and AleiVicifi are
"why." aeked the '.1 11 - • I No Conditioncause's, sci Many incitethe • -north of Africa and so.. close to not 'barns' taken up ;with that readinesi.
"Well, to put it brim
efly," was the e a .le diseases as cOnetipatin
o. It not ''''''vv Ina:leg; an tilderinan,, a. war corres-
pondelit during. thi••rebellion; and had North •America. as, the. West . Indies,. the whiah..wai anticipated. eve ,' '.• .. -
lead, •bten. or. not, has never extended as an elite . Meinwhilee•because. the Council .can"t
ply, "he got too big for his breeches." only pr•enents the kidneys-froni elinin-' •dieease, whether' mosquitoes carry, it •
Now title remark happened to be axing the poisOnous.,wastes,. hitt causes borne the heat and burden of the early , • •
see its viuy to sa.nctiort the eipendte
overheard by a little dot of a girt who a nterniaestoinachstroub e and incline- , . days 'on the . Red River. He ; demie ap far .nOrth is ' the -. 47th parallel '
pbbtiespirited end. at the. same time a • tura of 'some few• thensands fora pile's
partizan and had :done yeernan ' needed Public want, after haying sunk
had Just stepped in from the infante' tem. Why dont you use. Dr.. Rana -strong par
.. Of latitude, Quebec' in. • America • and •
. . . f f 'yea di. e Ll.4.. has taken pladee •• Unlike' cholera, which ,
• theta, will be more -incidents 'like that
. millions in: improverrierits whioh-') are
school with a message to the master. ten's Pills and get cured? This excell-. , Bordeatix.-`iti -Europe, •• which both ap- ..
She must have been very much im- ent medicine' restores normal • bowel serviee for his .party." Very few , things ' •
ake...00ene. to Min' in leas way Of ' Gov- ' proach that parallel, being elle .most
not . widely . appredated; AV., is .AttelY
oromene patronage Cr Pan, althotigh he 1. northerly linnet§ at.Whiah ' an putliteak
pressed or excited by the news she had action in one night. Thoutands say SO.. ez_
'Oh, ma'am, I've Just heard why sum. stomach -in short...Yon ll ,have • . • • •er is 'essentially: a disease. of the 'hot .
. . reeorded in, .ont• newspaper,. Jo which.
heard, for, on returning to her mis- Your system will be ,pere..and. clean; . .ha b lh
d ben e means o or . r ng 6U
you'll he free from h6adaehOs, no- more claim of. in' PY a mail who holds a. fat . has ravaged eooi.e6untries, yellow fev- an Injured man, •Was , 'wheeled four
tress, she said:- •
Once in a moment of vveakness and. in . .• - miles le a h,ospital Iti an uncomfontable.
tos 'al spirits and perfect good hea ... Government Job in the .es to -day.- . ,
W t '
south • . • . . . , • . - .
that monitor was sent away." . - . • • •
' I
• espringless police handcart.
"Indeed," said the lady, "and why De. Hamilton's Pills are sold every --
w I t, dear?" where, 25c a box. Oe the genuine.
'Cause his trowsers got too short for
response • to the solicitatien ot the Gose
Has your dinner lost Its savor?
Has your greeting lost its cheese
Is your daily stunt a burden?
Is your laughter half- a sneer?
There's a medicine to cure you,
There's away to lift your load,
With a. horse and saddle and a
Mile of open road.
Is your eyeball growing. bilious?
Is your temper getting short?
Its this life a blind delusion
Or a grim, unlovely sport?
There's a world of health and beauty,
There a help that cannot fail, •
tin a day behind the burros
On a dusty mountain trail,
r °me out, old man; were going
To a land that's free and large,
Where the rainless skies are resting
On a snowy mountain merge.
When we camp in God's own country,
• Tou will find yourselt again
;With a fire -and blanket and the
kOtars upon the plain!
-Bliss Carman.
Facts Regarding Masonic Stone Built
Into Canadian Instituti Structure
ernmeot, who owed h m rnttdlL, fle,
oepted the position of Registrar, of
1)eeds foe the County of Selkirk, To
the many who front the Atlantic to the
Pacific Are acquainted, with Mr. •Hafins
'Personality, the appearance of the, fun -
toying ex -editor enthroned behind a desk
covered withsymmetrical piles of
ninety title deeds and red -taped mort-
gages wetild be inciingruotis. Me Ham
chafed and ' his .frlende sympathized.
The 'Behemianiern eg 'Western newspa-
per-'1ife hati workedeltseway MO Mr.
• Ham's bon80, and he engaged a deputy,
rfstrar-ia grave,mlddl aged Eng
nehmen; the father ot a large and growlng farnity-,-to. attend to the more rout
Mary affairsof thelnipoitant office.
• The 'salary of the, registrar, while tall,
ly gOod did not permit of an extrava-
gant allowance being paid his deputy. .
One day Mn Ham's deputy -appeared -
before .him With an expression of Mire'
gled gladness and anxiety and an-
nounced that his evite had that Morn -
111g presented hitt with another soreas,
th,e ninth. • •
"Good heavens, marlin said his chief,'
"this is becoming a habit. But I Con-
gratulate you, and hot), everybody he
Well. Still, a family 01! nine Is realUx-
.urY for a deputy registrar Otthe COun-
Interesting light is thrown by Mr.
George Johnson, tate Dominion Statis-
tician, on the history of the oln Ma-
sonic Stone, which lies hidden sortie-: •
where in the foundations • of the old.
Can-antair institilte -building, on 2.. Rich-
mond street east, Toronto, and which
the Sons of England Berievolent Boole -
who have recently retrohased the•
building, lia.ve ,contracted to find, and
hand over to the institute should they
ever tear down the structure.
Johnson says: .
- "There is abit. cif history in that old
stone. The late Dr. Charles jackson,
• of Boston, 78 yettrs ago, rambling
around in the vielnity of the old his-
toric Atnapolis Royal -originally nein-
ed by the French Port Royat-croseed
over to Goat Island, which Wet the
head of that beautiful sheet -of water.
Annapolis Basin, and while poking
around,- as a man ef antiquarian tastes
would, came upon a stone bearing the
Marks of the engraver's tool.• Further
examination revealed that it was a
gravestone. It bore the 1Vlasonic etre-
blems, a square. and compass, and had
the figures 1608 cut iri it.. Re had coma
across the oldeSt evidence of the exist-,
once of Masonry in' this continent,
"He, got the Steno transported-tp the
toWn of Annapolis and ordered it to be
peeked up in box. to be sent to the "
.0i. Cr e s b • ,
itt Linit
....What tatteee.5nertog.
• :1 : A 'story' of- Liszt .recites that on• a
W:hen- tt'eleep, .pepple alust . stiore • certain. °Oaf/loll.* Miss M. was Ple1-.
. ih, patle, t'lieough the nionth triSteaci of ing..a sonata by Sterridale Bennett, .it•
the nostril.; which are choked with
't a fid er-
. fore retiring:slid yoiell:'quieltly, thire tairdY . lacking in eilYthing Ilk* elione
the suoriag habit; By destroymg the taneity or. poetry.. inset... was evident -
n 4 ifse of eatarrh.a,nd heatieigellteemnieteoet•reteinetlititeeeneleth kti:, no, after. pleY- :
' br.i.des; po,tavrhozOne .4ike.s. a :SCI$111... Mg some SIX or.eevei pages, he gently
. plete Cute iti. every: case ; it 'cleans .' the • tapped Miiiis M. ti -Attie. arm And Bald; '
'n)iitrila..stops the dischtinge,.itlid Pre- ,. 2
Madem igelle would ou klitull ame
ire tits dropping in the dinette in it . fevii , 1 Q. i Y . Y." P,
eatarili JilSb.tiee '''Oatarahozone" be- Work o very prosytype n c
enthitite8;-`e'NOthinge-soeplettei the P qce Yea are Pe.rtaradilgr-Net,:::,
• ttin to •cure snoririg, catarrh ot Colds* tainly, s r, • s e replied. •It •Is. the
Catarrhozone--7that's Worth reinem.
• .
Ctiatees Durand'. Mernoefes.
In'his autobiogeaphy the late Charles
Durand speaks of a Visit to Toronto
• during his student days In January,
1831, in this wise; "I called in the morn-
ing after t e arrm
ival to see soe stu-
e at th office of the celebrated Si-.
mon 'Wash urn, then the leadingLawyer
of 'Fork and Clerk of the Peace for the
Couftty. Whorado you sOPPose I saw
there? There / remember, `William
Hume Blake' (the father of our two .
wetl-known lawyers; Sainuel • and Ed- i
sonata 'The Maid of Orleana,', by WU-
ltain Sterndale Bennett:" "Irm," said
Liszt. .!'It's 'a pity the original Mantl-
script didn't meet the same fate as the
. 'maid'"
ward Blake). . studying law in .D/r. .
. . ' , •
. . • , . , . ' Washburn's office; with ' him Jcieepli '‘ ., .
. , .
• ' judge Si the County Courts of YOrk ;. . •
an Ce.rat6 .
.. .., _. „. . . .
.. . • . . .
.. .. lodges, and George Duggan, •afterWairds., .
Curran Morrison, afterivards one of Our 1.
If Your. Liver ie Wrong ••
. and Recorder Of this city, both the lat- I l' ' • • •
.•ter also studying taw, I was introduced , • . ,invaluable to cleanse Inc blood
.. Yot are 'Wrong all Over to them: formally," .. '• ..- I 1 • DaVis & Iawtened Co., Ltd., Montreal. '
Mr. Durand's father was -a friend of ,...................,,,.....
411those suffering with.
Scrofula, Eczema
will find
Weaver's Syrup
old Colohy Pilgrim. Society of Ply-
mouth, Mass.a-where the Pilgrim Fath-
ers landed in 1820, to found Massaohue
setts, the mother of the New England
States. Telling his Weed, judge Halle
button (the redoubtable "Sant Slick")
about his firid he had to suceintth to
"Sam's" persuasive talk and "soft saw -
der." 'Sam" got the souvenir, and one
• day, 27 years after, the dotter en tt
*Visit to Annapolis, h
Judge all about the e, only "Vam"
had forgotten how -came originally
into his possession. Dr.. jacksoti re-
A torpid, inactive liver goes hand
n d w' constipation. Such .
chronic condition requites a system.
atic effort to overcome it stid estsib-
lish good health and perfect body,
drainage. Smith's Pineapple and
Butternut Pills, containing the two
needed elements to increase liver ac -
twits* abd muscular action go aceln
• Sir fsaac Brock; in fact the ',general
tritely to the sluggish !leer arid bow-
els, ,restoring them ,completely.
Suppose your bowels failed to.move
for a iveek or ten days. Don't you
know you would be quitki prose
had issued his •proclemation to Cana -
anis to take up arms' in his paper, The
13 ee, in 181e. Consequently, the deceas-
ed gentlernan had aeqUired a Very ac-
curate knowledge through' his father &
the ineldents of this war, and has Sees-.
eral times set hisnielaris tight in core
teen. detail. ..
Gales From the Lakes.
A. Valuable paper' by Mr, B. C. Web.
ber, assistant directOr of the meteoro-
..) logical service, has just been issued
tailed the eircumstance, The judge and - I from the Government Printing Bureau
the -doctor adjourned to offer a toast nted ? It is just the same, firer ne
- at Ottawa in Pamphlet form. It is
to decaying tternerieS, after which the degree, when your limn do not entitled "The (Wee From the Great
Boston friend about' that wonderful yott soon become languid ahd tired, ,
love at least once a day. You knew Laitea to the 11/44Iaritime Provinces, 1874.,
Mt of SurgarY sat down to vvrite a
1004," arid with it -is given several
APPe •g stone, your blood geti bad atid you feel tables of the etdrma referred to. ft
and each square of crisp de, '"Irears after it came into the pos. mean and sick all over. You should
tite comes with eatiri
Is evident that 11Ir. Webber has spent
sessiori of flobert G. Valiburton, the have a a PataefC 34 a greet deal of time and pains to corn.
liciousness seems but to make
room for more.
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
are different from any other
cracker. Nothing heav y
•• doug,hy about them, but so light
and orisp, that t y are trans,
1:4trellt, /A biseuits wiii
'bee. t your •1
Judge'a son. Later he gave it to Sir Don't let serious condulona de,elop,
plete hie task and it is the first treatise ,
Sandford Fleming, who Maned it to the
museum of the Canadian Institute, To-
ronto. Some yearii after it Wtts missed
and Could not be found, The eonclit,
IliOn WAS that it must have been built
by rah/take intothe new building (the
One jilt sold), inserhitiOn Mit Of sight
And that is Why the curious stipulation
I- in the deed of sale. Somewhere ilt
the eif tho building is the fiat Isiah
af trap reek With tite Masonic emblem
and Ile date of 1606 Mit bad it two
I Pars befera Champlain founded Cana
• *VI Moat fent Q * •
Sunth a PleeaPP e and Be toile of the kind ever ISSUed. llo has re.
Villa will drive bagel poison out of eelvid a very flattering letter from it !
your system and establish regnitielit leading official of the 'United States
The,' are Per* vegetable, and ante Weather Bureau, with regard to the
bne night. we will gelid you a g•ii-„ treatise. The pamphlet Is issued ara.
erotis sample of theta pills Aheoluta tuitottaiy.
Free sealed Alla poistpaidt that
convInce you beyond don t Of theirWatteful.
wonderful Ourettel_ProPertlea• A4,7 Mrs, Chatters- You don't meem to
ditetai W. P. Sndth C-0. *SS Itonc• consider toy opinions very 'guava. !
Street, moutted, Chatters -my dear, I eraiiidet
Stalth'il Pinata.** Mad Ittittaragt them so valuable that it shooks inis to '
PM* eft you ere Mit 00
aiturei specific for
ItitH COMPLAINTS la Calidrui
or Adults.
Its effeeti ate Direidicine.
OPIUM! add Hoodoo fa Olt.
Rao14, SWAM* Pad Effaatad III
We can Supply BerrrePs—one cf the best
English;rnakes'.4. at 25c per Ib.
Dispensing Chemist
and. Dr_uggis_t
- • -• -
DON'T let that little baby or Your I
children play or creep= the carpet .
with their little faced close to the ,
note.. Caritets.are receptacles.for • I
all manner oe • , •
Many a healthy child bas taken. • 1
ill on account of breathingin the im-
purities from the carpet. Keep your
rugs end carpet a puritled by
' SAP 0
"IT EVAPORATES"- • 'odorless e. Nonnioisonons •
Non -inflammable • •
Aboollutely destroys germs
. RerelOVOS an dirt .
Roston:* colors like. now
' Renews tho 'Ding
- .
Ail in a tevernoments fora tew cents
' , and a, obild can dolt with
SAP to 0 e1 RE11110.0.•
. The Huffman &Tester Co.
•Aik your grocer, "
LET?s...Tiitg Fi1RfiAtE$ •
. If Yee are going to . put in's new
'fainseeryetS can 'spend a Mighty prOfit.' -
' able hoar with us, looleingOver the • •
. There's the FUSED JOINT -no botte
or cement -prevents gas, smoke or &mit
escaping into the house•, •
There's the big fire•door--andwood
grate tor soft cosi and wood. ' •
Atel dozens of other special features.
that win make you want the
.Itternace in your,hoexe.
• ' C012Ie in any ante -end eetn.go over
the "liteela a together. .• •
Local Agoras:
ea- -••-•e••.
COOlt's Cotton Root Compotiett
Ta atagniry saferavorer1
regulator ron Wh
angrrarrinteW°401." I X +++++++++++++++++74
2 -For Migs edbieyci, flea-44rekantstoheswei-1nb.i1nae0Vsty
p c ng your orders f
r -three dollars per box.
, k your druggist for 022 I Jo your season's 811PPly of Coal, get
froetittan ttoot compoun Take o I - out prices. The se1'y best goods 4.
carried in stock an sold at, the 4.
4.••10West possible price.4.
4. 'Orders may be left at Davis
44.,St Rowland's Hardware store, of
Ts; with •
IC 41%, • Stevenson,
at Eteetrle Light Plant.
It Fitzsimons tt Son.
We thank our; customers for
their generous -patronage in:the
past, -and desire to notify them
that we have moved to the
Combe Bleck, Where we have
•: mueh more morn than formerly.
The very- choicest fresh
• and cured. Meats kept
, •
in stock.
All orders will receive prompt
and careful attention
.Fitzghnons it Sim
Telephone 76:
ur Bull( Teas.
• Are as g ciodas we say they are,
• probablybetter than you think
' they are.
• They have no fancy names,
they need none.
Sin3ply ask for out 25c,' or 85c
or 40e Tea, and you will get in
-your -par cel-thie -stores idea of
Tea GOODNSS, without pay-
ing more than you ought for it.
Of course there raay be people
who have formed a preference
for some other brand of tea; Who
wouldn't care to change.
But we have noticed that the
Majority of those who try these
teas of ours stay with them, '
• The. NO rocer.
Clinton, ,Ont.
of ems, _iutatures im
staalowans.Airo. I and No. It are
.,troteeeterroaei by till druggists in tha
comae. Mallen to any tut
et owe* ntegeoe and tett 2 -cent pos
wait qiumag Osimpitnee
No. 11111(1 lero. 2 are sold in (Hinton bs
H. B. Oombe, J. B. Hovey and W
Watts. Druggists,
1 am prepared to bny this season's
. elip of wool, as Usual, at • CLINTON
Benh1111tr %olio MIIIS flour:•teed seed slope
rot, highest cash price, or in exchange,.
for manufactured articles,
have a large assortment of
• •
J „
for ladies' Dresses and Costumes: DRALVIt
The StiteeSSI of former yearii induces
inc to go extensively into the man
itfacture of this popular article of
clothing. or